Issue 386 | 19 July 2019
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Nelson Mandela Month - 2019
Consular Awareness Programme
President Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed his heartfelt sadness at the passing in recent days of anti-apartheid cultural activists, performers and National Order of Ikhamanga recipients, Mama Nomhle Nkonyeni and Jonathan “Johnny” Clegg.
“South Africa is a better place today due to the courage, resilience and irrepressible creativity of these two special icons from whom we are now taking our leave,” says President Ramaphosa.

Mama Nomhle Nkonyeni passed away on Wednesday, 10 July 2019, at the age of 77 and following a career of 55 years as an actor who performed ground-breaking anti-apartheid theatre and mastered roles on stage and screen nationally and internationally.

“Mama Nomhle’s charisma and courage made her an extraordinary artist and compatriot who committed herself to the liberation of all South Africans and the broadening of South Africa’s cultural richness. She overcame the barriers of race and gender imposed by apartheid, to become a cultural icon, who was duly honoured with the National Order of Ikhamanga,” says President Ramaphosa.

The President has offered his sincere condolences to the Nkonyeni family as well as friends and associates of the late actor across the African continent and other parts of the globe.

President Ramaphosa’s thoughts and prayers are also with the family and friends of Johnny Clegg, who passed away on Tuesday, 16 July 2019, in the presence of his family following an extended illness.

The award-winning singer, songwriter, anthropologist and academic was 66 years old.

“A beloved, inspirational and heroic voice has fallen silent and leaves all of us bereft of an exceptional compatriot and icon of social cohesion and non-racialism,” says President Ramaphosa.

The President has offered his condolences to Mr Clegg’s family, friends and followers, and the broad range of artists and organisations with whom he collaborated in South Africa and internationally during his performance career of four decades, in the course of which he sold more than five million albums.

“Johnny Clegg’s special relationship with Sipho Mchunu in Juluka, as well as with Dudu Zulu in Savuka, gave apartheid-era South Africa a window on the non-racial South Africa we were determined to achieve,” says the President.

“Johnny Clegg will always live on in our hearts and in our homes as we replay his stirring blend of cultural celebration and political resistance. We have lost a special patriot.”

In 2012, Mr Clegg became an Esteemed Member of the National Order of Ikhamanga – awarded in Silver – for his excellent contribution to and achievement in the field of bridging African traditional music with other music forms, promoting racial understanding among racially divided groups in South Africa under difficult apartheid conditions, working for a non-racial society and being an outstanding spokesperson for the release of political prisoners.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, had fruitful discussions on Monday, 15 July 2019, with the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea (ROK), Dr Kang Kyung-wha, who concluded a two-day Working Visit to South Africa as part of her tour of three African countries, including Ethiopia and Ghana.
While in South Africa, Minister Kang also participated in a ROK Regional Heads of Mission Conference. She also addressed the Korea-Africa Economic Forum, a public-private international economic forum, jointly hosted by the Korea-Africa Foundation and the South African Institute of International Affairs in Johannesburg.

The meeting between the two foreign ministers covered several bilateral and multilateral issues of mutual interest, among others, the status of bilateral relations between the two countries, trade and investment, technical cooperation, Korea-Africa trade and development cooperation and other international issues of importance.

The engagement took place against the background of the high-level, first meeting last year, on the margins of the G20 Summit in Argentina, between Presidents Cyril Ramaphosa and Moon Jae-in from the ROK.

South Africa and the ROK used the opportunity of Minister Kang’s visit to South Africa to take stock of the countries’ bilateral ties, spanning many areas of cooperation, including to discuss how trade and investment relations could be further strengthened, expanded and deepened. The ROK, as the 12th-largest global economy and South Africa’s fourth-largest trading partner in Asia, offers valuable lessons in terms of its rapid economic development since the end of the Korean War in the 1950s.

As far as the African continent is concerned, the two ministers exchanged views on partnerships and development initiatives within the framework of the Africa-Korea Forum, as well as discussed the vast economic opportunities that the African Continental Free Trade .Agreement present to industrialised countries such as the ROK. Being already the ROK’s largest trading partner in Africa, South Africa is ideally positioned to serve as a regional hub from which Korean companies could further venture, economically, into the continent.

Ministers Pandor and Kang also discussed enhanced bilateral cooperation in the fields of skills development and education, cultural exchange, immigration and other sectoral fields, and agreed to co-chair the next Ministerial Meeting of the joint structured bilateral mechanism at the earliest, mutually convenient opportunity.

As far as multilateral issues of mutual interest are concerned, the two ministers, among others, briefed each other on regional developments of importance and exchanged views on several prominent global issues, including to continue to seek multilateral solutions to global challenges.

Minister Pandor further acknowledged the role that the ROK was playing internationally, including on the African continent through its contributions to peacekeeping efforts in South Sudan; and in terms of the ROK’s successful admission last year as the Indian Ocean Rim Association’s (IORA) ninth Dialogue Partner (at the 18th IORA Council of Ministers’ Meeting held in Durban on 2 November 2018). Minister Pandor expressed South Africa’s confidence that the ROK would play a pivotal role in advancing the objectives of IORA, as the apex body in the Indian Ocean region.
With the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA) expected to reshape the economy, South Africa still has a lot of homework to do to in finalising its tariff schedule related to the agreement, says Trade and Industry Minister, Ebrahim Patel.
The Minister’s comments followed on the12th Extraordinary Summit of the African Union (AU), which was held from 7 to 8 July 2019.

The AfCFTA was officially launched into its implementation phase at a Special AU Summit in Niamey, Niger, after 54 African countries signed the agreement and 27 countries ratified it.

Trading under the terms of the AfCFTA is intended to come into effect on 1 July 2020.

Minister Patel said the initiative would connect 1.2 billion people into a single bloc where products will be manufactured, bought and sold between countries, without any trade tariffs.

For South Africa’s current administration, a lot more work still needs to be done to finalise the detailed modalities and benefits of the AfCFTA.

“We will finalise a tariff schedule immediately listing all products covered by the AfCFTA and the rules of origin that set out what qualifies as a locally-manufactured article.”

Minister Patel said the agreement would change and reshape the South African economy.

“The agreement will fundamentally change and reshape the South African economy. Already, exports to other African countries support about 250 000 South African jobs and it is the fastest growing part of our manufactured exports,” said the Minister.

Minister Patel said over the period of the current administration, agreement on the following would be developed:
  • services that will be traded free of duties within the AfCFTA
  • investment protections for African companies operating in each other’s markets
  • competition policy on the continent
  • trade-related intellectual property rules.
Minister Patel said the coming into effect of the AfCFTA was a historic mission not without its own challenges.

“To realise the gains, we will need to address many challenges too, including a strong domestic and Africa-wide customs administration; systems to enable swift payments between countries; proper infrastructure connecting African countries with each other; and above all, getting the South African industry to be AfCFTA-ready through competitive-enhancing support,” he said.

Beyond the African continent, government will work to increase the volume and address the composition of exports to shift from simply selling raw materials to the rest of the world and importing finished goods.

“Over the next few weeks, we will be concentrating on finalising terms of an agreement between South Africa and the United Kingdom in case of a no-deal Brexit to protect South Africa exports and jobs. We will engage the United States (US) around AGOA (African Growth and Opportunity Act) and point to the mutually beneficial impact thereof,” said Minister Patel.

AGOA is a unilateral US trade preference programme that provides duty-free quota-free treatment for over 6 400 tariff lines from 40 AGOA-eligible sub-Sahara African countries, including South Africa into the US market.

In November 2015, then US President Barack Obama announced that the duty-free entry into the US of South Africa’s agricultural exports under AGOA would end if South Africa’s health restrictions on the import of US poultry, beef and pork were not lifted by 4 January. However, the deadline was extended to 15 March 2016.

AGOA was reauthorised in June 2015 for 10 years until 2025, with South Africa’s inclusion.

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Trade, Industry and Economic Development Minister, Ebrahim Patel, says government will over the next five years invest R40 billion to create an additional 400 black industrialists.


Minister Patel said this when he led a debate on the department’s Budget Vote on Thursday, 11 July 2019.

“To enhance the growth of black industrialists, we will combine the efforts of the department, the IDC (Industrial Development Corporation) and the NEF (National Empowerment Fund) into a seamless and coordinated programme.

“Over the next five years, we will support an additional 400 black industrialists projects with financial support of R40 billion, through identifying sustainable businesses and promoting both industrialists, new enterprise formation and worker involvement in the enterprises,” he said.

The Black Industrialists Scheme is the incentive programme of the Black Industrialists Policy, which aims to promote the participation of black industrialists as manufacturers in key sectors of the economy as identified in the Industrial Policy Action Plan.

In February, the department told Parliament that the approval of 131 projects of black entrepreneurs leveraged over R13.2 billion of private-sector investment, with about 9 500 new jobs created and 8 900 retained in a wide range of manufacturing sub-sectors.

SA to finalise agreement with United Kingdom (UK) in case of no-Brexit deal

With reports trickling in around the world of a possible no-Brexit deal, Minister Patel said over the next few weeks, government would concentrate on finalising terms of an agreement between South Africa and the UK in case no deal is reached to protect South African exports and jobs.

“We will engage the United States around AGOA (African Growth and Opportunity Act) and point to the mutually beneficial impact thereof,” Minister Patel said.

New programme in metal fabrication

In the steel industry, government will this year launch a support programme for new plant and equipment in metal fabrication.

He said the department was meeting investors on the development of foundries and steel mini-mills, including measures to enable beneficiation of scrap metal.

“We will make the R1.5-billion Steel Industry Competitiveness Fund more attractive and easier to use,” Minister Patel said.

Meanwhile, the clothing textiles and footwear sector has a support system in place that stabilised the industry over the past eight years and saved thousands of jobs.

“To promote local fashion and jobs in the industry, we will finalise an industry Master Plan, containing proposals dealing with the future of the incentive scheme, trade measures to address illegal imports and value-chain competitiveness. We start discussions with the industry during July to build consensus on a sector social pact,” said the Minister.

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Tourism Minister, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, says South Africa will look at creating an air transport link to India in a push to claim a bigger share of tourist arrivals from that region.
Participating in a debate on the department’s Budget Vote in Parliament on Wednesday, 10 July 2019, Minister Kubayi-Ngubane announced interventions aimed at bolstering tourist arrivals from Nigeria and China, countries that, according to Statistics South Africa, attracted 53 000 and 96 000 tourists in 2018 respectively.

The Minister said South Africa’s current share of these large outbound markets was low and that the department’s efforts would bolster international arrivals to South Africa from China to over 9% of South Africa’s total international tourist composition. She also eyed increasing tourist arrivals from India by over 7%.

“To achieve this, we will position South Africa as a China- and India-friendly tourism destination through relevant content-reviewed platforms and a comprehensive China and India readiness programme, developed in close partnership with the private sector. We plan to use technological platforms such as WeChat and Alipay for ease of access to the Chinese market.

“Establishing an air transport link between South Africa and India will receive our utmost attention. We will be engaging with various airlines to explore this possibility.”

In 2018, South Africa recorded a total arrivals figure of 7.8 million from within the African continent, which represents the largest percentage of international arrivals to South Africa.

The department will create and share first-hand information to promote South Africa so that it becomes a destination of choice for the African continent and the Diaspora.

“Initiatives will include partnering with online travel agencies, targeting the 'leisure' market, partnerships with South African product owners to drive affordable family packages and delegate boosting at exhibitions, association meetings and business chambers.”

Minister Kubayi-Ngubane said the European market remained an important market for South Africa’s tourism sector. She said visitors from Europe could easily get visas that allow them to stay for 90 days.

“The closeness of the time zone between South and European countries and our pleasant weather positions South Africa as a preferred destination for both business and leisure tourism for many Europeans. As for Americans, we have seen growth in the number of visitors and we expect the growth trend to continue.” 

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The KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government and Durban will be hosting the Africa Tourism Leadership Forum and Awards (ATLF and Awards) from 27 to 29 August 2019.
This is a continental platform for dialogue, networking, sharing insights and devising strategies for sustainable travel and tourism development.

It also focusses on the enhancement of Africa’s brand equity and promoting intra-Africa travel.

It is the only African leadership dialogue platform designed and convened by Africans and hosted in Africa to promote tourism as a priority sector and major economic development pillar in African states.

Among the priority areas of focus are:
  • how to stimulate intra-African travel through though leadership and progressive policies
  • how to boost the levels of intra-African travel through improved connectivity and investment in tourism infrastructure
  • how African hotel brands can enhance their brand equity in the global marketplace
  • how to unlock the economic value of the continent’s Meetings, Incentives Conferences and Exhibitions/Event (MICE) and/business events sector
  • how African countries can mobilise the private sector to harness the benefits of the multi-level Chinese outbound market
  • what insights can be drawn from the African best practice in leveraging wildlife and biodiversity as strategic tourism assets
  • how to create a truly Pan-African hotel brand and tourism industry
  • how the private and public sector can mainstream youth and women empowerment for the development of Africa’s travel and tourism industry.
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A group of 17 climbers have embarked on a journey to summit Africa’s highest peak to honour Nelson Mandela’s legacy.
The 2019 Trek4Mandela Expedition team received a warm send-off from OR Tambo International Airport on Saturday morning, 13 July 2019. South Africa rapper ProVerb led the proceedings, which were attended by Gauteng MEC for Education and Youth Development, Panyaza Lesufi. Learners from the Winnie Mandela High School sent the team off in song.

The team was expected to summit Mount Kilimanjaro on Thursday 18 July, Madiba’s birthday, to celebrate 10 years of Nelson Mandela International Day.

In a statement, the Nelson Mandela Foundation said: “The annual climb is a reminder of the gruelling obstacles that Africans face across the continent”.

The summit will mark the start of a new Mandela Day strategy by the foundation, titled Mandela Day: The Next Chapter, for the next decade. This strategy will look to develop a network that creates sustainable impact in response to global poverty.

In its eighth year, the Trek4Mandela expeditions bring together individuals from corporate and public backgrounds who summit Mount Kilimanjaro to raise funds for the Imbumba Foundation’s Caring4Girls Programme. The programme provides support and sanitary products for young African girls in need, with the aim of ensuring they do not miss classes due to menstruation.

The expedition was established by Imbumba Foundation’s Richard Mabaso and is led by renowned South African adventurer Sibusiso Vilane – the first black African to reach the South Pole, North Pole and the top of Mount Everest.

Vilane will be leading this expedition’s climbers which include TV personality Clement Maosa, self-published author and Miss Commonwealth 2016 finalist Aobakwe Mosime, and Rustenburg high school teacher Esther Massinga.

In 2016, racing driver Gugu Zulu died while on a Trek4Mandela expedition. Last year, his wife Letshego Zulu joined the team and planted 100 trees on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro in memory of the race car driver.

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The miraculous rescue of South Africa’s famous flamingos, which were left starving and dehydrated when Kamfers Dam in Kimberley in the Northern Cape dried up, was featured recently on CBS "This Morning in the USA".
Presenter Gayle King said: “Severe drought has cost South Africa an estimated half a billion dollars, and it’s forced an unprecedented rescue mission.

“Thousands of flamingos were forced to abandon their eggs and newborn chicks earlier this year because of the lack of water.”

King then crossed to South African TV journalist Debora Patta in London who had reported on the mission from South Africa.

The story is of particular interest to Americans as specialists from the Dallas Zoo in Texas travelled to South Africa to form part of the rescue team. The project was challenging; a “delicate science” was needed as the birds required hand-rearing … but the humans had to ensure the birds did not bond with them too much, or they wouldn’t have stood a chance being returned to the wild.

CBS also showed footage of the recent release of 500 birds who were fixed with trackers.

Letting go of the birds was emotional for everyone, including local veterinarian Donovan Smith who pointed out, if your children aren’t ready to leave you when they’re grown up, then you’ve failed as a parent.

It was a big day for Smith, successfully waving goodbye to, among others, a tiny chick he had rescued which had been so injured they had named him Zero.

The release has so far been extremely successful with one bird already tracked in Namibia, over 600 miles from Kamfers Dam.

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Sun International is celebrating another feather in its cap after the Sun City resort in the North West province received two awards in the annual World Travel Awards™ programme.
The resort scooped the awards for Africa’s Leading Resort and Africa’s Leading Casino Resort for 2019, trumping top destinations from across the African continent in these categories.

The World Travel Awards were established in 1993 to acknowledge, reward and celebrate excellence across all key sectors of the travel tourism and hospitality industry.

Today, it's recognised globally as the ultimate hallmark of quality, with winners setting the benchmark to which all others aspire.

Sun City’s Marketing Manager, Thapelo Modise, says: “We are honoured that Sun City has claimed awards in two categories in the regional World Travel Awards Programme. To still be recognised as among the best on the continent after 40 years is a source of tremendous pride."

"These awards show that we are indeed succeeding in creating the types of experiences that live long in the memories and hearts of our guests. It is, after all, the guest experience which is the key differentiator. We will continue to focus on ensuring that our guests’ experiences are always exceptional.”

It has been 40 years since Sun International’s legendary Sun City opened its doors, marking the start of a new era in leisure and entertainment for South Africa.

Over time, Sun City has evolved into one of the most all-encompassing entertainment and leisure destinations in the country.

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A new luxury game lodge in South Africa has been long-listed for an international design award. The lodge – Cheetah Plains – was designed by ARRCC with décor by OKHA in the Sabi Sand South Africa.
ARRCC, which has been selected to compete in the 2019 Dezeen Awards in the Hotel and Short Stay Category, is the only African firm to be long-listed for the awards.

“We are very proud that South African talent is celebrated on the international stage,” says Director, Jon Case.

Other architecture projects in the long-list include a house on the Great Wall of China, an art gallery built into a sand dune, a cyclone shelter in Bangladesh, and Europe’s first underwater restaurant (Høllen, Norway).

The project differs from usual lodges which have a communal space surrounded by bedroom suites. Instead, the accommodation is split into three separate, free-standing private components … with the buildings accommodating the natural surroundings so that there is minimal intrusion into the landscape.

It’s expected that over time, the “sculptural masses” will be further softened by nature.

Cheetah Plains shares its fenceless border with South Africa’s famous Kruger National Park and Mala Mala Game Reserve.

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The World’s Best Vineyard 2019 competition, held in London recently, has announced that the Vergelegen wine estate in Somerset West, in the Western Cape province of South Africa, is Africa’s top winery.
“We are absolutely delighted by this award,” said Vergelegen CEO, Don Tooth. “The Vergelegen team is committed to building South Africa’s reputation as a producer of world-class wines and this win is an acknowledgment of that passion.

“Tourism is a vital part of our economy, outperforming many key industries in job creation, so this is not only a proud moment for Vergelegen, but for the South African wine and tourism sectors overall.”

In the prestigious World’s Best Vineyard 2019 Competition, a voting panel from around the world analysed 1 500 wineries from 17 countries.

Vergelegen was named the best winery in Africa, and number 34 overall.

The top estate in the world was named as Zuccardi Valle de Uco in Argentina.

Vergelegen is renowned for its wine, food, exquisite gardens (including its rose garden with 80 different varieties of roses), historic buildings and sustainable biodiversity … but is sure to attract even more local and international visitors with this latest accolade.

The estate, which is an hour’s drive from Cape Town, currently welcomes about 100 000 visitors annually … half local, and half foreign tourists.

Vergelegen is three centuries old, but has enjoyed a renaissance since it was acquired by Anglo American in 1987 and opened to the public, with investment ensuring it is now a showpiece of the best of South Africa for all to enjoy.

“We have hosted world leaders and members of royal families from several countries, as well as members of the public from all continents,” said Tooth. “They have all been united by their passion for Vergelegen. With the World’s Best Vineyard Award, we look forward to introducing this renowned estate to many new fans.”

Thanks to an initiative at the estate, bontebok, one of the rarest species of antelope in the world, are now thriving at Vergelegen where nine newborn bontebok were welcomed earlier this year.

Vergelegen’s previous accolades include the International Best of Wine Tourism, Cape Winelands, awarded in 2016 for an unprecedented fifth time. The estate was also the first Biodiversity and Wine Initiative Champion in 2005.

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For the 18th year running, Cape Town has once again been named a winner in the Travel + Leisure World's Best Awards for 2019, taking the position of Top City in Africa and the Middle East.
Each year Travel + Leisure, a leading American travel magazine and website, showcases the best islands, cities, hotels, cruise lines, airports and tour operators in their World's Best Awards, as voted for by their readers.

In the category, World's Best City in Africa and the Middle East, Cape Town comes in ahead of other top tourist destinations in the region like Tel Aviv, Cairo and Marrakesh

“For 24 years, our readers have been voting in the Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards. This annual franchise is a global collection of the top hotels, islands, cities, cruise lines, airlines and more,” said editor-in-chief of Travel + Leisure, Jacqui Gifford.

“Brands and properties from all over the world – from Peru to Japan, India to Italy, and right here at home in the United States – are recognised by our audience because they deliver on exceptional experiences, rooted in a sense of place. I congratulate all of this year’s winners, who have worked so hard to be among the world’s best.”

Commenting on the awards, CEO of Cape Town Tourism, Enver Duminy, said: "Considering the difficulties we faced as the leading tourism destination recently, this award is fantastic news for the tourism industry.

"This underlies that the promise we make through our marketing is only as good as the authentic experiences that our industry passionately commits to and delivers all year round."

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The Gåte Restaurant at the Quoin Rock Wine Estate in Stellenbosch has received four accolades at the 2019 World Luxury Restaurant Awards. The World Luxury Restaurant Awards recognise achievement in the luxury restaurant industry as voted by guests, travellers and industry players.
Gåte was declared the 2019 Global Restaurant of the Year Overall Winner and well as the 2019 Haute Cuisine Global Winner. It also secured the 2019 Molecular Cuisine Global Winner honour, plus the 2019 World Luxury Restaurant Awards’ Best Head Chef - Global Winner accolade, which recognises sustained commitment to service excellence and outstanding achievement in the international restaurant industry. In addition, the Knorhoek Valley estate also scooped a win for 2019 Outstanding Architecture Continent Winner: Africa.

Head Chef Nicole Loubser’s artistry was honed at Jan Hendrik’s one-star Michelin restaurant in Nice and at Salzburg’s two-Michelin-star Ikarus. Loubser maximises her expertise in the farm’s unusually large kitchen. “It’s a lot of fun as it’s bigger than most in terms of space as well as equipment. Gåte is cutting-edge because we not only focus on molecular gastronomy, but also on fine dining. We aim to play with the senses of the guest. As such, it’s not just another wine farm but a high-end fine dining venue,” she says.

“We focus on getting local food and expensive items like truffles. We are setting up a greenhouse so we can be sustainable and have hydroponics in the kitchen for our own micro herbs and flowers,” she adds. Gåte’s new menu launches on 1 August 2019.

“We’ve picked 14 countries to embody a taste-driven odyssey, fusing their flavours with South African cuisine,” says Loubser. The 14-course menu may be enjoyed as a seven-course dinner or five-course lunch menu.

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On 16 July, one of the most luxurious trains in the world, the South African Rovos Rail, made the first-ever passenger train trip from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic. It is the second major journey across Africa that the private rail company has launched in its 30 years.
The train started off from Dar es Salaam in Tanzania before ending in Lobito, Angola, 15 days later. Along the way, guests paying upward of $12,820 per person sharing for the sumptuous travel, will visit the Selous Game Reserve, enjoy a two-night fly-in safari in South Luangwa National Park in Zamiba, and tour Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The return trip will commence on 2 August.

Rovos Rail is, at the same time, celebrating its 30th year in business. In 1989, Rohan Vos bought seven unused carriages from South African Railways, refurbished them, and then started running luxury trips between Pretoria and Victoria Falls and then to Cape Town. The company now employs about 440 people, and Vos remains deeply involved in the day-to-day running of the company; and one can even see him helping carry bags if necessary at the company’s renovated Hatfield station in Pretoria.

In 1995, Rovos started its most ambitious offering, a 15-day trip from Cape Town to Dar es Salaam. Now the company has eight different trips, and in 2016, the company bought Shongololo Express, another luxury train company that runs three 12- to 15-day long-distance trips through southern Africa.

Vos has kept building up the Rovos brand, refurbishing old carriages and engines. The company sells itself as the most luxurious train in the world, and many would agree. A recent Forbes article was titled “Nine Reasons Why Riding South Africa’s Rovos Rail is the Experience of a Lifetime.”

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Less than a year ago, the Bloodhound Land Speed Record was bankrupt, but the Bloodhound is back and headed to Hakskeen Pan in the Northern Cape for testing in which the team hopes to hit at least 800 kilometres per hour.
That will provide the data needed to shoot for the full planned 1 600 kilometres per hour, an event that could put the Northern Cape on the map with more than 1.5 billion people watching life.

In September, the Bloodhound – a car designed to ultimately hit a speed of 1 000 miles per hour (1 600 kph) – will be on a ship. By October, it is due to be at Hakskeen Pan outside Upington, deep in the Kalahari desert. There, it will fire up its military-grade jet engine and hit at least 800 kilometres per hour, and perhaps start approaching 1 000 kph, in tests designed mostly to test its braking.

The Bloodhound SSC aims to reach 1 000 mph, beating the land speed record of 763 mph. Engineers are in the process of preparing the vehicle for testing next month in Newquay.

The British-based Bloodhound team say they have already paid the deposit on accommodation for around a month in the South African desert, and are just finalising the paperwork needed to ship its equipment. It is "quite comfortable" that nothing stands in the way of testing in October.

That hugely increases the odds that the project may be able to meet its target of beating the current, 22-year-old land speed record of a hair under 1 228 kph – and put the Northern Cape on the map.

Based on preliminary research, the Bloodhound team believes its ultimate attempt to go 1 600 kilometres per hour in a land vehicle could draw a global live audience of 1.5 billion people.

Film crews are already trying to figure out how to use the huge and incredibly flat expanse of Hakskeen Pan for various projects after it becomes the site of a record-busting feat, Bloodhound says.

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In the suburbs of Brooklyn, along a busy main street, is a small casual take-away restaurant. Tucked between a dog hotel and a hairdresser, is Peri Peri Grill House – the South African inspired chicken shop that is taking on New York City, one crispy chicken wing at a time.
Owners Sohaib Malik and Ruschke Snell-Malik were blown away recently when their restaurant was listed in The New York Times newspaper and highlighted by writer Mahira Rivers as a Critic’s Pick restaurant. The high honour has delighted their loyal fans, as well as attracted attention from home and even further.

The NYT’s restaurant critic, Rivers, seemed entranced and delighted by the idea of flame-grilled chicken – something that Americans are not used to. They write, with a touch of awe “Chicken wings, for example, are flame-grilled, with the blackened bits to prove it, and slicked with peri peri sauce that hums with citrus and spice. But the smoke is what sticks with you.”

Rivers tasted many of the menu items, but it was the lamb chops that really stood out, “The generously thick chops are coated with a hybrid spice blend before they hit the grill ... Mr Malik doesn’t want to be pigeonholed into selling grilled lamb chops, but he could probably make a good living at it.”

Ruschke, a born South African, told Food24, “I clearly remember the first time I took Sohaib to Nando’s, his words were “Wow! How have I not tried this before?” Of course, being the visionary that he is, he saw something missing in the New York market, and knew that people would love this unique flavour over here.”

Peri-Peri Grill House is buzzing with hungry customers, who love the spicy flavours and the Halaal offering in a city that doesn’t often cater for Muslim diners.

“We set out on the mission to introduce New Yorkers to the unique spice blend that is peri peri, and reunite expats and travellers alike with the irresistible spice that they’ve already come to love.”

Nando’s restaurants and sauces are familiar to South African’s, and has earned plenty of success overseas too. With branches in the United Kingdom, Middle East, Asia and Mauritius, their tasty chicken meals have many famous fans, including Prince William.

Ruschke told us, “While Peri Peri Grill House was very much inspired by Nando’s, which we absolutely believe is such a great brand, we’re not trying to replicate them.” Rather, this seems to be a nostalgic and respectful homage to the flavours of home.

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If you have no idea where to start when visiting the massive Zeits MOCAA, just pull out your phone and go onto Instagram.
The contemporary art museum has launched a social media map – the first museum in the world to use such a format – of their seven-floored building in Cape Town's Silo District. The dynamic account provides an ever-changing map of what to see in the over 60 galleries, keeping up with the changing exhibits and help you discover new photo opportunities.

In the highlights section of the map, you can embark on a two-hour Insta tour, check out the guide to their most Instagrammable spots in the museum and find out what's available in the store.

You can either scan the QR code at the entrance or just go to the Instagram account directly on your phone.

The map was created in partnership with M&C Saatchi Abel as an innovative way to make the art more accessible and digestible.

"This Insta Map allows Zeitz MOCAA to connect with both their new and existing audiences, while also educating visitors on unfamiliar topics through a platform they are familiar with," says the museum in a statement.
The legacy of the iconic isicathamiya group Ladysmith Black Mambazo will live on in a new musical to hit the Soweto Theatre stage in September.
Mshengu the Musical is written by Sandile Ngidi and tells the life story of the group’s founding member, Professor Joseph Shabalala, and the journey of rising to international stardom with the five-time Grammy award-winning Black Mambazo.

The musical is directed by multi-talented actor and comedian Desmond Dube. Speaking at the launch at Joburg Theatre, Dube said it was important that “our stories are told by people who understand them”.

“We need to start documenting our own (stories). So, I couldn't be happier that Joburg City Theatre decided to embark on a project like this. It's time for South Africans to know that this is what they've been waiting for, this is what they wanted. Now their stories can be told by their own people.

“I recently saw an interview with Denzel Washington after he directed the movie Fences. He was asked why it was important for the film to be directed by a black person.

“He explained that it wasn't a matter of black or white, but rather about the culture. About having someone at the helm of the film who understands where these people come from.

“It’s important to understand the culture of where these people come from, the music and what inspired them to become who they are. That is what we want to achieve with this story,” Dube said. He added that he found the task of directing this production nerve-racking, simply because the group has come to mean so much to him.

“Of course I’m nervous. I’m shaking. You have no idea. Black Mambazo is turning 60 in the music industry next year. uBab’ Shabalala is older than 60. If I want to tell the story of a man and his music, I have taken 60 years worth of music and life and squeezed it into two hours. That is scary, but exciting at the same time,” he said.

Nomsa Mazwai, General Manager of the Soweto Theatre, said as they were custodians of the arts, the production was part of their aim to honour indigenous cultures and legends.

“This partnership with this phenomenal group fits perfectly with our vision of the arts and culture industries. Our cultures are rich in diversity and alive with possibilities."

Speaking on behalf of the group, Sibongiseni Shabalala, one of Joseph’s sons, said they were humbled by the efforts made to tell this story.

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Showtime Australia artist and Port Elizabeth-born international superstar, Belinda Davids, was thrilled to receive the International Special Recognition Award at the United Kingdom’s National Tribute Music Awards held in Droitwich recently.
Famed for her marquee role in the hit show The Greatest Love of All: A Tribute to Whitney Houston, which has been storming the world’s stages of late, Davids took home the accolade in acknowledgement of her “global contribution to tribute performing” and “ground-breaking influence on the music industry”.

After winning BBC TV's Even Better Than The Real Thing musical contest in 2017, Davids has been mesmerised by the UK audiences’ support for her and the world-class tribute show over the years.

South African-born Davids was ecstatic to receive such recognition in arguably one of the world’s most competitive entertainment markets.

“I feel honoured to have had my life’s work and my craft recognised, especially here in the UK. As an artist, there’s nothing more rewarding than knowing that you affect people, that you make a difference in people’s lives, in whatever way that is,” said Davids.

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The Proteas made history and progressed to the Netball World Cup Semi-Finals as they beat Uganda 67-40.
After their brilliant 55-52 win over Jamaica on Sunday, the Proteas kept their winning streak at the Netball World Cup, easily defeating Scotland 66-38 in Liverpool on Monday, 15 July 2019.

The Proteas final preliminary fixture against England on Thursday night, 18 July 2019, ended the streak when the team lost 58-47. England now faces New Zealand in the semi-finals.

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South Africa's Dylan Frittelli claimed the first PGA Tour title of his career with victory at the John Deere Classic on Sunday, 14 July 2019, to book his place at the Open Championship.
The 29-year-old from Johannesburg played immaculately over the final rounds to card a bogey-free seven-under-par 64, ensuring he will join the world's elite at Royal Portrush in Northern Ireland.

It will be only Frittelli's third appearance in the Open after playing in 2017 and 2018, where he failed to make the cut on both occasions.

However, Frittelli will head to the final major of 2019 in good heart after Sunday's win at TPC Deere Run in Silvis, Illinois.

The South African journeyman said the memory of victories on the European and Asian Tours, and the influence of a sports psychologist, had helped him make his PGA breakthrough.

"I just called on experience," Frittelli said. "Winning around the world, winning on The Challenge Tour as an amateur."

"My biggest help was my sports psychologist in San Diego who has helped me my whole career. I chatted to him and I was able to stay calm and worked well today."

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South African Daryl Impey won stage nine of the Tour de France on Sunday, 14 July 2019, leaving local fans to settle for Frenchman Julian Alaphilippe keeping hold of the yellow jersey on Bastille Day.
Mitchelton-Scott rider Impey, wearing his national champion jersey, was part of a mass breakaway that quickly opened a 10-minute gap and extended it throughout the race with the pack eventually trailing in 16 minutes adrift.

Defending champion Geraint Thomas and the other overall title contenders finished together in a low-key ending after allowing the 14-man break to open up an uncatchable lead on the 170-km run.

"That was a really tough race. I'm so happy to win on 14 July," said Impey.

The 2019 Tour Down Under winner and all-rounder won a Tour de France team time-trial back in 2013, and a few days later took the overall lead to become his nation's first yellow jersey holder.

"This is my greatest ever victory, just as good as wearing the yellow jersey, nothing can top this," he said. "It was a tough, solid day."

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South African golfer, Retief Goosen, won the Senior Players Championship at Firestone Country Club in Akron, Ohio, on Sunday, 14 July 2019.
According to, it was the 50-year-old's maiden PGA Tour Champions title.

The Senior Players is also one of the circuit’s five major tournaments.

Goosen, renowned for winning the US Open in 2001 and 2004, held the 36-hole lead but trailed by a stroke entering Sunday.

After finishing with back-to-back birdies on Sunday, he signed for a two-under 68 to finish six-under overall.

Americans Jay Haas (67) and Tim Petrovic (68) tied for second at four-under.

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Brad Binder is set to make the step up to MotoGP next season after signing a deal with Red Bull KTM Tech 3 for the 2020 season.
The South African clinched the 2016 Moto3 title for Red Bull KTM Ajo and has spent the last three years driving in Moto2 enjoying a best finish in the championship standings of third overall.

But next season, he will become the first South African to take the grid in the four-stroke era.

Binder says: "Right now, I’m super happy and definitely really excited to have signed my first MotoGP contract, it’s a dream come true.

"Things are really good at the moment. This year actually started off really tough – things didn’t go according to plan. But we’ve been working really hard and we’ve made a good step forward since the beginning of the year. We have some great momentum going into the rest of the season.

"This is my third season in Moto2 and I’ve gotten some good results so I’m ready to make the step up over to the Red Bull KTM Tech 3 Team for next season.

"For sure, it’s going be really difficult at the beginning especially, but it’s going to be incredible lining up on the grid with Valentino Rossi and a lot of my heroes. It’s an incredible feeling and I can’t wait for it to all start."
Siya Kolisi, Duane Vermeulen, Elton Jantjies, Malcolm Marx and a number of their Springbok team mates made a passionate appeal to South Africans to throw their considerable weight behind the men in green and gold as they get set to kick off the all-important 2019 international season.
Together with Rassie Erasmus, the Director of Rugby, they gave South African media an unforgettable experience at a special event in Pretoria to mark the launch of the Springboks’ #StrongerTogether Campaign.

“What the Springboks need to know is that their country is behind them, that their fellow South Africans are backing them – no matter which player is representing them on the rugby field,” said Erasmus.

“To know that your country has got your back is the only motivation to lift these players that they need – and that’s the major aim of the #StrongerTogether Campaign. As a team, we know when we that Together we are Stronger. And we know that as a country, South Africa is Stronger when it’s Together.

“Our job as players and management is to produce a winning Springbok team to lift our people and bring people Together. And with the sense that the country is at our backs, we can do it. This campaign is not just about a rugby team, it’s about a country.”

At the centre-piece of the campaign is a television commercial capturing the pride, effort and emotion that go into becoming a Springbok, but it is also mirrored by the pride and joy of ordinary South Africans in their country. It can be seen on the Springboks’ YouTube channel.

Kolisi, the Springbok captain, said: “This is not just a Springbok campaign – it is a South African campaign to galvanise the public not just behind their team but behind their country. It’s not just the Springboks who rise early, work hard, sweat and shed blood on the field."

The Springboks will play their Farewell Test – before departing for the Rugby World Cup against Japan – against Argentina at Loftus Versfeld in Pretoria on 17 August.

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