Issue 380 | 12 June 2019
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Youth Month 2019
Consular Awareness Programme
President Cyril Ramaphosa was recently in Geneva, Switzerland, where he led the South African delegation to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Centenary Conference.
The conference was the 108th ILO session and was convened under the theme “Building a Better Future with Decent Work”.

The conference is an annual gathering of governments, labour and business to deliberate on contemporary issues of mutual interest in the global labour markets and adopt international labour standards open to ratification by the 187 member states.

President Ramaphosa, who was accompanied by the Minister of Employment and Labour, Thembelani Nxesi, and a delegation of the National Economic Development and Labour Council, addressed a high-level sitting where the outcomes of the Global Commission on the Future of Work were presented.

The President was appointed as the Co-Chair of the ILO’s Global Commission on the Future of Work Report in May last year, alongside Co-Chair Prime Minister Stefan Löfven of Sweden, to lead a team of distinguished commissioners.

They were mandated to seek recommendations to changes in the global economy as a result of technological advancement, demography, globalisation and climate change and how that impacts workers and the nature and future of work.

The Future of Work Report made 10 recommendations that are guided by a human-centred agenda, which proposes that the social contract can be strengthened by placing people and the work they do at the centre of economic, social policy and business practice.

It has been 25 years since South Africa re-joined the ILO and it has since the advent of democracy adopted legislature and programmes that are in support of social justice and decent work.

In 2018, South Africa hosted the Jobs Summit, where all social partners forged a common drive to effectively collaborate in addressing challenges to unblock growth in the South African economy.

President Ramaphosa further signed into law the historic National Minimum Wage Act, which would bridge the inequality gap by protecting low-paid workers and provided a firm foundation to eradicate poverty.

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As South Africa marks Youth Month this June, International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Naledi Pandor, says she will use her appointment to leverage international opportunities for the youth of South Africa.
“We should use the international opportunity far more than we are doing for young people to enjoy skills training.

“We should have thousands of young South Africans all over the world and I know there are countries that are interested in providing these opportunities but we have not always taken them up on it more robustly,” said the Minister in an interview with UBUNTU Radio on Friday, 7 June 2019.

Announcing his new and leaner Cabinet on 29 May 2019, President Cyril Ramaphosa appointed Minister Pandor to head the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO), where she is tasked with steering South Africa’s foreign policy.

Minister Pandor, who brings with her a wealth of experience in public office, said she aimed to marry her passion for education and experience in the higher education and training sector with her new role at the department.

In this regard, Minister Pandor emphasised the need for African leaders and South Africa to work in cooperation with other countries to establish networks for training and skills development.

“We have too narrow economic activity and I think as DIRCO, we have to put at the heart of our work economic opportunity and economic diplomacy.

“When we set performance targets we will be asking each of our missions what they are doing to contribute to more business formations, more job opportunities, more skills development for South Africa and in particular for young people,” she said.

The Minister’s hopes are also encapsulated in the African Union’s Agenda 2063, which is the blueprint and masterplan for transforming Africa into the global powerhouse of the future.

With Africa boasting a youthful population, with 200 million people aged between 15 and 24, Agenda 2063 places the youth at the heart of the action of building the continent.

This, Minister Pandor adds, must be done by ensuring that policy doesn’t simply gather dust but becomes a living, breathing and tangible plan that opens up windows of opportunity for the youth.

“What we must do is convert framework to implementation. We must ensure that we don’t articulate vision and not have action associated with it. What we as leaders must achieve on the African continent is a set of concrete steps that addresses the interests the hopes and aspirations of young people on the continent,” said the Minister.

By improving and expanding education and addressing the paucity that exists in technical and vocational training, Minister Pandor foresees a bright future for the youth of not only South Africa but the continent at large.

While she sees a future where the youth of South Africa are breaking ground across the globe, Minister Pandor stressed the need to harness that opportunity and plough back into the country.

“There must be the condition that they come back and service our country and establish enterprises.

“We must diversify the understanding of what opportunity is among young people. It is not just finding yourself in a public service department but also creating new businesses, working in incubation hubs and establishing innovative approaches. We need to connect with them on what they would like to do,” said the Minister.

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The establishment of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) can be a game-changer for the local economy, providing a massive market for South African goods and services, says newly appointed Trade and Industry Minister Ebrahim Patel.
“If we can get the institutions and infrastructure right and build a deep business and social partnership in South Africa, the AfCFTA can add many billions of rands to the gross domestic product (GDP), create large numbers of new industrial jobs, attract and expand investment and strengthen the economy,” Minister Patel said.

He noted that exports to the rest of the continent already accounted for about a quarter million of South African jobs.

“We will work in close partnership with investors and the local business community to realise this potential,” Minister Patel said.

In a step to boost the newly-approved AfCFTA, South Africa participated in the two-day Eighth Meeting of African Ministers of Trade (AMOT), which was held in Ethiopia from Friday, 7 June 2019.

South Africa was represented by Trade and Industry Deputy Minister, Fikile Slovo Majola.

The Eighth AMOT Meeting considered key recommendations from the meeting of senior trade officials as well as considered and agreed on the outstanding issues, including Rules of Origin, tariff offers and Trade in Services.

The outcomes of the ministers’ meeting will be tabled at the Assembly of Heads of States of the African Union (AU), which will take place in Niger on 7 July 2019.

The Assembly of Heads of States of the AU will launch the operational phase of the AfCFTA.

The AfCFTA was launched on 21 March 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda, by the Heads of State and Government of the AU as a comprehensive trade agreement with strong economic developmental objectives for Africa.

Deputy Minister Majola said thus far, 52 members of the AU had signed the agreement and 24 members had ratified it.

“South Africa deposited the Instrument of Ratification during the 32nd Ordinary Session of the AU Heads of State and Government on 10 February 2019. The AfCFTA entered into force on 30 May 2019,” said Deputy Minister Majola.

As a flagship project of the AU’s Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want, the AfCFTA aims to build an integrated market in Africa that will see a pool of over a billion people with a combined GDP of approximately US$3.3 trillion.

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa estimates that the AfCFTA will increase intra-Africa trade from the current 10%-16% to approximately 52% by the year 2022.

Deputy Minister Majola said the AfCFTA would give South Africa an opportunity to expand to new markets in North and West Africa, beyond the Southern African Development Community region.

“This will provide South African exporters and investors with much needed legal certainty and predictability of markets across Africa,” said Deputy Minister Majola

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Trade and Industry Minister, Ebrahim Patel, has expressed concern at growing trade tensions in the global economy.
“Heightened uncertainty from growing trade tensions and measures is also placing a drag on an already fragile global economy. This follows long-standing concerns by many developing countries about the imbalances created by the outcome of the Uruguay Round,” said Minister Patel on Monday, 10 June 2019.

The Minister’s comments followed the G20 Joint Trade and Digital Economy Ministers and the G20 Trade Ministers Meeting he attended over the weekend in Tsukuba, Japan.

The G20 Trade Ministers meeting discussed current international developments in trade; the promotion of trade and investment that contribute to sustainable and inclusive growth; the reform of the World Trade Organisation (WTO); and sound business environment that promotes market-driven investment decisions.

Minister Patel said the meetings took place at a time that the multilateral trading system was facing unprecedented challenges, adding that there was greater need for development-orientated trade agreements.

He stated that the G20 countries could not respond to the challenges by dismantling the rules-based system and replace it with unilateralism.

“The use of the rules-based multilateral system, coupled with necessary reform of the WTO should ensure that the promise of increased trade does indeed and in reality benefit all countries and people. We need a greater commitment to development-oriented trade agreements,” he added.

There are concerns that arise in part from the backlash against globalisation, and rising inequality, poverty and declining incomes for many of our citizens, with many people feeling left behind.

Appellate Body concerns

He raised South Africa’s concerns that the WTO was facing an existential crisis as the Appellate Body was likely to be dysfunctional if the current impasse was not resolved.

“We must also resolve the impasse on the WTO Appellate Body. If we fail, a cornerstone of the rules-based trading system will be incapacitated by December this year, just six months from now. This will mark a fundamental change in the functioning of the trading system, make existing rules unenforceable multilaterally and render discussion about new rules and a WTO reform-agenda increasingly meaningless,” Minister Patel said.

The Appellate Body is a standing body of seven persons that hears appeals from reports issued by panels in disputes brought by WTO members.

The body can uphold, modify or reverse the legal findings and conclusions of a panel, among others.

Digital economy

Minister Patel and Communications Minister, Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, jointly led a South African delegation to a joint meeting of the Trade and Digital Economy Ministers that discussed the interface between trade and the digital economy.

Minister Patel also added that South Africa proposed consideration of a full, revitalised and inclusive multilateral discussion on the digital economy.

He said reform must affirm the importance of the principle and practice of Special and Differential Treatment for developing countries.

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South Africa joined the global community in celebrating the annual World Oceans Day on Saturday, 8 June 2019, which raised awareness of the role of the oceans and the importance of conserving and protecting the country’s marine environment.
The day in South Africa also coincided with the declaration of a network of 20 new representative Operation Phakisa: Oceans Economy Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) – which is an important step in the protection of the ocean environment.

The network of 20 new MPAs increases the spatial protection of South Africa’s ocean environment from the current 0.4% to 5.4%.

The network of 20 MPAs would also provide a measure of protection to 90% of marine habitat types within the South African Exclusive Economic Zone, said the Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, Barbara Creecy.

They represent seamounts, submarine canyons, volcanic pinnacles, and a variety of ecosystem types on the shelf, continental margin and abyss in both the Indian and Atlantic oceans.

“The new network strives to support multiple objectives for biodiversity in alignment with oceans economy goals. This new network of 20 MPAs will, among other things, contribute to fisheries sustainability, advance marine ecotourism, and will help maintain resilience in ecosystems that are under stress from climate change,” the Minister said.

South Africa, as a maritime nation with a coastline of approximately 2 798 km, has begun to appreciate that the oceans surrounding it can contribute significantly to its economy.

In financial terms, the total ocean sector is valued at contributing approximately 4.4% to South Africa’s gross domestic product (GDP), supporting a great number of jobs and livelihoods. Coastal goods and services are estimated to contribute 35% to GDP.

“Yet, many of the incremental values of the ocean cannot be valued in financial terms: For example, the country’s relatively pristine environment is the foundation for the growing tourism industry. Healthy marine ecosystems provide the fishing industry and many small-scale and coastal fisheries communities with valuable living marine resources,” said Minister Creecy.

The intensification of South Africa’s ocean economy was increasing the urgency to provide the necessary protection to a representative sample of marine ecosystems, Minister Creecy said.

This, she said, would ensure their resilience to human use and impact, and to impacts associated with climate change.

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The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) has lauded the South African Constitution for enhancing the country’s basic human rights since 1996.
SARB Governor Lesetja Kganyago said the central bank this year, while considering the most significant way to mark 25 years of democracy, opted to celebrate the Constitution.

He was speaking on Wednesday, 5 June 2019, during the launch of the SA25 commemorative circulation and collectable coins at the Constitutional Court in Johannesburg.

“The enhancement in basic human rights – the rights to housing, health care, basic services such as water and electricity, the rights of workers, the rights of civil organisations, the accountability of the executive to Parliament, the transformation of public finance management, the independence and competence of the judiciary, the independence and mandate of the SARB – all come from the Constitution,” said Kganyago.

The SARB and South African Mint started the project last year in which they hoped to capture some of the essential elements of the Constitution in coins.

The new SA25 commemorative circulation and collectable coins also honour the vision of the architects of the Constitution.

“The team at the South African Mint tapped into the perspectives of young South Africans and the creativity of various artists for the themes and designs of the SA25 'Celebrating South Africa’ coins," he said.

“It is, in fact, the first time in the history of the SARB and the South African Mint that South Africans were consulted to this extent in developing coin themes and designs. I am told that, during the engagement with young South Africans, "our constitutional rights" came up several times, which made this the overarching theme that we decided to depict on the coins.”

These perspectives, he said, were brought to life by some of the country’s most talented young artists who not only poured passion into the project but also captured the essence of the theme.

“One of the main functions of the SARB is to ensure there is a sufficient supply of high-quality banknotes and coins. This is the one function of the SARB that puts it in the pockets and wallets of all South Africans. It is only fitting that the money we use reflects the identity of our country,” Kganyago said.

“It is also the responsibility of the SARB to ensure the integrity of the banknotes and coins in circulation.”

He emphasised that the central bank had to ensure that banknotes and coins remained a secure method of payment, a unit of account, and a store of wealth.

“A banknote is but a piece of paper, and a coin is but a piece of metal. Both derive their worth from the trust that the citizens of a country have in the country’s currency. The confidence that South Africans have in their banknotes and coins is based on trust that the banknotes and coins are authentic, and trust in the institution that issues them,” he said.

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A South African entrepreneur has designed a unique beach bat that is now selling in Europe, Australia and the United States of America.
After launching a successful business venture as one of the partners in retail chain Absolute Pets, avid sailor and sportsman Richard Goldstein applied himself to making the best beach bats available.

He had been making beach bats for his friends, and after three months of experimenting he settled upon a workable design. He produced his first run of 36 bat sets during the start of summer 2016. They sold out in a few hours after they were advertised on a social media post.

And so the Boomer brand was born, which Goldstein believes is the world's finest beach bat.

Boomer beach bats sell in Australia, France, Germany, the United States and United Kingdom. In South Africa, you can get a set for R875.

Goldstein believes the success of the product is because the Boomer makes you a better beach bat player. The design blends sustainably sourced woods of different strengths, which combine to create the required flex and power properties in the bat. It is the same principle applied to multi-layered wooden skateboard decks.

Production and packaging are all proudly local, with machining done in Woodstock. Sanding and varnishing are applied in Mitchells Plain, while Goldstein handles the lamination himself – as it remains a crucial part of the Boomer bats quality.

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Edward Mothibi has won the 2019 Comrades Marathon in just his second attempt at the ultra distance race.
Mothibi, who finished in fourth place in 2018, came home in 5:31:33 ahead of last year's winner Bongmusa Mthembu.

World 100-km record holder Nao Kazami finished in third place in his first ever Comrades.

South Africa's Gerda Steyn won the 2019 Comrades Marathon, smashing the "up-run" record in the process.

Steyn stopped the clock in 5:58:53, over 10 minutes faster than the 6:09:23 of Elena Nurgalieva in 2006.

Alexandra Morozova from Russia finished second in a time of 6:17:40 and Ireland's Caitriona Jennings third in 6:24:12.

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South African-born Tayler Scott made history over the weekend when he made his debut for the Seattle Mariners in Major League Baseball (MLB).
Scott became the first South African pitcher to appear in an MLB game and the second South African to feature in the prestigious American league after Gift Ngoepe.

In 2017, Ngoepe became the first South African to play an MLB game when he featured in 41 games for the Pirates, before being traded to the Blue Jays in the 2017/18 season. He is currently playing in the minor leagues with the Philadelphia Phillies.

Scott, who moved to Arizona as a teenager, made his debut on Saturday, 8 June 2019, as the Mariners took on the Los Angeles Angels at Angel Stadium.

The 27-year-old Johannesburg native made his debut relieving team-mate Yusei Kikuchi during the fourth innings. He allowed four hits, three runs with a walk and four strikeouts in 2.2 innings.

The Mariners, who are currently at the bottom of the American League East standings, lost 12-3 to the Angels.

Scott signed with Seattle as a Minor League free agent in December and was called up after All-Star outfielder Mitch Haniger was placed on the 10-day injured list.

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“Mr President,

“I would like to thank the Operations Director, Ms Reena Ghelani of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), and the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Mr. Peter Maurer, for their insightful briefings.

“South Africa co-sponsored and supported the adoption of the Resolution on Missing Persons in Armed Conflict (Res/2474).

“Let me commence by welcoming the convening of the Council meeting on this matter, which for the first time, is a stand-alone item, giving it the due attention it solely deserves. We would like to thank you H.E Deputy Prime Minister and the Kuwait presidency for efforts in focussing attention on this crucial matter. Kuwait has had the unfortunate misfortune of having first-hand experience of the devastating impact and trauma of missing persons in conflict situations and many other countries around the world.

“While South Africa acknowledges the important role that this Council can play with regard to addressing this phenomenon, especially relating to addressing the root causes of armed conflict, which gives rise to missing persons, we would like to emphasise that the primary responsibility resides with states themselves, to ensure that the people within their respective borders are accounted for and protected, registers of prisoners of war are well kept, graves of those who died are preserved and properly marked. Modern technology can assist us to accurately identify the mortal remains.

“We take this opportunity to welcome the positive role played by the International Committee for the Red Cross to assist national actors, where needed, to locate missing persons and to provide support for related matters in addressing this concerning phenomenon, including in communicating with families of missing persons where possible.

“We are deeply concerned by the rise of incidents of missing persons in armed conflict. The impact of this problem extends beyond the victims themselves and has a lasting and prolonged impact on the affected families and communities. We have to also take cognisance that, in situations of armed conflict and in the context of missing persons, the most vulnerable, particularly women, children, the elderly and disabled are most affected. The uncertainty around missing persons is deeply traumatic and requires due attention by national authorities, regional mechanisms and the broader international community.

“Mr President,

“South Africa believes that international cooperation on this matter is indispensable, especially in terms of technical developments and cooperation, which may assist in locating missing persons.

“Drawing from our own experience, South Africa would like to underscore the important role of truth, justice and accountability for consolidating peace gains, reconciliation and sustainable peace. In light of this, we would like to highlight the importance of addressing the repatriation of the mortal remains back to their country of origin. In this way, it assists with the process of healing and finding closure for the affected families and communities.

“We believe that as a matter related to the protection of civilians, the issue of missing persons suffers from the same problems relating to the lack of implementation of International Humanitarian Law. At this juncture, we wish to highlight the prominence of the respective provisions of the Geneva Convention of 1949 in guiding the responsibilities of States and parties during armed conflict. In this regard, we would like to emphasise the importance of accountability mechanisms, which focus on building national and regional capacity.

“I thank you.”


“Mr President,

“South Africa thanks Secretary-General for his report on the implementation of the Resolution 2420 on the arms embargo. We thank the United Kingdom as a penholder for facilitating this process.

“My delegation remains deeply concerned that the current military operations in Libya are reportedly being reinforced by the transfer of arms into the country, including by sea and land.

“We are further concerned by the suspension of Operation Sophia’s naval assets which were crucial to the implementation of the arms embargo resolution at high seas.  Furthermore we encourage regional cooperation in the implementation of the arms embargo resolution.

“Mr President,

"It is two months since the crisis started in Libya without any respect for this Council’s calls for a ceasefire by all parties to the conflict. The worsening security and humanitarian situation in Tripoli is fuelled by the constant supply of arms.  South Africa reiterates that there is no military solution to Libya. It is through a National Dialogue process that the conflict can be resolved as such we encourage compromise, cooperation and a spirit of reconciliation by all the parties in Libya.

“Mr President,

"We strongly urge member states to fully implement the arms embargo measures, which are of immediate importance to the protection of civilians and the restoration of security and stability in Libya and the region.

"Lastly, South Africa wishes to reiterate that sanctions are a tool to advance a political process or facilitate a change in the political process and should not affect the provision of humanitarian assistance. We therefore support the adoption of Resolution 2473 and hope that all member states will adhere to its implementation.”


“Mr President,

“South Africa would like to thank the briefers for their informative statements.

“South Africa welcomes the work of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), with support from the UN Kosovo Team and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Zahir Tanin, as well as the Secretary-General, whose efforts are playing a significant role towards creating an environment conducive to compromise, reconciliation and stability in Kosovo, as outlined in the latest report of the Secretary-General of 14 May 2019.

“We wish to reiterate that the presence of the UN in Kosovo is critical towards reaching a peaceful and sustainable solution and in encouraging cooperation between all parties and stakeholders.

“In this regard, we wish to express regret and concern about the developments in northern Kosovo last week, which included the detention of two UN staff members by Kosovo Police during the course of their duties. We wish both staff members a speedy recovery as they are being treated for their injuries. We reiterate the importance of all UN personnel across the world who must be able to do their work in a safe environment, and in accordance with international law.

“South Africa encourages Belgrade and Pristina to continue their efforts towards normalising relations, despite the challenges faced in finding a sustainable, peaceful, political solution.  We wish to reiterate the importance of the resumption of peace talks between the parties, in the spirit of cooperation and compromise, under the auspices of the European Union.

“Mr President,

“Allow me to make three brief points regarding the peace process in Kosovo in view of the challenges that remain for the resumption of talks between the parties.

“Firstly, the escalated tensions between the parties and their differences regarding the conditionalities for the resumption of dialogue risk undermining any meaningful prospects for a successful dialogue and reconciliation.  These factors also deepen the divide and exacerbate feelings of mistrust regarding political will to engage in good faith. In this regard, we urge all parties to refrain from actions that further delay the peace process, and to allow for the normalisation of relations between them.

“Secondly, South Africa wishes to echo the sentiments of the Secretary-General in his report, regarding continued engagement with all stakeholders such as the relevant authorities, civil society, and bilateral and international partners. The peace process should not only be led by the political leaders, but it should be informed by the local communities in Serbia and Kosovo, as both parties represent a diverse people in language, culture, heritage and history. This will play an important role to ensure active support for peacebuilding and inter-community trust-building efforts in Kosovo.
“Mr President,

“This brings me to my third and final point. The conflict between the parties has a significant impact on women and youth. We join the Secretary-General, in welcoming the effort by the UN in close cooperation with the European Union in Pristina to emphasise the involvement of women across all levels of political and decision-making processes during the Global Open Day on Women, Peace and Security. As indicated by Ulrika Richardson, UN Development Coordinator for Kosovo, 'Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right; it is also a necessary foundation for a just and peaceful world.'

“It is also our considered view that responses to address sexual-violence in conflict situations must include survivors in order for them to share their experiences and possible solutions. In this respect, we welcome the active involvement of survivors of conflict-related sexual violence in finding solutions towards addressing their legal, social and institutional challenges as reflected in the Pristina Communiqué.

“We also welcome the role of young people whose efforts illustrate the importance of an inclusive peace process. The third annual Kosovo Youth Assembly, in collaboration with the UN team in Kosovo, identified ways of empowering youth leadership across Kosovo and these much-needed initiatives can contribute to long-term solutions for peace for all.

“Mr President,

“In conclusion, we hope that the spirit of compromise will be the foundation for negotiations towards an inclusive, fair political settlement that is acceptable to both sides.”

 “Good Afternoon

“1. The Representatives of the three African members of the Security Council (A3), along with the representative of the African Union would like to relay the following message regarding the unfolding situation in Sudan.

“2. First and foremost, we would like to align ourselves with the subsequent communiqués and decisions made by the African Union institutions, including the Peace and Security Council, regarding the unfolding crisis in Sudan.

“3. As you already know, the AUPSC held an emergency session today, 6 June 2019, on the situation in the Republic of Sudan. The session concluded by the adoption of a communiqué through which the AUPSC decided notably to apply the Lomé Declaration and suspend, with an immediate effect, the participation of the Republic of Sudan in all AU activities until the establishment of a civilian-led Transitional Authority, as the only way to allow the Sudan to exit from the current crisis.

“4. We strongly condemn and lament the tragic and unjustified loss of life and remind the transitional authorities in Sudan of its obligation to protect civilians and respect their fundamental rights.

“5. We insist on the need for an investigation that will clarify the regrettable events that took place on the 3rd of June in Sudan with the view of bringing those responsible for the killing of innocent Sudanese to justice.

“6. We urge the Transitional Military Council to return to the internal dialogue will the aim of responding swiftly and effectively to the legitimate aspirations of the Sudanese people.

“7. We call on the TMC to return to the framework established by the African Union and underline the primacy of African-led initiatives in search for a lasting solution to the crisis in Sudan. In its communiqué adopted today, the AUPSC called for the immediate resumption of negotiations, without pre-conditions, between all Sudanese stakeholders towards the establishment of a civilian-led Transitional Authority. In this vein, the PSC decided to strengthen the AU Facilitation Team in Sudan and to liaise closely with the IGAD to enhance synergy and coherence in bringing together the Sudanese stakeholders back to dialogue.

“8. In this regard, we would like to underline the primacy of African-led initiatives in the search for a lasting solution to the crisis in Sudan and invite our Council partners as well as all partners to support AU and IGAD efforts and refrain from any action that could undermine African-led initiatives. There should be no external interference by whomsoever in the process of resolving the current crisis.

“9. The AU will continue to closely monitor the situation. Should the Transition Military Council fail to hand-over power to a civilian-led Transitional Authority, the PSC will automatically impose punitive measures on individuals and entities obstructing the establishment of the civilian-led Transitional Authority.

“10. The A3 plans on following up with the leadership shown by the African Union within the Security Council on this critical matter.”
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