Issue 476 | 20 May 2021
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Africa Month 2021
DIRCO Budget Vote 2021, 20 May 2021
President Cyril Ramaphosa says South Africa is committed to being part of international efforts aimed at reviving a political process that will lead to the establishment of a viable Palestinian state, existing side-by-side in peace with Israel, and within internationally recognised borders.
In his weekly newsletter on Monday, 17 May 2021, the President said the two-State solution remained the most viable option for the people of Israel and Palestine, and must continue to be supported.

The escalating situation in Israel and Palestine affirms once more what we South Africans know too well, that intractable conflicts can only be solved through peaceful negotiation.

“It also demonstrates that unless the root causes of a conflict are addressed, in this case, the illegal occupation by Israel of Palestinian land and the denial of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination, there will never be peace,” President Ramaphosa said.

The latest violence was sparked by an Israeli court decision to evict a group of families from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood in East Jerusalem to make way for Israeli settlements.

“The sight of men, women and children being evicted from the homes their families have lived in for generations brings back painful collective and personal memories for the majority of South Africans – of forced removals and land dispossession.

“For all who believe in equality, justice and human rights, we cannot but be moved and indeed angered, at the pain and humiliation being inflicted on the Palestinian people; for it echoes our own,” he said.

The President said Israel’s actions were a violation of international law.

““They show a total disregard for successive United Nations Security Council resolutions that call for an end to the occupation of Palestinian land and for the fulfilment of the rights of the Palestinian people,” the President said.

Since Israeli security forces launched assaults on worshippers at Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem last week, the violence has now engulfed the Gaza Strip, large parts of the West Bank and a number of Israeli cities. It has claimed the lives of dozens of people, including children.

According to the United Nations Children’s Fund, at least 40 children have been killed in Gaza since 10 May. Over half of them were under 10 years old.

“It is also deeply troubling that Israeli forces last week destroyed a multi-storey building that housed a number of media organisations, sending a chilling message to media reporting on the violence.

“The senseless and continued Israeli bombardment of Gaza will have devastating consequences for more than two million people who have been suffering under an illegal Israeli blockade for 14 years. As is always the case, it is civilians who will bear the brunt, with their homes and livelihoods destroyed,” President Ramaphosa said.

He said every effort must be made to dissuade both sides from further escalation, and to end the violence that is causing fear, death and misery on both sides.

“We call on all parties involved to show restraint, to respect human life and to cease the current hostilities.

“Far too many lives have been lost to this intractable conflict. The continued occupation of Palestinian land and the suffering of the Palestinian people are a blight on the conscience of humanity,” the President said.

He said South Africa stood with the Palestinian people in their quest for self-determination and in their resistance against the deprivation of their human rights and the denial of their dignity.

“As citizens of a country that was able to turn its back on race-hatred and bloodshed and build an inclusive society rooted in human rights for all, it is our collective hope that the people of Israel and Palestine will follow a similar path; that they will find each other, and that they will find peace,” the President said.

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President Cyril Ramaphosa has concluded a successful visit to Paris, France, where he participated in the Summit on the Financing of African Economies hosted by President Emmanuel Macron Tuesday, 18 May 2021, at the Grand Palais Ephémère.
The President said summit leaders stated their ambition to act together and fight the great divergence occurring within and between countries.

“The summit recognised the role of extensive immunisation against COVID-19 as [a] global public good and committed to ensure and accelerate equitable access in Africa to safe and affordable vaccines, treatments and diagnostics through the ACT-Accelerator and its COVAX facility,” said the President in a statement on Tuesday, 18 May 2021.

The summit, said The Presidency, called for a swift decision on and implementation of an unprecedented general allocation of the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights (SDRs).

The SDRs are expected to amount to US$650 billion, of which US$33 billion will be used to increase reserve assets of African countries.

At the summit, leaders expressed support for African national strategies on growth and jobs, and welcomed the ambition to develop an Alliance for Entrepreneurship in Africa, with a broad Pan-African reach and strong business focus.

The Presidency said the alliance would help mobilise all partners ready to support, through financial and technical resources, the development of the private sector on the continent.

During the two-day visit, President Ramaphosa held bilateral talks with African Union Chairperson and Democratic Republic of Congo President, Félix Tshisekedi; Angola President, João Lourenço; Ivory Coast President, Alassane Ouattara; Mozambique President, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi; Senegal President, Macky Sall; Rwanda, President, Paul Kagame; and Togo’s President, Faure Gnassingbé, to enhance South Africa’s diplomatic relations.

Ahead of the start of the summit, President Ramaphosa and President Macron of the French Republic met for bilateral talks at the Élysée Palace.

State Visit

The leaders’ discussion paved the way for the State Visit that President Macron will undertake to South Africa at the end of May 2021.

The leaders also discussed vaccine production and distribution, with President Ramaphosa emphasising the importance of the temporary waiver of the World Trade Organisation regulations on intellectual property, to enable Africa to expand its capability to produce vaccines that will combat COVID-19 and future pandemics.

In anticipation of the State Visit, President Macron expressed interest to establish a partnership with South African vaccine-producing institutions to enhance manufacturing capacity.

South Africa and France's relations span across areas of cooperation in energy, education, science and technology, as well as trade and investment, among others. The relations extend to the European Union, making South Africa a key trading partner.

The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, and Acting Minister in The Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, accompanied President Ramaphosa.

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Cabinet has expressed strong condemnation of the recent attacks on Palestinian protesters at Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock.
Cabinet, in its recent meeting, also expressed dismay at the unlawful evictions of Palestinians from their homes in the Sheikh al Jarrah in the annexed East Jerusalem to make way for Israeli settlements.

“Israel's actions are in stark violation of international law, and a total disregard of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSC), including resolutions 446 (1979) and 2334 (2016), which explicitly call for an end to Israeli occupation and the fulfilment of the rights of the Palestinian people, including to self-determination and independence,” Cabinet said in a statement on Thursday, 13 May 2021.

Cabinet called on Israel to stop the “barbaric attacks” on Palestinians and commit itself to international efforts aimed at reviving a political process, leading to the establishment of a viable Palestinian state, existing side-by-side in peace with Israel within internationally recognised borders, based on those existing on 4 June 1967, with East Jerusalem as the capital.

Meanwhile, Cabinet expressed concern about the situation in Mozambique and continues to monitor developments.

“Accordingly, Cabinet expressed its full support to efforts of the Southern African Development Community to bring about lasting peace and security, as well as reconciliation and development in Mozambique.”

In March, South Africa expressed concern at a spate of attacks against foreign nationals in Palma, northern Mozambique.

The conflict, at the time, left dozens dead and tons displaced and missing after a group of terrorists stormed the town.

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The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Ms Candith Mashego-Dlamini, participated in a video conference of the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs/Special Envoys on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), on Monday, 17 May 2021.
The conference was hosted by India as Chair of BRICS for 2021. The meeting served as a platform to exchange views on the current situation in the MENA region. The meeting discussed the Middle East Peace Process as well as developments in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, the Eastern Mediterranean Region and the Gulf.
HE Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana, will be the guest of honour and keynote speaker at the Opening Ceremony of the Fourth Ordinary Session of the Fifth Parliament of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP).
The ceremony is scheduled to take place on 24 May 2021 at the PAP precincts in Midrand, South Africa.

President Akufo-Addo will address African parliamentarians as they gather to engage on the African Union (AU) theme for 2021: “Year of the Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers for Building the Africa We Want”.

Hon Chief Fortune Charumbira, Acting President of the PAP, has described President Akufo-Addo as a fervent Pan-Africanist, whose presence at the upcoming ordinary session will reaffirm the strategic importance of the PAP and one of the essential pillars to achieve the objectives of the AU.

“President Akufo-Addo’s initiative to reconnect African Americans to the continent was poignant and it is a continuation of Ghana’s history of a Pan-African movement, which is central to the progress of Africa and black people in general. His presence at the next ordinary session, as we commemorate Africa’s culture and heritage, is fitting. We look forward to his message on unity for the social, economic and political progress of the continent as well as the importance of the continent growing together, charting and redefining its own way,” says Hon Charumbira.

Ghana’s Year of Return in 2019 marked 400 years since the first enslaved Africans reached America. It was also the year Ghana’s President, Akufo-Addo, invited all people of African descent to return to the continent to rethink their identity and reclaim their roots.

HE Olusegun Obasanjo, former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is also expected to deliver a message of solidarity during the Opening Ceremony. The opening event will further be addressed by Dr Naledi Pandor, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of South Africa and host of the PAP.

The Fourth Ordinary Session of the Fifth Parliament will include elections for the Bureau that will take the baton from the Fifth Parliament on 31 May 2021. At least 100 new delegates from different countries will be sworn in as members of the PAP following elections in a number of African states and rotation within delegations.
Government has called on citizens to play their part to ensure the safety of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI+) community.
“We call on all sectors of society to oppose any form of violence committed against LGBTQI+ persons,” Acting Minister in The Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, said.

The call came as South Africa joined the rest of the world in commemorating the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia under the theme, “Together: Resisting, Supporting and Healing”.

In 1990, on this day, the World Health Organisation took a firm stand to remove homosexuality from the International Classification of Diseases, opening a gateway to equal rights and inclusion.

The South African Constitution, which celebrates its 25-year anniversary this year, provides for equal rights to all who live in South Africa.

Minister Ntshavheni said the Bill of Rights reaffirmed that the State might not unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone, irrespective of race, gender, marital status, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion or cultural background.

“Government reaffirms its commitment to protect the rights of all who live in South Africa. Members of the LGBTI+ community are equally protected by the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa,” the Minister said.

She said the commemoration built on existing measures to educate and raise awareness among the public.

“It is also used to reflect on progress that has been made by the National Task Team on Gender and Sexual Orientation-Based Violence Perpetrated Against LGBTQI+ Persons, which was established to protect and address concerns of the LGBTQI+ community.”

As the day was commemorated, Minister Ntshavheni said government would stop at nothing until the realisation of an equal society that protected the lives and livelihoods of all, especially the most vulnerable members of society.

“The National Strategic Plan On Gender-Based Violence and Femicide remains relevant as a multi-sectoral, coherent strategic policy and programming framework that coordinates a national response to the crisis of gender-based violence and femicide, which also affects the LGBQTI+ community,” Minister Ntshavheni said.

The Minister said government would continue to do all it could to provide a safe environment, particularly for the marginalised members of society, and create a conducive space to ensure their full economic participation in the development of the country.

“As society, we all have a responsibility to exercise tolerance and respect for each other,” Minister Ntshavheni said.

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The Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation has underlined the strategic importance of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP) for the socio-economic prospects of both Lesotho and South Africa.
The committee made the remarks as it recently concluded its week-long oversight visit to the LHWP.

Committee Chairperson Machwene Semenya said the purpose of the oversight visit was to assess progress on the project and challenges, strengthen oversight over the project, and also meet the Lesotho committee responsible for water.

“The committee felt it was necessary for its oversight work to visit Lesotho and assess progress, especially considering the economic importance of the project to the sustainability of Gauteng, which is our country’s economic hub and seat of the executive,” said Committee Chairperson Semenya in a statement on Monday, 10 May 2021.

The LHWP is a binational water transfer and hydroelectricity generation project between the Kingdom of Lesotho and the Republic of South Africa, established through a treaty signed in 1986.

The project generates hydroelectricity for the sole benefit of Lesotho citizens, while water is transferred to meet the water needs of South Africans. It satisfies 60% of Gauteng’s water demand.

The project is a flagship of the Southern African Development Community Revised Protocol, which is premised on regional economic integration for peace and prosperity. It is a water and energy security bilateral agreement.

It also enables South Africa to meet some of its international commitments, including the global Sustainable Development Goals.

Another such commitment is the African Union Agenda 2063 on Socio-Economic Integration pertaining to trade and the movement of people.

As part of its programme, Semenya said the committee met with the Natural Resources Cluster Committee of the National Assembly of Lesotho, where they focussed on oversight of the LHWP and its benefits to both countries.

The committees agreed on a collaborative oversight effort over the project to ensure the maximisation of benefits of the project for both countries, and also to share knowledge and learn from each other going forward.

“The meeting recommended that the treaty between Lesotho and South Africa needed to be reviewed in its entirety, as the 2011 amendment only focussed on Phase Two of the project and does not cater for the current state of affairs in both countries. Above all, the joint committees concurred that the LHWP is too important to fail.

“The committee received briefings from the South African High Commission, the Lesotho Highlands Water Authority and the Lesotho Highlands Water Commission.

“It also visited Katse and Polihali (under construction) dams and the Muela Hydropower Plant. The committee was impressed with the quality of the dam and associated structures and the overall management and operations of the LHWP,” Semenya said.

Despite the success of the LHWP, the committee, however, identified various challenges needing urgent attention from both countries.

These include compensation of resettled communities, capacity-building and skills transfer between the two countries and funding of the project.

“Nevertheless, the project implementers assured the delegation that these challenges are not insurmountable with plans already in place to arrest them. The committee has emphasised the need to speed up implementation of Phase Two of the project to ensure that both countries explore maximum benefits from the project.

“The committee resolved that it would assist by collaborating with its Lesotho counterparts on conducting oversight and amending laws, and advocating for improved funding allocations where necessary,” Semenya said.

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The Portfolio Committee on Police and the People’s Republic of China Judicial Affairs Committee have re-emphasised their commitment to bilateralism and multilateralism in the effort to fight crime.
The committees made the commitment during a bilateral engagement conducted by the Portfolio Committee on Police with the National People's Congress Supervisory and Judicial Affairs Committee of the People’s Republic of China, to share ideas and best practices in an effort to fight crime in their respective countries and the world.

The meeting was attended by delegates of both committees and took place in a cordial spirit of cooperation, and built on the bilateral agreement between the respective countries to learn from one another.

Police Committee Chairperson, Tina Joemat-Pettersson, said that both committees re-emphasised their commitment to bilateralism and multilateralism in the effort to fight crime, especially in respect of the emerging threat posed by cybercrime and organised crime.

“The committees emphasised the centrality of community-based policing as a necessary platform to fighting crime,” Joemat-Pettersson said.

A good relationship between the police and the communities they serve was also highlighted, as a strong and obligatory pillar if the scourge of crime is to be defeated.

The chairperson said the collaboration between crime-fighting agencies across the world remained a necessary deterrent against cross-border crime that remained a threat to the livelihoods of the poor.

She said that both committees committed themselves to continuous engagement aimed at strengthening the relationship that already exists between the two countries and their respective legislatures.

“The sharing of ideas primarily aimed at strengthening crime fighting will also be strengthened because it is only through collaboration that crime will be defeated,” she said.

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A University of Cape Town (UCT) professor has been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society, the world's oldest scientific academy.
William Bond, Emeritus Professor at the university’s department of Biological Sciences, is the seventh South African to be awarded the honour.

The university said Bond was recognised as a global authority on open ecosystems and his research into the forces that shape global vegetation, including wildfire, CO2 levels and herbivores, is credited with transforming the understanding of how these systems materialised.

Prof. Bond said his sister was the one who inspired him to become an ecologist.

“I was inspired to become an ecologist by my older sister who read widely as a journalist and always portrayed ecology as an important field, but I only appreciated its scope and scientific fascination decades later,” he said.

He said he also looked up to other fellows from the society and specifically Charles Darwin.

Prof. Bond said Darwin had always been his hero because he was a wonderful guide to travelling the world as a biologist and such an astute observer of human society.

“Science has given us a way to test new human ideas and that is something to be treasured. Reason has been such a powerful tool for us humans, but logic alone is not the answer. In fact, science requires the imagination to make connections that lead to new discoveries and this creativity comes from all sorts of sources, including art, music, myth and poetry. I think that’s where South Africa and Africa has much to offer: our perspective is unique and valuable; it leads to new ways of seeing,” said Prof. Bond.

He said at this moment when misinformation was a real danger and the biomes that he had spent his career studying were under threat, it was a great honour to be recognised by an institution such as the Royal Society, which promoted the role of science.

– Source: Weekend Argus
A South African-born billionaire – who moved to the United States of America after qualifying as a medical doctor – is set to invest R3 billion in a locally produced vaccine for the country.
Dr Patrick Soon-Shiong, a South African-American transplant surgeon, billionaire businessman, bioscientist and media proprietor, has just announced that he will be investing R3 billion to transfer the latest technology for producing vaccines and biological therapies to South Africa.

The New York Times reported that the doctor said that South Africa could then use them to make a second generation of vaccines to address variants of the Coronavirus that might make current vaccines less effective. In addition, he hopes that the technology would be used to meet the immediate Coronavirus crisis and address neglected diseases, including schistosomiasis, a parasitic infection common in sub-Saharan Africa.

“Transferring the technology is as important as waiving intellectual property rights. Our goal and our commitment is to come back to South Africa and transfer this kind of technology,” he said.

Referring to South Africa, he said, “Not only do we have the science, but we also have the human capital and the capacity and the desire.”

Earlier this year, the South Africa Government announced a partnership with Dr Soon-Shiong’s company, ImmunityBio, to help produce an experimental Coronavirus vaccine, which is currently in the trial phase.

Dr Soon-Shiong was born in Port Elizabeth (Gqeberha) to Chinese immigrant parents who fled from China during the Japanese occupation in World War II. His parents were Hakka, originally from Mei County in Guangdong province.

Dr Soon-Shiong graduated fourth out of his class of 189 from the University of Witwatersrand, receiving a Bachelor’s degree in Medicine (MBBCh) at age 23. He completed his medical internship at Johannesburg’s General Hospital. He then studied at the University of British Columbia, where he earned a Master’s degree in 1979, with research awards from the American College of Surgeons, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the American Association of Academic Surgery.

He moved to the United States and joined UCLA Medical School in 1983, serving on that faculty until 1991 as a transplant surgeon. Between 1984 and 1987, he served as an associate investigator at the Centre for Ulcer Research and Education. Dr Soon-Shiong performed the first whole-pancreas transplant done at UCLA, and he developed and first performed the experimental Type 1 diabetes treatment known as encapsulated-human-islet transplant, and the “first pig-to-man islet-cell transplant in diabetic patients”. After a period in industry, he returned to UCLA in 2009, serving as a professor of Microbiology, Immunology, Molecular Genetics and Bioengineering until this date. Soon-Shiong served as a visiting professor at Imperial College, London, in 2011.

In May 2020, Dr Soon-Shiong’s ImmunityBio was selected for the federal government’s “Operation Warp Speed” to help quickly develop a COVID-19 vaccine.

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The Blue Train is starting to see an increase in the number of international guests travelling for leisure, as worldwide COVID-19 vaccination programmes get under way.
This is an early indication of recovery in the tourism sector, according to Nomasonto Ndlovu, Executive Manager of Tourism, Hospitality and Heritage at Transnet.

In the first quarter of 2021, The Blue Train welcomed visitors on board from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland.

“The Blue Train has also enjoyed the company of local tourists who, following the easing of COVID-19 lockdown regulations in November 2020, have been supporting this national treasure and other local tourism businesses,” added Ndlovu.

He highlighted that COVID-19 precautions, aligned with Department of Tourism and World Health Organisation guidelines, had improved at The Blue Train. “The latest addition to these precautions was the introduction of rapid antigen testing for all guests and crew prior to departure. This, on top of the strict wearing of masks in shared spaces, frequent sanitising and servicing of air-conditioning systems, has gone a long way in ensuring that guests can surrender to the luxury of slow without any worry,” Ndlovu pointed out.

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Cape Town residents helped secure a big win for their city in the 2021 City Nature Challenge; going against 150 cities worldwide, residents recorded 71 142 natural observations.
The City of Cape Town has been declared as the official winner of two categories in the 2021 City Nature Challenge. The number of Cape Town residents who participated this year increased to 1 315. These participants made it possible for the city to make the most observations and record the most species in this international competition. Over 150 cities worldwide competed to see who could make the most observations of nature, find the most species and engage the most people.

Together, Cape Town participants recorded 71 142 observations and 4 766 species across the city. In the recorded observations category, runners-up were Hong Kong, with 29 781 observations and Houston, United States of America (USA), with 33 452. In the recorded species category, runners-up were Hong Kong with 4 179 species; and Houston, USA, with 3 707.

“Capetonians really rose to the challenge and used this opportunity to explore their natural surroundings. We once again showcased the biodiversity Cape Town has to offer. I want to thank each and every resident and visitor who participated in the challenge and for enthusiastically recording as many features of the natural environment they came across. Our biodiversity carries so much value and is globally recognised,” said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Spatial Planning and Environment, Alderman Marian Nieuwoudt.

“We manage more than 20 nature reserves across Cape Town and I encourage residents to explore the nature conservation area that appeals to them most. Our reserves offer an abundance of natural beauty, and is so diverse and beautiful, it would be a pity if our own residents missed out on it,” said the City’s Executive Mayor, Alderman Dan Plato.

The competition took place between 30 April and 3 May 2021. Capetonians were encouraged to explore the city’s nature reserves and natural open spaces and to record all of the local plant and animal species that they spotted over the four days. Participants were required to download the app and then had to share their observations by uploading all of their findings on the app.

The city coordinated numerous activities during the course of the challenge, among which tours of the reserves with local experts. In addition, the reserves were open to those interested in recording their observations of plant and animal life over the four days.

The top 20 species recorded included:
  • Bietou
  • Common Sugarbush
  • Sea Fig
  • Giant Protea
  • Rose-scented Geranium
  • Common Sunshine Conebush
  • Varkoor
  • Common Lionspaw
  • Golden Wreath Wattle
  • Golden Conebush
  • Egyptian Goose
  • Wild Mallow
  • Cape Snow Bush
  • Western Honey Bee
  • Cape Honeysuckle
  • Hangertjies
  • White Bristle Bush
  • Christmas Berry
  • Fynbos Blombush
  • Common Arum Lily
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Wits University is a founding partner of the new online magazine reporting on scientific research and policy across Africa.
Nature Africa is part of the Springer Nature stable of prestigious journals. The new digital magazine began publishing freely accessible science news, research highlights and feature stories by African researchers on 3 May 2021.

A virtual event to celebrate the launch of Nature Africa took place on Monday, 10 May 2021.

Nature Africa intends to give a voice to good quality research emanating from Africa and sharing this on a global stage.

Professor Lynn Morris, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Innovation at Wits, says: “Wits is very pleased to be supporting Nature Africa, a new freely available publication that aims to showcase African research. It will stimulate discussion around pertinent topics and highlight impactful research relevant to the continent. We hope that this publication will grow and become a major forum for scientists, policy-makers and funders committed to a better life for all.”

Nature Africa will cover the highest impact research taking place across the continent and communicate this to scientists and decision-makers in and outside Africa.

Alongside news stories and research highlights, Nature Africa will also publish feature articles, opinion pieces and commentaries. The languages of publication are English and French.

Led by Chief Editor, Akinlabi Kazeem Jimoh, Nature Africa will draw attention to African research that drives growth and development across the continent. He says, “We hope to tell and be part of the African growth story, which often does not receive the attention it deserves.”

A diverse range of articles will be written by journalists and researchers, and topics relevant for Africa will be covered alongside broader issues.

Content in Nature Africa is free to access at, thanks to the financial support of a consortium of partners, including Wits University, University of Cape Town, University of Johannesburg, University of Pretoria, University of KwaZulu-Natal and Stellenbosch University.

– Source: University of the Witwatersrand
South African gin brand Flowstone Gin has earned three awards at the 2021 International Spirits Challenge, boosting its accolades to a total of 21.
The International Spirits Challenge took place recently and South African gin brand Flowstone walked away with three awards in the gin categories.

The brand was launched four years ago and has since earned a total of 21 awards, including the three newest ones. The brand has earned two silver awards and a bronze for the Bushwillow, Snuffbox and Wild Cucumber Gin.

“We are honoured to be recognised again by the International Spirits Challenge judging panel”, says Flowstone Gin representative, Mark French. “We always feel truly proud to not only be representing our continent of Africa, but also to wake up every morning and know that as the sun rises, we are foraging and harvesting in one of the most remarkable and beautiful regions in the world, The Cradle of Humankind.”

Of the International Spirits Challenge, Pieter de Bod, KWV Master Distiller, says, “KWV regard ISC as one of the most prestigious competitions of its type. The rigorous judging process is second to none and it is a remarkable achievement to garner ISC trophies and medals as it signals not only supreme quality but also consistent dedication to the craft of creating world-class spirits.”

Now with 21 accolades under their belt for the range, it is clear that Flowstone Gin is on a mission to put premium African white spirits on the map.

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What makes a city “ambitious”? Well, those all-important elements are very present in Cape Town, which is outperforming the likes of New York and Paris.
The City of Cape Town has officially been named as the third-most ambitious city in the world by card payment provider, Dojo. They have created a worldwide index of the most business ambitious cities, using a number of data sources, including:
  • new businesses registered
  • cost of a business start-up as a % of GNI per capita
  • Gross Domestic Product per capita
  • percentage of the population with access to education
  • Google search volumes for starting a new business queries.
Cape Town came third, scoring 384 out of 500 on the “ambition index”. With a population of 4.7 million, the city is home to many of Africa’s most innovative designers and artists – creativity flourishes among the natural beauty of the city. Back in 2018, a total of 376 727 new businesses opened up in the city.

There are incredibly low costs for those looking to open up a new business here. What is more, annual competitions in the city – such as the FNB Enablis Business Plan initiative – also provide over R10 million to start-ups every year. A lot of support is given to SMEs in the city, as they employ around 70% to 80% of the working population in Cape Town.

Cape Town has outperformed New York, Paris and Singapore City in terms of entrepreneurial potential. It’s something for locals and public officials alike to be proud of – and may well be a beacon of hope in our post-pandemic world. Only London and Sydney register higher scores, with the United Kingdom capital coming close to a “perfect total”.

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Wearing a striking beaded gown and coordinated head wrap, Zozibini Tunzi looked every inch South Africa’s queen when she took her final walk on stage as the reigning Miss Universe during the pageant’s finale in Hollywood, Florida, on Sunday, 16 May 2021.
Tunzi may have handed over her crown to this year’s winner, Andrea Meza of Mexico, but as the Miss SA Organisation tweeted, she will “forever be the landlord of the universe in our eyes”.

“From the moment I won, I knew my reign would be different, but I never imagined it would be during a global pandemic,” said Tunzi who, having clinched the title in 2019, went on to set the record as the longest-reigning Miss Universe.

Ever pragmatic, Tunzi pointed out in her final statement that COVID-19 lockdowns meant the world had gone virtual, giving her the opportunity to touch twice as many lives.

Using the online #UniverseUnited platform, she was able to “lend her voice” to causes, including the fights for race and gender equality, and to “amplify the black lives matter message and have conversations to help end systemic racism”.

“My Miss Universe win is my ancestors’ wildest dream,” Tunzi said.

"We are now in a world where a black African girl from a country that is only 27 years into democracy can represent them on the global stage. I want to honour them for fighting for my freedoms so I could be where I am today.”

She thanked her family and South Africa before concluding: “I’m proud to know I did my best to make a difference, cementing a footprint for others to follow in the future.”

Tunzi’s fans were quick to celebrate her on social media. One user said her impact had “no expiration date”, while another said: “You'll forever be my Miss Universe”.

– Source: TimesLive
Musician Master KG continues to fly the South African flag high after going triple platinum in Switzerland with his global hit “Jerusalema”.
It seems as if Master KG's international star power hasn't faded as this is the second time his resounding hit has gone triple platinum.

Taking to Twitter, the star posted a snap of the plaque with three platinum discs, making it official: Master KG has taken over Europe!

Fans are living for Master KG's latest international takeover, praising him for consistently reaching new heights with the song that brought hope during the start of the Coronavirus pandemic.

This isn't the first time the songster has made a lasting impact on his European audience. Earlier this year, the star went triple platinum in Italy with Jerusalema.

– Source: TimesLive

South African social activist, Lerai Rakoditsoe, makes history by hosting “NickMusic”, a family-friendly music show set to play audience favourites and tracks that resonate with both parents and children

She becomes the first African to host a show on the Nickelodeon platform. The daily weekday show premiered on 17 May 2021 and will feature music from across the African continent and the world.

The newly enlisted presenter is also a change-maker who has previously worked with youth and female empowerment groups. An elated Rakoditsoe, whose latest career move has made history, had this to say about being a part of Nickelodeon's advancements on the continent:

"I am excited to be part of the Nickelodeon Africa family and to be the first young African host for the channel. Having grown up watching the channel myself, I know how important it is for young minds to see someone like themselves on screen. Authentic representation is really important and to see myself on the channel is mind-blowing. I'm extremely grateful and looking forward to interacting with viewers across Africa and to show off some of my NickMusic moves."

Dillon Khan, VP for Nickelodeon at ViacomCBS Networks Africa, says the channel stands by its commitment to grow local relevance and content for kids across the African continent. "In our commitment to always celebrate and recognise the power of youth culture across Africa, we welcome Lerai to the Nickelodeon Africa family and encourage kids and parents to put on their dancing shoes and get ready for NickMusic."

The 18-year-old hails from Bassonia, south of Johannesburg. A self-defined storyteller, Rakoditsoe has been previously lauded for giving women a voice on her social media platforms.

– Source:
Canoeing South Africa president, Kim Pople, pointed out that the unique Olympic Hopes Regatta was important as it offered emerging sprinters the chance to race against world-class competition and gain experience in a less pressurised environment.
Canoeing South Africa has announced a squad of 16 junior paddlers selected to participate in the Olympic Hopes Sprint Regatta in Račice in the Czech Republic from 10 to 12 September.

The athletes were named after the successful conclusion of the national and SA Schools Sprint Championships at Shongweni Dam earlier this month, and the aspirant sprint paddlers will get a chance to experience an international-scale regatta for the first time as part of their long-term ambitions to compete in the Olympic discipline.

“This regatta is extremely important for the sprint discipline, allowing our U15, U16 and U17 paddlers a chance to compete at an international event, without the stress of it being a World Championships,” said Pople.

Friendships forged last a lifetime with fellow athletes from all over the world, and the experience gained is invaluable. For many, this is their first trip overseas, so there is always so much excitement.

The Sprint Committee decided in 2019 to support this regatta, similar to the Bochum regatta in Germany, which many of our current senior paddlers attended as juniors. This will be their second trip to the Olympic Hopes Regatta.

Congratulations to everyone selected; we wish you well with your preparation,” she added.

– Source: Canoeing South Africa
South Africa will have two boats in the Olympic sailing programme at the Tokyo Games after Leo Davis qualified at last week's Finn Gold Cup in Portugal.

The 29-year-old will be joining Benji Daniel and Alex Burger, who qualified in the 49er class last month.

Davis had initially dreamed of representing the country at the Olympics in rowing and was the reserve to the heavyweight pair that competed in Rio five years ago.

After four years of training with the high-performance squad under national rowing coach, Roger Barrow, he decided to switch boats in 2018 with the aim of competing in Tokyo in sailing.

"Luckily, I had been sailing at a very high level before rowing took over and I managed to keep sailing whenever my rowing training allowed, so getting back to professional sailing was an easy transition," said Davis.

"Rowing and sailing are both leg-orientated and highly physical sports. I was able to use all the knowledge about nutrition, training programmes, recovery and adaptation that I learnt from the national rowing team to assist my sailing training and racing.

"I feel that the way an athlete approaches their sport and their mindset to achieve is transferable between all sports and other aspects of life."
Davis' final selection for Team South Africa is now in the hands of the SA Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee.

The Cape Town sailor is currently based in Europe, but even getting to the qualifying event became a challenge due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

"I was uncertain that I would be able to attend the event until the restrictions eased a few days before I travelled from Italy," said Davis.

"If I were travelling from South Africa, I don't think it would have been possible for me to attend, at least not without a long quarantine in Portugal.

"So I'm really excited to have qualified South Africa for the Olympics. It has been my dream since I can remember to represent my country at the top level."

The Tokyo Olympics is scheduled to run from 24 July to 8 August.

– Source:

The 103rd PGA Championship gets under way at the Ocean Course at Kiawah Island in South Carolina on Thursday, 20 May 2021.
This year, there are a record 11 South Africans in the field.

This is mainly due to South Africa boasting 10 golfers in the Top 100 on the Official World Golf Rankings and 2011 Masters winner Charl Schwartzel also receiving an invitation to the event.

The last time a South African lifted the famed Wanamaker Trophy was in 1972 when Gary Player won by two strokes for his second PGA Championship title.

The South Africans are:

Louis Oosthuizen, Christiaan Bezuidenhout, Garrick Higgo, Erik van Rooyen, Daniel van Tonder, Dylan Frittelli, Brandon Stone, Dean Burmester, Branden Grace, George Coetzee and Charl Schwartzel.

– Source: News24
“Mr President, we thank the People’s Republic of China for convening this emergency meeting on the escalation of violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

“South Africa strongly condemns the continuing escalation of attacks by Israel on Palestinians in Gaza and East Jerusalem. These actions are totally unjust and shameful, particularly the targeting of the most vulnerable section of the Palestinian community: civilians, including children, women and the elderly. The resulting casualties, loss of livelihood, ensuing hostilities and surge in intercommunal violence engulfing the occupied Palestinian Territories bears the sole responsibility of the occupying power, Israel.

“We express our condolences to the families of all that have been injured or have lost their lives.

“Israel’s ongoing attacks on Palestinians, including on civilian infrastructure, which violates UN resolutions, including resolutions of the Security Council, justifies an urgent call for the intervention of the international community. These actions should be addressed by the International Criminal Court, a Court set up by the international community to address crimes against humanity. This Council has in the past not hesitated to refer crimes of this nature to the ICC and should not hesitate to do so again in this case. Failure to do so will fuel the perception of double standards.

“The continued illegal settlement activity of Israel, including the planned evictions of Palestinian families in the Sheikh Jarrar and Silwan neighbourhoods must be condemned by this Council.

“South Africa is also appalled by the violence by vigilante-style groups and mobs on Palestinians as well as the violation of religious sites. As Secretary-General Guterres has stated, leaders have a “responsibility to curb inflammatory rhetoric and calm the rising tensions”.

“Mr President,

“South Africa remains unequivocally committed to working towards a situation where the fundamental human rights and freedoms of all the people on both sides of the green line are promoted and respected and where all live free from violence, occupation and oppression based on race, religion or any other status. South Africa remains committed to reviving a political process that would see the realisation of these rights and values.

“Any peace plan should reject attempts to restrict Palestinians to balkanised territories that are devoid of sovereignty, territorial contiguity and economic viability that would be similar to the Bantustans under Apartheid South Africa. A lasting solution must be premised on a just settlement with just laws that are rights-based and that facilitates equality and equity for all who have a right to live in the territories of Israel and Palestine. This includes sovereign equality between States.

“The recent developments require the urgent attention and appropriate response of the Security Council. The Security Council must call for an immediate cessation of all attacks by the occupying power, Israel on civilians, including children and that Israel should also not impose any conditionalities for negotiations towards a ceasefire agreement.

“Mr President,

“In conclusion, South Africa is of the view that if the UN Security Council is unable or unwilling to act, this matter must be referred to the General Assembly for consideration. This will ensure that the United Nations would not shirk its responsibility to maintain international peace and security.

“I thank you.”
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