Issue 292 |07 September 2017
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The meeting of the High-Level Committee formed part of efforts towards finding a lasting solution to the prevailing conflict in Libya.
President Jacob Zuma undertook a Working Visit to Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, on 9 September to participate in the meeting of the African Union (AU) High-Level Committee Meeting on Libya.

The High-Level Committee was chaired by Congolese President, Denis Sassou N'Guesso, and included the heads of state and government of Algeria, Egypt, Mauritania, Uganda and South Africa.

As a member of the High Level Committee on Libya, South Africa supported all efforts of the AU aimed at bringing about a peaceful resolution to the Libyan crisis.

President Zuma has commended the progress registered in the discussions in the Republic of Congo towards the resolution of conflict in Libya.
The meeting considered reports by United Nations Special Representative, League of the Arab States, the European Union and of the AU High-Level Representative, former President of Tanzania, Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete.

The High Level Committee also adopted a roadmap outlining the activities and timeframes for actions towards the resolution of conflict, including an enlarged Fifth Meeting of the High Level Committee, the organisation of the Inclusive Inter Libyan Dialogue, the meeting of the High Level Committee before the AU Summit in January next year as well as the installation of the Institutions of the Transition.

President Zuma congratulated President Sassou-N'Guesso on successfully bringing together all the critical warring factions in the Libyan conflict and noted their stronger convergence on the steps that needed to be taken in order to resolve the conflict and bring about peace, democracy and stability in Libya.

"It was the first time that all the opposing players in the conflict came together under one roof in this fashion and I would like to therefore congratulate President Sassou-N'Guesso for convening this meeting successfully," said President Zuma.

"South Africa remains ready to assist Libya in post-reconstruction and development efforts and to share our country's experiences in reconciliation, constitution-building and the democratic transformation of the State.

"Furthermore, South Africa reiterates the importance of coordinated and harmonised international engagement in Libya."
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Picture Editor: Jacoline Schoonees
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