Issue 388 | 1 August 2019
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Consular Awareness Programme
The two-day forum on 29 and 30 July, will become an annual High-Level Policy Forum on Secondary Education in Africa.
President Cyril Ramaphosa on Monday, 29 July 2019, delivered a welcome message to the first high-level dialogue of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa.

The event took place at the Emperors Palace Hotel in Gauteng.

It brought together ministers responsible for education, as well as labour, academics, policymakers, high-level representatives from development cooperation partners, the private sector, civil society, teachers and parents and youth organisations from across the African continent.

The engagement provided an opportunity for key stakeholders to share and discuss comprehensive and innovative education and training models/programmes that aim at developing the youth with the necessary knowledge, tools and know-how for employability or job creation.

Outcomes of the High-Level Annual Policy Dialogue Forum will contribute to the discussions and key decisions that inform reforms in the countries’ policies and practices.
President Ramaphosa has, on behalf of the Government and people of South Africa, extended deep condolences to the Government and people of the Republic of Tunisia following the passing of President Beji Caid Essebsi.
President Ramaphosa paid tribute to President Essebsi as a dedicated leader who had served his country in various leadership roles, among those being his facilitation of the Tunisian democratic transition process, which began in 2011.

President Ramaphosa underscored that the thoughts and prayers of the people of South Africa were with the people of Tunisia during this period of mourning.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, attended the Third Formal Meeting of the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations on Friday, 26 July 2019, in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
The ministers exchanged views on key issues on the international agenda. They also reviewed with satisfaction the progress of BRICS cooperation featuring mutual respect and understanding, equality, solidarity, openness, inclusiveness and mutually beneficial cooperation. The ministers agreed to further deepen BRICS three-pillar-driven cooperation in the areas of economy, peace and security and people-to-people exchanges.
The ministers reaffirmed the commitment to upholding and respecting international law and an international system in which sovereign states cooperate to maintain peace and security, advance sustainable development and ensure the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedom for all. They underlined support for multilateralism and the central role of the United Nations (UN) in international affairs, and the commitment to uphold the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the UN.

They reiterated the urgent need to strengthen and reform the multilateral system, including the UN, the World Trade Organisation, the International Monetary Fund and other international organisations. The international system, including international organisations, in particular the UN, which the ministers stressed must be driven by member states, should promote the interests of all. The ministers reaffirmed the commitment to the principles of mutual respect, sovereign equality, democracy, inclusiveness and strengthened collaboration, and to build a brighter shared future for the global community through mutually beneficial cooperation. To this end, international governance should be more inclusive, representative and participatory.

The ministers recalled the 2005 World Summit Outcome Document and reaffirmed the need for a comprehensive reform of the UN, including its Security Council, with a view to making it more representative, effective and efficient, and to increase the representation of the developing countries so that it can adequately respond to global challenges. China and Russia reiterate the importance they attach to the status and role of Brazil, India and South Africa in international affairs and support their aspiration to play a greater role in the UN.
They underscored the importance of sustained efforts aimed at making the UN more effective and efficient in implementing its mandates. They encouraged further collaboration among the BRICS countries on a better resourced UN, on its administration and budget, on preserving the UN's member state-driven character and ensuring better oversight of and on strengthening the organisation.

The ministers reaffirmed their commitment to international peace and security and underlined the imperative of countering challenges through political and diplomatic means and the need, in this regard, to avoid all measures, especially coercive measures, that are inconsistent with the Charter of the UN. They emphasised the need to continue to work together in the areas of disarmament and non-proliferation, including by ensuring the long-term sustainability of outer space activities as well as prevention of an arms race in outer space.
Bilateral meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil

On the margins of the meeting, Minister Pandor had a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, Ernesto Araujo.

South Africa and Brazil enjoy strong bilateral relations conducted through the Joint Commission for Cooperation (JCC), which is co-chaired at a Ministerial level.

The South Africa-Brazil JCC has not met since 2013 because of political and economic reasons.

Minister Pandor and Minister Araújo met for the first time since Minister Pandor took office in May 2019.

The bilateral meeting afforded the Minister an opportunity to emphasise South Africa’s strong commitment to fruitful bilateral relations.
International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Dr Naledi Pandor, says she hopes the working relationship South Africa enjoys with the United Kingdom (UK) will continue after Boris Johnson was named Prime Minister.
Johnson won the race for the hot seat after Theresa May stepped down last month.

Minister Pandor extended her congratulations to him, saying she hoped the strong relations built while May was in office would continue.

"We would like to continue our strong relations with the UK," she said.

Minister Pandor was speaking on the sidelines of a meeting of foreign affairs and international relations ministers in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which took place on Friday, 26 July 2019.

"The meeting is for us to look at what is on our agenda and deliberations that have ensued up to this point. It is also to ensure we have full cooperation among us ahead of the summit meeting later this year."

Minister Pandor also touched on the importance of the BRICS nations, calling the cooperation "one of the more progressive families of organisations in the world".

"It is a forum through which a positive set of policies is deliberated on and I think it is starting to find its place in the world as a coherent grouping of important world players."

This, according to the Minister, was ably assisted by South Africa's position as a non-permanent member of the United Nations (UN) Security Council, a position she said South Africa was using to push for change within the UN to "reflect a more demographic arrangement".

"I feel it [the UN agenda] is still based on a world order that existed almost a century ago," said Minister Pandor. "Reform of the UN must be part of the agenda focussed upon."

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To mark Mandela Month, International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Dr Naledi Pandor, went beyond painting the classroom and painted a possible future for the pupils of Jan Kotlolo Primary School.
The Minister visited the primary school, accompanied by the Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Alvin Botes, and various ambassadors in Pretoria on Tuesday, 30 July 2019, where she painted a classroom, handed over donations and addressed Grade 7 pupils to mark Mandela Month.

Addressing the pupils, Minister Pandor urged them to embody the ideals of internationalism as envisaged by the late global icon.

“We are here bringing a few gifts for the school but it’s not really about the gifts.

“What we are bringing is an image of the future and what your future might look like and what your contribution might be to the world,” said Minister Pandor.

By bringing the excellencies from the various countries, Minister Pandor said her department wanted to expose the children to what their futures might look like if they work hard and follow the route of internationalism.

In addition to the necessities donated, Kuwait Ambassador Ayman Aladsani donated R30 000 to the school.

This as South Africa and the world marked 10 years of Mandela Day.

Nelson Mandela International Day is celebrated on 18 July every year and is recognised as an annual global “day of humanitarian action”.
Minister Pandor said she hoped to inspire the pupils to envisage themselves as ambassadors in foreign countries representing their countries.

“We bring the life of President Nelson Mandela and we say that is the path in which you should walk,” she said.

The Minister thanked the ambassadors for being part of the Mandela Day celebrations, saying they are shaping the leaders of tomorrow.

“We believe that you are helping to shape an internationalist character in them because we think a character that has an international component creates a better person, better leader and understanding of the world,” said the Minister.

Officials of the department also participated in the activities.

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This review provided an assessment of the progress made, challenges faced and ways to improve South Africa’s engagements for the coming 18 months on the council.
The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) hosted a two-day workshop on 25 and 26 July 2019 to review South Africa’s role in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for the past six months (January to June 2019).

The mid-year review workshop comprised an interdepartmental segment as well as an open interaction with civil society. This process was also used to prepare for South Africa’s presidency of the Security Council in October 2019.

Addressing the workshop, Director-General Kgabo Mahoai said:

“South Africa’s theme for its term on the council is: ‘Continuing the Legacy: Working for a Just and Peaceful World’. This resonates with the legacy of President Nelson Mandela whose values and commitment to peace were commemorated in 2018 during the centenary of his birth.

“We have been using our time on the council over the last six months to emphasise the importance of a more proactive approach to the maintenance of international peace and security, particularly in the form of drawing greater attention to preventative diplomacy mechanisms, as well as post-conflict reconstruction and development.

“We are also emphasising the role of women in the resolution of conflict. South Africa is thus promoting the mainstreaming of a gender perspective into all Security Council resolutions in line with Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security.

“As you are aware, the African Union (AU) committed to ending conflicts and silencing the guns on the continent by the year 2020. Serving on the UNSC also affords South Africa an opportunity to meaningfully contribute towards this goal. In this regard, South Africa is continuing to work towards strengthening the cooperation between the UNSC and regional organisations in terms of Chapter 8 of the UN Charter. South Africa’s efforts can be bolstered by the fact that the country will be chairing the AU in 2020”.
Trade and Industry Deputy Minister Nomalungelo Gina has welcomed the R25-million Japan-South Africa collaboration project that is aimed at combating plastic pollution.
The three-year project, which was launched in Pretoria, aims to support the South African plastic industry to transition from conventional plastics to more environmentally sustainable alternative material.

The project is funded by the Japanese Government and will be implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) in partnership with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).

“I am delighted to take part in this groundbreaking ceremony between Japan and South Africa in an attempt to reduce marine plastics pollution through renewable means. The Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) welcomes the support by the Japanese Government and the partnership between UNIDO and CSIR, since biodegradable plastics locally are just being introduced.

“In order to maximise the environmental benefits from biodegradable plastics, further research and development will be necessary to optimise the production by increasing the efficiencies of various unit processes involved such as the separation processes and the integration process,” said Deputy Minister Gina.

She added that the dti and key stakeholders recognised and acknowledged the need to manage the issue of waste in a traditional manner by embracing the circular economy phenomenon premised on zero waste to landfill and separation at source.

“Locally, we are seeing signs of improvement in the recycling space. More than 334 780 tons of material are recycled into raw material that are used in the manufacture of refuse bags, plastic bags, milk cartons and even waterproof sleeping bags for the homeless.”

Worldwide, said the Deputy Minister, there was a push towards the development of plastics from biomaterials or renewable sources.

“The impact of this work will play an important role in increasing local technical skills and will eventually lead to local job creation in manufacturing,” she said.

Deputy Minister Gina also noted that the growing recognition of the need to transition towards a global green economy would result in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities.

“This places the onus on government to make sound sustainable development decisions that will lead to prolonged economic transformation,” she said.

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Cabinet recently welcomed the increased interest by prospective and current investors to consider South Africa as their preferred investment destination.
Recent actual and possible transactions illustrate this well, and include transactions in the auto sector (Ford), chemical value chain (BFG Rail) and electrical industrial components (Aberdare) as well as potential investments such as in agro-processing (PepsiCo); this latter one subject to shareholder and regulatory processes.

PepsiCo’s R25 billion offer to acquire Pioneer Foods has been hailed as a clear vote of confidence in the South African economy.

The automaker Ford announced that its expansion plans would create 1 200 jobs, based on implementing a R3-billion investment commitment. The company’s Silverton plant has installed capacity to produce up to 168 000 Rangers and Everests annually – an increase of 44 000 vehicles prior to the expansion.

Furthermore, the R50-million investment by manufacturing company BFG Rail into an advanced manufacturing facility in Gauteng will result in a state-of-the-art composite manufacturing facility which boasts improved engineering processes using advanced technologies.

In Nelson Mandela Bay, Abedare Cables announced an expansion of its capacity through opening a high-voltage power cable pant, with an investment of R135 million and create 58 jobs in addition to the 429 jobs at the company’s current operations in the area.

Investments in new plant, equipment and in expanded production creates new jobs and grow the gross domestic product. The sectors where new production will take place are all within the sectors identified by President Cyril Ramaphosa in the State of the Nation Address. South Africa offers a unique combination of highly developed economic infrastructure, a vibrant emerging market economy and access to the fast growing African continent market. South Africa is also a frontier for new sectors of investments such as the green economy, oil and gas shipbuilding and the Oceans Economy.
Industrialisation and transformation are at the centre of the Department of Trade and Industry’s efforts to grow the South African economy.
“Our mandate as a department is to build a dynamic, industrial and globally competitive South African economy, characterised by inclusive growth and development, decent employment and equity, built on the full potential of all citizens.

"In line with this mandate, the State of the Nation Address and our Budget Vote, industrialisation and transformation will occupy the centre stage in our work,” said the Department of Trade and Industry’s Director-General (DG), Lionel October.

DG October presented the department’s annual performance plan for 2019/20 to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour in Parliament recently.

The DG outlined key interventions aimed at facilitating the transformation of the economy in order to promote industrial development, investment, competitiveness and employment.

These include growing the manufacturing sector to promote industrial development, job creation, investment and exports, promoting greater policy coherence and certainty, improving the ease of doing business and collaborating with social partners.

“We will also be increasing our efforts to expand the market for the country’s products, promote Africa integration and position ourselves as an important player in the global economic world. We will strengthen our efforts to build mutually beneficial regional and global relations to advance South Africa’s trade, industrial policy and economic development objectives.”

In addition, the dti will be supporting over 850 companies through its Export Marketing and Investment Assistance Scheme to help companies seek export markets for their value-added products.

This effort will be supported by a series of export awareness workshops that will be held countrywide to prepare companies for the export market in order to increase the number of exporters in the country.

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In the age of keyboard rage and populist loudhailers, university student Wandile Msomi has been quietly honing his diplomacy skills to show there is another way – through the subtle art of debate.
At the recent International Youth Diplomacy Conference in Ghana, he was awarded a certificate of excellence for his presentation on child marriages in Africa – and is hoping to be one step closer to realising his dream of becoming the youngest secretary-general of the United Nations (UN).

"It's an ambitious goal, but that's my main aim," said the 21-year-old student who hails from Mariannhill in KwaZulu-Natal and attends Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) in the Eastern Cape.

In his final year of politics at university, he managed to squeeze in the time to do thorough research and interview people to add to the understanding of the controversial topic at the conference.

"I put in a lot of effort," said Msomi modestly.

The South African team of 10 who took part in the Pan-African conference included Xabiso Dubasi from NMU; Noluthando Nontobeko Mhlongo from Phoenix Community Health Centre; Neliswa Xongo from the University of the Western Cape; Omhle Ntshingila, a post-graduate student from the University of the Witwatersrand; Khayalethu Johnson, a senior facilitator at Activate Change Driver's Programme; Musa Mdungase from NMMU; Nstika Maweni; Siyabonga Didiza and Daniel Banele Melaphi from the University of Fort Hare.

In February, he flew to New York to represent South Africa at the International Model UN – a programme that teaches and strengthens diplomacy and debating skills through simulated UN meetings.

On that occasion, he chaired a simulated labour committee to discuss violence against men and women in the workplace, and to get them to reach a consensus.

For that trip, Msomi and his sister, Wendy Nzama, who is a teacher, raised funds to pay for his plane ticket and expenses, but this time his university sponsored the trip – much to his gratitude.

He was included in the delegation at the invitation of Dubase, which is a member of the African Youth Union Commission and a country representative for IFEDGlobal.

Msomi said while in Ghana they were also feted by staff from the South African Consulate, and also set aside time to help clean an orphanage in Ghana on 18 July in honour of 67 minutes for former President Nelson Mandela.

In addition to meeting interesting people at the competition, a highlight was learning about the diverse cultures of delegates from around Africa, and Ghanaian food.

He became something of a jollof connoisseur after eating the West African rice dish every day.

But now that he is back home, the hard work of organising the Youth Diplomacy Conference in South Africa starts.

The team of organisers will split tasks depending on their study loads and look forward to drumming up support for a venue and financing to reciprocate Ghana's hosting of the conference over the past five years.

He also sees it as a great opportunity for young people to be heard on the matters close to their hearts.

"Any issues we have wanted to raise, we have never really had that platform," he said.

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The crack all-women anti-poaching team, the Black Mambas, who have helped reduce poaching in their territory near the Kruger National Park by 75%, and their founder have won two of four prestigious awards at a world tourism conference in Johannesburg, once again highlighting their environmental successes.
At the African Resilience Summit, which was held on 24 July 2019 as part of the World Tourism Conference, the Black Mambas won the Resilience Through Cultural Diversity Award and the team’s founder Craig Spencer, head warden at the private Balule Game Reserve, which shares an unfenced border with Kruger, won Change Maker in Tourism Award.

The Black Mambas, founded in 2013, consist of 14 women who live near the park. They track 126 kilometres of the park’s border, looking for snare traps, inspecting the electric border fence and searching cars. When they started, poaching for rhino horn and bushmeat in Balule was widespread, but their work has helped reduce poaching in the 230-km² reserve by 75%.

An article on the Black Mambas published by the United Nations Environmental Programme’s website, said that the team tried to involve the local community as much as possible, to make them feel like they have an interest in what happens to the animals and in the reserve. Visits for locals are also organised.

“In 2013 when this project started, we used to come back from sweeps with 80 fresh snares,” Leitah Mkhabela, one of the Black Mambas, told the UN publication. “Today, if we sweep the whole area we might come back with just five, some of which are old.”

The African Resilience Summit says it focusses “on key challenges for the 54 countries of the continent in differentiating themselves from the misconception of ‘Africa as a country'."

In 2015, the Black Mambas were bestowed with UN Environment’s Champion of the Earth Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2017, they won the Eco-Warrior Award.

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The Working on Fire Fire (WoF) team on Tuesday, 30 July 2019, returned to the country from the North American country.
The Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, Barbara Creecy, and the High Commissioner of Canada in South Africa, Sandra McCardell, jointly hold a media briefing to mark their return.

The department said the 45-member team spent almost 30 days in the Province of Alberta in Western Canada, assisting in combating the huge Chuckegg fire, which had burnt over 340 000 ha by the time they returned home.

“The WoF fire fighters formed part of teams of fire fighters from all over Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Colombia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba, Yukon, North West Territories, Mexico and United States of America, combatting the fire which started on the 12th May 2019,” the department said.

The South African Department of Environment, Fisheries and Forestry has a Memorandum of Understanding with the Canadian Department of Natural Resources, in terms of which either country may request urgent support from the other with regard to wildfire management.

The department said the deployment of the WoF fire-fighters at the Province of Alberta in Western Canada further deepened the relations between Canada and South Africa on integrated fire-management capacities.

Prior to the joint media briefing, the WoF fire-fighters received their deployment commemorative badges and folders from the Minister and the High Commissioner.

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Travel between Germany and more parts of South Africa will be easier, now that Lufthansa and Mango, the low-cost subsidiary of South African Airways (SAA), have started a code-sharing agreement.
In 2017, Mango took over certain routes from SAA, such as such as Durban, Port Elizabeth and George. Because it did not have the same interline agreements with international carriers, passengers couldn’t book all the way through from Germany to anywhere except Johannesburg and Cape Town.

According to a report in Tourism Update, Lufthansa passengers can now connect to Mango flights from Johannesburg to Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth and George. Anyone flying out of Cape Town International Airport, can fly Mango to Johannesburg, Bloemfontein or Durban.

This will be welcome news for both South African expats living in Germany, as well as German tourists visiting South Africa’s shores. Stats SA recently released the latest tourism figures showing that in May 2019, travellers from Germany made up 7.1% of overseas visitors to South Africa with a total of 11 827 – the country with the fourth-highest number of people choosing South Africa as their holiday destination.

Mango is apparently negotiating with other international airlines to form the same agreement.

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Top South African epidemiologist, Professor Salim S Abdool Karim has, officially become a Fellow of the prestigious Royal Society, the world’s oldest science academy … over three decades after he first made it his goal as a student while studying at the London School of Economics.
Professor Karim joins the ranks of the most “eminent scientists, engineers and technologists from the UK and the Commonwealth” – according to the society’s website – a group that has included people like Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking.

Each Fellow is elected for life through a peer review process.

The Centre for the AIDS Research Programme of SA (Caprisa) – of which Professor Karim is Director – explained that to qualify for Royal Society Fellowship, an individual must have made a “substantial contribution to the improvement of natural knowledge, including mathematics, engineering science and medical science”.

Prof. Karim has achieved this excellence.

The Royal Society said that Prof. Karim “has made seminal contributions to HIV prevention and treatment globally. His clinical research showed that antiretrovirals prevent sexually transmitted HIV infection and genital herpes in women. He is an inventor on patents used in HIV vaccine candidates and antibody-based passive immunisation strategies. His TB-HIV treatment studies have shaped international guidelines on the clinical management of co-infected patients.”

According to the Royal Society, there are about 1 600 Fellows and Foreign Members, including approximately 80 Nobel Laureates.

Each year, up to 52 Fellows and up to 10 Foreign Members are elected from a group of around 700 candidates who are proposed by the existing Fellowship, says the society.

The Royal Society was established in 1660, according to Caprisa.

Professor Karim has won multiple awards, including The World Academy of Sciences’ Prize in Medical Science and the African Union’s Kwame Nkrumah Scientific Award (the continent’s most prestigious scientific award). Together with his wife, he has won a Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service from the Institute for Human Virology in America, and both inspiring researchers are featured in the Academy of Science SA’s book “Legends of South African Science”.

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African brands like MaXhosa by Laduma, Pichulik and AAKS are currently on show in the United States as part of "The Lion King" pop-up concept shop at iconic department store chain Bloomingdale's.
The Carousel at Bloomingdale's is a constantly rotating pop-up shop driven by guest curators, and its sixth installment, on show from 11 July until 2 September, is inspired by Disney’s The Lion King. German-Ugandan actress Florence Kasumba, who plays the hyena Shenzi in the film, helped curate the latest installment, titled Style Kingdom, which encompasses a collection of Africa-inspired and -sourced fashion and home goods.

"[It's] an absolute thrill because I've been able to combine my love of fashion and film while connecting back to my African heritage," said Kasumba in a statement. "I love how The Lion King can be interpreted through this new lens and connect with audiences in a unique and fresh way. I felt such a personal connection to the pieces I curated and I can't wait for people to see the collections, and the movie."

The Style Kingdom concept celebrates the cultural significance of African design. It includes brands that empower communities with pieces sourced from and handmade on the African continent as well as exclusive products featuring popular characters and themes from the movie.

Among the South African designers represented is design wunderkind Laduma Ngxokolo, with knitwear from his MaXhosa label, and Katherine Pichulik, whose bespoke jewellery is being featured.

Also included are printed tees from the Africa Your Time Is Now movement and luxury scarves from Mantua Silkwear, the brainchild of Stellenbosch-based designer Juandi Andrag.

Respected South African home decor brand Carrol Boyes represents South Africa with a range of animal-inspired kitchen and dining utensils, including elephant salad servers and a rhino bottle opener. Also available for the kitchen is coffee from Bean There Coffee Company, South Africa’s first certified Fairtrade roaster of African coffee.

“We’re excited to expand into the United States market. Bloomingdales has a history of philanthropy and is a world-class retailer. It’s an amazing opportunity to partner with them to celebrate African pride,” says Bean There founder, Jonathan Robinson.

Products on show from elsewhere on the African continent include handbags by AAKS, which are handwoven by Ghanaian women, menswear from Post-Imperial that's been hand-dyed in Nigeria using a traditional process developed by the Yorubas, and handcrafted bags from Khokho that are made by female artisans in Swaziland.

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Four pupils have travelled to Harvard University in the United States for a two-week-long educational programme initiated by the University of Limpopo.
That's after an extensive selection process conducted by the Limpopo-based university's rural innovation hub earlier this year.

"Leaners from 12 schools in and around Limpopo were given a variety of topics to write essays on and the best two learners were selected in the first phase," said Masethulela Magagane from the Limpopo Department of Education.

"The learners then went through the second phase where they each had to write further essays at the University of Limpopo."

Refentse Mamabolo from Bjatladi High School,  Marcia Sehlapelo from Frans Mohala High School, and Thabiso Matjoko and Monicca Maponya both from Mountainview High School were the eventual winners.

The rural innovation hub spearheaded by Dr Chris Burnam, Alida Van Wyk and Cuzette Du Plessis from the University of Limpopo assisted the pupils with acquiring passports and visas.

"The learners are being orientated on how Harvard works, the programmes offered and also taught essential life skills. Our wish is for the initiative to happen every year," said Magagane.

The trip concludes on 4 August, 2019.

– Source: www.eNCA
Forge covers more than 1 300 kilometres of hiking and biking trails in the Cape Peninsula, helping you to explore with ease.
Forge – a new Cape Town-centered hiking app – was created by three outdoor living locals to help other enthusiasts effortlessly along their chosen path.

The app incorporates a wide range of user-friendly digital maps of the trails along the Cape Peninsula – more than 1 300 kilometres in total. The trails are digitised to minimise the possibility of getting lost along the way.

Once you select a path, the Forge app will provide a digital overview of each trail. It includes the difficulty of the route, the distance of the hike and elevation to ensure you make an informed decision.

Whether it’s Lion’s Head, Devil’s Peak, the India Venster or the Platteklip Gorge, the app will provide everything you need to know about the route, with a few fun facts about the area for good measure.

The Forge app was already downloaded more than 1 000 times from the Google Play app store and has a rating of 4.5 out of 5.

It is listed as the seventh top app in Navigation on the iStore, with a rating of 4.9.

One of the Forge creators said the app started as a concept when he first moved to Cape Town.

They began by collecting trails and digitising the map. The team behind Forge explains:

“There was a lack of information around hiking trails and information around where you could walk your dog, where you could mountain bike, where you could hike safely.”

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A new facility that rehabilitates wild animals that have been injured or abandoned, with a view to returning them to the wild, has been opened at Shamwari Private Game Reserve, outside Port Elizabeth.
At the R5-million (or US$350 000) facility, the animals are treated before being released back to the wild, Shamwari said in a statement. The owners of the reserve, the Investment Corporation of Dubai, are spending a total of $25 million on Shamwari, including the upgrading of the luxury accommodation.

Shamwari CEO, Joe Cloete, said the new wildlife rehabilitation facility was focussed on rehabilitating animals without habituating them to humans so that they could be returned to their natural habitat. Habituating young lions – often done unwittingly by volunteers who are told to hand-rear them – has led to the controversial canned lion hunting industry. The cats can’t fend for themselves in the wild, so they are hunted.

The Born Free Foundation, which jointly funds two sanctuaries at Shamwari, provides lifetime care to several big cats that have been rescued from poor conditions in circuses, zoos or private partners around the world.

“This operation has become an epicentre for successful wildlife rehabilitation and the facilities we’re opening today will be integral to that,” said Cloete.

Cloete said that over the past 25 years Shamwari had restored much of the region’s rich ecology and attracted or reintroduced an abundance of animals, birds and insects – from the big five to the flightless dung beetle.

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A group of 80 young South African dancers from across the country have set off to the United Kingdom (UK) with their bags packed and their hearts full with hope to compete in the World Lyrical Dance Championships 2019.
It’s sure to be an incredible experience for the group – aged between seven and 19 – as they’ll be dancing at the Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon.

The World Lyrical Dance Federation in South Africa (WLDFSA) confirmed that the dancers had finally taken off after being caught up in lengthy delays as the United Kingdom’s biggest airports were hit by cancellations and disruptions following the heatwave in Europe.

WLDFSA posted a message on Facebook saying the team had to be re-routed to England and were flying on two different flights and airlines.

The competition, which is held every two years, takes place in Stratford-Upon-Avon from 2 to 4 August 2019.

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Motsi Mabuse will replace Darcey Bussell as a judge on the upcoming season of the United Kingdom’s version of “Strictly Come Dancing”.
The South African dancer is the older sister of Strictly Come Dancing professional, Oti.

Motsi appeared on Let's Dance, the German version of Strictly Come Dancing as a dancer, but later became a judge on the show.

"I am absolutely thrilled and overjoyed to be joining the @bbcstrictly judging panel," Motsi wrote on Instagram.

She continued: "I have so much respect and admiration for the other three judges and hope to add my own bit of sparkle to the show."

Oti congratulated her sister on Twitter, saying: "Yayyy," which she followed by sounding out the show's theme song.

Sarah James, Executive Producer of Strictly says: "I am incredibly excited that Motsi Mabuse is joining the show. Motsi's natural warmth, energy and passion for dance makes her the perfect addition to our esteemed judging panel."

Motsi was expected to become a lawyer and join the family law firm but her passion for dance took over while she was studying at the University of Pretoria.

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Defending champions, South Africa, have opened the defence of their COSAFA Challenge title with a 17-0 thrashing of Comoros in Port Elizabeth on Wednesday, 31 July 2019.
Banyana Banyana broke a long-standing record in the process, beating the previous best scoreline of 15-0 registered by Zimbabwe against Lesotho 17 years ago.

Captain Refiloe Jane was the hero for South Africa as she registered four goals.

She was named Player of the Match.

Banyana now play Madagascar on Friday at 15h30.

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Diminutive scrumhalf Herschel Jantjies scored a last-minute try as South Africa snatched a thrilling 16-16 draw with world title-holders New Zealand in the Rugby Championship on Saturday, 27 July 2019.
The All Blacks were outplayed for most of the first half in Wellington, yet still managed to turn with a 7-6 lead, scoring their only try of the game just before the break.

The second half was all penalties until Jantjies grabbed a bouncing ball to score his try at the death, with Handre Pollard kicking the conversion under pressure to leave the scores level.

In the last four tests between the All Blacks and South Africa, the margin has never been more than two points with the All Blacks winning two, South Africa one and now a draw.

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The South African netball team received a major consolation off the court after their loss to hosts England in the bronze medal match of the Netball World Cup in Liverpool on Sunday, 21 July 2019.
Team sponsor, supermarket giants Spar, pulled out the cheque book for the team skippered by Bongi Msomi from KwaZulu-Natal.

The company originally announced if the team won gold they would pay R1 million to the team, R750 000 for silver and R250 000 for bronze plus R200 000 for qualifying for the semi-finals.

But Spar announced through the president of Netball South Africa, Cecilia Molokwane, that they would reward the team with a total of R1.2 million in appreciation for the sterling effort at the World Cup.

New Zealand was crowned world champions after they edged rivals Australia by a single goal in the final.

The Silver Ferns will head to the next World Cup – to be hosted in Cape Town in 2023 – as defending champions.

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Zane Waddell has stunned to win South Africa's first gold medal in the men's 50m backstroke final at the FINA World Championships in Gwangju, South Korea, on Sunday, 28 July 2019.
Swimming out of lane two, the 21-year-old produced a massive upset as he touched the wall in 24.43 seconds.

Russia's Evgeny Rylov came second in a time of 24.49 and Kliment Kolesnikov rounded up the podium in 24.51.

This was Waddell's first FINA World Championships.

The South African team won four medals in Gwangju – a gold, a silver for Tatjana Schoenmaker in the women's 200-m breaststroke and two bronze medals by Chad le Clos (100-m and 200-m butterfly).

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“Mr President,

“I would like to welcome and thank the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr Ghassan Salamé, for his enlightening briefing and I also thank the Deputy Permanent Representative of Germany, Ambassador Jürgen Schulz, for a comprehensive update on the work of the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee.

“At the outset, I wish to express my delegation’s concern with the continued air strikes and indiscriminate artillery in areas that are densely populated in Libya, which has resulted in loss of lives and further exacerbated the already dire humanitarian situation in the affected areas. Therefore, we urge the parties to agree to an immediate cessation of hostilities in order to end the military confrontations.

“Following the unfortunate attacks on the Tajoura Migration Detention Centre earlier this month, the African Union Peace and Security Council called for an independent investigation into the attacks, which South Africa firmly supports. In this regard, we look forward to the outcomes of the investigation with a view to bring the perpetrators of these atrocious acts to justice.

“The worsening humanitarian situation remains the central concern for South Africa. In this regard, we urge the international community to continue to contribute towards the United Nations Humanitarian Plan to assist those in desperate need of humanitarian assistance.

“South Africa wishes to express its concern that the longer the crisis continues, it further exacerbates the humanitarian and developmental challenges that are faced by the people of Libya and the region as a whole. These consequences include the proliferation of terrorist groups, which are gaining ground, the illegal smuggling and use of arms, trafficking and transnational organised crime.

“On the political process, I extend my delegation’s gratitude to SRSG Salamé and express full support for his continued efforts to take forward the two-track mediation process to engage with the stakeholders in Libya as we were informed in the last briefing to the Council. However, we deeply regret the political stalemate highlighted by the report received from the SRSG. South Africa is of the firm belief that the peaceful resolution of the conflict should remain the utmost priority for this Council with regard to its efforts in Libya. For close to a decade now, we have been witnessing the effects of armed conflict as well as a military interventionist approach. The Council should take a lesson from this. Military solutions may appear to have short-term benefits, but they often do not lead to the lasting peace that is needed.

“It is of concern that both sides have not agreed to resume the political process. It is South Africa’s belief that compromise from both sides is critical for the de-escalation of tensions, to pave the way for the political process to resume as soon as possible.

“It will also be crucial for Libya to decide on a new date for the national conference as its indefinite postponement does not inspire trust and confidence in the process. In this regard, we urge the parties to resume the political process and create an environment conducive for the national conference to take place. We wish to take this opportunity to remind the parties that the national conference must be led by the Libyans themselves, with the support of the United Nations, the African Union, neighbouring countries and the broader international community, which we believe will lead Libya on a positive trajectory.

“Mr President,

“We would like to emphasise the central role of the African Union as provided for in the Chapter VIII of the UN Charter in working closely with the countries of the region to find a durable solution to the political stalemate in Libya. In this context, we echo the views of the AUPSC at its 857th meeting in July 2019 that all partners involved in the political process of finding a sustainable settlement to the crisis in Libya, should endeavour to complement the efforts of the AU.

“Mr President,

"With respect to sanctions, South Africa wishes to reiterate its position on the importance of sanctions as a useful tool to advance a political process. Sanctions are not an end in themselves and should not be politicised in any way to advance a particular agenda.

“The renewal of the Libya sanctions regime in June this year demonstrates the Council’s recognition of the importance of the sanctions regime and the positive impact it will have on the political process in Libya. We are however concerned about the reports received from the Panel of Experts regarding the lack of effective implementation of the Libya sanctions measures. This is indicative of the continued involvement of external actors in Libya and will only serve to prolong the armed conflict and hostilities. It is imperative for Member States to meet their obligations in this respect.

“We are also particularly concerned about the continued violations of the arms embargo, which are counterproductive to the political process and also fuel the conflict in Libya. In this regard, we urge the perpetrators to refrain from such practice, which continues to undermine any prospects for progress in finding a solution to the conflict.

“In conclusion Mr President, we wish to emphasise the importance of both sides to the conflict committing to a ceasefire and resuming the political process, which in our view will pave the way for the National Conference led by the Libyans themselves. It is crucial for this process to be inclusive of all members of society, including women and youth, to ensure that no one is left behind in the implementation of the collective decisions taken at the National Conference.

“I thank you.”
“Mr President,

“My delegation wishes to thank the briefers Deputy Secretary-General, Amina Mohammed, USG Rosemary DiCarlo, and Jamila Afghani, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Afghanistan, Executive Director of Noor Educational and Capacity Development Organisation (NECDO) and Executive Member of the Afghan Women's Network for their insightful comments on the different aspects of the Women Peace and Security Agenda in Afghanistan.

“Mr President,

“At the outset, let me reiterate South Africa’s support for the political processes in Afghanistan, including its electoral reform, as this will lay the foundation for a better and inclusive future for all of Afghanistan. We look forward to the Presidential elections that will take place in September 2019 and encourage all parties to work together to ensure that the elections commence as planned and mandated by the Afghan Constitution. Additionally, is it equally important that the upcoming elections are credible, inclusive, fair and free, safe and transparent.

“Afghanistan is at a critical juncture in its peace process. These elections therefore constitute an essential step in renewing the trust of the Afghan people in the peace process and in contributing to long-term peace and security in Afghanistan.

“Mr President,

“We wish to welcome the progress made by Afghanistan in their efforts to achieve meaningful and inclusive participation in the peace process. The convening in the beginning of this year of the National Conference of Afghan Women for Peace, which was organised by the Office of the First Lady, with support from the High Peace Council, Ministry of Women’s Affairs, and Afghan Women’s Network and other civil society organizations, is a noteworthy initiative in advancing the women, peace and security agenda.

“Such activities by Afghan women across all levels and sectors of society create a conducive environment for women to continue to play an instrumental role in the peace process and beyond in the longer term.

“A 15-point Declaration on the role of women were developed by the Conference and submitted to President Ghani. We welcome the undertaking by President Ghani to have its provisions considered at the Consultative Loya Jirga and peace talks. These are positive steps towards ensuring the full and inclusive participation of women in the peace process of Afghanistan.

“We also wish to commend the Afghan Government for the development of a second phase of the National Action Plan for the Women of Afghanistan and encourage its comprehensive implementation. It is commendable that Afghanistan has made significant strides to implement the aspirations of resolution 1325 by ensuring the meaningful role of women in peace processes.

“Mr President,

“We hope that the progress made and these all-inclusive talks between the relevant national stakeholders continue. We wish to reiterate that all parties to the conflict must respect their obligations under international humanitarian and international human rights law, including ensuring the protection of the most vulnerable of Afghan society, namely women and children, particularly from sexual and gender-based violence, as well as those with disabilities. My delegation continues to condemn the unlawful recruitment and use of children in armed forces and groups, and calls for their release and reintegration into Afghan society.

“Mr President,

“Sustainable peace in Afghanistan is dependent on broad consensus where women, and also young people, fully participate in the peace process. This should include their participation at all levels of local and national government. South Africa thus encourages the further incorporation of gender perspectives and the concerns of women in enhancing the sustainability of peace and security in Afghanistan.

“We remain convinced, Mr President, that the only long-term solution for the situation in Afghanistan is a comprehensive and inclusive Afghan-led and Afghan-owned political process towards the peaceful resolution of conflict and an inclusive political settlement.

“I thank you.”
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