Issue 423 | 16 April 2020
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African Union (AU) Chairperson, President Cyril Ramaphosa, has appointed Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Dr Donald Kaberuka, Tidjane Thiam and Trevor Manuel as the AU’s COVID-19 special envoys.
The newly appointed envoys are tasked with mobilising international support for Africa’s efforts to address the economic challenges African countries will face as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The special envoys are expected to solicit rapid and concrete support as pledged by the G20, the European Union and other international financial institutions.

“In the light of the devastating socio-economic and political impact of the pandemic on African countries, these institutions need to support African economies that are facing serious economic challenges with a comprehensive stimulus package for Africa, including deferred debt and interest payments.

“The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic has been global in both scale and reach, and this necessitates coordinated international action to capacitate all countries to respond effectively, but most particularly developing countries that continue to shoulder a historical burden of poverty, inequality and underdevelopment”, said President Ramaphosa.

Highlighting the sentiment expressed in two recent letters written to the G20 by a group of world leaders and a team of esteemed economists, which underscores the importance of bolstering health systems in poorer countries, President Ramaphosa said this could only be done with the support of the international community.

The AU Chair said the appointment of the special envoys would expedite the process of securing economic support to enable countries on the continent to respond swiftly to this grave public health emergency.

President Ramaphosa said the envoys brought with them a wealth of experience and enjoyed longstanding relationships in the international financial community.

“The AU is immensely encouraged by the support that has been extended by the international community thus far. It is an affirmation that as nations of the world, we are all in this together.

“We must now focus on efforts to marshal every resource at our disposal to ensure that this pandemic is contained, and does not result in the collapse of already ailing economies and financial systems on the continent,” President Ramaphosa said.

Dr Okonjo-Iweala is an internationally respected economist and development expert and served two terms as Minister of Finance of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. She has also served as Managing Director of the World Bank.

Dr Kaberuka is an economist and former President and Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the African Development Bank. He is the former Finance Minister of Rwanda and in 2016 was appointed as a Special Envoy of the AU on sustainable financing for the AU and funding for Peace in Africa.

Manuel was the longest-serving Minister of Finance in the Republic of South Africa and formerly headed the country’s National Planning Commission. In 2018, he was appointed as an Investment Envoy by President Ramaphosa to engage domestic and international investors as part of the country’s national investment drive.

Thiam is a banker and businessperson. He is the former Chief Executive Officer of Credit Suisse and also served as Chief Financial Officer and CEO of Prudential. He also has a background in management consulting and worked for McKinsey and Company.

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African Union (AU) Chair, President Cyril Ramaphosa, has backed the efforts of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and called for international solidarity against the COVID-19 pandemic.
“In appreciation of these efforts, the AU extends its unwavering support to the WHO and its Director-General (DG). The AU calls upon the international community to join hands to support the efforts of the DG and the entire WHO family as they lead global efforts to fight this pandemic. If there was a time for global unity, solidarity and cooperation, this is that time. Working together, we will be able to overcome this challenge,” said President Ramaphosa.

The call comes after WHO DG, Tedros Ghebreyesus, in a press conference on Wednesday, 8 April 2020, said he had received death threats and racist insults while spearheading the global effort to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

With countries faced with daunting and frustrating tasks to contain the spread of the pandemic, the AU Chair called on countries to avoid the temptation to apportion blame to any individual, institution or any country.

“We should work together to confront our common enemy in the form of COVID-19 and we should not allow ourselves to be distracted by anything else. Our success against this pandemic will only be realised through collaboration, cooperation and, most importantly, through global solidarity,” said President Ramaphosa.

The AU reaffirmed its appreciation for the leadership of DG Ghebreyesus and commended his management in leading the global response to the pandemic.

The AU has seen DG Tedros in action before when he and world-class WHO health experts led global efforts to fight against the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

“Overall, the AU recognises and appreciates the good work that has been undertaken by the WHO and notes with a sense of satisfaction the various initiatives and measures that are continuously undertaken by the organisation to mitigate the spread of the pandemic such as mobilising resources, sharing real-time information and providing the technical and material support,” said the AU Chair.

Punting the importance of international solidarity, President Ramaphosa said the AU had seen first-hand the groundswell of international cooperation since the onset of this pandemic.

President Ramaphosa commended all who supported and pledged to support Africa’s response to COVID-19 by reinforcing the continent’s health systems and helping to mitigate the social and economic impact. These partners include the G20, China, the United States, the European Union and the Jack Ma Foundation, among others.

On a daily basis, the WHO has been an essential technical and scientific partner to the AU and the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) as countries try to mitigate the pandemic, which has now reached nearly every member state.

The AU thanked all medical personnel who are in the forefront of the battlefield for their selflessness and diligence.

President Ramaphosa further called on all AU members and international partners to maintain and reinforce this international cooperation and collaboration in the difficult weeks and months ahead.

“May we all continue, as a collective, to play our part to combat this pandemic with vigour and determination in order to return our lives to normalcy,” he said.

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A meeting of the Bureau of the African Union (AU) Executive Council has highlighted the importance of unity, cohesion and coordination needed to fight the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
The Bureau held a teleconference meeting convened by the Chairperson of the AU Executive Council as well as South Africa’s Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor.

Several ministers took part in the meeting on 9 April 2020, including Chairperson of the AU Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, as well as the Director of the African Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), Dr John Nkengasong.

“In line with the sentiment and decision of the Bureau of the Assembly, the ministers underscored the importance of unity, cohesion and coordination in order to effectively implement the continental Anti-COVID-19 Strategy,” said the Bureau of the AU Executive Council in a statement.

The teleconference took note with satisfaction of the efforts of the AU Regional Economic Communities (RECs) to implement the Africa Anti-COVID-19 Strategy. The ministers also encouraged RECs to ensure synergy, complementarity and coherence in the fight against the virus.

In addition, the meeting also welcomed and recommended for approval the measures to be put in place for the operationalisation of the AU COVID-19 Response Fund.

“The Bureau of the Executive Council welcomed and recommended for approval the measures undertaken by the Chairperson of the AU Commission, Faki Mahamat, of putting in place all the necessary legal requirements for the operationalisation of the AU Covid-19 Response Fund.

“In this regard, the Bureau noted that its members were in the process of transferring a combined  total of  US$17million, as seed capital to both the fund and the Africa CDC as follows; US$12.5million to the fund, and US$4.5million to the Africa CDC.”

The ministers urged member states to contribute to both the fund and the Africa CDC.

They also invited regional development institutions, the African private sector, international financial institutions and bilateral partners to honour their financial commitments to the fund.

The ministers also expressed concern about the spread of the virus across African countries.

The meeting of the Bureau of the AU Executive Council was a follow-up to two successive meetings of the Bureau of Heads of State/Government, which developed an overarching framework for Africa’s response to COVID-19.

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South Africa has received medical supplies from China to help combat the COVID-19 outbreak in the country.
At 7pm on Monday, 13 April 2020, a Boeing 777 aircraft, which flew more than 24 hours from Guangzhou, China, arrived at OR Tambo International Airport with a consignment of medical supplies and equipment donated by China.

The cargo is currently going through accelerated clearance, with the assistance of the South African Revenue Service.

Items donated include 11 000 N95 masks, 50 000 surgical masks, 3 000 sets of protective suits, 500 portable infrared thermometers, 3 000 goggles, 11 000 pairs of surgical gloves and 11 000 pairs of medical shoe covers.

The Minister of Health, Dr Zweli Mkhize, together with his Deputy, Dr Joe Phaahla, and International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Dr Naledi Pandor, received the consignment from Chargé d'affaires Li Nan at OR Tambo International Airport.

Welcoming the donation at a briefing on Tuesday, 14 April 2020, the Health Minister said the medical equipment would go a long way to protect healthcare workers at the frontline of the country’s fight against the Coronavirus.

“We are sensitive about the protection of our professionals, so this donation is going to contribute quite significantly to ensuring that we are able to get our staff protected against infection.

“This for us indicates a contribution to a kind of commodity that is highly needed inside the department, particularly as we deal with the issue of COVID-19.

"We want to express our gratitude to the People’s Republic of China for their continued support and assistance that they have given us,” said Minister Mkhize.

Upon clearance, the Health Department will distribute the medical equipment across the country.

The donation comes as the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country rose to 2 415, as of Tuesday with 87 022 tests conducted by then.

“Truly, China has exhibited that it is only together that we can stop this virus,” said Minister Pandor.

Another batch of medical supplies for donation is being assembled in Shanghai, China, for collection by chartered South African aircraft. This next batch of donations is set to arrive in South Africa during the course of this week.

China’s Ambassador to South Africa, Li, said the donation of medical supplies demonstrated the brotherhood between the two countries.

“This batch of medical supplies arrived in South Africa just five days after President Xi Jinping’s telephone call with President Cyril Ramaphosa, which represents an important concrete step to implement the consensus reached by our two heads of state.

“It fully demonstrates the comprehensive strategic partnership and the special brotherhood that exists between China and South Africa,” said Li.

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The Government of the Republic of South Africa is very concerned and alarmed at the announcement by the President of the United States of America (USA) to cut funding to the World Health Organisation (WHO) with immediate effect.
South Africa is particularly alarmed that the decision is made amid a global health crisis that requires a full-capacity WHO to provide support in combatting the deadly COVID 19 pandemic.

It is alarming that this very regrettable decision is announced as this deadly virus strikes Africa and the poorest and most vulnerable states.

The WHO, as the lead United Nations Agency, is mandated to promote health and to ensure universal health coverage globally, and is tasked to lead global efforts to suppress the transmission and stop the COVID-19 pandemic. It is the sole global health agency, with the core focus on universal healthcare. As such, its efforts to coordinate a genuinely global response against this scourge should be recognised and supported.

With the Coronavirus cases escalating at a rapid pace by the day, the announcement by the USA to cut its funding to the WHO will have a significantly adverse impact on its programmes, and the world's ability to fight and eliminate this pandemic.

This, at a time where now more than ever, the international community has to stand together and work in the spirit of human solidarity and cooperation with one another. We believe that, more than ever before, the WHO deserves increased support from member states in particular to bolster its efforts to suppress transmission and stop the pandemic.

We are hopeful that the Government of the USA will reconsider its decision and re-join the international community in fighting this pandemic.
As Chair of the African Union (AU), South Africa is deeply concerned about reports of alleged ill-treatment of African nationals in China, including the forceful testing, quarantining for COVID-19 and other inhuman treatment.
In a statement on 12 April 2020, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) said reports of these alleged actions were inconsistent with the excellent relations that existed between China and Africa, dating back to China’s support during the decolonisation struggle in Africa, and now manifesting in an extensive Africa-China partnership.

“This collaborative, mutual relationship also finds concrete expression in the support that China is providing to Africa in the ongoing fight against the COVID-19 pandemic,” the statement said.

“South Africa welcomes the action taken by the AU Commission Chairperson, Moussa Faki Mahamat, to summon the Chinese Ambassador in Addis Ababa to provide an explanation, and express the AU’s deep concern about this matter.

“South Africa also welcomes the assurance by the Chinese authorities that it is not the policy of China to discriminate against African nationals.

“South Africa urges the relevant Chinese authorities to investigate these reports and take appropriate remedial measures.

“We encourage the African Group of Ambassadors in Beijing to continue to engage the Chinese authorities with a view to ensuring that Africans are not subjected to any ill-treatment, and that instead, they are treated equally, with respect and with dignity like all other nationals in China,” the statement concluded.
An article that was published online in, which is the Moroccan Press Agency, has put out a misleading report on South Africa’s and indeed the United Nations Security Council’s (UNSC) recent debate on the occupied territory in Western Sahara.
In a statement on 13 April 2020, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) said the article “attempted to again, caricature South Africa’s principled stance on anti-occupation and decolonisation issues”.

“South Africa’s stance resonates with most countries who have experienced colonialism and occupation. That being said, even if South Africa’s principled position was indeed a minority view in some forums, which is not the case, our foreign policy in relation to occupation, decolonisation and human rights abuses will always be based on principle and not expediency.”

The UNSC held a closed video teleconferences to discuss the situation in Western Sahara on 9 April 2020. The focus of the meeting was to consider recent developments in Western Sahara as well receive a report on the work of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO). MINURSO, which was created in 1991 to primarily monitor the ceasefire between the two sides, the Kingdom of Morocco and the Frente POLISARIO and organise and ensure a free and fair referendum in the territory.

The DIRCO statement noted that “… the Council was not able to agree to an outcome after the Western Sahara consultations. This is unfortunate, and we trust that the Council will deal with Western Sahara in an even-handed and transparent manner as it has done with other meetings held through video-teleconferences.

“South Africa particularly regrets that the Security Council has not been able to move the peace process forward. This is unfortunate as the people of Western Sahara continue to endure the occupation and their struggle for their right to self-determination is prolonged.”

The issue of Western Sahara has been on the agenda of the UN for decades as Western Sahara remains the last colony on the African continent, listed as a non-self-governing territory by the UN.

“As an elected member serving on the UNSC, South Africa utilised the opportunity to once again reiterate its established commitment to efforts to achieve a peaceful solution, which will provide for the long-established principle of self-determination of the people of Western Sahara. This is in line with the approach of the UN and the Africa Union.

“South Africa unequivocally and strongly supports the work and mandate of MINURSO and urges the UNSC to take up its responsibility and ensure that through a neutral and balanced approach it assists the parties in moving towards a mutually acceptable negotiated settlement.

“In the context of the global crisis brought about by the novel COVID-19 pandemic, South Africa supports the call for a global ceasefire by António Guterres, the UN Secretary-General. Consequently, we therefore urge both the Kingdom of Morocco and the Frente POLISARIO to strictly abide by the terms of the ceasefire agreements, such as Military Agreement No 1, to avoid violence that could lead to a rise in hostilities in the territory.

“Furthermore, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and with many countries under lockdown, self- isolation or quarantine, South Africa calls on the international community to support efforts in the occupied territories and refugee camps, where the health-care system is poor and medical supplies and equipment are limited.

“In this regard, South Africa calls on the Kingdom of Morocco, to fulfil its responsibility as the occupying power by ensuring the necessary access, and unhindered passage of humanitarian and medical supplies, to the territories that it occupies,” the statement concluded.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has welcomed the decision of the Forum of South Africa's Directors-General (FOSAD) members to contribute to the Solidarity Fund.
FOSAD members met on Sunday, 12 April 2020 where a decision was made to support the call by National Coronavirus Command Council for members of political leadership and the executive layer of the Public Service, to make contributions to the Solidarity Fund.

FOSAD has thus made a call for all public servants in national and provincial departments including those in public entities to donate to the fund in an effort to support South Africans whose lives have been disrupted by the pandemic and care for those in hospital or medical care. Directors-General directed on amounts for donations by the Senior Management Service (Directors-General/ HODs, Deputy Directors-General, Chief Directors and Directors).

This applies to all other officials remunerated at these levels, including advisers, political office staff etc.

FOSAD appealed to the public servants to dig deeper in their pockets in support of this noble cause.

The Department of Public Service and Administration was tasked to further work on details taking into account the relevant legal environment and a circular with details will be sent to all departments in due course.

"We welcome this patriotic contribution by FOSAD members, who voluntarily made this decision. Every effort made to alleviate the devastating consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic, is highly appreciated. These public servants continue to demonstrate their commitment to the Batho Pele Value Statement: We Belong (to our people), We Care (about our people), We Serve (our people)," said President Ramaphosa.
The Department of Home Affairs has outlined temporary measures that have been put in place to address immigration matters during the lockdown period.
The temporary measures were introduced after President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a National State of Disaster on 15 March and subsequently a national lockdown from 27 March, extended until the end of April 2020, to contain the spread of COVID-19.

These temporary measures will remain valid until 31 July 2020, unless extended officially by the department. They apply only to foreign nationals, who have been legally admitted into the country.

The visa concessions are contained in the directions, which have been issued by the department in terms of the Disaster Management Act, 2002.

“Visa concessions listed below apply to those with visas that expired from 15 February 2020, unless a person has proof that he/she had already submitted an application for a visa extension prior to 15 February 2020 and the outcome is pending,” the department said.

Expiry of visas

Holders of temporary residence visas, which expired from mid-February 2020, who did not renew their visas before the lockdown, will not be declared illegal or prohibited persons.

“Any person whose visa expired before or during the lockdown will not be arrested or detained for holding an expired visa. Those who opt to return to their countries of origin or residence after the lockdown, instead of renewing their visas, will not be declared undesirable upon departure,” the department said.

During the lockdown, the department is not receiving or adjudicating applications for visas and for permanent residence permits.

“Foreign nationals, whose visas expired after 15 February 2020, may reapply for their respective visas or relevant visa exemption while in the Republic, immediately after the lockdown has been lifted. They will not be required to apply for authorisation to remain in the country (Good Cause/Form 20),” the department said.

Foreign nationals, whose visas expired after 15 February 2020, who had scheduled appointments on dates which fall within the lockdown period, should reschedule their appointments to an available date after the lockdown has been lifted.

Work, study and business

People whose visas expired during the lockdown and those who have submitted their applications before the lockdown but their applications are still pending will be allowed to work, study or conduct business after the lockdown while waiting for the outcome of their applications.

“Visas issued to nationals of high-risk countries, who were outside the Republic on 15 March 2020, were revoked - as per the directions issued by the department in terms of the Disaster Management Act, 2002. These visas remain revoked,” the department said.

During the lockdown, except for cases relating to expatriation initiated by another state, all foreign nationals, who are currently in South Africa, may not depart.

Holders of the Lesotho Special Permit have up to 15 June 2020 to submit their applications for the Lesotho Exemption Permit.

The Lesotho Special Permits, which expired on 31 December 2019, remain valid until 15 June 2020. No new applications will be taken.

“Any asylum seeker, whose visa expired from 16 March 2020 to the end of the lockdown period, will not be penalised or arrested, provided that they legalise their visa within 30 calendar days of the lockdown being lifted,” the department said.

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South African Airways (SAA) will continue to aid the repatriation of foreign nationals who want to be reunited with their families in their respective home countries.
“We are pleased to assist and will continue to work with foreign governments through their respective embassies and high commissions in the repatriation of their nationals to re-join their families to share comfort, support and strength during these trying times,” said SAA acting General Manager for Operations, Tebogo Tsimane.

Tsimane’s comments come as an SAA-operated flight repatriated 313 Canadians from Johannesburg and Cape Town to London, for onward connections to Canada.

“SAA is collaborating with the Government of Canada through the High Commission of Canada in South Africa, to assist Canadians who are stranded in South Africa to return home, after the lockdown was implemented in response to the outbreak of the Coronavirus, which resulted in travel restrictions,” said the national carrier on Friday, 10 April 2020.

On 22 March, the South African Government took the decision to declare a national lockdown, starting at midnight on 26 March to curb the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

In response to the pandemic, SAA has suspended all domestic, regional and international flights.

On Thursday, 9 April 2020, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced a two-week extension of the previously announced 21-day national lockdown, which is part of efforts to slow the spread of the virus.

SAA has already repatriated thousands of German, Brazilians and Belgian nationals to their respective home countries over the past two weeks.

These repatriation flights require, among other things, the consideration, approval and support of the South African Government to implement.

Acting High Commissioner of Canada to South Africa, Kim Butler, said Canada was happy to be working with SAA in the repatriation of citizens.

“We know how important it is to be home in these challenging times. We are very happy to be working with SAA and the Government of South Africa to organise this special flight that will allow many Canadians to make their way home,” said the High Commissioner.

Friday’s flight was operated in collaboration with the Canadian Government, in line with the health and safety provisions contained in the South African travel regulations, and other relevant provisions undertaken during the lockdown, as well as Transport Canada regulations.

“SAA has taken all measures to ensure that the airport staff, cabin crew and flight deck crew are safe and protected by providing the appropriate training and protective clothing as approved by the Communicable Disease plan,” said Tsimane.

Screening protocols were conducted before the flight’s departure.

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The South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) will manage the development and production of 10 000 ventilators by the end of June, in line with government’s National Ventilator Project.
The country has 6 000 ventilators, and officials worry that this will not be enough to cope with the expected spike in severe COVID-19 patients, many of whom will require assisted breathing.

The team, which headed up South Africa's successful bid to host the world’s largest radio telescope and built the country’s 64-dish MeerKAT, is “among the best system engineers and system integrators in the country”.

The National Ventilator Project aims to produce 10 000 ventilators by the end of June, using readily available parts or components that can be made locally. Driven by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, the project called for proposals for a non-invasive ventilator solution, filled with pressurised air and oxygen. Clinicians believe that this system, which will not require electricity to pump air into patients’ lungs, will be able to treat the majority of hospitalised cases. The SARAO team will work with Bernie Fanaroff, who headed up South Africa’s successful bid to host the Square Kilometre Array (SKA).

The SKA, when built, will be the largest radio telescope on Earth, with dishes in South Africa and Australia. Members of the SARAO ventilator team were pivotal in South Africa’s successful bid to host the telescope, and oversaw the development and construction of its 64-dish MeerKAT telescope.

The National Ventilator Project plans to start manufacturing ventilators by the end of April.

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South African artists are invited to apply for their contemporary artwork to be considered for acquisition by the Art Bank of South Africa.

The institution annually considers acquiring special pieces of art for its own growing collection.

Arts Bank SA is tasked with purchasing artworks from South African artists, particularly that of emerging artists in order to lease and sell the artworks to South African government departments, private companies and private individuals.

It is a national programme of the Department of Arts and Culture as part of the Mzansi Golden Economy (MGE) strategy implementation and is hosted by the National Museum Bloemfontein, an agency of the Department of Arts and Culture. The vision of the organisation is to promote, foster and stimulate a vibrant market for the collection of South African contemporary visual art.

Submissions can be sent via email or post. The deadline for submissions is 12:00 on Friday, 3 July 2020.

For more information, visit the Art Bank SA website.

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BreadCrumbs, a behavioural linguistics company, hopes that by creating posters in different languages, more people will engage with important messages. The South African company teamed up with the United Nations to share a positive message with parents during the lockdown.
BreadCrumbs is South Africa’s only behavioural linguistics firm – combining sociolinguistics, psychology and marketing principles to create personalised and persuasive communication. They are using their expertise to do some good and share important messages with as many South Africans as possible.

The parental tips feature on six posters and each poster is available in one of the 11 official South African languages.

– Source: BreadCrumbs
Pop icon Lady Gaga has curated a special event with Global Citizen to celebrate health workers globally and in support of the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for the World Health Organisation.
The concert will take place on 18 April and is titled One World: Together At Home.

The concert will include appearances and performances by today's most notable entertainers including Awkwafina, Lupita Nyong'o, and many more.

The global televised special will take place on 18 April, according to Lady Gaga and proceeds will help fund protective equipment for healthcare professionals.

In terms of live performers, the concert will continue for over 10-hours and includes some of the biggest names in music, including local stars DJ Black Coffee and Sho Madjozi. Another act from the continent on the line-up is the ever-popular Burna Boy.

The special event will be hosted by Jimmy Fallon of The Tonight Show, Jimmy Kimmel of Jimmy Kimmel Live, and Stephen Colbert of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Friends from Sesame Street will also pop in.

There will also be a globally curated digital show beginning at 20:00 CAT.

Streaming partners include Alibaba, Amazon Prime Video, Apple, Facebook, Instagram, LiveXLive, Tencent, Tencent Music Entertainment Group, TIDAL, TuneIn, Twitch, Twitter, Yahoo and YouTube.

The digital livestream of One World: Together At Home will include appearances by: Adam Lambert, Andra Day, Angèle, Anitta, Annie Lennox, Becky G, Ben Platt, Billy Ray Cyrus, Black Coffee, Bridget Moynahan, Burna Boy, Cassper Nyovest, Charlie Puth, Christine and the Queens, Common, Connie Britton, Danai Gurira, Delta Goodrem, Don Cheadle, Eason Chan, Ellie Goulding, Erin Richards, FINNEAS, Heidi Klum, Hozier, Hussain Al Jasmi, Jack Black, Jacky Cheung, Jack Johnson, Jameela Jamil, James McAvoy, Jason Segel, Jennifer Hudson, Jess Glynne, Jessie J, Jessie Reyez, John Legend, Juanes, Kesha, Lady Antebellum, Lang Lang, Leslie Odom Jr., Lewis Hamilton, Liam Payne, Lili Reinhart, Lilly Singh, Lindsey Vonn, Lisa Mishra, Lola Lennox, Luis Fonsi, Maren Morris, Matt Bomer, Megan Rapinoe, Michael Bublé, Milky Chance, Naomi Osaka, Natti Natasha, Niall Horan, Nomzamo Mbatha, P.K. Subban, Picture This, Rita Ora, Samuel L Jackson, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sebastián Yatra, Sheryl Crow, Sho Madjozi, Sofi Tukker, SuperM, The Killers, Tim Gunn, Vishal Mishra and Zucchero.

The television broadcast of One World: Together At Home will include appearances by Amy Poehler, Andrea Bocelli, Awkwafina, Billie Eilish, Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day, Burna Boy, Camila Cabello, Céline Dion, Chris Martin, David Beckham, Eddie Vedder, Ellen DeGeneres, Elton John, FINNEAS, Idris and Sabrina Elba, J Balvin, Jennifer Lopez, John Legend, Kacey Musgraves, Keith Urban, Kerry Washington, Lady Gaga, Lang Lang, Lizzo, LL COOL J, Lupita Nyong'o, Maluma, Oprah Winfrey, Paul McCartney, Pharrell Williams, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Sam Smith, Shah Rukh Khan, Shawn Mendes, Stevie Wonder, Taylor Swift and Usher.

Multichoice is a partner for this broadcast.

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Legendary former Australian captain Michael Clarke has listed the seven best batsmen he played with or against.
Two South Africans, Jacques Kallis and AB de Villiers, are among the prestigious names mentioned by Clarke.

Speaking on the Big Sports Breakfast show, Clarke named Brian Lara (West Indies), Sachin Tendulkar (India), Virat Kohli (India), De Villiers, Kallis, Ricky Ponting (Australia) and Kumar Sangakkara (Sri Lanka) as his seven best batsmen.

Speaking of De Villiers, Clarke said: "I'm hoping he comes back and plays for South Africa again. Superstar. Can bat anywhere in the order. Dominates T20 cricket. He can score runs anywhere around the ground”.

As quoted on the website, Clarke described Kallis as "the greatest all-rounder that I played against".

"The impact he had against Australia - the way he was able score runs against our attack was extraordinary."

Clarke, 39, played 115 Tests and 245 ODIs for Australia between 2003 and 2015.

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South Africa's Trevor Immelman, the 2008 Masters champion, has been named captain of the International Team for the 2021 Presidents Cup to be staged at Quail Hollow Club in Charlotte.
Immelman served as a captain's assistant under fellow countryman Ernie Els at the 2019 Presidents Cup. Last year's International team fell to a Tiger Woods-led USA 16-14 at Royal Melbourne Golf Club.

"In 2005, I played in my first Presidents Cup under captain Gary Player, which was an experience as a 25-year-old, I will never forget. Shortly after, I earned my first PGA Tour victory in 2006, so you could say the Presidents Cup was a huge part of launching my PGA Tour career.

"Being a captain now is an amazing honour," Immelman said via a press statement. "The Presidents Cup and the PGA Tour have been a massive part of my career, and so for me to now lead the International Team is something that is going to be one of the highlights of my career and something that am extremely excited about."

Immelman is a two-time Presidents Cup competitor (2005, 2007) and owns two PGA Tour titles and 11 worldwide victories, including the 2008 Masters Tournament.

Immelman is the seventh International Team captain (Ernie Els - 2019; Nick Price - 2017, 2015, 2013; Greg Norman - 2011, 2009; Gary Player - 2007, 2005, 2003; Peter Thomson - 2000, 1998, 1996; David Graham - 1994) and third South African to helm the Internationals, joining Els and Player.

Immelman, who will be 41 years old at the time of the competition, will be the youngest International Team captain in Presidents Cup history.

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Renowned British rugby scribe Stephen Jones has included two Springbok teams in his list of the top 10 Test teams of all-time.
Writing for the United Kingdom-based The Times, Jones ranked the All Blacks team of the mid-1990s as the best ever, despite them losing the 1995 World Cup final 15-12 to South Africa.

He included Nick Mallett's Springboks, who won a then world record-equalling 17 Tests in a row from 1997 to 1998, at No 5 on the list.

Rassie Erasmus' 2019 World Cup-winning Boks, who beat England 32-12 in the final in Yokohama, also round out the top 10.

Jones ranked England's 2003 World Cup-winning team in second place, saying the Clive Woodward-coached outfit was "so good that they were actually a little past their peak by the time of the tournament".

England beat Australia 20-17 after extra-time in the 2003 final in Sydney.

Stephen Jones' top 10 Test teams of all-time:
  • 1st: All Blacks team of the mid-1990s
  • 2nd: England team that won the 2003 World Cup
  • 3rd: All Blacks team that won the 2015 World Cup
  • 4th: Wales team of the early 1970s
  • 5th: 1997-98 Springbok team
  • 6th: England’s squad that won three Grand Slams between 1991 and 1995
  • 7th: Ireland’s 2018 Grand Slam-winning team
  • 8th: England’s 2016 Grand Slam-winning team
  • 9th: Wales’ Grand Slam-winning teams under Warren Gatland
  • 10th: Springbok team that won the 2019 World Cup.
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