Issue 391 | 22 August 2019
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Consular Awareness Programme
President Cyril Ramaphosa has highlighted the importance of regional economic integration as envisaged by the SADC Industrialisation Strategy.
The President made this point at the conclusion of the 39th Ordinary Summit of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Heads of State and Government.

President Ramaphosa led the South African delegation comprising the Ministers of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor; Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula; Tourism, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane; and Finance, Tito Mboweni.

The summit was held from 17 to 18 August at the Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre in the Tanzanian capital, Dar es Salaam.

The summit took place under the theme: “A Conducive Business Environment for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development”.

The theme was in line with previous SADC Summit decisions that endorsed industrialisation as the overarching priority for the region based on the SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap (2015 – 2063).

The summit provided an opportunity for heads of state and government to be briefed on the overall implementation of the SADC work programme, including the Revised Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (2015 – 2020) and the SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap.

Heads of government were also updated on the status of the region's economy, health and food security and provided policy direction about future strategic work of SADC and the SADC post-2020 Agenda.

During the SADC Troika Summit of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, President Ramaphosa presented a final report on the Lesotho facilitation process to the SADC heads of state. The President is the SADC facilitator to the Kingdom of Lesotho.

“Presenting his report, the President noted with great appreciation progress made towards the implementation of the reforms required for transformation in the mountain kingdom.

“He commended the passing of enabling legislation for the establishment of the National Reforms Authority, which is entrusted with implementing the decisions of the National Dialogue and the reform processes,” said The Presidency's spokesperson, Khusela Diko.

President Ramaphosa was supported by retired Deputy Chief Justice Dikgang Moseneke.

The President further expressed gratitude to international partners for their support and assistance provided to him, notably the European Union Delegation Office to Lesotho, the United Nations Development Programme in Maseru and Tanzania retired Justice Frederick Werema, the Chairperson of the SADC Oversight Committee on Lesotho.

President Ramaphosa congratulated President Magufuli on assuming the Chairship of SADC.

“Under his leadership, our regional organisation and our region will continue to prosper under [Magufuli’s] esteemed and capable leadership,” said the President.

The President also congratulated President Magufuli on Kiswahili being adopted as the fourth official language of communication of SADC in addition to English, French and Portuguese.

The next SADC Summit will take place in Maputo, Mozambique, in August 2020.

Meanwhile, President Ramaphosa congratulated Sasha Maria Schwendenwein, a producer at the TV show Carte Blanche, for her SADC Media Awards entry, which won second prize in the TV category.

South Africa received an award during the SADC Summit on a story called Follow the Guns, which depicts the illegal trade of weapons used for the poaching of endangered rhinos. – Source:



South Africa on Thursday, 15 August 2019, affirmed its commitment to the historical, political, economic and cultural links with Tanzania.
“As South Africa, we value our historical, political, economic and cultural links and ties with Tanzania, and are pleased that these relations continue and are poised to grow even stronger.

"During our discussions with President Magufuli, we had the opportunity to deliberate on various issues of mutual interest and concern,” said President Cyril Ramaphosa.

President Ramaphosa said this on his first official State Visit to the east African country since becoming President in May.

In his remarks, the President said he and his counterpart, President John Pombe Magufuli, had concluded successful bilateral discussions. “Our visit to Tanzania is an expression of the strength and depth of the bilateral relations between our two countries.”
While more can be done to expand relations between the two countries, the two leaders expressed satisfaction at the strong bilateral relations between the two nations.

In addition, Tanzania and South Africa affirmed their commitment to the speedy implementation of various sectoral agreements signed to advance people-to-people relations, trade, investment, infrastructure development and energy cooperation.

The business communities of both countries, said President Ramaphosa, would be encouraged to make full use of existing opportunities to increase trade and investment initiatives.

Tanzania is appreciative of the fact that 208 South African companies are operating in that country.

“We also expressed a deep wish that we would like to see Tanzanian businesses investing in South Africa. We also wanted to extend a number of products that we can buy from Tanzania,” said President Ramaphosa. – Source:


  South Africa notes with concern the escalation of tensions surrounding developments in Jammu and Kashmir. The issue of Jammu and Kashmir should be resolved bilaterally, and South Africa urges India and Pakistan to resolve their differences through peaceful means.

South Africa calls on both countries to exercise restraint and refrain from actions that could further exacerbate the situation and potentially destabilise the region. There is an urgent need for rhetoric to be toned down.
South Africa further appeals that the freedom and rights of citizens be respected in line with international humanitarian and human rights laws.

Given South Africa’s history of a peaceful and democratic transition, we strongly believe that meaningful dialogue and consultations are the only way to sustainably resolve disputes. In this regard, the future of Jammu and Kashmir should be settled by peaceful means, through inclusive dialogue.

We have noted that demonstrations have taken place in South Africa. We reiterate that South Africa is a democracy, which allows the freedom to express different views, but all actions should still be in accordance with, and be observant of, the law.

As part of the national Women’s Month celebrations, the Minister of International Relations, Dr Naledi Pandor, and Deputy Minister Candith Mashego-Dlamini, hosted the female staff of the department on Tuesday, 20 August 2019.

The event was hosted under the theme: “Workplace Celebration of Women Empowerment and Gender Equality”.
  On Tuesday, 20 August 2019, the Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Candith Mashego-Dlamini, hosted a tête-à-tête with the Secretary of State of the Republic of Tunisia, Sabri Bachtobji.

South Africa’s commercial relations with Tunisia should be viewed in a regional context using the country as a platform to reach the North African market.

South Africa and Tunisia enjoy a healthy political and economic relationship. This relationship was further strengthened in 1996 when the inaugural session of the Joint Bilateral Commission between South Africa and Tunisia was held in Tunis.
  The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Alvin Botes, on Tuesday, 20 August 2019, hosted the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Mexican States, Julián Ventura, for a bilateral meeting.

The purpose of the visit was to reaffirm the existing friendship between South Africa and Mexico as the two countries commemorate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.

The visit accorded the two countries an opportunity to reflect on the gains made in the last 25 years and identify more opportunities for future cooperation.
The shaping of inclusive growth and shared futures in the Fourth Industrial Revolution is set to take centre stage when the 28th World Economic Forum (WEF) on Africa takes place in Cape Town next month.
In a media advisory, the WEF said the forum would take place from 4 to 6 September.

“The meeting will be the first that the WEF has held in sub-Saharan Africa since 2017, when leaders from government, business and civil society from around the world gathered in Durban, South Africa,” said the WEF.

This year’s meeting falls in a year when 20 elections will take place across the region, and nearly 100 days since President Cyril Ramaphosa took office.

Data from the World Bank indicates that, while progress has been made politically in sub-Saharan Africa, economic growth is also expected to accelerate modestly in 2019 from 3.1% in 2018 to an average of 3.6% in 2019, according to the World Bank.

Against this backdrop, the WEF on Africa will address a number of key issues facing the region’s inclusive development. These include:
  • supporting growth and integration through the African Continental Free Trade Area
  • creating high-quality employment opportunities and protecting workers in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • employing drones to address health, infrastructure and other societal needs
  • using emerging technologies to advance healthcare and prepare for epidemics
  • implementing growth strategies that address environmental challenges and deliver industrialiation.
The co-chairs of the meeting are:
  • Ellen Agler, Chief Executive Officer, The END Fund, United States of America (USA)
  • Jeremy Farrar, Director, Wellcome Trust, United Kingdom
  • Arancha Gonzalez Laya, Executive Director, International Trade Centre, Geneva
  • André Hoffmann, Vice-Chairman, Roche, Switzerland.
  • Alex Liu, Managing Partner and Chairman, AT Kearney, USA.
  • Jim Ovia, Chairman, Zenith Bank, Nigeria
  • Sipho M Pityana, Chairman, AngloGold Ashanti, South Africa.
“Africa’s successful development depends on building the right conditions for its new generation of entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders.
“This means smart, agile institutions; an enabling environment for innovation that includes access to skills and capital; and a determined approach by policy-makers to level the playing field and implement policies that prioritise sustainable, inclusive growth over short-term imperatives,” said Elsie Kanza, Head of the Regional Agenda, Africa, and Member of the Executive Committee at the WEF. – Source:
The Department of Home Affairs is continuously reviewing its operations to contribute in growing the economy, facilitating the creation of jobs and securing our borders.

The Minister of Home Affairs, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, has announced that nationals from four of the seven countries he granted visa-free status during his Budget Vote speech would now be able to travel to South Africa without visas.

He said the department would implement visa waivers for Ghana, Cuba and Principé and São Tome after negotiations with these countries had been concluded. The department is scheduled to complete these negotiations by the end of August 2019 and the implementation will follow soon thereafter.
“As from today, 15 August 2019, travellers from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and New Zealand will no longer require a visa to visit South Africa for holidays, conferencing and business meeting visits. We took this decision unilaterally but we are engaging these countries to see how they can relax entry requirements for our citizens. I am glad to say that Qatar has already waived visa requirements for South Africans and this will enable our people to attend the Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022 easier,” said Minister Motsoaledi.

“The Department of Home Affairs has an important contribution to make in growing tourism and by extension growing the economy and creating jobs. We are constantly reviewing our operations to ensure that we relax entry requirements without compromising our responsibility towards the safety and security of our citizens,” said Deputy Minister Motsoaledi.

Already, South Africa has waived the visa requirement for 82 of the 193 countries who are members of the United Nations. Eighteen of the countries enjoying a visa-free status in South Africa are on the continent with all Southern African Development Community countries enjoying this status, except for the Democratic Republic of Congo.

These countries which are enjoying the visa-free status are among the nations which account for the majority of the international tourist-sending states on the continent, Europe and the Americas.

“The department has already sent directives to ports of entry, airlines and our missions abroad, informing them of the removal of visa requirements for nationals of these countries who wish to visit our beautiful country for tourism of business meetings,” said Minister Motsoaledi.
The meeting was aimed at reviewing and taking forward the implementation of current areas of cooperation.

The Minister of Home Affairs, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, and his Lesotho counterpart, Mr Mokoto Hloaele, met on 16 August 2019 at the Maseru Bridge border post.

The areas of cooperation include the Lesotho Special Dispensation Project and the Intervention Plan on Traffic Congestion at Maseru Bridge border post. Maseru Bridge and Ficksburg are two of the six ports of entry that have been identified for the One-Stop Border Post Programme.

Minister Motsoaledi also unpacked the Border Management Authority to his counterpart.

The two ministers also conducted a walkabout at Maseru Bridge to monitor operations.

Tourism Deputy Minister, Fish Mahlalela, says South Africa will continue to strengthen the bond of friendship with the Central African Republic (CAR).
Deputy Minister Mahlalela has, on behalf of the South African Government, congratulated the Government and political parties in the CAR for reaching the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation that was signed in Bangui on 6 February 2019.

Speaking at the 59th celebration of the National Day of the CAR, Deputy Minister Mahlalela said South Africa and the CAR enjoyed strong diplomatic relations which dated back to 1993.

“It is our hope and wish that, on your 59th anniversary of independence, the people of the CAR enjoy peace, development and economic prosperity.

“It is our belief that without peace and security there cannot be development, and our two countries share a common vision of a peaceful and prosperous Africa,” the Deputy Minister said.
Deputy Minister Mahlalela congratulated the Government and the people of the CAR for choosing the path of peace and reconciliation, despite many challenges.

The warm and cordial relations between the two countries were solidified when President Faustin-Archange Touadera undertook a Working Visit to South Africa.

During his visit, discussions between former President Jacob Zuma and President Touadera laid a firm foundation for cooperation in a number of areas and in particular, South Africa agreeing to assist in the areas of developing peace and security and strengthening economic cooperation.

Subsequent to President Toudera’s visit, significant progress has been made in bilateral relations, including the opening of the South African Embassy in Bangui in June 2017. – Source:
The Coega Development Corporation (CDC) on Thursday, 15 August 2019, announced that it had created more than 120 000 jobs through its programmes across the country.
  CDC’s Head of Marketing, Brand and Communications, Dr Ayanda Vilakazi, said Coega continued to serve as the leading pioneer for socio-economic development through ground-breaking efforts that ensure standards of sustainable growth are met.

As the CDC celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, a total of 120 990 jobs have been created through the Coega project since its establishment in 1999.

“Many indigenous people of the Eastern Cape have felt the impact. We have also provided training to more than 100 000 people, most of whom are women and youth,” Vilakazi said.

Projects within the CDC have facilitated economic growth through job creation, particularly for the youth of this region.

“By year-end 2019/20, the CDC is projecting an increase in the number of operational investors in the Coega Special Economic Zone (SEZ) at 50, making Coega the most successful and leading SEZ in Africa,” Vilakazi said.
With 45 operational investors/tenants in the Coega SEZ, the SEZ remains the top achiever in South Africa, having achieved R9.53 billion in foreign direct investment.

“The top investors with the highest number of operational jobs created since establishment include, among others, Dynamics Commodities (858 jobs), Discovery (1 148 jobs), WNS (592 jobs) and Coega Dairy (305 jobs). – Source:
Young Ruveshni was born with one ventricle, resulting in her heart being unable to pump oxygen-poor blood back to her lungs. But a landmark procedure – the first of its kind to be performed in Africa – has changed her life.
A six-year-old girl from George received a non-surgical medical procedure that is the first to be performed in Africa, and only the third successfully completed globally.

Ruveshni Lewis was born with one heart ventricle, which resulted in her heart unable to pump oxygen-poor blood (“blue blood”) back to her lungs.

Oxygen-poor blood returns from the body to the heart through two main veins known as the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava.

Cardiac surgeons performed two previous operations and were able to divert blue blood via a conduit directly to the lungs, without it having to pass through the missing ventricle, but following a second operation, a hole or “window” between the conduit and her heart remained open.

This caused too much blue blood to flow back to her heart. The complication led to Ruveshni having to undergo an emergency operation.

The hospital’s catheterisation laboratory team implanted an Atrial Flow Restricter (AFR) device between one of the heart chambers and the conduit to reduce the window size from 10mm to 4mm – a more normal size – explained paediatric cardiologist, Professor Rik de Decker.
The new device was recently developed in Sweden and isn’t on the market yet. “The device is currently undergoing registration in Europe and we got it on a compassionate-use basis, gratis,” said Prof. De Decker.

“It has a hole inside, like a blow-off hole to allow some blood to go through. After undergoing six previous procedures, the implantation of the AFR effectively means that Ruveshni won’t need to undergo difficult repeat surgery for this problem, which is wonderful news."

Little Ruveshni has been recovering well after the procedure. Her mother, Justine Lewis, is delighted with her recovery and says that Ruveshni is happy and full of life since the procedure.

“Mentally and physically she’s a playful child. She wasn’t like that – she couldn’t play long, she couldn’t walk long distances, she would always complain about getting tired too easily – but that has all changed,” she said. – Source:
South African National Parks (SANParks) says it has heeded the request from South Africans who were not able to visit national parks during the week, to include weekends for this year's SA National Parks Week where guests are granted free access to the parks.
This year’s 14th annual SA National Parks Week takes place from 8 to 15 September.

SANParks regional spokeswoman, Fayroush Ludick, said the annual event gave all South African citizens the opportunity to visit one of the country's 21 national parks for free.

This also applies to Addo Elephant National Park (outside Port Elizabeth), Camdeboo National Park (on the borders of Graaff-Reinet), Garden Route National Park (with its Tsitsikamma, Knysna and Wilderness sections), Karoo National Park (outside Beaufort West) and Mountain Zebra National Park (near Cradock).

Ludick said due to the popularity of Addo Elephant National Park and its proximity to Port Elizabeth, gate quotas of 700 people per day per gate over weekends would apply.

It's advisable visitors arrive early to avoid disappointment.

Since the programme started in 2006, 438 361 South Africans had been afforded the opportunity to enter national parks.

"It’s important for South Africans to visit and know the importance of national parks. They act as spaces to practise sustainable conservation, as spaces that preserve and celebrate our culture and heritage, and we now see national parks playing the critical role of empowering communities living adjacent to parks through job creation and we continue to explore ways of creating business opportunities, particularly for small business owners,” said SANParks Chief Executive Officer, Fundisile Mketeni. – Source:
It's all systems go for a Johannesburg man who plans to cycle almost 10 500 km from Cairo, Egypt, to Cape Town on an electric bicycle (e-bike).
  And one of the reasons he's doing it to beat the Guinness World Record and become the fastest man to ride from Cairo to the Cape.

But, most importantly, he wants to raise awareness about climate change and money for a KwaZulu-Natal charity he is associated with.

Speaking to News24, 50-year old Michael Rea said he was excited about his upcoming cycle journey, which he hoped to finish in 38 days.

Rea will set off from the pyramids on 30 August and is expected to arrive in Cape Town on 10 October where the city's mayor is expected to welcome him.

He said he was inspired to undertake the trip after he had ridden across Canada in 2018, cycling from the west coast to the east coast of the country.

"Last year, I had a period of unemployment and went to Canada. I went and picked something out of my list of things I wanted to do before I am 40, but I didn't get to and I rode across Canada on an e-bike …"
Rea said to the best of everyone's knowledge, he was the first to have ridden across Canada on an e-bike, but because he was unaware about it, he had not registered it for the Guinness World Record.

Now he wants to set a record.

"What I found was that the e-bikes are game changers. They are amazing! I am a 50-year-old guy who is not precisely in the perfect energy of a cyclist, and an e-bike changes the game.

"I am also trying to raise awareness for people who think they can no longer exercise that they actually can, because the technology is there," an excited Rea said.

Rea, who has been living in South Africa for more than 20 years, will have to cycle around 248 km a day to break the world record and achieve his goal.

While cycling through the various countries, he hopes to also plant around 50 trees along the way and offset the carbon footprint of the trip. 

He will also be raising funds for Siyathuthuka Khalokazi, a charity which he and a group of women from KwaZulu-Natal run.

With the funds, he hopes to convert the rural homes of 10 women from the organisation. This would include installing solar power at their homes and boreholes for better access to water. – Source:
  South Africa has congratulated Sasha Maria Schwendenwein, a producer on Carte Blanche, for her Southern African Development Community (SADC) Media Awards entry which won second prize in the TV category.
The award was bestowed during the opening ceremony of the 39th Ordinary Summit of SADC Heads of State and Government in Tanzania.

The SADC Media Awards are aimed at promoting excellence in the fields of print, radio, television and photo journalism. They also serve as a link for coordination and synchronisation between formal structures of SADC member states and media.

“These awards further seek to bring and enhance partnership between media and government institutions in advancing the achievements and good stories of this region in bettering the lives of its citizens,” Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) said in a statement.
Schwendenwein's story, titled Follow the Guns, was a co-production which looked at the scourge of rhino poaching.

“The story is about the illegal trade of weapons used for the poaching of rhinos. The production was an investigative piece which provided detail on the syndicates and methods used to purchase the guns across various countries,” GCIS said.

This special report tracks the guns recovered by law enforcement from poaching and traces them all the way back to their manufacturers and dealers to unmask the masterminds behind South Africa’s rhino killing fields. The investigation piece was shot across three continents and highlights transnational gun supply to Africa.

The story was voted among six TV entries and came out second in that category.

Schwendenwein has a Master’s degree from Columbia University’s Joseph Pulitzer School of Journalism in New York.

She is an investigative journalist and television producer who joined Carte Blanche in 2012, and has since won several awards for her human rights, politics and environmental stories. –  Source:
Lunga Ntuli, a former car guard from South Africa, has been making headlines in the United Kingdom after his dazzling watch designs were brilliantly showcased on the catwalk during Africa Fashion Week London, on Friday, 9 August 2019.
Lunga, who used to live off tips from taking care of people’s vehicles, has made headlines overseas. He’s the brains behind the popular LN Watches brand.

Looking at one of the headlines, Lunga said on social media: “Ungamncami uThixo! (Don’t give up on God!) Such headlines will keep you grounded and humble. Not to us but to God be all the glory.”
  Back home in Ballito, KwaZulu-Natal, Lunga said: “What a great and exciting journey it has been. I’m back home and the grinding continues.

According to Reuters, although the fashion show showcased designs from across the continent, it was South African designers who took centre stage – opening the show with a dazzling catwalk featuring Lunga’s watches, as well as beaded-shoes by Gugu Bhengu. Gugu’s vibrant creations stole the show, said Reuters.

LN Watches sell for between $60 to $75, depending on the size and the style. Each watch strap takes one full day to make.

This was the ninth annual Africa Fashion Week London. The event was created by Nigerian entrepreneur Princess Ronke Ademiluyi.

Africa’s fashion is sure to spread with Princess Ronke Ademiluyi’s plans for Africa Fashion Week Dubai in October, and shows in America and Jamaica in 2020.

She also has plans to set up an African fashion museum in London, which she hopes to open next year. – Source:
The film adaptation of JM Coetzee's novel, “Waiting for the Barbarians”, will have its world premiere at the Venice film festival in September.

The upcoming drama directed by Circo Guerra stars Mark Rylance, Johnny Depp and Robert Pattinson.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, it centres on a character known as the Magistrate (Rylance) a loyal servant of "the Empire" who's has a crisis of conscience.

The Magistrate is replaced by a warrant officer for the Empire (Pattinson) after he is charged with treason.

Depp plays Colonel Joll, the leader of a special forces expedition who captures barbarians and tortures them publicly.

La vérité (The Truth), directed by Kore-eda Hirokazu will open the festival on 28 August and the Mick Jagger heist film, The Burnt Orange Heresy, will close the festival on 7 September. – Source:

  Just months after Sjava appeared on international music platform "Colors", another South African act is raising the country's flag high with a stellar performance of her own. 

Tsonga rapper Sho Madjozi performed John Cena on the Colors YouTube channel, which was shared with fans on Thursday, 15 August 2019. 

The platform showcases "exceptional talent from all around the globe, focussed on promoting the most distinctive new artists and original sounds," according to their YouTube page. – Source:
Mitchells Plain street dancer Lee-Shane Booysen has been crowned the 2019 Red Bull Dance Your Style Champion and will be jetting off to Paris, France, for a European street dance competition.
He will be representing Mzansi in a dance-off with over 30 other talented street dancers from around the world.
Lee-Shane (26) says he uses dance as a form of self-expression.

"It could have turned out any other way for me. I could have been a teacher, an engineer or I could have chosen the life of crime, as many of the people I grew up with. But I chose dance," Lee-Shane tells DRUM. Lee-Shane says he used to breakdance with his friends in the streets to pass the time.

"Coming from Mitchells Plain, people expect the worse from you or you are not expected to succeed," he says.

But he broke the rules.

"I used dance to stay away from trouble," he adds.

"So, winning this competition might seem small to others, but it is a big moment for me. I am excited to be the one heading to Paris to represent South Africa."

Lee-Shane says he wants to encourage other youth to follow their passion "because it’s not about where you come from but about your dream." – Source:
The Springbok Women booked their place in the 2021 Women’s Rugby World Cup in New Zealand with a 39-0 victory against Kenya in the deciding match of the qualifiers at the Bosman Stadium in Brakpan.

The win marked a clean sweep for the Springbok Women in the competition and wrapped up a full-house of points from their three matches following 89-5 and 73-0 victories against Uganda and Madagascar earlier in the tournament.

The Springbok Women ran Kenya ragged early on, which saw them earn their fourth try early in the second quarter and take a 24-0 lead at the break, and they built on this is in a competitive second stanza in which they added three more tries to their tally for the 39-0 win.

In the other match, Madagascar and Uganda played to a 15-15 draw in a gripping encounter, in which both teams ran hard on attack and defended with intent.

“I am very pleased for the players, they worked very hard to achieve this. They put in a great effort and they deserve this achievement,” delighted coach, Stanley Raubenheimer, said after the match.

He was pleased with the quality of his team’s performance throughout the qualifiers, but he said there was room for improvement as they prepare to face Spain once and Scotland twice in Port Elizabeth and Cape Town respectively in September and October.

“We scored a number of tries in our three matches in this tournament, so we are on the right track in that regard,” said Raubenheimer.

“But I think we can improve on our accuracy on attack, and I also think we need to work on our defence and kicking game. The good thing is that we will be able to work on those areas in the next few matches.”

Raubenheimer drew comfort from the fact that he had close to two years to prepare his team for the international showpiece down-under, and said: “It will certainly helps to qualify so well in advance. We didn’t participate in the 2017 World Cup, so we need to ensure that we reach the current world standards. – Source:


  Former Proteas star batsman AB de Villiers has been awarded Honorary Life Membership at the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC).
The MCC, which owns Lord's and acts as the guardian of the laws of the game, was founded in 1787.

According to the Lord's website, the club has bestowed this honour in recognition of De Villiers' outstanding achievements in cricket.

The 35-year-old South African is currently in England playing for the county Middlesex in the T20 Blast.

De Villiers made a blistering unbeaten 88 from 43 balls on his debut against Essex at Lord's, and matched the innings at Richmond against Somerset, a knock which took only 35 deliveries.

"Lord's is the best ground in the world. Everybody knows that to be a member is obviously a huge honour and a compliment for the way I've played cricket and conducted myself on and off the field," said De Villiers.

"It's always a huge privilege to come back to this place and now that I'm a member it gives me a reason to come here quite often."

De Villiers, who announced his retirement from international cricket last year, played 114 tests, 228 ODIs and 78 T20s for the Proteas from 2004 to 2018.

He was voted as the ICC ODI Cricketer of the Year in 2010, 2014 and 2015. – Source:
  South African rugby players – men and women, schoolboys and adults – were congratulated for Saturday’s national team hat-trick by Mark Alexander, president of SA Rugby, on Sunday, 18 August 2019
The Springboks overcame Argentina, 24-18; the Springbok Women defeated Kenya, 39-0; and the SA Schools team beat England U18, 33-26.

“Saturday was a very satisfactory day for South African rugby,” said Alexander. “We had national teams in action in Pretoria, Brakpan and Wellington – all of them in important matches and all of them came through.

“I’d like to congratulate our men and women players and our schoolboys on their successes. It’s not often that we have three national teams playing on the same day and to have them all victorious is cause for some pride.

“In particular, I’d like to congratulate the Springbok Women on their qualification for the 2021 Women’s Rugby World Cup.”

The Springbok Women booked their trip to New Zealand in 2021 in the deciding match of the Rugby Africa qualifiers at the Bosman Stadium in Brakpan. The win completed a clean sweep of victories during which the team conceded only five points and scored 201 from its three matches, which also included appearances against Uganda and Madagascar.

The SA Schools team similarly won all three of their matches, preceding their victory over England with wins over Argentina (48-14) and Wales (23-13). The SA Schools "A" team also performed admirably against first choice international opposition, drawing against Wales (31-31) and being competitive for long periods in defeats by Argentina (27-12) and France (43-19).

The Springboks wrapped up their domestic playing preparations for the Rugby World Cup with a 24-18 victory over Argentina in a Castle Lager Incoming Test match, following their emphatic clinching of the Castle Lager Rugby Championship a week before.

“I’d like to congratulate all the players, their coaches and the management staffs on their success,” said Alexander.

“And I’d also like to acknowledge and say ‘thank you’ to all the unseen heroes at school and provincial level who volunteer to provide a playing platform and opportunities in so many different ways and at different stages of a player’s career for these young men and women.

“These are challenging times in so many ways – economically and socially – but their contribution ensures the enduring strength of rugby. I believe that is something we should celebrate.” – Source: 
The top eight qualifiers for the International and United States 2019 Presidents Cup teams have been finalised following the completion of the PGA Tour's BMW Championship.
Captain Ernie Els and Tiger Woods will choose their four wildcard selections in the week of 4 November.

The 2019 Presidents Cup will take place at the Royal Melbourne Golf Club from 9 to 15 December.

The top four players in the International standings, Marc Leishman, Louis Oosthuizen, Adam Scott and Hideki Matsuyama, have a combined 17 appearances in the Presidents Cup and are flanked by four newcomers to the event in Abraham Ancer, Haotong Li, Cameron Smith and CT Pan.

Oosthuizen is the only South African to have automatically qualified for the biennial match play event.

"This is as good as I could have asked for. I've got guys who have played in the Presidents Cup many times previously and I've got guys who are rookies," said Els.

"The guys who are pillars of our team have really stepped up to take their places in this team. I'm really impressed with how they've conducted themselves and played into the team. - Source:


Statement by Ambassador Jerry Matjila, Permanent Representative of South Africa to the United Nations, during the Security Council Briefing on Yemen, 20 August 2019
“Mr President,

“We thank the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General, Mr Martin Griffiths, and the Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Ms Ursula Mueller, for their briefings. South Africa wishes to express our support for the Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Yemen, Mr Martin Griffiths, and congratulate him on all the efforts he is undertaking to find a peaceful solution to the situation in Yemen.

“My delegation would like to address the following two points in our intervention today, namely: (i) the political situation, and (ii) the humanitarian situation.

“Firstly, on the political situation, we continue to urge all parties involved in the war in Yemen to cease hostilities and fully implement the Stockholm Agreement. We believe in order to achieve sustainable peace in Yemen, differences among the parties cannot be solved militarily and will only be further aggravated by military activities. In this regard, we call on all sides to carry out their respective obligations as per their undertakings in the Stockholm Agreement. Implementation of this agreement is of paramount importance as it would assist in building confidence among the parties and improve the chances of reaching a broader political agreement. We welcome any positive steps taken by the parties to the conflicts so far, which helps de-escalate tensions. South Africa is firm in the belief that in order to ensure a long-term solution to the crisis in Yemen, it is necessary for all parties to commit to a political process. We continue to support a negotiated political settlement that engages all parties in an inclusive Yemeni-led dialogue to resolve differences and address the legitimate concerns of all Yemenis, in accordance with relevant Security Council resolutions. The recent developments in Southern Yemen are deeply concerning and we wish to encourage the regional role-players to continue the process of seeking a solution to this new development that will support the UN-mediated process and Stockholm Agreements. We are encouraged by positive developments in the region to increase cooperation and work towards achieving this goal. We further call on the countries of the region to prioritise dialogue to address any political differences that might exist.

“Secondly, on the humanitarian situation, South Africa remains extremely concerned about the serious humanitarian crisis in Yemen. To date, over 15 million people (over half the population of Yemen) are facing starvation; 1.1 million people are affected by cholera and 3 million people have been forced to flee (UNHCR). Vulnerable groups, specifically women and children, most often face the severe consequences of war, and this is no different in Yemen. This unprecedented humanitarian crisis is a strong indicator of the human toll of continued military action and conflict in Yemen, which necessitates an urgent commitment to a ceasefire and pursuit of a negotiated, peaceful and inclusive solution to the crisis. South Africa also calls on all parties to abide by their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law. We welcome the full reopening of the World Food Programme’s aid distribution after a partial closure in June 2019. We remain hopeful that this critical aid channel will remain open and free of misuse.

“Mr President,

“The continued violence conducted by all parties to this conflict is not conducive to peace-building measures. To enable the above, South Africa calls on all parties to de-escalate the fighting in other parts of the country and commit to a general ceasefire to enable dialogue and inclusive peaceful negotiations.

“In conclusion, Mr President , we wish to reiterate that the only sustainable solution to this conflict will be a negotiated, Yemeni-led political settlement that is inclusive and fair and puts the interests and wellbeing of all the citizens of Yemen first.

“I thank you.”
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