Issue 50 | 28 March 2013
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“Our shared vision of intensifying development, integration and industrialisation remains at the core of our BRICS partnership …”
– President Jacob Zuma
Marking another milestone in the history of the country and continent, President Jacob Zuma hosted Her Excellency President Dilma Rousseff of the Federative Republic of Brazil, His Excellency President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, His Excellency President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China and the Honourable Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of the Republic of India for the fifth BRICS Summit in Durban from 26 to 27 March 2013.

A major outcome of the summit, outlined in the eThekwini Declaration, was the announcement of the establishment of the BRICS-led Development Bank to address the challenges faced by developing countries of infrastructure development due to insufficient long-term financing and foreign direct investment, especially investment in capital stock. The leaders said BRICS cooperation towards more productive use of global financial resources could make a positive contribution to addressing this problem.

Another announcement, among several others, was the construction of a financial safety net through the creation of a Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) among the BRICS countries. The self-managed CRA will have a positive precautionary effect to help BRICS countries forestall short-term liquidity pressures, provide mutual support and further strengthen financial stability.

The finance ministers will negotiate and conclude the agreements and progress will be reviewed by the leaders when they meet in September.

It is envisaged that Africa’s development will be enhanced through infrastructure development projects and the BRICS countries will play a pivotal role. This was affirmed during the discussions between BRICS and African leaders during a Retreat on 27 March in Durban post the summit. The BRICS Summit and the BRICS and African Leaders Retreat coincided with the historic celebration in May this year, of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Organisation for African Unity, which has evolved into the African Union (AU). President Zuma was joined by 15 African heads of state for the discussions with the BRICS leaders. These included the chairpersons of the AU and AU Commission; the Chairperson of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee; the heads of state and government chairing the AU’s eight regional economic communities; as well as the heads of state and government championing the AU/NEPAD Presidential Infrastructure Championing Initiative.

In all, South Africa hosted 19 heads of state and government from BRICS and the continent.

“A real privilege for our young nation”, President Zuma said.

The theme of both the summit, “BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Development, Integration and Industrialisation” and the retreat, “Unlocking Africa’s Potential: BRICS and African Cooperation on Infrastructure”, followed on the 2011 Sanya Summit commitment that discussions would continue on the role of BRICS partnering with Africa to support Africa’s infrastructure development and industrialisation.

For more information on the summit and the eThekwini Declaration and Action Plan, visit



A medical review committee set up to review the case against Prof. Karabus met in Abu Dhabi and absolved Karabus from all blame in the case.

Following a breakthrough early last week, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) announced on 21 March 2013 the acquittal of Professor Cyril Karabus by a United Arab Emirates (UAE) court.

Prof. Karabus, 77, a specialist paediatric oncologist who is an emeritus professor at the University of Cape Town, has been in detention in Abu Dhabi in the UAE since August, when he was arrested while in transit. He was found guilty in absentia in 2003 on charges of manslaughter and fraud following the death of a three-year-old patient he was treating while doing locum work in Abu Dhabi. Prof. Karabus was unaware of the charges and the sentence until his arrest. 

The Government of South Africa has since the beginning of this ordeal remained seized with the matter. Over the past few months, DIRCO had taken several actions to ensure a speedy resolution of the case.

In a statement, Prof. Karabus has thanked the South African Government; the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane; and Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Marius Fransman, for taking a personal interest in his case.

“It has been a long, difficult and trying journey … I look forward to returning to South Africa and to spending quality time with my family and friends.”



Investing in South Africa's youth and paying particular attention to their skills development is key to the country's future economic growth.


Speaking at the Commonwealth Conference on Education and Training of Youth Workers at the University of South Africa (Unisa) in Pretoria on 19 March 2013, President Jacob Zuma said the world would only prosper if there were dedicated efforts to invest in the youth.

The President said the fifth BRICS Summit, which took place in Durban on 26 and 27 March 2013, would help promote youth development in South Africa and the continent as the formation appreciated the urgency of the youth employment and empowerment drive.




The passage of the draft, which still needs endorsement of the Parliament, is a major stepping stone for general elections set for late 2013.

A draft constitution that limits the presidential term and protects a wide range of individual rights has been approved by the vast majority of Zimbabwean voters, the country's election body announced on 19 March 2013.

The draft was passed by over three million votes while only less than 180 000 people voted against it. The election body previously said there were about six million eligible voters across that country.

The Southern African Development Community Observation Mission, which led the largest international observers’ team for the referendum, said in a statement that in general the polling process was conducted in "a peaceful, transparent and smooth manner".



Our membership of this most important body of the United Nations coincides with our membership of the Economic and Social Council.

South Africa has been elected by the General Assembly of the United Nations as a member of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC). Our membership of this most important body of the United Nations coincides with our membership of the Economic and Social Council.

The PBC is an intergovernmental advisory body that supports peace efforts in countries emerging from conflict, and is a key addition to the capacity of the international community in the broad peace agenda.

The PBC plays a unique role in:
  • bringing together all of the relevant actors, including international donors, the international financial institutions, national governments and troop-contributing countries
  • marshalling resources
  • advising on and proposing integrated strategies for post-conflict peacebuilding and recovery and where appropriate, highlighting any gaps that threaten to undermine peace.



The Lifetime Achievement Award, the top award for the evening, went to business mogul Richard Maponya who is known for building a business empire despite the restrictions of apartheid.

The best South African businesses in various sectors of the economy were showcased at the inaugural South African Premier Business Awards hosted by the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) on 20 March 2013.

The awards were held in partnership with Proudly South African and Brand South Africa, with the aim of recognising South African companies that invest in human and technical resources in various projects and stimulate job creation.

The winners, per category, were as follows:
  • Rural Development Award: Social Change Assistance Trust (SCAT)
  • SMME Award: Malcom - Ezindaleni Hydraulics & Engineering
  • Young Entrepreneur Award: Miss Earth South Africa
  • Women-Owned Enterprise Award: Segakweng Enterprise and Strategy Consulting
  • Quality Award: Coega Dairy
  • Technology Award: Tshwane University of Technology
  • Green Award: MTN SA
  • Media Award: Talk Radio 702/567 Cape Talk
  • Proudly South African Enterprise Award: G.U.D Holdings
  • Most Empowered Enterprise Award: MTN SA
  • Investor Award: Nestle (South Africa)
  • Manufacturer Award: Powertech and Bell Equipment Company SA
  • Exporter Award: Abagold and Saab Grintek Defence
  • Lifetime Achievement Award: Dr Richard Maponya.
On 4 April, the dti will launch the fifth iteration of the Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP), which will outline government's plans to industrialise the South African economy. IPAP now falls under the New Growth Path, which is an economic framework for 2010 to 2020, with the overriding objective of creating employment.
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