Issue 453 | 12 November 2020
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  President Cyril Ramaphosa has reaffirmed South Africa’s commitment to the United Nations (UN) as it seeks to advance multilateralism.
The President made the commitment virtually during a high-level event held in Madrid, Spain, on Tuesday, 10 November 2020, to mark the UN’s 75th Anniversary Declaration adopted by the UN General Assembly on 21 September 2020.

“The UN is the foundation of our multilateral system of governance. No other global organisation gives hope for a better world to so many people.

“The UN must be fit for purpose, adequately funded and representative in its decision-making structures. It is in our collective interest that the UN is strengthened as we work together to advance the global agenda for people, planet and prosperity,” said President Ramaphosa on Tuesday.

The high-level event, convened by President Pedro Sánchez of Spain and Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfvén, took place under the theme: “Reinforcing Multilateralism, Together Building on the United Nations 75th Anniversary Declaration”.

As countries across the globe seek practical ways to build back better from the COVID-19 pandemic, President Ramaphosa said it was only through multilateralism that the world could solve its challenges.

“The next global emergency should find us better prepared, with stronger social protection, health systems and services for our people.

“Meeting the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals will be the truest measure of our success. South Africa will continue to work with members of this initiative to improve global health systems, reduce inequality and protect our planet,” he said.

South Africa committed to collaborate on building peace and security, defending human rights, advancing gender equality and harnessing the digital revolution. – Source:
President Cyril Ramaphosa has extended congratulations to President-elect Joseph R Biden of the United States (US) following elections held on 3 November 2020.
“South Africa looks forward to working with President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris to further strengthen the bonds of cooperation and friendship between our two countries and peoples, including enhanced collaboration within the multilateral context to address global challenges such as climate change, human rights, peace and security, terrorism, nuclear safety, poverty, underdevelopment, economic recovery and inclusive growth, and to prevent future pandemics,” said the President’s Office.

  South Africa and the US enjoy historic relations. The US contributed to the liberation struggle in South Africa and continued to provide support to help consolidate democracy after South Africa’s first democratic elections in 1994.

Bilateral cooperation between the two countries spans a range of areas, including trade and investment, health, education, energy, environment, science and innovation, safety and security, as well as regional cooperation to support the African Union’s objectives for peace, security and development.

More recently, the US Government provided generous financial and technical support to help South Africa’s efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, thus building on the highly successful platform of health cooperation under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief framework. – Source:
The South African Government wishes to express its deepest condolences to the Government and people of the State of Palestine following the passing on of Dr Saeb Erekat.  
Dr Erekat was the Secretary-General of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), member of the Fatah Central Committee and prominent academic, the lead Palestinian peace negotiator, as well as a close friend of South Africa.  

It is indeed a great loss for Palestine, one of the recognisable persons among the Palestinian leadership and of great stature, who has displayed extraordinary patience and resilience, and who was deeply committed to protecting the rights and freedoms of all Palestinians, and especially in light of the obstacles and immeasurable challenges faced by the Palestinian cause in the past decades.

The people of Palestine have lost a committed leader and fighter and a close and enduring friend of South Africa. Dr Erekat will be highly regarded and remembered for the exceptional roles he undertook. Over the course of decades, Dr Erekat served in a number of roles in the PLO, including Minister of Local Government, Chairperson of the negotiation delegation and later Secretary-General.

Dr Erekat also dedicated his unwavering support for South Africa’s freedom struggle, and will be fondly remembered by all in South Africa for his selfless contribution to our struggle while carrying the heavy mantle of Palestinian statehood.

The Government and people of South Africa will continue to act in solidarity with the peoples and leadership of the region as well as the international community in the development of a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This includes ensuring that the final status issues, including the status of Jerusalem, are not undermined by unilateral acts of countries in contravention of international law.

“We wish to extend our sincerest condolences and sympathy to the Erekat family and the Palestinian leadership and people of Palestine over the loss.”
On Monday, 9 November 2020, President Cyril Ramaphosa participated virtually in a business and investment roundtable with representatives from three major business organisations from the United States (US).

The organisations were the Business Council for International Understanding, the Corporate Council on Africa and the US Chamber of Commerce.

This engagement took place ahead of South Africa’s Investment Conference, which will be held next week.

The President was supported by South Africa’s Ambassador to the US, Nomaindia Mfeketo, as well as South Africa’s consuls-general in Chicago, Los Angeles and New York.

“The roundtable will provide a platform for engagement by 32 companies representing sectors such as healthcare, information and communications technology, consumer goods, retail, energy, defence, agro-processing, aviation, space, transportation, film and TV production, finance and consulting.

“President Ramaphosa will share South Africa’s economic reconstruction and recovery plan as well as the opportunities for doing business in the country,” said The Presidency. – Source;
President Cyril Ramaphosa is urging the country to be extremely vigilant to ensure that Coronavirus infections did not spike once again, as seen during the winter period.
With the festive season fast approaching, President Ramaphosa has cautioned South Africans, warning them not to become the architects of their own undoing.

He said that the country was now moving from relief to recovery, rebuilding amid the devastating impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has wrought on the economy and the livelihoods of millions of people.

In his weekly newsletter, Ramaphosa said that now was not the time to drop our collective guard.

President Ramaphosa is urging the country to be extremely vigilant to ensure that Coronavirus infections did not spike once again, as seen during the winter period.

President Ramaphosa warned that a resurgence on any scale would dramatically reverse the gains that the country had made so far from both a medical and an economic perspective.
The President said that people must wear their masks at social gatherings.

He warned that failure to do so would not only risk an individual's life but also all those around that person too.

President Ramaphosa said that it was extremely important that the country abided by COVID-19 health regulations as we all try to rebuild the economy. – Source:
South Africa will host its third investment conference on 17 and 18 November 2020, as the country focusses on reconstruction in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to the Minister in The Presidency, Jackson Mthembu, this year’s South African Investment Conference will focus on the delivery of existing commitments to realise job creation and economic development.

“In addition, government will highlight actions taken to foster a conducive investment environment, with a focus on economic reconstruction and recovery,” Minister Mthembu told the media during a briefing on the outcomes of the Cabinet meeting, held on Wednesday, 4 October 2020.

The Minister on Thursday said the conference aimed to build on the successes of the last two conferences, which raised R664 billion, laying the foundation for investment and accelerated economic growth.

The live-streamed conference will provide an opportunity for Cabinet to highlight the measures being taken to support the economic recovery under a programme for a return to growth and a rebound in employment, including structural reforms and investment in infrastructure, as well as showcasing the resilience of South African business and the economic opportunities that exist in these difficult times.

The 2020 conference programme will profile the strengths and comparative advantages South Africa offers investors and trade partners in a period of growing African integration through the African Continental Free Trade Area.
The South African Government has joined the international community in strongly condemning the calculated and cowardly terrorist attack on a World War I cemetery in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where representatives and diplomats from several countries observed a commemoration ceremony marking the end of World War I on Wednesday, 11 November 2020.
Several people from various nationalities who attended the Remembrance Day commemoration, were injured in the attack.

The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, decried the fact that the attack was executed on a day when countries paid tribute to those members of their armed forces who had died in the line of duty in the fight for freedom during World War I. She added that South Africa maintained that terrorism in all its forms could not be condoned and continued to advocate for the total isolation and eradication of all terror groups.

In this regard, South Africa is supportive of all efforts to combat terrorism undertaken by the international community, including the positions of Saudi Arabia against terrorism and extremism.

The Minister wished those who were injured in the attack, a speedy recovery.

Despite progress made in addressing conflict on the African continent, women continue to face many challenges, International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Dr Naledi Pandor, said on Tuesday, 10 November 2020.

Speaking during the African Forum on Women Peace and Security (WPS) event hosted by the African Union’s (AU) Office of the Special Envoy on WPS, the Minister urged the African continent to figure out why it continues to have destructive outbreaks of conflicts that destroy lives and livelihoods.

She said the continent had made progress in addressing conflict but that Africa remained “deeply scarred by insecurity, local conflicts and regional crises” that negatively affect the lives of women on a daily basis.

“The COVID-19 virus has worsened the situation of millions of women multiplying their challenges.

“Africa, through the AU, has implemented laudable efforts to combat the pandemic and bolster Africa’s response; nevertheless women remain displaced, abused, without livelihoods and shelter in many countries. This forum must translate our observations into practical actions for achieving peace and the empowerment of women,” she said.

Minister Pandor said South Africa was keenly supporting our Gertrude Shope Women in Dialogue programme to support women in conflict resolution and post-conflict reconstruction.

“We will continue this support and work closely with women to support peace initiatives wherever there is conflict.

"We would propose a peace forum for Africa led by women and supported by heads of state where we could frankly explore peaceful avenues for conflict resolution. The time has come for Africa to truly silence the guns and focus on development to create conditions for the continent to thrive.”

The African Forum on WPS, which got underway virtually on Tuesday, concluded on Thursday. – Source:



The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, on Tuesday, 10 November 2020, hosted her Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) counterpart, the Minister of State and Foreign Affairs, Marie Tumba Nzeza, for political consultations. The meeting took place in Cape Town.

The two ministers discussed matters of mutual bilateral and multilateral interest within the context of the South Africa-DRC Strategic Partnership.
Bilateral relations between the two countries are conducted under the General Cooperation Agreement signed in January 2004 and provides the basis for political, economic and technical cooperation. It further provides for the establishment of a strategic mechanism, a Bi-National Commission (BNC), at the level of heads of state.

The SA-DRC BNC has a strong focus on post-conflict reconstruction and development and is anchored in the pursuit for peace, stability and shared prosperity in Africa.

South Africa is looking forward to work closely with the DRC as it will take over the position of Chair of the African Union (AU) in 2021.

The meeting between the two ministers also provided an opportunity to reflect on ways to advance the AU’s Agenda 2063.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, represented the South African Government on the occasion of our country’s accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).  
The virtual signing ceremony was held on 10 November 2020 at the Taj Hotel in Cape Town.

Minister Pandor was joined by the heads of mission of the ASEAN Pretoria Committee.

South Africa has diplomatic and economic relations with individual ASEAN members. The country’s accession to the TAC will formalise its relationship with ASEAN as a bloc.

“Our accession to the treaty is also an opportunity for South Africa to boost political and economic collaboration with this important and growing international organisation,” says Minister Pandor.
Health Minister, Dr Zweli Mkhize, has been appointed as the Chairperson of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Elimination Eight (E8) Ministers of Health Council.
  The E8 is a coalition of eight countries working across national borders to eliminate malaria in southern Africa by 2030.

The Minister was elected as the new chair during the SADC E8 Health Ministers' Meeting, which took place recently.

The E8, which is the malaria response arm of the SADC, aims to end the deadly disease.

According to the E8, the attainment of malaria elimination requires bold and decisive policy action to prioritise national resources, to engage in diplomatic negotiation and negotiate terms of data-sharing with neighbouring countries.

The council is also bolstering the introduction of innovative and progressive technologies that will make malaria elimination possible.

The health ministers and newly appointed Chairperson hosted a webinar on SADC Malaria Day 2020, 6 November.
The event aimed to create awareness about malaria and mobilise the community to participate in malaria-control programmes.

Communities are mobilised through health education to recognise signs and symptoms of malaria, provide more home-based treatment, seek treatment when they become ill and use personal protective measures. – Source:
The Minister in The Presidency, Jackson Mthembu, has announced the launch of the 2021 Southern African Development Community (SADC) Media Awards competition in the four categories, namely: Photo, Print, Television and Radio Journalism.
The awards were established in 1996, following a decision by the Council of Ministers to establish a sector that deals with matters relating to, among others, information, culture and sport.

The ceremony recognises best media work in disseminating information on SADC issues to support the process of regional cooperation and integration. The launch means that journalists from the SADC member states will be able to enter or submit nominations for the awards.

SADC Media Awards target SADC member countries to promote SADC’s objectives in achieving economic development, peace and security, growth, alleviating poverty, as well as enhancing the standard and quality of life of the peoples of southern Africa.
During last year’s competition, Minister Mthembu honoured the best of the best in media personnel in SADC at an event held at Leriba Hotel and Spa in Centurion in November 2019.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual celebratory SADC Media Awards Dinner could not take place to acknowledge the 2020 winners and officially launch the competition for 2021.

“It is pleasing to note that South Africa has been dominating various categories of this awards competition since its inception,” said the Ministry in a statement. 

For 2020, the Minister congratulated Mosotho Stone from South Africa who won second prize in the Radio category of the regional competition.

The radio story was about SADC priding itself with member states that have upheld democracy as governing systems and commended the gains the region has made in entrenching democratic systems.

Minister Mthembu officially invited South African media to submit their entries for the 2021 SADC Media Awards competition.

Journalists who wish to enter the competition can access more information about the competition from the and – Source:
  Pharmaceutical company Aspen Pharmacare will manufacture Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 vaccine candidate in South Africa, after an agreement was reached.
Johnson & Johnson announced it and the United States Government will invest US$1 billion to create enough manufacturing capacity to make more than one billion doses of a vaccine it is testing to stop the Coronavirus.

The vaccine is still undergoing clinical trials, and should it be successful, manufacturing can begin as early as March 2021.

Aspen's Group Chief Executive, Stephen Saad, spoke to Health24 about the agreement.

South African pharmaceutical company Aspen has announced that one of its subsidiaries, which trades as Aspen Pharmacare, has entered into a preliminary agreement with Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc and Janssen Pharmaceutica NV – two of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson, for the "technical transfer and proposed commercial manufacture of their COVID-19 vaccine candidate, Ad26.COV2-S".

The vaccine candidate is currently undergoing Phase 3 clinical trials and is included in the World Health Organisation’s list of the 26 most viable candidate vaccines to go into human clinical trials.

According to the statement, “Aspen Pharmacare will perform formulation, filling and secondary packaging of the vaccine for supply to Johnson & Johnson".

The manufacturing is planned to take place at its existing sterile facility in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. – Source:
Deputy Minister in The Presidency, Thembi Siweya, and BrandSA leadership recently  welcomed the newly crowned Miss South Africa, Shudufhadzo Musida, as BrandSA Ambassador.   
This, according to BrandSA, will make her part of a collective of ambassadors, who raise the South African flag as they articulate the country identity to build a positive reputation and global competitiveness.

In welcoming Musida, Siweya commended her for her commitment to highlight mental health in society.

Siweya told Musida that she was a beacon of hope and “a champion of important conversations”.

Siweya said they had a series of programmes lined up, where they would work with Musida to educate the public about mental health – a subject close to Miss SA’s heart.

“People have lost a lot. They have lost loved ones and their jobs, and we were locked up for months because of COVID-19,” Musida said.

Musida said she was initially unsure how the conversation would be received by society, but she was happy that The Presidency was willing to lend its support and take part in the conversation.

She said addressing mental health and other social ills was a collective responsibility that needed society to join hands.
Poverty, said Musida, was another area that needed urgent intervention.

“Many areas do not have water and that also needs to be tackled.”

Musida reiterated her commitment to raise awareness on mental health, especially in rural and disadvantaged areas because she believes that people need to work on their minds for any change to come about in the country.

The 24-year-old, who comes from Ha-Masia in Limpopo, has a Bachelor of Social Sciences in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Pretoria. – Source:
  Throughout the past three decades, Singita has won numerous awards for its unique guest experience, but in a year marked by such vast challenges as the ones presented by 2020, it’s even more humbling and rewarding to receive widespread recognition across all our regions.
Singita, the Shangaan word for “Place of Miracles”, is a conservation and ecotourism brand that has been preserving African wilderness for almost 30 years, offering guests an exceptional safari experience with 15 luxury, award-winning lodges and camps across four countries in Africa. In partnership with non-profit funds and trusts who implement strategic conservation projects in each region, Singita is preserving and protecting pristine land and wildlife populations, and helping to create economic independence within local communities surrounding the reserves.

Built on family-owned land in what is now known as the Sabi Sand Game Reserve, Singita’s mission is to share a unique part of the world while maintaining respect for the natural environment and challenging accepted notions of luxury.

“Throughout the past three decades, Singita has won numerous awards for its unique guest experience, but in a year marked by such vast challenges as the ones presented by 2020, it’s even more humbling and rewarding to receive widespread recognition across all our regions.”

Within just 10 months of this year, Singita was honoured with 14 global travel awards.

Singita Kruger National Park was named the No 1 Lodge in Africa by Travel + Leisure readers. Singita Sasakwa Lodge was voted No 1 in Africa, as well as three of our lodges, rank in the Top 20 Resorts in the World in the Condé Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards 2020.

“Awards like these highlight that astute travellers value unfiltered space and time and the freedom to reconnect with the things that matter most – themselves, each other and nature.

"The accolades are also a testimony to the restorative powers of Singita’s remote locations – where the senses are awakened and the soul is restored.” – Source:
Real Foods Group, a leader in natural foods with 170 Kauai stores in its portfolio, has opened Kloof Street Village – an innovative concept in Kloof Street, Cape Town, which reconceptualises what is needed for patrons to eat out stress-free in a time of COVID-19.
It has housed four of its fast-casual dining brands in a post-COVID dining setting: Nü Health Food Café, Schoon Bread Café, and newcomers Free Bird and Kofi.
Dean Kowarski, CEO of Real Foods, says, “COVID-19 has changed casual dining, so we’ve embraced the new requirements for a safe dining experience at Kloof Street Village and have considered how people want to socialise. Although the site was secured prior to lockdown, we completely redesigned the restaurant during lockdown by conceptualising what it would take for maximum health and safety. The store features perspex screens to cordon off certain areas, while still allowing for a social vibe between socially distanced tables. Technology is used to facilitate contactless transactions, and there is a large outdoor seating area for fresh air and summer socialising.”

All staff must wear masks at all times and are trained in strict hygiene protocols, like sanitising and hand-washing. Buzzers go off every 30 minutes to remind staff to sanitise or wash their hands.

Kloof Street Village offers much more than each of the four brand’s commitment to high quality, wholesome and artisanal food made from fully traceable ingredients.
The technology includes self-order kiosks as well as a mobile app using QR codes for ordering from any of the four restaurants for take-away or sit down. The Mobi app can also be used to order ahead, and all take-away orders can be picked up in a dedicated contactless area. Those customers who prefer to place their order in person can make use of the counter service, though all counters will have protective perspex screens to protect customers and staff.

Large fold-stack windows were added to the design to allow for better ventilation and air circulation. The space was designed with additional measures to minimise the risk of spreading COVID-19, including sanitisation stations and handwashing facilities.

Kofi and Nü have outdoor ordering hatches so that customers can order coffees or Nü’s healthy juices and smoothies without having to enter the store. There is also a completely separate entrance for UberEats and Mr D Food delivery drivers, limiting the number of people in the store while ensuring customers have access to their favourite food brands.

Kloof Street Village patrons have an array of healthy food options. The established Nü brand includes trademark healthy salads, juices and smoothies while Schoon sells wholesome bread and pastries made with 100% South African stoneground flour using hand-baking methods.

Two new concepts make their debut at Kloof Street Village: Kofi, which serves exceptional small-batch roasted African coffee in addition to a wine, beer and spirits list curated by Publik Wine; and Free Bird, which offers delicious free-range crispy chicken burgers and hand-cut fries. – Source:
A ranking of the world’s best bars for 2020 has named three South African pubs as part of its extended top 100 list.
The best bars list is compiled from the votes of more than 540 experts around the world, including drinks writers, bartenders and cocktail aficionados.

The voting was based on visits made from January 2019 through March 2020. Normally, the voting period encompasses 18 months, but the Coronavirus pandemic, which forced most establishments to close after March, cut the assessment period short.

Connaught, a stylish hotel lounge in London, was named as the best bar in the world.

The list was dominated by European, Asian and American bars. However, three South African bars were named as part of the extended top 100 list:

• Sin + Tax (69th)

• Cause Effect Cocktail Kitchen (75th)

• Art of Duplicity (88th).

Sin + Tax in Johannesburg was the highest-ranked local bar on the list coming in at 69th – an impressive 22 place climb from its 89th placed ranking in 2019.

Located behind the popular Coalition eatery, the cocktail bar is headed up by the renowned mixologist Julian Short who has previously worked in Sweden, Mexico, Scotland and Cuba.

Local reviewers have praised the bar’s unique setting, unique cocktails such as “Lucy in the Sky with Black Diamonds” as well as the swift and knowledgeable waiters.

Cause Effect Cocktail Kitchen and Cape Brandy bar is inspired by the city’s oceans, mountains, fynbos and vineyards, its website states.

"The bar uses raw ingredients and effects them into flavour, our cocktail kitchen is a study in creativity where we discover, create and serve the best flavours from the Cape.

“We use modernistic techniques inspired by our history, diversity and passion for the drinks industry. Our small plate food service is fresh, flavoursome and delicate and complements our array of exceptional cocktails.”

The Art of Duplicity is described as a jazz and cocktail speakeasy bar that is inspired by the United States’ prohibition era, during which unlawful establishments served alcoholic beverages. – Source:



South African house music hitmaker Master KG has yet another reason to celebrate after bagging a big international award.

  Master KG won the Best African Act at the 2020 MTV EMAs. He was nominated alongside fellow South African artists, DJ Maphorisa and Kabza de Small, as well as other major African artists from across the continent.

In a recorded acceptance speech posted on Twitter, Master KG gave thanks to all his fans who had helped make his smash hit Jerusalema'one of the biggest songs on the planet.

“I would love to thank my sister Nomcebo [Zikode], my team Open Mic Productions, and everyone who has supported Master KG, thank you so much. To all my fans all over the world, without you, this would have not been possible,” he said.
“Master KG’s accolades at this year’s MTV EMA’s is a testament to his global popularity, which has seen people all over the world unite in dance to his smash hit 'Jerusalema' during one of the most unprecedented times in our history. We recognise his great achievement in bringing people together across cultures and congratulate him on this massive win. MTV continues to celebrate all the nominees in the Best African Act Category and are proud to elevate local talent across our platforms as we take African pop culture and music to the world,” said Monde Twala, Senior Vice President and General Manager of ViacomCBS Networks Africa. – Source:


Master KG scoops yet another win with his wildly successful song “Jerusalema”. The remix, featuring Nomcebo Zikode and Burna Boy, has recently been certified diamond in France.

South African hitmaker Master KG has reached diamond status in France for his
"Jerusalema" remix featuring Burna Boy. The sensational house DJ continues to be a trailblazer after the success of original hit song Jerusalema, featuring Nomcebo Zikode. Nigerian superstar Burna Boy jumped onto the track shortly after the viral #JersalemaChallenge. The news of the diamond certification follows the release of the remix in June of this year. Master KG recently shared the news on Twitter.

This is a big win for Master KG as diamond status is admittedly difficult to reach in France. Snep, France's record industry organisation, requires 35 million streams for a single to be certified diamond. Initially, record sales of over 250 000 were the criterion for diamond status but this has changed due to the increasing digitisation of music. Snep counts 150 stream as equal to 1 sales. – Source:
The South African Football Association (SAFA) National Executive Committee has approved the decision to support Dr Patrice Motsepe as a candidate for the position of President of the Confederation of African Football (CAF).
“His business acumen, his observance of governance, his legal training, his global business network and skill, his commitment and love for Africa football make this a revolutionary choice for the leadership of African football,” SAFA President, Dr Danny Jordaan, said.

Jordaan was addressing a media briefing on Monday, 9 November 2020, in Johannesburg, with the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, on the candidacy of Motsepe for CAF Presidency.

“And so, the post continental and global football environment requires football commercial partners to re-examine the competition offering of CAF. It must improve its global profile and standing as a confederation of the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) and we believe that he is the candidate that can achieve this for the benefit of African football,” Jordaan said.

He said the focus areas must be the growth of women in football, the introduction of technology and innovation to improve Africa’s competiveness, closing disparities between African football nations and strengthening the global zone of federations on the continent.

Other focus areas include building bridges and partnerships between football and business and strengthening the governance and ethics of football.

“Our nomination of Motsepe moves him from the boardroom to the dressing room. We understand that in order for the dressing room to be better and to get better results, you must strengthen your relationship with the boardroom.

“He is the person that straddles both the boardroom and the dressing room. We think he is the most appropriate person that we could offer for the leadership of CAF,” Jordaan said.

The Minister thanked SAFA for identifying a candidate that is capable of making a difference in football.

“Going forward, we want stability in football, characterised by integrity and be in the news for all the right reasons. We believe in Motsepe we have that. It is not just football, it also about diplomatic relations with other countries.

“As South Africa, we are very firm on our commitment to see a better Africa and better world. We think that the strengthening of those relations and having a better Africa would need a person who has affinity to the mother continent. He has that,” said Minister Mthethwa. – Source:
The young talented South African, Simthandile Tshabalala, is a force to be reckoned with on the golf green, walking away with four awards at the SA Kids Golf Order of Merits 2020.
At just eight years old, SimTiger is not only South Africa’s youngest top golfer but he’s also one of the most talented, as affirmed by the significant number of trophies from both local and international tournaments he has amassed in the last year since he started playing professionally.

In fact, SimTiger left South Africa last year to take part in the Australian Open Golf Championships in which he came fourth – and, with a global ranking of number 14 in his age category, he’s sure to keep South Africa’s flag flying high.
  Small wonder, then, that the international press has been quick to draw parallels between Simthandile and the other golf prodigy, Tiger Woods, especially since US golf officials have nicknamed the young star SimTiger. But, according to Tumo Motaung, Simthandile’s coach at Steyn City Club, the boy has remained calm and focussed throughout the media storm that follows in his wake, describing him as hard-working, dedicated and focussed. Motaung is convinced that Simthandile already possesses an astonishing natural talent; if he can hone his mental strength, he will become virtually unstoppable.

Simthandile himself appears unimpressed with his sudden fame. Instead, he remains caught up in the sheer love of the game, refusing to give up his time on the greens even when it’s dark, or he has other commitments. The Steyn City School learner heads straight to the golf course after lessons, making full use of the excellent facilities that pupils at this new facility enjoy.

This dedication bodes well for his future career when he hopes to emulate the golf greats of today, including Rory McIlroy, Louis Oosthuizen, Sergio Garcia, Dustin Johnson and Tiger Woods – all golfers he admires tremendously.

Simthandile receives full support from his family, with his father acting as his caddy.
Recently, Simthandile took to social media to share the incredible awards he received at the SA Kids Golf Order of Merits 2020:

1. Player of the Year

2. Best Average Stroke Player of the Year
3. Most Points
4.1st Place Stroke Average boys 7 – 8. – Source;

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