Issue 377 | 23 May 2019
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Presidential Inauguration, Pretoria, South Africa, 25 May 2019
Africa Month, 1 May - 31 May 2019
Travel Smart with DIRCO
"I will be a President for all South Africans and not just the ANC," President Cyril Ramaphosa declared after being elected to high office in the National Assembly on Wednesday, 22 May 2019.
The sixth democratically elected Parliament opened on Wednesday, with the swearing-in of Members of Parliament.

President Ramaphosa said he was "truly honoured and humbled to be elected to serve the people of South Africa".

"I will seek to act and be the President of all South Africans, and not just those who voted for the party I lead," President Ramaphosa said.

He said the composition of the National Assembly was a reflection of the will of the people.

"Collectively, all of us who are here have a mandate to build a nation founded on social justice. They also have a mandate to revive the economy to create jobs to actualise hope so that people's aspirations are met."

He also said there was a need to rekindle institutions that supported the country's democracy.
He said South Africans expected a robust exchange of views in the National Assembly.

"They would like to see us dealing with each other with honour, dignity and respect."

He said people did not want to see a house that degenerated into chaos and disorder.

President Ramaphosa said the basis of his government and that of the incoming Cabinet would be that of collaboration, finding consensus and bringing about change.

He said despite coming from different political parties, all MPs had a common mandate to build a nation founded on the principles of social justice, solidarity and equality.

“All of us must see ourselves as holding the hopes and aspirations of our people …” he said.
“As for me, I commit myself to work day and night, to work very hard for the interests of our people.”

The President-elect said this after Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng confirmed his election unopposed.

“The nomination is in order and in terms of item five of the Constitution, I declare Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa duly elected the President of the Republic of South Africa."

The President’s election came shortly after former National Council of Provinces Chairperson, Thandi Modise, was elected as the Speaker of the National Assembly after a vote.

Shortly after the President’s election, opposition leaders took turns to congratulate the President, the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker.
The Interministerial Committee (IMC) on the state of readiness for the Presidential Inauguration says it is putting the final touches in place for the inauguration, which is scheduled for 25 May 2019.
The IMC, which is led by the Minister in The Presidency, Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, held a briefing on Thursday, 16 May 2019, to outline the final preparations for the inauguration.

For the first time in South African history, the inauguration will be held at Loftus Versfeld Stadium, instead of the traditional venue, the Union Buildings.

“We chose the stadium because it is more cost-effective compared to using the Union Buildings, which carries high preparation costs, in particular the preparation of the Nelson Mandela Amphitheatre. In line with government’s austerity measures. We were happy to go with the least costly option.

“The other reason for electing the stadium is for the inauguration to be as inclusive as possible by allowing the main events of the inauguration of the President-Elect to take place in one venue,” said Minister Dlamini-Zuma.

The inauguration will be held under the theme: "Together Celebrating Democracy: Renewal and Growth for a Better South Africa”.

The ceremony will coincide with Africa Day, which marks the establishment of the African Union (AU), formerly known as the Organisation of African Unity. Additionally, the inauguration also comes at a time when South Africa celebrates 25 years of freedom.

Who will attend?

All heads of state and government of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) have been invited to witness this auspicious occasion.
Guests from the continental regional economic blocs, former liberation movements, fraternal countries, the AU, United Nations, members of the Diplomatic Corps and eminent persons and former presidents of the Republic are expected to grace the inauguration.

Minister Dlamini Zuma said government limited the invitation to the heads of state in line with its cost-cutting measures.

“The cost of hosting the Presidential Inauguration at the stadium will be a R100 million less compared to what has been spent previously,” said Minister Dlamini Zuma.

She said 4 500 guests had been invited from various sectors of society, including parliamentarians, the judiciary, ministers and deputy ministers, premiers, MECs and executive mayors.

“We expect close to 32 000 people to come to the stadium. Some 22 000 of those will be bussed from Gauteng and neighbouring Limpopo, Mpumalanga, North West and Free State provinces and 10 000 of these will be walk-ins. The total capacity of the stadium is 37 000,” said the Minister.

Order of proceedings

The stadium will open from 3am in the morning. The programme will be co-directed by the Speaker of the Fifth Parliament, Baleka Mbete, and the Deputy Secretary-General of the majority party in Parliament, Jessie Duarte.

The official programme will kick off with the arrival of the President-Elect, followed by inter-faith prayers led by the Chaplain General.

The President-Elect will take the oath of office as part of the swearing-in ceremony performed by Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng and then proceed to sign the swearing-in certificate.

Thereafter, the President will take up position for the national salute.

After the rendition of the national anthem; the President will continue with his address to the nation.

The President’s address will be followed by the massed fly past by the South African Air Force and South African Airways.
Accreditation and park and ride

All the walk-ins for general access to the stadium must be accredited through the accreditation service point at Afrikaans Hoër Seunskool, popularly known as Affies.

This accreditation point will open from 3am and will close at 7am and no one will be allowed into the venue without accreditation.

There will also be a park-and-ride for general access to the stadium from the Tshwane Events Centre to the accreditation centre. The shuttles will commence from 3am to 6:30am.

Minister Dlamini Zuma encouraged people to arrive at the park and ride early to avoid disappointment.

The gates of the stadium will be opened at 3am on 25 May 2019.
Disability facilities

According to the IMC, all preparations for the event have made provision for people with disability.

“The host broadcaster, SABC, will have the South African Sign Language Interpretation on screen during the broadcast. We also will have Sign Language interpreters on stage.

“The stadium also has adequate ramp access for wheelchairs. In provinces, where live viewings will be taking place, all such arrangements will be put in place as well,” said the Minister.

Prohibited goods

Members of the public attending the occasion are advised that alcohol, drugs, firearms, weapons, bottles and cans are prohibited.

Public viewing information

South Africans can also tune in to watch the inauguration at public viewing sites across the nine provinces.

A list and addresses of the viewing sites, with the contact person(s) and the coordinates is available on the government website (\inaguaration 2019).

Proceedings of the inauguration will be livestreamed on the government website:\inauguration2019.

Members of the public can follow the conversation of inauguration and interact on social media via Twitter: @SAgovnews / @GovernmentZA and Facebook: GovernmentZA and South African Government News.

The official Presidential Inauguration hashtag is #SAInauguration19.

“More updates can be accessed through a special application that has been developed for the inauguration, details will be made available in due cause.

“Government would like to encourage all South Africans to be part of this momentous occasion in our country,” said the Minister.

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The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Reginah Mhaule, has encouraged young people to pursue careers in academia. This was after the University of Fort Hare awarded her with a Doctorate degree in Public Administration.
The title of Dr Mhaule's doctoral thesis: "The Implication of Teacher Development in the Improvement of Learner Achievement in the Kwa-Mhlanga Sub-District of the Mpumalanga Province", was informed by a need to improve results in Mpumalanga where Dr Mhaule was previously the MEC of Education.

“We need academics and we encourage young people in particular to pursue an academic profession. Whatever the Government is doing or plans to do need research. The outcomes of their research and analyses will enable us as government to respond accordingly to the needs of our people,” said Deputy Minister Mhaule.

“I am honoured to be part of this historic and august institution which has produced giants of our liberation struggle. My message to every South African is that it is possible to achieve your dreams,” she added.

The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, Deputy Minister Luwellyn Landers and the entire Team DIRCO have heartily congratulated Dr Mhaule on her achievement.

"We join your family in sharing this special day with you. Your great achievement is an inspiration to all of us. You made us all very proud," said Minister Sisulu.

The graduation ceremony was attended by the Minister of Higher Education and Training, Dr Naledi Pandor; Deputy Minister of Basic Education, Enver Surty; and Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Sfiso Buthelezi.
The Director-General of International Relations and Cooperation, Kgabo Mahoai, delivered an address during a departmental public participation programme at the Phathudi Sports Ground in Witbank on 21 May 2019.
The Director-General addressed the community on South Africa’s foreign policy priorities in the lead-up to the Africa Day celebrations on 25 May 2019, which this year coincide with South Africa’s 25 Years of Democracy celebrations, as well as the inauguration of the democratically-elected President, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa.

Africa Day is intended to celebrate and acknowledge the successes of the Organisation of African Unity (now the African Union) from its creation on 25 May 1963 in the fight against colonialism and apartheid, as well as the progress that Africa has made, while reflecting on the common challenges that the continent face in a global environment.

Director-General Mahoai also highlighted the issue of sporadic attacks on foreign nationals as part of government’s programme to create awareness and address the issue.
South Africa has dedicated the month of May to commemorating Africa Month, which government is using to promote African unity, deeper regional integration and recommit Africa to a common destiny.
The theme for the month is “Celebrating 25 Years of Democracy: Building a Better Africa and a Better World” and will culminate on 25 May, when the continent marks Africa Day.

Africa Day is celebrated annually on 25 May within the African continent to mark the formation of the Organisation of African Unity on 25 May 1963 and the African Union (AU) in 2002, which was created to promote unity in Africa.

The day, which is celebrated across the continent is used to acknowledge the progress that Africans have made, while reflecting on the common challenges faced in a global environment.

Government says the focal point of this year’s Africa Month Programme is to promote and support the preservation and revival of indigenous languages, and to create discussion platforms for South Africans, in particular local communities, to engage in conversations on Africa’s past, present and future, to foster solidarity and to build unity.

In protecting indigenous languages, government believes it will ensure everyone is free to fully communicate and express themselves effectively.

In the same vein, indigenous languages have the potential to promote equality, understanding and greater human dignity.

South Africa will also be reaffirming its support for the AU’s Agenda 2063 and commit the country to playing its role within the AU to ensure the successful implementation of the vision and plan to build a better Africa.

In support of Agenda 2063, South Africa believes the continent can foster unity among all Africans across the continent as it will rejuvenate social, economic and politics of Africa.

With regard to peacekeeping, South Africa continues to contribute to post-war reconstruction and development efforts on the continent, while playing a key role in the economic development of the continent through growing private-sector investment in many countries within the continent.

The celebrations in South Africa coincide with the commemoration of 25 years of dmocracy, 23 years of existence of the Constitution as well as the inauguration of the new President, which will usher South Africa into the Sixth Administration.

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South African companies in the agro-processing, capital equipment, energy and furniture sectors are showing off their wares while on an Outward Trade and Investment Mission (OTIM) to Uganda.
The OTIM, which is organised by the Department of Trade and Industry (dti), got underway on Sunday, 19 May 2019.

“The mission will also introduce South African exporters to the Ugandan market, with the aim of assisting them to gain entry into this market, identify trade and investment opportunities, and generate export sales,” said Trade and Industry (dti) Minister, Rob Davies.

Speaking ahead of the OTIM, Minister Davies said the mission would contribute positively in strengthening bilateral economic relations between South Africa and the East African state.

The mission is organised and funded by the dti through its Export Marketing and Investment Assistance Scheme.

The objective of the scheme is to develop export markets for South African products and services and recruit new foreign direct investment into the country. More than 1 000 companies were assisted through the scheme in the last financial year.

The Minister said Uganda was a strategic partner to South Africa within the East African region, where the country enjoys sound political and economic relations that are managed through several bilateral agreements.

“More significantly, Uganda enjoys a unique location at the heart of sub-Saharan Africa, which makes it accessible to the Central and East African markets, including the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa. This makes the country a viable market for business because it has the potential to be a transportation, logistics and transit hub for regional trade and investment,” said Minister Davies.

The mission is part of South Africa's economic strategy for Africa, which is premised on implementing an outward investment-led trade approach that will result in two-way trade and investment to benefit both South Africa and its trading partners in the rest of the continent.

“The mission is aligned to our mandate of increasing intra-African trade and investment in line with the objectives of the Continental Free Trade Agreement,” said Minister Davies.

Uganda is South Africa’s second-largest export trading partner in East Africa, making it an important trade and investment partner for South Africa’s economic relations with the East Africa region.

The total value of bilateral trade between South Africa and Uganda amounted to R2.09 billion in 2018, with a trade surplus in favour of South Africa.

South Africa’s exports to Uganda totalled R1.99 billion in 2018, while South Africa’s imports from Uganda were valued at R102 million in the same year.

The mission will conclude on 24 May.

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Communications Minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams says her department has commenced some of the groundwork towards preparing South Africa for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).
“We began engagements with stakeholders to identify various enablers that could help us derive the benefits that come with technological innovations and developments relating to 4IR,” Minister Ndabeni-Abrahams said.

Addressing the Presidential Commissioners on 4IR in Tshwane on Tuesday, 14 May 2019, Minister Ndabeni-Abrahams said digital technologies could generate more than R5 trillion in value for industry, consumers and society in South Africa.

She said one of the most important priorities for government was to grow the economy and in the process of doing so, ensure that there was inclusive growth.

“We are making concerted efforts to assist government to gravitate towards certain obligatory steps, standards and principles that should provide guidelines for every government department to function within the realm of the 4IR.

“The department, with the advice of the [4IR] Commission, will develop a strategy and framework for government, which will enable every government department and organ of state to develop their own plans to integrate 4IR in everything they do, and ensure that the sectors in which they function align accordingly,” the Minister said.

She said government woud set basic rules to manage the externalities of 4IR, distribute the benefits thereof and address structural market issues, such as curbing monopolies and making infrastructure roll-out pervasive.

“However, it is important to acknowledge that South Africa is not starting from a zero base, as various elements of 4IR are already being implemented across the country,” the Minister said.

She said 4IR would not only create jobs for citizens, but would ensure that the majority of citizens were active participants in the economy, specifically in research, innovation and production.
Kirstenbosch, which represented South Africa on the show's world stage, was awarded its 37th gold for their stunning floral kingdom display, “Mountains of Abundance”.
Inspired by the proteas that flourish on Table Mountain and Magaliesberg, the concept was dreamt up by the foremost garden designer in Africa – Leon Kluge – who won South Africa a gold at last year's show. He took over from Raymond Hudson and David Davidson, who unfortunately passed away last year, who was in charge of the design from 1994 to 2017.

"Abstract waterfalls and streams will be created with bright traditional Ndebele hats against slate mountains. Around this mountainous theme, various species of proteas, aloes disas, restios and fynbos will be arranged as they occur together on the wild slopes of our mountains," Kluge explained in April when he unveiled the design for this year's show.

The Chelsea Flower show has been held annually at the Royal Hospital in London since 1912, where this year royal Kate Middleton has set up her own garden for the show.

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Artists with ambitions of being considered for the ArtbankSA programme, have until 12 July to submit their applications.
The Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) has invited South African artists to apply for their contemporary artwork acquisition with the ArtbankSA.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, 15 May 2019, the DAC said the ArtbankSA was part of the Mzansi Golden Economy strategy implementation and is hosted by the National Museum Bloemfontein.

“The programme annually considers acquiring special pieces of art for its own growing permanent collection,” the department said.

Arts and Culture Minister, Nathi Mthethwa, launched the programme in 2017 and was subsequently followed by a provincial exhibition launch in Durban.

“The ArtbankSA was tasked with purchasing artworks from South African artists, particularly that of emerging artists in order to lease and sell the artworks to South African government departments, private companies and private individuals,” said the department.

The vision of the ArtbankSA, the department said, was to promote, foster and stimulate a vibrant market for the collection of South African contemporary visual art.

The ArtbankSA is expected to achieve this vision by, among other things, curating a definitive collection of contemporary South African visual art. The programme is also anticipated to promote financial sustainability for the artists and Art Bank of South Africa through the leasing of art.

It also sought to nurture emerging South African artists by expanding the market for their work and providing skills development opportunities.

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South Africa has scooped the Africa Federation of Teaching Regulatory Authorities (AFTRA) Award of Fellowship for its work to improve access, quality and efficiency of education systems on the African continent.
Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga, received the award at the 8th Teaching and Learning in Africa Conference, held in neighbouring Lesotho.

“This award will propel us to double our efforts in ensuring that our African children – our continental assets – are exposed to the best education systems possible.

“Through our education systems, and our decolonised and diversified curricula, our learners attain the skills, knowledge and competencies for a changing world and the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” said the Minister.

The AFTRA seeks to ensure that all African countries establish teacher regulatory authorities to professionalise teaching.

Minister Motshekga said despite the significant progress made, there was a lot to do.

“We must continue to be good ambassadors of education and training systems in our various countries. This must be inclusive of Early Childhood Development and inclusive education for learners with special educational needs.

“We must continue to work together to ensure the commitments we have made through our various protocols are fulfilled,” she said.

Minister Motshekga said while there was a shortage of educational resources, the working environment and conditions of service for teachers must be improved, and that teachers were empowered with the skills, knowledge and competencies necessary for the changing world.

“Education remains the most critical catalyst that will propel the African continent towards the attainment of its development goals,” the Minister said. 

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The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) welcomed back the “SA Agulhas II”, as she returned from the Annual Marion Island 2019 relief voyage on Wednesday, 15 May 2019, at the East Pier Quay, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town.
Every year, the SA Agulhas II embarks on a five-week relief voyage to Marion Island to provide the South African research base with food, essential supplies and a new team of researchers.

On board the vessel were researchers from various South African institutions of higher learning who spent the last 14 months performing oceanographic biological and geological research, some of which forms part of international collaborative projects.

The department’s research team collaborated with the University of Cape Town’s oceanographers where they explored the Southern Ocean under the ship-based Chief Scientist affiliated to DEA Research, Mthuthuzeli Gulekana. Some of the ship-based activities included using high-definition cameras and videos to monitor the benthic biodiversity communities and seabed habitats, as well as collecting data to monitor macro and micro plastics in order to report on marine pollution.

There were also numerous island-based scientific research programmes, which included marine mammals, botany, geomorphology and space weather, under the island-based Chief Scientist, Professor Nico de Bruyn, from the University of Pretoria.
The University of Cape Town (UCT) announced on Thursday, 16 May 2019, that its academic enterprise programmes would be led by a team of four women for the first time in academic history, as of August.
Professor Sue Harrison, the new Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Internationalisation, joins Vice-Chancellor, Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Transformation, Professor Loretta Feris, and Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Learning, Associate Professor Lis Lange, as the all-woman team at one of the most renowned universities on the continent.

"UCT announced on Thursday morning that Professor Harrison will take over as the new DVC with effect from 1 August 2019 – coincidentally, at the start of Women's Month," said a statement from the university.

Prof. Phakeng said the announcement was a significant moment of transformation for women in academia and leadership positions, both in our society and across the world.

"We are delighted that the UCT Council has placed their confidence in the experience and expertise of each of my executive colleagues," Prof. Phakeng said.

UCT moved up in its ranking of from 171 to 156 in the 2018 Times Higher Education rankings of the best universities in the world. The university has the highest ranking on the index of any institute of higher learning in Africa.

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A rare coelacanth – one of only a handful known to exist – has been filmed off the coast of South Africa.
Scientists on a research expedition near Sodwana made the discovery 125 metre below the surface with the help of a remote-operated vehicle (ROV) Skies! recently.

The ancient fish were thought to be extinct until they were discovered off Chalumna (near East London) in December 1938.

There are only 33 known individuals, all of which have been catalogued in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park.

Dr Kerry Sink of the South African National Biodiversity Institute was able to identify the fish spotted this week as Eric, an individual first identified in 2009 and last seen in 2013.

Dr Sink said Eric was fitted with a satellite tag in 2013 that allowed them to track his movements for six months. Tagging animals always comes with risks, so the team was relieved to find him again.

"We are happy that he seems to be very healthy," she added.

According to Dr Jean Harris of WILDOCEANS, coelacanth have only been filmed by ROV four times in the area since 2000, three of which were off the team's research vessel Angra Pequena.

Dr Harris was on board when the team made the discovery. She described the experience as "extraordinary and special" and said seeing the coelacanth electrified everyone on board.

"Since they are so rare, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack so there was huge excitement on board!" she told News24.

She said the discovery would give scientists insight into the lifespan and habitat of the species.

"It lets us know that coelacanth are resident to the iSimangaliso park – this can help us work out how long they live, but also that there are so few because if there were more we would be seeing a lot more individuals," she said.

– Source: Traveller24
The Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, sang the praises of BET award-winning muso Sjava after his appearance on international music platform “Colors”.
Colors showcases "exceptional talent from all around the globe, focussed on promoting the most distinctive new artists and original sounds," according to their YouTube channel.

"It's with great pride that I join the music fraternity in congratulating South African award-winning artist @Sjava_atm for representing our country on renowned European music platform @colorsxstudios & showcasing the beauty of authentically African music," the Minister wrote on Wednesday, 14 May 2019.

Many of Sjava's fans were beaming with pride when the video of his Colors episode first aired on Monday.
South Africa has made world history in Turkey on Tuesday evening, 14 May 2019, with South African entrants from Pageants South Africa scooping the top titles at an awards ceremony in Bodrum.
According to Pageants SA’s Carolyn Baldwin Botha, South Africa’s 2019 International winners include:
  • Avonique Van Rooyen  who has been crowned Little Miss World 2019, as well as Best of the Best & Miss Talent
  • Kristin Singh who has been crowned Miss Teen World, as well as Super Model of the World
  • Inge Van Der Merwe who has been crowned Miss Teen Universe 2019, as well as Miss Sympathy World League of Fashion & Beauty
  • Tashmika Govender who has been crowned Miss World Jnr. as well as Photo Model of the World.
“Well done to #TeamPageantsSA,” says Botha.

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South African delegates are joining the rest of the world for Pavillon Afriques at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival in France.
The 72nd annual festival kicked off on 14 May and runs through to 25 May. This will be the first year of the pavillon's inclusion.

Award-winning actress and producer Terry Pheto; director John Barker; producer Isaac Mogajane; producer and director Sarah Blecher; Katleho Ramaphakela, Rethabile Ramaphakela, and Tshepo Ramaphakela from Burnt Onions Productions, and actor Atwanda Kani, are in attendance.

"We are very excited about what we will experience from South Africa at Pavillons Afriques. With this project, we are creating a unique venue for movie trade and promotion that outlines the diversity and plurality from South Africa, Africa and its Diaspora film and television content. Our ambition is to become an exclusive business platform where film industry stakeholders meet, discuss, trade, make deals and take advantage of the unique atmosphere of the Festival de Cannes," says operations director, Prudence Kolong.

Pavillon Afriques is the first tent within the Film Market section of the Cannes Film Festival dedicated exclusively to the business of film on the African continent and among its Diaspora.

With the theme, Connecting the Past, Present and Future, the Pavillon packs a full schedule with a mix of private and public-sector roundtables, discussions on film financing and content distribution, a series of country produced destination seminars, celebrity-hosted panels, leadership workshops, film screenings and more.
South African actor and model, Bohang Moeko, is set to star in a new United States (US) drama series.
Moeko will play Doctor Musoke in The Hot Zone, a new National Geographic limited series opposite Hollywood stars like Julianna Margulies, who is best known for her work on the award winning drama, The Good Wife.

The show was filmed in South Africa and the US and revolves around the origin of the Ebola virus in Central Africa and how it's spread.

The series is also based on the book of the same name by Richard Preston. It also stars Noah Emmerich as Lt. Col. Jerry Jaax and Liam Cunningham as Wade Carter.

Moeko first made his debut as Victor Ndou on Zabalaza in 2015. He went on to star in Ring of Lies, The Queen, Scandal! and more recently, Housekeepers.

The star announced the news on his Instagram account.

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Mafikizolo flew the South African flag at the Global Citizen Festival in Berlin, Germany.
Mafikizolo headlined the festival on 21 May, alongside German rapper Sido.

The group recently also performed in Toronto and Edmonton.

The pair will also be performing in Manchester next month, where a fan has already requested that they write and perform a song slamming xenophobia.

"I'm a big fan of you guys over the years and I'll be attending your performance in Manchester in June this year. I would like to see you write a song condemning xenophobia. Not enough has been done nor has been said to eradicate xenophobia in South Africa," the fan wrote to Theo on social media.

Theo responded by encouraging the follower to check out the group's song with Diamond Platnumz.

"It is true my brother. We are all brothers and sisters and we are all foreigners. We have a song already with Diamond Platnumz talking about African unity called Colors of Africa, check it out."

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“Mr President,

“Please allow me to begin by thanking Mr Mladenov for his briefing on the situation in the Middle East, particularly the question of Palestine and Mr Pierre Krahenbuhl for his briefing on the status of UNWRA.

“Mr President,

“The security and humanitarian situation in all of the Occupied Palestinian Territory continues to be of great concern to my delegation.

“This escalation of violence in Gaza has only worsened the already dismal humanitarian situation that has persisted for years.

“It cannot be denied that the grave situation in Gaza is a direct result of the illegal Israeli blockade and occupation of the area. This has shattered any prospect of normal economic and social development for the two million Palestinian people trapped in what has been called an open-air prison.

“In this regard, South Africa reiterates its call for the complete lifting of the illegal Israeli blockade which continues to cause untold humanitarian, social and economic suffering for the Palestinian people.

“We would like also like to acknowledge the efforts of all parties, particularly Egypt and the United Nations, through the Office of the Special Coordinator in brokering a ceasefire agreement in Gaza earlier this month.

“My delegation reiterates that violence in all its forms and from all quarters is unacceptable and calls on all parties to adhere to their commitments under the ceasefire agreement in order to prevent a further escalation of violence in Gaza.

“Mr President,

“The cumulative impact of unilateral actions has had a destructive impact on the the lives of all who live in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and has further hindered the prospect of the long-standing aspiration for peace in the Middle East, based on established parameters.

“Key among these actions is the continuation of illegal settlement activity in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in direct contravention of a decision of this Council. Resolution 2445 is clear in stating that any settlements built on occupied land have no legal validity and are a flagrant violation of international law. The blatant paralysis in addressing systemic violations damages the credibility of this Council. My delegation, once again, reiterates its call for the full implementation of all General Assembly and Security Council resolutions, particularly Resolution 2334 of 2016.

“As we have just heard from Mr Krahenbuhl, UNWRA, which is tasked by the UN to assist Palestinian refugees in the region, is having immense difficulty in carrying out its mandate due to a lack of funding. This, in turn, also negatively impacts on the quality of life of Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

“Mr President,

“In conclusion Mr President, it must be unequivocally stated that any proposed peace plan should not allow Palestinian statehood to devolve into an entity devoid of sovereignty, territorial contiguity and economic viability. Doing so would severely undermine previous peace-making efforts, accelerate the demise of the two-state solution and fatally damage the cause for a durable peace for both Palestinians and Israelis alike.

“As many in this Council today and on many other occasions have stated, the only credible solution to the situation in the Middle East is that of a two-state solution, within the 1967 borders and East Jerusalem as the capital of an independent Palestinian state. Every effort must be made to bring all sides to the negotiating table, to allow them to find a long-term, peaceful solution. This Council must do its part to support the parties in this endeavour and not condone any violations of its resolutions.

"I thank you.”
“Mr President,

“South Africa thanks Deputy SRSG Zenenga, ASG Ursulla Mueller and AU SRCC Francisco Madeira for their briefing and Secretary-General Mr António Guterres for his report.

“My delegation commends the UN Secretary-General Guterres and the role that UNSOM and UNSOS have been playing in facilitating state-building and peace-building processes in Somalia, in line with its mandate provided by this Council. It is without a doubt that UNSOM and UNSOS as well as AMISOM have contributed positively in the prevailing development trajectory in Somalia.

“South Africa welcomes the comprehensive reform agenda of the Federal Government of Somalia which includes four roadmaps aimed at maintaining progress on Inclusive Politics, Security and Justice, Economic Recovery, and Social and Human Development.

“Mr President,

"Despite the efforts by AMISOM, UNSOM and UNSOS, together with the Somali security forces and international partners in the security sector, we note with serious concern that Al-Shabaab and other armed groups continue to be a source of instability in some parts of Somalia, including Mogadishu. The continued atrocities perpetrated by Al-Shabaab against civilians, government facilities, government officials, the Somali security forces and AMISOM personnel are alarming and must be condemned.

“While we agree that in the long term, Somalia needs to be able to take ownership of addressing its own security challenges, we also realise that the Federal Government of Somalia cannot do this on its own, given the capacity limitations of the Somali security forces. The area of capacity-building is one that requires sustained and coordinated international support. In this regard, South Africa calls for the continuation of the implementation of a Comprehensive Approach to Security, encompassing international coordination and joint planning by AMISOM, Federal Government, Federal Member States, UNSOM, UNSOS and international partners, among others.

“Mr President,

"It is our firm view that sustained and inclusive dialogue is imperative between the Federal Government of Somalia and the Federal Member States to resolve their differences in order to move the state-building and peace-building processes forward. Equally, there is pertinence in resolving the current stalemate between the two houses of the Federal Parliament. Cooperation between the two houses is important for the processing of the legislative framework envisaged in the implementation of the Transition Plan.

“We encourage state-building and peace-building processes to be inclusive with the meaningful involvement of women and the youth. We commend UNSOM for providing assistance to the Somali authorities on promoting women and youth participation in the processes of state-building and peace-building.

“South Africa is pleased with the notable progress registered in the Constitution review process. We urge the Federal Government of Somalia to finalise the outstanding issues pertaining to the Constitution, with a view to adopting it before the elections take place.

“Mr President,

"The progress made towards finalising a National Reconciliation Framework, the guiding document for nation-wide reconciliation, is a welcome development. Furthermore, we commend the National Independent Electoral Commission for advancing preparations for voter registration for the 2020-2021 elections.

“For this delegation, continued support of the humanitarian situation in Somalia remains of paramount importance. In this regard, we urge the international community to support the Somali 2019 Humanitarian Response Plan in order for the humanitarian community to deliver necessary services to civilians in-need.

"I thank you.”
“Mr President,

“We thank the Special Representative and Head of UNAMI, Ms Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, for her briefing. South Africa supports the mandate renewal of UNAMI in its current format as it promotes the strengthening of the Government of Iraq and its subsequent electoral processes.

“South Africa further call for an inclusive government, which will bring together all diverse aspects of Iraqi society into governance structures. National reconciliation and unity in Iraq are vital in avoiding future challenges stemming from the fracturing of government policies and actions. Peace and security are fundamental for Iraq to develop its infrastructure, grow its economy and provide basic services to all of its citizens. In this regard, South Africa supports the full consolidation of control of the Iraqi army over its territories, and continued support for the efforts of the Government to eradicate the threat posed by Da’esh. South Africa would like to suggest the use of the Peacebuilding Commission to support the inclusive efforts of the Government, specifically in institution-building and post-conflict and reconstruction development in Iraq. Alongside the report on missing Kuwaiti nationals, South Africa would like to advocate for assistance and information on its citizens who went missing after 2003.

“Mr President,

“We also welcome the increased involvement of regional organisations in the political process and reaffirm their role in assisting the Government of Iraq in the reconstruction of the country.  We further welcome the renewed cooperation and talks between the Central Government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government, and encourage both parties to continue to seek consensus on areas of concern. We also share the views of regional actors that formation of government in Iraq is an important step towards building a stronger and more balanced relationship among the countries in the Middle East region. In this regard, we welcome the recently held Summit by Iraq, which brought together the countries of the region as part of broader efforts by Iraq in spearheading regional integration with its neighbours.

“Mr President,

“In conclusion, South African reiterates its support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq in line with the principles of the UN charter and will continue to support UNAMI in the implementation of its mandate. Furthermore, we continue to support the work of UNITAD as part of UNAMI’s mandate and emphasise the importance of the independence and impartiality of the mechanism, in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter, UN policies and best practices.

"I thank you.”
“Mr President,

“South Africa thanks Special Representative Mr Ghassan Salamé for his briefing and Ambassador Jürgen Schulz for his report.

“My delegation commends the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, and Mr Salamé, for their tireless efforts in bringing together all the parties and stakeholders to reach agreement on the peace process and extends our full support for their efforts.

“We particularly commend the work of the AU High-Level Committee on Libya under the leadership of President Sassou-Nguesso, and call for greater cooperation and collaboration between the African Union and the United Nations in finding a lasting solution to the crisis and in support of a single Roadmap in pursuit of peace and stability in Libya.

“Mr President,

“As South Africa, we remain concerned with the worsening security and humanitarian situation in Tripoli. South Africa calls on each of the parties to reduce tensions and exercise restraint to prevent destruction and loss of life in the capital and the continued suffering of civilians and migrants.

“We reiterate that all parties and stakeholders must recommit their efforts towards building durable peace in Libya on the basis of inclusive political dialogue. We particularly urge the parties to commit fully to the ceasefire agreement reached in September 2018 and to avoid any further escalation of violence.

“In this regard, South Africa will continue to support the convening of a Libyan National Peace and Reconciliation Forum, preceded by a National Dialogue conference in order to unify the people of Libya. We are therefore deeply concerned by postponement of this process due to the increased fighting in and around Tripoli. Where could we be if things were normal according time frames?

“Mr President,

“We support the ongoing efforts of the AU through its Peace and Security Council; the AU High-Level Committee on Libya and the commitment of the AU High Representative for Libya as they continue to engage with main stakeholders in this country.

“The UN Security Council must support all efforts to bring about a peaceful settlement of the dispute and promote political dialogue.

“In terms of the 1970 Committee progress report, South Africa does not view sanctions as an end in and of themselves but rather as a tool to accompany a political process towards peace and post-conflict. While, some elements of sanctions may assist in providing the necessary momentum towards the desired outcome, the focus should be on creating an enabling environment that promotes conditions for a peace process to take root.

“However, given the recent escalation in military confrontation, South Africa views the implementation of the arms embargo, renewed under resolution 2420 (2018), as important in preventing the illicit flows of arms into Libya, increasing the risk of arms proliferation and further fuelling instability in the Sahel.

“Mr President,

“We call on parties supplying arms to the protagonists in Libya to keep an inventory of such supplies so as to fully account post this conflict. We need to avoid the situation of the past wherein tons and tons of weapons, ammunitions and explosives were dropped to groups fighting the then regime and these arms subsequently found their way into the greater Sahel, resulting in what we witness today in Mali, Burkina Faso, Chad, Nigeria, Cameroon and Côte d’Ivoire etc.

"I thank you.”
“Mr President,

“We have supported the request for this meeting on the basis of consistency, having acceded to requests from other delegations for briefings on matters, which they regard as urgent and important. We also support the meeting based on the fact that Ukraine is an agenda item of the Security Council; and also based on Rule 2 of the provisional rules of procedure providing for such a meeting.

"Mr President,

"With regard to the matter brought to the attention of this meeting today, South Africa continues to encourage all the parties to strengthen all diplomatic efforts to avoid an escalation of tensions, and work towards an inclusive, sustainable and peaceful solution based on cooperation and dialogue. We wish to encourage all parties to approach dialogue with the spirit of compromise in order to move the process forward.

"My delegation would like to reiterate that the non-implementation of the existing agreements will unfortunately lead to unintended consequences.

"In this regard, we wish to reiterate the obligation of all the parties to fully implement all of their respective commitments under the Minsk Agreements, which provide the most promising roadmap for the peaceful settlement of the current hostilities, including in eastern Ukraine, and to advance the cause of peace and stability in the broader region.

"I thank you.”
“Mr President,

“It is with deep regret that I must once again begin my remarks with expressing South Africa’s condolences, on this occasion to the people of Burkina Faso, who recently suffered an attack at a place of worship. This attack comes only weeks after the devastating attacks in New Zealand and Sri Lanka claimed so many innocent lives. Of course, we also condemn the terrible attack which has taken place in Egypt on Sunday.

“The frequency of these barbaric, cowardly acts of terror lends even more urgency to our joint efforts to eradicate violent extremism and terrorism.

“Mr President,

“We thank the Chairs of the Committees that have briefed the Security Council today, for their informative briefings and capable stewardship of these important Committees.

“Mr President,

“While the African continent has taken significant steps towards addressing many of the peace, security, governance and development challenges that we face, terrorism and violent extremism continue to present a serious threat to our joint efforts to uplift the continent and her peoples.

“The two most recent bulletins of the African Centre for the Study & Research of Terrorism, which is an African Union research institution, provide alarming statistics of the nature of terrorism in Africa. The centre finds that from mid-March to mid-April 2019 Africa suffered 140 terrorist attacks, which claimed a staggering 841 lives.

“We are also deeply concerned with reports of the spread of Islamic State (IS) affiliates throughout the African continent, as the remnants of the self-declared Caliphate seek new areas of operation and recruitment, in the wake of its territorial defeat in Iraq and Syria. We cannot allow these groups to exploit our peoples in spreading their poisonous, extremist, and murderous ideologies.

“Mr President,

“South Africa unequivocally condemns of all acts of terrorism, whatever form, for whatever reason, and wherever they may occur. We firmly believe that the fight against terrorism must be led by the United Nations as the most widely representative and appropriate international structure for coordinating action against this global challenge which threatens us all.

"South Africa also places great emphasis on the need to address violent extremism and terrorism holistically, beginning with addressing conditions that influence vulnerable peoples, particularly the youth, to become radicalised and involved with terrorist organisations. Addressing the root causes of terrorism and violent extremism should be imperative in our fight against this scourge.

“We also urge States to avoid the use of unilateral coercive measures in their counter-terrorism measures, and take all measures to protect civilians, as well as to ensure that counter-terrorism efforts do not negatively impact on the provision of humanitarian aid and medical assistance in conflict situations. All counter-terrorism measures must also abide by international law and respect international human rights.

“Mr President,

“We welcome the format of this joint briefing, which fulfils one of the core aims of the UN’s Office of Counter Terrorism (UNOCT) under the capable leadership of Under-Secretary-General Mr Vladimir Voronkov, which is to foster a “one UN approach” in addressing these common challenges.

“South Africa fully supports this approach, and encourages identification of complementary mandates and aims, amongst the UN’s complex architecture, that can allow us to break down silos and merge our efforts towards greater gains. We therefore continue to support the efforts of the UNOCT to strengthen coordination and cooperation amongst the UN structures dealing with counter-terrorism.

“We welcome the continuing work of the Counter-Terrorism Committee and its Executive Directorate in promoting cooperation in implementing the Global Counter-terrorism Strategy and the relevant Security Council resolutions. We also value the work being done in providing technical assistance to those states that request it, to facilitate Member States’ compliance with the relevant decisions of the Security Council.

“South Africa remains of the view that in implementing our counter-terrorism obligations under the different Security Council resolutions, we should take into account the need for a Member State-driven agenda. Accordingly we recognise that it is up to each state to contextualise the threat in accordance with local conditions, also cognisant of regional and international dynamics. In countering these very threats it is critical that all counter-measures are relative to the threat being faced and Member States do not adopt a “one size fits all approach” but rather deal with threats on an individual basis.

“Mr President,

"Turning now to the 1540 Committee, allow me to state that Resolution 1540 is still one of the most critical instruments in preventing non-state actors from developing, acquiring, manufacturing, possessing, transporting, transferring or using nuclear, chemical or biological weapons and their means of delivery. In this sense, it is evident that there are important links between this Committee and resolution, and the UN’s Counter-Terrorism efforts, in ensuring that terrorist organisations never have access to the types of materials covered by resolution 1540.

“To that end, South Africa welcomes the significant progress made towards the effective implementation of resolution 1540, and we renew our commitment to work with other members of the Committee to address the challenges that still remain, not least in terms of national implementation and assistance.

“Furthermore, while dealing with the challenges of the Weapons of Mass Destruction, it is imperative that no unwarranted restrictions are imposed on the inalienable right of member states, particularly developing countries, to use any related materials, equipment and technologies for peaceful purposes. In that context, the opportunities provided by nuclear technologies for example in the implementation of the SDGs, particularly in the areas such as food security, public health technologies and clean energy cannot be overlooked.

“Mr President,

"South Africa’s experience with the implementation of Resolution 1540 has demonstrated that financial and technical assistance is critically needed to ensure that developing countries are able to fully implement the resolution, especially on the continent where greatest attention is still devoted to issues of poverty, unemployment and underdevelopment. We therefore call upon Member States in a position to upon request offer assistance to those in need. We must always bear in mind that the full and effective implementation of 1540 will only be realised through the strengthening of the weakest among us.

“Mr President,

"I thank you.”
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