Issue 462 | 11 February 2021
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President Cyril Ramaphosa will deliver the State of the Nation Address (SONA) on 11 February 2021 at 7 pm.
The SONA is called by the President in terms of Section 42(5) of the Constitution. It is a joint sitting of the two Houses of Parliament and one of the rare occasions that brings together the three arms of the State under one roof.

SONA provides the President with an opportunity to speak to the nation on the general state of South Africa, to reflect on a wide range of political, economic and social matters within the domestic and global contexts, to account to the nation on the work of government and to set out government's programme of action for the coming year. Traditionally, the President makes key government announcements during this important joint sitting of Parliament.

In strict adherence to the National State of Disaster regulations, this year’s SONA will take the form of a hybrid joint sitting, with at least no more than 50 Members of Parliament, representatives from the Judiciary and the Executive in the physical chamber and the rest of this category connecting virtually. Other categories that will virtually form part of this important event include premiers, speakers and other special delegates representing provinces in the National Council of Provinces, eminent persons, the Diplomatic Corps, distinguished guests and members of the public.

Due to the limited number of persons permitted within the precincts of Parliament, and Parliament’s sensitivity to the prevailing conditions, various ceremonial aspects that usually characterise the SONA have been suspended. In this regard, there will be no red carpet and procession of the three arms of the State, physical participation of junior and civil guard of honour, eminent persons, imbongi, military parade that leads the presidential procession onto a saluting dais on the steps of the National Assembly, the guard of honour by the National Ceremonial Guard and the 21-gun salute.

Where possible and appropriate, some of these traditional features will take place virtually in keeping with the significance and character of the address.

President Ramaphosa will physically deliver the SONA from the National Assembly Chamber at 19h00.
The heads of state and government of the African Union (AU) have elected Felix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as the new Chairperson of the African Union (AU) for the year 2021.
The event took place on Saturday, 6 February 2021, during the 34th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the AU, held virtually under the theme: “Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers for Building the Africa We Want”.

The President of the DRC took over the baton of command from President Cyril Ramaphosa.

Given the prevailing context of the COVID-9 pandemic, the handing-over ceremony between the incoming and outgoing chairs of the AU was organised in a hybrid mode, both at the Conference Centre of the AU in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where the newly elected Chair of the AU, President Tshisekedi, was taking part physically, in the solemn handing-over ceremony at the podium of the AU Mandela Hall, in the presence of Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the AU Commission (AUC), while the outgoing Chair, President  Ramaphosa, was taking part virtually all the way from South Africa. Other people in attendance during this highly symbolic moment were the Deputy Chairperson of the AUC, the AU commissioners and other high officials of the union as well as a delegation from the DRC.

On behalf of the outgoing Chair of the AU, the symbols of the union were presented physically to the incoming Chair by the AUC Chairperson, while the flag of the AU was handed over virtually by President Ramaphosa.

The composition of the new Bureau of the Assembly of the Heads of State and Government of the AU for 2021 was thereafter presented as follows:
  • Chair of the AU: DRC, Central African Region
  • First Vice President: Republic of Senegal, West Region
  • Second Vice President: Union of Comoros, Eastern Region
  • Third Vice President: Arab Republic of Egypt, Northern Region
  • Rapporteur: Republic of South Africa, Southern Region.
In his handing-over speech, President Ramaphosa wished the new AU Chairperson a successful Chairship and thanked the heads of states of AU member states as well as the AU outgoing Bureau, for their support during the tenure of his mandate, which he said, was marked by the prevailing sanitary crisis caused by the COVID19 pandemic. President Ramaphosa highlighted some of the achievements under his Chairship, notably, the efforts to reduce conflict in the continent under the theme of silencing the guns; the economic empowerment of women and youth, and the enhancement of democracy and good governance, among other development programmes under Agenda 2063.

The outgoing Chair further underlined the initiatives undertaken under his leadership to address the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. These include:
  • the establishment of the Africa Task Force for the Coronavirus
  • the Partnership to Accelerate COVID-19 Testing in Africa
  • the Consortium for COVID-19 Clinical Vaccine Trials
  • the appointment of special envoys to mobilise the international support for the continental fight against COVID-19
  • the establishment of the African Medical Supplies Platform, a platform developed to assist the AU member states to tackle issues on the supply side of the continent’s response to COVID-19 and gain access to medical supplies and equipment
  • the development of the vaccine strategy for the continent, which was endorsed by the AU Bureau of Assembly
  • the establishment of the COVID-19 African Vaccine Acquisition Task Team, in support of the Africa vaccine strategy with the objective that no country and no one should be left behind
  • the initiative to engage international partners and financial institutions to support countries whose economies have been devastated by the pandemic.
Outgoing Chairperson Ramaphosa noted with satisfaction the fact that when the AU COVID-19 Response Fund was launched, the first contributions came from the AU member states, which was a demonstration of “the African ideals of unity and solidarity to fulfil our common objectives”.

In his acceptance speech, President Tshisekedi said it was a unique privilege for the DRC to be given this opportunity as Chair of the AU.
The Government of the Republic of South Africa congratulates Adv Dumisa Ntsebeza on being appointed as a member of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights.
The 34th African Union (AU) Heads of State and Government Ordinary Summit, which was held from 6 to 7 February 2021, appointed Adv Dumisa Ntsebeza of the Republic of South Africa and Hon Justice Sacko Modibo from the Republic of Mali, as new judges of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights.

Congratulating Advocate Ntsebeza, the Minister of International Relation and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, said the appointment of Advocate Ntsebeza was an outcome of the support for and confidence African countries had in South Africa.

“South Africa wishes Adv Ntsebeza well in his new assignment. We are glad that his extensive experience and knowledge in the field of human rights will be of immense contribution to our continent,” Minister Pandor said.

Adv Dumisa Buhle Ntsebeza SC is a well-renowned judge who has served as a Commissioner on the United Nations International Commission of Inquiry into Darfur. In South Africa, he was a Commissioner and Head of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Investigative Unit. He has also, on several occasions, served as a Judge of the High Court and the Labour Court of South Africa.
Government has welcomed car-maker Ford’s investment into the South African economy.
The new Ford investment at the manufacturer’s Silverton plant, when completed, will pump R1.3 billion in wages and salaries annually into the Tshwane economy.

The announcement followed the designation of the area as a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in late 2019 by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Ebrahim Patel.

The R16 billion in investment would cover expansion of the Ford assembly plant in phases to reach a capacity to assemble 200 000 vehicles locally, principally centred on the new Ford Ranger bakkie.

An anticipated 1 200 jobs would be created in the Ford plant with thousands of additional jobs at suppliers to the company.

The announcement was preceded by a site visit by President Cyril Ramaphosa and other dignitaries to the construction site where a supplier park is being built.

President Ramaphosa gave the keynote address at the event.

The Ford Motor Company has been in negotiations with the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC) on the expansion of the plant, making it one of the largest Ford Ranger plants outside of the United States.

Minister Patel said five key government policies championed by the President, informed the decision of Ford, and enabled rapid decision-making.

“First, the SEZ framework. In October 2019, we revamped our SEZ policy, leading to the designation of Tshwane as an Automobile SEZ. Based on this, Ford took the opportunity to announce that they would help build a massive supplier hub in Tshwane and this in turn, made the massive investment in the Ford plant itself worthwhile.

“Tshwane is on the road to becoming an auto city, producing cars for local use and exporting to more than 150 countries,” said the Minister.

Minister Patel said the mobilisation of investment also played a role.

“President Ramaphosa set a target of R1.2 trillion of fresh investment needed to be raised over a five-year period, in order to grow the economy. Today’s announcement of R16 billion by one firm alone is 1.3% of the total.

“It will create jobs for women and young people and opportunities for small businesses and local suppliers,” he said.

South Africa’s master plans drive policy

“The reimagined industrial strategy focusses on sector partnerships, which we call master plans. The Ford announcement is made possible by the auto-master plan, which seeks to double jobs and auto production in South Africa by 2035.”

The Minister said transformation and opportunities for small and medium businesses were key goals of the master plan.

African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

“Fourth, the opening of new markets for locally-produced products, including the new AfCFTA, which has now entered the implementation phase. It will create a massive market and demand for locally-produced machinery, clothes and food, and of course Ford Ranger vehicles.

“Fifth, the District Development Model, which brings together the different spheres of government within an area to drive better coordination and implementation. It shows that the State can be agile and implementation-focussed,” he said.

The announcement of the first major investment was made in less than 15 months following the designation of the SEZ.

The Minister said further announcements would be made in the next 18 months as suppliers finalise plans and take occupation of state-of-the art production facilities.

Minister Patel paid tribute to the partnership with the Premier of Gauteng and the work of the Director-General of the DTIC and the senior management of Ford Motor Company for their problem-solving approach to the project.

“This is a boost for our efforts to recover growth and jobs in the economy following the impact of COVID-19 on livelihoods and to prepare South Africa for the opportunities of the AfCFTA,” Minister Patel said.

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The COVID-19 pandemic, which has engulfed South Africa and the rest of the world for the past 10 months, has highlighted the importance of investments by governments in science, technology and innovation.
Evidence-based information has been at the heart of saving lives and developing a response to the deadly virus.

In the production of reagents, diagnostics, personal protective equipment (PPE) and a vaccine, scientific research has been critical.

The Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), led by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Dr Blade Nzimande, has been an active participant in the Government's Health Ministerial Advisory Committee, which was tasked with advising on the implementation of programmes to contain the pandemic and ensure the safety of all South Africans.

Minister Nzimande recently briefed the media on the DSI's efforts to prepare South Africa to manufacture a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as one becomes available.

The Minister highlighted the fact that the infrastructure necessary for doing this already existed in the country thanks to work previously done by the department.

The threat of future pandemics has thrust the country's ability to develop and manufacture vaccines locally into the spotlight.

Government, through the DSI, owns a 47.5% stake in bio-pharmaceutical company Biovac as part of a joint venture with the private sector. Biovac has over the years developed the capability to manufacture vaccines.

Investing in research

Over the past two decades, the DSI has made huge investments in research and innovation that have enabled the country to respond effectively to COVID-19.

These investments were made not only in the healthcare and related sectors, but also in other sectors as part of the DSI's efforts to become an innovative and inclusive department focussed on improving the lives of all South Africans.

It is now widely accepted that science, technology and innovation are key to unlocking people's potential and creating improved social conditions, a competitive economy and a workforce positioned to take the country into the future.

In 2019, the DSI produced a new White Paper that laid out a core policy for driving science, technology, and innovation that delivers positive socio-economic outcomes through initiatives in fields such as energy, healthcare, education, climate change, food security and manufacturing.

The DSI will adopt a leadership role in this drive, acting as an enabler of innovations and scientific discoveries that will provide solutions needed to address a broad spectrum of societal needs today and in the future.

In leading this endeavour, the DSI will draw on the work it has been doing over the past two decades.

Innovations and interventions

Not only has this work been crucial for empowering the best minds in the country today, it has also yielded numerous innovations and interventions that are now helping to modernise and improve society.

These include the following:
  • the Hydrogen SA programme, which is providing an alternative source of energy that is noiseless, effective and pollution-free
  • a number of mining innovations to modernise this sector
  • an additive manufacturing and titanium metal powder programme
  • the development of the world's largest and fastest 3D printer
  • the development of a technology, known as Aquatrip, that identifies water leaks and prevents wastage by means of an inbuilt control valve
  • the development of a compound that has been found to have potent activity against all stages of malaria
  • a range of new biotechnology solutions, including animal feed products and an injectable bone regeneration product
  • a wheat breeding programme that is producing drought-resistant crops for sustainable food production and nutrition, one of many innovations to modernise the agricultural sector to ensure food security and sustainable nutrition
  • the project to the build the Square Kilometre Array, which will be the world's largest radio telescope and the largest scientific infrastructure on the African continent
  • technological innovations in Earth observation that have enabled the provision of mapping data for use in spatial planning, disaster management and the protection of our marine resources.
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Members of the South African media are invited to submit their entries for the 2021 Southern African Development Community (SADC) Media Awards competition.
“To promote regional integration and cooperation, the awards aim to recognise excellence in journalism in the areas of print, photo, television and radio, as well as to encourage media practitioners in member states to cover issues pertaining to the region,” the Government Communication and Information System said on Wednesday, 3 February 2021.

The awards were established following a decision by the Council of Ministers in 1996 to establish a sector that deals with matters relating to, among others, information, culture and sport.

These awards serve as part of ensuring a link, coordination and synchronisation between the formal structures of SADC governments, civil society, academia, labour and the media.

Journalists who wish to enter the competition can access more information about the competition from the and websites.

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South Africa has become the second-largest exporter of fresh citrus in the world, after record-breaking exports that delivered 146 million cartons of citrus in 2020.
Citrus is one of South Africa's most important subsectors in the agricultural sector that provides a significant contribution to job creation and economic activity in South Africa’s rural communities.

Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Minister, Thoko Didiza, has commended the citrus industry on the record exports they made.

“The industry has expanded notably over the past decade, and we thank the farmers for showing confidence and increasing the investments. The industry's investment is starting to pay off, as the Citrus Growers Association reported that South Africa exported a record 146 million cartons of citrus in 2020; which means we are still the world's second-largest exporter of fresh citrus after Spain,” Minister Didiza said.

Minister Didiza added that the challenge going forward was ensuring that, “as a government, we open more export markets for the industry, as the estimates suggest, there will be roughly 300 000 tons added into the current volumes in the next three years that require an export market”.

“As a government, we commit to working with the industry and other stakeholders to expand the market access to destinations such as the United States, China and India, the European Union and other countries that already enjoy South African citrus. In the process, we will work with relevant stakeholders in improving logistics for export activity.

“Agriculture is part of the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan that the President announced late last year; to this end, we will continue working with all stakeholders to ensure that we provide a policy environment conducive for all subsectors to prosper. Part of the growth-enhancing interventions is detailed in the Sector Master Plan, which will be announced within the first quarter of the year,” the Minister said.

The growth projections for soft citrus, lemons and Valencia oranges alone indicate an expected additional R6.8 billion in foreign exchange earnings and the creation of 22 250 sustainable jobs over the next three years.

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Prof. Thuli Madonsela, Chair in Social Justice at Stellenbosch University’s Faculty of Law, has been appointed as Knight of the Legion of Honour by French President Emmanuel Macron.
Madonsela is being honoured in recognition of her remarkable achievements in defence of the rule of law and the fight against corruption in South Africa.

The Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur (French Legion of Honour) celebrates the accomplishments of distinguished individuals, irrespective of sex, social background and nationality. Viewed as the highest decoration in France, it was established by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802.

The categories of the order include the degrees Chevalier (Knight), Officier (Officer), Commandeur (Commander), Grand Officier (Grand Officer) and Grand-Croix (Grand Cross).

Previous South African recipients of the degree Chevalier include Nadine Gordimer, Ahmed Kathrada, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Mamphela Ramphele, Miriam Makeba, André P Brink and Zanele Muholi.

One of the knighthood's famous recipients is soccer legend Zinedine Zidane, who led the French to World Cup glory in 1998.

Stellenbosch University said in a statement that the official ceremony to bestow the insignia on Madonsela would take place as soon as the COVID-19 situation eases significantly, on a date to be mutually agreed between the French Ambassador to South Africa, Aurélien Lechevallier, and Madonsela.

Madonsela said: “I do my work to add value to humanity out of love and gratitude for the privileges life and humanity have given me and in pursuit of my duties. However, a recognition of this magnitude does inspire immense gratitude while spotlighting my work on social justice, the rule of law and ethical governance.

“I believe it comes from a place of appreciating our interconnectedness as humanity though separated by oceans and borders.”

Madonsela added that she accepted the honour on behalf of the public protector team that worked with her in the pursuit of ethical and accountable government for seven years.

“I also accept the award on behalf of my colleagues at Stellenbosch University, with whom we are pioneering research, policy reform and civic mobilisation on social justice, with the hope of catalysing progress towards ending poverty and reducing structural inequality by 2030 in line with the global Sustainable Development Goals.

“I also accept it on behalf of my Thuma Foundation colleagues, who are mostly volunteers dedicating their time and resources towards making democracy work for all through democracy leadership and literacy.

– Source: TimesLIVE
Good news for luxury rail enthusiasts is that journeys on the country's famous Blue Train are restarting amid increased demand.
The Blue Train has announced it is resuming its full operations after a temporary shutdown due to the COVID-19 second-wave alert in December 2020 and a partial offering in January 2021.

Journeys planned for 2021 are now continuing, with a few adjustments to scheduling to meet increased demand.

“Running a tourism establishment while the world is dealing with a pandemic requires ongoing adaptation to ensure the safety of our guests and our crew,” Blue Train operations manager, Lekhetho Mokoena, said.

“We are happy that, as the year begins, we are back on track offering the best of African luxury rail experience. Our teams have continued to work on our operations, prioritising the health and safety of guests and crew, and where possible, doing refurbishments to the train sets.”

Mokoena said the award-winning Blue Train was resuming full operations from February.

In keeping with the most recent revisions from national government on the lockdown, the Blue Train has also resumed serving alcohol.

“This is a welcome development as the beverage offering on the Blue Train is a key part of the experience,” Mokoena said.

In 2021, there will be a few extra journeys added to the annual itinerary on the Pretoria to Cape Town route, allowing guests more flexibility when choosing travel dates.

The updated schedule is available at Guests affected by the temporary suspension in December can still arrange for postponements. The COVID-relevant cancellation policy continues to apply, giving guests more flexibility at no extra cost.

For more information, contact the Blue Train’s reservations team’s Pretoria office on 012-334-8459, Cape Town office on 021-449-2672 or email

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Steph van Niekerk is the only South African creative to be selected as an honouree in the 2021 Female Frontiers Awards.
Campaign UK recently announced the honourees of the fourth annual Female Frontier Awards, which celebrate the fiercest, most progressive, boundary-pushing women in advertising and marketing. The panel of judges recognises five honourees in categories spanning creativity, leadership, positive change, media, technology and rising stars.

South Africa’s very own Steph van Niekerk has been honoured in the Conquering Creativity Category, “Women Who Are Leading the Charge in Creative Excellence”. Selected from an impressive list of entries from across Europe, Middle East and Africa, Van Niekerk is humbled by the acknowledgement. Each of the Campaign UK honourees highlighted an extraordinary array of inspirational leadership and demonstrated their impact and transformation within the industry.

Van Niekerk, Creative Director at Grey Advertising Africa, is one of South Africa’s top talents and ranked as the number one creative director and the number one copywriter in South Africa in 2019. As the runner-up Woman of the Year 2020, Van Niekerk is best known for her moving, entertaining and insightful storytelling.

The virtual event is scheduled for Thursday, 25 February, where Campaign UK will shine the spotlight on the Female Frontiers 2021 Honourees.

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“Whisky” Magazine announced on 4 February 2021 that Andy Watts, Distell Master Distiller of a range of proudly South African whiskies, Bain’s Cape Mountain Whisky and Three Ships Whisky, will be bestowed the great honour of being inducted into “Whisky” Magazine’s Whisky Hall of Fame.
The induction will take place on 25 March during an online ceremony when the Global Winners of the Icons of Whisky Awards, together with the World Whiskies Awards winners, will be announced.

The honour of Whisky Hall of Fame has been bestowed on just a handful of iconic people since its inception in 2004, as a permanent tribute to their lasting contribution to the whisky industry.

Watts will receive this prestigious accolade in recognition of his life-long commitment to the South African whisky industry and subsequently, the World Whisky Category (whiskies produced outside of Scotland, the United States and United Kingdom).

Watts’ career didn’t start-off in the world of whisky. He grew up in Penistone in Yorkshire, England, and arrived in South Africa in 1982 as a professional cricketer with Derbyshire CCC, planning to spend six months a year coaching at schools throughout the Boland.

Within three years, he landed a position at the then Stellenbosch Farmers Winery (SFW) where he became involved in blending spirits. He was invited to Scotland by Morrison Bowmore Distillers to work hands-on at its three distilleries – Auchentoshan in the Lowlands, Glen Garioch in the Highlands and the legendary Bowmore Distillery on the Isle of Islay.

He returned to South Africa determined to prove that the country can produce internationally award-winning whiskies. Back at SFW, he was tasked, along with the company’s Technical Services Department, to transfer its fledgling whisky operations from the R&B Distillery in Stellenbosch to The James Sedgwick Distillery in Wellington, taking up his position as distillery manager in August 1991.

In addition to a host of global awards achieved for the whiskies and the distillery, Watts was awarded in 2016 and 2018 the title as “Rest of the World Master Distiller / Master Blender” in Whisky Magazine’s Icons of Whisky Awards and in the 2018 awards went on to be named as the “Global Icons of Whisky Master Distiller / Master Blender”. More recently, he received the “2020 Global Icon World Whisky Ambassador Award” for his passion in not only creating whisky but in sharing knowledge of South African whiskies around the globe.

Richard Rushton, Distell’s CEO, says this incredible achievement is tangible proof of the lasting legacy that Watts has accomplished for Distell and South African whisky.

After spending 25 years as manager of The James Sedgwick Distillery, Watts took up the position as Distell’s Head of Whisky in 2016. He is responsible for the company’s South African whisky portfolio, focussing on the process, quality and style of their whiskies, providing strategic guidance to the production of the range of Three Ships Whisky and Bain’s Cape Mountain Whisky.

Watts is also instrumental in providing the vision for the Three Ships Whisky Master’s Collection – the limited release whiskies made available from time to time to showcase the innovation of South African whiskies through an online live sale – and a range of exclusives produced for local and international retail.

His vision to produce whiskies sustainably has resulted in The James Sedgwick Distillery, the only commercial whisky distillery in Africa, being at the forefront of innovation. With his guidance, the distillery has won numerous international accolades for ingenious sustainability projects that lessen the impact on the environment.

Watts induction will take place live on 25 March at 12.30pm (GMT) on Whisky.

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During the online virtual Grand Finale of the International Property Awards, which took place recently, Waterfall Management Company not only scooped the regional title of Best Mixed-use Development in Africa for the Waterfall development for the seventh year running but was subsequently also crowned winners of the Best International Mixed-use Development 2020/21.
This is the fourth consecutive year that Waterfall has beaten formidable competitors to the top spot of the world’s best mixed-use development. This year’s nominees included mixed-use developments from the United Kingdom (UK), Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Australia, Vietnam, Russia and Turkey. Entries were judged based on criteria ranging from design layout, architecture, services and security, to sustainability, innovation and marketing.

The International Property Awards, now in their 28th year, celebrate the very best projects and professionals in the industry across 60 residential and commercial categories. Awards are split into four sectors, namely: Architecture, Development, Interior Design and Real Estate, across nine regions covering Africa, Asia Pacific, Arabia, Canada, Caribbean, Central and South America, Europe, UK and the United States of America. Over the past year, a panel of over 100 independent expert judges studied and assessed thousands of entries from 115 countries to finally arrive at the World’s Best winners.

Willie Vos, CEO of Waterfall Management Company, said: “Retaining the title of Best International Mixed-use Development in what can be considered a challenging period due to the global pandemic, is humbling. Each year sees our team and partners set even more ambitious goals for Waterfall where we all strive to take bold steps towards rolling out this innovative, world-class smart city to the benefit of all who live, work and visit here. A fourth consecutive international win is certainly a testament to our continued efforts in this regard, making us feel honoured and proud.”

Waterfall Management Company is the Property and Asset Management Company of the Waterfall land and has been working with developers and investors since 2004, to create the largest mixed-use development in Africa. Built on the core values of Locality, Infrastructure, Safety, Sustainability, Technology, Amenities, Vitality and Social Development, Waterfall has become synonymous with being the ideal place to work, stay and play in the heart of Gauteng.

Not even half complete yet, Waterfall still has over 1.6 million square metres of Gross Leasable Area (GLA) to be developed, ensuring future sustainable growth of this state-of-the-art smart city. By completion in 2027, it is estimated that the Waterfall development will combine 28 000 residential units housing approximately 80 000 people, with about 2.5 million square metres of GLA for commercial and office space, accommodating a further 95 000 people. The development also continues to play a key role in creating job opportunities along with contributing substantially, in terms of rates and taxes, to the City of Johannesburg.

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“We Will Rise” is exactly what South Africa and the world needs right now!
The Ndlovu Youth Choir has just released a music video to go with their first original song, called We Will Rise and it is exactly what South Africa and the world needs right now!

The vibrant Ndlovu Youth Choir captured the hearts and minds of all South Africans and the world as they reached the final of America’s Got Talent in 2019 with their soul-stirring performances and they keep bringing all the feels.

Ralf Schmitt – the conductor and director of the famed Ndlovu Youth Choir – says that the idea of the video is to pay tribute to the arts community.

It was filmed in the Atterbury Theatre in January.

“We decided to dress the choir in different costumes to represent different facets of the industry. I don’t think there are many industries that have been impacted as much as the arts. Throughout the world, artists have had to reinvent themselves and hustle like never before. We rely on people coming together.”

The choir has also been heavily impacted by COVID-19. By March 2020, they were completely booked out for the rest of the year and had seven international tours planned.

“Fortunately, we have managed to get by with our virtual shows from our studio in Limpopo and other video projects. Not all artists are in the position to invest in TV production studios, and we are extremely grateful that our virtual productions have been so successful. We’ve expanded clientele across the world.”

The choir is hoping that the video and song will raise awareness about the plight of the arts and encourage people to support artists and performers as well as arts organisations.

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Julio “Beast” Bianchi and Kaylan “Kaylan” Moodley will be flying the South African flag high at the FIFAe Club World Cup 2021 finals this year
After an intense past few weeks of online qualifiers, two South African FIFA players have qualified for the FIFAe Club World Cup 2021 finals. Julio “Beast” Bianchi and Kaylan Moodley are the first South African gamers to secure a spot to the prestigious annual FIFA event.

Forty-two teams from six different zones will be competing in the FIFAe Club World Cup 2021 finals taking place online between 24 and 28 February 2021, with a total prize pool of US$245 000 up for grabs.

The South African duo, playing under Goliath Gaming for the event, fall under the Zone 3 region and will go head to head against some of the best FIFA players in the Middle East (25 E-Sports, ALNassr Club and Tuwaiq Esports).

The total prize pool for the Zone 3 finals is US$32 000 (over R450 000 at the time of writing) with first place bagging US$22 000 and second place scoring US$10 000. The Zone 3 group stage kicks off on 26 February, with the Zone 3 finals happening on 27 February.

“Being the first team in South Africa to qualify for a major FIFA event of this nature is a big honour. It’s also an amazing opportunity for gamers in South Africa to have been able to compete in official FIFA qualifiers for a spot in the FIFAe Club World Cup finals, and we hope South Africa will be provided with more official FIFA qualifiers like this in future. Kaylan and I will be working extremely hard over the next few weeks to ensure we are as prepared as possible for the finals – to make our family, friends and gaming community proud, and to fly that SA flag high,” says Bianchi.

Kaylan echoes Julio’s sentiments and is looking forward to giving it their all in the tournament.

“It’s very exciting to have qualified for a global FIFA event of this nature and I’m really looking forward to competing alongside my good friend, Julio. We’re confident in our ability individually and as a team, and intend on doing our absolute best in the finals. We hope to make South Africa proud and hopefully we can bring it home come February 26th and 27th,” Moodley adds.

Both Julio and Kaylan are no strangers to competing in major FIFA events. Julio, who used to be a semi-pro footballer, competed in the FIFA eWorld Cup Global Series Playoffs in Amsterdam in 2018 where he impressively beat 2X world champion, August Agge Rosenmeier, and finished off in the top 64 in the world on PS4 in the tournament. On South African soil, he has won many top local tournaments and ended the FIFA20 season as #3 on PS4 in South Africa and #155 in the world on PS4 in the official FIFA20 rankings. Julio is signed to one of South Africa’s top multi gaming organisations, Goliath Gaming, and is the captain of their FIFA squad. Outside of competitive gaming, he is studying accounting at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in Cape Town.

Kaylan, who is signed to MBC eSports, has competed in the FIFA FUT Champions Cup 2 in Romania and FIFA FUT Champions Cup 4 in Paris where he finished in the top 16 players on Xbox. He has also won the FIFA Global Series Africa Qualifiers and numerous other FIFA tournaments in South Africa. In the official FIFA20 rankings, Kaylan finished 33rd in the world on Xbox and first in South Africa.

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