Issue 475 | 13 May 2021
    It's Your Voice   UBUNTU Magazine   UBUNTU Radio  
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Africa Month 2021
If the international community is truly committed to human rights and the values of equality and non-discrimination, vaccines should be viewed as a global public good, says President Cyril Ramaphosa.
The President made the remarks in this week’s newsletter in which he argued that the World Trade Organisation should consider South Africa and India’s proposal for a temporary waiver of certain aspects of Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. This, he said, would facilitate wider access to technologies needed to produce vaccines and medicines.

“The idea is to rapidly scale up local production to ensure wider access to affordable and effective vaccines,” wrote the President.

The waiver proposal currently enjoys the support of more than 100 countries. Last week, the United States Government announced its support for the proposal, which will give the current negotiations added momentum.

He said the enforcement of intellectual property rights was critical to research and development and innovation in the quest for human progress.

“But our position as South Africa is that such a waiver is necessary at this time. It is temporary and is in direct response to an emergency. This is an unprecedented situation. It requires that all intellectual property, knowledge, technology and data related to COVID-19 health technologies be put at the disposal of all,” President Ramaphosa said.

They should be made available to all, not just to the highest bidders, he said.

“A situation in which the populations of advanced, rich countries are safely inoculated while millions in poorer countries die in the queue would be tantamount to vaccine apartheid. It will set a devastating precedent in our quest to realise a more egalitarian world and our ability to handle future pandemics.

“Social responsibility for health is a recognised principle in the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights adopted by the international community in 2005. It affirms that progress in science and technology must contribute to justice, equity and the interests of broader humanity. It notes that the benefits of scientific research should be shared with society as a whole and within the international community, in particular with developing countries that face resource constraints,” said President Ramaphosa.

Vaccine equity

Earlier this year, the United Nations’ education, science and culture body, UNESCO, called for vaccine equity, noting that it was not just the right thing to do, but also the best way to control the pandemic, restore confidence and reboot the global economy.

Currently, 55% of the existing vaccine manufacturing capacity is located in East Asia, 40% in Europe and North America, and less than 5% in Africa and South America.

“In the case of developing countries, much of this capacity is under-utilised,” he said.

South Africa is one of only five countries on the continent with vaccine production capacity.

“Although we have secured enough vaccine doses to reach ‘population immunity’, there will continue to be a need for vaccines. We are therefore preparing to bolster global vaccine manufacturing for COVID-19 and other major diseases. Existing facilities need to be repurposed and new capacity built.”

In the letter, President Ramaphosa called on all South Africans to support this effort, and in particular civil-society organisations that played a leading role during the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

“Civil society has a critical role in mobilising international support for this cause, particularly through international cooperation with like-minded organisations in developed countries. This is an issue that calls for greater public advocacy and awareness-raising.

“As a nation, we must stand united in our effort to manufacture COVID-19 vaccines to save lives and proceed with the national recovery,” he said.

South Africa’s commitment to putting human lives first does not diminish its commitment to honour international trade agreements, he said, adding that the proposal was about the promotion of health as a public and social good.

“It is about affirming our commitment to the advancement of equality and human rights, not just in our own country but around the world,” he said.

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President Cyril Ramaphosa says a proposal by South Africa at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to waiver specific Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) obligations related to the manufacturing of COVID-19 vaccines is now supported by over 100 countries.
Responding to oral questions in the National Assembly on Thursday, 6 May 2021, the President said: “We want to manufacture vaccines locally against the pandemic. It is for this reason that South Africa and India proposed the TRIPS waiver at the WTO to enable the manufacturing of COVID-19 vaccines in developing countries.

“The proposal is now supported by more than 100 countries. South Africa welcomes the statement by the United States (US) that it will support the TRIPS waiver on intellectual property protection for COVID-19 vaccines.”

This comes after the President, in his capacity at the Chairperson of the African Union, made the call during a webinar on the Africa COVID-19 Vaccine Financing and Development Strategy, in a move that would enable countries in Africa and in other developing countries to access active pharmaceutical ingredients and benefit from technology transfer, including the know-how to manufacture vaccines in Africa at a cheaper cost.

The President said the decision by the US to throw its weight behind the proposal was a victory for South Africa.

“It goes to show the influence we have as a country, working together with others, that our voice and messages have weight because they are rational, progressive and are meant to benefit people on our continent,” he said.

Government finalises contracts with vaccine manufacturers

The President said that government had finalised contracts with several vaccine manufacturers, which would be enough to vaccinate 41.5 million people.

This includes the finalisation of a contract with Johnson & Johnson to supply 31 million doses, another contract with Pfizer for the supply of 20 million vaccine doses, with an additional allocation from COVAX of nearly 1.4 million doses.

“It should be noted that the negotiations with manufacturers were protracted, as government had to ensure that the terms of the contracts were consistent with South African laws and not detrimental to national interests.

“We have now finalised contracts for sufficient doses to vaccinate 41.5 million people. The estimated times for the delivery of the vaccines depends on several factors, many of which are beyond our control.”

He said the contractual delivery schedule, as per the information shared by manufacturers, would see South Africa receiving three million Johnson & Johnson doses in quarter two of 2021, 4.5 million Pfizer doses through government’s contract with Pfizer, and a further 1.4 million Pfizer doses via the COVAX facility.

He said in the third quarter, South Africa was scheduled to receive 9.1 million Johnson & Johnson doses and another 8.5 million Pfizer doses, while the remaining 19.1 Johnson & Johnson doses and seven million Pfizer doses are scheduled to arrive in the fourth quarter.

“In total, we are scheduled to receive 31.2m J&J doses and 21.4 Pfizer doses,” the President said.

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The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, and the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the United Kingdom (UK), Rt Hon Dominic Raab, co-chaired the 12th Session of the JMC on 6 May 2021, in the UK.

South Africa and the UK are strategic partners with a broad and vibrant relationship, led by a commitment to liberal values, democracy and the rule of law.

The two countries share a wide array of mutual interests and continue to deepen collaboration to jointly tackle today’s global challenges.

The UK and South Africa have both contributed significantly to the global COVID-19 response since the pandemic’s outbreak.

The two ministers discussed their shared concern for global health security, in particular vaccine access for all.

The two countries agreed to continue the collaboration, including on genomic sequencing. The ministers also committed to working together through the G7 and G20 to strengthen the global international health system.

South Africa and the UK are alive to the importance of increased vaccine manufacturing capability, including in Africa, and agreed to work together on this priority.

The ministers committed to further develop UK-South Africa science and innovation partnerships, in support of both countries’ economic recovery from COVID-19.

The trade and investment relationship between the UK and South Africa is valued at £8.0 billion per annum. The ministers discussed the opportunity the UK-Southern African Customs Union + Mozambique Economic Partnership Agreement holds to grow this and agreed on a set of actions to capitalise on the freedoms provided by the new bilateral free trade agreement.

They welcomed the establishment of a new UK-South Africa Investment Taskforce that would support the expansion of existing investment and the entry of new UK investors into South Africa.

In light of the UK’s COP26 Presidency during 2021, climate – in particular the transition to a lower-carbon economy – formed a significant part of discussions. The UK noted that it had contributed over £220 million in multilateral funding since 2015 and had added £3.5 million bilaterally in support of this transition.

The ministers also discussed their support for rules-based multilateralism and actions that could be taken in support of regional peace, stability and good governance.

The foreign ministers agreed that the implementation of the commitments secured through the JMC would be overseen by Deputy Minister Alvin Botes and the UK’s Minister for Africa, James Duddridge.

Upon the meeting’s conclusion, the ministers reaffirmed the bonds of friendship and solidarity that exist between South Africa and the UK and looked forward to the next meeting of the Bilateral Forum to be hosted by South Africa.
The South African Government has expressed its deep concern at the continued clashes at Al-Aqsa Mosque wherein Israeli soldiers attacked Palestinian worshipers while praying at the holy site.
The South African Government strongly condemns the attacks and the planned evictions of Palestinians from annexed East Jerusalem to make way for Israeli settlements.

“We would like to reiterate that Israel's actions are in stark violation of international law, also a disregard of international humanitarian law and United Nations (UN) Security Council resolutions, including resolutions 446 (1979) and 2334 (2016). The latter Resolution explicitly calls for an end to Israeli occupation that began in 1967 and the fulfilment of the rights of the Palestinian people, including to self-determination and independence.

It is perplexing that during these unprecedented times, as the international community addresses the global challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic, Israel is exploiting the situation to advance its de facto annexation of Palestinian land. These acts are not only illegal but also risk undermining the viability of a negotiated two-state solution and will have negative consequences on the entire peace process.

South Africa remains unequivocally committed to and values efforts aimed at reviving a political process, leading to the establishment of a viable Palestinian state, existing side by side in peace with Israel within internationally recognised borders, based on those existing on 4 June 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, in compliance with all relevant UN resolutions, international law and internationally agreed parameters.

South Africa reiterates that any peace plan should not allow Palestinian statehood to devolve into an entity devoid of sovereignty, territorial contiguity and economic viability. In this regard, a solution must be premised on a just settlement with just laws that is rights-based and that facilitates equality and equity for all who have a right to live in the territories of Israel and Palestine. This includes sovereign equality between states.
The symposium was held as part of providing feedback and deliberating on the role of South Africa in multilateral forums
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Alvin Botes, in collaboration with the Nelson Mandela University, the South African Institute of International Affairs, the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes Accord and the Institute for Security Studies, hosted a symposium under the theme: “Celebrating Multilateralism: South Africa’s Term at the United Security Council (UNSC) and African Union (AU) Chairship”, on 12 May 2021.

The hosting of this symposium with key international policy and decision influencers considered South Africa’s increasing international role, engagement and contributions in global affairs in the ever-changing and dynamic global politics, economic, social and technological environment.

The symposium reviewed South Africa’s two-year term on the UNSC as well as the one year as Chair of the AU in 2020.
The platform afforded the Department of International Relations and Cooperation an opportunity to outline its contribution and the objectives that South Africa sets out to achieve. Deputy Minister Botes also used this platform to gather views from academics and expects in the field on South Africa’s performance at the UNSC and AU.

The COVID-19 pandemic provides an opportunity for the continent to re-examine its socio-economic priorities, says the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa.

Addressing the launch of Africa Month on Wednesday, 5 May 2021, the Minister said the pandemic was imposing heavy human, financial and economic costs to Africa and across the globe.

“The crisis also provides an opportunity to re-examine the continent's socio-economic priorities, including the role of cultural workers; contributing to building stronger and more resilient health and social sectors towards equality; inclusion; social cohesion; and the African Renaissance as inspired by the Ubuntu philosophy,” Minister Mthethwa said.

“It is in this current climate in pursuit of commonalities that the current initiative on Africa Month is aimed at pursuing the agenda set out by our predecessors but sharpened by new generations.

“The story of a continent that is transforming itself is one that we need to embrace, project and work together to transmit,” the Minister said.

Africa Month is crafted in response to the African Union’s (AU) call for ratification of the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance and implementation of the AU Agenda 2063.

“Africa Month promotes Pan-Africanism and African cultural renaissance, of which both contribute to united efforts for decolonisation and regeneration of the African continent, among others,” the Minister said.

It is also aimed at achieving the following:
  • to promote the African Agenda and strengthen the AU institutions and policies
  • to implement and bring to life the AU Agenda 2063 and the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance
  • to promote regional integration by strengthening people-to-people contact to harmonise policies and share skills and expertise
  • to promote cultural diplomacy for a broader socio-economic agenda
  • to stimulate the implementation of existing cultural agreements and strengthen relations with identified countries on the continent for mutually beneficial and sustainable relationships.
The Minister said it was further regarded as a platform to promote the AU institutions and its programmes towards the attainment of its vision – “An integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena”.

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Qualifying asylum seekers and refugees have until 30 June 2021 to renew their expired visas and status online.
Home Affairs Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, extended the validity of asylum seeker visas and refugee statuses, which expired during the lockdown to 30 June 2021.

The online extension is aimed at providing the extension of the visa service in a manner that contributes to limiting the spread of COVID-19, said the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), in a statement on Thursday, 6 May 2021.

The DHA started to offer the online extension service of asylum seeker visas and refugee statuses on 15 April 2021.

With the online extension, a holder of an asylum seeker visa (Section 22) or a refugee status (Section 24), is able to request an extension of visa validity through email, without having to physically go to a refugee reception office.

Having sent the email, the client then receives a response outlining the process to follow, a template and list of required documents.

Once all documents are sent and received at the DHA, the department will consider the request and communicate its decision by email.

“In cases where a request cannot be processed online and requires that the requester appears in person at a Refugee Reception Office, a letter stating that will be sent. This letter will provide such a person with the office name, date and time of their appointment,” said the DHA.

In cases of families, each member must submit a request for an extension individually.

“Multiple clients are allowed to use one email address. The principal applicant must sign extension requests of minors. The signature on those requests must be the same as the ones on the existing/expired permits.”

To request an online extension for an asylum seeker or refugee visas, a client will need to submit the following documents:
  • A signed template that has a permit number, full names and surname, and full contact details (an email address, mobile phone numbers and physical address).
  • Proof of physical address in a form of a utility bill or an affidavit confirming the address.
  • A copy of the current visa. If the visa is lost, the client must submit an affidavit confirming that the permit is lost and indicate the previous permit reference number.
Requests for permit extension can be sent to the refugee reception office where the last extension was made.

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The Deputy Minister in The Presidency, Thembi Siweya, hosted South Africa’s young trailblazers in the field of sports, arts and literature at the Union Buildings on 6 May 2021.
The purpose of the session was to celebrate these prominent young people's talent and explore possible collaboration with government. The session was intended to kickstart Africa Month and position the youth at the centre of Africa's development.

The National Development Plan calls for everyone to build a better Africa and world. These young people have already shown that they have the potential to carry the baton and catapult Africa to greater heights.

The rising stars included the renowned praise poet, Masinga Xivambu, who once ushered President Cyril  Ramaphosa to Parliament for the State of the Nation Address; Simthandile Tshabalala, the award-winning young golfer; an emerging author, Angel Mkhawana; and actor and young entrepreneur, Cornet Mamabolo.

The session was hosted in partnership with Brand South Africa under their Play your Part Programme.
Absa has been appointed as the lead arranger, senior lender and hedge provider for a multi-billion Rand Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) tower project in the Northern Cape.
The bank said that the 100MW R6-billion project was being developed by ACWA Power of Saudi Arabia and formed part of the South African Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers’ Procurement Program (REIPPPP).

A CSP tower plant generates solar power using mirrors, known as heliostats, to concentrate a large area of sunlight onto a small area known as the receiver. Electricity is then generated when the concentrated light is converted to solar thermal energy.

Shaun Moodley, Resource and Project Finance Executive at Absa, said the Redstone CSP Project would be built about 30km east of Postmasburg in the Northern Cape. The project will be one of the largest renewable energy investments in South Africa under the REIPPPP.

Moodley said Absa would participate in the overall senior debt financing package with approximately R1.5 billion of senior debt term facilities for the project.

“An important feature of the Redstone CSP Project is that it will have 12 hours of full-load energy storage, which will enable the CSP power plant to reliably deliver a stable electricity supply to more than 200 000 South African homes during peak demand periods, even after the sun has set,” he said.

Moodley said at least 2 000 direct jobs would be created during the construction phase, of which 400 jobs would directly benefit the local community, while over 560 jobs would be created over a period of time once the power plant is fully operational.

Moodley said the socio-economic benefits of the project would also extend beyond job creation, because up to 40% of the required equipment and materials has to be procured locally.

Construction will take about 33 months and thereafter the power plant will be progressively commissioned to eventually reach 100% of design capacity, which should be finally achieved over 365 consecutive days within a three-year period after the commercial operations date.

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The City of Cape Town approved a R4-billion expansion project in the canal district of the V&A Waterfront. It is the third such approval in recent weeks.
The mixed-use development is expected to create at least 1 100 jobs during the construction phase and follows on the heels of two other significant development announcements.

The expansion project will see construction projects take place on either side of Dock Road and the current Battery Park development in the waterfront’s 10.5 hectare canal district. The district is the thoroughfare for all visitors who enter the waterfront from the city.

“Following the recent approval of the R14-billion Harbour Arch Development and the R4-billion River Club development, which will together see roughly 40 000 jobs being created in Cape Town, the approval today of the V&A Waterfront’s Canal Precinct Plan will see another significant boost to job creation for Cape Town,” said Executive Mayor, Dan Plato, on Wednesday, 5 May 2021.

Plato said lockdowns across the world had a major impact on cities in 2020 and the City of Cape Town was doing its utmost to ensure the local economy “bounces back even stronger than before. Infrastructure developments such as these create job opportunities, attract investors and offer significant benefit to our residents,” he said.

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The Grade 12 learner from Bryanston High School’s research deals with a newer, more creative and less invasive way to test blood glucose levels, making it not just contemporary but also very relevant and significant to the lives of people living with diabetes.
A young scientist who developed a way to test blood glucose levels without using the time-honoured and painful way of pricking the finger will compete against more than a 1 000 scientists in the world’s largest science fair – the 2021 Virtual Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in the United States.

The brilliant young scientist is Eskom Expo for Young Scientists’ top senior scientist for 2020, Hritik Mitha, a Grade 12 learner at Bryanston High School in Johannesburg. His project, “Non-invasive blood glucose level monitoring device”, aims to mitigate the drawbacks of the invasive glucometer test. He developed prototypes that proved to be practical and effective in measuring glucose levels to a clinical standard.

Eskom General Manager of Risk and Sustainability, Andrew Etzinger, said that Eskom invested in the development of young scientists and engineers through Eskom Expo, which is a platform for learners to develop solutions to everyday challenges.

“Hritik’s research deals with a newer, more creative and less invasive way to test blood glucose levels, making it not just contemporary, but also very relevant and significant to the lives of people living with diabetes. Participating in a prestigious and competitive science fair such as the Regeneron ISEF demands quality research of the highest standards, such as the work done by Hritik, making him a good contender for this competition,” said Etzinger.

Mitha, who had been awarded a partial scholarship by Wits University’s Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment for his project, was also selected to attend a virtual innovation and entrepreneurship boot camp with 18 other Eskom Expo participants, which was sponsored by the Technology Innovation Agency. The Grassroots Innovation Programme aims to help learners take their project or product to market and was held from 26 April to 1 May 2021.

Eskom Expo Executive Director, Parthy Chetty, said: “Eskom Expo has been participating in ISEF for over 20 years, and our learners have always enjoyed the experience of competing against the best in the world. This year is no different, as the judging and competition standards have been maintained, and our learners can still come away with this feather in their cap.”

The Regeneron ISEF event will run in the week of 16 to 21 May 2021, and learners in grades 9 to 12 will compete for nearly R73 million in awards, prizes and scholarships. Each year, more than 1 800 young scientists from around the world earn the right to compete at Regeneron ISEF by winning a top prize at a Society for Science-affiliated local, regional, state or national science fair.

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Dr Lindiwe Tsope obtained her Doctor of Philosophy degree in Sociology recently. She graduated from Rhodes University.
For Dr Lindiwe Tsope, having been part of the first class to be inducted at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, and now the school's first graduate to obtain a PhD is a “full-circle moment”.

Tsope, 27, from Soweto, obtained her Doctor of Philosophy degree in Sociology recently, a year after completing her thesis. She graduated from Rhodes University.

“When the university sent an e-mail saying I am graduating in April, it was a big deal for me. It was amazing. I am still processing the depth of it. It’s a huge milestone. It’s not my milestone, but my family’s and the community’s milestone,” said an elated Tsope.

“I was part of the first class to be inducted at the school [the Oprah Winfrey Academy]. I started in 2007. To be part of the first class and to be the first person to get a doctorate is a full-circle moment for me.”

Her thesis focussed on a narrative study of students and staff living with HIV at the institution.

“The main goal I wanted to achieve was to understand what it feels like to live with HIV, to understand what people living with HIV are saying about interventions that are in place for them at the university and to find out where they place themselves,” she said.

Her research included conducting interviews with students and staff members, which she did through the university clinic.

“It was not an easy journey because students were not comfortable to share their statuses. COVID-19 also intensified the limitations for the study because the university closed and everyone went home.”

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Meet Lexi, Micah and Ariel: Hotel Sky is the first hotel in Africa to use robots to deliver concierge services to its guests in order to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection.
While several hotels in Sandton have not yet had to implement new ways of operating due to having closed their doors back in March last year, Hotel Sky has adopted a new approach to its operations and is welcoming more guests than many of its competitors, thanks to the contactless service provided by its robotic staff members.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic threw most industries into turmoil. The hospitality and tourism sectors, which are high-touch, service-oriented industries, have been dealt a blow by a huge drop in demand for their services, as well as being required to adjust the way they do things.

When Hotel Sky opened its doors at the end of 2020, it decided to acquire and deploy three robots to attend to its guests’ needs in an effort to reduce contact between hotel employees and guests.

According to News24, the hotel had intended to deploy robots throughout the hotel prior to the arrival of COVID-19. However, the onset of the pandemic has sped up the roll-out of services that are provided by the hotel’s robots.

Businesses providing services in the hospitality and tourism sectors are required by law to limit interaction between personnel and staff, in an effort to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

INQ reports that Hotel Sky currently has three robots onsite to attend to its guests. The robots perform tasks such as the delivery of room service orders and providing concierge services to guests. This reduces the need for interaction between humans and therefore complies with national COVID-19 regulations for the hospitality sector.

The robotic-supplied services still have a way to go since the robots do not yet have comprehensive databases which enable them to provide answers to all the queries which guests may have.

A hotel employee explained that the robotic databases are constantly being updated so that the robots are better able to answer the range of questions that guests put to the robots.

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The 2021 edition of the National Arts Festival (NAF) will include an in-person, virtual and countrywide programme.
The arts festival will revive its live 11-day programme in its home city of Makhanda in the Eastern Cape from 8 to 18 July (Makhanda Live) and stage a NAF Online, which will be entirely online in July.

Additionally, for the first time, the NAF will present a series of shows, in partnership with Standard Bank, in cities across the country. The collection, called Standard Bank Presents, will give audiences across the country a taste of what the festival has to offer from 17 June to 4 July 2021.

Says NAF CEO, Monica Newton: “The NAF has adapted its festival experience to bring the arts to audiences where they are and at a time when we still need to be very careful about where we go and what we do to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus.

“The gathering of artists is an important catalyst to reignite the industry and the festival remains committed to presenting the best and safest possible space for artists and audiences to come together, experience and appreciate the arts.

“We are curating a tighter, more intimate festival in Makhanda and we do have to work very carefully around the COVID protocols, but we think it will be an opportunity to feel the pulse of a COVID-impacted arts world and to hear artists speak from live stages. We invite audiences to come and share this important moment with us.”

The NAF successfully transitioned into an online festival in 2020, drawing a global audience of over 83 000 visitors and breaking new ground for the South African arts sector. “Online experiences are here to stay and we are excited about further integrating this element into our offering,” says Newton.

The 2021 NAF Experience’s Makhanda Live will showcase the works of the 2020 Standard Bank Young Artists and will also be the stage on which the 2021 Standard Bank Young Artists will be announced. The Standard Bank Jazz Festival will take place live and online; reaching a jazz-loving audience locally, on the continent and across the world.

The festival programme will be announced on 7 June 2021. Find out more on

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Pageant queens from across the universe will be competing for the most coveted title when reigning Miss Universe, Zozibini Tunzi, crowns her successor at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Florida in a matter of days.
The 69th Miss Universe pageant will take place on 16 May 2021 and Miss Universe South Africa, Natasha Joubert, 23, is hoping to bring the crown back home.

Joubert was chosen to represent Mzansi during a Miss South Africa pageant last year. The B Comm graduate said she was fully prepared for the glamorous event ahead.

“I have been looking forward to this event from the moment of my crowning and will carry the Miss Universe South Africa title with pride. I know that I have big shoes to fill following in the footsteps of both Zozi, Tamaryn Green who was first runner-up in 2018, and Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, Miss Universe 2017.”

Joubert’s national costume has been designed by celebrity designer Gert-Johan Coetzee. The fabric wings of her gown have been printed with drawings by local children and show their interpretation of the national lockdown and the devastation of COVID-19 in their lives

“The children were amazing and came up with images that truly reflect the regulations of lockdown; some funny, others poignant and meaningful. A number drew the usual pre-school child’s image of the family, only the mum, dad and brothers and sisters were drawn far apart to show social distancing,” said Joubert.

Coetzee explained that the aim was to create a garment uniquely South African and meaningful.

“That is why we decided to take sketches from local children, to portray how they currently see the state of the world in their own ‘words’. We took their actual sketches, digitised them and printed them on white flowy fabric and created an angelic silhouette for Natasha to symbolise overcoming hardship through guidance.”

The show will be broadcast live on 1 Magic (DStv Channel 103) and replayed in prime time.

South Africans are encouraged to download the Miss Universe official app and to vote Joubert into the Top 21.

– Source: Sunday Tribune
Shot in Cape Town, “Inverse” is calling “Warrior” the most underrated action series of the century.
Cape Town doubles for a lawless 1870s San Francisco in the kick-ass martial arts action series Warrior, which now has two seasons available to binge on Showmax.

Warrior is based on a concept that Bruce Lee pitched to Hollywood in 1971. His pitch was unsuccessful – the studio execs didn’t think they could sell an Asian leading man! – and the legendary martial arts icon died two years later, his vision unfulfilled.

Bruce’s daughter, Shannon Lee, finally brought it to life in 2019, executive producing Warrior alongside the likes of The Fast and The Furious director Justin Lin and series creator Jonathan Tropper, who brought us the Emmy-winning action drama Banshee. Set during the Californian Tong Wars of the 1800s, the story centres on Chinese immigrant and martial arts prodigy Ah Sahm, who comes to San Francisco to search for his sister, only to find himself sold to one of the most powerful tongs (gangs) in Chinatown.

Season two has a 100% critics’ score on Rotten Tomatoes and was up for Best Action Series and Best Actor at the 2021 Critics Choice Super Awards, as well as for a 2021 Visual Effects Society Award.

Shot at Cape Town Film Studios with Moonlighting, both seasons of Warrior relied on South Africa’s world-class crews, like two-time Emmy-nominated costume designer Diana Cilliers (Roots, The Girl, District 9), who worked with Moira Anne Meyer (The Hurt Locker); SAFTA-nominated makeup supervisor Marli Kruger (The Watch); and special effects supervisor Mickey Kirsten (Tenet, Spider-Man: Far From Home, Unknown). The new season was filmed entirely by three South African cinematographers: Emmy nominee Michael Snyman (The Night Manager, Gettysburg), Trevor Brown (The Watch, Strike Back) and the SAFTA winner Giulio Biccari (Noughts + Crosses, Da Vinci’s Demons).

And it’s especially good news for South Africa’s pandemic-ravaged film industry because Tropper has hinted they’ll be coming back to shoot here.

“Our Chinatown backlot is still standing in Cape Town,” Tropper said in a recent interview with Inverse. “It will need significant refurbishment, but it’s there.”

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South Africa’s limited overs captain, Temba Bavuma, has become the latest star to join international talent management stable Roc Nation Sports.

The stable is owned by American rapper Jay-Z and Bavuma joins other high-profile South African sporting stars Siya Kolisi‚ Cheslin Kolbe‚ Lungi Ngidi‚ Tendai “Beast” Mtawarira and Sbu Nkosi.

Roc Nation Sports already boasts global football superstars Marcus Rashford of Manchester United‚ Kevin de Bruyne of Manchester City‚ Crystal Palace’s Wilfried Zaha and Romelu Lukaku of Inter Milan.

Bavuma‚ who became the first black African to be appointed captain of the Proteas earlier in the year‚ becomes the second national skipper to join the stable following Kolisi’s addition to the global company.

“I am at an important phase of my career and I feel it is crucial to have the right people and support for me to achieve my objectives on and off the field‚” said Bavuma.

“Roc Nation Sports are passionate and committed towards giving their players the best opportunity and resources to achieve their goals‚ I look forward to this next chapter of my career with the team.”

Roc Nation Sports International President, Michael Yormark, said the company was delighted to represent two of South Africa’s prominent sporting leaders.

“The signing of Temba is an honour and a significant achievement as we continue to grow our footprint in South Africa.

“Temba has an amazing story to share with the world and an insatiable drive to make a difference. We look forward to walking this journey with him both on and off the field.”

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South African golfer Garrick Higgo became the fastest South African to claim three European Tour wins after cruising to victory at the Canary Islands Championship.
Overnight leader Higgo stayed steady at Golf Costa Adeje in Tenerife, producing seven birdies, two bogeys and a career-first ace to card a 7-under 64.

Higgo finished the tournament on 27-under par and claimed a six-shot victory over Australia’s Maverick Antcliff.

Higgo, 22, secured his third European Tour title in only his 26th appearance – making him the fastest South African to three regular European Tour wins.

“It feels amazing, I am happy to be done now. I am very tired but really happy and thankful,” said Higgo following his round.

“I did (feel pressure) from the start. It is not easy to lead, the other day (at the Gran Canaria Lopesan Open) was my first time, and in this game anything can happen.”

It is Higgo’s second win in three weeks following his triumph at the Gran Canaria Lopesan Open last month.

His win in Spain is the 160th win by a South African player on the European Tour.

It’s also the first time since 2012 that South Africans have won three consecutive titles on the European Tour.

It is the fifth win by a South African on the European Tour this year with the previous winners this season being Justin Harding (Kenya Open), Daniel van Tonder (Kenya Savannah Classic), Higgo (Gran Canaria Lopesan Open) and Dean Burmester (Tenerife Open).

– Source:
At 11.58 pm on 10 May 2021, South African trail runners Christiaan Greyling and AJ Calitz broke the Guinness World Record for the greatest vertical distance on foot on Table Mountain’s Platteklip Gorge.
The pair beat the previous record of 13 ascents in 24 hours by completing a gruelling 14 ascents in 20 hours, with 19 376 metres climbed.

“We are absolutely delighted and overjoyed to have broken the world record for the most vertical ascent and descent, on a route that is well-known to us, Platteklip Gorge on Table Mountain, one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature. It was one of the toughest days of my life with the added pressure of doing it in 20 hours because of curfew, but my K-Way partner, AJ, was strong and motivated me to triumph in what was an achievement of two very dedicated teammates.”

Greyling said fatigue had set in as it had been a “very hot day … but there was no way we could stop”.

“We are absolutely broken but so happy. This is nothing short of a miracle and a team effort,” said Calitz, who also holds the Guinness World record for The Most Vertical Height Gained in 12 hours (10,257m), set on the same mountain in 2014.

“We did this because both myself and AJ are ultra-runners, and we like a challenge. We also wanted to raise awareness for Edunova, a non-profit company focussed on the effective use of technology in disadvantaged schools throughout South Africa,” Greyling said.

– Source:
World champions South Africa will play for the first time since winning the Rugby World Cup in November 2019 when they host Georgia in a two-Test series this July, SA Rugby announced on Monday, 10 May 2021.
The Springboks are preparing for three matches against the touring British and Irish Lions later in July and August.

South Africa will meet Georgia on 2 or 3 and 9 or 10 July, then tackle the Lions on 24 and 31 July and 7 August. Venues for both series will be confirmed later.

The Coronavirus pandemic has prevented South Africa from playing since they defeated England 32-12 in Japan to lift the World Cup a record-equalling third time.

"Nothing beats a full-blooded international to test your skill set, readiness and ability under pressure, and we are delighted to have this opportunity before the Lions series," said Director of Rugby, Rassie Erasmus.

Former Springbok Erasmus coached the World Cup-winning squad and has since returned to his original role with Jacques Nienaber appointed head coach early last year.

"Jacques, his coaching staff and management have been working around the clock to get the team as well prepared as possible," Erasmus said.

"The Georgia series is a much-needed opportunity after such a long and unforeseen interruption due to COVID-19."

Nienaber said: "The confirmation of the Georgian Tests, and the announcement of the British and Irish Lions squad last week have caused a lot of excitement.

"I am sure it will lift the spirit of the players –- we can now accelerate our preparations for our return to Test rugby."

– Source:
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