Issue 389 | 8 August 2019
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Consular Awareness Programme
The agreement follows the successful political dialogue between the Government of Mozambique and the Mozambique National Resistance, which culminated in the signing of an agreement on Definitive Cessation of Military Hostilities on 1 August 2019.

President Cyril Ramaphosa attended the Peace and Reconciliation Agreement Ceremony in Maputo, Mozambique, on Tuesday, 6 August 2019.

South Africa and Mozambique share cordial and fratenal bilateral, political, economic and social relations underpinned by strong historical ties dating back from the years of the liberation struggle. South Africa’s attendance of the signing ceremony in Mozambique was in solidarity with the people of Mozambique and in support of peace and stability in the country.

President Ramaphosa was accompanied by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor.

South Africa is set to become the 25th country in Africa to adopt a national action plan for women, peace and security. Its importance was discussed at a meeting at the Department of International Relations and Cooperation on Friday, 2 August 2019.

  The country has not developed such a plan that speaks to its international engagements and domestic challenges. To date, 79 countries have developed plans and now South Africa and Namibia are the latest African countries to do so.

“This is an important landmark in the search for peace,” said the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor. “We will also put forward a resolution on women, peace and security during our presidency of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in October.”

She said South Africa was well situated to provide much-needed leadership on women, peace and security and could champion these issues in the UNSC and as the African Union Chairperson next year. It was in a position to strategically influence the implementation of the agenda in Africa and globally.

British High Commissioner, Nigel Casey, praised South Africa’s commitment to gender issues, saying: “It is a pleasure to sit with South Africa on the UNSC where it always makes its voice heard on gender issues in UN resolutions and operations.”
Yasmin Sooka, head of the Foundation for Human Rights, highlighted the extent to which civil society participated in the process of developing the plan, which she said began 10 years ago.

“We need to specify who ultimately is responsible for the implementation of the plan and we need a mechanism to hold government accountable. It requires political will to ensure its implementation,” Sooka said.

UN Resident Coordinator in the country, Nardos Bekele-Thomas, said the world would listen to South Africa as it had much to offer in terms of experience in conflict resolution and peace-building.

“The issue I can’t stop hammering and which gives me restless nights, are the high levels of gender-based violence in South Africa, which are unacceptable.

In response to these challenges, Minister Pandor said: “We need to begin with ourselves. It is not solely government, but civil society which has a premier role to play.

“Our problems won’t be solved by women or government on their own, but we need a unity of purpose. When, as families, we are united in our streets at the community level and we care for each other and monitor safety, we will resolve our problem of violence.

”She said South Africa wanted to see more women as part of peace processes, but that women also needed to be part of the legislative institutions after peace was achieved.

The national action plan provides an opportunity for South Africans to work together to chart a new dawn to realise a society free from fear. It is about a change in attitudes and mindsets and creating a safer South Africa for all its people. – Source:

Nelson Mandela Day is celebrated on 18 July every year and is recognised as an annual international “day of humanitarian action”. This year’s Nelson Mandela Day was held under the theme: “Action against Poverty”.

The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Candith Mashego-Dlamini, on 2 August 2019 visited Manzini Primary School in Hazyview, Mpumalanga, where she participated in activities to mark Mandela Month.

Deputy Minister Alvin Botes visited the town of Laingsburg in the Western Cape on Tuesday, 6 August 2019, where he participated in activities to mark Mandela Month at the Karoo Lillies Retirement Home.
The session focussed on exploring cooperation in the areas of trade, investment, agriculture and agro-processing, oceans economy, education, arts and culture, science and technology, tourism and development assistance.
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Alvin Botes, on Friday, 2 August 2019, chaired the Sixth Session of the South Africa-Portugal Bilateral Consultations in Pretoria. The Portuguese delegation was led by Teresa Ribeiro, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

The session also reaffirmed South Africa’s partnership with Portugal on issues such as conflict resolution, peace-keeping and the promotion of peace, security and sustainable development in Africa.

A number of agreements have been concluded between the two countries during the past five years. In 2015, South Africa and Portugal entered into an Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation and in April 2019, the Gauteng Department of Education signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Portuguese Language Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools in Gauteng.

The two countries also maintain a strong economic relationship. Bilateral trade reached R6 billion in 2018, a 9% increase from the previous year. The number of Portuguese tourists visiting South Africa reached 31 754 in 2018. The expansion of economic and tourism relations was a key focus of this year’s Bilateral Consultations.
South Africa participated in the 18th Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) forum in Côte d’Ivoire.

The AGOA Forum is an annual meeting held alternately in Africa and in the United States (US) between the ministers of trade of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries and their United States (US) counterparts to discuss issues of mutual interest.

Trade and Industry Minister, Ebrahim Patel, and his deputy, Fikile Slovo Majola, attended the meeting that was held in Abidjan from 3 to 6 August 2019.

AGOA is a unilateral US trade preference programme that provides duty-free quota-free treatment for over 6 400 tariff lines from 40 AGOA-eligible sub-Sahara African countries, including South Africa, into the US market.
“The US is the world’s largest economy and access to the US market and to American investment in our economy are important ways of addressing job creation and the elimination of poverty. We look forward to a constructive and positive discussion with the US Trade Representative,” said Minister Patel.The forum was held under the theme: “AGOA and the Future: Developing a New Trade Paradigm to Guide US – Africa Trade and Investment”.

The AGOA Forum is an annual forum taking place on an alternating basis between Sub-Saharan Africa and the US. The 17th edition was held in Washington DC in the US. – Source:
The engagement focussed on the economic ties between Germany and South Africa, and the opportunities to work together in fostering deeper, more inclusive growth.
Trade and Industry Minister, Ebrahim Patel, has held engagements with German companies based in South Africa.

The German Ambassador to South Africa, Dr Martin Schäfer, hosted the Minister in Pretoria on Wednesday, 31 July 2019, in a session that allowed the Minister to engage German business people as well as representatives of the German-Southern African Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

“Our economic and cultural relationship with Germany is important for South Africa. German-owned companies have played an important role in helping to develop key industries like the automotive industry. In fact, cars assembled in South Africa, many of them by German marques, represent our largest export to Germany. Open and constructive discussions like this give us an opportunity to develop ways to deepen this relationship so that we can expand our markets and create real, inclusive growth and jobs,” said Minister Patel.

In 2018, Germany and South Africa traded R215 billion worth of merchandise, representing one of the most important trading relationships for South Africa.

Exports of South African goods to Germany have more than doubled since 2014, and the trade gap between the two countries continues to narrow. It is estimated that the more than 400 companies established by German investors have created approximately 100 000 direct jobs in South Africa.

Ambassador Schäfer said trade ties between Germany and South Africa were strong.

“German companies from large car manufacturers to specialised engineering firms are active players in South Africa. They are not only here to make a quick buck. They strive to contribute to the social transformation of South Africa by creating jobs, by investing in training, local value chains and economic transformation, by being responsible corporate citizens,” he said.

He added that Germany was looking forward to building on the strong partnerships and expanding cooperation in crucial fields such as vocational training to help build sustainable, inclusive growth in South Africa. – Source:


A recent trade mission to India has helped a local aircraft manufacturer to clinch a R50-million contract.
  The Department of Trade and Industry’s (dti) Outward Selling Mission (OSM) undertaken in the cities of New Delhi and Mumbai last month has helped Mpumalanga’s Bat Hawk Aircraft to clinch a R50-million contract to supply 200 aircrafts to India over the next three years.

Chief Executive Officer of Bat Hawk, Terrence Pappas, indicated that the contract had been in the making for over three years.

“Previous discussions over three years were basically kicked-off with a commitment for 10 aircraft which we were scheduled to sign on the margins of the recent OSM. Then with the help of the dti, the South African High Commission in India and the Confederation of Indian Industry, we succeeded in signing a contract to supply 200 Bat Hawk aircrafts to Max Adventure Sports in India,” said Pappas.
Bat Hawk Aircraft designs and manufactures light sport aircraft surveillance aircrafts primarily for surveillance and conservation purposes.

The aircrafts are supplied as a complete ready-to-fly aircraft and feature a strut-braced high-wing, a two-seats-in-side-by-side configuration open cockpit, fixed tricycle landing gear and a single engine in tractor configuration.

Pappas added that the signing of the contract would be followed by a site visit that would be undertaken by Max Adventure Sports to their factory in Mpumalanga, to finalise details of the contract.

The contract to supply the aircraft will also help the company to create jobs.

“The contract to supply 200 units that we signed will definitely lead to the creation of more jobs at our factory, especially in the manufacturing side of things. The huge advantage of manufacturing the aircraft in South Africa is the cost of our local aluminium and we source that locally.”

“In terms of the company, it will be quiet easy, especially considering most of the labour for the aircraft goes into the installation of the engine and the wiring. There will be 100% job creation in our factory on the raw material side,” said Pappas.

The dti-led OSM comprised 27 South African businesses with specialisation in agro-processing, defence and electro-technical sectors, and with a specific aim to showcase locally manufactured value-added products and services in India. – Source:

African countries have set their sights on reforming secondary education on the continent by boosting the teaching profession, embracing innovation and information and communications technology (ICT).

  This emerged as the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) concluded its High-Level Annual Policy Dialogue on Secondary Education in Africa on Tuesday, 30 July 2019.

Under the theme, “Preparing Youth for the Future of Work”, delegates engaged on how to design and transform education systems within secondary education.

The two-day dialogue was in partnership with ADEA, Mastercard Foundation and the Department for Basic Education.

The Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, said the discussions would go a long way towards modernising post-primary opportunities.

From the dialogue, a report due to be released in early 2020 will focus on the role of secondary education in ensuring youth acquire the skills, knowledge and competencies necessary to succeed in the globalised labour market.
Mastercard Foundation Regional Programmes Director, Kim Kerr, said the objective of the report was to initiate a dialogue on the importance of preparing Africa’s youth to succeed in an ever-changing work environment.

“Digitisation, automation and technological advances are changing the nature of work globally, including in Africa.

“Now is the time to rethink what skills young people will require to enter the workforce following secondary education, and to intentionally design secondary education systems with those skills in mind,” said Kerr.

Over the course of the two-day forum, more than 160 participants highlighted the immense opportunity of Africa’s young people alongside the realisation of an ever-changing job market with the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

ADEA Executive Secretary, Albert Nsengiyumva, said secondary education was increasingly becoming the platform for preparing youth for the world of work and hence the need for a paradigm shift in reforming this sub-sector.

“African countries need to reform secondary education starting from attracting strong applicants in the teaching profession, and training and retraining adequate numbers of teachers as well as providing skills for the world of work for young people to increase their adaptability and resilience,” said Nsengiyumva. – Source:
China has lifted the ban on beef imports, following a decision by the Chinese Government after an expert team was sent to South Africa to study the situation of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in the country.
On 7 January 2019, South Africa lost its “FMD disease-free zone without vaccination” status, as granted by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).

A report by the then Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) confirmed an outbreak of the disease in the high-surveillance area of the FMD-free zone in Limpopo.

Announcing the lifting of the ban on beef exports to China during a media briefing held at the Chinese Embassy in Pretoria on Tuesday, 30 July 2019, Ambassador Lin Songtian said that in May, the Chinese Government made a unique decision to lift the ban on wool and animal skin imports.

He said that early in June, an expert team was also sent to South Africa to study the situation of FMD in the country.

Ambassador Songtian said that as a most important and reliable development partner of South Africa, China attached great importance to South Africa’s request to resume the export of beef, animal skin, wool and other related products to China.

He said that China had kept close contact with the South African Government to seek constructive solutions, and the Embassy of China in South Africa also worked very hard and close with the Department of International Relations and Cooperation and DAFF of South Africa.

“I led our staff to tour some affected areas and local abattoirs and sent several strong, clear and timely messages to the Chinese Government. I’m very happy the joint efforts we have made got the very positive and quick response from the Chinese Government,” Ambassador Songtian said.

He said that during the meeting with President Cyril Ramaphosa on the sidelines of the G20 Osaka Summit, with the request from South Africa, President Xi Jinping promised to lift the ban as early as possible to resume the beef imports.

“Just less than one month after the meeting of our two heads of state, the ban on beef import from South Africa has officially been lifted while the OIE did not complete its procedure to resume the status of FMD-free zone without vaccination.”

Mutual-beneficial cooperation

Ambassador Songtian added that China was the largest consuming market for South Africa’s beef, wool and animal skin products, noting that the decision made by the Chinese Government to lift the ban without the OIE status was not only a practical but also a pioneering action to deepen mutually-beneficial cooperation.

“It fully demonstrates our strong political commitment to supporting the economic and social transformation and development of South Africa. It will surely send a strong message to the international communities and will definitely challenge the OIE to speed up its procedure to resume South Africa’s status of FMD-free zone without vaccination, and encourage more countries to resume beef imports from South Africa, so as for South Africa to facilitate its agriculture development and help more people out of poverty,” Ambassador Songtian said.

In March, no new cases of FMD were detected. DAFF successfully negotiated the revision of veterinary health certificates for beef to Bahrain, Lesotho, Mozambique, Egypt, Qatar, Jordan, Swaziland, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.

Trade in pork from FMD-free pig compartments were also re-opened to Lesotho, Seychelles, Mozambique, Swaziland, and Namibia (partially). – Source:
The United States (US) Embassy to South Africa has opened 2020/21 applications to its Hubert H Humphrey Fellowship Programme.

  The fellowship offers mid-career professionals an opportunity to spend up to one year in the US, participating in non-degree graduate-level study and leadership development seminars.

The programme also provides fellows time to consult with US faculty and industry experts, and participate in field trips, workshops, and research projects to assist in the development of practical useful strategies that can be applied to the fellows’ work in South Africa.

Fellows are selected through a competitive process based on leadership and commitment to service in the public or private sector. Applicants with five years or more of full-time work experience and a completed four-year undergraduate degree are encouraged to apply.

The fellowship provides for:
  • payment of tuition and fees at the assigned host university
  • pre-academic English language training, if required
  • a living allowance, including a one-time settling-in allowance
  • accident and sickness coverage
  • a book allowance and one-time computer subsidy
  • air travel (international travel to and from the US for the programme and domestic travel to required programme events)
  • professional development allowance for professional activities, such as field trips, professional visits and conferences.
Since 1982, 87 South Africans have participated in the fellowship programme. Cape Town resident Jana le Roux, South Africa’s 2019 Humphrey Fellow, will be based at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.

Le Roux is a qualified attorney working as a legal adviser in the public sector.

“The Humphrey Fellowship will provide me with invaluable experience and leadership skills of working together with, and learning from, global leaders”, she said.

“I will be exposed to a variety of perspectives and knowledge, which I will harness and apply for the betterment of the public service on my return to South Africa.” – Source:
Cape Town has scored a spot in the Top 10 Big 7 Media's Top 50 Bucket List Destinations in the World of 2019 List.
  Compiled by surveying the global travel site's 1.5 million-strong social audience, coming in eighth, the Mother City beat competition from other African destinations like Rwanda's Virunga National Park, which came in 40th, and Cairo, which came in 34th.

In addition to Cape Town’s eighth place ranking, coming in at number 23, South Africa was also represented by the Kruger National Park.

Alderman James Vos, the Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Opportunities and Asset Management, including Tourism, says: "Cape Town’s position as one of the world’s leading travel destinations reaffirms our commitment to making tourism accessible and beneficial across our city.

"Awards like these are a great way for us to benchmark not only our levels of achievement but also allow us to see who the competitors above and below us are. They also importantly give us the opportunity to determine what we are doing right, and what we could improve on as a city." – Source:
Italian underwear, clothing and swimwear brand, Yamamay, has opened the doors to its first store in South Africa.
Located at Menlyn Park Shopping Centre in Pretoria, the flagship store stocks the international brand's trendy range of underwear, corsetry, swimwear, nightwear, clothing and accessories.

Established in 2001, Yamamay boasts a network of over 700 stores worldwide. Spanish supermodel, Georgina Rodriguez, was recently signed on as its ambassador.

The new store launched with the latest lingerie and sleepwear from Yamamay's spring/summer 2019 collection, as well as the CR7 Underwear Collection by Cristiano Ronaldo.
  We are thrilled to introduce Yamamay’s latest underwear and sleepwear collections to South African men and women, just in time for spring,” says John Kainga at Yamamay South Africa.

“The arrival of Yamamay in South Africa brings local consumers closer to the global fashion scene, introducing a brand that is the perfect fit for South Africa’s most discerning shoppers who enjoy treating themselves to quality fashion from around the world.”

In addition to the Menlyn Mall store, Yamamay plans to open its second flagship store at Cresta Shopping Centre in November this year, as well as another two stores at Sandton City in Johannesburg and the Pavilion in Durban, respectively that are expected to open before the end of 2020. – Source:
A local Hout Bay pizzeria called Massimo’s has been named the "Best Pizzeria in Africa" by 50 Top Pizza – the ultimate in pizza awards.
The awards took place in the very birthplace of pizza itself, Naples, Italy. What makes this award so significant is that for the first time since the 50 Top Pizza awards was established three years ago, it recognised an African pizzeria as one of the world's top 50.

The pizzeria has a cosy, authentic feel and caters to carnivores, veggies, kiddies and even has a doggy menu.

Opened in 2009 by owner Massimo Orione, the wood-fired, authentic Italian-style pizzas have high ratings of 4 and 5 out of 5 stars on reviewer websites like TripAdvisor.

But there's even more to this little pizzeria. They invest a lot in their local community.

In 2015, Massimo's started a Pay-it-Forward Campaign. When dining at Massimo's, you can decide to pre-buy a R10 slice of pizza when you settle your bill. That is, if you buy a virtual slice of pizza for someone, Massimo's will "bank" it and for every six slices sold, Massimo’s will deliver an entire pizza to a local charity or institutions. – Source: Traveller24
Another large rock art site has been discovered near Platfontein in the Northern Cape, causing lots of excitement in anthropology circles.

The latest discovery was made at Wildebeestkuil outside Kimberley on a farm owned by the !Xun and Khwe communities.

The site is a few kilometres from another well-known site.

The Northern Cape is blessed with a number of rock art sites.

The rock art is believed to be messages left by nomadic San tribes about animals found in the area. – Source:
Veteran actress Thembi Mtshali-Jones has been honoured with the Living Legend Award, at National Black Theatre Festival in North Carolina.

Taking to Twitter, President Cyril Ramaphos, congratulated the "legend and veteran". The President explained that the Imbewu actress was "being recognised for her extraordinary talent & lifelong contribution to the arts".

The actress has made sure to share moments of her trip in the United States on social media, which has included meeting actors such as Keith David, Lamman Rucker and Andre De Shields.

Thembi also shared an image of herself with her award and caption reminding followers, to remain strong.

"When I look back on my life, I see pain, mistakes and heartache. When I look in the mirror, I see strength, learned lessons and pride in myself," wrote the actress. – Source:
Khanyisile Mthetwa has a superpower. She is able to silence a packed auditorium, without saying a word. All she needs is her flute.
  "I started playing the flute when I was 15 years old," Mthetwa told News24.

Now, nearly two decades since she first picked up the instrument, the talented flautist has won a prestigious award.

"I am the first African to be selected as the recipient of the [2019] Myrna Brown International Scholarship," the 33-year-old said.

The prize is awarded by the National Flute Association of America. This the largest flute organisation in the world, with around 5 000 members from more than 50 countries.

Annually, the association selects a flautist who it feels exemplifies excellence. The recipient wins a cash prize and is flown to Salt Lake City in Utah to showcase musical work from their respective country.

"I feel amazing! I am very excited!" Mthetwa said.

Her love affair with music started when she was a teenager living in Orlando West, Soweto.

One Saturday afternoon in the late 90s, the National Symphony Orchestra (which has since morphed into the Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra), hosted a free concert in Soweto. Mthetwa attended the showcase with her family. The sweet sounds created by the symphony left her enchanted.
Not long after she picked up the flute, it became apparent that Mthetwa was a natural and that weekly lessons would no longer suffice.

In Grade 10, she enrolled at the National School of the Arts, where she was able to get daily lessons.

After Matric, she continued her musical career at the University of Pretoria and, after graduating, she spent two years in Italy and a year in France perfecting her craft. 

Mthetwa topped that off with a diploma from the Trinity College of Music in London.

Eighteen years after picking up the flute, she is considered one of South Africa's finest musical talents. She is a principal flautist for the Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra . – Source:
The South Africa Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) congratulates the South African team who participated at the 2019 World Para Athletics Junior Championships held in Nottwil Switzerland from 1 to 4 August.
The triumphant athletes made South Africa proud by obtaining 22 medals (seven gold, 10 silver and five bronze) and placing fifth in the world on the medal table. Further, Team South Africa broke four world records and a number of African records.

President of SASCOC, Gideon Sam, congratulated the team: “Congratulations to the team and to the South African Sports Association for the Physically Disabled (SASAPD) on your great achievements at the World Para Athletics Junior Championships”.

“You performed exceptionally and all your hard work has paid off. You have raised the national flag high by placing fifth position on the medal table. This boards well for Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. Well done!,” Mr Sam concluded.

The team arrived back in South Africa on Monday, 5 August.
South Africa's Raven Klaasen and doubles partner Michael Venus from New Zealand have romped to their third ATP Tour doubles title after winning the Washington Open on Sunday,
4 August 2019.
The duo defeated Dutchman Jean-Julien Rojer and Romanian Horia Tecau 3-6, 6-3, 10-2.

Klaasen and Venus dropped just four points on their first serves (30/34) to take the title after 74 minutes.

According to the ATP's website, the 36-year-old South African now owns 16 tour-level doubles crowns.

Klaasen and Venus earned 500 ATP doubles ranking points and split $123 000 (R1.8 million) in prize money. – Source:
  Two South Africans were among the world’s bravest few sports people to compete in and finish the epic and gruelling Norseman Xtreme Triathlon in Norway this weekend. It’s the most extreme triathlon on the face of the earth.
Each year, passionate athletes enter the lottery to compete. But only a few (263 this year) are lucky enough to have their names picked out of the hat. This year, two of those were South Africans Kieran Ballard-Tremeer (who now lives in Dubai) and James Bayhack. It was the sixth year running that he had entered the Norseman lottery.

It wasn’t great timing for either of them. Kieran had suffered a year of illness and injury. (She fell down some stairs just six weeks before the race.) And James, at 46, had finally broken his triathlon addiction, and hadn’t been training for a while so he felt unfit and overweight.

But since the chance of ever having your name pulled out of the Norseman hat is so tiny, and the privilege to enter the race so huge, both knew they couldn’t turn the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity down, and the lottery results were well in advance to give them enough time to train.

Against all odds, they each finished the 18-hour race … and got the T-shirt! Literally! “The great prize for all of this? A T-shirt!” laughs Kieran.

To put it in perspective, there are many types of triathlons – normal ones that last an hour or so, Half-Ironman and full Ironman triathlons which many people aim to do once in their lifetime ... and then there’s Norseman, which “takes it to a whole new level because of the weather and elevation – a massive, massive difference”, says Kieran. The bike course alone has 3,800 m elevation over 190 km!

The first 160 athletes to get to 32.5 km on the run are allowed to continue to the top of the mountain to finish (a medical check at 37 km must be passed and athletes carry a survival backpack with mandatory gear in case of weather changes). Those after the cut-off who make 32.5km (which is at top of Zombie Hill) before the 17.5hr cut-off are allowed to continue their run but on a different route into Gaustadblikk.

Unlike the Iron Man which has aid support stations, the Norseman is not a supported race, so it’s up to the athletes to have their own support team who drive along the course bringing them all their food, drinks and some TLC to make sure they stay hydrated and nourished to endure the long hard race. – Source:
  A squad of 153 athletes and officials will fly South Africa’s flag high at this year’s 12th edition of the African Games to be held in Morocco from 16 to 31 August.

The team will have representation in 11 out of 26 sporting codes being contested at the games.

As per the norm at the African Games, Team SA’s biggest contingent will come from athletics with a total of 38 athletes followed by swimming with a total of 24 athletes. Other codes that will form part of the team are: archery, badminton, canoeing, cycling, judo, table tennis, tennis, beach volleyball and weightlifting.

Previously known as All Africa games, the African Games is an important multi-coded event and the highest pinnacle of continental games held every four years – one year before the Olympic Games.
At the former games in Congo Brazzaville, 2015, Team SA performed exceptionally and won a total of 122 medals, 41 gold, 41 silver and 40 bronze, placing third on the medal table.

The team is a great blend of experienced athletes who have performed well at the highest level in different international events.

110-m and 400-m hurdlers Antonio Alkana and Lindsey Hanekom will spearhead a powerful men’s athletics team. Zeney Van Der Walt and Sunette Viljoen will be leading a powerful women’s athletics team. These four are ranked first on the continent in their respective events.

South African sprint canoer and London 2012 bronze medallist, Bridgitte Hartley, will be the most experienced leading the strong canoeing team.

Swimming boasts an experienced team with the likes of Michael Houlie, flag bearer and gold medallist at the 2018 Youth Olympic Games and bronze medallist at the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games.

In addition, Gold Coast Commonwealth Games bronze medallist, Mona Pretorius, will be part of the weightlifting team.

SASCOC President, Gideon Sam commented: “African Games is a very important event on our calendar, the highest pinnacle of competition in the continent. As these games come a year before Olympics, it is a benchmark for our athletes on their road to Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

“Previously we have sent a big team of almost 300 athletes, but as highlighted before, this year it will be impossible to send a team of 300 people due to financial constraints. However, though the team is lean, it is a strong team of experienced athletes and we mostly included the athletes who will use these games as a qualifier for Olympic Games.”

“Take these Games with the seriousness they deserve and give it your all as you will face much more competition in Tokyo. Congratulations to the team on your selection and we wish you well in Morocco,” concluded Sam.
Tatjana Schoenmaker claimed her second gold medal during Day 2 of the FINA Swimming World Cup in Tokyo on Saturday,
3 August 2019.
Schoenmaker’s time of 1:06.54 in the 100-m breaststroke final secured her the top spot on the podium ahead of Japan’s Miho Teramura and Reona Aoki in 1:06.77 and 1:07.06, respectively.

On Friday, Schoenmaker won her first-ever World Cup gold medal in the 200-m breaststroke with a World Cup record-breaking time of 2:22.35, slicing 0.52 seconds off Viktoria Gunes' time of 2:22.87 set in 2015.

Japan's Reona Aoki took silver in 2:24.33 and Spain's Jessica Vall Montero rounded up the podium with bronze in 2:25.32. – Source:
Banyana Banyana beat Madagascar 3-0 to top the Group A standings at the Council of Southern Africa Football Associations (Cosafa) Women’s Championships at the Wolfson Stadium in Port Elizabeth on Monday, 5 August 2019.
  The South Africans, who are now set to face one of Zimbabwe or eSwatini in Thursday’s semi-final, made six changes to the starting line-up from the side that beat Malawi 3-1 on Friday.

Ode Fulutudilu put the hosts ahead in the ninth minute, before a tricky overhead kick from captain Refiloe Jane in the 38th minute had Banyana 2-0 up at halftime.

Midfielder Mamello Makhabane celebrated her 100th cap for her country by forcing home a deflected effort in the 76th minute.

The South Africans were far superior to the Madagascar team in all departments, and could have scored more.

However, coach Desiree Ellis used the opportunity to hand debut caps to Shange Sthembile and Priscilla Pesa. – Source: African News Agency (ANA)
“Madame President,

“On the outset, I would like to thank Poland for organising this open debate on Children and Armed Conflict. The debate is timely as it coincides with the celebration of the 10th year anniversary of the Security Council Resolution 1882 (2009), which added an additional emphasis to the Children and Armed Conflict agenda regarding the violations of killing, maiming and sexual violence.

“I would also like to thank all the briefers for their insightful briefings. 

“Madame President,

“It is concerning that after a decade of the adoption of Resolution 1882, there are still thousands of boys and girls killed, maimed, abducted, fall victims of sexual violence and are denied access to humanitarian assistance. Their basic rights to education and health are threatened as their schools and hospitals are closed or cease to function as a result of violent attacks as we witness in many conflict areas in the world.

“We are deeply disturbed by the Secretary-General’s report which stated that more than 24 000 grave violations against children were verified by the United Nations in 20 countries in 2018. Children represent an alarming percentage and overall number of casualties of war; as refugees and internally displaced children, unaccompanied minors, trafficking or sexual slaves are only a few additional growing concerns to which children are more vulnerable in times of crisis.

“Madame President,

“South Africa welcomes the SRSG’s efforts to sign action plans with the parties of armed conflict to end and prevent the recruitment and use of children as well as other grave violations. It is paramount that these action plans are concrete and their time bound measures are implemented.

“We also commend UNICEF for their rapid response to urgently support children in emergencies and engagements with all parties to negotiate humanitarian access and building trust on all sides in order to serve children.

“South Africa welcomes the release of 13 600 children from armed forces and armed groups. However, we remain concerned about the manner in which children are forced to take an active part in hostilities, including carrying out suicide bombings against civilians.

“We call upon the armed groups to stop with the recruitment and use of children into armed forces. We are aware that children, particularly girls, associated with such armed conflicts are vulnerable to sexual abuse, including sexual slavery. Resolution 2467 (2019) is instrumental as it aims to prevent these grave violations and provides for protection of girls from sexual violence during conflict.

“The detention of children who are part or perceived to be associated with parties to conflict is worrisome. It is important that these children are treated primarily as victims. States have an obligation to ensure that relevant programmes are put in place to ensure that children are reintegrated into society after they have been released from armed groups. Although South Africa applauds the measures put in place by countries such as the DRC, Central African Republic and South Sudan to improve the protection of children, a greater focus needs to be placed on extensive child reintegration programmes. We therefore commend the SRSG and UNICEF for launching the Global Coalition for the Reintegration of Child Soldiers in September 2018 to encourage greater support for child reintegration.

“We are aware that in many situations perpetrators of grave violations remain unidentified. Even in cases where programmes and mechanisms to advance accountability exist, they often fail to achieve tangible outcomes for children. Access to justice is imperative for the advancement of children’s rights and for defending their legitimate interests. This is paramount for their psychological and psychosocial development in ensuring that they are able to grow and develop into adulthood, free of fear and unintended irreversible consequences.

“Madam President,

“On 16 June 1976, thousands of black South African school children took to the streets to protest about the inferior quality of education they were subjected to and demanded the right to be taught in their own native languages. Hundreds of them were shot dead and in the weeks of protests that followed, more than a hundred people were killed and more than a thousand injured. To honour their courage and in memory of those killed, in 1991, the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) established the Day of the African Child. The day also draws the attention to the lives of African children today.

“The Day of the African Child’s objective is to remember these children to celebrate in Africa as well as to inspire a sober reflection and action towards addressing the plethora of challenges that children in Africa face on a daily basis.

“In conclusion Madame President,

“Children are fundamental to the future of peaceful and prosperous societies in all corners of the world. It is imperative that we partner, globally, regionally and nationally, to combine our efforts to collectively strengthen institutions and services for children, including justice, education and health services.

“Addressing the root causes of conflict should be the primary objective to prevent violations against children. My delegation wishes to emphasise the importance of providing the necessary support to these boys and girls to thrive in their reintegration process and have opportunities for a better and brighter future.

“I thank you.”
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