Issue 467 | 18 March 2021
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President Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed his deep sadness at the passing of His Excellency, President John Pombe Magufuli, of the United Republic of Tanzania.
President Magufuli passed away on Wednesday, 17 March 2021, in a Dar es Salaam hospital at the age of 61.

President Ramaphosa said: “South Africa is united in grief with the Government and people of Tanzania as they go through this difficult moment.”

President Magufuli served as the fifth President of Tanzania and chaired the Southern African Development Community until August 2020.

President Ramaphosa spoke in a phone call to Tanzanian Vice-President, Her Excellency Samia Suluhu Hassan, to express condolences in his personal capacity and on behalf of all South Africans.
President Cyril Ramaphosa was deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Isilo Samabandla, King Goodwill Zwelithini KaBhekuzulu.
His Majesty passed away in hospital on 12 March 2021.

“This sad news come at a time when we had all been hopeful that His Majesty was recovering well in hospital where he had been over the past few weeks,” the President said.

The President has offered his sympathies and prayers to the Royal Family, to the Zulu nation and to the people of KwaZulu-Natal and beyond, for whom the Ingonyama was an important symbol of history, culture and heritage.

“His Majesty will be remembered as a much-loved, visionary monarch who made an important contribution to cultural identity, national unity and economic development in KwaZulu-Natal and through this, to the development of our country as a whole.”

President Ramaphosa honoured the late King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu with a declaration that His Majesty be accorded a Special Official Funeral Category 1.

This funeral will entail ceremonial elements provided by the South African National Defence Force.

The President has also authorised that the National Flag be flown at half-mast at every flag station in the country from the morning of Saturday, 13 March 2021, until the evening of the funeral service.

In terms of Chapter 1.5.2(a) of the State, Official and Provincial Funeral Policy Manual, the President may designate the funeral of a distinguished person as a Special Official Funeral.
President Cyril Ramaphosa met on Thursday, 11 March 2021, with a delegation of the National Khoi-San Council (NKC), led by its Chairperson, Cecil Le Fleur.
The meeting took place ahead of the commencement of the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act on 1 April 2021.

This commencement of the Act is a historic development that for the first time gives formal recognition to the Khoi-San leadership.

The meeting discussed the need for members of Khoi-San communities to be involved in land reform programmes and rural economic development. It also discussed transitional issues during implementation of the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act.

President Ramaphosa applauded the NKC for its efforts over many years to ensure recognition of the status of Khoi-San communities. He reaffirmed government’s commitment to ensure the effective implementation of the Act and the integration of the Khoi-San into traditional leadership structures.

“This marks the start of a new era for the development of the Khoi and San of South Africa. This is a path that we must walk together,” President Ramaphosa said.
Deputy President David Mabuza received a courtesy call on Wednesday, 10 March 2021, from China's sixth Ambassador to South Africa, Chen Xiaodong.
According to the Deputy President’s Office, the purpose of the call was for the Ambassador to convey his greetings from China’s Vice President, Wang Qishan, and share his views and proposals regarding the South Africa-China Strategic Partnership.

“The Deputy President welcomed the Ambassador and wished him well in his tour of duty to South Africa,” the statement read.

Meanwhile, Deputy President Mabuza told the Ambassador that progress made in the implementation of the outcomes of the Seventh Session of the South Africa-China Bi-National Commission (BNC), held in Beijing in October 2019, was welcomed."

“In his capacity as the Co-Chair of the South Africa-China BNC, Deputy President Mabuza expressed his anticipation to co-chair the Eighth Session of the South Africa-China BNC with his counterpart, Vice President Wang, here in South Africa later in the year.”

The BNC aims to work towards forging closer relations in the areas of business, people-to-people exchange, education, tourism, science and technology and the health sector.

Also, the Deputy President welcomed the scholarships offered by China to South Africans.

He commended China in its successful handling of the COVID-19 outbreak and welcomed continuous interaction with the country regarding vaccines in fighting the pandemic.

In his message last year, Ambassador Xiaodong, who arrived in the country in September, said since the outbreak of COVID-19, China and South Africa had been uniting and fighting as one.

“We believe that with the concerted efforts of China and South Africa, we will prevail over the epidemic and restore economic and social development as soon as possible.”

According to the Ambassador, the Chinese Embassy in South Africa is committed to promoting friendly exchange and cooperation between the two countries to elevate the China-South Africa Comprehensive Strategic Partnership to a new high.

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The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, held a virtual meeting with her Yemeni counterpart, Dr Ahmed bin Mubarak, on Tuesday, 16 March 2021.
The meeting was a positive engagement that sought to advance bilateral relations between South Africa and Yemen, as well as entering into frank discussions on the political situation in Yemen and ways in which South Africa may offer its support.

Minister Pandor conveyed the sympathies of the people of South Africa regarding the deepening humanitarian crises in Yemen as a consequence of the ongoing conflict. In this regard, the Minister offered South Africa’s support to the Yemeni Government and proposed to share the country’s expertise in conflict resolution and negotiation. Such assistance could be made available or facilitated by government or non-governmental organisations in support of either the United Nations (UN) mediation efforts or the Yemeni Government itself. Also, Minister Pandor offered to extend humanitarian support to Yemen through the UN organisations designated to assist.

Similarly, Minister Mubarak briefed Minister Pandor on the developments in Yemen and informed South Africa of the Yemeni Government’s continued commitment to the peace process and the UN mediation efforts. Minister Mubarak thanked the Minister for the offer of support and would engage further on the matter with the UN. Minister Mubarak recalled the assistance provided by South African experts during the National Dialogue Conference in Yemen in 2013.

Both ministers reiterated the perspective that the Yemeni conflict could only be resolved through a peaceful negotiation process that focusses on the well-being of Yemen and its people.

The ministers also discussed bilateral relations between the countries, which focussed on the conclusion of the Partnership Dialogue Agreement between South Africa and Yemen. Both ministers noted the agreement could be concluded during 2021 and expressed their joint commitment to ensure that this was achieved.

The meeting ended with Minster Pandor and Minister Mubarak expressing their mutual appreciation for the meeting and the wish to meet in person when the opportunity presents itself.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, participated in the virtual Southern African Development Community (SADC) Council of Ministers on 12 and 13 March 2021.
Like all regional and intergovernmental bodies, SADC was also affected by the outbreak of COVID-19, which forced it to conduct its meetings in this manner.

As customary, the statutory Council of Ministers deliberated on issues that contribute towards the consolidation of regional cooperation and integration. The SADC region has several programmes and policies for its integration agenda that are being implemented and operationalised by the SADC Secretariat based in Gaborone, Botswana.

The Council of Ministers reflected on SADC’s ongoing programmes of work, monitored implementation of activities and recommend future projects for the organisation for approval by the SADC Summit of Head of State and Government.

Among key issues tabled before the council was an update on the COVID-19 pandemic situation in the region; the implementation plan of the recently approved Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan 2020 – 2030; a progress report on the implementation of the SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap; transformation of the SADC Parliamentary Forum into a regional Parliament; the recruitment process of the Executive Secretary and Deputy Executive Secretary for Regional Integration; and reports of the Human Resources and Administration Committee.

The Council of Ministers was preceded by the meetings of the Standing Committee of Senior Officials and Finance Committee.

Minister Pandor was accompanied by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Ibrahim Patel, and the Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni, as well as senior officials from relevant departments.
Justice and Correctional Services Minister, Ronald Lamola, has called on the 14th Crime Congress to petition the international community to develop resilient measures aimed at holding states that disregard binding treaties accountable.
Recently held in Tokyo, Japan, the 14th Crime Congress is the world's largest and most diverse gathering of policymakers, practitioners, academia, intergovernmental organisations and civil society in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice.

Minister Lamola emphasised that it was the duty of all states to ensure that criminals feel unsafe wherever they run to evade justice.

"We cannot allow ourselves to be adjudged to be complicit in creating safe havens for corrupt actors and criminals. Thus, there is a need for vigorous collaboration in the repatriation of assets and extradition of criminals who evade justice,” Minister Lamola said in a statement on Thursday, 11 March 2021.

He stated that strengthening witness protection programmes, cybercrime measures, mutual legal assistance, combatting human trafficking and organised wildlife crime as some of the mechanisms that ought to be employed. This is to further address the transnational nature of crime currently, which not only affects South Africa, but the entire global community.

The Minister also highlighted measures undertaken in South Africa, in line with previous Crime Congress recommendations and declarations, including strengthening of the Criminal Justice System (CJS), enhancement of trust and integrity in the CJS and modernisation of its information and communications technology in dealing with cybercrime.

It also includes tackling gender-based violence and femicide, as well as the eradication of corruption.

The congress provides a forum for the exchange of views between states, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations and individual experts representing various professions and disciplines; the exchange of experiences in research, law and policy development; and the identification of emerging trends and issues in crime prevention and criminal justice.

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Sport, Arts and Culture Minister, Nathi Mthethwa, is deeply saddened by the passing of Noxolo Maqashalala (44) and Menzi Ngubane (56).
Ngubane passed away on Saturday, 13 March 2021, at his Ladysmith home in KwaZulu-Natal after he suffered from a stroke in 2020. Magashalala was found dead at her Honeydew home in Johannesburg on Friday, 12 March 2021.

The sector has been robbed at a time when there is so much tension and stress in the industry due to the economic collapse and already existing challenges within the industry.

“South Africa and the world have lost two phenomenal thespians. Menzi Ngubane was an icon, who used his voice and his influence to demystify issues on kidney disease and sugar diabetes, while promoting positive lifestyle changes.

“He was a well-known and well-loved public figure who left an ineffaceable mark on the South African arts landscape,” Minister Mthethwa said.

While mourning the loss of Ngubane, the sector was dealt a double blow with the news of the death of Maqashalala, one of South Africa’s greatest actresses.

“Many will remember Maqashalala for her lead role as Viwe in the 2003 SABC1 youth drama series Tsha Tsha.

“She also appeared on Generations, Rhythm City and Intersexions. She was a sterling performer who gave her best at every role that she took on,” Minister Mthethwa said.

The Department of Sport, Arts and Culture extends its condolences to the family, friends and fans of these two iconic artists. May their souls rest in peace.

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Three South African researchers have made it to the global shortlist of the Blue Sky Young Researchers and Innovation Awards.
The awards, launched in 2016 by the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (ICFPA), aim to recognise, celebrate and promote innovations being developed in the global forestry sector.

Justin Phillips and Hester Oosthuizen, both from the University of Pretoria, and Eddie Barnard from Stellenbosch University, go up against another 18 of their peers from around the world, with only three of the finalists earning cash prizes and the opportunity to present their work at the ICFPA’s Global CEO Roundtable virtual discussion on 29 April.

“We are immensely proud of our finalists for making it this far, and demonstrating that South Africa can hold its own against the best in the world,” says Jane Molony, Executive Director of the Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (PAMSA). “As a sector, we constantly look for ways to support young people with an interest in science and technology and are proud of the career opportunities our member companies can offer them.”

Barnard is exploring the commercial viability of using technical lignin (a by-product from the wood pulping phase in pulp or paper making) and pulp and paper sludge (rejected, degraded and spilled fibres and water from the pulping and papermaking processes) to make composite materials.

Lignin has binding properties, which when combined with sludge, could be used to make construction materials such as a replacement for particleboard. The use of lignin together with pulp and paper sludge could replace components that would otherwise be produced from fossil-based resources, and reduce associated waste, greenhouse gas emissions and disposal costs.

Phillips has looked at how starch and nano-cellulose can be used as a carrier material for pesticide application in the agricultural sector. The insoluble solid active ingredient in the pesticide attaches to the carrier, which is water-soluble and allows for safer and more efficient and safe controlled release of the pesticide, especially in aqueous environments such as animal dipping for tick prevention.

Cellulose is uniquely positioned to substitute many petroleum-based plastics, however it cannot be melt-processed and dissolved using common organic solvents. This is why Oosthuizen examined the efficacy of using choline chloride and ionic liquids, considered greener and less volatile, to make cellulose fluid enough to produce cellulose-based materials using existing polymer processing techniques.

As a sustainably farmed resource that stores carbon, wood is increasingly being used not only in the built environment for houses and high-rises, but also for its cellulose, lignin and sugars. These elements all have a role in helping the world find renewable and low-carbon alternatives to the likes of plastic, chemicals, steel and concrete.

“Two key advantages that commercially farmed trees bring are their renewability and their carbon storage,” explains Molony. “The fact that trees are sustainably planted, harvested and replenished on the same land makes both wood and paper products renewable and efficient resources. For a low carbon future, it’s tremendously exciting – especially when we look at the kind of research our young scientists are producing.”

An international panel with connections to industry, academia and public policy has been assembled to judge the awards.

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A new altitude record was set during a rocket launch in Overberg recently and one South African minister has hailed the event as a “game-changer”.
The Department of Science and Innovation has confirmed that they conducted a successful rocket launch recently, breaking both domestic and continental records in the process.

The event saw the test rocket travel 17.9 km into the air – achieving a new African hybrid rocket altitude record. The projectile also reached speeds nearing the 2 500k/ph mark. Science and Innovation fall under the portfolio of Minister Blade Nzimande, and he hailed the rocket launch as a “historic moment” for South African space studies.

Records were smashed when the mission took place at the Denel Overberg Test Range in the Western Cape on 8 March 2021. Researchers from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), who constructed the Phoenix-1B Mark IIr sounding rocket, reached the highest of earthly heights.

An official government statement hailed the scientific achievements witnessed – saying that the groundwork had now been laid to use South Africa space research as a vehicle for job creation and poverty eradication:

“The Phoenix-1B Mark IIr is the third rocket variant to be developed by the UKZN’s Aerospace Systems Research Group (ASReG), which is funded by the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI). Valuable lessons were learned from past failures, which assisted in today’s successful launch. Minister Blade Nzimande says it has been ‘a game-changer’.”

“The developers of the UKZN’s rocket confirmed that the projectile was launched seawards and was not recovered after going twice the speed of sound on Sunday – It is envisaged that the space industry will be one of the key drivers in addressing South Africa’s national priorities of job creation, poverty eradication, and rural development.”

The South African Mint has announced that it will introduce a new R2 coin into circulation.
The coin forms part of the Mint’s celebration of 25 years of constitutional democracy, with a number of other coins featuring prominent post-1994 events and rights.

“The new R2 coin represents the ‘Freedom and Security of the Person’ right in the Bill of Rights, as stated in Section 12 of the Bill of Rights of our Constitution,” the Mint said.

The reverse of the count depicts a women and child walking hand in hand, while the obverse of the coin features the traditional Coat of Arms and the name of the country in two official languages.

The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) issues commemorative circulation coins from time to time as part of its currency production function. These coins are issued to commemorate a person or an event that has had a significant impact on society.

Such coins are always produced in large quantities and are made available and accessible to the public at face value.

In 2019, the SARB and the Mint launched a number of new circulation coins, celebrating South Africa’s 25 years of constitutional democracy.

The R2 coins aim to highlight some of the rights that resonated the most with citizens surveyed in South Africa – depicting children’s rights, the right to education and environmental rights, among others.

New R5 coin

In January, the central bank launched a new R5 coin in celebration of its centenary.

The reverse of the coin features some of the historic coins previously issued by the SARB in miniature.

These include the old 20 cents coin as well the image of the R5 coin showing a laughing Nelson Mandela. The older coins are all connected by a smaller “coin” highlighting 100 years of the SARB.

The obverse of the coin features the traditional Coat of Arms as well, the name of the country in two official languages – “uMzantsi Afrika” and “Suid-Afrika”, as well as the 2021 printing date.

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An all-female crew took to the African skies on 11 March 2021, and celebrated by posting a couple of photos to the Facebook page, “Women in Aviation”.
Captain Denise Semedo – who spent six years based at Lanseria Airport outside Joburg, South Africa – said: “All-female crew today on the Phenom 300. Praise the Lord!”

Captain Semedo told SAPeople it was the first time that she and fellow female pilot, Captain Funmilayo, were flying together.

The two female captains work for Anap Jets, the private jet operator that specialises in fractional ownership and charter services. On this particular flight, they flew from Lagos to Abuja in Nigeria.

Captain Semedo says that when she was growing up, her “inspiration was my uncle who was a B757 captain. I didn’t know I could do it. I guess the Lord gives each one a talent, we just have to find it.” Now it’s her turn inspiring young women all over Africa and the world – the sky’s the limit!

Captain Semedo was based at Lanseria Airport between 2010 and 2016, working for a different company at the time.

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The sixth annual Forbes Woman Africa Leading Women Summit honoured the continent’s most inspiring women, and South African Rabia Ghoor earned herself a top award!
Rabia Ghoor, the founder of Swiitch beauty, earned the 2021 Forbes Woman Africa Young Achievers Award this year. The win has pushed her business to another level and means even more success to celebrate.

“After being announced as the winner, I received tons of emails for collaborations and of opportunities for further interviews.

“That is exposure for my brand and myself. I think winning opened networking opportunities,” she said.

The awards were aired online during a two-day virtual summit. The theme this year was “Africa Reloaded: The Power of The Collective”. Renuka Methil, the Managing Editor of Forbes Africa and Forbes Woman Africa, said the judging process was so much harder this year as so many women had made an incredible impact.

“The selection process for the annual Forbes Woman Africa Awards is always a rigorous undertaking that considers the individual’s body of work and her impact and influence within a particular field,” says Methil.

“Following a year of incredible challenge and upheaval, the nominees for this year have all exceeded in their fields, making the final choice incredibly tough for the judges. We’re looking forward to an engaging and inspiring awards’ ceremony for the sixth edition,” adds Methil.

There was a total of eight awards given to women in Africa this year. The 2021 categories included:
  • Forbes Woman Africa Young Achievers Award
  • Forbes Woman Africa Social Impact Award
  • Forbes Woman Africa Technology and Innovation Award
  • Forbes Woman Africa Academic Excellence Award
  • Forbes Woman Africa Entertainer Award
  • Forbes Woman Africa Sports Award
  • Forbes Woman Africa Businesswoman Award
  • Forbes Woman Africa Lifetime Achievement Award.
The event is a great opportunity for women working to boost their careers, network and socialise with like-minded women.

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The South African documentary has been nominated for an Academy Award in the Documentary Feature Category. The film will go up against four other movies in the category.
Directed by Pippa Ehrlich and James Reed, the film centres on the award-winning filmmaker, Craig Foster, who develops a friendship with a curious octopus while diving in the Atlantic Ocean.

Since the film's release on Netflix, it has become an awards season darling.

It won two awards at the Critics' Choice Documentary Awards in November 2020, the Grand Teton Award at the Jackson Wild Media Awards in August 2020 and the Best Feature Film Award at the EarthX film festival.

The film has also been nominated for a Bafta Award and a Directors Guild Award.

– Source: News24
In true “Daily Show” fashion, comedian Trevor Noah kicked off the 63rd Grammy Awards on Sunday, 14 Match 2021, with plenty of witty commentary on politics, the COVID-19 pandemic and of course, the night’s nominees.
“I’ll be your host tonight as we celebrate the last 10 years of music that got us through the last 10 years of Coronavirus. I know it’s been one year, but it feels like 10,” Noah quipped from an open-air tent outside Staples Centre in Los Angeles.

In November 2020, the Recording Academy tapped the Daily Show star to emcee the biggest night in music for the first time. Previous Grammys hosts include Whoopi Goldberg, Ellen DeGeneres, Billy Crystal, Queen Latifah, James Corden and Alicia Keys.

“We’re hoping that this is all about what 2021 can be — full of joy, new beginnings and coming together,” Noah said. “Never forgetting what happened in 2020, but full of hope for what is to come. So let’s do this people!”

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United States-based South African-born actress and human rights activist, Nomzamo Mbatha, recently debuted her Puma collection, called “Shandu”.
Mbatha said her collection was an ode to her grandmother Mildred, the tribe into which she was born into and "every girl who never thought her life would matter".

The women's collection consists of footwear, apparel and accessories that was designed with Mbatha's lifestyle of intense travel, activism and the African summer in mind.

“Like me, this collection is African through and through. It is an ode to the very family and clan that I come from," the Coming 2 America star said in a press statement.

Among the several items on offer, are a bomber jacket, sandals and head gear, retailing at between R500 and R3 000.

When designing this collection, Mbatha says she aimed at creating clothing that would make women feel empowered and sexy.

"This collection is a defining moment of my career. When you put these pieces on, wear them with pride because for the first time Puma, as a global sports brand, has collaborated with a young black woman from Africa to create a collection.”

Nomzamo is also taking part in the well-known clothing brand’s new She Moves Us Campaign, led by global pop superstar Dua Lipa, which calls on women to not only inspire one another, but also take control of, and change the global narrative.

Shandu is available on and leading retail outlets, including Sportscene and Superbalist.

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Ariana Grande has shared her love for South African artists by adding several of them to her new “Who Runs The World” Apple Music playlist.
It features the likes of Prince Kaybee, Busiswa, Nadia Nakai, Boity, Rogue, Moonchild Sanelly, Msaki and Sho Madjozi, who gained international acclaim with the single John Cena.

Ariana also included tracks from her biggest global female inspirations like Britney Spears, Mary J Blige, Janet Jackson and others.

But it was her support of local musicians that set the Internet aflutter.

Speaking about the artists featured on Ariana Grande’s playlist, Apple Music’s editors said:

“This is the next generation of empowerment anthems from South Africa and across the world. With lyrics that challenge ideas around gender, sexuality, beauty and self-confidence, these artists are modernising mainstream music.”

The playlist is made up of about 100 songs.

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South African film, Moffie and the documentary, My Octopus Teacher has been nominated for a Bafta Film Award.
Moffie has been nominated in the Category of Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Director or Producer, while My Octopus Teacher bagged an award in the Documentary Category.

About Moffie

Director Oliver Hermanus, whose other movies include Shirley Adams (2009), Beauty (Skoonheid) (2011) and The Endless River (2015), took to Twitter to share the news, saying that the film’s co-writer and producer, Jack Sidey, has been nominated for the prestigious award.

The South African-British film has been on the film festival circuit since its release in 2019. It tells the story of a young man drafted into South Africa’s military, but he knows he is different and must keep himself hidden. However, when another recruit develops an intimate relationship with them, they are now both in danger.

About My Octopus Teacher

The documentary, which was produced by Craig Foster and directed by Pippa Ehrlich and award-winning filmmaker James Reed, tells the story of Foster, suffering from a loss of purpose, who begins a daily diving regimen in the freezing kelp forests at the tip of Africa in order to re-energise himself.

This year’s Bafta Film Awards winners will be announced at a ceremony without a live audience on 11 April 2021.

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The 43rd Confederation of African Football (CAF) General Assembly, meeting on 12 March 2021 in Rabat, Morocco, elected Dr Patrice Motsepe as President of CAF.
Dr Motsepe, who becomes the seventh person to occupy the position of CAF President, begins his four-year term after being elected unopposed by the member associations of CAF, in Rabat.

Going to the General Assembly, Africa adopted a unity stance, which saw the other three candidates, namely Augustin Senghor, Ahmed Yahya and Jacques Anouma, withdraw from the race to be President.

FIFA President, Gianni Infantino, who was in attendance in Rabat, in his remarks in the General Assembly commended the African member associates for the unity they had displayed in the last few weeks.

Dr Motsepe, 59, is an accomplished South African businessman and philanthropist and no stranger to football. For almost two decades, he has been the President of the South African club, Mamelodi Sundowns.

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An emphatic five-wicket victory for the Proteas Women in the fifth ODI against India has seen the South Africans claim a 4-1 series win.

The Proteas Women kept their momentum up as they beat India in the fifth and final ODI of their series, which was played in Lucknow.

Sune Luus returned to skipper the Proteas, winning the toss and putting India in to bat.

India found themselves under pressure early as the Proteas bowlers quickly settled with a Marizanne Kapp in-swinger accounting for Priya Punia in the sixth over of the match leaving India 26 for one.

The hosts have had their share of top-order troubles and yet again relied on middle-order stalwarts Harmanpreet Kaur and Mithali Raj to get them back on track.

Kaur and Raj shared a productive partnership before the former went down with a hip injury that forced her to retire hurt with 30 runs to her name.

Nadine de Klerk took three for 35 from her 10 overs as India stumbled to 188 all out, losing their last wicket with three balls left unused.

Raj top-scored with 79 not out but it was clear that India would need something special to stop the Proteas romping to a fourth win of the series and their 10th triumph in the last 11 ODIs they had played.

The Proteas experimented with skipper Luus as opening partner to Laura Wolvaardt with Lizelle Lee rested after her series-winning efforts.

For once, the Proteas didn’t make a great start but after slipping to 27 for three, Mignon du Preez and Anneke Bosch (58) put the tourists back on track with a 96-run fourth wicket stand.

Even the departure of Bosch and Du Preez (59) in quick succession couldn’t stop the Proteas. Kapp and De Klerk followed up their bowling exploits with an unbroken 58-run stand that saw South African Women to a five-wicket win and a 4-1 series win.

Proteas captain Luus, was delighted that her team kept up their performance levels in a dead rubber and rounded off the series with a win.

“For us coming today, we wanted to stamp our authority on the series win a 4-1 win,” Luus said.

“We pride ourselves on our bowling attack. The girls, especially the young ones, did an exceptional job. We always talk about our middle order coming through and supporting the opening pair. They did exceptionally well too. Over five games, it was an allround performance.

“Anneke is a character in our team, but we are lucky to have her. Phenomenal knock today, hopefully more to come.”

Lizelle Lee was named Player of the Series. The Proteas will face India in a three-match T20I series which gets underway on Saturday, 20 March 2021

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Carina Bruwer has become the first person to swim across Walker Bay, in a time of 6:36 in aid of the Tribuo fund and the performing arts sector of South Africa.
She completed this amazing feat in accordance with English Channel swimming rules, wearing only a costume, cap and goggles, and starting and finishing on dry land, without any contact with the support boat throughout the swim.

The route was from Hermanus Old Harbour to Stanford Cove in De Kelders, where she was welcomed by a local crowd of supporters. The official distance of the swim is just shy of 21km, swimming against a strong head current for most of the distance, and water temperature varied between 17.5 and 19 degrees.

With the currents, and Spring Tides the next day, her 21km was more like 27km, says Bjorn von During from the South African Shark Conservancy, who piloted the support boat from Blade Charters.

Carina embarked on this challenge in aid of the Tribuo fund, a non-profit organisation that was created due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the performing arts sector.

The crossing was coordinated by Walker Bay Adventures, and owner Herman De Vries joined Carina in the water for some sections of the swim.

“Every swim is special but I have to say, this is one I will never forget. It is always wonderful to pioneer a new swim, and this one is certainly epic in terms of its geography and the incredible sea life that one encounters!”

Carina thanked the amazing volunteers, new friends she made and said “most importantly, this powerful experience is something that I want to mirror to the artist community, to offer hope and empathy”.

“My wish is that we can raise enough money to make a meaningful difference for as many as possible of the thousands of artists who are truly broken – financially and mentally. And that artists would feel that someone sees them, and that more and more of society would see them, now that they have become invisible and silent due to the decimation of live entertainment.”

The swim was also live-streamed, with live footage from the water being alternated by video messages from musicians like Zolani Mahola, Dr Victor, and many other artist friends and colleagues of Carina’s.

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