Issue 390 | 16 August 2019
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Consular Awareness Programme
The State Visit on 15 August 2019 is taking place at the invitation of the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, President John Pombe Magufuli.
President Cyril Ramaphosa is undertaking his first State Visit since being elected President in May 2019, to Dar es Salaam in the United Republic of Tanzania from 14 to 15 August 2019.
As part of his visit to Tanzania, President Ramaphosa will also lead the South African delegation to the 39th Southern African Development Community (SADC) Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government scheduled for 17 to 18 August 2019.
The visit will allow the two leaders to discuss bilateral, continental and global issues, and to reaffirm their commitment to further cooperate closely on multilateral issues between the two countries. 

President Ramaphosa will also visit the town of Morogoro, west of Dar es Salaam, to express solidarity with and condolences to the Government and people of Tanzania following  a fuel tanker explosion that claimed more than 70 lives on Sunday, 11 August 2019.

President has expressed his sincere regret at this mass loss of life and indicated South Africa’s willingness to offer Tanzania any assistance that may be required following this tragedy.

President Ramaphosa says the tragedy at Morogoro is shared by South Africans for whom Morogoro holds great significance as the site of the first National Consultative Conference of the African National Congress (ANC) 50 years ago on 1 May. The Morogoro Conference brought together and advanced unity among diverse formations in the struggle against apartheid. The conference also issued a clarion call for an intensification of the armed struggle.
Mazimbu, Morogoro, is also where the educational Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College was established by the exiled ANC in 1978.
The college provided educational and vocational skills to young South Africans who had fled the country after the 1976 Soweto uprising.
A business forum will be addressed by both presidents.
Following the State Visit, the President will attend the 39th Ordinary Summit of SADC Heads of State and Government from 17 to 18 August 2019, which will be held under the theme “A Conducive Business Environment for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development”.
The theme is in line with previous SADC summit decisions that endorsed industrialisation as the overarching priority for the region based on the SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap (2015 – 2063).
The summit will provide an opportunity for heads of state and government to be apprised on the overall implementation of the SADC work programme, including the Revised Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (2015 – 2020) and the SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap.
The summit will be updated on the status of the region's economy, health and food security. It will provide policy direction about future strategic work of SADC and the SADC post-2020 Agenda.
The Chair of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation (Zambia) will also present a report on the status of regional peace and security.
In his capacity as the SADC Facilitator to the Kingdom of Lesotho, President Ramaphosa will present a report on developments in the facilitation process during the SADC Troika Summit of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation to be held on 16 August 2019.

The President is accompanied by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor; the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula; Minister of Tourism, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane; Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni; and the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Gwede Mantashe.



  The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Council of Ministers is responsible for overseeing the functioning and development of the region. It ensures that the policies and decisions taken are implemented.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, led a South African delegation to a meeting of the SADC Council of Ministers from 13 to 14 August 2019 in Tanzania.

The meeting deliberated on several key issues pertaining to the region, considered many strategic documents and received update reports on the progress made since the last meeting, which took place in Windhoek, Namibia, in March 2019.

Key issues deliberated upon included the status of finances of the SADC organisation and it  also received a report of the finance and human resources and administration committees. Furthermore, the council reflected on progress made towards continental and regional integration and discussed development cooperation and resource mobilisation.

In addition, the council, received a progress report on the SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap and the implementation of the current theme of the 38th SADC Summit "Promoting Infrastructure Development and Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Development".

The SADC Council of Ministers Meeting preceded the 39th SADC Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government, scheduled for 17 and 18 August 2019.
During a media briefing on Sunday, 11 August 2019, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, expressed her and and the department's concern regarding statements said to emanate from a student organisation in Nigeria, calling for the expulsion of South Africans and protests at South African-owned businesses.
“The protests are said to be in response to alleged killings of Nigerians by South Africans. As you are aware, these allegations are devoid of truth, reckless and unwarranted.

“We find these statements most unfortunate as they don't reflect the strong relations that exist between the people and the Government of South Africa and Nigeria. The two countries enjoy strong bilateral relations, which were forged over many years during our struggle for liberation in South Africa and in this democratic era, fully supported by the people and Government of Nigeria.

“The Acting High Commissioner to Nigeria, Bobby Moroe, has had several meetings with the Police and other senior government officials in Nigeria. We have also had contact from the highest level of the Nigerian Government, and we have been assured that authorities in Nigeria are taking these calls for protests seriously. They have also assured us that South African citizens and their property in Nigeria will be protected.

“South Africa values the strong ties it has established with Nigeria and will continue to enhance these even further.

“The statements referred to earlier appear to result from the unfortunate passing of Mrs Elizabeth Ndubuisi-Chukwu, the Deputy Director-General of the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria, in June 2019.

“The South African Police Service is still investigating the incident.

“We believe no one should abuse this unfortunate tragedy to generate negative sentiments about South Africa and we express our condolences to Mrs Ndubuisi-Chukwu's family; friends and the people of Nigeria.

“I wish to repeat statements made by the Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, when addressing the Diplomatic Corps early this year. Firstly, there is no targeting of any group of Africans in South Africa. Secondly, our law-enforcement agencies are making every effort to fight crime and arrest all criminals.

“It is worth mentioning that, daily, Nigerian nationals travel to South Africa for a multiplicity of reasons, ranging from business, tourism and academic purposes.

“Similarly, South Africans have chosen Nigeria as their preferred destination for investment and other activities of interest. Nigeria is home to approximately 120 South African companies, among which are MTN, Shoprite, Multichoice, SAA and Game, to mention but a few.

“All these companies have over the years contributed towards job creation and social responsibility programmes for Nigerian nationals, both young and old. We are, therefore, very pleased that our strong relations were able to place South African business on a firm footing in Nigeria, and also paved the way for further investments by Nigerian business in South Africa.

“I am hoping that with the support of our High Commission in Nigeria, we will be able to invite to South Africa some of the leaders of student organisations, leading the calls for protests against South African businesses in Nigeria. I will also ask my colleague, the Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces of our Parliament, to invite his counterpart, the Senate President of Nigeria, and a delegation to visit South Africa to see for themselves that many Nigerians live in peace and harmony among South Africans. We would also ensure that a delegation of members of the executive visit Nigeria to further strengthen our relations.

“I hope their visit will help them to develop a different view from that which they have about South Africa.”
Annually, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) hosts the Dialogue Forum and Capacity-Building Programme for women mediators and peacebuilders to discuss and share experiences on peace- and security-related issues.
  The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, addressed the Fifth Gertrude Shope Annual Dialogue Forum and Capacity-Building Programme Graduation Ceremony in Pretoria on Thursday, 8 August 2019.

This year’s dialogue, which began on Monday, 5 August, and finished on Thursday, 8 August 2019, was held under the theme, “25 Years of Democracy – Growing South Africa Together for Women’s Emancipation”.

Among many objectives, this year’s dialogue’s sought to reflect on the achievements and challenges in order to develop action plans in line with the aspirations of the United Nations Security Council’s resolutions; identifying benefits that can be attained through collaboration between states and non-state sectors; and determining the required infrastructure to deal with contemporary issues in women, peace and security.

It is held in August as part of the department’s celebration of Women’s Month.
South Africa has donated over R100 million worth of humanitarian assistance to the Republic of South Sudan.
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Candith Mashego-Dlamini, officially handed over the humanitarian assistance in the South Sudanese capital, Juba, on Thursday, 8 August 2019.

“We are here not only to pledge solidarity but to tangibly demonstrate our support through humanitarian assistance.

“This assistance package is valued at over R100 000 000,”said the Deputy Minister.

The assistance packages will see each recipient receive a full meal package that comprises  sweet sorghum, red beans, salt and cooking oil.

In the recent past, famine and drought have added to the challenges faced by South Sudan while it was still dealing with the process of post-conflict reconstruction and development, at the same time consolidating the peace process.

  Handing over the assistance, Deputy Minister Mashego-Dlamini said South Africa hoped that the assistance would contribute to the alleviation of social-economic challenges facing vulnerable communities, including refugees and internally displaced persons, comprising mainly women and children.

The people of South Sudan are in the process of establishing a transitional government through a peace agreement by parties with a deadline of 12 November 2019.

Deputy Minister Mashego-Dlamini wished the South-Sudanese well as they march ahead to 12 November 2019.

“We are confident that as South Sudanese you will find lasting solutions to the challenges before you. Peace and development are two sides of the same coin. Without peace, you can’t have development.
“We know that the people of South Sudan share our view that meaningful and inclusive dialogue is the most effective way to resolve political challenges and bring about lasting and durable solutions,” she said.

While in Juba, Deputy Minister Mashego-Dlamini met representatives of the Government of South Sudan to discuss a range of issues of mutual interest between South Africa and that country. – Source:
  The symposium was held under the theme “Transforming Education”. This year’s theme highlighted efforts to make education more inclusive and accessible for all youth, including efforts by youth themselves.
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Alvin Botes, on Monday, 12 August 2019, addressed the International Youth Symposium at the Sol Plaatje University in Kimberley, Northern Cape.

12 August was first designated International Youth Day by the United Nations General Assembly in 1999, and serves as an annual celebration of the role of young women and men as essential partners in change, and an opportunity to raise awareness about challenges and problems facing the world’s youth.

International Youth Day 2019 examined how governments, young people and youth-led and youth-focussed organisations, as well as other stakeholders, are transforming education and how these efforts are contributing to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The aim of the symposium was, among others, to promote various ways to engage the youth in becoming more actively involved in making positive contributions towards the transformation in the education sector and broadly in society.
Trade partnerships should be aligned to the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), Trade and Industry Minister, Ebrahim Patel, said on Monday, 5 August 2019.
 “This is the first Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum since the launch of the operational phase of the AfCFTA, the potential economic game changer for our continent and the realisation of the decades-old dream of the African economic unity.

"It is our ‘Made in Africa’ initiative and we have the opportunity in these proceedings to align AGOA and all our external initiatives to the goals of the AfCTA to enable us to speak with one voice and to build African Union (AU) institutions,” said the Minister.

Minister Patel was addressing one of the opening sessions of the African Ministers Consultative Meeting in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. The consultative meeting was in preparation for the AGOA Forum with the United States (US).

The AfCFTA was launched on 21 March 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda, by the heads of state and government of the AU as a comprehensive trade agreement with strong economic developmental objectives for Africa.

AGOA is a unilateral US trade preference programme that provides duty-free quota-free treatment for over 6 400 tariff lines from 40 AGOA-eligible sub-Sahara African countries, including South Africa, into the US market.

The AGOA Forum is an annual meeting between the ministers of trade of sub-Saharan Africa countries and their US counterparts to discuss issues of mutual interest.

Minister Patel said out of 1 835 tariff lines under AGOA, sub-Saharan Africa could only access the trade benefit using 748 tariff categories, or 40% of the total lines and called on the continent to address this.

“Indeed, we only use 13% of the tariff lines under the bigger Generalised System of Preferences. We are here to discuss how to turn that around, to identify challenges and to take steps to increase utilisation of AGOA preferences as well as to deepen trade and investment relationships between Africa and the US.”

This year, the forum was held under the theme: "AGOA and the Future: Developing a New Trade Paradigm to Guide US-Africa Trade and Investment".
– Source:
  “Data is to the 21st century what oil and steel was to the 20th century. Africa must become more than a consumer market for digital services produced elsewhere. We must become innovators andthe producers too, exporting services and building capabilities,” said the Minister of Trade and Industry, Ebrahim Patel.

The Minister said this at a dialogue session of the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) Forum, held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, on Tuesday, 6 August 2019.

Minister Patel, who was co-chairing a session of AGOA with United States Deputy Trade Representative, Ambassador CJ Mahoney, said digitisation provided opportunities for industrialisation, job creation, entrepreneurship, economic development and tax collection to fund social programmes.

The Minister, however, noted that the process of digitisation was uneven as many countries, including those in Africa, lagged behind – contributing to a digital divide.
"Technology is a potential platform for leap-frogging. Securing its benefits and realising its promise will require well-designed and purposeful public policy measures to promote data for development. It also requires a deep partnership with entrepreneurs and young people who develop the technologies that are changing our world,” he said.

He noted that technological advances offered a range of potential solutions to many social, economic and development challenges confronting African countries.

However, technological change can also be disruptive within societies and economies.

"We live in the age of innovation, a great age for humanity, with digital technologies and digital transformation changing every part of human life, from how we produce, consume, play and engage socially," Minister Patel said.

He noted that governments needed to consider appropriate public policy, legislative and regulatory measures that might include competition, tax, and national security measures, among others.

The private sector, Minister Patel said, should take initiatives to use technology to expand economic inclusion and growth. – Source:
A number of South African companies are on a week-long trade mission to Zambia that is expected to deepen relations with the southern African country.
“South Africa and Zambia share strong bilateral relations with total trade amounting to R33 billion last year. South Africa’s main exports to Zambia include machinery and mechanical appliances, base metals, mineral products, products of the chemical or allied industries, plastics and articles thereof, vehicles, aircraft, vessels and associated transport equipment,” said Trade and Industry (dti) Deputy Minister, Nomalungelo Gina.

The Outward Trade and Investment Mission aims to facilitate market access and expose South African companies to the Zambian market while deepening bilateral trade relations.

The dti is positioning South Africa as the preferred trade and investment partner for Zambia, as the country seeks to address its triple economic challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment through its diversification strategy as outlined in Zambia’s Seventh National Development Plan.
Most importantly, Deputy Minister Gina says the mission is expected to produce possible collaboration between business people that will benefit both countries.

The mission includes trade and investment seminars, targeted business-to-business meetings and sector-specific site visits.
Participating companies include those in infrastructure; roads and rail; bridges, ports and built environment professionals; energy; steel fabrication and steel tubing; as well as mining and capital equipment.

The participating companies are funded by the dti through its Export Market and Invest Assistance Scheme.

The mission to the cities of Lusaka and Kitwe consists of 28 South African business representatives and will conclude on Friday, 16 August 2019. – Source:
The Minister of Tourism, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, recently launched the National Tourism Safety Awareness Campaign at Table Mountain in Cape Town. This followed isolated incidents of violence directed at tourists.  
International tourism trends indicate that personal safety and security issues are of high importance in a potential tourist’s choice of a destination. The collective collaborative effort of government was evidenced by the partnerships formed to work together for the safety of all our visitors and to ensure that South Africa remains a destination of choice.

Minister Kubayi-Ngubane said: ”Incidents of crime directed at tourists and tourism products create a negative perception and reputation about a destination and in turn, impact both the visitor experience and visitor numbers.” In responding to these challenges as well as enhancing the tourist experience, the Department of Tourism has been working with various stakeholders to compile a safety plan of which the Tourism Monitors (TM) Programme forms part of. This programme involves the recruitment, training and deployment of youth to assist with the safety of the tourists at key tourism sites with high volumes of tourists or those sites that have a high potential of personal risk to tourists.

The TM's role is to, among other things; raise awareness about safety and security matters to tourists; coordinate emergency and other relevant support for tourists; guide tourists on safest routes and areas; as well as report incidences of crime against tourists. This programme has been launched throughout the country, including in protected areas under the management of South African National Parks and the South African National Biodiversity Institute. A total of 86 TMs have been recruited to be deployed within Table Mountain National Park. “This programme also gives expression to the department’s mandate of skills transfer and job creation”, the Minister added.

The Minister also announced the development of a safety mobile App to provide tourists with basic tourism information and safety tips with relevant contact details that tourists in distress can use. Further consideration will be to ensure that United Nations/African Union working languages are incorporated into the App to ensure effective communication and quicker better response time. “We are currently engaging with mobile network operators and hope to pilot the App by December this year.” said the Minister.  “Another initiative that we want to look at is the model that is currently being used in the Kruger National Park where rangers, drones and cameras are being deployed to monitor rhino poaching. This way, we plan to augment our safety monitors with technology and innovation” the Minister added.

The tourism safety strategy is also being worked on.
Advertising Week Africa is aimed at advertising, creative, entertainment, marketing, media and technology professionals and has a strong theme of youth empowerment. It claims to bring a “new collaborative platform to recognise and celebrate Africa’s contribution to the global industry”.
The advertising and marketing industries in Africa needed a cohesive, credible and global platform to galvanise around and so Advertising Week Africa was launched, according to the organisers of the event, which comes to the African continent for the first time in Johannesburg from 28 to 31 October 2019.

As Africa’s first host city, Johannesburg now shares the stage with powerhouse cities, such as New York, London, Sydney, Tokyo and Mexico City, as the host of the prestigious four-day gathering, which will for the first time put Africa’s thriving creative and innovation industry on a global platform.
Organisations and brands that are supporters or participants include South African Tourism, Brand SA, the City of Johannesburg, Facebook and Google.

The event does not usually have a theme, but because it is a first for Africa, the theme for this year’s event in Johannesburg will be “Great Minds Think Unalike”, explained Tosin Lanipekun, Executive Director of Advertising Week Africa. “This is a rallying cry around our diversity, our differences from region to region and country to country – all that helps us build a more robust, multi-dimensional industry. Africa as a continent is extremely diverse and there is a lot of innovation coming out of Africa, a lot of creativity is evident. What we have are complementary skills and strengths in the industry, which if we were able to galvanise and use together, would end up galvanising and uplifting the continent,” Lanipekun told Bizcommunity.

According to press around the event, for the past 15 years, Advertising Week events have created platforms and spaces for innovative breakthroughs, new creative partnerships and next-generation thought leaders across the global industry. Advertising Week Africa intends to tell the “African story of entrepreneurship, innovation, inspiration and positive disruption via vibrant start-up communities across the continent”. – Source: www.bizzcommunity
A new dinosaur species was discovered among a 30-year-old fossil collection at the Wits University.
  Scientists found that the fossils were previously misidentified.

The new plant-eating species measured roughly 4 metres in length, and is estimated have weighed up to 300 kg.

The near-complete 200-million-year-old fossil was collected from a farm in the Fouriesburg,  Free State, in 1978 and has been part of an exhibit at the university’s Evolutionary Studies Institute (ESI) since.

It was first misidentified as a specimen of Massospondylus, an existing dinosaur species.

The Natural History Museum in London’s Professor Paul Barrett and his PhD student, Kimberley Chapelle, however, compared the skeleton, which includes a nearly complete skull, with similar fossils at the museum.
They found that it not only represented a new species but also belonged to an entirely new genus because of bone differences, particularly in the size of the skull.

Their discovery was first published in the scientific journal PeerJ, and has been publicised around the world via Sky News, CNN, The Guardian and other news outlets. 

The creature, named Ngwevu Intloko (isiXhosa for “grey skull”) measured roughly 4 metres in length and is estimated have weighed up to 300 kg.

It walked on its back legs and had a barrel-shaped body, a long, slender neck and a small, boxy skull.

Though predominantly believed to have been a plant-eater, Ngwevu may have consumed small animals too.

Prof. Barret said it used to be commonly believed that there was only one type of long-necked herbivorous dinosaurs, known as sauropodomorph dinosaurs, in South Africa after a mass extinction between the Triassic and Jurassic periods, around 200 million years ago.

“The high degree of diversity and varied appearance of these dinosaurs not only questions whether Massospondylus is indeed [an organism which developed after an extinction], but also how groups of animals responded to large extinction events in the past,” Prof. Barret said. – Source:
Adri Wessels is putting South Africa on the map with his amazing aptitude for mathematics.
  Wessels, Grade 12 learner at Curro Durbanville, was awarded a bronze medal at the 2019 International Maths Olympiad (IMO) in Bath, England.

This is the third consecutive year that Adri has been selected to represent South Africa at the IMO. His team performed exceptionally, being awarded four bronze medals, receiving two honourable mentions and ranking 46 out of 112 countries – the best performance in a decade.

Earlier this year, the matriculant won joint first place in the 2019 UCT Mathematics Competition.

There were over 7 500 participants from 400 schools who took part in the competition, making his achievement an extraordinary feat. He was also awarded the Lesley Reeler Trophy for his overall performance over five consecutive years of participation in the UCT Mathematics Competition.
The math whizz has been participating in mathematics competitions since primary school and his father, Driaan Wessels, says his son’s aptitude for mathematics was clear from an early age.

"This mathematical talent is Adri’s own unique ability, and through his own hard work he continues to cultivate and grow that talent. We are very proud," says Driaan.

Adri has already been by the University of Stellenbosch for 2020, where he plans to study abstract mathematics and theoretical physics. He is also considering doing part of his tertiary education at an international university. – Source:
As they do every month, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex unfollowed every account they had been on Instagram last week to refocus their attention on 15 new charities.
On Monday, 5 August 2019, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle updated their page with their new charities for August – and included is South African organisation, Waves For Change.

Based in Muizenberg, Cape Town, the organisation focusses on using surf therapy as a means of providing social support to at-risk youth.

"Daily exposure to violence and stress means many South Africans suffer from acute emotional and psychological stress.

In the absence of emotional support, the stress often manifests in anti-social and high-risk behaviour, placing many young South Africans at risk," explains the W4C website.

"Early surfing sessions showed that participants noted improved feelings of belonging, strength, trust and confidence – key pillars of well-being. This was reflected in their behaviour as noted by teachers and parents."
Since its establishment in 2009 with a small surfing club in Masiphumele, the organisation has expanded to include sites in Monwabisi, Lavender Hill, Port Elizabeth, East London, as well as Harper, Liberia.

On their Instagram page, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex said they decided to follow organisations that might not get the attention they so rightfully deserve but absolutely should.

"These accounts showcase those persevering at the grassroots level, connecting our global community through a shared lens of giving back and helping one another," they said. "We were so happy to learn about them and are now able to share them with you!" – Source:
South Africa is a beautiful wild country, and it seems one of the world's biggest rockstars also thinks so.
Elton John takes an annual trip with his family to the natural wonder of Thornybush Private Game Reserve, according to The Hollywood Reporter, staying at the ultra-luxurious Royal Malewane on the border of Kruger National Park.

"The staggering beauty and extraordinary attention to detail make Royal Malewane one of my favourite places on earth," Elton John tells The Hollywood Reporter, adding it's "one of the only places in the world where I can truly switch off and connect with nature.”

The cheapest accommodation option is the Luxury Suite, with a price tag of R25 000 per person per night in midseason, and goes up to R220 000 a night for a private villa for eight guests in peak season.

You can also book out the entire lodge plus the villa for 32 guests for R801 200 a night, and if you want to add on their newest addition, The Farmstead, it will be a total of R1.14 million per night.

Besides the Lion King songwriter, other famous guests that have stayed here include George Lucas, Jeff Bridges and U2 star Bono. – Source:
  The Lira doll was made as part of the 60th Anniversary Barbie Shero Campaign in an effort to inspire more girls.
South African musician and businesswoman, Lerato "Lira" Molapo, has become the first African to have an official 60th Anniversary Barbie doll made in her likeness.

Other role models from around the globe include tennis star Naomi Osaka, artist Frida Kahlo as well as National Aeronautics and Space Administration mathematician and physicist, Katherine Johnson.

"I am the very first African to be bestowed with this honour and I’m simply thrilled to be honoured in this way," Lira announced on her social media pages. – Source:
Former Public Protector, Thuli Madonsela, Nelson Mandela Foundation CEO, Sello Hatang, and a group of others have safely and successfully summitted and made their way down Mount Kilimanjaro.
The group consisting of 17 climbers summited Africa’s highest peak on Friday, Women’s Day, as part of the Trek4Mandela initiative.
“I have decided to step up and show up by climbing Kilimanjaro,” said Madonsela.

“It is not just about stretching myself, but also about highlighting that if we are going to bring an end to poverty and inequality in this country, and the world, each and every one of us has to step up and move beyond our comfort zones.

  For me, Kilimanjaro is certainly not in my comfort zone.”

Trek4Mandela is an annual expedition to summit Africa’s highest peak on Mandela Day, 18 July.

The expedition was established by innovative social entrepreneur and humanitarian, Richard Mabaso, and is led by renowned South African adventurer and motivational speaker, Sibusiso Vilane – the first black African to conquer the three Poles challenge: South Pole, North Pole and Mount Everest.

Trek4Mandela brings together inspired individuals from corporate and public backgrounds to assist in raising funds and creating awareness for the Caring4Girls programme. Research has revealed that girls from poor backgrounds could miss up to 50 days of school each year due to menstrual-related challenges.

According to United Nations Childrens Fund, girls’ education and empowerment literally save millions of lives. More educated women tend to be healthier, work and earn more income, have fewer children, and provide better healthcare and education to their children.

The 2019 expedition aimed to raise enough funds to ensure that one million girl children will not miss a day of school and give much-needed accessibility to sanitary towels. – Sources: Trek4Mandela, GoodThingsGuy

M-Net, kykNET and ShowMax are showcasing the groundbreaking, multiple award-winning STROOP in September. This announcement comes soon after the extraordinary documentary nabbed double nominations at the “Oscars” of nature filmmaking.  
South Africa’s hard-hitting documentary film, STROOP journey into the rhino horn war has been taking the world by storm.

On Tuesday, 6 August 2019. it added another prestigious accolade to its long list of international kudos when it was nominated for two awards at the Jackson Wild Media Awards, an event considered to be the “Oscars” of nature filmmaking around the globe. The announcement was made in Jackson, Wyoming, in the United States.  

To date, STROOP has won 23 awards at 30 international film Festivals and has received wide recognition for its achievements in carrying the rhino crisis to a global audience. The two Jackson Wild Media nominations are exceptional however, as it signifies the acceptance of industry peers of the worldwide impact this South African film has had.

Jackson Wild’s 250 judges reviewed 5 000 hours worth of footage from a record-breaking 1 000 entries to nominate STROOP in two out of 30 categories: Best Host/Presenter Led Film Category and Best Impact Film – Long Form.

Susan Scott, director of STROOP says the Impact Film Category is a biggie, as no South African film has been nominated for this before, but an even bigger achievement is Bonné de Bod’s recognition for her presenting work in the film.

“The BBC’s David Attenborough usually wins the Presenter Category and the other nominees in this normally male-dominated category are Animal Planet and National Geographic presenters, but alongside them is the rare sight of female nominees in 2019: Dame Judi Dench and our very own Bonné de Bod holding the South African flag high!

“Not only is Bonné part of making history here, but that she stands alongside such incredible talent is testimony to her four-year investigative odyssey in uncovering what is happening to our rhinos and showing it to the world.”

The crowd-funded, independent film is among only a handful of multiple finalist nominees at Jackson Wild and will compete against multi-million dollar budget feature documentaries and landmark series from the world’s biggest broadcasters. The winners will be announced at the Grand Teton Awards Gala Celebration in Jackson, Wyoming, on Thursday, 26 September 2019.

While everyone will be holding thumbs for Bonné and STROOP, South African viewers will have the opportunity of seeing this breakout film themselves, as MultiChoice will be screening the documentary across various channels in September.

STROOP will premiere on M-Net 101 on Sunday, 22 September (World Rhino Day) after the Sunday night movie. It will also be on M-Net Movies Premiere (channel 104 on DStv) the next evening, Monday, 23 September at 20:00, and will be available to stream on ShowMax from Monday 23 September as well (so South Africans living abroad can watch too).

Thereafter, kykNET will screen the Afrikaans version of STROOP, also narrated by Bonné de Bod, on Saturday, 28 September, at 20:00 and on kykNET & kie on Sunday, 29 September, at 20:00. – Source:
  Handre Pollard scored 31 points as the Springboks thrashed Argentina 46-13 in Salta on Saturday, 10 August 2019, to win the Rugby Championship for the first time.
The Springboks last won a competition in 2009 when they finished first in the Tri Nations, the forerunner of the Rugby Championship.

Flyhalf Pollard notched two tries and kicked three conversions and five penalties in a bonus-point victory for South Africa, who led 24-13 at half-time.

South Africa finished with 12 points in a competition reduced to one round from the traditional two because of the World Cup in Japan from 20 September.

Australia, who stunned world champions New Zealand 47-26 earlier on Saturday, came second with eight points followed by the All Blacks with six and the Pumas with two.

Argentina collapsed in the second half after holding their own during the opening 40 minutes until a Pollard try gave South Africa an 11-point lead at the break.

The nations meet again next Saturday, this time in Pretoria, in a warm-up international for the World Cup. – Source:


Banyana Banyana has won the Cosafa Cup, downing Zambia 1-0 in the final played at Wolfson Stadium in Port Elizabeth.

South Africa scored their winning goal through Tiisetso Makhubela in the 22nd minute, her second of the tournament.

Despite Zambia's best efforts to find an equaliser, Desiree Ellis' charges held on for victory.

The win sees Banyana to a hat-trick of Cosafa Cup wins. – Source:

South African Brad Binder celebrated his 24th birthday in style on Sunday, 11 August 2019, with success in the Austrian Moto2 Grand Prix.
The KTM rider was all smiles after ending a winless spell stretching back to Australia in October last year.

"I can't imagine a better day than winning on my birthday at KTM's home track," the 2016 Moto3 champion beamed.

Binder crossed the line with a 0.330 advantage over Alex Marquez, who moved on to 181 points at the top of the Moto2 championships standings, a lead of 43 points over Thomas Luthi.

Binder's success came just after Austrian manufacturer KTM had announced they were withdrawing from the Moto2 championship at the end of this season to plough all their resources into MotoGP in an initial five-year deal.

That will suit Binder, who is graduating to the premier category in 2020.

"The conditions were very difficult and treacherous with a very slippery circuit," he said. – Source:
The Sea Forest Waterway is one of the very few international regatta courses on saltwater and was built for the 2020 Olympic Games.
  The 2019 World Rowing Junior Championships is doubling as the test event for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. The five days of racing concluded with the juniors racing for medals at the Sea Forest Waterway and South Africa bringing home silver.

Germany made the most of this championship. Sporting a full team of 14 boats, the German team left with 12 medals, five of them gold but South Africa did secure a podium win with the silver.

Well done to the entire team of talented rowers, Sebastian Prince, Bakang Sebitlaone, Daton Wolfaardt, Nathan Fletcher and Brandon Janse Van Vuuren on this outstanding result.

“Through this experience, I’ve really learned how to trust the process and myself. Even though this is my second World Rowing Junior Championships, you never know what to expect, and it’ll always come down to the race itself,” Bakang Sebitlaone explained.
The focus of the championship is not only rowing, as the sport relies on clean water, the focus is also on keeping our waterways clean.

“Rowing is a clean water sport, and everyone involved in rowing has reason to protect this vital resource. In 2011, World Rowing and WWF, the World Wide Fund for Nature, formed a global clean water partnership. This engages all rowers, rowing clubs and national rowing federations to work towards safeguarding their freshwater environments.”  – Sources: South African National Rowing Squad | World Rowing | SA Junior Rowers
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