Registration of birth
Step 1
Application for actual birth registration
- Fully completed and singed BI – 24 Form (notice of birth).
- Fully completed BI- 1529 Form (determination of citizenship). Must be completed by South African Father or Mother.
- Fully completed BI – 1529 Form (determination of citizenship). Must be completed with the baby’s information’s.
- Copy of birth Certificate ( need to be in English)
- Copy of parents Passports or ID documents.
- Copy of Parents marriage Certificate
Step 2
Application for unabridged birth Certificate (Fees 36 Riyals)
- Fully completed and signed BI-154 Form.
- Fully completed and signed BI -24 Form (notice of birth).
- Copy of birth Certificate ( need to be in English)
- Copy of parents Passports or ID documents.
- Copy of Parents marriage Certificate
Step 3
Application for child Passport (Fees 192 Riyals)
- Fully completed and signed BI -73 Form ( both parents need to sign at the Embassy)
- Fully completed and singed BI-24 (notice of birth)
- Fully completed BI- 1529 Form (determination of citizenship). Must be completed by South African Father or Mother.
- Fully completed BI – 1529 Form (determination of citizenship). Must be completed with the baby’s information’s.
- Three passport photos (white background)
- Copy of birth Certificate ( need to be in English)
- Copy of parents Passports or ID documents.
- Copy of Parents marriage Certificate
Step 4
Application for Temporary Passport (Fees 86 Riyals)
- Temporary passports are no longer issued instead emergency travel certificate for one way, and only to the Republic of South Africa is issued.