Issue 465 | 4 March 2021
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Stay Save – Protect South Africa
Human Rights Month 2021
Consular Services - Travel Smart with DIRCO
President Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed South Africa’s continued commitment to fight against gender-based violence (GBV) and to advance the economic inclusion of women.
He made these remarks on Tuesday, 3 March 2021, during a virtual bilateral discussion with Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands to deepen cooperation on advancing economic inclusion for women in Africa.

Queen Máxima participated in her capacity as the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA).

The President highlighted the main challenges African women faced in relation to financial inclusion.

These include the lack of suitable and affordable financial services for women on the margins of society; the significant challenge of COVID-19, which has been a setback for both women; as well as the roll-out of African Union (AU) programmes.

He said GBV continued to be an impediment to women’s empowerment in the region and a lack of access to technology and digital infrastructure for women on the margins.

“The President conveyed some of the fundamental steps that South Africa had embarked on, including the development of the Financial Inclusion Policy as a national policy that will ensure that 40% of public procurement is in favour of women,” The Presidency said.

The leaders also discussed tangible actions to accelerate digital and financial inclusion for women in Africa as a cornerstone of COVID-19 response and recovery.

“UNSGSA Queen Máxima sought to understand what key challenges African women faced in accessing financial services, and what programmes South Africa and the AU were currently implementing to address these challenges.

“Queen Máxima stressed her keenness to advance the agenda for women’s financial and economic inclusion in her capacity as UN Special Advocate; as well as in relation to the G7 Partnership for Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion in Africa,” The Presidency said.

The UNSGSA emphasised the importance of digital public goods to accelerate women’s financial inclusion in Africa. Examples of such goods include connectivity, regulation supportive of digital financial services, digital ID and robust financial consumer-protection measures.

President Ramaphosa and UNSGSA Queen Máxima agreed on the need to work together to achieve their shared goal of women economic and digital emancipation and committed to meet again to further concretise collaboration and coordination.

Queen Máxima intends to work with the President and other AU leaders to champion and address key challenges to the empowerment of women in Africa.

– Source:
With a fall in new COVID-19 cases, South Africa moved from Level 3 to Level 1 of the Risk Adjusted Strategy on Sunday night, 28 February 2021.
Addressing the nation on developments in the country’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic on Sunday, President Cyril Ramaphosa said Cabinet had taken this decision earlier the day.

Under Level 1 of the lockdown, the country’s curfew moves from 11 pm to 4 am, to midnight to 4 am.

The move will also result in gatherings, including religious, social, political and cultural gatherings, being permitted, subject to limitations on size, adherence to social distancing and other health protocols.

Gatherings, sale of alcohol

The maximum number of people allowed at any gathering is 100 people indoors or 250 people outdoors. However, where the venue is too small to accommodate these numbers with appropriate social distancing, then no more than 50% of the capacity of the venue may be used.

Under the new regulations, night vigils or other gatherings before or after funerals are still not permitted while the doors of nightclubs will remain shut.

The sale of alcohol is permitted, according to normal licence provisions. In addition, no alcohol may be sold during the hours of curfew.

Facemasks, border posts

President Ramaphosa stressed that the wearing of masks in public places was still mandatory, with the failure to wear one remaining as an offence.

The President said the 33 land border posts that had been closed throughout this period would remain closed, while the other 20 would remain open.

For those travelling, only five airports are open for international travel with standard infection-control measures: OR Tambo, Cape Town, King Shaka, Kruger Mpumalanga and Lanseria airports.


President Ramaphosa warned that the easing of restrictions did not mean that the public should let their guard down.

“As we ease restrictions, we cannot let our guard down. The few remaining restrictions under Alert Level 1 are meant to maintain low levels of infections and, in particular, to prevent super-spreading events.”

The President’s comments came as South Africa emerged from the second wave of infections that caused a greater loss of life than the first wave.

“The country has now clearly emerged from the second wave. New infections, admissions to hospital and deaths have fallen significantly and continue to decline steadily.

He attributed the decline in infections to a combination of public health measures introduced, changes in behaviour and accumulating immunity in those who became infected in our communities.

The President said the new virus variant known as 501Y.v2, was now the dominant variant in the country, which is transmitted more easily.

The variant has the potential to infect more people, place a greater strain on the health system and lead to a greater loss of life.

He stressed the importance of social distancing, the wearing of masks and avoiding of crowds.

Vaccines, he said, of which the country had already taken delivery of, should be seen as one of the measures available in the Coronavirus toolkit.

Green shoots

The President, who last addressed the nation on 1 February, spoke of the importance to grow the economy and get people back into work.

The importance of economic reforms, the roll-out of the employment stimulus and infrastructure investment programmes came to the fore.

“Many people still do not have their jobs back and many households are still feeling the effect of having lost much of their income. As I announced in the State of the Nation Address, we have therefore extended the period for the Special COVID-19 grant by a further three months, until the end of April.”

The move to Alert Level 1 means that most of the remaining restrictions on economic activity have been removed.

“We expect this to lead to higher consumption spending, bolstered by the steady recovery in employment. We expect businesses to implement the plans they may have been put on hold.

“As we undertake further structural reforms, this will entrench the green shoots we have begun to see in the economy.”

While restrictions have been eased, precautions should continue to be adhered to – this as a threat of a third wave is constantly present, as is the threat of yet more new variants.

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Deputy President David Mabuza has reiterated government’s stance to ramp up efforts for the country to produce its own lifesaving vaccines, as the world battles COVID-19.
Deputy President Mabuza conducted an oversight visit at the Biovac Institute in Midrand, Gauteng, on Tuesday, 2 March 2021.

Biovac is a bio-pharmaceutical company, in partnership with government and the private sector. Established in 2003, with its headquarters in Cape Town, the company was set up to establish local vaccine manufacturing capability for the provision of vaccines for national health management and security.

“We do currently manufacture vaccines. Almost 80% of the vaccines we use are manufactured in Cape Town, and then we distribute. But we want to increase this capacity,” said Deputy President Mabuza.

The company is the storage centre for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which is currently reserved for healthcare workers across the country following a decision by the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on COVID-19 Vaccines.

The Deputy President, who chairs the IMC, said after his visit to Biovac, that government was determined to improve the country’s vaccine manufacturing capabilities.

The second batch of the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine landed at OR Tambo International Airport from Belgium on Saturday, 27 February 2021.

The Deputy Minister believes that the country will not need another storage facility.

“Everything that will come in will be stored here, and will go straight to vaccination sites from here,” he said, speaking from outside the institute’s cold room.

Deputy President Mabuza said he had every confidence in Biovac to safely store the vaccine. He assured that he would get vaccinated when his turn comes.

The Deputy President will be visiting various sites once government effectively rolls out the inoculation programme in the country.

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The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, has, on behalf of the Government of South Africa, expressed condolences to the Government and people of Botswana on the passing of Botswana’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Achibald Mogwe.

Mr Mogwe passed away at the age of 99 recently. An accomplished diplomat, he served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Botswana’s Ambassador to the United States, among some of the positions he held in his distinguished public service career.

Minister Pandor said: “South Africa’s thoughts and prayers are with the Botswana people and Government as they mourn the loss of a colossal giant that was Mr Mogwe.

“May his soul rest in peace.”

Cabinet has approved the submission of South Africa’s ninth to 11th periodic country report on the United Nations (UN) International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD).
This was in accordance with South Africa’s commitment to the ICERD in 1994, which was ratified on 10 December 1998.

This was confirmed by acting Minister in The Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, while addressing the media on the outcomes of the recent Cabinet meeting.

“The report outlines progress made by South Africa in putting in place legislative, judicial and administrative measures to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination,” said the Minister.

She said the periodic report focussed on the progress made in advancing equality, fighting xenophobia and other related intolerance, prevention of hate crimes, and highlights challenges that still remain. After its presentation to the relevant body, the report will be made public.

In the meeting, Cabinet also approved the tabling of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid to Parliament for accession.

“This is done in terms of Section 231(2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996. The convention, among others, declares apartheid as a crime against humanity and that it posed a serious threat to international peace and security,” she said.

Once approved by both houses of Parliament, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation will deposit the instrument of accession with the UN, said the Minister.

Also agreed to in the Cabinet meeting was the amendment of the agreement between South Africa and the Netherlands on social security.

The cooperation agreement on social security was signed in The Hague in May 2001.

The agreement facilitates the export of social security benefits for the respective citizens.

“The Netherland Social Security Policy has made amendments to its export social security in respect to the Dutch children. The proposed amendment is to align the agreement to these changes,” said the Minister.

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South Africa aims to vaccinate around 1.1 million people against COVID-19 by the end of March as it ramps up its immunisation programme, Health Minister, Zweli Mkhize, said on Thursday, 25 February 2021.
Addressing Parliament, Minister Mkhize said authorities might have to inoculate more than their original target of 40 million people to reach herd immunity.

The country started rolling out Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine recently in a research study targeting healthcare workers. It hopes to receive doses of the Pfizer vaccine soon.

Minister Mkhize said so far more than 32 000 health workers had been given the J&J shot.

Finance Minister, Tito Mboweni, has allocated R10.3 billion to fund a massive vaccination programme to shield the entire population against COVID-19.

Authorities had estimated that to ensure population herd immunity, at least 40 million people needed to be vaccinated.

– Source: Reuters
On Tuesday, 2 March 2021, South Africa hosted the 2021 Sharing of Best Practices Workshop, as the tourism industry wades through a long road to recovery in the aftermath of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Tourism Deputy Minister, Fish Mahlalela, on Tuesday said COVID-19 had devastated the whole world and had forced people to change the way they do things, and interact with each other.

“The global outbreak of the Coronavirus in late 2019 illustrated the vulnerability of travel and tourism to the effects of public health emergencies.

“As a result, tourism activity had come to an abrupt halt, thus affecting the tourism sector negatively. The impact of the virus has led to the closure of businesses and tourism establishments, and has led to severe job losses.

“It is therefore expected that the impact of the pandemic on the tourism sector and strategies to deal with it would be relevant as the theme/topic for the 2021 Best Practices Workshop,” Deputy Minister Mahlalela said at the virtual workshop on Tuesday, which was attended by several stakeholders from around the world.

South Africa recently launched the Tourism Equity Fund, which is aimed at creating an inclusive and growing tourism sector by supporting entrepreneurship and investment on the supply side of the tourism sector.

This comes after COVID-19 regulations severely restricted tourism operations, crippling many players in the sector.

Deputy Minister Mahlalela said Tuesday’s workshop was an opportunity for role-players to “robustly engage in discussions, and share information and the best practices on tourism recovery plans”.

The Deputy Minister noted that South Africa’s position was not unique, as the devastating economic impact of COVID-19 had left no country untouched.

The workshop sought to align tourism’s contribution to Agenda 2063 through improving the standards, systems and policies in regulating the tourism industry while creating jobs and alleviating poverty.

Of the world’s top 10 destinations by international tourists’ arrivals (including France, Spain, United States, China, Italy, Turkey, Mexico, Germany, United Kingdom and Thailand), eight were hardest hit by COVID-19.

“The economic and social disruption caused by the pandemic is devastating. Tens of millions of people are at risk of falling into extreme poverty, while the number of undernourished people, currently estimated at nearly 690 million, could increase to 132 million by the end of the year,” Deputy Minister Mahlalela said.

He said some countries were likely to face more substantial blows than others due to their high reliance on the tourism sector.

He urged workshop participants to use the platform to share their country’s experiences in combatting the COVID-19 pandemic, and to assist in identifying strategies that would bring solutions for the recovery of the tourism sector post-COVID-19.

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The next batch of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine has arrived.
A South African Airways flight bringing the 80 000 vaccines from Belgium landed at OR Tambo International Airport on Saturday morning, 27 February 2021. The crew and second batch were seen off by South Africa’s Ambassador in Brussels, Thoko Xasa.

The second batch of vaccines is reserved for frontline healthcare workers.

The single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine has been shown to be 82% effective in preventing severe illness from the Coronavirus variant first discovered in South Africa.

– Source: eNCA
A group of South African scientists has designed and developed the first COVID-19 vaccine of African origin, called Shantivax.
Port Elizabeth-based immunotherapy company, Genlab, together with Danish biotechnology company, Immunitrack, have created a “next generation vaccine” that will elicit both an antibody and T-cell response.

“It will completely change the way the world perceives Africa in terms of innovation. We have a vaccine by Africa, for Africa and the developing world,” said CEO of Genlab, Kamsellin Chetty.

“Next generation vaccines” are vaccines that have adapted and evolved from current vaccines to be safer and more effective.

“It’s the first time that the concept and design for a COVID-19 vaccine has come from South Africa,” said Chetty.

The Shantivax prototype is currently undergoing pre-clinical testing.

The vaccine uses a live, but weakened strain of bacterium that is known to be safe and will continuously stimulate the immune system to provide long-term protection against COVID-19.

“It has been designed to elicit a highly specialised respiratory immune response referred to as type I and type III interferon responses. The bacterium platform will transport a vector that will produce a small protein (peptides) called epitopes that are used to target COVID-19.”

Shantivax can be administered through the skin into the bloodstream where it should elicit an antibody response and will use nanotechnology to travel from the bloodstream to the site of infection within the lung.

The vaccine can reside in the lung for a number of years while it continuously provides stimuli for the immune system to identify and neutralise COVID-19 before it replicates intensively.

Once the Shantivax vaccine has passed clinical trials, Chetty says they are hoping to outsource production to the Serum Institute of India. “The company has the capacity to produce a bacterial vaccine of this nature,” he said.

According to Immunitrack CEO, Stephan Thorgrimsen: “This project presents a powerful approach to address the challenge in generating a lasting immune response against the emerging COVID-19 variants. Our in vitro HLA specific epitope mapping platform, NeoScreen, will enable Shantivax to address the urgent need for an effective, affordable and producible vaccine for the African continent”.

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The SBIDZ has to date attracted over R21 billion worth of investments, says Trade, Industry and Competition Deputy Minister, Fikile Majola.
The Deputy Minister said these investments were at different stages of development and two of them, with private investment value of R380 million, have already started constructing their manufacturing facilities.

The Deputy Minister visited the Western Cape-based SBIDZ on Thursday, 25 February 2021.

The SBIDZ is the first special economic zone (SEZ) to be located within a port and is the only sector-specific SEZ in South Africa catering specifically for the energy and maritime industries.

The zone operates as a free port with streamlined investor procedures supported by its ease of doing business model.

It is committed to creating a competitive and profitable zone for investors and local small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs), while ensuring a better future for the community of the West Coast region.

Deputy Minister Majola said he was happy with the progress made within the zone as well as the implementation of its strategy since 2017.

“The SBIDZ has also signed eight new investment agreements with operational companies in the maritime, oil and gas sectors. These investments will lead to permanent and sustainable jobs that the country needs to create for its citizens.

“The development of the zone will also have to align and integrate with the entire area of Saldanha and West Coast region to achieve real projects that benefit all,” said Deputy Minister Majola.

He also emphasised the urgency of involving all spheres of government and state-owned agencies with the aim of driving the development of the zone through the District Development Model approach.

Chief Executive Officer of the SBIDZ, Kaashifah Beukes, said the zone had already conducted oil and gas readiness assessment on 35 local companies. The SBIDZ has spent more than R200 million, which translates to 35%, of the zone’s total spend with local contractors.

She said the SBIDZ provided support to the local SMME sector through its SME Co-Lab facility, established in March 2020. The Co-Lab has attracted more than 1 500 SMME visits and engagements since it opened.

“We are proud to have emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and are on track to usher in projects worth more than R300 million in capital investment towards investor infrastructure, bringing a much-needed boost to our construction sector and jobs in the West Coast, and ultimately, the country,” she said.

Over 2 900 jobs have been created at the zone in the last five years, while more than 1 800 beneficiaries had received skills training in the last four years.

“We calculate the eventual economic contribution to be more than R12 billion and this will result in the creation of more than 21 000 jobs. We have a pipeline of 52 investors, 11 of which have signed lease agreements and already 18% of the gross area has been leased.

“We anticipate that investment will grow to R21 billion by 2030,” said Beukes.

– Source:
The Silicon Cape Initiative, in partnership with Wesgro, the City of Cape Town, Invest Cape Town, The Loudhailer, Business Sweden and the Embassy of Sweden, recently came together to launch Cape Town/Stockholm Connect.
The Cape Town/Stockholm Connect platform will bring together companies, developers, customers, investors, entrepreneurs and institutions from across Cape Town and Stockholm via a series of activities. The project is set to run for the next three years, with the overarching goal of strengthening ties and facilitating bilateral collaboration between Sweden and South Africa.

At the launch event, speakers shared their insights about the startup landscape in both Stockholm and Cape Town together with the opportunities offered by each city.

Naomi Snyman, emerging technology and innovation lead at Standard Bank Group, mentioned that Cape Town and Stockholm were connecting because they are leaders in generating new startups and new creative ideas and that this initiative would have benefits for all participants and has the potential to lead to the co-creation of innovative solutions.

Swedish Ambassador to South Africa, Håkan Juholt, said, “I am excited about the professional matchmaking between our two cities today. Stockholm and Cape Town share so much knowledge that can be better used jointly. We want to say to all businesses in South Africa that Sweden is one of the most innovative countries in the world, we have impressive growth, and we are one of the best places in the world for startups and unicorns, talk to us. We can listen, learn and connect businesspeople, innovators and financial institutions that want to learn from each other and do business together. Our countries have done so much together in the past, we are still doing a lot today, but we can do even more for tomorrow.”

Alderman James Vos, Mayoral Member for Economic Opportunities, Tourism and Asset Management at the City of Cape Town, added: “As a city, we believe in the power of partnerships to connect our startups with other markets across the globe so that we can create opportunities for growth and job creation. Today, we broadcast that Cape Town is open for business to local and international investors – there has never been a better time to invest here. We see ourselves as an opportunity city that stands ready to partner with other cities around the world so that we can unlock mutual value. The Cape Town/ Stockholm Connect initiative will open up many more corridors of trade and innovation as we connect our two world-class cities.”

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Google Arts & Culture (GAC) and SA Tourism on 25 February 2021 announced “South Africa: An Explorer’s Paradise”, an online exhibition where visitors from all over the world can explore South Africa through a collection of 500 images and videos, 55 street views and 20 exhibits.
This is the first phase in a long-term collaboration to celebrate South Africa’s diverse people, its rich cultural heritage and its breathtaking landscapes.

COVID-19 has put pressure on the tourism industry in South Africa and globally, and the project offers audiences the opportunity to virtually discover the best of the country.

“South Africa has been aptly described as a microcosm of the world, a place where civilisations meet,” says Google South Africa Country Director Alistair Mokoena. “With its spectacular views, stunning wildlife and unbeatable biodiversity, bustling modern cities, and vibrant economy, South Africa is often described as ‘A world in one country’.

“In 2019, more than 10 million people visited. In 2020, on average, arrivals were substantially lower – October 2020 saw 91% fewer arrivals than October 2019, for example. We wanted to promote South Africa’s heritage and destinations in a way that hasn’t been done before to tempt them to visit in person as soon as they can,” says Mokoena.

For SA Tourism, this marks the start of formalising a relationship and partnership that will play a crucial part in the sector’s recovery.

“The GAC platform does a great job in creating awareness for the rest of the world to get a spectacular glimpse of South Africa, but what also excites me is the potential of the partnership to grow the sector on the digital front,” commented SA Tourism CEO, Sisa Ntshona.

“We know that digitally led is the norm and through our partnership, we hope to equip the sector with the necessary skills to thrive and adapt in a digital environment.

“We have already started introducing some of Google’s offerings at our nationwide SMME workshops and will continue with this and more throughout this year,” added Ntshona.

“We are thrilled to announce that from today people can explore our country virtually, with the help of technology and through our partnership with GAC,” he added.

To experience South Africa and explore to your hearts’ content, visit, or download the Android or iOS Google Arts & Culture app.

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The luxurious lifestyle offered by this part of Cape Town hasn't gone unnoticed, and global wealth experts Knight Frank are swooning over this “vibrant district”.
In a post-pandemic world, our lives promise to be different from what we were once accustomed to. As more and more workers unchain themselves from the office, and embrace their new status as “digital nomads”, remote working has the power to transform entire districts – and that’s exactly what seems to be happening with De Waterkant in Cape Town.

The suburb has been earmarked as one of Knight Frank’s “up-and-coming neighbourhoods” for 2021. De Waterkant makes the list alongside 39 other districts, rubbing shoulders with trendy locations in Dubai, Barcelona and Berlin. Situated next to Cape Town’s CBD, this part of town is packed with award-winning eateries, quaint stores and astonishing living spaces.

Popular with young professionals and the LGBQTI+ community, De Waterkant’s reputation has flourished in the past few years – and wealth experts believe it will soon draw in more “remote workers”.

“The events of 2020 have shone a spotlight not just on how we interact with our homes, but also the neighbourhoods where they are located. The natural environment, connectivity – both in terms of technology and community – as well as privacy, are now more important than ever.

“Using our local knowledge, Knight Frank’s global teams have handpicked those markets they believe are primed for growth in a post-pandemic world, and we’ve made a selection of 40 hot-spots. New opportunities are emerging as the way we live, work, exercise and interact changes. Travel restrictions mean that fewer people are now tethered to an office.”

Often a source of local pride, Knight Frank has listed various parades and markets as some of the more attractive offerings De Waterkant has in store. The sleek Cape Quarter is already a hotspot for the go-getters of Cape Town, and the location is the very definition of “prime” – as it sits at the mouth of both the N1 and N2 highways respectively.

There is a lot to like about this district, as global analysts have been eager to point out:
  • the region is primed for growth because it “offers plenty of opportunity for upmarket mixed-use apartment buildings”
  • Knight Frank has praised “the variety of eateries, cobbled streets, colourful historical homes and exceptional views”
  • Cape Town property prices may be expensive for us, but for international investors, they’re a snip
  • Oranjezicht City Farm Market and the Cape Town Parade are hailed as “cultural triumphs”
  • De Waterkant’s connectivity to the City Bowl and the Atlantic Seaboard has also been labelled a standout factor.
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“Condé Nast Traveller” released the Best Holiday Destinations of 2021 and South Africa earned a spot on the coveted list.
The popular list was put together a little differently this year. With the world mostly being stuck at home for the last year, the list contains more destinations that celebrate the outdoors, life-changing experiences and places that use the funds from your trip to better the lives of others.

South Africa was featured alongside some incredible destinations, including the Caribbean, Portugal, the United Arab Emirates, the Canary Islands and the Amazon, to name a few.

This is what the publication had to say about why they selected South Africa for this year’s list:

“Like many countries, South Africa’s tourism industry has been through the wringer of late. But while the world has taken a forced break, a new generation of genre-busting creatives have been busy shining a light on the most diverse cultural community on the African continent. Biennales, fairs and new artist-run spaces are at the helm of the country’s enlivened art scene, with exciting local artists – including twin sisters Noncedo and Nonzuzo Gxekwa – getting prime wall space at galleries such as the Maitland Institute and The Centre for the Less Good Idea. All-women music festivals, Soweto township theatre groups and a burgeoning container coffee-shop scene in Maboneng draw the focus firmly onto Johannesburg. In Jozi, pan-African dinner clubs such as Yeoville, run by chef Sanza Sandile, rub up alongside lively rooftop bars and secret hole-in-the-wall spots in the bohemian suburb of Melville.

“That’s not to mention the parade of fresh hotels and lodges waiting to welcome international guests in 2021, which includes Kruger Shalati – a stupendously smart cabin hotel stationed on a historical railway line – as well as AndBeyond’s new supremely good-looking solar-powered Ngala Treehouse, rising above the predator-filled bush on the edges of Kruger National Park.” – Condé Nast Traveller.

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Siya and Rachel Kolisi have come on board the gender-based violence (GBV)-themed short film, "#WeAreDyingHere", as executive producers.
“One of the most beautiful results of this film is that it causes people to stop, think and more so encourages men and women to have conversations. Like the title, it gets straight to the point,” explained Rachel.

“There are many things that need to be unpacked in this film, and there is a lot that can be explained,” Siya added. “The narrative of the film also teaches you that GBV doesn’t start with the violence, but the whole thought process; the film encompasses a lot of educational learnings for us as men.”

Produced by Bianca Schmitz of Optical Films and Siphokazi Jonas of Wrestling Dawn Arts, in association with the Kolisi Foundation, “#WeAreDyingHere” chronicles the journey of three soldiers forced to survive a war that they did not choose. In this war against women’s bodies, they attempt to find solace by telling their stories under the constant watch of a relentless enemy. “#WeAreDyingHere” is an intimate reflection on the impact of violence, harassment, abuse, rape and femicide on everyday life. While the film never depicts any violence, the psychological and emotional trauma on these soldiers is evident. It is a necessary insight into the experience of living in South Africa where names of missing or murdered women trend frequently.

“#WeAreDyingHere” is an adaptation of the critically acclaimed stage performance of the same name created by writer and performer Siphokazi Jonas, who directed the original stage production. In July 2020, the stage production was mentioned in TimeOut New York as one of the best productions to stream during the lockdown. This production was co-written and performed by poet Hope Netshivhambe, and musician Babalwa Makwetu, who all reprise their roles in the film.

#WeAreDyingHere film will be in competition for Best Short Narrative at this year’s Pan-African Film Festival (PAFF) in Los Angeles. The film will have its United States (US) premier at the festival, which runs from 28 February to 14 March 2021.

The PAFF is the largest Black History Month event in the US, a nexus for emerging black voices looking to be seen, felt and heard.

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Jean Delport has just been awarded a prestigious Michelin Star for a second consecutive year.
The Michelin Great Britain & Ireland Stars for 2021 were recently unveiled, and Cape Town-born Chef Jean Delport was awarded his second Michelin star

In 2019, Delport became the second-ever South African-born chef to receive a Michelin Star for Interlude – his restaurant in the United Kingdom (UK) – and the UK and Ireland 2021 Michelin Guide recently announced that Restaurant Interlude has retained that Michelin star for a second consecutive year!

Interlude is a contemporary restaurant located in Horsham and set within the historic woodland gardens of Leonardslee Estate. Chef Jean Delport and his team are committed to providing each and every guest with a place to interact with nature and eat from the land in an unexpected food journey.

“You’ll find this intimate restaurant in a listed mansion in Leonardslee Gardens. The team hails from South Africa but the two surprise tasting menus keep their focus firmly on the local area. Skilfully crafted dishes show good balance in their textures and flavours, and have a creative, original style.” – Michelin Guide.

Delport is the head chef of Restaurant Interlude. Originally from South Africa, he embraces his culture past and present. Jean, who trained in some of the best restaurants in the Cape Winelands and Ireland, has moved to West Sussex to realise his dream of opening Restaurant Interlude in the UK. British and French cooking form the base of Jean’s ideas, along with seasonality, to lead a menu that takes you on an unexpected journey through the woodland gardens of Leonardslee.

“Our menu is guided by what is available in our garden, we strive to build our pantry through patient harvesting and preservation, taking food back to basics and showcase old traditional produce where possible. Our unique cuisine is built on old and new techniques and we endeavour to show enormous respect for nature and seasonality by bringing our gardens to life within the restaurant.”

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The cut-off day for the record-breaking Springbok Blanket is just around the corner; the team have started assembling the pieces for the big day.
Carolyn Steyn and Jaco Lötter spent their Women’s Day 2020 working on the next big world record plan for 67 Blankets. In a live-stream back in August, Carolyn announced that the Springbok blanket would be constructed at Siya Kolisi’s old school Grey College and that Siya would also be getting involved in the project.

To make the blanket, they need over 2 700 blankets in a variety of colours. Once the blanket has been made and the record set, the best part is that it is dismantled and donated to children’s homes, elderly care homes and other charitable organisations.

This isn’t the first time the KnitWits, an affectionate name for all those who knit or crochet blankets, have set a world record. They have previously knitted the world’s largest blanket portrait of Mandela (which was visible from space) and also knitted the world’s longest scarf.

Things are starting to happen, and the blankets are arriving at headquarters by the boxload. Already, tests are being done to see how the team can transport blankets from HQ to Grey College. The giant pattern is being sewn together 27 blankets at a time.

People taking part in the massive event are really starting to get excited. It is closer to the day that the record-breaking blanket portrait will be made. You can join the cause and become a KnitWit via their Facebook group.

– Sources: Facebook and
Award-winning South African author Mohale Mashigo has collaborated with Marvel on a new comic “Marvel Voices: Legacy #1”.
Kgomotso Carol Mashigo, also known as Mohale Mashigo, has teamed up with Marvel to launch Marvel Voices: Legacy #1. This cartoon is a celebration of the black heroes of the Marvel Universe.

The well-known South African storyteller made the announcement in a tweet on 24 February.

February was Black History Month. In celebration of this, award-winning author, singer-songwriter and former radio presenter, Mohale Mashigo, along with seven other creators, wrote Marvel Voices: Legacy #1. Mashigo penned down promising young heroes Ironheart, Ms Marvel and Shuri.

The seven creators include Academy Award-winning screenwriter John Ridley, who looks at the impact of Miles Morales.

“I’m deeply appreciative of having had the opportunity to contribute to this amazing collection of narratives,” Ridley told Marvel.

The screen credits for Marvel Voices: Legacy #1 in the art department include comic legend Olivier Coipel, Valentine De Landro, Chriscross, Chris Allen and more. The cover was created by Taurin Clarke. The comic was available from 24 February.

Mohale Mashigo is the author of The Yearning, a 2016 fictional book set in Cape Town following the life of a young woman named Marubi, who has a dark past. The Yearning won a prize at the University of Johannesburg for debut fiction.

In 2018, Mashigo published two novels: Intruders: Short Stories and Where is Lulu? Mashigo has also written an adaptation of the film Beyond The River and has worked on the comic book series, Kwezi.

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Hollywood star Ashley Judd has continued to heap praise on the care she received while in a South African hospital after she was transported to the country after suffering massive injuries in an accident in the Congo.
Judd severely injured her leg during an excursion in the Congo rainforest when she tripped over a fallen tree in the dark. After a "incredibly harrowing" experience, she eventually ended up at Sunninghill Hospital in Sandton.

Recently in a post on Instagram, the actress, who is now back home in the United States, said, among other things:

“Dear Friends, Ubuntu. I am because we are.

“I want to give my deepest and most vulnerable thanks to Sunninghill Hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa, for making split second decisions upon my arrival. I arrived to them from DRC in terrible shape and my leg had no pulse. I desperately needed a blood transfusion. Their sisters (nurses) are exemplary, technically top notch, and they cared for the trauma in my body as well as my soul with equal proficiency. Dr Greef was super at stabilizing my leg with the external fixator until the massive soft tissue damage and swelling went down so that I could have the Big Operation. What he did was significant and I am forever in his debt. It must be noted I was being cared for during the COVID B.1.351 strain that is plaguing RSA. Sunninghill is world class and a wonder. Thank you to my trauma surgeon, anesthesiologist, head of nursing, hospital management – everyone.”

– Source:
Confederation of African Football (CAF) presidency candidate and South African billionaire, Patrice Motsepe, vowed on Thursday, 25 February 2021, in Johannesburg to unite and develop football on the continent to global competitive levels.
One of four candidates for the post, the owner of 2016 African champions Mamelodi Sundowns unveiled a 10-point manifesto at a plush convention centre ahead of the March 12 elections in Morocco.

"I am going to at all times make a humble contribution to use sport to unite all Africans," Motsepe told a press conference.

"We will succeed and make African football globally competitive. The test for me ... is what the results are going to be two, three, four years from now," he said.

Motsepe denied that he would seek to move the CAF headquarters from Cairo to Johannesburg if elected, saying it was important to acknowledge "the history, the pride and the good work of the people of Cairo".

South African Sports Minister, Nathi Mthethwa, and the presidents of the Nigeria and Benin football associations, Amaju Pinnick and Moucharafou Anjorin, were among those backing Motsepe in Johannesburg.

Motsepe is running against Jacques Anouma of the Ivory Coast‚ Augustin Senghor of Senegal and Mauritanian Ahmed Yahya for the presidency.

South African Football Association president Danny Jordaan said CAF was ready to become a world-class organisation.

He believes Motsepe's experience in business, football and youth sport development made him an ideal candidate to bring transformation, accountability and transparency to a body formed in 1957.

"We have a leader who is not part of that past, a leader who can generate confidence, bring financial stability," said CAF third vice-president Jordaan.

Focussing on policy development, Motsepe outlined plans to use soccer to develop women's soccer, invest in infrastructure across Africa, and boost tourism and business.

– Source: AFP
A Coke, burger and chips were the first meal for extreme adventurer Zirk Botha, who rowed from Cape Town to Brazil.
The ex-naval officer completed his solo transatlantic ocean crossing on his boat “Ratel”, from South Africa to Brazil in a record 70 days, covering a total distance of 7 200km. Botha was rowing for the planet and sustainable development.

After leaving Cape Town on 19 December 2020, Botha rowed into the small bay of Buzios, just north of Rio de Janeiro, at 3.45 am on Saturday, 27 February 2021, SA time.

After recuperating in Buzios on Saturday, he rowed on to Cabo Frio on Sunday to receive a welcome at the original Rio de Janeiro Yacht Club. He was escorted in by a flotilla of boats and welcomed by locals, dignitaries and media.

Ironically, none of Botha's South African family or friends could be at the finish, as South Africans are currently blocked from entering Brazil, due to COVID-19-related travel restrictions.

In completing the south transatlantic crossing, he has set world records as the first person to row the route alone and unsupported by any safety craft, and for the fastest row on the Cape to Rio route.

A similar route was previously completed by the South African duo Wayne Robertson and Braam Malherbe in 92 days, in 2017.

Stepping off his boat “Ratel” onto Brazilian soil for the first time in Buzios after months at sea, Botha described his legs as very wobbly, and the experience as totally overwhelming.

“When I started planning this trip two years ago, people said I was mad. I want to encourage everyone to dream big, do big and never to allow anyone to discourage you. Life is a great adventure,” he said.

On his row, Botha had to deal with the multiple challenges of wild seas, sleep deprivation, isolation and the risk of encountering ships.

“While I had near-perfect weather conditions to facilitate a record-breaking crossing, it has been intense, with only two calm days over the whole crossing. The relentless nature of the weather has been physically and mentally draining. I wasn't prepared for that type of challenge,” he said.

Botha says he’s most looking forward to eating fresh, unprocessed food. He’s lost a significant amount of weight, an estimated 10kg, and is struggling to consume enough food to match his energy requirements now.

“The first thing I did on arrival was to eat a burger, chips and a Coke, which I was craving and it tasted amazing. I know I need to start rebuilding my body now, with healthy fresh food. I am physically exhausted.”

The South African Consul-General in Brazil, Tinyiko Kumalo, congratulated Botha.

“One can only imagine the challenges you faced and had to overcome during your solo, unsupported journey as you navigated through the rough Atlantic Ocean for many days. What a brave man you are! The nation takes pride in your success. As representatives here in Brazil, we recognise the important role this initiative plays in strengthening the relations between South Africa and Brazil,” Consul-General Kumalo said.

– Source: TimesLIVE
Just five weeks after the death of his father, Branden Grace claimed a thrilling victory at the Puerto Rico Open after finishing eagle, birdie to edge out Jhonattan Vegas
Branden Grace snatched victory at the Puerto Rico Open after a spectacular eagle-birdie finish denied Jhonattan Vegas in Rio Grande.

Vegas was looking good for a playoff at worst when he made his eighth birdie of the final round at the last to card a 65 and take the clubhouse lead on 18 under, but Grace launched a huge drive down the par-four 17th and holed out from a greenside bunker for a thrilling eagle-two.

And there were no slip-ups from Grace at the long final hole, and he rattled in a confident four-foot putt for the winning birdie to clinch his first win since his home South African Open in January last year.

Grace, whose only previous PGA Tour win was at the RBC Heritage almost five years ago, kept a bogey-free card in his closing 66, his victory securing a two-year exemption as well as 300 FedExCup points.

The success represented "light at the end of the tunnel" for the 32-year-old, who missed the cut in 12 events following his win on home soil last year and posted only two further top-10 finishes, while he is also mourning the death of his father five weeks ago.

"What a special week," he said. "It's been a very tough couple of years, and a tough couple of months, and it's just nice to have all the support back home with my wife and my son and my family and everybody back home. After all that we have been through, there's some light at the end of the tunnel.

"I didn't really get frustrated, stayed patient, played the right shots at the right time and was aggressive when I needed to. And obviously it was a fairytale end, holing out the bunker shot on 17, making the eagle, and then having a clutch up-and-down on 18 to win by one."

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Cricket South Africa (CSA) has named a squad of 17 for their upcoming series against India, an away tour that will see the Momentum Proteas Women play five one-day and three Twenty20 internationals.
Hilton Moreeng and his squad landed in India on Saturday afternoon, 27 February 2021, ahead of fixtures in the month of March that will take place in Lucknow, a large city in northern India where all the ODIs as well as the T20Is will take place in a bio-secure environment.

The South Africans have named an unchanged unit to the one that did duty against the Pakistan Women in Durban earlier this year.

All-rounders Chloe Tryon and Dane van Niekerk will miss the series due to injuries, while Masabata Klaas’ 11-hour injury will also see her miss out.

Following the squad announcement, head coach Moreeng said: “It is really exciting to finally have this tour confirmed and announce our squad that will do duty here in India, and we are looking forward to getting out there to see our ladies prove themselves under different playing conditions.

“India is always a wonderful place to tour and we are looking forward to the challenge that lies ahead.”

Their first ODI is on Sunday, 7 March, at the Ekana Stadium.

The Momentum Proteas squad: Sune Luus, Ayabonga Khaka, Shabnim Ismail, Laura Wolvaardt, Trisha Chetty, Sinalo Jafta, Tasmin Britz, Marizanne Kapp, Nondumiso Shangase, Lizelle Lee, Anneke Bosch, Faye Tunniclife, Nonkululeko Mlaba, Mignon du Preez, Nadine de Klerk, Lara Goodall, Tumi Sekhukhune.

– Source:
World Rugby and the France 2023 Organising Committee have announced the much-anticipated match schedule for Rugby World Cup 2023.
The Springboks will kick off the defence of their 2023 Rugby World Cup (RWC) crown on Sunday, 10 September, against Scotland in the Stade Vélodrome in Marseille, it was confirmed when World Rugby officially revealed the dates and venues during a live online event in Paris on Friday, 26 February 2021.

The defending Rugby World Cup-champion Springboks were drawn in Pool B for the next edition of the four-yearly global showpiece, to be hosted in France – where the South Africans lifted their second world crown in 2007.

A week after their opening 2023 RWC match, the Springboks will line up for their second pool match on Sunday, 17 September, against a yet to be determined opponent from Europe (Europe 2) at the Stade de Bordeaux.

Six days later, on 23 September, the Boks and Ireland will clash for the first time ever at a RWC when they meet at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis on the outskirts of Paris, the scene of the South Africans’ memorable triumph over England in the 2007 final.

The Boks then return to Marseille for their last group match against an Asian-Pacific 1 qualifier in the Stade Vélodrome on 1 October.

Springbok coach, Jacques Nienaber, welcomed the confirmation of the 2023 RWC match dates and venues and said it would now give more direction in their advance planning for France.

– Source:
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