Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (DIAP)

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Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Act No 37 (2001)

1. Diplomatic Accreditation Application Forms

2. Diplomatic Vehicle Application Forms

3. Customs Clearance Certificate for Duty Free Imports

Diplomatic Property Audit Form 2021

Locally Recruited Staff Personal Details Form

6. Signature Audit for 2021

Policy on the Management of Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges 2011

Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (DIAP) Service Delivery Charter

9. Temporary Residence Visa Circular Note 09 of 2014 -Commencement of Immigration Amendment Act, 2007 (Act 3 of 2007)

10. Diplomatic Vehicles Audit Form 2016

Mission Contact Detail Audit

For more information please call the Directorate: Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges on the following telephone numbers:

Ms Lyn de Jong
Director: Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges
Tel: + 27 (0)12 351 0605
Email: dejongl@dirco.gov.za

Mr Kevin Oosthuizen
Deputy Director: Diplomatic Security, Immunity Disputes, Permits and Front Office
Tel: + 27 (0)12 301 8767
Email: oosthuizenk@dirco.gov.za

Ms L V Manuel
Deputy Director: Accreditation: Foreign Representatives
Tel : + 27 (0)12 351 0367
E-mail: manuell@dirco.gov.za

Mr M A Khan
Deputy Director: Diplomatic Privileges
Tel: + 27 (0)12 351 1376
Email: khanm@dirco.gov.za



NOTES VERBALES: The official written form of communication with the Protocol Directorate, is a Note Verbale in duplicate. These should not be sent direct from a Consulate-General/Consulate but via the Embassy/High Commission of the country concerned.

It is essential that separate topics be dealt with in separate Notes Verbales as different sections/desks deal with different subjects. The DIRCO List clearly indicates the desk division.

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