Issue 387 | 25 July 2019
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Nelson Mandela Month - 2019
Consular Awareness Programme
  The 25 Years of Democracy Conference centred on the themes of Governance and Leadership, Socio-Economic Transformation, and Citizenship and Identity.

President Cyril Ramaphosa on Tuesday, 23 July 2019, officially opened and addressed the 25 Years of Democracy Conference.

The Presidency, in partnership with the Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection, an independent research institution, and the University of Johannesburg, working in concert with other stakeholders hosted the 25 Years of Democracy Conference from 23 to 24 July 2019.

Participants from across academia, organised business and civil society offered insights on the consolidation of democracy and encouraging active citizenry, reflecting on the last quarter century since the fall of apartheid. The 25 Years of Democracy Conference also aimed to provide an in-depth reflective analysis and reporting guided by the following critical questions:

  • what lessons for governance, socio-economic transformation and nation-building can we learn from our recent past? 
  • what are some critical success factors and challenges for realising the democratic promise?
  • what will be the key drivers of change in the next 25 years of our democracy? 
  • where will South Africa be in another 25 years?

Addressing the official opening of the conference on Tuesday, President  Ramaphosa said while the conference offered an opportunity to take stock of achievements, it was also a platform to identify the challenges, opportunities and tasks of the present and the future.

“Research and academic institutions have a critical role to play in advising government [and] in providing the necessary data that informs our planning models.

“As I said in the State of the Nation Address a few weeks ago, this is a government that is not afraid of new ideas, and of new ways of thinking,” said the President.

Leveraging on collaborative intellectual efforts, the President highlighted that fundamental to the task of nation-building was the removal of race, gender and class as determinants of economic and social advancement.

“It is about substantially reducing inequality and creating a fairer, more just society,” said the President.

Reducing poverty and inequality and growing the economy are among the issues highlighted as ways to build on the country’s achievements and to better prepare for the next 25 years.

The President emphasised that the National Development Plan (NDP) remained government’s lodestar in moving the country forward.

“Attainment of the NDP’s Vision 2030 rests on having an educated, skilled and capable workforce.

“To produce more graduates in the critical skills needed by our economy, we have to work more closely with universities, TVET colleges and other educational institutions,” said the President.

The President punted the need for government to fast track the implementation of its policies.

“We have to reflect as government, particularly on whether our implementation model in its current iteration has effectively met our development needs.

“In attempting to do too much and not coordinating our actions within and between departments, we have been found wanting,” he said.



Deputy President Mabuza attended the launch at the invitation of the Acting Executive Director of UNAIDS, Gunilla Carlsson. The event was attended by representatives from government, traditional leaders, civil society and members of the surrounding communities.
  Deputy President David Mabuza, in his capacity as Chairperson of the South African National AIDS Council, on Tuesday, 16 July 2019, officiated at the official launch of the UNAIDS Global Report on the latest data on the HIV epidemic at the King Dinuzulu Stadium in Eshowe, KwaZulu-Natal.

The report contains the latest information on progress and challenges in the AIDS response and highlights the enormous impact community health workers have in successfully expanding access to treatment, supporting adherence and preventing new HIV infections.

According to UNAIDS, South Africa and, in particular KwaZulu-Natal, was nominated out of the 193 UN member states to host the official launch of this report in view of its remarkable and outstanding efforts in the fight against HIV and AIDS.
In line with the (90-90-90) UNAIDS targets, KwaZulu-Natal and in particular Eshowe, has already achieved the targets ahead of the 2020 deadline.

In achieving the set targets, numerous activities were launched in partnership with the Eshowe communities and KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health to join efforts in preventing new infection, increasing HIV testing, linking people quickly to care and support their adherence, retention and suppression on treatment.
  The Ministerial Committee of the Organ (MCO) meeting is a Southern African Development Community (SADC) statutory meeting that takes place annually in accordance with SADC arrangements.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, led a South African delegation to the 21st Meeting of the SADC MCO on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, in Lusaka, Republic of Zambia, on 19 July 2019.

The MCO meeting reviewed and considered the political and security situation as well as the consolidation of democracy and good governance in the region.

Other members of the delegation included the Ministers of Defence and Military Veterans; State Security; Home Affairs; Justice and Correctional Services; and senior representatives from the South African Police Service.
Venezuela has been the Chair of the Non-Alignment Movement (NAM) since 2016 and its three-year Chairship will conclude in October 2019 when the 18th NAM Summit takes place in Baku and Azerbaijan assumes the Chairship until 2022.
  The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Alvin Botes, led South Africa’s delegation to the Ministerial Meeting of the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement (CoB-NAM) in Caracas, Venezuela, from 20 to 21 July 2019. The Ministerial Meeting was preceded by the Senior Officials Meeting, held from 18 to 19 July 2019.

The Ministerial Meeting, held under the theme: “Promotion and Consolidation of Peace through Respect for International Law”, met at a time when multilateralism is under threat due to increasing unilateralism and the dismantling of multilateral agreements. “It is important that our movement continues to work together and take the lead in creating a just, peaceful and equitable world order and building global governance structures that are representative, credible and effective, based on partnership and cooperation,” said Deputy Minister Botes.           

In a statement delivered at the Ministerial Meeting of the NAM Committee on Palestine, Deputy Minister Botes reiterated South Africa’s solidarity with the people of Palestine.

Speaking on behalf of the Africa Group during the opening and closing sessions of the Ministerial Meeting, the Deputy Minister announced that it would be Africa’s turn to take up the Chairship of the movement from 2022 to 2025. Following consultations, the name of the endorsed African country will be confirmed at the 18th NAM Summit in October. The Deputy Minister also thanked the movement for the overwhelming support received during the meeting for Africa’s Common Position on Security Council Reform as contained in the Ezulwini Consensus and the Sirte Declaration.

The Deputy Minister participated in a high-level meeting on the defence of the Charter of the United Nations, held on the margins of the Ministerial Meeting with a view to addressing the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures, including attempts at regime change affecting some of the members of the NAM. South Africa condemned the illegal and unlawful economic blockade and sanctions on Venezuela and Cuba.

The Deputy Minister held bilateral talks with his counterparts from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and Europe on issues of mutual interest. During these talks, Deputy Minister Botes and his counterparts discussed bilateral and multilateral issues, as well as the revitalisation of the work of the Movement and enhancing intra-trade relations between NAM member states.

The Ministerial Meeting was attended by 78 member states of the movement, four observer states, 12 international organisations and two invited guests (Russia and Turkey). At the conclusion of the Ministerial Meeting, outcome documents reflecting the deliberations of the meeting were adopted, namely: the Caracas Final Document, which outlines the political, economic and social issues of the NAM, and the Caracas Political Declaration.

Through its participation at the Ministerial Meeting, South Africa continued to advance the principles and objectives of the movement and recommitted itself to working with the NAM member states in creating political, economic and social unity in addressing the challenges of the 21st century.

While in Caracas, the Deputy Minister held bilateral meetings with the Minister and Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, as well as with the Venezuelan Ministers of Agriculture and Mining. The purpose of the meetings was to review the status of bilateral agreements and to further enhance economic cooperation between South Africa and Venezuela.
The Government of the Republic of South Africa extends its condolences to the Government and people of Japan following the passing away of the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Mr Yukiya Amano, on Monday, 22 July 2019.
  Throughout his tenure at the helm of the IAEA, Mr Amano displayed the highest level of professionalism and dedication. He has overseen the agency diligently, executing its duties in relation to pressing matters, such as the Iran Nuclear Deal and the Fukushima disaster. He also contributed to various Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review conferences, including chairing the 2007 Preparatory Committee for the 2010 NPT Review Conference. 

The South African Government extends its condolences to Japan, in particular to the family and friends of Mr Amano.
South Africa strongly condemns the demolition of Palestinian buildings comprising residential apartments by Israeli authorities in Wadi al Hummus, part of the Sur Baher neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem. This led to families being displaced and also affected owners of properties that were under construction or not yet inhabited.  


This is one of the biggest demolitions Israel has carried out on Palestinian buildings in many years and such actions violate the adopted international agreements with regard to the Israeli-Palestine situation. South Africa is deeply concerned that the actions by the Israeli Government undermine the conditions for successful final status negotiations and for advancing the two-state solution through negotiations leading to a just, lasting and comprehensive peace.

South Africa calls on the Israeli Government as the occupying force to immediately and completely halt its plan of forced transfers, evictions, demolitions and confiscations of Palestinian homes. South Africa also calls on the Israeli Government to compensate those affected by the demolitions. South Africa further calls on Israel to respect and abide by the agreements it had negotiated with the Palestinians over the years.

South Africa remains committed to working with Israel, Palestine and with the international community to find a lasting solution to the conflict within the parameters of the relevant United Nations resolutions and international law.
The Government of the Republic of South Africa has taken note of the briefing of the Chief Prosecutor of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) to the United Nations Security Council on 17 July 2018.
  The Chief Prosecutor made reference to a request by the IRMCT to South Africa “in relation to the arrest of a fugitive located on its territory”.

South Africa expresses its gratitude to the prosecutor and for the commendable work of the IRMCT and reaffirms that it takes its international obligations seriously.

While South Africa has encountered certain challenges in giving effect to the request, it is actively working to address these and remains fully committed to cooperating with the IRMCT.

South Africa wishes to reiterate that it recognises the important role that the IRMCT plays in contributing to international criminal justice and accountability for serious international crimes that were committed in the former Yugoslavia and in Rwanda.
The upcoming World Economic Forum on Africa (WEFA) is expected to focus on inclusiveness in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
WEFA will be held in Cape Town from 4 to 6 September under the theme: "Shaping Inclusive Growth and Shared Futures in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)".

The September meeting will be the first that the WEF has held in sub-Saharan Africa since 2017, when leaders from government, business and civil society from around the world gathered in Durban.

This year’s meeting falls in a year when 20 elections will take place across the region, and nearly 100 days since South African President Cyril Ramaphosa took office.

The WEFA will address a number of key issues facing the region’s inclusive development, including supporting growth and integration through the African Continental Free Trade Area; creating high-quality employment opportunities and protecting workers in the 4IR; and employing drones to address health, infrastructure and other societal, needs among others.
“Africa’s successful development depends on building the right conditions for its new generation of entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders. This means smart, agile institutions; an enabling environment for innovation that includes access to skills and capital, and a determined approach by policy-makers to level the playing field and implement policies that prioritise sustainable, inclusive growth over short-term imperatives,” said Elsie Kanza, the Head of the Regional Agenda: Africa and Member of the Executive Committee at the WEF.

The meeting will take place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre. – Source:
BFG Africa is a subsidiary of a multinational company in Bahrain specialising in manufacturing composite products and one of the top five global suppliers of advanced composite material.
  Trade and Industry Minister, Ebrahim Patel, has welcomed the R50-million investment by BFG Africa Rail into an advanced manufacturing facility in Gauteng.

The company has set up BFG Africa Rail in South Africa to supply composite products to the Passenger Rail Agency South Africa.

Minister Patel said the investment would result in a state-of-the-art composite manufacturing facility which boasts improved engineering processes using advanced technologies.

The investment in Germiston will also include training that benefits skills development for workers who have been trained at the international operations, to ensure manufacturing efficiencies in the newly-established plant.

The advanced composite products coming out of this new factory will find applications in the rail, renewable, defence and other sectors.
The scale of the investment will enable the company to achieve production capacity that will meet South African requirements as well as exports into the sub-Saharan markets.

“The investment will also lead to new jobs being created and by the end of December 2019, will result in the full staff complement of 120, according to the company. The launch confirms the improving investment climate in South Africa and will contribute to President [Cyril] Ramaphosa’s investment mobilisation drive,” said the Department of Trade and Industry.

Minister Patel noted the investment was a positive step for localisation of component manufacturing.

The import substitution will lead to 76% of the components being built in South Africa at this plant.

This investment is also in line with the Industrial Policy Action Plan’s focus areas of leveraging the infrastructure roll-out to accelerate industrial capacity investment and localisation on the industrial policy as part of the backbone to achieving transformation and inclusive industrialisation. – Source:
The Minister of Tourism, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, led a South African delegation to the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development at the United Nations (UN) in New York recently.
The forum, from 16 – 19 July, was convened by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) under the theme: “Empowering People and Ensuring Inclusiveness and Equality”.

The HLPF meets each July under the auspices of ECOSOC, with a substantial part of the programme devoted to hearing and discussing the experiences of national governments as they work to implement the 2030 Agenda in their countries.

South Africa was one of 47 countries that submitted their voluntary national reviews (VNRs) for HLPF 2019.

As of 21 February 2019, 15 countries have committed to present a VNR during the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in 2020.

The meeting, also attended by a South African delegation, including civil society and business, was held jointly with ECOSOC's annual high-level segment in which Minister Kubayi-Ngubane delivered the African Group Statement as Chair of the month for July. – Source:
  Transport Minister, Fikile Mbalula, has re-emphasised South Africa’s commitment to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). The IMO is a United Nations specialised agency, whose chief objective is to set international standards for safe, secure, environmentally sound, efficient and sustainable shipping.
Minister Mbalula delivered a general statement during the first day of the 122nd session of the IMO Council, which took place at the IMO Headquarters in London, United Kingdom, from the 15 to 19 July 2019.

The Minister stated that South Africa would continue to uphold the values of the IMO: “South Africa will continue in advancing the objectives and the imperatives of the IMO by ensuring that ships, cargo and crew onboard are safe and secure and that the environment is protected against pollution from ships”.

South Africa also deposited an instrument of accession to the Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS) Protocol of 2010.

Minister Mbalula assured that the process would not end with the deposition of the instrument: “We will also ensure that the HNS Protocol is fully implemented in South Africa once it comes into force. We believe that this liability and compensation instrument is of critical importance to compensate victims of incidents”.

South Africa is party to many IMO instruments, including the mandatory conventions like SOLAS and all the MARPOL Annexures. In addition, the country is implementing its Port State Control, Flag State and Coastal State obligations and responsibilities. 

The country was suspended from active membership of the IMO for many years and was reinstated in 1995 at the commencement of the democratic dispensation.


Prince Albert II of Monaco was in South Africa this weekend to present the Rhino Conservation Awards (RCA) 2019 to all those heroes who dedicate their lives to conserving Africa’s iconic rhino.
The Prince – who is married to South Africa’s former Olympic swimmer Charlene Wittstock – said he admired all those honoured as well as the rangers who are “the true heroes of biodiversity”.

Filmmaker Bonné de Bod, whose rhino poaching documentary STROOP was honoured by the RCA for the (incredibly brave) investigative work she and director Susan Scott undertook.

De Bod said, when receiving their award, that it was “lovely to hear” Prince Albert thank them for their hard work and dedication in getting the film made.

Speaking at the gala dinner on Sunday at Montecasino in Johannesburg, Prince Albert stressed that “biodiversity and its preservation represented one of the greatest challenges of our time” and further mobilisation is needed urgently.

He said the key was to “engage our contemporaries more effectively” and to make people more aware of what is at stake (“one species in eight is critically endangered”) in order to “counter the dreadful movement of destruction caused by humanity”.

To this end, Prince Albert believes the rhino is a “precious ally for us”… because while the public may not care too much about the disappearance of an insect or an amphibian, “the rhinoceros has an unparalleled ability to raise awareness”. – Source:
Cape Town will be the host of the first-ever World Travel Market (WTM) Africa Travel and Tourism Awards in 2020.
  Scheduled for 6 April, these awards will set out to consolidate the various standalone awards that bring merit to outstanding travel and tourism businesses across the continent. Moreover, the awards will seek to unite and bring credibility to various travel and tourism awards.

These comprehensive awards will recognise and showcase those that embody a “gold standard” in their chosen sector.

“Having spent many years in the travel and tourism industry, it has become apparent that we do not have one set of awards that covers its various sectors," explains Carol Weaving, Managing Director of Reed Exhibitions. 

"We believe that one set of prestigious awards will further reward the efforts of tourism and travel businesses that go the extra mile.”
The Africa edition of the International Travel and Tourism Awards will cover important sectors in travel, giving merit and recognition to the travel and tourism companies that best personify the following categories:

1. Best National Tourism Board Campaign/DMO Campaign
2. Best Regional/City Campaign
3. Most nnovative Use of Technology within a Destination
4. Best Agency for Tourism Marketing
5. Best PR Campaign
6. Best Digital Campaign in Tourism
7. Best Digital Influencer in the Industry
8. Best Destination for Wellness
9. Best Destination for Responsible Tourism
10. Best Destination for Adventure Tourism
11. Best Destination for Food Tourism
12. Best Destination for LGBT Tourism.

- Source: Traveller24
For the sixth time, Cape Town-based interior design firm ARRCC has been named one of the top 100 designers in the world.
  This year, it was again selected by the Andrew Martin Interior Design review in the United Kingdom for the “Oscars of the interior design world”.

The Andrew Martin Interior Design review showcases the top international projects every year. It is now in its 23rd year. ARCC was the only South African firm among the top 100.

The firm specialises in luxury residential interiors, and describes itself as “humble yet brutally honest”. Working from Cape Town, its more than 50 designers do interiors across the world, including in Europe, Australia and the United States.

A spokesperson told Business Insider SA says there is currently “a hunger for African design” in other countries as contemporary African art and fashion are “having a profound effect on global tastes”. There is a global realisation that Africa is not only a source of inspiration for luxury goods but is a creator of them too, according to ARRCC.

“African designers are drawing on the continent’s diverse aesthetics and artisanal traditions to help craft a new, modern luxury that is becoming increasingly more appreciated and sought after globally.” – Source: Business Insider SA
The Ndlovu SA Youth Choir has smashed another performance on "America's Got Talent", leaving the judges in awe.
The SA Youth Choir – otherwise known as the Ndlovu Youth Choir – followed up their smash America’s Got Talent audition from June with another five-star performance on the big stage stateside, which sent them through to the next round of the competition.

Among the judges was AGT veteran Howie Mandel and international music mogul Simon Cowell. The Brit, usually known for his acid-tongue, had nothing but praise for the choir after they performed Waka Waka to the adoring audience.

Cowell heaped kind words upon the performers, saying that he wished he could “bottle the talent they have”.

The SA Youth Choir gained acclaim because of their trademark high-energy performance. As well as hitting all the right notes without skipping a beat, the group also put in a fantastic dance routine to electrify those looking on.

The group were voted through to the next round of the competition, which consists of live performances in Hollywood. Often referred to as the “semi-final and final stages”, Ndlovu Youth Choir has managed to achieve something epic.
The Ndlovu Youth Choir is from a small town in Limpopo and since its inception in 2009, “have profoundly affected the lives of the choristers and demonstrates the potential of any human being to achieve excellence no matter their background, education or place of birth,” reads their official website. “From its humble beginnings as an after-school activity, the choir has evolved into a truly outstanding professional ensemble.”

They reached viral fame earlier in 2019 with their cover of Ed Sheeran’s Shape of You. But they are now establishing themselves as truly unique performers on the international stage, forging a reputation as this generation’s Ladysmith Black Mambazo. – Source:


The Decade Festival will take place this September to pay homage to the ‘90s, featuring three international headliners, Black Box, Robin S and Crystal Waters, teaming up with three local legends Boom Shaka, Marcalex and Bob Mabena.
  This half-day, one-performance-only show is scheduled for Saturday, 7 September 2019 at Montecasino in Fourways.

Festival revellers are set to enjoy nostalgia-filled festivities brought to life by the greatest and most iconic talents from the dance floor and radio frequencies of the '90s.

Renowned SA greats DJ Fresh and Glen Lewis will also support the line-up while additional special guests and other local DJs will be announced closer to the festival date.

New York’s own multiple award-winning Robin S owned the dance floors with her hit single Show Me Love in the 90’s. She has continued to make an impact across the globe with singles such as Love For Love, What I Do Best, I Want To Thank You and It Must Be Love as well as TV appearances and a string of tours around the globe.

Black Box is one of the leading exponents of a wave of Italian house music that flourished on the dance floors of the late '80s and early '90s. They churned out more than a dozen singles a year.

Best known for 1991’s Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless) and 1994’s 100% Pure Love, Crystal Waters gave us music to dance to all through the 90’s. She was a global sensation in the '90’s and still performs across the globe regularly. – Source:
Despite the Proteas falling short of a podium finish at the 2019 Netball World Cup in Liverpool, they were given some consolation with the news that their wing defence, Karla Pretorius, was named Player of the Tournament.
Pretorius was honoured during the medal ceremony in front of a pact M&S Bank Arena in Liverpool.

"I feel very honoured to have been named the best player of the World Cup. You are only as good as those around you and the team did so well at this World Cup, and even though we won’t return home to South Africa with a medal, I know that we all put our hearts and souls into each and every game in Liverpool and can hold our heads high. This good run obviously was what inspired me to play as well as I did and I am grateful to have been recognised by the tournament and given this very special award," said Pretorius.

The last South African to win the same award was Erin Burger and ironically was the touring roommate of Pretorius who was given player of the 2011 Netball World Cup in Singapore.

"When Erin won the award eight years ago, it really inspired me. I have always believed that we can compete with the best in the world even though we don’t play as often as we would like against the top nations. Me winning this award shows that South Africa has the talent, players and team to go to the top. I am excited about the future of the Proteas," continued Pretorius. – Source: sport24


  South Africa, who bagged a bonus point, won 35-17 after leading 14-10 at half-time.

The Springboks scored five tries in the match through a brace by debutant Jantjies, lock Lood De Jager, wing S'busiso Nkosi and replacement scrumhalf Cobus Reinach.

Flyhalf Elton Jantjies had a perfect night with the boot as he converted all five tries.

Meanwhile, Australia crossed the whitewash twice thanks to fullback Dane Haylett-Petty and utility back Kurtley Beale with flyhallf Bernard Foley adding two conversions and a penalty.

The Springboks will play the All Blacks in Wellington on Saturday, 27 July (09:35 SA time).
The curtain has fallen on a spectacular 30th edition of the FISU Summer Universiade in Napoli, Italy, in what will go down as an especially-memorable competition for the African countries.  
Often competing in the shadows of their more fancied rivals from bigger nations in Asia, Europe, Australasia and the Americas, Africa as a whole can stand proud after Napoli 2019, with the continent registering a total of 26 medals altogether.

This is the most ever reached at a Summer Universiade, beating their previous best total of 22 medals earned at Summer Universiade 2009 in Belgrade, Serbia, exactly a decade ago.

Leading the way was the continent’s biggest delegation, South Africa, which managed to surpass their initial eight-medal target in some style as they ended the Games with 18 medals in total – a personal high as well, beating their previous best tally of 14 medals won at the Kazan 2013 Summer Universiade.

Of South Africa’s 18 medals, six of them were gold, with five of those earned in the swimming pool: flag-bearer Tatjana Schoenmaker touched the wall first in the 100m and 200m breaststroke; Tayla Lovemore summited the podium in both the 50m and 100m butterfly while Zane Waddell claimed gold in the 50m backstroke.

The nation’s last gold medal came on the track as Milton Kekana ran fastest in the men’s 10 000m final, as compatriot Adriaan Wildshutt claimed bronze in the same event.

South Africa also featured twice on the podium in the men’s 3000m steeplechase final, as Rantso Mokopane claimed silver in a sprint finish while Ashley Smith finished just behind in third.

After finishing 44th in the overall medal table in Taipei two years ago, South Africa finished 10th in Napoli, cracking the top 10 for just the second time in the 13 Universiades in which they have competed since 1995, bettered only by their eighth-place finish in Kazan 2013.

Following behind South Africa as the second-best African side at this year’s Universiade was Morocco, where Mounaime Sassioui’s gold in the men’s 3000m steeplechase secured an all-African podium in that event.

He, alongside Moad Zahafi’s silver in the men’s 800m and Soufiane Elasbi’s bronze in the men’s 74kg Taekwondo, ensured Morocco left Napoli with three medals more than they ended with in Taipei as they finished 32nd overall in the medal standings.

Algeria rounded off Africa’s top-three performers at Napoli 2019, with Mohamed Belbachir’s gold in the men’s 800m helping his nation finish 40th overall – seven spots higher than in 2017.  – Source: / African News Agency (ANA)
South African athletes shone on Saturday, 20 July 2019, picking up two wins on Day One of the IAAF Diamond League meeting in London.
National record holder Akani Simbine was in superb form in the men's 100m event, picking up valuable IAAF Diamond League points at the 10th leg of the series.

First he coasted to victory in his heat in 10.01 seconds, then returned to the track an hour later to win the final in a season's best 9.93.

Local favourite Zarnel Hughes finished second in 9.95 and former world champion Yohan Blake of Jamaica was third in 9.97.
"I'm really happy with the time," Simbine said.

"I came here to get the Diamond League points and make sure I get the win to build confidence, and (instead) I've come away with a season's best. It's always amazing running here and I'm just pleased to come out healthy and finish on top."

In the men's long jump, which was not an official IAAF Diamond League discipline at the two-day meeting, Luvo Manyonga also produced his best result of the year.

Shaking off an ankle niggle, the world champion won the men's long jump with a season's best of 8.37m, with compatriot Ruswahl Samaai holding on for third position with a leap of 8.11m.
Manyonga and Samaai were separated in the results by Jamaican athlete Tajay Gayle, who took second place with a personal best of 8.32m.

"I was a little scared and I was holding back at the start," said Manyonga, who delivered his winning jump in the fifth round.

"At the beginning, I needed to test my ankle as I was not sure I could handle it, but I told myself to just jump because this is where I was crowned world champion (in 2017)."

“We are happy for the achievements of the day from our athletes, especially noting that they upped their individual performances. We congratulate the athletes and their coaches for the hard work that has paid off.

“We look forward to another opportunity for the remaining athletes who contest for points and better performances on Sunday,” said Aleck Skhosana, the President of Athletics South Africa. – Source: sport24

“Mr President,

“My delegation would like to thank you for convening this meeting on peacebuilding and sustaining peace: strengthening partnerships for nationally-owned transitions.

“We thank the Secretary-General, António Guterres, the Chairperson of the Peacebuilding Commission, Ambassador Guiller­mo Fernández de Soto Valderrama of Colombia and the representatives of the World Bank and African Development Bank for their valuable briefings. 

“Mr President,

“South Africa appreciates the work done by the Secretary-General on the progress made in addressing existing gaps in the UN system to assist countries in their efforts towards peacebuilding and sustaining peace.

“While we recognise the primary responsibility of national governments and authorities in identifying, driving and directing priorities, strategies and activities for peacebuilding and sustaining peace, the international community has the obligation to ensure that it assists in the maintenance of peace and security. This includes the partnership for development to ensure the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals, which is necessary to address the root causes of conflict.

“In this regard, South Africa continues to support the ongoing work of the Peacebuilding Commission to promote national ownership in political, peace and security processes in pursuit of peaceful and resilient societies. Peaceful and resilient societies will be realised when the root causes and underlying currents of conflicts are addressed. We believe that any support to post-conflict reconstruction and development (PCRD) activities should be tailor-made to suit the country-specific needs and to be sustainable, it needs local ownership and leadership with the meaningful participation of women and involvement of the youth.

“It is also our considered view that effective peacebuilding during transitions must involve the entire United Nations system focussing on enhancing UN’s cross-pillar coordination, including development, peace and security, and human rights. We, thus, reaffirm our support for strengthened cooperation between the PBC and the Security Council, particularly when the Council is considering the review and drawdown of peacekeeping operations and special political missions.

“The Security Council must, however, ensure that at the outset peace operation mandates (peacekeeping and political missions) are realistic, tailored and flexible in order for missions to achieve their desired outcomes in terms of keeping the peace and creating an enabling environment for peacebuilding processes.

“Sustained consultations between the Security Council, Peacebuilding Commission and host country during the periodic assessment and review of peace operation mandates as well as their eventual withdrawal are also important. This will guarantee the active involvement of all stakeholders, particularly the host country, on outlining the expectations from the mission, including milestones and timelines. This would also ensure the success, not only of the peace missions but lay the groundwork for the continuation of peacebuilding activities.

“We also see merit in enhancing partnerships between the United Nations Peacebuilding Architecture and regional and sub-regional post-conflict PCRD architecture such as that of the African Union. The Peacebuilding Commission should engage strategically with the AU PCRD Centre on peacebuilding activities on post-conflict situations in Africa. All efforts must be brought together in ensuring development, good sharing of practices in peacebuilding and securing resources that will enhance sustainable transition.

“We recognise that investing in PCRD may contribute significantly to conflict prevention efforts and would also prevent countries emerging from conflicts and crises to avoid relapse. Therefore, there is a need for periodic assessments and reviews of post-conflict needs assessment situations to ensure that enough resources are mobilised for those situations.

“Although we recognise the usefulness of programmatic funding for peacebuilding activities during transitions to prevent gaps after missions' withdrawal, we reiterate the need for predictable, sustainable funding for peacebuilding activities through assessed contributions. It is through this funding that peace activities can be sustained long-term.

“In conclusion, as the Security Council considers mission drawdowns in future, we must be cognisant of the fact that our responsibility does not end when the lifespan of a peacekeeping mission ends. The Charter places the responsibility of maintenance of international peace and security squarely on the shoulders of this Council. Thus, we must ensure that we continue to remain engaged as countries transition from conflict to post-conflict situations.  Our recent work on Haiti and the Council’s experience with the transition in Liberia are good examples of not neglecting countries once peacekeepers leave. We are currently faced with situations on our agenda where we are considering Missions drawdowns. This consideration, by necessity, must also include planning and resources to ensure that countries are able to transition towards sustainable peace.

“I thank you.”
Thank you, Mr President,

“At the outset, my delegation would like to thank all the briefers for their detailed and informative briefings.

“Mr President,

“South Africa remains extremely concerned at the serious humanitarian and security situation in Yemen. The continued violence, including the attacks on Abha international airport remains unacceptable and must be condemned.

“South Africa is firm in the belief that in order to ensure a long-term solution to the crises in Yemen, it is necessary for all parties to commit to a political process. With that in mind, we welcome the progress made in the implementation of the Hodeidah agreement and the role played by the United Nations Mission to Support the Hodeidah Agreement.

“Mr President,

“We support the renewal of the mandate of UNMHA for an additional six months, which this Council unanimously adopted last Monday. We therefore wish to encourage all parties, who by signing the Stockholm Agreement in the first place, have shown their willingness to commit to its implementation, to make every effort to fully implement all the elements of the Agreement namely, the ceasefire and redeployment of forces, facilitation of the movement of humanitarian aid and lastly, prisoner swap. In order to enable the above, South Africa calls on all parties to deescalate the fighting in other parts of the country and to commit to a general ceasefire to enable dialogue and inclusive peaceful negotiations.

“Mr President,

“We wish to reiterate that the success of the Stockholm Agreement will require a sustained implementation of confidence-building measures by both parties.

“Mr President,

“The briefing by Mr Lowcock this morning was a painful reminder of the dire humanitarian situation in Yemen. My delegation therefore calls upon all parties to ensure that the necessary humanitarian assistance is able to safely reach their intended destinations, without being used as a tool to further fuel the conflict. In this regard, we are concerned by the recent partial suspension of food aid from the World Food Programme and call for the matter to be resolved in order for this aid to be resumed for those in need. Any hindrance to the delivery of this vital humanitarian aid only exacerbates the already severe crises.

“Mr President,

“We wish to reiterate that the only sustainable resolution will be a negotiated, Yemeni-led political settlement that is inclusive and fair and puts the interests and well-being of all the citizens of Yemen first.

“I thank you.”
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