Issue 392 | 29 August 2019
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Consular Awareness Programme
President Cyril Ramaphosa is undertaking working visits to France and Japan from 24 to 30 August 2019 to participate in a G7 Summit that focussed on eliminating inequalities globally, and the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD VII) Summit that will strengthen partnership between Japan and African states.

The working visits also provide a platform for President Ramaphosa and members of Cabinet to invite global partners to experience South Africa as an investment destination and trade partner, and to participate in the country’s efforts to secure faster, sustainable and inclusive economic growth and reduce unemployment.

G7 Summit

The thematic focus of the 2019 G7 Summit in Biarritz, France, on 25 and 26 August 2019 was the reduction of inequalities prevailing around the world.

The G7 is a forum of the seven countries with the world's most industrialised and developed economies – France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada – whose government leaders meet annually to discuss important global economic, political, social and security issues.

Together, the G7 countries represent approximately 30% to 40% of global gross domestic product and 10% of the world’s population. The G7 Presidency, which rotates annually among its member states, is responsible for setting the agenda of each year’s summit.

France has invited major economies with regional influence as well as strategic African partners and key representatives of civil society, to build a renewed partnership and form coalitions around projects and solutions to combat inequality more effectively.

The summit deliberated all manifestations of inequality – social, economic, environmental and in other dimensions – globally.

G7 proceedings under the French Presidency are structured into three tracks: G7 and Africa Partnership (South Africa, Rwanda, Egypt, Burkina Faso, Senegal and the Chair of the African Union [AU] Commission); G7 and four Biarritz partners (South Africa, India, Australia and Chile), and G7 and all partners.
President Emmanuel Macron invited President Ramaphosa to the three working sessions that the G7 countries hosted with their partners.

The first session dealt with “Freedoms within the Digital World” under the G7 and four Biarritz partners track.

The second session was dedicated to the G7 partnership with Africa, for which G7 countries aim to define a new goal of serving development and peace throughout the continent. This session saw engagement among the G7 and African Partners.

The third working session and one in which civil society participated, addressed environmental issues, and more specifically the preservation of biodiversity, climate and oceans.
In terms of climate change and the advancing shift from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy, South Africa believes the energy transition should be a just transition in which workers’ livelihoods are protected, working conditions are fair and people are reskilled for participation in emerging industries. The transition to new sources of energy should also benefit all sectors of society.

South Africa utilised the G7 forum to advance its economic agenda, and particularly to promote itself as a major investment destination; further the interests of the AU, which it will chair in 2020, and collaborate with other developing countries that were invited to participate in the 2019 G7 in order to advance Africa’s developmental agenda.

President Ramaphosa was accompanied by Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, and Minister of Communications and Telecommunications, Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams.

President Ramaphosa travelled from France to Japan to participate in the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) VII Summit in Yokohama from 28 to 30 August 2019.

TICAD is convened under the theme of “Advancing Africa’s Development through Technology, Innovation and People”.

TICAD is a multilateral leaders’ forum on African development that was first convened in 1993 in Japan.
TICAD VII has identified three overarching priorities, namely accelerating economic transformation and improving business environment through innovation and private-sector engagement; deepening sustainable and resilient society; and strengthening peace and stability.

The summit is focussing on science, technology and innovation; human resource development and education; the oceans economy; climate change and disaster risk reduction; and agriculture.
South Africa views the partnership between Japan and the African continent as an enabler for infrastructure development and industrialisation throughout the continent.

More than 140 Japanese companies have an investment footprint in South Africa totalling more than R90 billion.

The Government of Japan as well as the country’s corporate sector view South Africa as a strategic partner on the African continent and within the context of the programmes and activities of TICAD.
On Wednesday, 28 August, the President participated in a South Africa-Japan business roundtable hosted at the headquarters of the Nissan Corporation and in which a South African business delegation engaged with their counterparts in Japanese commerce and industry.

On the same day, the President also addressed a summit forum on Science and Technology in Society and co-chaired a plenary session on economic transformation.

On 29 August, the President will participate in a public-private business dialogue coordinated by Trade and Investment South Africa, an agency of the Department of Trade and Industry.

The President will also have an engagement with the Japan External Trade Organisation, a government-related organisation that promotes mutually beneficial trade and investment relations between Japan and other nations.

President Ramaphosa is accompanied by Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Pandor; Minister of Trade and Industry, Ebrahim Patel; and Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Dr Blade Nzimande.
Acting President David Mabuza has, on behalf of government and the people of South Africa, conveyed his deepest condolences following the passing of Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) veteran and pioneer businesswoman, Dr Thandi Cynthia Ndlovu.
Dr Ndlovu passed away on Saturday, 24 August 2019, in a car accident.

She ran the fulcrum of the struggle for the liberation of South Africa, sacrificing her education to join the African National Congress (ANC) and its military wing MK at an early age. She later became a senior political commissar responsible for literacy and education and a Military Commander while in exile.

Upon her return from exile, she ran a private medical practice and delivered medical services to a population of 200 000 people in informal settlements.

In 2007, she established Motheo Construction, one of South Africa’s first leading black female-owned construction companies and leading provider of social housing in the country.

Dr Ndlovu received various awards in her work and continued to be a leading example to those who came after her, both in academic pursuit and as a leading businesswoman.

The Presidency said she led an impeccable life as a political activist and a champion for women empowerment.

Her life symbolised a struggle of rising against any odds, which she cemented in business leadership as well as taking on a human challenge of summiting the highest peak in Africa – the Mount Kilimanjaro.

“It is indeed a sad time in our nation to lose such a phenomenal woman and leader of the people.

“Dr Ndlovu has been at the forefront of almost all our women empowerment initiatives, wherein she pioneered black economic empowerment and was foremost in the peace and reconstruction efforts of our country and continent.

“She played a key role in promoting dialogue for sustainable peace and development in the Great Lakes region.

“We wish to convey our deepest condolences to the Ndlovu family, for their loss is our loss too. May her soul rest in eternal peace,” said Acting President Mabuza. – Source:
The South African Bureau of Standards in Cape Town will host the 42nd General Assembly of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) from 16 to 20 September 2019.
The ISO brings together experts to share their knowledge and develop voluntary consensus-based and market-relevant international standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.

The 2019 ISO programme will establish strategies to deal with the challenges of climate change, the digital economy, economic growth and multilateral trade.
The IBSA Fund was created in 2004 to pioneer impact-driven and people-centred efforts for the promotion of South-South cooperation.
Cabinet has approved for the submission of the IBSA Fund for the Alleviation of Poverty and Hunger (IBSA Fund Agreement) to Parliament for ratification. The agreement is between the Government of the Republic of India, the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Government of the Republic of South Africa.

The fund has enabled South Africa to contribute meaningfully and substantively towards international efforts to alleviate extreme poverty and hunger in developing countries. It has also contributed successfully in promoting all the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in approximately 21 partner countries.
Cabinet has approved the hosting of the preparatory meeting of experts for the Fourth Ministerial Meeting of the ACIRC Volunteer Nations from 30 August to 3 September 2019.
This supports and contributes to government’s priorities in promoting continental and regional peace and stability, and ensuring that African Union decisions related to harmonisation of the ACIRC Force and African Standby Force (ASF) activities are achieved. This will further ensure that the African Peace and Security Architecture is harmonised and operationalised.

South Africa and 12 other volunteer nations are part of ACIRC that was established in 2013 as an interim arrangement until the operationalisation of the ASF.
The Department of Trade Industry plans to go live with a new business portal by October 2019.
Responding during a recent parliamentary Q&A session, the Minister of Trade and Industry, Ebrahim Patel, said that the portal would be the first of its kind and significantly improve the ease of doing business in South Africa.

“The new business portal will allow domestic firms to get company registration, domain name registration, B-BBEE certificate and SARS registration online at the same time,” Minister Patel said.

“In addition, Invest SA is working with the Unemployment Insurance Fund and the Compensation Fund to integrate these processes into a single online platform, which will be a first for South Africa.”

According to the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Report, South Africa has slipped from 32nd in 2009 to 82nd in 2019.

“While South Africa has undertaken some reforms over the past decade, its ranking declined over the period."

“As the World Bank Survey at times affect investor perceptions of a country, there has been a focus on country improvement in the rankings.

“More importantly, some of the indicators used in the survey coincide with our own domestic goals to make it easier for small and medium businesses to start up and stay in business.”

Minister Patel said that Invest SA, with the technical support of the World Bank, had prioritised five of the 10 indicators based on the Doing Business report.

These include:
  • enforcing of contracts
  • getting access to electricity
  • resolving insolvency
  • getting credit
  • protecting minority shareholders.
A roadmap has been developed with short-term reform action plans (six to eight months) and medium to long term (18 to 24) months.

“The Department of Trade and Industry together with National Treasury have been working with the World Bank and the private sector to increase the pool of respondents and have hosted workshops to familiarise respondents with the survey questionnaire as it is detailed and requires an understanding of the case study and the core assumptions related to the methodology,“ he said.

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The Department of Science and Technology (DST), in partnership with its entity the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA), and AfricaBio, hosted the 2019 installment of the BIO Africa Convention at Durban's International Convention Centre (ICC) from 26 to 28 August 2019.
Under the theme "Africa: Transcending Consumerism, Leading Innovation", the three-day event built on the success of last year's inaugural BIO Africa Convention.

With South Africa's rich history and heritage in the bio space, the country was ideally placed to host the convention. As one of the world's most biodiverse countries, South Africa has the potential to become a bioeconomy haven.

"South Africa is one of the global mega-diverse hotspots, with huge bioprospecting potential lying within the animal, plant, fungal and micro-organism phyla," Dr Phil Mjwara, Director-General (DG) of the DST, said ahead of the convention.

"It has world-class infrastructure, exciting innovation, research and development capabilities and an established manufacturing base, as well as sophisticated financial, legal and telecommunications sectors, and a number of global business process outsourcing operations."

DG Mjwara said the BIO Africa Convention sought to develop the bio-innovation opportunities that arose from Africa's shared resources, abilities and market opportunities for regional, continental, and global good.

"Bringing together policymakers, businesses, regulators, researchers, investors, entrepreneurs and civil society, the aim is to form strategic partnerships and business alliances that will recognise the mutual interests and develop the African opportunities for bio-based value creation," the DG said.

The BIO Africa Convention also comes barely two weeks after President Cyril Ramaphosa signed into law the Protection, Promotion, Development and Management of Indigenous Knowledge Act.

The DST views indigenous knowledge-based technology innovations – including the development of African medicines, cosmeceuticals, nutraceuticals and indigenous beverages – as a massive strategic opportunity. As part of its efforts to mainstream indigenous knowledge, the Department has developed models for knowledge-holder and community-centred agroprocessing businesses which have yielded a variety of branded products.

The three-day BIO Africa Convention included plenaries, an exhibition, a showcase of local SMMEs, and breakaway sessions covering topics including the following: Smart and digital agriculture; innovation policy instruments for African governments; African natural medicine research; new breeding techniques and their regulatory implications; innovations in the sugar industry; sustainable biomaterials; and cannabis product innovations.
The Ministry of Communications and Digital Technologies is hosting delegates from the ATU for the Fourth Regional Preparatory Meeting in preparation for the World Radio Communication Conference (WRC) that will be held in November 2019 in Egypt.
This meeting is being held in East London at the International Convention Centre from 26 to 30 August 2019. The WRC Conference is a treaty-level forum held every four years by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a specialised agency of the United Nations. The agency’s main responsibility is to coordinate the global use of radio spectrum and promote international cooperation in assigning satellite orbits while also supporting efforts to improve telecommunications infrastructure in the developing world.

More than 300 delegates from several countries on the continent and abroad are attending the conference.

This meeting will contribute towards strengthening the multicultural system through fostering increased international cooperation, while also ensuring that Africa has an equal voice.

Furthermore, hosting this meeting provides South Africa with an opportunity to demonstrate its continuous commitments and obligations towards achieving the objectives of the ITU.

A female scientist at the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) has commemorated Women’s Month in style by securing a Doctoral Scholarship to study at the International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) at the University of Twete in the Netherlands.
Mbali Mahlayeye, a remote sensing scientist, will be jetting off to the Netherlands for the second time this year in September. This comes just months after her return from the Netherlands where she participated in an information-sharing programme organised by the Dutch Government to showcase the Dutch expertise on drinking water and waste water.

Mahlayeye holds a Geology (Hons) and Geo-informatics (MSc) Degrees from the University of Pretoria (UP). Her Doctoral Studies will focus on developing methods and algorithms that will aim at bridging the technological gaps that exist in the agricultural sector of acquiring information for decision-making using remote sensing.

“The subject matter of my PhD is very close to my heart as it will focus on food security, monitoring agricultural lands and crops using earth observations. When I received the acceptance letter from the University, I could not believe it. I had to pinch myself several times just to ascertain myself of the reality,” said Mahlayeye.

She expressed that much as she was excited to pursue her studies overseas; she was going to miss her family in South Africa. “I will be migrating to the Netherlands for four years and I understand that this will not be without challenges.

“But, I am comforted by the love and support I am receiving from my family and friends,” said Mahlayeye. The 29-year-old joined the DWS four years ago as a graduate trainee and has since acquired the knowledge and expertise in the fields of geography, geosciences and related branches of science and engineering. “My time with the department has been an absolute learning curve. I was involved in projects that addressed drought, forestry and agricultural matters. I was also afforded an opportunity to interact with young minds from developing countries in the Netherlands in a Dutch Visitors Programme on water and sanitation issues,” she said.

Mahlayeye said her scholarship with the University of Twete came at an opportune as South Africa commemorated Women’s Month. “I am a feminist at heart and I believe women deserve equal opportunities as men. This opportunity, more than anything, symbolises how far we come as a women and what we are capable of achieving,” said Mahlayeye.
A restaurant in South Africa’s Khayelitsha township in Cape Town – 4Roomed The Restaurant – and Le Wine Chambre in Johanneburg have been named as two of the world’s best restaurants of 2019.
The list was compiled for the first time ever in a partnership between two prestigious global magazines – Food & Wine and Travel + Leisure.

It includes 30 restaurants from around the world and was curated by one award-winning writer Besha Rodell who travelled anonymously to 81 restaurants in 24 countries to find the best of the best, based on recommendations from a panel of worldwide experts.

What Rodell loved most about both restaurants selected in South Africa was that they honoured South African taste and delivered an authentic African experience.

Rodell says while some of the wonderful wineries and restaurants in Cape Town can lead you to believe you’re in California or France, “Cape Town is not in America or Europe. It’s in Africa. 4Roomed The Restaurant makes no secret of that fact—what’s celebrated here is the food and culture of Africa, and South Africa in particular.”
The restaurant – popular with tourists and locals – is named after the four-roomed house that its chef Abigail Mbalo-Mokoena grew up in.

Mbalo-Mokoena is known to South Africans for her stint as a contestant on ‘MasterChef South Africa’, where she was eliminated because of burnt sugar. (Today she often serves a component of burnt sugar in her dessert dishes as a playful nod to that!)

Rodell says the restaurant’s eight-course shareable feast (which includes pap, chicken with fennel, umngqusho and more) is fantastic and incredible value at just US$18.

“I ate many good meals in and around Cape Town. But 4Roomed The Restaurant is unique, it’s an experience I could not have had anywhere else,” she says.

Le Wine Chambre in Johannesburg also made it to the top Restaurants in the World 2019 list. Rodell says the restaurant exudes magic, excitement, hospitality and delivers great food and wine.
“There are many places where you can explore the exciting world of South African wines, but I’m not sure there is any that deliver as much magic as this place,” she says.

She also notes the “gregarious host”, Walter Melato – an engineer, oenophile and “black wine professional in an industry long dominated by white South Africans” – who opened the restaurant in 2017.

She says the space is a “temple to wine” and that one of the most exciting things about Le Wine Chambre is “seeing South African wines paired with African dishes” (cooked by Zimbabwean chef Harold Saidi).

Rodell says: “For all the wealth of restaurants and wineries in South Africa, there actually aren’t that many places that find a way to match the food of the region with the wines now being produced there. Le Wine Chambre does that and so much more—it provides a place where wine, food, and culture bloom into a specifically South African experience.”

Rodell is the New York Time’s Australia dining critic. Her quest to find the best restaurants in the world took her to six continents over four months. She stayed in 37 hotels, spent 279 hours in the air, and traveled more than 100 000 miles.

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Eight African countries feature on “TIME” Magazine’s “The World’s Greatest Places 0f 2019” list. 
On Thursday, 22 August 2019, TIME released its second annual list of the World’s Greatest Places, which highlights 100 destinations around the world that are breaking new ground, leading industry trends and offering visitors an extraordinary experience.

To curate their list, they requested nominations for a range of categories – restaurants, theme parks and hotels, to name a few – from their editors and correspondents around the world as well as dozens of industry experts. Then they evaluated each one based on key factors, including quality, originality, innovation, sustainability and influence.

The final list is as diverse as the world it reflects with entries stretching all across the globe. It highlights a broad range of experiences for travellers and locals to immerse themselves in - from Camp Adventure in Denmark which offers people the opportunity to climb above the forest canopy for panoramic views of the lush forest surroundings to the VAC Library in Vietnam, a fascinating self-sustaining ecosystem on a miniature scale.

Here are the eight African countries boasting truly unique experiences that have made it onto the list:
  • Gorongosa National Park, Sofala, Mozambique: Gorongosa National Park is a preserved area in the Great Rift Valley of central Mozambique. Its forests and savannahs are home to lions, hippos and elephants.

  • Red Sea Mountain Trail, Red Sea Mountains, Egypt: The Red Sea Mountain Trail is a community tourism initiative. It is managed by a tribal organisation headed by a Bedouin Sheikh, Sheikh Merayi Abu Musallem, and its operation is harnessed to community goals. The project seeks to create economic support for marginalised Bedouin communities while preserving their endangered cultural heritage and empowering them to take a leading role in developing sustainable adventure tourism in their areas. Zakouma National Park, Chad: Zakouma National Park is a 1 158-square-mile national park in southeastern Chad's Salamat Region. Zakouma is the nation's oldest national park, declared a national park in 1963 by presidential decree, giving it the highest form of protection available under the nation's laws.

  • Museum of Black Civilizations, Dakar, Senegal: The Museum of Black Civilisations is a museum in Dakar, Senegal. Opened in December 2018, it is the realisation of Léopold Sédar Senghor, Senegal's first President, vision to create a museum that would represent the histories and contemporary cultures of black people everywhere.

  • Lekkerwater Beach Lodge, De Hoop Nature Reserve, South Africa: Lekkerwater Beach Lodge at De Hoop is a small and intimate property. Their environmental footprint is small, and so is their team. Whether you're hiking the mountains, exploring the rock pools, or sipping a drink on the deck as you soak up the outlook, by the end of a stay here it feels as though you're bidding farewell to family.

  • Wolfgat, Paternoster, South Africa: A new Strandveld eatery, showcasing the seasonal veldkos and seafood of the West Coast.

  • Omaanda, Windhoek East, Namibia: Composed of 10 huts inspired by traditional Owambo architecture, Omaanda is an exceptionally beautiful lodge, whose discrete elegance and timeless appeal takes visitors on an unforgettable journey. From here, you can discover the singular beauty of the Namibian savannah, in the very heart of a private animal reserve of over 9000 hectares surrounding the capital Windhoek.

  • Leopard Hill, Mara Naboisho Conservancy, Kenya: Leopard Hill is a new and modern camp in the midst of the African wilderness. Whilst soaking up the sun on the deck of your tent, the animals are so close it feels like you can reach out and touch them, adding to the sense that you are at one with the greatness of the savannah.

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The winners of the ninth annual Silwerskerm Film Festival were announced in Camps Bay on Saturday night at the Bay Hotel.
The four-day long local film festival boasted a stellar line-up this year which saw 14 short films and six feature films compete against each other to be crowned the winner in the annual awards.

The awards ceremony was hosted by actors June van Merch and Bennie Fourie. Veteran actor Tobi Cronje was honoured as this year's Silwerskerm legend for his contribution to the film industry.

The big winner of the evening was the feature film Poppie Nongena, based on the award-winning novel by Elsa Joubert, and starring Clementine Mosimane and Anna-Mart van der Merwe.

It bagged 12 awards, including Best Feature Film, Best Script, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress and Best Ensemble Cast. The film releases in South African cinemas on Friday, 30 January 2020. – Source:

Mbatha and American actress Garcelle Beauvais are the latest additions to the cast, which will also feature stars like Tracy Morgan and Wesley Snipes, among others.
South African actress and human rights activist Nomzamo Mbatha has joined the cast of Coming 2 America, a sequel to the 1988 comedy which featured Eddie Murphy.

Not much is known about Mbatha’s new role yet, but the star has been retweeting posts about her new role. South Africans have flooded her feed with messages of congratulations.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Paramount has set the release date for 18 December 2020.

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Toni Braxton is coming to South Africa on tour.
The Grammy award-winning songstress Toni Braxton announced the inclusion of South Africa on her As Long As I Live Tour schedule recently.

The SA tour will include shows in Johannesburg and Cape Town taking place later this year. 2019 commemorates Toni's 25th anniversary in the music industry and what better way to celebrate than with a world tour.

s even-time Grammy winner Toni Braxton is stepping behind the camera to learn the business of TV movies. But with three new Grammy nominations, she says she'll always choose music "over anything" because she loves it "so much."

Behind timeless hits such as Love Shoulda Brought You Home, Another Sad Love Song, Breathe Again, Seven Whole Days, Un-Break My Heart and He Wasn't Man Enough, this multimillion-selling R&B/pop pioneer actress and seven-time Grammy Award-winner hits South Africa’s shores this November.

The Johannesburg show will take place on 9 November at the Ticketpro Dome and the Cape Town at the Grand Arena, Grandwest Casino on 12 November.

While in the country, Toni Braxton is also set to visit the Ronald McDonald House Charities South Africa in association with McDonald's.

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The Ndlovu Youth Choir is one step closer to clinching the title on America's Got Talent season 14.
On Tuesday, 20 August 2019, the choir blew away the competition with their quarter-final performance on U2's Beautiful Day.

Ndlovu Youth Choir director Ralf Schmitt said they were "overwhelmed" by the support from South Africans after reaching the quarterfinals of America's Got Talent.

On Wednesday the results were announced, with the choir making it through to the semi-finals.

After not securing enough votes from the public, it went over to the judges' votes.

Judges Gabrielle Union and Simon Cowell voted for Ndlovu with Howie Mandel and Julianne Hough voting for 14-year-old singer Charlotte Summer.

The tiebreaker was up to which contestant got the most public votes. The choir secured enough votes to get them through to the next round.

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Gugulethu’s United We Stand dance group, currently making waves nationally, scored a golden opportunity to compete at the All Dance World Competition in Orlando, Florida in the United States this November.
The teenage dancers are the only South African group offered an opportunity to go against more than 50 000 other young dancers from across the world, competing for the coveted best dance group.

Inspired by her passion for arts and craft, Judy Mkoko established the United We Stand Community Building Project (UWSCBP) in 2010 with the aim of addressing social ills while teaching life skills.

The project focusses on traditional dance, pantsula, contemporary dance, drama and sport, using arts and crafts as a catalyst for change, while cultivating a healthy lifestyle, teaching life skills through sports and recreation activities, Mkoko said.

Started from humble beginnings with just a handful of youngsters, the group now has 45 members between the ages of seven and 18.

“We are of the belief that we are making a tremendous impact in their lives in offering constructive and character-building activities. Judging by the feedback from the participants’ parents and guardians, we are playing a pivotal role in their lives.

“We intend to continue doing this, because of our passion for our work.

“UWSCBP believes that these children deserve nothing but the best that this life has to offer,” Mkoko said.

The group is currently fund-raising effort to generate funds for them to participate in this international competition.

They boast a number of achievements, which Mkoko said helped build the group member’s confidence.

They progressed to the next round of the hip hop dance competition on SABC 1, Break de Beat. They also featured in Prince Kaybee’s song, Gugulethu.

“Winning this competition would mean more opportunities for young people in our community as that will enable us to build more dance theatre to ensure that every young person has access to resources,” Mkoko said.

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Congratulations to Team SA at the 12th African Games in Rabat and Casablanca, Morocco who’ve scooped a total 51 medals.
Here’s the list of SA winners so far below. Team SA’s swimmers did their job in the first week of the African Games in Casablanca (with the South African anthem becoming very familiar to spectators!) and now it’s over to the track and field athletes who start their competition on Monday in Rabat.

Gold (23)
  • Tiffany Keep (cycling), women’s mountain biking cross-country
  • Women’s team time trial (cycling)
  • Men’s team time trial (cycling)
  • Erin Gallagher (swimming) women’s 50m freestyle
  • Erin Gallagher (swimming) women’s 100m freestyle
  • Erin Gallagher (swimming) women’s 50m backstroke
  • Kaylene Corbett (swimming) women’s 50m breaststroke
  • Kaylene Corbett (swimming) women’s 100m breaststroke
  • Kaylene Corbett (swimming) women’s 200m breaststroke
  • Michael Houlie (swimming) men’s 50m breaststroke
  • Martin Binedell (swimming) men’s 200m backstroke
  • Alaric Basson (swimming) men’s 100m breaststroke
  • Alaric Basson (swimming) men’s 200m breaststroke
  • Samantha Randle (swimming) women’s 400m IM
  • Ryan Coetzee (men’s 100m butterfly)
  • Jessica Whelan (women’s 200m IM)
  • Women’s 4x200m freestyle (swimming)
  • Women’s 4x100m freestyle relay (swimming)
  • Women’s 4x100m medley relay (swimming)
  • Mixed 4x100m freestyle relay (swimming)
  • Mixed 4x100m medley relay (swimming)
  • Men’s 4x100m freestyle relay (swimming)
  • Men’s 4x100m medley relay (swimming)
Silver (15)
  • Michaela Whitebooi (judo) women’s 48kg
  • Unelle Snyman (judo) women’s 78kg
  • Christin Mundell (swimming) women’s 50m breaststroke
  • Christin Mundell (swimming) women’s 100m breaststroke
  • Christin Mundell (swimming) women’s 200m breaststroke
  • Christin Mundell (swimming) women’s 200m freestyle
  • Christin Mundell (swimming) women’s 400m freestyle
  • Samantha Randle (swimming) women’s 200m backstroke
  • Samantha Randle (swimming) women’s 800m freestyle
  • Samantha Randle (swimming) women’s 1500m freestyle
  • Erin Gallagher (swimming) women’s 50m butterfly
  • Erin Gallagher (swimming) women’s 100m butterfly
  • Ayrton Sweeney (swimming) men’s 400m IM
  • Alard Basson (swimming) men’s 100m butterfly
  • Men’s 4x200m freestyle relay
Bronze (12)
  • Emma Chelius (swimming) women’s 50m freestyle
  • Emma Chelius (swimming) women’s 100m freestyle
  • Emma Chelius (swimming) women’s 50m butterfly
  • Carla Antonopoulos (swimming) women’s 1500m freestyle
  • Michael Houlie (swimming) 100m breaststroke
  • Ryan Coetzee (swimming) men’s 50m butterfly
  • Jessica Whelan (swimming) women’s 400m IM
  • Brad Tandy (swimming) men’s 50m freestyle
  • Kerryn Herbst (swimming) women’s 100m backstroke
  • Martin Binedell (swimming) men’s 100m backstroke
  • Christin Mundell (swimming) women’s 200m IM
  • Neil Fair (swimming) men’s 200m IM

    – Source:
Anaso Jobodwana and Sunette Viljoen, two of South Africa's most decorated athletes, are leading a powerful squad in the track and field competition at the African Games in Rabat, Morocco.
The track and field competition started on Monday, 26 August, and comes to a close on Friday, 30 August.

Jobodwana, a former South African record holder in the 200m sprint, captains the 19-member men's team and Viljoen, the African women's javelin throw record holder, is spearheading the 18-strong women's squad.

Aside from turning out in the individual 200m race, alongside Chederick van Wyk, Jobodwana will also be joined by 100m sprinters Thando Dlodlo and Henricho Bruintjies in a podium race in the men's 4x100m relay.

With the 100m relay squad having already qualified for the IAAF World Championships in Doha, Qatar next month, this will give them another opportunity to prepare for the showpiece.

“We have assembled what we believe to be the best athletes available to anchor Team South Africa in the North African showpiece,” said Aleck Skhosana, the President of Athletics South Africa. “We are confident that even without some of our top athletes who are unavailable due to other commitments, those we have selected will represent us well.

“It is a great opportunity for athletes to chase African glory and use the contest as a springboard to the World Championships next month in Doha. It’s also perfect for those who are still looking to qualify for the same competition.

“All our athletes have been given a mandate to keep the flag flying high in the SASCOC-led team during Africa’s premier multi-sports extravaganza where the best-of-the-best fight for honours.”

In other disciplines, national champion Lindsay Hanekom and world junior champion Sokwakhana “Soks” Zazini will aim to build on the fine form they have shown this year in the 400m hurdles, while Orazio Cremona and another of the country's global U20 champions, Kayle Blignaut, will launch a joint assault in the shot put circle.

On the road, Wayne Snyman will also be eager to turn his spectacular form this season into a medal in the men's 20km walk.

Viljoen, meanwhile, will look to extend her continental dominance in her specialist discipline. She will not be alone though, with the nation's elite women expected to play a key role in lifting the SA squad's medal count at the multi-sport spectacle.

Among them on the track, SA champion Tebogo Mamatu will line up against Africa's fastest women in the 100m sprint, while world junior champion Zeney van der Walt and Commonwealth Games bronze medallist Wenda Nel will be chasing a podium double in the 400m hurdles event.
South African Erik van Rooyen birdied the final hole to grab his maiden European Tour title by beating Matthew Fitzpatrick by one shot at the Scandinavian Invitational on Sunday, 26 August 2019.
The 29-year-old, who has also posted five other top-10 finishes this season, led England's Fitzpatrick by one heading into the final round in Gothenburg.

He found himself three clear in the closing stages, but made a bogey at the 17th after Fitzpatrick birdied to leave the tournament up for grabs.

Van Rooyen managed to match Fitzpatrick's birdie at the par-five 18th, though, to hold on and continue an excellent year with his first win on a major tour.

"It's too good, it's hard to describe," he told

The world number 87 finished with a six-under-par 64 to end on 19-under overall.

"I've gone close a bunch of times and every time I'm in contention the question gets asked," said van Rooyen. "I'm just so proud of myself ... I'm over the moon."

– Source:
A Springbok blend led by Siya Kolisi and combining youth with gnarled experience was on Monday, 26 August 2019, confirmed to launch South Africa’s seventh assault on the Rugby World Cup title.
The squad naming was broadcast live by several national broadcasters in front of an excited audience at Multichoice City in Johannesburg.

The team departs to Japan on Friday.

The squad named by Mark Alexander, president of SA Rugby, features three players attending their third Rugby World Cup – Frans Steyn, Tendai Mtawarira and Francois Louw – and 12 players making their second expedition, providing a spine of experience.

Fourteen of the squad made their Test debut since the last tournament in 2015, while six of those have been capped in the past two seasons since Rassie Erasmus, director of rugby, took over the team’s coaching duties. The half dozen are Herschel Jantjies, Cheslin Kolbe, Sbu Nkosi, Makazole Mapimpi, Kwagga Smith and RG Snyman.

There are five players with more than 50 caps - Eben Etzebeth, Willie le Roux, Louw, Steyn and Mtawarira - the latter being the most experienced played in the squad with 110 caps.

The Springboks open their Rugby World Cup campaign against New Zealand in Yokohama on Saturday, 21 September, before further Pool B matches against Namibia (28 September), Italy (4 October) and Canada (8 October).
It will be the first time the Springboks have met Namibia since 2011 and the first meeting with Canada since 2000. The Springboks have beaten Italy 13 times in 14 meetings and, after a long period of New Zealand dominance have restored some balance in the past four meetings - none of which was decided by more than two points.

The Springboks will play a final warm-up match against Japan on Friday, 6 September, in Kumagaya.

Springboks' 31-man Rugby World Cup squad:

Forwards (17)

Schalk Brits (Bulls), Lood de Jager (Bulls), Pieter-Steph du Toit (Stormers), Eben Etzebeth (Stormers), Steven Kitshoff (Stormers), Vincent Koch (Saracens, England), Siya Kolisi (captain, Stormers), Francois Louw (Bath, England), Frans Malherbe (Stormers), Malcolm Marx (Lions), Bongi Mbonambi (Stormers), Tendai Mtawarira (Sharks), Franco Mostert (Gloucester, England), Trevor Nyakane (Bulls), Kwagga Smith (Lions), RG Snyman (Bulls), Duane Vermeulen (Bulls)

Backs (14)

Lukhanyo Am (Sharks), Damian de Allende (Stormers), Faf de Klerk (Sale Sharks, England), Warrick Gelant (Bulls), Elton Jantjies (Lions), Herschel Jantjies (Stormers), Cheslin Kolbe (Toulouse, France), Jesse Kriel (Bulls), Makazole Mapimpi (Sharks), S'bu Nkosi (Sharks), Willie le Roux (Toyota Verblitz, Japan), Handre Pollard (Bulls), Cobus Reinach (Northampton Saints, England), Frans Steyn (Montpellier, France).

- Source:
“Madame President,

“My delegation would like to thank you for convening this meeting. We would also like to thank Under-Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, and African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security, Ambassador Smail Chergui, for their comprehensive briefing.

“I would like to focus my intervention on two key issues, the political developments in Khartoum and the situation in Darfur.

“On the political situation,

“We welcome the recent signing of the Constitutional Declaration in Sudan and congratulate the parties for reaching this historic milestone. We also welcome the efforts undertaken by the Prime Minister of Ethiopia on behalf of The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the African Union in bringing the parties together and ending months of unrest. We particularly commend the role played by the Special Envoy of the African Union Commission Chairperson, Prof Mohamed El Hacen Lebatt, and the Special Envoy of the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Ambassador Mahmoud Dirir, for facilitating the mediation that resulted in the power-sharing agreement.

“The establishment of the Sovereign Council, which includes two women, to be led in the first 21 months by General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan Abdel Rahman is a welcome development. We also applaud the appointment of Mr Abdallah Hamdock as Prime Minister of the Council of Ministers.

“Indeed, the real work begins now!!!! We urge all Sudanese stakeholders to implement the commitments made in the agreements, in order to meet the aspirations of the Sudanese people for sustainable peace, security, reconciliation and development.

“The people of Sudan have yearned for peace for too long and sacrificed too dearly. Their aspirations of peace, stability, reconciliation, development and prosperity need to translate into tangible dividends on the ground. In this regard, we urge all parties to redouble their efforts in working together to rebuild a united, inclusive and strong Sudan underpinned by democratic principles.

“Madame President,

“It is thus vital that the region and the African Union continue to provide assistance to the political process in Sudan. The support of the international community remains a critical part in enhancing the work of the region and in unlocking those international institutions and processes that will allow Sudan to rebuild its economy. Moving forward, it is imperative that an enabling environment be created and support be accorded to the parties – in ensuring the full implementation of the agreements. We should safeguard against external interference and give parties the space to chart their trajectory of peace and development.

“We are encouraged by the improving relations between the countries in the region. This rapprochement is a positive step in the right direction for regional peace and stability and contributing to the ideals of silencing the guns on the continent by 2020. We urge the leaders in the region to continue this positive momentum of political dialogue, to strengthen regional stability.

“On Darfur,

“Madame President,

“The situation in Darfur continues to improve; however, there are still remnants of insecurity that find expressions in the form of human rights and humanitarian challenges. It is thus imperative for UNAMID to continue discharging its mandate provided by this Council.

“South Africa looks forward to the joint report of the Secretary-General and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission in September 2019. This report is expected to provide an assessment of the situation on the ground and recommendations on the appropriate course of action regarding the drawdown of UNAMID as well as a joint African Union-United Nations political strategy detailing options for a follow-on mechanism to UNAMID.

“In the meantime, it is worth underlining that the root-causes of the situation in Darfur must be addressed in a sustainable manner. As such, the rejuvenation of the Doha peace process is very important, particularly given its current unclear trajectory. We trust that the renewed hope ushered by the current agreement will create impetus to the peace process in Darfur, and encourage all armed groups to cooperate and join the political dialogue with a view to work towards achieving comprehensive peace and reconciliation throughout the Sudan.

“Lastly Madame President,

“The international community must support the Sudanese parties as they work towards consolidating peace and stability in their country. This support should be such that it addresses socio-economic challenges. The primary focus should be on economic development and mobilisation of necessary financial resources to support the country in its economic recovery. We commend the countries that have already contributed in this regard.

“It is our view that the Sudanese people must seize this prevailing positive environment to identify, drive and direct priorities, strategies and activities for peacebuilding and sustaining peace during this transition and UNAMID drawdown process.

“I thank you.”
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