Issue 243 | 7 October 2016
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A total of 12 heads of mission-designate presented their credentials to the President.
On 4 October, President Jacob Zuma received Letters of Credence from Ambassadors and High Commissioners-designate at the Sefako M Makgatho Presidential Guesthouse in Pretoria.

They are representatives of the following countries: Federative Republic of Brazil; Democratic People's Republic of Korea; Colombia; Republic of Trinidad and Tobago; Argentine Republic; Islamic Republic of Iran; Republic of Guyana; Republic of Finland; Kingdom of Sweden; Republic of Fiji; Mongolia; and Kyrgyzstan.

President Zuma said that South Africa welcomed this opportunity to elevate the relations with the respective countries at all levels – political, social and economic.

“We believe that your presence in our country, Your Excellencies, will provide the best opportunity to harness this potential.

“We are therefore honoured to have you on our shores.

“We trust that you will have a fruitful stay and commend this country to your governments and people for business, tourism and cultural links.”
The Working Visit to Vietnam was at the invitation of the Vietnamese Vice President. The visit was used to explore possibilities of breaking into new areas of trade and investment to help unlock trade imbalances between South Africa and Vietnam.
Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa paid a Working Visit to Vietnam from 3 to 4 October. During his visit, the Deputy President held bilateral discussions with his counterpart, Vice President Đặng Thịnh.

The Deputy President's delegation included deputy ministers Nomaindiya Mfeketo, Gratitude Magwanishe, Madala Masuku, Barbara Thomson, Bheki Cele and Kebby Maphatsoe.

Deputy President Ramaphosa also paid a courtesy call on President Tran Dan Quanga and Communist Party of Vietnam General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng. He also paid his respects at the gravesite of the late former Chairperson of the Vietnamese Communist Party, Ho Chi Minh.

He interacted with Vietnamese business leaders in the ship-building and aquaculture sectors before visiting the Pha Rung ship-building site.

Bilateral trade between the two countries grew significantly from R13,4 billion to R18,5 billion in 2015, making Vietnam the fourth-largest trading partner of South Africa in the Asian region.

By 2015, South African imports from Vietnam amounted to R16,3 billion from R11,5 billion in 2014. Exports were at R2,3 billion in 2015 from R1,9 billion in 2014, creating a trade deficit for South Africa amounting to R13,7 billion.

For South Africa, Vietnam offers great trading opportunities, particularly in the mining sector, roads and infrastructure as well as the defence industry.

The Deputy President also explored possibilities of increasing the number of South African students receiving training in the maritime economy.

Currently, there are six South African students studying at the Maritime University in Hai Phong, Hanoi. South Africa hopes to also increase study courses to include ship-building.

Vietnam's ship-building industry is ranked fifth in the world, with 60 ship-building and repairing yards.

Deputy President Ramaphosa's working visit was expected to build a partnership between Vietnam and South Africa in the development of South Africa's aquaculture sector.

To deepen bilateral political, economic and trade relations, the two countries launched the Partnership Forum for Economic, Trade, Scientific, Technical and Cultural Cooperation in 2004 to regulate relations between the two countries.

Deputy President Ramaphosa visited Singapore from 5 to 7 October 2016.

The Working Visit was aimed at strengthening bilateral political, economic and trade relations between South Africa and Singapore which is South Africa’s second-largest trading partner in the Asean region. By 2014, bilateral trade totalled R28,9 billion as compared to R23.5 billion in 2015 with exports amounting to R6,8 billion while imports amounted to R16,6 billion.

On arrival on Wednesday, 5 October, Deputy President Ramaphosa paid a courtesy call on Singaporean President Tony Tan Keng Yam and held bilateral discussions with Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shunmugaratnam before attending a briefing session by the Singaporean Housing Development Board.

On Thursday, 6 October, Deputy President Ramaphosa addressed Singaporean investors, held discussions with the Government Investment Corporation and interacted with the Management of Temasek. On Friday 7 October, Deputy President Ramaphosa and his delegation visited the Port of Singapore Authority.

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During the Bi-National Commission (BNC), the ministers assessed progress in the implementation of bilateral projects and exchanged views on issues of mutual concern.

On 6 October, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, hosted and co-chaired with the Namibian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, the second Ministerial Session of the South Africa-Namibia BNC.

The main objective of the BNC was to coordinate and facilitate bilateral cooperation between the two neighbouring countries.




“Former President Peres will be fondly remembered for his unwavering commitment to the two-state solution with Palestine, which unfortunately is still to be achieved.”
The South African Government released a statement on 28 September following the passing of former President Shimon Peres of the State of Israel.

“President Peres is of the rare breed of politicians who allowed reason to transform his thinking on the question of Palestinian Statehood.

“The late Mr Peres will be remembered for the leading role he played in the development and fruition of the Oslo Accord with the Late President Yasser Arafat and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin for which they were deservedly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994.

“The people of South Africa were fortunate to have hosted him when he visited our country last year.

“The Government and the people of South Africa join the world community in mourning the passing of this great statesman and architect of peace.

“As we remember Mr Peres, we call on both the Israelis and Palestinians to return to genuine negotiations in order to accomplish and realise the vision that presidents Arafat, Rabin, and Peres started in Oslo more than 20 years ago. This will be a fitting tribute to the life and memory of President Peres.”
Maxeke (April 1871 to October 1939) received the National Order of Luthuli in Gold, awarded posthumously “for her exceptional contribution to the struggle for women’s and workers’ rights, and life-long dedication to the struggle for peace, justice and human rights”.
On 27 September, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, delivered a public lecture on renowned struggle heroine Charlotte Maxeke in Polokwane, Limpopo, under the theme: "Women United in Moving South Africa Forward".

Charlotte Maxeke, née Mannya, was a politician and founder of the African National Congress Women’s League. She was the first black female qualified scientist in South Africa and her life was a message.

Charlotte Maxeke believed in the saying “leave the spirit of self/ kill the spirit of self, do not leave above your people but live with them, if you can rise, bring someone with you”. She lived by her own message and put her husband through school.

She played a critical role in the liberation of all South Africans, male and female. She worked with various stalwarts and veterans like Gertrude Shope, Lillian Ngoyi, Helen Joseph and other heroic women.
The DMWG provides impetus to the Structured Bilateral Mechanism and is mandated to track progress in normalising trade and financial relations between the respective countries in the post-sanctions era and guide and institute measures in this respect.
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Nomaindiya Mfeketo, hosted the South Africa-Iran DMWG on 29 September, in Pretoria.

The purpose and objective of the DMWG were to ensure ministerial oversight in monitoring the implementation of the policy objective of consolidating and elevating the South Africa-Iran bilateral relationship into a substantive strategic partnership within targeted sectors.

The meeting focussed on the outcomes of the Presidential State Visit to Iran, as well as the enhancement of trade, investment and economic relations. In addition, the DMWG assessed the implementation of the South Africa-Iran Strategic Framework.

It is expected that the outcome of the meeting will subsequently inform the substantive part of the South Africa-Iran Joint Commission.
The State Visit of President Jacob Zuma during April 2016 to the Islamic Republic of Iran, culminated in the signing of several agreements and commitments by both sides to take economic and trade relations to greater heights, following the lifting of sanctions against Iran. The two presidents undertook to take cooperation to a higher level in the fields of trade, education and skills development, science and technology, energy, agriculture, mining and mineral beneficiation, infrastructure development and transport, finance, banking, insurance and tourism.

South Africa views the Islamic Republic of Iran as a strategic trading partner within the Middle East and Central Asian regions. In the bilateral sphere, South Africa and Iran share a long historical relationship, with Iran having stood with and supported the struggle for liberation in South Africa. South Africa has also stood with Iran in the face of unilaterally imposed sanctions.
The Vienna-based IAEA was established in 1957 with South Africa as one of its founders. It currently comprises 171 member states.
South Africa’s Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Governor to the Board of IAEA (Agency), Tebogo Seokolo, was on Monday, 3 October 2016, elected to serve as its Chair for the period October 2016 to October 2017. The last time South Africa chaired the IAEA Board was in 1959.

The Board of Governors is the major policy-making organ of the IAEA in between the agency’s annual general conferences. It is made up of 35 member states, with South Africa serving as one of the permanent members. The board, among others, provides strategic oversight over the activities of the Secretariat led by the Director-General. It also approves the programme and budget of the organisation and monitors its implementation.

The IAEA is a multilateral body with the responsibility to promote the safe and secure use of nuclear science and technology for peace and development. The IAEA has over the years played an important role in supporting interested member states, based on their respective needs and priorities, to use nuclear energy to generate electricity.

South Africa is highly regarded by IAEA member states due to the development of its peaceful nuclear programme. Through the power plant in Koeberg, the country generates 5% of total electricity supply from nuclear. South Africa is the second-largest producer of medical isotopes, which are used in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Through its research reactor, SAFARI-1, which has for over 50 years operated safely, securely and reliably, South Africa exports this life-saving treatment to over 60 countries the world over.

Since the term of office of the current Director-General comes to an end during South Africa’s tenure as Chair, Ambassador Seokolo will facilitate the processes for the appointment of a Director-General.

In welcoming Ambassador Seokolo’s election as Chair of the IAEA Board, Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane said: “This election is an affirmation of South Africa’s leadership role on the world stage in general and specifically on matters of nuclear disarmament, nuclear non-proliferation and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy”.
These changes are being made as a result of an increase in the number of South African nationals who have been refused entry at the New Zealand border in comparison to other visa waiver countries.
All South African visitors to New Zealand will require visitor visas from 21 November this year.

Currently, people from South Africa do not need to apply for a visitor visa before travelling to New Zealand, with genuine visitors being granted a visa on arrival. As a result of the change, all visitors from South Africa will need to obtain a visa before travelling to New Zealand.

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) General Manager, Peter Elms, says: “We are committed to creating an immigration system that actively welcomes and encourages legitimate visitors to New Zealand, but at the same time is able to prevent those who do not meet immigration requirements.”

“These changes bring New Zealand into line with countries such as Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. People who have booked tickets prior to today’s announcement for travel on or after 21 November should visit the Immigration website to find out how to apply for their visa.”

For further information, contact the media line on 0274 422 141 or email
The South African Research Infrastructure Roadmap, the first of its kind in South Africa, is a strategic intervention to provide research infrastructure across the entire public research system, building on existing capabilities, and taking into account future needs.
The Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor, launched a roadmap to support South Africa's future investment needs and ensure researchers' access to world-class scientific knowledge in Cape Town on 4 October.

Infrastructure includes facilities, resources and services used by the scientific community across all disciplines for research, enabling the generation, exchange and preservation of knowledge.

An initiative of the European Commission and South Africa through the two parties' trade agreement, the roadmap will provide guidance to the Department of Science and Technology on the deployment of infrastructure to enable research, development and innovation.

The roadmap is a vital blueprint, which will allow the country to set national priorities and earmark funds for development and participation in pan-European research infrastructure activities.
The hosting of ICRI 2016 augmented the country's progression to becoming a knowledge-based economy.
The Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor, addressed the ICRI 2016 in Cape Town on Monday, 3 October.

The conference gave an opportunity for government leaders, policy-makers, infrastructure directors, researchers and practitioners to identify new and existing challenges and opportunities, and to explore new ideas, policies, methods, techniques and tools with colleagues around the globe.

South Africa has demonstrated its science and technology research capability, and is acknowledged as a natural home of some of the world's most significant research infrastructures.

Minister Pandor shared the stage with other dignitaries, including Marcus Cornaro, European Union Ambassador to South Africa; Robert-Jan Smits (Director-General, Research and Innovation of the European Commission); and Phil Diamond (Director-General of the Square Kilometre Array Organisation).
Increasing the number of women in engineering in South Africa and on the continent was high on the agenda of the third Africa Engineering Week, which was held in Port Elizabeth, on 28 and 29 September.
Engineering across the world has become less attractive to young people, causing concern among industry stakeholders. In Africa, the problem is particularly chronic, as it hampers infrastructure development.

Engineering Week aims to educate the youth and the general public about engineering through outreach activities such as educational workshops, public awareness events and mentoring activities that show how engineers are key players in finding solutions to significant global challenges, such as climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Hosted by the Department of Science and Technology, together with the Engineering Council of South Africa and the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, the two-day event created a platform to discuss opportunities, challenges and solutions experienced in engineering in Africa.
Since 2009, the National School of Government (NSG) has undertook official collaboration with the France Government's training institution, Ecole Nationale D’Administration (ENA), to explore the yearly management training of South African government officials in France.
On 29 September, the Principal of the NSG, Prof. Richard M Levin, together with the French Government, signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the yearly management training of South African government officials in France. The ceremony marked the formalisation of the collaboration between the two institutions.

The management courses are on Local Government, Anti-Corruption, Organisation of Parliamentary Work and Management in the Public Sector.

A new Partnership Framework Document (PFD) between the two countries was signed by President Jacob Zuma and his French counterpart during the President’s State Visit in July 2016. The PFD reaffirms the commitment of the two heads of state to continue to work together for the development of their respective countries. The new PFD covers the period 2016 to 2019.
The status of transformation towards sex and gender equality in Africa was debated at a round-table discussion on 6 October 2016 as part of the Annual Young Scientists’ Conference of the Academy of Science of South Africa and the Department of Science and Technology.
Gender inequality is a global issue and remains a major barrier to development. In Africa, it is a particular challenge with gender inequality costing sub-Saharan Africa on average $US95 billion a year, peaking at US$105 billion in 2014 – or 6% of the region’s gross domestic product.

This is jeopardising the continent’s efforts towards inclusive human development and economic growth, according to the Africa Human Development Report 2016: “Advancing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Africa”, published last month by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Despite growing recognition of the social and economic benefits that improvements towards equality in areas such as health, education and workplace opportunities hold for the country and the region, the removal of inequalities has not kept pace. Significant gaps between men’s and women’s opportunities still exist and pose a severe impediment to economic and social transformation.

A number of eminent persons participated in the round-table discussion. The discussion was facilitated by Retired Judge Richard Goldstone and the panel consisted of Retired Judge Zak Yacoob; Prof. Christof Heyns of the UN Human Rights Committee; Janet Love, Executive Director of the Legal Resource Centre; and Shireen Said, legal adviser/strategist and former policy adviser for human rights at the UNDP, New York.
The Minister of Communications, Faith Muthambi, says broadcasters in Africa must make the most of the opportunities presented by digital migration.
The Minister recently attended the NexTV CEO Africa 2016 Summit in Mauritius. The gathering brought together top executives from across the continent in the broadcasting industry.

“We went to participate in this summit knowing very well that the definition of television in our country and the continent is changing … The NexTV CEO Africa Summit was the perfect place not only to network, but to learn about new ideas about the future of the TV industry across the continent,” Minister Muthambi said.

The two-day summit also looked at the “Africanisation” of TV content, with a special focus on sports rights. On the final day, there was a round-table discussion on strategies to deal with piracy, advertising challenges and opportunities, as well as Internet connectivity.

Minister Muthambi said there were important lessons for South Africa at the summit. “What we have learned from experts in the broadcasting space is that when it comes to content, one size does not fit all anymore … Pay TV operators and free-to-air broadcasters, including the public broadcaster, must say goodbye to ‘one size fits all’ services and diversify their content offer, as well as the way they distribute content in order to thrive in the years ahead.

“…Viewers’ habits are changing and if you want to be a mass market player, you have to cater for all these different groups. DTT [digital terrestrial television] must provide opportunities for viewers to pick and choose according to their budget and lifestyles.”

Minister Muthambi said for Africans to fully enjoy DTT, foreign media houses should employ newsgatherers from the continent with more knowledge on the socio-economic and political dynamics in Africa.

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South Africa and Egypt have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will boost investment between the two countries, said the Department of Trade and Industry (dti).

The MoU was signed between Investment South Africa and its Egyptian counterpart, General Authority of Investment and Free Zones (GAFI).

“The MoU is designed to conduct an effective and efficient programme geared towards the promotion and facilitation of cooperation of investment activity within high valued-added sectors,” said the dti.

The memorandum was signed by Ambassador Sadick Jaffer on behalf of Investment SA and Chief Executive Officer of GAFI, Mohamed Khodeir.

Ambassador Jaffer said the objective of the MoU was to provide support and facilitate access to respective investment projects and opportunities.

The MoU symbolises that the economic relationship, especially investment between South Africa and Egypt, be taken to the next level which will be a more targeted approach, which I believe will lead to greater investment focus between the two countries,” said Ambassador Jaffer.

Amb Jaffer added that a work plan for the next financial year had been drafted which would include missions and conferences between the respective countries.

“The two economic powerhouses on the African continent are keen to encourage two-way investment and the two agencies, Investment South Africa and General Authority of Investment and Free Zones (Egypt), will be focal points for business interaction on investment,” added the Ambassador.

The signing ceremony was preceded by an Investment Business Seminar hosted by the Egyptian Business Association as an initial outcome of the second Joint Working Group on Investment held in March 2015.

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South Africa's manufacturing income rose from R1,68 trillion in 2011 to R2,20 trillion in 2014.
Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) recently released the manufacturing industry report which indicated that total income for the industry increased by 9,4% per annum.

“Stats SA today released the manufacturing industry 2014 report, which indicates that the total income for the manufacturing industry has increased by 9,4% per annum, from R1,68 trillion in 2011 to R2,20 trillion in 2014,” said Stats SA.

The report is a periodic survey which measures economic activity in the manufacturing sector of the South African economy. The survey is based on a sample of private and public enterprises operating in the manufacturing industry.

The manufacturing industry's large sample survey is a periodic survey conducted every three to five years covering business enterprises registered for tax in South Africa.

Comparing 2011 and 2014, large increases were reported for coke, petroleum, chemical products, rubber and plastic (+R248,1 billion), food products and beverages (+R88,6 billion) and transport equipment (+R81,3 billion).

The contribution of the top 100 enterprises (CR100) increased from 53,5% in 2005 to 58,1% in 2014.

Stats SA also released the construction industry 2014 report, which indicates that the total income for the construction industry increased by 13,4% per annum, from R269 billion in 2011 to R392,3 billion in 2014.

Comparing 2011 and 2014, large increases were reported for the construction of civil engineering structures (+R46.8 billion), construction of buildings (+R26,6 billion) and other building completion (+R11,8 billion).

The contribution of the CR100 rose from 34,8% in 2004 to 40% in 2014.

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South Africa has risen two places, to 47th, in the 2016 World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Competitive Index, improving its ranking in 10 of the 12 pillars measured. The country has the most competitive economy on the African continent.
The newly released WEF Global Competitive Index ranks South Africa as the 47th most competitive economy of the 138 studied. The improvement in the rankings, the best in five years, comes as the country has improved both the competitiveness of its markets and relationships between labour and business, one has made modest, but important, progress in the quality of education, which is up five places from 2015.

One reason for South Africa's rise in the annual appraisal of prosperity and productivity is, according to the report, our ability to withstand the fall in price of commodities. Unlike African neighbours and other developing economies, South Africa has also built on the strength of its financial sector, which shielded the country from the worst effects of the global economic crisis.

South Africa is ranked first out of 138 countries for auditing standards, the protection of minority investors and ability to finance through equity markets. The country is second or third for soundness of banks and financial services, efficacy of boards and regulation of the stock exchange.

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Wine prices climbed to a record at one of South Africa’s biggest sales, with hotel group Tsogo Sun Holdings being the largest buyer for a third straight year.
Sales at the 32nd Nedbank Cape Winemakers Guild auction increased 17% to R13,83 million from a year earlier, the guild said in a statement on its website.

The single-day event on 1 October, which took place at the Stellenbosch Winelands, saw record prices for red, white, methode cap classique and port, it said. Fifty-two wines and a pot still brandy were showcased.

Local purchasers bought 84% of the wines, with Tsogo buying more than R2,6 million of wine, it said.

South Africa is among the world’s biggest producers of wine by volume.

The country’s almost 100 000 hectares of vineyards are mostly concentrated in the Western Cape and the industry employs 300 000 people.

This year’s auction was attended by 125 local and 27 foreign buyers representing countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States of America and France. In total, 2 428 cases containing six, 750-millilitre bottles each were sold at an average price of R5 697each.

The average price per bottle was R950.

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The South African and Mozambique governments will commemorate the 30th Anniversary of Samora Machel’s tragic death on Monday, 17 October 2016, at the Samora Machel Museum in Mbuzini, Nkomazi Municipality, Mpumalanga.
The year 2016 marks the 30th Anniversary of the Samora Machel’s death under the theme, “Commemorating 30 Years of selfless service and dedication to the people of Southern Africa, We remember them”. The theme reminds us to honour and express our gratitude to those who dedicated their lives to ensure that our country achieved freedom and democracy that all of us enjoy today.

Samora Machel, the late former President of Mozambique, was killed in a tragic plane crash in 1986 with 32 people on board when the plane crashed in the Lebombo Mountains, near Mbuzini in Mpumalanga province. Eight people survived the crash.

President Samora Machel was returning from an international meeting with African leaders. There were suspicions that the crash was a deliberate act of sabotage masterminded by the apartheid regime of South Africa. In 1994, after the first democratically elected government in South Africa, an investigation by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission found inconclusive evidence pointing at the apartheid government’s involvement in the crash.

During his leadership, President Machel supported and allowed revolutionaries fighting the apartheid regime to operate within Mozambique. This included the African National Congress military wing, uMkhonto weSizwe.

The present democratic Government of South Africa continues to enjoy a strong relationship with Mozambique based on historic ties and geographical proximity, with Mozambique having played a key role during the liberation struggles against apartheid and colonial oppression. The integration of the Southern African Development Community remains critical for the economic development of the region.

The 30th Anniversary of Samora Machel forms part of the Legacy Projects initiative led by the Department of Arts and Culture aimed at redressing and transforming the heritage landscape to truly tell our liberation journey from colonial times, during the liberation struggle and the democratic era.
Sixteen-year-old South African teenager, Kiara Nirghin, has won the Grand Prize at Google’s Science Fair for her innovation – Fighting Drought with Fruit – which could hold the solution to the country’s water woes … using just orange and avocado peels!
The awards were held at Google’s headquarters in California recently. Kiara beat 15 international semi-finalists to win a $50 000 scholarship.

Before the awards, Kiara said that if she won she would use the prize to continue her studies in science and to “further the scientific development and application of my idea”.

Kiara’s innovation was inspired by the terrible drought which has gripped South Africa, its worst since 1982 – and involves using orange peels to create an absorbent material to retain water in soil.

She hopes that as it’s a cheaper and more environmentally friendly alternative to non-biodegradable super-absorbent polymers, it can be useful to farmers to save money and crops.

Kiara, a St Martin’s High School pupil in Johannesburg, revealed she had a natural curiosity and questioning nature which had led her down the path of science.

“I have always had a great love for chemistry since I was young,” she told the Google Science Fair. “I vividly remember at the age of seven experimenting with vinegar and baking soda solutions in plastic cups.”

The Google Science Fair is a global online science and technology competition for individuals and teams ages 13 to 18.

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For the fourth year running, the City of Johannesburg has partnered with international cosmetics company Estée Lauder to highlight breast health and early detection of the disease.
Along with other global landmarks, Nelson Mandela Bridge in Johannesburg will be illuminated in pink for the month of October to raise awareness of breast cancer.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

“The lighting of the Nelson Mandela Bridge will serve as a reminder that the earlier breast cancer is detected and diagnosed, the better are one’s chances of beating it,” said Dr Mpho Phalatse, member of the Mayoral Committee for Health and Social Development.

South Africa was ranked 50th on the World Cancer Research Fund list of countries with the highest cancer prevalence rates, the city said.

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News24 took home two major awards at the inaugural edition of the Digital Media Africa Awards recently.
The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers’ Digital Media Awards are the most prestigious recognition of best practice innovation in digital publishing worldwide.

News24 shared top honours for Best News Website with Kenya’s Nation Media Group and the News24 Elections app for the 2016 local government elections won the Best News Mobile Service Category. The News24 app got second place in the Best Tablet Publishing Category.

"I am incredibly proud of the News24 team for scooping the two major awards: Best News Website and Best News Mobile Service," editor-in-chief Adriaan Basson said.

"It's an honour and privilege to be working with the best digital team in Africa. The local government elections showed us how the combination of in-depth on-the-ground reporting and big data applications complement each other to bring the ultimate breaking news experience for readers."

Many other Media24 titles won their categories

The rest of the winners are:
  • Entertainment & Lifestyle Website: Kickoff (Media24)
  • Best Use of Online Video: IOL: What would you take a bullet for? (Independent Newspapers Ltd)
  • Best Data Visualisation Project: TMG Election App (Times Media Ltd)
  • Best Entertainment & Lifestyle Mobile Service: Men's Health – Belly Off (Media24)
  • Best Tablet Publishing: M&G iPad Edition: 5 August 2016 (Mail & Guardian)
  • Best Reader Engagement: Women's Health – Next Fitness Star (Media24)
  • Best Digital Advertising Campaign: (Media24)
  • Best New Product: Wanted Online (Times Media Ltd).

The awards are presented in major regions around the world, including Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and South Asia.

The winners from each region subsequently compete for the World Digital Media Awards. This year's winners in that competition will be announced during WAN-IFRA's World Publishing Expo in Vienna in October.

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The proposal was based on the remarkable recovery from just less than 100 individual animals in the 1990s to a number well over 5 000 in 2016, signifying South Africa’s success in the conservation of the subspecies.
South Africa’s proposal to transfer the Cape Mountain Zebra (Equus zebra zebra) from Appendix I to Appendix II was adopted at the 17th Conference of Parties (COP17) to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) recently held in Johannesburg.

In August 2015, the population of Cape Mountain Zebra comprised a minimum of around 4 800 individuals in no less than 75 subpopulations that are well distributed over the historical range of the subspecies.
As a result, the Cape Mountain Zebra is no longer threatened with extinction, having recently been assessed as Least Concern in accordance with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species.

The recovery of the Cape Mountain Zebra numbers is globally recognised as a conservation success story, where modern technology and the education of South Africa's people had contributed to the species' survival.

Speaking at CITES CoP17, South Africa's Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, proposed the amendment of the species from Appendices I to II, saying that the Cape Mountain Zebra “subspecies is endemic to South Africa and no longer meets the biological criteria for an Appendix I listing”.

According to the international CITES standards, Appendix I protects species threatened with extinction. Trade in specimens of these species is permitted only in exceptional circumstances.

Appendix II includes species not necessarily threatened with extinction, but in which trade must be controlled in order to avoid utilisation incompatible with their survival.

Hence, the Cape Mountain Zebra will still be protected under international law.

“The Cape Mountain Zebra is well protected in state-owned protected areas," Molewa says.

"The two original subpopulations in the Mountain Zebra National Park and Karoo National Park have doubled since 2004. The national population has increased steadily since the early 1990s, with the annual rate of increase from 2009 to 2015 measured at just over 9%,” Molewa noted.
The last phase of the V&A Waterfront’s Silo district development is on par with the schedule set out for an early 2017 completion. This comes at a substantial investment of R1,5 billion.
The district is the carrier of multiple award-winning No1 and No2 Silo developments, which is the location set out for the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa (Zeitz MOCAA), which is currently being constructed in the Grain Silo complex.

While news of the museum development first surfaced in 2013, this four-year project is said to convert the historic Grain Silo at the V&A Waterfront into a cutting-edge, contemporary art museum.

The Zeitz MOCAA will open to the public during Heritage Weekend in 2017. The opening will comprise a four-day grand opening from Friday, 22 September, to Monday, 25 September. During this time, entrance to the museum will be free of charge.

The CEO of V&A Waterfront, David Green said, “At its heart, Zeitz MOCAA is centred on the promise of creating a museum that showcases the best talent and creativity of Africa and grants access to everyone. With less than one year to go to the museum’s grand opening, we are seeing our vision of an accessible, contemporary art museum reach fruition”.

– Source: Traveller24
An exhibition at the British Museum is showcasing South Africa’s diverse history, heritage and art from thousands of years ago up until today. It is the first time the golden treasures of Mapungubwe are leaving South Africa. They are part of “South Africa: The Art of a Nation”.
The gold treasures of South Africa’s Mapungubwe, fashioned after animals such as a rhino, a cow and a wild cat, as well as objects such as a sceptre and a bowl, bring forth visions of a fanciful city of gold. But this is, in fact, reality.

These treasures form an integral component of a new exhibition at London’s British Museum, titled “South Africa: The Art of a Nation”. It opens on 27 October 2016 and runs until 26 February 2017.

Four of these gold creations will be leaving the country for the first time to be exhibited alongside other South African artwork.

“The exhibition will shed light on the varied artistic achievements of South Africa with around 200 objects arranged chronologically across seven key episodes from the country’s history, from ancient history to the present day,” explains the museum.

“Each section is illustrated with artworks by contemporary artists that provide new perspectives regarding South Africa’s past.”

The exhibition is a chance to explore the long and diverse history of South African art and challenge audience preconceptions in the way visitors have come to expect from a British Museum exhibition, says museum director Hartwig Fischer.

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NFVF CEO Zama Mkosi said: "We are proud that after a rigorous judging process, “Noem My Skollie” is nominated as the official selection for the 89th Annual Academy Awards. This is indicative of the role that the National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF) plays in empowering, and transforming the film industry by taking South African stories from our streets to the world."
The special jury convened by the NFVF announced recently that the feature film, “Noem My Skollie”, had been nominated as South Africa's official selection to the 89th Annual Academy Awards (Oscars) in the category for Best Foreign Language Film Award.

Competition this year for the coveted nomination to represent South Africa was intense. This is a remarkable achievement for Daryne Joshua’s first feature film. The producers, David Max Brown and Moshidi Motshegwa, and their partners who supported the financing of the film at the NFVF, kykNET, M-Met and the distributor Ster Kinekor Entertainment, are absolutely thrilled with this news and are proud that the film deserved the accolade and confident that it will earn the Academy’s further nomination.

The film tells the story of a young man in 1960s Cape Town who ends up in jail and barters his skills as a storyteller in order to avoid being forced into the number gangs. It is based on the life of the scriptwriter John W Fredericks who is now 70 years old. This is a heart-lifting story of redemption that sends the audience on an action-filled roller coaster with a massive emotional impact. It is a film that delves with great authenticity into the culture of the coloured people of the Western Cape but it is a film for all South Africans to enjoy regardless of colour, creed or language.
Capetonian photographer Micky Wiswedel’s awesome photo of athlete Jamie Smith won the Wings Category in the Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2016, announced recently in the United States of America.
The South African photographer headed over to Chicago for the awards, telling friends as he left that he was “pretty damn stoked” to be one of the 55 finalists in the Quest out of 34 624 submissions!!

His world-class photo captures climber Jamie Smith mid-fall as he attempts a new route on Table Mountain in Cape Town.

Writing on Facebook from Chicago after the Wings Category win, Micky said: “Last night was a crazy whirlwind of meeting cool photographers and industry peeps, seeing amazing imagery and collecting some epic prizes. Thanks so so much to all my friends for all the support and messages, you have no idea how much this all means to me!! I love you guys!!”

Fifty-three judges chose 11 images (including Micky’s) out of the 34 624 submissions, as the best action and adventure sports photographs the world has seen.

The overall winner was Lorenz Holder with an amazing shot of Senad Grosic riding a BMX over a bridge in Saxony, Germany.

The winners were able to see the top 55 images displayed in 2.2m light boxes to mark the opening of the Red Bull Illume Exhibit Tour 2016, which will continue on around the world now for the next two years.

– Source:
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Editor: Delien Burger
Picture Editor: Yolande Snyman
Design and layout: René Marneweck


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