Issue 383 | 4 July 2019
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Nelson Mandela Month - 2019
Consular Awareness Programme
President Cyril Ramaphosa is undertaking a Working Visit to the Kingdom of Lesotho on Thursday, 4 July 2019, during which the President and Prime Minister Thomas Thabane will discuss bilateral, regional and continental issues, as well as international developments.
It is expected that President Ramaphosa will also pay a courtesy call on His Majesty, King Letsie III, and engage with civil-society groupings.

South Africa and Lesotho enjoy strong and cordial relations which are predicated on historical ties dating back to the struggle against colonialism and apartheid in South Africa, shared language and close geographical proximity.

The structured bilateral relations between the two countries are conducted through the Joint Bilateral Commission for Cooperation (JBCC) which was established in 2001, and is convened at a Ministerial Level. In this regard, the Working Visit takes place in the context of strengthening bilateral, political, social and trade relations between the two countries.

Bilateral cooperation between South Africa and Lesotho spans a wide range of areas, including, but not limited to, trade and investment, security, energy, transport, agriculture, tourism, water as well as environment.

President Ramaphosa, in his capacity as the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Facilitator to Lesotho, will receive an update on the progress of the reform process in the Kingdom of Lesotho with Prime Minister Thabane and relevant stakeholders.

President Ramaphosa was appointed the SADC Facilitator to Lesotho in September 2014 when he held the position of Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa.

After assuming the position of President of the Republic in 2018, President Ramaphosa appointed former Deputy Chief Justice Dikgang Moseneke to lead the SADC Facilitation Team to Lesotho.

President Ramaphosa is due to present a report on the facilitation process to the SADC Heads of State and Government in August 2019 in the United Republic of Tanzania where regional leaders will particularly assess progress in constitutional and security reforms in Lesotho.

The President will be accompanied by the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula; the Minister of State Security, Ayanda Dlodlo; and the Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Candith Mashego-Dlamini.
South Africa has learnt with deep regret about the tragic loss of life following an airstrike on a migrant centre in Tripoli, Libya, that killed dozens of people, mainly migrants.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has, on behalf of the Government and people of South Africa, extended the country’s deepest condolences to the Government and people of Libya, as well as to the families and governments of the migrants who so tragically lost their lives.

President Ramaphosa said the prayers and thoughts of the South African people were with the families who lost their loved ones in the attack.

President Ramamphosa also wished a speedy recovery to those who were injured during the attack. The President added that South Africa remained concerned at the dire security and humanitarian situation in Tripoli as a result of the protracted conflict.

South African believes that each of the parties must reduce the tensions and exercise restraint to prevent destruction and loss of life and the continued suffering of both civilians and migrants.

President Ramaphosa condemned the attack in the strongest possible terms and underscored the need for the international community to stand together and urge the warring parties in Libya to immediately cease all military operations, protect civilians and return to dialogue in terms of the United Nations-backed talks.

The President emphasised that it was only through a negotiated settlement that there could be lasting peace in Libya.

African migrants detained in Libya are innocent victims that are trapped in detention centres and, as such, are the responsibility of the Libyan people and must be protected.

President Ramaphosa underscored the fact that the attack took place on the eve of the African Union Summit to take place in Niger and must serve to encourage African leaders to assist Libyans resolve their challenges.
President Cyril Ramaphosa conducted a Working Visit to Japan from 28 to 29 June 2019, and attended the G20 Summit, his first international engagement since his inauguration in May 2019.
This was the first time Japan hosted the G20 Summit as well as the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting, the Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, and other ministerial meetings.

The Leaders’ Summit was held in the city of Osaka, while other meetings were hosted at eight different locations throughout Japan.

The G20 was established in 1999 to increase multilateral cooperation for the recovery of the global economy, bring stability to the global financial system, promote long-term sustainable growth and strengthen growth and global governance.

The 2019 Summit focussed on eight key themes spanning the global economy, trade and investment, innovation, environment and energy, employment, women’s empowerment, development and health.

These themes reflected, to a large degree, South Africa’s own national priorities, as set out in President Cyril Ramaphosa’s State of the Nation Address of Thursday, 20 June 2019.

South Africa’s participation in the summit arose from the country’s international relations policy, which is directed at creating a better South Africa and contributing to a better Africa and a better world.

Since 2010, South Africa has co-chaired the Development Working Group of the G20.

Through this platform, South Africa has been able to support the Japanese Presidency’s deliverable on human capital investment that brings together education and health.

Ahead of the summit, President Ramaphosa participated in the BRICS Leaders’ Meeting, chaired by Brazil.

The President also convened the standing trilateral meeting of African leaders in attendance at the G20 to exchange views with Egypt as Chair of the African Union and Senegal (New Partnership for Africa’s Development) on African priorities for the summit.

President Ramaphosa also joined the China-Africa Leaders Meeting in which South Africa, Egypt, Senegal and United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, participated.

The President also held a series of bilateral meetings with G20 leaders during the course of the summit and addressed a business roundtable engagement with Japanese business leaders.

The President was accompanied by the Ministers of Finance, Tito Mboweni; International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor; and Trade and Industry, Ebrahim Patel.

– Source:
G20 leaders have committed to make united efforts to address major global economic challenges.
The leaders made the commitment as they concluded the two-day summit in Osaka, Japan, on Saturday, 29 July 2019.

In a statement, the leaders said they would work together to foster global economic growth, while harnessing the power of technological innovation, in particular digitalisation, and its application for the benefit of all.

They also vowed to continue building on work done by previous presidencies.

“We will strive to create a virtuous cycle of growth by addressing inequalities and realise a society where all individuals can make use of their full potential,” they said.

They added that they were resolved to build a society capable of seizing opportunities, and tackling economic, social and environmental challenges, presented today and in the future, including those of demographic change.

“We will further lead efforts to foster development and address other global challenges to pave the way toward an inclusive and sustainable world, as envisioned in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” they said.

In the statement, the leaders acknowledged that global growth appeared to be stabilising, and was generally projected to pick up moderately later this year and into 2020.

“This recovery is supported by the continuation of accommodative financial conditions and stimulus measures taking effect in some countries. However, growth remains low and risks remain tilted to the downside. Most importantly, trade and geopolitical tensions have intensified. We will continue to address these risks, and stand ready to take further action,” they said.

The leaders reaffirmed their commitment to further strengthening the global financial safety net with a strong, quota-based, and adequately resourced International Monetary Fund at its centre.

“We support the progress made on work to follow up the Eminent Persons Group (EPG) proposals, including on country platforms, and efforts by the World Bank Group to enhance risk insurance in development finance. We welcome the work undertaken by the international organisations on capital flows. The OECD has completed its Code of Liberalisation of Capital Movements. We will continue our work on the EPG’s proposals, recognising their multi-year nature,” they said in the statement.

– Source:
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, will attend the 35th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union (AU), taking place in Niamey, Niger, from 4 to 5 July 2019.
The Executive Council, which will be chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Sameh Shoukry, will, among others, prepare for the 12th Extraordinary Session of the Assembly of Head of State and Government and the Inauguration of the Mid-Year Coordination Meeting of the AU and Regional Economic Committees, which will take place on 8 July 2019 in Niger.
Other items on the agenda of the Executive Council Meeting include consideration of the 2020 budget of the AU, the new structure of the commission, legal instruments for adoption and proposals of the AU theme for 2020.

The meeting will also consider the reports of the various committees of the Executive Council set up to follow up on specific issues, such as Agenda 2063, candidatures to the international system, challenges with regard to the ratification/accession and implementation of the Organisation of African Unity/AU treaties as well as the report of the Ministerial Committee on the International Criminal Court.

Minister Pandor will also support the President of the Republic of South Africa, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa, during the 12th Extraordinary Session of the Assembly of Head of State and Government and the Inauguration of the Mid-Year Coordination Meeting of the AU and Regional Economic Committees.
Government urges all South Africans to play their part during #MandelaMonth through partnerships for effective, sustainable, collaborative interventions in five key focus areas: Education and Literacy; Food and Nutrition; Shelter; Sanitation; and Active Citizenship.
This #MandelaMonth is particularly symbolic as it coincides with the 25 Years of Democracy, acting GCIS Director-General, Phumla Williams, said: “Madiba has made an indelible mark on our society, having overseen the transition from apartheid to a society built on the pillars of democracy and freedom.

“July is a heightened month of awareness but the practice and principles of Madiba should be emulated on a daily basis. Let us embrace the opportunity to celebrate Nelson Mandela’s legacy, as it gives everyone the opportunity to make an imprint and change the lives of others.”

During Mandela Month, government leaders are expected to engage in a number of activities aimed at inspiring change. “Likewise, government encourages all South Africans and people from all nations to heed the call of the Mandela Day Campaign and take responsibility for transforming our societies,” added Williams.

Anybody can get involved by logging onto the, which provides access to the Mandela Day Global Network, the needs database and other tools.

“Let us take action, inspire change, make everyday a Mandela Day, and in doing so, change and create a better tomorrow. Positive change was the gift left to each individual by Nelson Mandela, but it can only become a living legacy if we play our part,” said Williams.
The delivery of life-saving blood has been taken to new heights by the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) with the launch a new drone blood delivery service.
Launched in May, the Tron Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) drone features a wing design suited for maximum efficiency and allows for long travel time with minimal power usage.

The drone has a range cover of over 100 km and can travel up to 180k m/h but can also travel as slowly as 60 km/h if necessary, the SANBS said.

The drone is a highly specialised aircraft that will be used to transport blood from blood banks to hospitals.

Just like a helicopter, the Tron is capable of vertically taking off and landing. Once in flight, it switches into a highly efficient aircraft.

In an emergency, the blood can be delivered to hospitals much faster and more efficiently.

According to the blood service, the Tron aerial vehicle will be a South African first, complementing the existing logistics infrastructure. It will continue to cement the non-profit organisation’s place as a thought leader and a cornerstone of the healthcare system in South Africa through the gift of life.

“We believe that this is an innovative step in the history of blood transfusion. SANBS is determined to improve rapid access to life-saving blood products in rural areas through the use of drone technology,” said SANBS CEO, Jonathan Louw.

By using the drone, a two-way service will be provided to patients.

“Patients can receive emergency "O negative" blood from one of our blood banks via drone. The same drone can then take that patient’s blood sample to the blood bank for comprehensive cross-matching and then safely and rapidly deliver compatible blood back to the patient,” said Louw.

The Tron’s cargo compartment is able to securely accommodate even the most fragile payload, up to 2 kg and actively cool it.

The Tron will fly at an altitude of 100 m to hospitals as far away as 100 km, delivering up to four units of life-saving blood.

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Cape Town has been chosen as Africa's host of the global CannaTech Summit, which has also had stops in Davos, Hong Kong, Sydney, Davos, Panama and Tel Aviv.
The renowned CannaTech Summit will take place for the first time on the African continent, in South Africa, from 24 to 26 November, organisers have announced.

The announcement of the summit, to be held at the Lookout at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town, comes as the global medical cannabis market continues to expand and increasing numbers of countries around the globe legalise its use.

With estimates that the cannabis and associated products market could be worth R27 billion by 2023, this potential has led to a boom in regional cannabis interest and investment.

“The global interest in Africa’s cannabis market and South Africa’s recent legislative acceptance of cannabis makes Cape Town the perfect destination for CannaTech,” said Saul Kaye, founder and CEO of iCAN:Israel-Cannabis.

CannaTech Cape Town will bring together industry leaders from across the African continent and the world, many known for their significant and ground-breaking contributions.

“Following South Africa, several African countries, including Swaziland, Malawi and Zimbabwe, are examining legalising cannabis cultivation for medical or industrial applications,” Kaye said.

“We are thrilled to bring some of the world’s leading companies and investors to Cape Town to meet with their counterparts to discuss a range of business and technological issues and work with like-minded professionals who understand the immense global health and business potential of medical and recreational cannabis moving forward.

“As someone born in South Africa, I am especially looking forward to establishing ties throughout the entire continental cannabis eco-system,” said Kaye.

.– Source: African News Agency
Cape Town has the most animal and plant species in the world, according to the City Nature Challenge.
The Mother City has at least 1 500 species more than its nearest competitor, La Paz in Bolivia.

But the region’s diversity is under threat: a recent study found that the Cape has the second-highest plant extinction rate after Hawaii.

In its first year in the City Nature Challenge, Cape Town has hammered its competition and leads the world rankings as the most biologically diverse city on Earth.

The challenge, which began in the United States (US) in 2016, is an international effort to get citizens to record plant and animal species, and to see which city can make the most observations and record the most creatures. It started out as a battle between San Francisco and Los Angeles, but went global in 2018.

In 2019, Cape Town won by a long margin. “We did not just win the challenge,” says Tony Rebelo, a senior scientist at the South African National Biodiversity Institute (Sanbi). “We totally outperformed all other cities when it came to species.”

The city had 53 763 observations by 1 141 people and recorded 4 588 different species. Its closest competition, La Paz in Bolivia, saw 46 931 observations and 3 006 species recorded – even though it had more people trying to observe species at 1 500. San Diego County in the US came in third place with 38 241 observations of 3 019 species.

The Cape is home to the smallest of the planet’s six floral kingdoms, and the Cape Floral Kingdom has a high number of unique species found nowhere else on Earth

.– Source: Business Insider South Africa
South African Tourism (SA Tourism) says South Africans have showed enthusiasm for travelling internally during the first four months of 2019.
The period from January to April 2019 showed exceptional growth on the domestic tourism front when compared to the same period last year.

Domestic holiday trips rose by 59.7% – a staggering achievement highlighting one of SA Tourism’s objectives of making local travel accessible to all.

“SA Tourism has been focussing on marketing campaigns that entice South Africans to travel their country.

“We are noting the impact of our marketing efforts. In Q1 (January to March) 2019, 18.4% of South Africans mentioned not having a reason to travel, an improvement from 20.5% in 2018,” said acting CEO, Sthembiso Dlamini.

Overall, total domestic trips grew by 11% during January to April 2019, a healthy indication of the growing strength of the domestic tourism industry.

Despite a strong showing during April 2019, when growth was recorded from major international source markets like the United Kingdom (UK) and Germany, the cumulative four-month total reflects an overall decline of 1.3% when compared to the same period last year.

North America and Asia were the only regions to show positive growth during this period.

“We have analysed the current international travel environment and are putting measures in place to support the growth of the local tourism industry.

“We are working closely with the private sector to show confidence to the world that South Africa is indeed a memorable destination worth travelling to and visiting,” Dlamini said.

The following seven markets have been identified as key focus areas for the year ahead:
  • United States of America
  • UK
  • Germany
  • India
  • China
  • Australia
  • Nigeria.
“While the South African tourism industry showed slight growth at the end of 2018, we are still working towards achieving our targets set in our 5-in-5 strategy which aims to have a further four million international tourist arrivals and a further one million domestic holiday trips by 2021.

“In addition to this, we have heeded the call by President Cyril Ramaphosa to further boost international arrivals by doubling the amount of arrivals to 21 million by 2030,” Dlamini said.

The outlook for rest of the year does look positive with forecasts for most regions showing reasonable growth in line with expected travelling patterns.

“South Africa remains a destination with lots to offer across all nine provinces and we are determined to show to the world the beauty that comes with South Africa along with its value for money offerings,” said Dlamini.

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Google has confirmed that it will build a new undersea cable from Portugal to South Africa. The cable will have 20 times more network capacity than the latest undersea cable that links Europe with South Africa.
The project should be completed by 2021.

Google will build a new undersea cable from Portugal to South Africa, which promises to bring superfast Internet to local shores.

The new cable will use state-of-the-art infrastructure based on space-division multiplexing (SDM) technology. SDM transmits information along parallel channels.

This will deliver approximately 20 times more network capacity than the last cable built to South Africa, Google said in a statement.

“(It) will be the first subsea cable to incorporate optical switching at the fiber-pair level, rather than the traditional approach of wavelength-level switching.”

This greatly simplifies the allocation of cable capacity, giving Google the flexibility to add and reallocate it in different locations as needed.

The new cable, which will be fully funded by Google, is expected to be operational in South Africa by 2021.

A contract to build the cable was signed with Alcatel Submarine Networks at the end of last year.

South Africa has access to various undersea cables. Along the eastern Africa coastline, there are the Seacom cable, built in 2009, and the SAT-3/SAFE (South Africa Far East cable), which is older. The WACS (West Africa Cable System), supported by MTN, was completed in 2012.

Recently, the Wall Street Journal reported on Facebook’s plans to build an underwater data cable that would encircle Africa. The group wants to lower data costs and hopes to sign up more users in the process. The project is apparently named Simba, after The Lion King.

Google’s new cable will be called “Equiano”, named for Olaudah Equiano, a Nigerian-born writer and abolitionist who was enslaved as a boy,

In the second phase of the project, the cable will be extended to Nigeria. Google says it is “looking forward to working with licensed partners to bring Equiano’s capacity to even more countries across the African continent”.

While Google has only funded two other undersea cables, it has partnered with others on more than a dozen projects.

.– Source: Business Insider South Africa
The countdown for the 2019 World's 50 Best Restaurant Awards took place in Singapore on 25 June and one South African restaurant made the list!
The Test Kitchen in Cape Town was named number 44, after being named number 50 last year.

The judging panel in each country is made up of food writers and critics, chefs, restaurateurs and gourmands. Find all the winners on the World's 50 Best Restaurant website.
A South African choir from Limpopo had the audience on their feet after their performance on "America's Got Talent".
The Ndlovu Youth Choir who hails from a small town in the province has been performing together for 10 years.

For many of the kids, this was their first time travelling to the United States.

Choir director Ralf Schmitt shared that the kids came from one of the most impoverished communities and managed to uplift themselves.

"To see them standing on the stage of America's Got Talent tonight, you can't help but burst with pride," he said.

The choir delivered a soul-stirring rendition of Vicky Sampson's song, African Dream.

Simon Cowell, Howie Mandel, Gabrielle Union and Julianne Hough had high praise for the choir.

"We've always been waiting for a choir like this, something we've never heard before. Your energy was literally bouncing off to me right there, it was great. You, I'm going to remember," said Simon.

The Ndlovu Choir got four yeses from the judges which means they move on to the next round.

The group is no stranger to viral fame; in 2018, their rendition of Ed Sheeran's, Shape of You with Wouter Kellerman got over two million views on YouTube.99.

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Rich, one of Durban's popular clubs has been ranked as one of the finest clubs in the world by the curated global network The World’s Finest Clubs.
Re-launched last year, Durban’s first champagne and cigar lounge, Rich Durban has been ranked as one of the finest clubs in the world, in a list curated by The World’s Finest Clubs.

The World’s Finest Clubs lists the most exciting and exclusive club venues in the world.

The venues are hand-selected and awarded with the prestigious World’s Finest Clubs Award in recognition of providing world-class nightlife experience, cuisine, service and venue design.

Rich Durban joins two other top clubs in South Africa, Taboo in Sandton, Johannesburg, and Jade Lounge in Green Point, Cape Town.

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With one of his first-ever TV commercials, Nare Mokgotho has won gold at the 20th Shots Young Director Awards, held annually during the Cannes Lions Festival.
Nare won gold in the Commercial Category for the Showmax Zero Bucks Given ad. He went on to win a second gold, this time in the Online Branded Film Category for his Wreaths ad for the South African International Film Festival.

The Showmax Zero Bucks Given ad was a comedic take on an office worker who decided he just didn’t care about work anymore and only wanted to watch TV shows.

Speaking about the ad, Nara said: "I was quite fortunate to work on Showmax’s Zero Bucks Given Campaign, which is in my wheelhouse: strong, simple concept infused with subtle, mischievous humour. I’d like to thank Showmax and the creative team there for really trusting me with the brand and also entrusting the scripts to me."

Nara is a practising visual artist who has exhibited both locally and internationally, and whose honours include nominations for the Vera List Prize for Art and Politics, the MTN New Contemporaries and the Sasol New Signatures. He joined Massif, the production company behind the winning Showmax ad, in 2017. Speaking about the award, Massif co-founder Peter Carr said: "Winning two gold awards at the YDA in Cannes for two different commercials in the same year is an incredible achievement, which is testimony both to Nare and to the depth of rising new talent that we have in South Africa."

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South Africa's first qualified female shipbuilder Candra Shanice Pedro hails from Bonteheuwel on the Cape Flats.
She began her apprenticeship in 2013, and after six years she recently qualified as a shipbuilder.

"Since high school, I have always been in a technical and engineering field," Pedro said.

She entered the field of shipbuilding after seeing an apprenticeship advert and going to an interview.

"Once they informed me what it was all about, I kind of fell in love with it."

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A 1972 VW Beetle will prove it has life in it when it embarks on a 14 500-km journey from Johannesburg to Romania for a good cause.
It is all part of an effort by Round Table Golden East 181 to raise funds and awareness for NGO the Boikanyo Foundation, which provides funding for life-saving heart surgeries for children in southern Africa.

The Beetle, better known as the Boikanyo Bug, will be departing from Jozi on 14 July to make it in time for the Round Table International World meeting in Romania on 24 August.

To date, the foundation has raised R13.4 million to fund more than 100 open-heart surgeries.

Over the course of its journey, the Boikanyo Bug will cross 12 countries, including Botswana, Zambia, Malawi and Turkey, before making its way to Romania.

While making its way through different countries, the Beetle will make several stops, spreading the word about the foundation as it tries to raise funds along the way.

Gareth Coats, Round Table Golden East 181's project convener, said the organisation was incredibly excited to start the Boikanyo Bug's journey in aid of a good cause.

"We are extremely passionate about this project and hope to touch the lives of many children through funding their heart surgeries and giving them a new lease on life. We have been involved with the Boikanyo Foundation for 13 years, and that team of doctors are doing amazing work," he said.

Coats added that there was a period when the number of surgery requests they were receiving was slim, but since entering in an arrangement with the Nelson Mandela Children's Hospital in November 2018, they were now receiving a minimum of one request per week.

The increase in requests for heart surgery funding saw a depreciation in financing and large-scale fundraising was then deemed necessary by the organisation.

"We have undertaken this project as a way for us to gatecrash an international meeting like that and try and attract large-scale international funding into the fund so that we can do more surgeries and get the funds to last a bit longer," Coats told News24.

He said by attending that meeting, they would get an opportunity to engage with more than 2 000 Round Table chapters from around the world and subsequently gain funds.

– Source: www.
It was a significant day for South African superstar Caster Semenya, and once again, she did what she does best: winning.
Semenya clocked the fastest 800 metres time by a woman on American soil in a time of one minute, 55.70 seconds on Sunday, 30 July 2019.

The South African was competing in the Diamond League for the first time since being cleared to run by the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland (SFT), as she awaits the outcome of an appeal in her case against the IAAF.

The double Olympic 800m champion is challenging the IAAF's decision to introduce restrictions on testosterone levels in women competing at distances ranging from 400m to a mile.

Semenya appealed to the SFT after the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) ruled that the IAAF could implement the regulations.

Semenya took the bell in 57 seconds and powered away from the pack for a dominant victory ahead of Ajee Wilson, with Raevyn Rogers third.

– Source: Independent Media
The Wimbledon tennis championships kicked off on 1 July 2019 a little more environmentally friendly than ever before … thanks to an anti-plastic campaign by South Africa’s Kevin Anderson.
Plastic bags for new racquets will no longer be used at Wimbledon. Hopefully other tournaments will follow suit.

Tennis players who need a replacement racquet will no longer be taking them out of those polythene wrapping bags, which means there will be 4 500 fewer plastic bags for the ball boys and girls to throw away at the famous tournament!

Wimbledon’s Chief Executive, Richard Lewis, said in a statement: “We believe that Wimbledon, along with other major events, has a vital role to play in helping to protect the environment, today and for the future.”

It was Kevin Anderson – last year’s men’s singles finalist – who led the call for all major tennis tournaments to forego the plastic packaging. Kevin, who wields influence as Vice-President of the ATP Player Council, was inspired after watching the Plastic Oceans documentary.

“It was an eye-opener for me … I’ve always been eco-conscious but these last few months I’ve just stepped up a little and when your eyes are open, there’s no going back,” he revealed.

Kevin said he believed with tennis being a global sport, it presented an opportunity to connect with many people. Plastic is “a very important issue and I think it’s one we can make a big difference in,” said the South Africa expat who now lives in the United States of America.

Wimbledon has already been on an anti-plastic mission – last year, none of its waste went to landfill, and plastic straws were banned, according to Reuters.

Sports journalists congratulated Kevin for highlighting the problem and Wimbledon for acting so quickly.

Kevin said: “Thank you @Wimbledon. A huge help in reducing our plastic use ahead of and during the fortnight.”

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Christiaan Bezuidenhout won the Andalucia Masters by six shots on Sunday, 30 July 2019, to claim a maiden European Tour victory.
The South African came into the final day at Real Club Valderrama with a five-shot lead and while he saw that trimmed to three at one point, a closing 71 saw him finish at 10-under and lift the trophy.

The victory also secures Bezuidenhout a major Championship debut at the Open Championship, with the 25-year-old, Frenchman Mike Lorenzo-Vera, and local favourite, Adri Arnaus, qualifying as the top three players in the top 10 not already exempt.

Bezuidenhout's victory completes a remarkable rise for a player who has had to overcome adversity since a young age.

According to the European Tour's official website, Bezuidenhout mistakenly drank rat poison at the age of two, an incident that led to him developing a stammer that caused him to suffer anxiety.

The beta blockers he took to combat his stammer led to him failing a doping test at the 2014 Amateur Championship and while his two-year ban was reduced to nine months after officials adjudged he had not been seeking to gain a competitive advantage, he missed out on representing his country at the Eisenhower Trophy.

Now, five years on from those dark days, he is a European Tour winner in his 57th appearance and moves into the top 10 of the Race to Dubai Rankings after also finishing second and third this season.

"I'm proud of myself hanging in there today," he said.

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Bafana Bafana continued their dominance over African neighbours Namibia after beating them 1-0 in an Africa Cup of Nations Group D match in Cairo on Friday night, 28 June 2019.
From a statistical point of view, it was a night to savour for Bafana, who have now won both their AFCON encounters against Namibia, the other being a 4-1 win in Burkina Faso in 1998.

It was South Africa's first AFCON win since January 2013 when they beat Angola 2-0 at home – it's also the first time since this game that they have kept a clean sheet in an AFCON game.

Bongani Zungu was South Africa's goal-scorer and he bagged his first goal at AFCON during his first game in the competition.

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