Issue 442 | 27 August 2020
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Women's Month 2020
President Cyril Ramaphosa, in his capacity as the African Union (AU) Chairperson, has assured African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Secretary-General, Wamkele Mene, of his unwavering support in the execution of his duties to promote the AfCFTA.

President Ramaphosa gave Secretary-General Mene his support during the handover ceremony of the AfCFTA Secretariat building in Accra, Ghana, to the AU Commission.

Ghana was selected to host the AfCFTA Secretariat by AU member states on the occasion of the 12th AU Extraordinary Summit in Niamey, Niger, in July 2019.

President Ramaphosa has, on behalf of the AU and the continent, expressed his profound gratitude to the Government and people of Ghana for generously offering the building that houses the AfCFTA.

“This day is indeed a milestone and a strong affirmation of the vision of an integrated Africa, which was envisioned by the founding fathers of the Organisation of African Unity, including Kwame Nkrumah, 57 years ago.

“It is a fitting tribute that the AfCFTA headquarters are being housed in Ghana,” said President Ramaphosa.

President Ramaphosa has also assured the Secretary-General of the AU’s commitment to the successful implementation of the AfCFTA, as a practical contribution to the economic development of Africa. He welcomed the progress achieved thus far in the implementation of the 12th AU Extraordinary Summit.

President Ramaphosa also acknowledged the challenges that existed in the negotiations, particularly around the issue of the Rules of Origin and trade offers, as well as trade in services.

“We are confident that through your leadership and the determination of the AU member states, all bracketed issues should be resolved,” President Ramaphosa said.

Mene is the first Secretary-General of the AfCFTA. He was elected in February 2020 with a mandate to administer the free trade agreement, which creates a single market for AU member states, with a combined population of over one billion and a total gross domestic product of about US$2.5 trillion.

– Source:

The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Candith Mashego-Dlamini, hosted a webinar on Silencing the Guns and ending GBV on Wednesday, 26 August 2020.
The event was held in collaboration with IM Swedish Development Partner and the United Nations Women’s Southern Africa Regional Office.

The webinar aimed to increase awareness towards the complete eradication of small arms and guns.
In addition to the 14 airports already permitted to operate, four more airports have been given the green light to resume operations, says Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula.
Addressing a media briefing on Tuesday, 25 August 2020, on the new COVID-19 regulations related to the transport sector under alert level 2, Minister Mbalula named Mthatha Airport, Hoedspruit Airport, Phalaborwa Airport and Margate Airport as the new additions.

“Air travel is crucial to our efforts to gradually resume economic activity. In re-opening our airspace, we have put protocols in place to determine the state of readiness for our airports to resume operations in a phased manner.

“This process is managed by the Civil Aviation Authority, which has done a splendid job in ensuring compliance with safety and health measures. Despite the movement to alert level 2, we will continue on the same trajectory until every one of our airports meets the strict protocols,” Minister Mbalula said.

Under alert level 2, international air travel remains prohibited.

South Africa moved to lockdown level 2 from midnight on Monday, 17 August 2020.

Under level 2 of the lockdown, interprovincial travel is now permitted, subject to restrictions on public transport vehicles.


In line with the gradual easing of restrictions, foreign crew changes are permitted only at the Cape Town Port and at the Port of Durban, subject to compliance with the following conditions:

A request for crew changes must be completed by a shipping company or its representatives on a prescribed form, which must be submitted at least 96 hours prior to the crew changes to the Department of Transport.

The crew must comply with all the travel protocols of the port of entry where the crew changes will be undertaken.

Crew changes may take place at port and off-port limit.

Signing-on crew may directly transit from the airport to the board and the vessel, provided that if a layover is necessary, the crew must be quarantined, as per the port health protocols, at the employer’s cost and the name of the quarantine facility must be specified on the form.

Signing-off crew of a passenger vessel may directly transit to the airport.

Only in exceptional circumstances may the signing-on and signing-off crew be permitted to lay over.

Cruise ships remain prohibited from calling at any of the South African ports, except for the disembarkation of returning South African crew, South African citizens or holders of permanent residence permits.

– Source:
Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Minister, Lindiwe Sisulu, has called for citizens to value water during the annual Stockholm World Water Week official opening.
Minister Sisulu on Monday, 24 August 2020, joined several water ministers across the globe to officially open this year’s session of the Stockholm World Water Week, which was hosted virtually as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak.

She said South Africa was still experiencing the imbalance of equal distribution of resources such as water.

“Our country has suffered an imbalance during the dark days, of which many of you know of. The results are so embedded in infrastructure because those who historically had power benefited first, so it will take a bit of time to ensure the benefits reach every corner of the population," Minister Sisulu said.

Speaking during a ministerial panel discussion with her counterparts from Colombia, the Netherlands and Sweden, Minister Sisulu said the advent of the novel Coronavirus had put a strain on the country’s already ailing water infrastructure.

She, however, said the new dispensation was doing its best to rewrite the wrongs and had improved its efforts to ensure water security for all.

The Minister said since 1994, access to water supply increased from only 55.1% of households having access to 88% in 2019.

"This is a remarkable feat, noting the fact that the population increased from 40.56 million in 1994 to 58.7 million in 2019,” Minister Sisulu said.

As part of the country’s intervention to curb the spread of the Coronavirus, the Department of Water and Sanitation has establishment a National Command Centre, which oversees the distribution of water tanks and tankers to communities with dire water challenges.

This is an immediate measure to help address challenges posed by COVID-19.

World Water Week is organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute and takes place in Stockholm, Sweden, on an annual basis. It has been the focal point for global water issues since 1991.

It is foremost a collaborative learning experience, providing a unique forum and opportunity to facilitate the exchange of views, experiences and practices between the scientific, business, policy and civil society.

– Source:
Cape Town Tourism (CTT) is ready to open safely in a COVID-19 world … and they have just been approved as a user of the World Travel and Tourism Council’s (WTTC) safety stamp.
CTT recently announced that, as the official destination marketing and management organisation for the City of Cape Town, it had been approved as a user of the WTTC safety stamp.

“This is a great achievement as it highlights that as a destination, we are committed to be aligned with the Safe Travel protocols as set out by the WTTC,” says Enver Duminy, CEO of CTT. “It emphasises that we are serious about being a safe destination for travellers and that we are ready to cautiously but warmly welcome visitors back again.”

As a user of the stamp, CTT has the opportunity to assume the role of a Safe Travels ambassador to its members and other stakeholders, advocating the implementation of the Safe Travels protocols. CTT also has an ongoing responsibility to encourage anyone making use of the Safe Travels stamp to be compliant with the protocols and various terms and conditions.

These Safe Travels protocols are a new global set of guidelines for use by the travel and tourism sector. These protocols highlight global best practice when it comes to COVID-19 and are aimed to help rebuild confidence in destinations around the world.

According to the WTTC, the global protocols were developed in collaboration with WTTC members, leading industry associations and international organisations.

CTT is encouraging all tourism businesses to apply for official use of the Safe Travels stamp by contacting them via email – – as this is an important part of restoring faith in travel.

– Source:
The Table Mountain Aerial Cableway Company (TMACC) announced that it would be reopening for local and domestic travellers from 1 September.
A maximum of 26 people will be allowed per cable car ride, and those with no masks will not be allowed entry.

If you celebrated your birthday during the national lockdown, you'll be able to claim free tickets.

“We are really looking forward to being able to carry local visitors and domestic travellers up to the top of Table Mountain,” says Wahida Parker, Managing Director at TMACC.

“Just in time for Tourism Month, South Africans now have an opportunity to explore their country and its rich diversity of natural treasures, and we invite visitors to come experience our very own New7Wonders of Nature.”

Previously, the company opened its doors only for hikers under alert level 3, when government announced that guided tours were permitted.

The cableway will allow visitors in from Monday to Sunday throughout September, between 08:00 and 15:00.

Tickets can be bought on Webtickets. You will be provided with a barcode on your mobile device that will be scanned on entry, in lieu of carrying physical tickets.

If you celebrated your birthday during the national lockdown period, you can claim a free ride within the first two weeks of the cableway reopening.

The WiFi lounge at the top station will be open for both hot and cold beverages (coffee, tea and water). "Under level 2 regulations, visitors can also enjoy wine, beer and Glühwein at the WiFi lounge and lower station," the company said.

Snacks and takeaway meals such as sandwiches, salads and a variety of cakes will also be available at the lower station kiosk.

“As spring slowly starts to make an appearance, visitors can once again enjoy the rich fauna and flora that the mountain has to offer,” said Parker.

– Source: Business Insider SA
An unexpected film about a man’s bond with an octopus, entitled “My Octopus Teacher”, is captivating film festivals and competition judges worldwide.
It racked up eight nominations, more than any other film in this year’s lineup, for the renowned Jackson Wild Media Award, one of the most important nature film competitions on the globe. It recently won Best Feature at Earth X and is in the running for another four conservation film awards this year, including two prestigious Panda awards at the Wildscreen Festival.

“A real-world Charlotte’s Web story that is filled with heart and drama and extraordinary beauty, My Octopus Teacher, reminds us of the transformative power of love,” said Lisa Samford, Executive Director of Jackson Wild.

The feature documentary is a collaboration between the Sea Change Project, an NGO raising awareness of the beauty and ecological importance of South Africa’s kelp forest, Off the Fence Productions, based in the Netherlands, and Netflix. This is the first Netflix original documentary to come out of South Africa. Directed by Pippa Ehrlich and James Reed and produced by Craig Foster, My Octopus Teacher is the culmination of a decade of hard work and dedication to showcasing The Great African Seaforest and the creatures that live in it.

The story is about Craig Foster, who suffering from a loss of purpose, begins a daily diving regimen in the freezing kelp forests at the tip of Africa in order to re-energise himself. Foster is an award-winning filmmaker and co-founder of the Sea Change Project, and has dedicated the past nine years to diving every day in the Atlantic Ocean without a wetsuit, documenting the process of how the human body adapts to cold and studying the kelp forest ecosystem.

What he discovers below the water’s surface is a totally alien motivation in the form of an unusually curious octopus. This beautiful record of an animal’s entire life – something seldom achieved in the wild, let alone underwater – was shot over a full year and explores the habits and personality of a strange, undulating creature that most of us have only ever eaten.

Pippa Ehrlich is a South African natural history filmmaker and environmental journalist, specialising in the field of marine science and conservation. She has worked with some of the world’s top marine researchers and underwater photographers.

She states: “I am hugely grateful for the nominations and overwhelmed by the responses we’ve had from viewers all over the world who have seen the film. We started this project to share our experiences of the sea forest and our love for the natural world and to receive this kind of feedback is encouraging. Having the privilege of capturing Craig’s relationship with the octopus has been a deeply fulfilling experience. It’s allowed me to imagine the world through another species’ eyes, which expands one’s perspective.”

– Source:
A new South African restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand, has been opened “in loving memory of our old President Mr Mandela”. The fast food restaurant – Madibaz – was launched on Nelson Mandela’s birthday, 18 July, and is aptly called Madibaz! The South African Ambassador in Thailand, Geoff Doidge, performed the honours to officially open the restaurant.
It’s been an interesting journey to Madibaz for owners Charles and Gai Greeff. They, like every entrepreneur, had seen an opportunity in Thailand for a South African food outlet, and seized it. “With a growing South African community in Thailand, we decided to make it feel a little more like home. With great excitement, we started the first South African restaurant in Bangkok called Shebeen Bangkok and kicked it off with a bang,” says Charles.

However, business throughout Thailand slowed down, taking a toll on the country’s most popular South African restaurant, and matters didn’t improve when COVID-19 hit the world and forced the restaurant’s closure. However, you can never keep a good South African down!

Charles says: “With this unexpected pandemic, we suffered a big blow. Refusing to give up, we went back to the drawing board to figure out how we would persevere through these dark days. With only hope left, I remember what a great leader once said:

“Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do.”  - Nelson Mandela.

“With those words etched in our minds and with the inspiration of a true South African, Madibaz was founded.”

With the amazing help of the community, Charles and Gai managed to get back on track to open their new-concept South African, fast food restaurant.

– Source:


The chorus, Siyanibonga bazali be sizwe, is an ode to the women of this country, thanking them for all they have done in bringing us up and taking care of all our needs.
The Mzansi Youth Choir, who proudly represented South Africa in the recent World Choir Games, has released a brand-new single in collaboration with our “Princess of Africa” – singer, songwriter and actress, Yvonne Chaka Chaka – to celebrate women in Africa.

Composed by the choir’s Musical Director Sidumo Nyamezele, Bazali be Sizwe, loosely translates to” We thank you, our Mothers”.

Nyamezele says his writing was inspired by the women we always have surrounding us – the grannies [in the neighbourhood] supporting us, our mom’s cheering us on and those making sure we make it.

He also commented on the logistical issues of recording brand new music during this pandemic. “Having to record partially and on various days, stitching it all together has been challenging, but we’re making it work!”

“I am happy to have worked with Mzansi Youth Choir to celebrate our women. Women are an ocean nurturing and strong.  Let us all recognise their worth,” Yvonne Chaka Chaka said.

– Sources: Yvonne Chaka Chaka | Mzansi Youth Choir l
The inspirational story of South Africa’s young Paralympic star, Ntando Mahlangu, is featured in the Netflix documentary “Rising Phoenix”, which launched on 26 August.
Rising Phoenix is a ground-breaking movie about the Paralympic Movement, which will showcase in over 190 countries on Netflix. Featuring Paralympians from across the world, Rising Phoenix tells the extraordinary story of the Paralympic Games and inspiring athletes who show us what is possible when we push the limits of human movement, emphasising that disability is not inability.

The film’s release was planned to coincide with the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games. Due to the postponement of the Games it will now form part of the one-year-to-go celebrations. 24 August marked the year-to-go milestone before the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Paralympic Games in Japan.

Born with a condition known as congenital hemimelia, Mahlangu spent a large portion of his young life in a wheelchair. At the age of 10, also the year of the London Paralympic Games, things changed.

The decision was made to amputate both of Ntando’s legs at the knee. When the London Paralympics were on TV and the other South African amputees were stars on the big stage, he was learning how to walk. Two weeks later, he could run on his feet. He was fitted with his first set of prosthetic blades in September 2012.

By 2016, Mahlangu had developed into a world-class para athlete, winning T42 200m silver for South Africa at the Rio 2016 Paralympics while only 14 years old, setting a new African record of 23.77 seconds in the process.

Mahlangu is inspiring more children to dream big and go for their goals, despite the challenges, by being a good example of what is possible with access to prosthetics, mainstream education and sport. It is his goal and passion to help create opportunities for more kids, facing challenges similar to his own, by equipping them; not only on the sports field, but also in the classroom and in their day-to-day lives; to handle all of life’s issues and to be strong.

Other athletes featured in the film include Bebe Vio (Italy), Ellie Cole (Australia), Jean-Baptiste Alaize (France), Matt Stutzman (USA), Jonnie Peacock (UK), Cui Zhe (China), Ryley Batt (Australia) and Tatyana McFadden (USA).

– Source:
Jacques Kallis was inducted alongside Lisa Sthaleka and Zaheer Abbas in the ICC Hall of Fame on Sunday, 23 August 2020
Former South African all-rounder Jacques Kallis is among the latest inductees into the International Cricket Council (ICC) Hall of Fame.

The 44-year-old called time on his international career in 2013, finishing as the only player to accumulate over 10 000 Test runs and 200 wickets in history, as well as South Africa’s all-time leading run-scorer in both the longest format and One Day Internationals.

He was one of three cricketers inducted into the ICC Hall of Fame on Sunday, 23 August 2020, alongside women’s cricket’s trailblazer Lisa Sthalekar and Pakistani great Zaheer Abbas.

“Kallis was a brilliant batsman, a penetrative fast bowler and one of the safest slip fielders the game has ever seen,” the ICC wrote of the former all-rounder. “In an illustrious career spanning 19 years, he breached several statistical milestones and set the benchmark high for all-rounders.”

Kallis follows in the footsteps of former Proteas fast bowler Allan Donald, who was inducted in July 2019.

The pair are the only South Africans in the Hall of Fame, who played post-isolation.

Other South Africans in the list of greats include Barry Richards, who was inducted in 2009, alongside his former teammate Graeme Pollock.

– Source:
“Mr President,

“We thank the Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), Ms Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, for her briefing. South Africa supports and continues to have confidence in your efforts.

“Mr President,

“South Africa supports the mandate of UNAMI in promoting the strengthening of the Government of Iraq and its electoral processes. We welcome the successful formation of the new Iraqi Government and applaud the inclusion of women and minorities, which will assist in unifying and strengthening the cohesiveness of the country.

“We support the drive for an inclusive government, which will bring together all diverse aspects of Iraqi society, into the governance structures. National reconciliation and unity in Iraq are vital in order to avoid future challenges stemming from shifting government policies and actions. Domestic unity, cohesion and determination are urgently needed to build resilience against narrow partisan interests, foreign interference and criminal elements which actively seek to impede Iraq’s stability.

“South Africa is pleased to learn that the Government of Iraq has agreed to resume monthly payments from its federal budget to the Kurdistan Regional Government in Erbil. We continue to urge increased and improved cooperation between the national Government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government, and look forward to consensus on the issue of a revenue-sharing agreement.

“Mr President,

“South Africa supports UNAMI and the Government of Iraq in its post-conflict reconstruction and development efforts, which provide much needed humanitarian assistance throughout the country, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The spread of the pandemic in Iraq has strained an already fragile healthcare system.

“The easing of restrictions and the failure to adhere to preventative measures, or to implement them fully, have resulted in a deterioration of the humanitarian situation. Iraq needs to adjust its COVID-19 response actions and diligently apply preventative measures for the purpose of slowing the transmission of the virus.

“Mr President,

“Peace and security remain fundamental for Iraq to develop its infrastructure, grow its economy and provide basic services to all its citizens. In this regard, South Africa supports the consolidation of control of the Iraqi army over Iraq’s entire territory. We also support the continued efforts of the government to eradicate the threat posed by Da’esh. Iraqis should not live in an atmosphere of terror and intimidation.

“South Africa also expresses its deep concern regarding the killing of two civil-society activists and attacks against others in the southern city of Basra. Civic activism is a cornerstone of a representative and accountable government, and must be protected. We therefore urge the authorities to pursue investigations into these horrendous attacks and bring the perpetrators to book, in order to uphold standards of justice, accountability, integrity and transparency.

“Mr President,

“We are encouraged by the collaborative effort of both the governments of Kuwait and Iraq to locate missing Kuwaiti, and other nationals, as well as missing Kuwaiti property, including the national archives. We urge both countries to work together with the relevant UN institutions to resolve these outstanding issues.

“In conclusion, Mr President,

“South Africa reiterates its support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq in line with the principles of the UN Charter, and we continue to support UNAMI in the implementation of its mandate.

“We also continue to urge the United Nations and the Government of Iraq to consider utilising the Peacebuilding Commission in order to make greater strides in rebuilding the country.

“I thank you.”
“Mr President,

"We congratulate Indonesia on its successful Presidency of the Security Council and thank the briefers for their insightful perspectives on the Secretary-General’ 11th Strategic-Level Report on the threat posed by ISIL (Da’esh) to international peace and security and the range of United Nations efforts in support of Member States in countering the threat.

“Mr President,

"Appropriately, this meeting takes place shortly after the United Nations marked the third International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism on 21 August 2020, in an event which provided a moving and timely reminder of the immense human costs that result from terrorism. As humanity continues to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, South Africa strongly supports the call by His Excellency, the Secretary-General, Mr António Guterres, in calling for an immediate global ceasefire in all corners of the world.

“Mr President,

"Much like the COVID-19 pandemic that is proving to be such a stubborn threat despite massive efforts against it, the Secretary-General’s report illustrates that ISIL/Da’esh remains a similarly stubborn threat to international peace and security. The report describes a new surge of ISIL activity in Iraq and the Syrian Arab Republic, while elsewhere the group continues to pursue its deadly agenda via new affiliations in different regions of the world. In terms of the ongoing challenge of individuals with suspected links to ISIL, especially women and children, stranded in camps or being held in the northeast of the Syrian Arab Republic, South Africa is encouraged by the progress made by the UN’s leadership in its development of a global multi-agency framework to assist Member States with the protection, repatriation, prosecution, rehabilitation and reintegration of third-country nationals returning from Syria and Iraq.

“The report also describes the inherent risks for greater online recruitment and radicalisation of a much larger ‘captive’ audience, making greater use of the Internet as a substitute for activities restricted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Equally important, is the report’s mention of the possibility that the widespread economic depression resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic could lead to an exacerbation of socio-economic challenges linked to radicalisation and terrorism.

“South Africa has consistently sought to highlight the importance of measures to address these root-cause issues that give rise to the resentment that ultimately fuel terrorism. On this point, we urge the UN and its Member States not to allow the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent us from reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by their target date, which would inevitably allow extremist movements throughout the world to take further root.

“Mr President,

"We are of course particularly concerned by the situation in Africa. As the report details, the persistent instability in Libya continues to provide fertile ground for the spread of terrorism on the continent. At the same time, Islamic State affiliates in the form of Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS), Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP), and Al-Shabaab in Somalia, as well as Islamic State Central African Province (ISCAP), continue to carry out frequent attacks while attempting to entrench their operations and strengthen their ties with ISIL core and local strategic partners.

“Naturally, a key concern for South Africa is the situations described in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where ISCAP has continued its attempts to establish a greater operational presence and has carried out attacks against the DRC’s Government and MONUSCO forces. We are also particularly concerned about the insurgency which is gripping northern parts of South Africa’s neighbour, Mozambique, where some attacks were claimed on behalf of ISCAP.

“Both of these situations are the focus of high-level regional attention by the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Indeed, only a few days ago, the leaders of SADC’s 16 Member States expressed their commitment to support Mozambique in addressing terrorism and violent attacks. It is important that these regional efforts continue to enjoy the full support of the international community and the UN.

“Allow me in this regard to express South Africa’s appreciation to the United Nations for its continued support, including the UN Counter Terrorism Centre’s (UNCCT) valuable contribution to a Southern Africa-wide counter-financing of terrorism operational plan, developed and implemented in collaboration with the Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money-Laundering Group (ESAAMLG).

“Mr President,

"Allow me to conclude by reiterating South Africa’s steadfast condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and our strong commitment to supporting UN-led efforts to fight this scourge. As always, we call for the further development and enhancement of regional strategic partnerships, including with the African Union, and we emphasise the critical importance of ensuring that all of our counter-terrorism measures, across the board, are conducted in accordance with international human rights and humanitarian law.

"I thank you."
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