Issue 44 | 23 February 2013
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The two leaders expressed their commitment to African unity and integration. They reiterated their common view on the need to reform the multilateral institutions, including the United Nations Security Council and the Bretton Woods Institutions to better represent the interests of the developing countries.


President Jacob Zuma hosted his Mozambican counterpart, President Armando Guebuza, in Pretoria on 12 February 2013.

The two leaders underscored the need to further enhance and strengthen the existing bilateral cooperation between the two countries under the framework of the Binational Commission, which is a strategic mechanism used to coordinate bilateral cooperation and partnership between the two countries.

President Guebuza briefed President Zuma about the floods that have devastated parts of Mozambique and expressed his gratitude for South Africa’s rescue operation and humanitarian assistance during this time by availing two helicopters and two fixed-wings aircraft.

He also congratulated South Africa on hosting a successful 29th edition of the African Cup of Nations, which was held from 19 January to 10 February 2013.




China is South Africa’s major trading partner.
In 2012, exports from South Africa to China amounted to some R89 billion, while imports
from China to South Africa totalled about
R113 billion. Total trade stood at R201 billion.


The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, hosted the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, Yang Jiechi, on 18 February 2013 in Cape Town.

The meeting took place within the context of the forthcoming State Visit by the Chinese President to South Africa on the eve of the BRICS Summit in Durban. The ministers discussed progress made in preparation for the BRICS Summit as well as the State Visit.

Various bilateral agreements and Memoranda of Understanding are being prepared for signature during the State Visit. These include cooperation on education, labour, tourism, home affairs and the environment.


“South Africa believes that it is a prerequisite for peace and security in the region that the DPRK, as a confidence-building measure, verifiably proves to the international community that it has permanently and fully dismantled any nuclear weapons. South Africa continues to urge all parties involved to avoid any actions that could exacerbate the volatile situation in the region.” – Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane


The South African Government has strongly condemned the latest nuclear test carried out by the DPRK, saying the test is a clear violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions calling on the DPRK not to conduct any further nuclear tests.

Since the announcement by the DPRK in February 2005 that it had developed a nuclear weapon deterrent capability, South Africa has consistently called on the country to verifiably dismantle any nuclear weapons, return to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) without delay, place all its facilities under comprehensive International Atomic Energy Agency verification, and to contribute through strengthened confidence-building measures to global nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation.

South Africa recognises the rights of all NPT member states to legitimately develop nuclear energy for peaceful civilian purposes.


The country ranked ahead of Nigeria as a potential investment destination, coming in at 14th on the index while Nigeria ranked 17th.

South Africa has been ranked as the leading emerging economy in Africa and the only country on the continent to be ranked in the top 15 worldwide, according to the Emerging Markets Opportunity Index conducted by international advisory firm Grant Thornton.

"Although recent events in the mining sector have hurt our country's reputation as a destination of choice for foreign direct investment, there are significant benefits that continue to attract investors," Grant Thornton South Africa's national chairperson, Deepak Nagar, said in a statement.

The index analyses a variety of indicators from Grant Thornton's International Business Report, the International Monetary Fund and the United Nations Human Development Report. Indicators include economic size, population, growth prospects and levels of development to rate the countries' potential to attract business investment.



The purpose of the mission was to strengthen trade relations between the two countries and position South Africa as a supplier of choice in Saudi Arabia.

The Department of Trade and Industry led a 14-member business delegation on an outward selling mission to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, from 14 February.

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies, said the mission was a follow-up on the Joint Economic Commission (JEC) held last year in Saudi Arabia, which provided a platform to expose South African companies to the Saudi Arabian market and deepened bilateral trade and investment relations.

“A commitment was made during the JEC to ministers that South Africa would follow up with a sector-specific mission targeting agroprocessing; engineering services; mining and capital equipment; electro-technical; energy; oil and gas,” said Minister Davies.


The intensive programme included a business forum, targeted business-to-business meetings and site visits. The importance of this trade mission was underscored by the fact that Saudi Arabia was South Africa’s largest trading partner and second-largest export destination in the Gulf region. Efforts to increase trade are beginning to show results, with South Africa’s exports growing by 5% over the last four years.

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