Issue 247 | 31 October 2016
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The Diplomatic Fair attracted over 60 foreign diplomatic missions, United Nations agencies, government departments and Proudly South African businesses, as well as thousands of visitors.
The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO), in partnership with Proudly South African, hosted the annual Diplomatic Fair on Saturday, 29 October 2016, at the Union Buildings, Pretoria, under the theme: “Celebrating the Life and Legacy of O.R. Tambo”.

Hosted annually since 2006, the event serves as a key platform to educate the general public about diplomacy and South Africa’s foreign policy objectives. It brings together embassies, high commissions and international organisations accredited to South Africa to showcase and promote cultural diplomacy through creative expressions such as arts, music and cuisine from around the world.

The Diplomatic Fair also afforded government, business, the diplomatic community and other sectors the opportunity to engage and network. In this regard, DIRCO partnered with the Proudly South African Campaign to promote businesses that displayed local goods and services at the Diplomatic Fair.

The day was fun-filled with cultural performances by the participating embassies and stars such as Bucie, Babes Wodumo, DJ Tira and Fiztaz Mixwell entertaining the audience.

At a prize-giving cocktail, held on Saturday evening at the DIRCO Guesthouse, the following countries were awarded:
  • Most informative stall: Italy
  • Most flavourful stall: Nepal
  • Most interactive stall: Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Most creative stall: China
  • Ministers Award (honourable mention): Kenya
  • O.R. Tambo Award based on the highest scores of the above categories: Ghana.
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Editor: Delien Burger
Picture Editor: Jacoline Schoonees
Design and layout: René Marneweck