Issue 395| 19 September 2019
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Consular Awareness Programme
A team of special envoys, appointed by President Cyril Ramaphosa, began their assignment on Saturday, 14 September 2019, and departed South Africa to deliver messages of solidarity to several heads of state and government across Africa.
  The team, comprising Jeff Radebe, Ambassador Kingsley Mamabolo and Dr Khulu Mbatha, will visit Nigeria, Niger, Ghana, Senegal, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia.

The special envoys will deliver a message from President Ramaphosa regarding the incidents of violence that recently erupted in some parts of South Africa, which have manifested in attacks on foreign nationals and destruction of property.

The special envoys are tasked with reassuring fellow African countries that South Africa is committed to the ideals of Pan-African unity and solidarity. The special envoys will also reaffirm South Africa’s commitment to the rule of law.

The special envoys will brief governments in the identified African countries about the steps that the South African Government is taking to bring a stop to the attacks and to hold the perpetrators to account.
Mugabe, who served as Zimbabwe’s first post-independence President, passed away in Singapore at the age of 95.
President Cyril Ramaphosa attended the State Funeral of former Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe in Harare on Saturday, 14 September 2019.

“The President’s attendance signifies South Africa’s regard and gratitude for the role played by the late former President Mugabe in his capacity as leader of Zimbabwe’s pre-independence liberation movement and as President of the Republic of Zimbabwe in support of South Africa’s struggle against apartheid,” said The Presidency.

In his early life, Mugabe won a scholarship to Fort Hare University, where he obtained the first of his seven academic degrees.

President Ramaphosa was accompanied by International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Dr Naledi Pandor; Defence Minister, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula; Police Minister, General Bheki Cele; and State Security Minister, Ayanda Dlodlo. – Source:



  President Cyril Ramaphosa has paid tribute to anti-apartheid activist Adelaine Hain, mother of global human rights activist and senior British politician, Lord Hain, who passed away aged 92.

Born in Port Alfred, Adelaine Hain made her mark in defying apartheid and assisting oppressed communities – a commitment to which the apartheid State responded by banning her and later her husband, Walter, before forcing them into exile in the United Kingdom.

“Banning orders and arrests failed to extinguish Adelaine Hain’s patriotic struggle against an unjust system. She deserves our respect and gratitude for mobilising her own family as much as she mobilised communities to dismantle apartheid,” said President Ramaphosa.

The President has offered his sincerest condolences to Lord Hain and his family. Walter Hain passed away in 2016.
On Monday, 16 September 2019, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, briefed the media on South Africa's participation in the 74th Session of the UNGA, which will take place at the UN Headquarters in New York from 24 to 30 September 2019.
Minister Pandor said that President Cyril Ramaphosa had delegated her to lead South Africa’s delegation to UNGA as the President wished to concentrate on critical issues needing his attention in South Africa.

“The United Nation General Assembly’s theme for this year is: ‘Galvanising Multilateral Efforts for Poverty Eradication, Quality Education, Climate Action and Inclusion’, and was announced by the President-elect of the General Assembly (PGA), Tijjani Muhammad-Bande (Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the UN).

South Africa has always asserted that dialogue must be used to avoid escalation of tensions in every situation of conflict. In order to ensure a long-term solution to the crisis in Yemen, we call upon all parties to commit to a political process, where a negotiated, United Nations mediated and Yemeni-led settlement that is inclusive and fair and that will put the interests and well-being of all Yemeni citizens first.

South Africa is also extremely concerned about the impact of the crisis on the humanitarian situation in the country. Starvation and the outbreak of cholera threaten more than half of the population of Yemen, especially the most vulnerable, namely women and children. The likely effect of this conflict on global growth and job creation is also a concern.

South Africa, therefore, calls on all parties to de-escalate hostilities, to commit to a general ceasefire through which dialogue and inclusive peaceful negotiations can be enabled, and to abide by their obligations under international law, in pursuit of a lasting settlement.

“The theme of the PGA is timely and resonates with South Africa's seven priorities as outlined by President Ramaphosa during the State of the Nation Address on 20 June 2019. These are:
  • economic transformation and job creation
  • education, skills and health
  • consolidating the social wage through reliable and quality basic services
  • spatial integration, human settlements and local government
  • social cohesion and safe communities
  • building a capable, ethical and developmental state
  • a better Africa and the world.
“The UNGA General Debate affords member states of the UN the opportunity to address issues of national, regional and international importance. We will also utilise the opportunity to speak of the unfortunately tragic events of the past two weeks and to repeat our belief in African unity, peace and friendship.

“Our participation in UNGA will provide us with an opportunity to interact with our counterparts across the globe and to articulate South Africa’s perspective on the GA theme.

“The delegation is made up of the Minister of Health, Dr Zweli Mkhize; the Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, Ms Barbara Creecy; and the Minister in The Presidency, Mr Jackson Mthembu.

“The President has appointed a delegation that is consistent with our resolve to use resources maximally and curtail costs. 

“We plan to use the upcoming UNGA74 to restate and affirm our commitment to multilateralism and the central role of the UN in the system of global governance. Our overarching strategic approach is predicated on the notion of an equitable, just and fair world order buttressed by a multilateral system that includes respect for international law.

“This year's General Debate will provide South Africa with an opportunity to provide an assessment of the current global and continental peace, security and development challenges, as well as to lay out our vision for the African continent and the world; to articulate South Africa's objectives as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council from 2019 to 2020; our commitment to reform of them; and to build on the late President Nelson Mandela's legacy of working towards a peaceful, just and prosperous world.

“One of South Africa's strategic focus in international engagement is to defend and promote the primacy of institutions of global governance as the vehicles through which current challenges facing the international community, including in the areas of peace and security, sustainable development, human rights and the reform of global governance could be resolved.

“We will also highlight South Africa's role in the implementation of the African Union's (AU) Agenda 2063 and the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Furthermore, South Africa will argue for stronger and enhanced coordination between the AU and the UN, especially in the resolution of conflicts in Africa.

“UNGA74 coincides with the inaugural year of the Nelson Mandela Decade for Peace 2019 – 2028, which was adopted at the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit in September 2018 as a contribution to the strengthening of multilateralism and a means of advancing the values and principles of Nelson Mandela, as well as those of the Charter of the UN.

“South Africa will encourage all member states and the international community to be guided by the Nelson Mandela Decade for Peace in their efforts to preserve multilateralism and to achieve peace, cooperation and respect for the principles and objectives of the Charter of the UN.

“On the margins of the General Debate, other UN-related high-level events have been scheduled and there will also be opportunities for bilateral meetings and side events in which the South African ministerial delegation has been invited to participate.

The following high-level events have been confirmed:
  • 23 September 2019, High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage
  • 23 September 2019, Secretary-General's Climate Action Summit
  • 24 and 25 September 2019, High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
  • 26 September 2019, High-Level Dialogue on Financing for Development
  • 26 September 2019, High-Level Meeting to commemorate and promote the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
  • 27 September 2019, High-Level Meeting to review progress made in addressing the priorities of Small Island Developing States through the implementation of the SAMOA Pathway.”

  The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation,
Dr Naledi Pandor, on Monday, 16 September 2019, hosted the United Nations (UN) Independent Expert on the Enjoyment of Human Rights for Persons with Albinism, Ikponwosa Ero.
The UN Independent Expert is conducting a fact-finding mission in South Africa from 16 to 26 September 2019.

The visit serves as an important aspect of peer review and benchmarking South Africa’s successes against the implementation of its regional and international obligations on persons with disabilities.

In line with Article 28 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRDP), the Social Development Department provides financial support to the Albinism Society of South Africa to roll out programmes and services throughout South Africa.

These include, among others, awareness and advocacy programmes, capacity-building of organisations representing persons with albinism, provision of dignity packs and improving access to education for children with disabilities.

During the visit, the UN Independent Expert will also assess South Africa’s progress with regard to implementation of the CRDP, with specific focus on protecting and promoting the human rights of persons with albinism.

Ero’s visit also coincides with Albinism Awareness Month, which seeks to provide information and create greater public awareness on albinism.

On the African continent, persons with albinism face numerous human rights violations, including abduction, attacks and senseless killings.

Between 2000 and 2013, the UN received 200 reports of ritual attacks on people with albinism across 15 African countries. South Africa is one of the countries where such cases were reported, with a notable upsurge in the abduction and killing of persons with albinism between 2017 and 2018.

This led to a joint response by government and organisations working with persons with albinism and Chapter 9 institutions, which resulted in a significant decline in reported cases of abduction and killing of persons with albinism across the country.

A key success factor in this regard was the coordinated response by both government and community-based organisations to conduct public awareness, matched equally by the responsive criminal justice system which, resulted in successful prosecution, and conviction of perpetrators of crimes against persons with albinism.

On the legislative front, South Africa is a signatory of the UNCRDP and the Optional Protocol, both of which were domesticated through the White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and incorporated into the other enacted pieces of legislation.

South Africa also ratified the African Union (AU) Protocol on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which makes specific mention of persons with albinism. In March this year, the AU Ministerial Committee on Labour and Social Protection endorsed the Regional Action Plan on Albinism in Africa 2017 – 2022. – Source:
The South African Government has noted, with concern, the escalation of conflict in the Middle East, as has again been demonstrated by an attack on two key Saudi Arabian oil facilities on Saturday, 14 September 2019, emanating from Yemeni territory.
South Africa has always asserted that dialogue must be used to avoid escalation of tensions in every situation of conflict. In order to ensure a long-term solution to the crisis in Yemen, we call upon all parties to commit to a political process, where a negotiated, United Nations-mediated and Yemeni-led settlement that is inclusive and fair and that will put the interests and well-being of all Yemeni citizens first.

South Africa is also extremely concerned about the impact of the crisis on the humanitarian situation in the country. Starvation and the outbreak of cholera threaten more than half of the population of Yemen, especially the most vulnerable, namely women and children. The likely effect of this conflict on global growth and job creation is also a concern.

South Africa, therefore, calls on all parties to de-escalate hostilities, to commit to a general ceasefire through which dialogue and inclusive peaceful negotiations can be enabled, and to abide by their obligations under international law, in pursuit of a lasting settlement.
South Africa is hosting 114 national standards bodies (NSBs), which are gathered at the 42nd General Assembly of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO).
The influence of standards on global economic trade relations is under discussion at the assembly, which kicked off in Cape Town on Monday, 16 September.

The week-long assembly will see 600 people from around the world discussing various standards-related issues.

Speaking ahead of the assembly, the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Garth Strachan, said the standards development process was critical for efficient economies.

“The standards development process is critical for efficient economies and every country that interacts on a global scale needs to be active in standard-setting bodies and forums, where the development of standards can influence the nature of trade and impact the use of resources,” said Strachan.
Strachan said while standards promoted understanding, they could create unnecessary barriers to trade.

“While standards promote understanding, interoperability and sets requirements for interactions for all levels of trade, it can also create unnecessary barriers to trade. Being an active member at standard-setting platforms creates opportunities to ensure that technical specifications do not inhibit trade, discriminate against communities and restricts access to trade,” he said.

The acting CEO said South Africa as a mineral-rich and biodiverse country must ensure that resources and communities were protected, and that global standards did not restrict access to trade in international markets.

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 1995 promulgated the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement to ensure that technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures are non-discriminatory and do not create unnecessary obstacles to trade.

The agreement encourages all WTO members to base their trade on international standards, as a means to facilitate trade.

The SABS plays an important role in international standardisation. In addition to being the enquiry point for the WTO/TBT agreement, the SABS participates in various councils and committees in the following organisations:
  • ISO
  • African Organisation for Standardization
  • International Electrotechnical Commission
  • Pacific Area Standards Congress
  • African Electrotechnical Standardisation Commission
  • Southern African Development Community Cooperation in Standards.
The assembly will conclude on 20 September. The SABS is an agency of the Department of Trade and Industry – Source:

As trade and investment partners, South Africa and Angola should pursue further partnerships that will aid in skills transfer, says Angolan Minister of Commerce, Dr Joffre Van-Dunem Junior.
“Angola recognises South Africa as a trade and investment partner. The relationship between the two countries is a strategic one.

"We have to dig deeper to expand our cooperation in order to ensure that the relationship with our business partners translates into a productive partnership that will enable the participation of small, micro and medium enterprises and the transfer of specialised skills and technology,” said Minister Van-Dunem Junior.

Minister Van-Dunem Junior said this while addressing about 200 businesspeople at the Trade and Investment Seminar hosted by the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) in Luanda on Tuesday, 10 September 2019.

The seminar was part of the week-long Outward Trade and Investment Mission (OTIM) to Angola.
The Minister said the south-central African country provided a trade and investment destination for South African companies keen on investing and doing business.

Minister Van-Dunem Junior said it was pleasing to see two countries of different cultures meeting to pursue the same objective, which is to generate business opportunities and reconnect common strategies for the challenges faced by both countries.

He said despite Angola undergoing reforms to diversify its economy, there remained a wealth of major business opportunities in oil and gas, mining in general but diamond mining and beneficiation in particular.

In addition, there is strong growth in the non-oil sectors such as agriculture, construction and tourism, which South African business investors can pursue.

Minister Van-Dunem Junior said the Angolan Government was committed to reforms that would  enhance the competitiveness of the business environment.

“I therefore invite South African businesspeople to invest in the country because this is a vehicle which can cement our relationship and create a win-win situation for both countries.

"I would like to reiterate the commitment by our Ministry of Trade to nurturing mutual trust and generating credible actions, which will result in the improvement of business relations between the State and investors,” said the Minister.

The South African Ambassador to Angola, Fanie Phakola, described the trade and investment seminar as a positive indication of strengthening economic ties between the two countries.

He said Angola and South Africa enjoyed fraternal bilateral relations, which needed to be cemented by business-to-business engagements for the mutual benefit of both countries.

“It is only you as businesspeople who can make it happen. The political leadership of our respective nations expects you to do more in this regard. Government will stand ready to provide support where necessary. However, I am fully confident that businesspeople should be able to thrive and flourish on their own, as the conditions for doing business in Angola have tremendously improved, especially over the past two years,” said Ambassador Phakola.

The mission to Angola was funded by the dti through its Export Marketing and Investment Assistance Scheme.

The objective of the scheme is to develop export markets for South African products and services and to recruit new foreign direct investment into the country. – Source:
The South African Business Chamber of Commerce Singapore was officially launched on 10 September 2019 by the South African business community living in that country. The objective of the Chamber is to promote trade, investment, finance and industry between South Africa and Singapore. 
Membership of the Chamber is open to all South African and Singaporean businesspersons and institutions, on an individual and corporate basis. In his opening speech, the President of the Chamber, Mr Gavin Storrier, originally from Durban in KwaZulu-Natal, explained the importance of the reasons that the business community had come together to support the Chamber initiatives in terms of trade and economic relations.

He noted that the SA Chamber would be a platform to assist new South African entrants to Singapore in navigating the necessary administration and high cost processes. He also pointed out that there was a need to synergise and network with fellow South African business in order to develop and grow the economy of the country.

Members of the Chamber will meet continuously to discuss matters of common interest and exchange views and information regarding economic and commercial issues related to South Africa and Singapore.

At the launch, the High Commissioner of South Africa to Singapore, Modise Mokitlane, announced that the Chamber would provide a natural home in Singapore for South African entrants by assisting South African business entities and individuals who were already established or wished to be established in business in Singapore. He said that the Chamber would assist South African business entities and individuals who intended to sell or invest in Singapore, and Singapore business entities and individuals who intended to sell or invest in South Africa.

With the recent reported economic slowdown globally and hard economic times in South Africa, South Africa managed to grow its economy by 3.2% in the second quarter of 2019. This emphasises the important role the Chamber has to play in advancing trade and investment relations between South African and Singaporean companies and institutions.

The Chamber felt honoured to be able to attract the attention of Standard Chartered Bank, and Ms Razia Khan, Chief Economist: Africa and Middle East, who made an exceptional keynote address on South Africa’s economic landscape. She noted that despite economic challenges, there were a number of positive developments in South Africa and these would assist the economy in returning to a growth course.
Membership is already open and varies from silver to platinum packages. Companies that wish to join the Chamber in Singapore are welcome to get in touch with Mr Storrier on +65.98926170 or and follow the Chamber on the following Facebook page for further information:
  The expansion of the East London Industrial Development Zone (ELIDZ) will aid efforts to create jobs and grow South Africa’s economy, says Trade and Industry Deputy Minister, Fikile Majola.
Located in the Eastern Cape, ELIDZ plans to expand its operations through additional investments to create 1 300 jobs in the near future.

The Deputy Minister, who had a meeting with Eastern Cape MEC for Finance, Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Mlungisi Mvoko, welcomed the move to expand the IDZ.

There are plans to expand operations through additional investments to create 1 300 jobs in the near future.

“With the kind of plans they have, it is clear they are going to run out of space. They are a successful IDZ and their work is already commendable. As government, we should support the expansion plans because they are going to grow industries and create new jobs, thus ensuring our economy grows,” said Deputy Minister Majola on Thursday, 12 September 2019.

The Deputy Minister was in the Eastern Cape to interact with stakeholders to familiarise himself with programmes aimed at boosting the economy.

Deputy Minister Majola, who discussed the performance of the IDZ with MEC Mvoko, also sought to understand the challenges faced by small and medium enterprises among others.

Since its inception, the East London IDZ has succeeded in attracting up to R4.4 billion in private investments, while over 4 000 jobs were also created.

In addition to discussing the Dimbaza Industrial Park located close to King William’s Town, Deputy Minister Majola also visited the park to assess rehabilitation work being carried out.

“He has pledged to further engage MEC Mvoko to discuss how national government can assist in supporting all development work.

“Some of the key priorities in the revitalisation of the Dimbaza Industrial Park are infrastructure development in areas such as storm water drainage, roads and electricity supply,” said the Department of Trade and Industry. – Source:


Media24's digital arm,, walked away with two first places and three runners-up positions at the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) 2019 African Digital Media Awards in Sandton recently.
News24's original documentary, Buried Truth: Unearthing the Story of Murdered Farmworker Adam Pieterse, won first place in the Best Use of Online Video Category, while its ground-breaking The Anthem Project won first place in the Best Native Advertising/Branded Content Campaign Category.

News24 was runner-up in the Best Data Visualisation Category for its live data coverage of the 2019 national elections.

Netwerk24 was runner-up in the Best News Website or Mobile Service. Its Die Student opinion section was also a runner-up in the Best Digital Project to Engage Younger and/or Millennial Audiences Category.

News24 editor-in-chief, Adriaan Basson, praised the video team's achievements.

"The News24 video team is pioneering digital documentaries in South Africa and I am incredibly proud of them for winning this award. Buried Truth gave Adam Pieterse a voice and highlighted the plight of abused farmworkers," he said.

Netwerk24 editor, Henriette Loubser, said her team's awards were testament to the strength of Netwerk24's subscription model, which focusses on quality journalism.

"The young market is important to us, not only as readers but also to hear their voices, concerns, hopes and dreams. To this end, we are very proud of our opinion section for young people, Die Student, and the way the team engage with young audiences through various initiatives on campuses. It is driven by young people on our staff and the recognition is well-deserved,” she added.

The head of's Brand Studio, Myles Brown, said The Anthem Project was proudly South African.

"At a time when we could all do with some positivity, the goal is to unite South Africans through our amazing National Anthem, which was voted the Best Anthem in the World by The Economist In December 2017," Brown said.

News24, Netwerk24, Daily Kick and Business Insider Africa all scooped awards in 2018 and, in its first year, the Africa Digital Media Awards honoured News24 and W24 in 2017.

All the winners will head to the international World Digital Media Awards competition, which will be held in Spain in June 2020. – Source:
About 22 universities and research institutions, and more than 600 companies and organisations attended the summit.  
  Inventors and entrepreneurs gathered at the South African Innovation Summit from 11 to 13 September 2019 to showcase their talents, skills and innovations at the Cape Town Stadium.

More than 3 500 delegates from 32 countries attended the event.

The summit is Africa's biggest tech start-up event and provides a powerful platform for nurturing and showcasing the very best of African innovation.

Enthusiastic creatives in the innovation sector participated in panel discussions, master classes, workshops and competitions for entrepreneurs and inventors.

Founder, Audrey Verhaeghe, said: “It is important because Cape Town has this amazing ecosystem for tech entrepreneurs. Cape Town benefits because they strengthen their ecosystems and the entrepreneurs benefit because they make more contacts.”
In the inventor’s garage, Abdul Mohamed created a 3-D prosthetic hand. He said he worked on his product for five years.

Other products on show were reusable sanitary pads, robot learns and a simplex micro charger. – Source:
Cape Town-based environmental organisation, I AM WATER, has won the prestigious Beyond Sport Sport for Climate Action Collective Impact Award, supported by the Swedish Postcode Foundation, for sharing ocean conservation and snorkelling experiences with thousands of students in South Africa.
Beyond Sport announced the inaugural winners of their Collective Impact Awards, a brand new initiative designed to drive collaboration between organisations using sport to achieve the UN Global Goals, in New York on 23 August 2019.

I AM WATER founder and CEO, Hanli Prinsloo, is thrilled that their efforts are being recognised: “We are wired to protect what we love, and it is so impactful to educate the youth in marine conservation through transformational ocean experiences.

“We take learners on our two-day Ocean Guardians snorkelling workshops to spark a connection and love for the sea and its creatures, inspiring participants to be more conservation-minded and to want to take care of the oceans.”

The Sport for Climate Action Collective Impact Award, supported by the Swedish Postcode Foundation, is for any non-profit, team, league, the governing body or corporation using sport to address climate change, reduce emissions and advocate for sustainable policy across the world.
Since 2010, I AM WATER has provided global opportunities to engage and educate ocean-users with the world beneath the waves, to help more people understand their personal role and responsibility in protecting the planet.

I AM WATER believes in ocean conservation through transformative ocean experience. Their mission is to ignite a movement of blue minds across the planet, to facilitate physical and emotional connections to the aquatic environment, to build an understanding of the interdependence of healthy humans and healthy oceans and to influence behaviours to protect our global seas. – Source:
  South Africa has selected “Knuckle City” as its submission for the International Feature Film Category at the Oscars.

The film had its international premiere in the Contemporary World Cinema section at the Toronto Film Festival.

The Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, congratulated the team behind the film on Twitter.

The film, which follows the journey of Dudu Nyakama, a down and out ageing boxer as he struggles to attain the one fight that he believes will uplift his fractured family.

Contending that the underbelly of the boxing world is rife with criminality, Dudu unwittingly enlists the help of his reckless but resourceful gangster brother who's coming out of jail. Haunted by the ghost of their father, Dudu soon finds that the fight at home is far more challenging than any opponent he can face in the ring.

Knuckle City is director Jahmil XT Qubeka's fourth feature film. Another one of Jahmil's films, Sew the Winter to My Skin, was also South Africa's 2018 Oscars submission. The film was not nominated but won several other awards.

Knuckle City's Bongile Mantsai won the Best Actor Prize for his portrayal of Dudu at South Africa's Durban International Film Festival where the movie opened the 40th edition of the event, while National Film and Video Foundation CEO, Makhosazana Khanyile, was confident when he announced the Oscar selection.

"The film is as hard-hitting as its title suggests," he said. "It's quintessentially South African but also a very universal tale and touches on so many themes making it dark and relatable all at once." – Source:

Top South African designer Rich Mnisi has secured another spot in fashion history by becoming the first-ever recipient of the Essence Emerging Designer of the Year Award. He was awarded this honour at the inaugural Best in Black Fashion Awards, held in New York on Wednesday evening, 11 September 2019.

"This is for my country. This is for my continent and I'm happy that people are going to see the wealth of talent that exists there. This really means a lot to me," Rich reportedly said.

In an Instagram post sharing his win, the gifted designer expressed in the caption how "to win the Emerging Designer of the Year [at the] Best in Black Fashion awards #BIBFA, where industry pioneers like Rihanna, Billy Porter, Pat Cleveland, Sarah Diouf of Tongoro Studio, Zerina Akers, Zendaya etc are recognised for the amazing work that they’ve done is truly humbling."  – Source:
Legendary former Springbok prop Os du Randt is set to be inducted in the World Rugby Hall of Fame.

Rugby's governing body announced recently that Du Randt would be one of six legends inducted at the World Rugby Awards in Tokyo on 3 November, the day after the World Cup final.

Du Randt, alongside New Zealand duo Richie McCaw and Graham Henry, as well as Shiggy Konno (Japan), Peter Fatialofa (Samoa) and Diego Ormaechea (Uruguay) will receive Hall of Fame honours.

"This is a wonderful way to recognise the career of one of the best Springboks to ever don the green and gold," SA Rugby President, Mark Alexander, said via a press statement.

"He is one of only a handful of players to have lifted the Webb Ellis Cup twice, and the fact that he did it with an interval of 12 years between victories, speaks volumes about the man and his career.

"Os was revered as one of the best props of his generation and he anchored many scrums, not only for the Springboks, but also in the colours of the Cheetahs – whom he helped win their first Currie Cup title in 29 years in 2005 – Cats and Bulls.

"He was the SA Rugby Player of the Year in 1997 and the Players' Player of the Year in 2004, which points to his popularity amongst his peers and the South African rugby media. We are very proud of Os and he fully deserves to be recognised in this way."

Springbok coach Rassie Erasmus, a former team-mate of Du Randt, said he first met the big front-ranker fresh out of high school.

"We were in the same battalion in the army and what is the most amazing thing about him, is that he has not changed one bit over the years, despite doing all the great things he's done," said Erasmus.

"We played together for the Boks, Cheetahs and the Cats, I coached him when he came back from retirement, then he won the Rugby World Cup for a second time – if there is one legend in South African rugby history, it’s him. What he’s achieved is simply incredible."

Du Randt, 47, won the World Cup with South Africa in 1995 and 2007 and played 80 Tests for his country. – Source:
Lloyd Harris led South Africa to victory over Bulgaria in their Europe/Africa II Davis Cup tie at Kevin Grove Club on Saturday, 14 September 2019.
Harris defeated Dimitar Kuzmanov 6-3, 7-6 (7/3) to give South Africa an unassailable 3-1 lead in the tie.

The local hero, ranked 113th compared to his opponent's 324th position, dominated the opening set but came unstuck early in the second, going down a double break.

But Harris showed grit and determination to fight his way back into the set, eventually forcing a tie-breaker which he comfortably won 7-3.

On what was a slow hard-court, both players struggled to hold serve with each claiming only two aces.

Harris lost his serve three times in the match but crucially capitalised on five of nine break points.

Earlier on Saturday, Raven Klaasen and Ruan Roelofse beat Gabriel Donev and Alexander Donski 6-3, 6-2 in the doubles to give the hosts a 2-1 lead.


The tie was level at 1-all after Friday's first day, with Harris beating Alexandar Lazarov 6-4, 6-7 (3/7), 6-3 and Roelofse losing 7-5, 7-5 to Kuzmanov.

Saturday's final singles match was effectively a dead-rubber, with South Africa's Philip Henning and Donev taking to the court.

Henning rubbed salt into the wound of the Bulgarian side, beating Donev comfortably in straight sets 6-2, 6-3 to give South Africa an overall 4-1 victory.

Victory in the tie means South Africa will move into the Euro/Africa Group I playoffs in 2020- Source:
South African endurance athlete Cameron Bellamy has just completed the longest channel swim in history – across 150 km of open ocean. It took him 57 hours of continuous swimming from Barbados to St Lucia.
  Conditions were extremely hot but unusually flat.

With less than 10 hours to go on Sunday, his support team said on Facebook: “There are no words to describe the phenomenal swim story unfolding in the Caribbean. Cameron “Cam” Bellamy, you are an extraordinary human being.

“Your support crew is in total awe and we are so proud of you! 48 hours into swimming from Barbados to St Lucia. 120+k done and dusted already. Keep going Cam, the world is watching with bated breath. He swims for deserving causes. Local Barbadian and St Lucian charities will benefit as well as the Ubunye Challenge, the incredible charity founded by Cam.”

Ubunye does most of its work with children.

On his website, it says: “Growing up relatively privileged in Cape Town, South Africa, Cameron was cognisant of the fact that many children his age all over South Africa did not attend school. This memory led to his founding the charity in 2011 and using his athletic feats to raise funds to fulfil its mission.”
It’s a tremendous feat he’s just accomplished, made even more special by the fact that less than a month ago Cameron learned – after eight months of training (including 96 km around Barbados) – that he’d been denied permission for his support boat in Florida, which had been the initial planned route.

Fortunately he had a Plan B – to swim from Barbados to St Lucia … and that was perfectly executed this weekend, for the first time in history. – Source:

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