Issue 454 | 19 November 2020
    It's Your Voice   UBUNTU Magazine   UBUNTU Radio  
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A total of 50 companies have pledged R109.6 billion at the third annual South Africa Investment Conference.
The collective pledge brings the total amount of investment pledges to R773.6 billion worth of investments in the last three years. With this total amount, South Africa has now reached 64% of its total target of R1.2 trillion.

“The world is still very much in the throes of a devastating pandemic that has thrown global markets into disarray. Tough decisions have had to be made on investments, on expansion and on entry into new markets.
  “It is therefore significant that you have all come here – both in person and virtually – to show that this is a country you believe in and want to see succeed,” said President Cyril Ramaphosa.

With this year’s conference taking place in an extremely subdued economic climate, President Ramaphosa said securing investment commitments of over R100 billion was a remarkable achievement.

“Several of the investment commitments made at this conference are in sectors that have been hard-hit by COVID-19, especially the tourism and hospitality industries. These investments will go a long way towards their recovery,” he said.

The investments are spread across various sectors along the length and breadth of the country.

In Gauteng, Anglo African Metal committed to invest R280 million in the beneficiation of titanium. Bradley Aviation pledged R244 million in the aeronautical sector in Gauteng.

On company expansions, Fuchs committed R260 million to expand its lubricants operations, while Procter and Gamble pledged R260 million towards the expansion of their diaper plant.

Unica also committed R250 million towards expanding its manufacturing capacity of steel blitz. Dangold Packaging is investing R830 million in a beverage canning plant.

Scaw will be investing a further R250 million to upgrade their hot rolling mill and steel-making capacity in Gauteng. SA Steel Mills pledged R1.5 billion to establish a steel manufacturing plant in the province.
Committing its support to the automotive components sector in the Tshwane Special Economic Zone is Supavut, with a pledge of R150 million. Sew Eurodrive pledged R200 million in the automation sector in Gauteng.

For the Gauteng property sector, Divercity Urban Property Fund put its pledge of R1.2 billion in a mixed use property development.

In the data sector, Teraco Data Environments committed R4.4 billion, while NTT and Dimension Data pledged R875 million to expand their respective data centre infrastructure in Gauteng.

In the Northern Cape, Afrimat committed R300 million worth of investment in the iron ore sector.
In Limpopo, Ivanhoe mines is investing a further R730 million in the Platreef project.  

Turning to the Eastern Cape, Lactalis committed to invest R100 million in a milk powder production plant, while Sundale pledged R101 million towards cheese and dairy production in the Eastern Cape.

Sinayo and Homesek formed a partnership to invest R500 million in the dairy sector in the Eastern Cape. In a plan to invest in waste plastic to oil facility in the Eastern Cape, Clariter pledged R222 million.

Still in the Eastern Cape, Giant Flag Consortium pledged R184 million in an eco-tourism development.

In Mpumalanga, Mapochs Resources committed R100 million towards the re-establishment of a vanadium mine in the province. A total of R562 million was pledged by Sail for the beneficiation of ferrochrome in Mpumalanga. 

Other commitments for Mpumalanga included Sasol’s pledge of R5.4 billion towards clean fuels in their Secunda plant, while Sonae Arauco pledged R200 million for expansion of their paper manufacturing line.

The Western Cape will see a R2 billion investment from Amdec group to its harbour development.

Capita set aside R530 million for the establishment of a global delivery centre in their business process outsourcing sector in the Western Cape.

In KwaZulu-Natal, United Heavy Industries committed R350 million to the establishment of a steel bar manufacturing plant.

A lifestyle resort investment is also in the pipeline, with a pledge from Thukela of R1.4 billion. 

Provenance committed R100 million towards the development of a film studio and innovation hub in KwaZulu-Natal.

The KZN property sector will also see investments through the R8.4 billion pledged by Robert Jurgens Construction Management towards property, including a hospital for the province, while the Blythedale Coastal Estate pledged R800 million towards a lifestyle property development.

Really Epic Dog is investing R200 million in the Home Stead luxury game lodge in KwaZulu-Natal.

Port Shepstone committed to R550 million in an intermodal transport facility and a shopping mall in KwaZulu-Natal.

Mnambithi Group pledged R1.3 billion in a multipurpose bulk liquid storage terminal in the port of Durban.

Investments that are set to take place across various parts of the country include those by:
  • Equites and Sandvik - R287 million for expanding its facilities
  • Metair - R1.1 billion in the automotive components manufacturing industry in KwaZulu-natal, the Eastern Cape and Gauteng
  • Dr Oetker - R200 million to expand the production of pizza and ready meals
  • Frimax - R380 million for the expansion of snacks and potato chips
  • Pepsico - R5.5 billion to further expand manufacturing capacity across its Pioneer Food operations in the country
  • PG Bison - R1.98 billion to expand their board manufacturing plant in Piet Retief and investing in a medium density fibre board plant in Boksburg
  • Akani Properties - R1.2 billion for a number of property developments in the North West, Gauteng and Mpumalanga
  • Telkom - R8 billion to expand Telkom infrastructure across the country
  • Google - R2.2 billion in a fibre optics submarine cable in the Western Cape that will provide high-speed Internet connectivity across South Africa
  • Sola - R400 million in the renewable sector across the country
  • Sola Africa - R170 million in solar energy for large industrial consumers
  • New Development Bank - R32 billion towards the financing of projects in South Africa
  • Old Mutual - R3.6 billion in funds towards infrastructure projects across South Africa
  • Sanlam R7.25 billion towards funding for small and medium enterprises and infrastructure projects across South Africa
  • Industrial Development Corporation - R8 billion towards funding projects in South Africa
  • Belgian Chamber of Commerce with an investment of R1.5 billion. – Source:
President Ramaphosa speaks to President-elect Biden
President Cyril Ramaphosa on Tuesday evening, 17 November 2020, engaged in a telephonic call with United States (US) President-elect Joe Biden to discuss ways to strengthen US-Africa relations and overcome the COVID-19 pandemic.  
President Ramaphosa says he is hopeful of a strong partnership between the US and the African continent in promoting peace and stability in international relations and advancing multilateralism.

President-elect Biden and Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris have identified Africa as a major player in international affairs and in the advancement of multilateralism.

The leaders recalled a visit to South Africa by Biden during the dark days of apartheid, where Biden demonstrated his commitment to human rights and dignity for all South Africans.

Biden expressed his admiration for what the democratic South Africa had achieved.

President Ramaphosa said he looked forward to a strong partnership at a bilateral level and between the US and the continent of Africa.

The President wished President-elect Biden and Vice-President-elect Harris well for their term in office. – Source:
To fast-track economic recovery post the COVID-19 pandemic, President Cyril Ramaphosa has called on his Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRICS) counterparts to strengthen trade and investment ties.
The President’s call came as the BRICS virtual summit took place on Tuesday, 17 November 2020, coinciding with the start of the South Africa Investment Conference in Johannesburg.

“We call on our BRICS partners to ramp up investment in not just South Africa but across the continent, particularly in the manufacturing sector.

“Investors from the BRIC countries will realise considerable benefits by investing in Africa, particularly with the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area from January 2021,” he said.

The third SA Investment Conference was a platform to share with investors the progress South Africa has made in economic reforms and to showcase the country’s potential as an investment destination.

While African leaders acted swiftly to contain COVID-19, President Ramaphosa called on the international community and the BRICS partners to support a comprehensive stimulus package for African countries.

“This will enable African countries to contain the disease and rebuild our damaged economies,” said the President. The New Development Bank (NDB) has a significant role to play.

“To date, the bank has approved US$4 billion of COVID-related emergency assistance projects, including US$1 billion to South Africa to support our health response and social relief measures,” he said.

President Ramaphosa welcomed the indications from the NDB that it aims to provide up to US$10 billion in crisis-related assistance and to support economic recovery efforts.

In light of the battle of the COVID-19 pandemic and the search for a vaccine, President Ramaphosa said this year’s experience had demonstrated the need to accelerate the establishment of the BRICS Vaccine Research and Development Centre in South Africa, as agreed in the 2018 Johannesburg Declaration.

“We support the initiative to establish an integrated early warning system for preventing mass infectious diseases, and believe this is a project that could be supported by the NDB.

“Investing in science, technology and innovation will not only prepare us for future health emergencies, but it will also enable us to confront other global challenges,” said the President.

At the summit, South Africa also reiterated its call for multilateralism.

“It is clear from this pandemic that we must strengthen multilateralism as the preferred means to advance our mutual interests.

“We reiterate our call for reform of the United Nations Security Council to ensure that it is more representative and inclusive, in line with the principle of the sovereign equality of all states,” said President Ramaphosa.

With respect to development through industrialisation, President Ramaphosa said countries must ensure that trade rules take the interests of developing countries into account.

In this regard, the President said reform of the World Trade Organisation was key to rebalancing the global trading system and ensuring that its benefits are shared more equitably.

As resolved in the 2019 Brasilia Declaration, President Ramaphosa urged for continued collaboration through the BRICS partnership to address the problem of under-invoicing, which has a profound impact on industrial development and employment goals.

“Our meeting today – in the midst of economic and social turmoil – is evidence that our partnership is strong and enduring.

“Working together, let us continue our onward march towards shared peace, security and prosperity, not only for our respective countries, but for all of humanity,” said the President. – Source:
President Cyril Ramaphosa said the South African Government would this week demonstrate that the country remained an attractive investment destination.
Writing in the latest edition of his weekly newsletter, the President said government would show the progress it was making to improve the business climate.

“It will build on the positive momentum in investment in the years before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Foreign direct investment flows into South Africa, for example, rose sharply from R26.8 billion in 2017 to R70.6 billion in 2018,” President Ramaphosa said.

The progress, the President said, would be outlined when the country hosted the third instalment of the South Africa Investment Conference in which the President had set an ambitious task of securing R1.2 trillion in additional investments over five years.

The conference was held from 17 to 18 November 2020.

Over the last 10 months, the pandemic has forced many promising investments pledged at previous conferences to be scaled back or put on hold. However, the President said these investments only amounted to about one-tenth of the total investment commitment of R664 billion. Most of the investments, he added, were going ahead.

Of the 102 projects that were announced at the last two investment conferences, 12 are in the early stages of implementation, 19 have been launched, and 44 are currently under construction or being rolled out.
“Beyond its contribution to national gross domestic product (GDP), investment stimulates and supports the growth of local economies, with direct material benefits for our people. It creates work opportunities and full-time jobs, providing people with an income to feed their families and pay for basic amenities.

“This income gives them purchasing power and enables them to access credit for buying a home or starting a business,” wrote the President.

The income they spend on goods and services supports local businesses, including small enterprises. As opportunities are spread and economies grow at a local level, overall economic activity is stimulated, creating a "trickle-up" effect, President Ramaphosa said.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s investment conference was limited to 175 delegates, who attended in person from listed companies, emerging firms and entrepreneurs, business associations, labour and government. An additional 1 000 online delegates from different parts of the world participated.

Unlocking growth opportunities

The President said this year’s conference was about implementation and turning commitments into brick and mortar projects in cities and towns.

“It will highlight our progress in driving the economic reforms that are needed to unlock investment and growth.

“Investor confidence has been boosted by, among other things, the establishment of the Infrastructure Fund. Confidence is also being improved by our continuing implementation of structural reforms and the finalisation of industry master plans in sectors such as clothing and textiles, sugar and the automotive industry.”

He said the country would showcase its strengths and how these could be leveraged to attract new investment. For example, said the President, South Africa had been voted the second-most attractive location for business process outsourcing for the third year in a row.

“With business continuity having been disrupted by the pandemic, we are perfectly placed to capitalise on the growing need of businesses for remote contact centres.  We are positioning ourselves as a hub for digital services.

“Following the commitment that Amazon Web Services made at last year’s investment conference, the company opened its first cloud data centre in Africa, in Cape Town, earlier this year,” said President Ramaphosa.

South Africa, he said, was already a preferred energy investment destination, with many of the projects implemented through the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme having been successful, setting an example for many countries around the world.

With the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) commencing in January 2021, President Ramaphosa said the country wanted to attract more continental investors into South Africa, while expanding the country’s own investments and the market for South African goods and services elsewhere on the continent.

“Already, more than a quarter of South Africa’s exports are sent to other countries in Africa. We expect this to increase as the AfCFTA establishes a continental market of some 1.3 billion people and a combined GDP of around US$2.3 trillion.

“We are not the only country trying to attract investment as part of its economic recovery efforts in the aftermath of COVID-19. This makes our task much harder,” he said.

To achieve this goal, government will have to work together with business, labour and all of society to ensure that the seeds of local and international investment land on fertile soil.

“Our national objective is that the investments we secure at the third South Africa Investment Conference must lead to more jobs and improved living standards, and ultimately build the highway that leads to a better, more inclusive future for all,” the President said. – Source:
President Cyril Ramaphosa, on behalf of government and the people of South Africa, extended his congratulations to President-elect Alassane Ouattara and the people of Côte d’Ivoire for conducting successful elections.

President Ramaphosa, who also serves as Chair of the African Union (AU), has taken note that the Ivorian Constitutional Council on 9 November 2020 confirmed Ouattara as the winner of the 31 October 2020 Presidential election and was elected as President.

In this regard, President Ramaphosa said the successful conclusion of the election signified yet another positive step towards the deepening of democracy on the African continent.

President Ramaphosa assured the President-elect of his commitment to strengthen bilateral cooperation between South Africa and Côte d'Ivoire, which is underscored by the need for the two countries to work together to advance continental integration.

The President also noted the statements of the Economic Community of West African States Election Observation Mission and the AU Election Observation Mission, which declared the Ivorian Presidential election satisfactory. – Source:
  President Cyril Ramaphosa on Friday, 13 November 2020, hosted the President of the Republic of Malawi, Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, on a Working Visit to South Africa.
“The purpose of the visit is to strengthen and deepen relations between the two countries. It is expected that the two presidents will discuss matters of mutual interest bilaterally, regionally, continentally and globally”, The Presidency said on Thursday.

The ministers of foreign affairs; gender, community development and social welfare; homeland security; health; trade; and labour accompanied President Chakwera.

Regionally, Malawi is the incoming Chairperson of Southern African Development Community (SADC), while South Africa is the incoming Chair of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation.

South Africa and Malawi enjoy cordial bilateral relations.

South Africa’s exports to Malawi in 2019 were worth approximately R6 billion, while imports from Malawi were estimated to be worth approximately R1.3 billion.
The Chairperson of the African Union (AU), President Cyril Ramaphosa, has been made aware of the growing tension between the Western Sahara and Morocco, arising from a dispute on the buffer zone.  
In a statement on Thursday, 12 November 2020, the President asked the two countries to ease tensions and return to negotiations.

He further urged all the parties to uphold the Settlement Plan, which provides for “a ceasefire” and the holding of a referendum for the people of Western Sahara to exercise their right to self-determination.

President Ramaphosa also called upon the United Nation’s Secretary-General to urgently appoint a Special Envoy to the Western Sahara to address all the underlying causes of tensions and assist with finding lasting peace in that region.
President Cyril Ramaphosa says government has put in motion a number of interventions aimed at helping South African companies invest in the continent and participate in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).
  He said this when he responded to oral questions in the National Assembly on Thursday, 12 November 2020.

“We want to ensure that our firms, entrepreneurs, small enterprises and workers benefit from the trading opportunities that will arise as the AfCFTA commences to operate.

“Government has a number of interventions to support South Africans who want to trade and do business in other African countries. “The empowerment of black, women and youth-led and -owned firms through export readiness and export capacity is at the top of this agenda,” he said. 

He said, for example, that government’s National Exporter Development Programme supported both emerging and established exporters to increase the number of South African exporters and effectively grow exports of value-added goods over time. The President said in the last financial year, 1 029 emerging exporters completed training, of whom 1 006 were black-owned, 494 were women-owned and 227 were youth-owned.
He also said that 88 women-owned companies were assisted to promote their goods and services through various trade promotion and marketing events on the continent.

Between 2014 and 2018, South African firms invested over US$10 billion – around R160 billion – in different parts of the continent.

This, the President said, had made South Africa the fifth-largest source of foreign direct investment on the continent in value behind the United States, France, United Kingdom and China.

“Much remains to be done but we believe strongly that Africans have now put the continent on the path to sustained and strong economic growth.

“In many ways, Africa’s colonial past has continued to shape its economic development over recent decades.

“Just as colonial powers extracted the continent’s wealth for their own benefit, enrichment, upliftment and development, today, African economies participate in the global economy primarily as a source of minerals and commodities, while the production of higher and value-added manufactured products takes place elsewhere.”

The President said the vision of African leaders today was aimed at breaking this pattern.

“We are determined to build strong and inclusive economies through industrialisation and the beneficiation of the minerals and commodities that are extracted from the African soil in our countries.”

He said the AfCTFA was a significant development that would change trade patterns and had the potential to transform African economies.

“It will encourage economic diversification, beneficiation of our minerals and resources and value-addition to seize the opportunities arising from an increasingly open African continental market.

“We expect that in the new year, 2021, preferential trade in Africa will begin with significant product coverage and will be further expanded over the coming years.

“Even prior to the agreement on the AfCTFA, South Africa had already begun implementing an investment-led trade strategy.

“South Africa has sought to use its outward foreign direct investment in the rest of the continent to encourage balanced growth and localisation.” – Source:
President Cyril Ramaphosa is determined to see every part of the economy return to full operation as government works towards recovery from the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.  
Addressing the nation on the country’s COVID-19 status on Wednesday, 12 November 2020, President Ramaphosa announced the amendment of alert level 1 regulations to restore the normal trading hours for the sale of alcohol at retail outlets.

“We are also opening up international travel to all countries subject to the necessary health protocols and the presentation of a negative COVID-19 certificate,” he told the nation.

The President's relaxation of travel restrictions would be in line with rapid testing and strict monitoring intended to limit the spread of the infection through importation by those who will be travelling to South Africa.

“We expect that these measures will greatly assist businesses in the tourism and hospitality sectors.”
– Source:
  “We would like to express our profound sadness upon learning of the demise of His Excellency, Walid Al-Moallem, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of the Syrian Arab Republic.

“We wish to convey the sincere condolences of the Government and people of the Republic of South Africa to the bereaved family of the late Minister, and to the Government and people of the Syrian Arab Republic on this sad loss.

“We laud Foreign Minister Walid AL-Moallem’s impressive achievements and wish the Government and people of the Syrian Arab Republic well in their progress towards peace, development and prosperity of their country.”
Researchers from the HIV Prevention Trials Network have announced a “breakthrough” in the prevention of HIV in women.
The initial results from clinical trials show that an injection once every eight weeks is 90% more effective than taking a daily pill to prevent HIV among women.

The trial was led by Dr Sinead Delany-Moretlwe, Director of Research at the Reproductive Health and HIV Institute (RHI) at the University of the Witwatersrand.

A comparison was made between a new injectable preventative drug given once every eight weeks (cabotegravir) and a daily pill (oral tenofovir/emtricitabine) currently used for HIV prevention.

Overall, 3 223 women at research sites in Botswana, eSwatini, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe took part. 57% of the participants were under the age of 25, the average age of participants was 26 years, 82% were not living with a partner, 55% reported two or more partners in the past month, and 34% reported having a primary partner who is living with HIV or whose HIV status is unknown.
Dr Delany-Moretlwe said during a press conference on Zoom that among all the participants, there were 38 HIV infections over 24 months, of which 34 were among the women who were given the pills and four among those who received the injections. She said it was much easier to take an injection, which is discreet, than to take a pill every day.

The injection proved 98% more effective than the pill option, and it was safe to take, she said. After the finding was made last week, the “blinded” phase of the trial, in which neither the participants nor the researchers know who is in which group, was stopped, so that all the study participants could be given the option to switch to the injection.

Dr Delany-Moretlwe said the success of the trial could lead to a reduction in HIV infections worldwide. – Sources: GroundUp and
  The Nelson Mandela Platinum Suite at Saxon Hotel has retained its top spot as Africa’s best hotel suite. For the fifth year in a row, it was the winner in that category at the World Travel Awards.
Featuring a steam room, private pool and 24-hour butler, one night in this 400m2 suite will set you back roughly R35 000.

Situated in Sandhurst, the Saxon itself again won the award for Africa's Leading Boutique Hotel, for the 19th time.

The 400m2 Nelson Mandela Platinum Suite has a lounge, dining area, guest accommodation and master bedroom with walk-in shower and steam room.
South African conservation documentary, “The Edge of Existence”, by Black Bean Productions, has scooped a top award at the 10th annual Wildlife Conservation Film Festival (WCFF), which took place from 1 October to 8 November 2020.
Out of 150 documentaries at the festival, The Edge of Existence – which took three years to film, with the crew sometimes spending days or even weeks trying to get a single shot – won the award for Best Human and Nature Film.

Directed by James Suter and Charlie Luckock of Black Bean Productions, with Banovich Studios as an Executive Producer and the Grumeti Fund as a Conservation Partner and Executive Producer, this unique wildlife documentary highlights the complex issues around the human-wildlife conflict in Africa (specifically focussing on Tanzania’s Western Corridor in the Serengeti) and delves into an issue that is quickly becoming a global crisis.

“We are delighted by the international recognition the film has been receiving. Being selected as the winner for the Best Human and Nature Film for the 2020 Wildlife Conservation Film Festival, is an incredible achievement for us,” says James Suter.

The film has premiered at three other international film festivals in 2020 – the Freeland Film Festival, the Garden Route International Film Festival and the Ireland Wildlife Film Festival. The film has also been selected for screening at a number of other festivals locally and internationally that will take place over the next few months.

“Prior to the making of this ground-breaking documentary, the story of human-wildlife conflict, especially in areas like East Africa, was largely untold,” says Suter.

“Few people really understand the concept of human-wildlife conflict. It is a topic that only recently started to be discussed.”

The documentary, with breathtaking cinematography, including sweeping aerial shots of vast herds of game on the plains of Tanzania, and set against stark images of life in the neighbouring villages, tells the important story of how communities and conservation are inextricably interlinked. – Source: www.goodthings.guy
Famous for its sparkling, seemingly endless beaches, Plettenberg Bay was honoured at the 2020 World Travel Awards for having the most dazzling beaches in Africa.
The town was voted Africa’s leading beach destination at the annual awards, which were announced recently.

The World Travel Awards conduct a year-long search for the world’s best travel, tourism and hospitality destinations and brands. Votes are cast by travel industry professionals and the public, with the nominee with the most votes in a particular category named the winner.

Top contenders for 2020’s Leading Beach Destination Award included Cape Town.

Plett Tourism acting CEO, Patty Butterworth, said this was the town’s 11th consecutive nomination – a prestigious honour in itself.

“With 20km of pristine coastline, and two areas of the bay classified as marine protected areas, it is one of the few scientifically identified ‘Hope Spots’ in the world.”

It is therefore no surprise that Plett has continuously been nominated. With world-class tourism products and services, a pristine, protected coastline, indigenous forests and a wide range of outdoor activity options, the area has won numerous national and international accolades.

The bay iself is characterised by an abundance of marine life, including humpback, Southern right, beluga and killer whales, as well as common, bottlenose and humpback dolphins.

Annual marine visitors may also include migratory sharks during the sardine run, manta rays, African penguins and Cape fur seals.

Plett’s beaches are popular year round because of its agreeable climate. Keurbooms, above, is a favourite Image: Supplied

The bay is protected on one side by the magnificent and geologically significant Robberg Nature Reserve, a World Heritage Site.

On the other side of the bay are indigenous rain forests and the majestic Tsitsikamma mountains.

Butterworth said Plett was especially popular with holidaymakers because of its moderate climate, even in winter. The average winter temperature is a more-than-bearable 17 degrees and the average summer temperature a balmy 27 degrees, making the town an ideal beach destination all year round.  

“For Plettenberg Bay, it’s not about just being Africa’s leading beach destination,” Butterworth said.

“It is also about being recognised as a world-class tourism destination recognising the importance of maintaining a careful balance between providing visitors with inspiring experiences they desire, while preserving and maintaining our valuable natural assets. – Source:
Food magazine “Chef’s Pencil” has named Cape Town as the world’s most underrated foodie destination.
For many food lovers, their next meal is key when planning an international vacation. Certain countries tend to top the list when one thinks of travelling for a food-based experience.

“Think top foodie destination and it’s likely Italy, France, China and Japan will also be up there somewhere at the top. These most popular top spots attract foodie travellers from across the globe. But there are plenty of incredible foodie destinations that just don’t get the exposure they truly deserve,” writes the magazine.

To find out the places that don’t get enough recognition, they interviewed 250 chefs and foodies about where they thought was the most underrated destination for foodies, and put together a list based on their responses. Cape Town came out in the top spot in the city rankings.

“It is the premier South African city for food, catering for every taste and style – haute cuisine, street food to die for, eclectic pop-ups. There’s the crowded and bustling Waterfront for everything from quick to chic, the V & A Food Court for everything food and drink, and a whole city sprinkled with great food experiences to explore,” the magazine reads.

“Being a port city and sitting on the Dutch East India’s Spice Route, its food has been flavoured by spices and cuisines from around the world – the true Mother City of the Rainbow Nation."

Top spots like The Potluck Club, The Test Kitchen and La Colombe were mentioned for their fine dining offers.

“Fine dining is vibrant and busy and needs booking in advance – especially the more popular spots like The Potluck Club, The Test Kitchen and La Colombe, these last two regularly making the world’s top restaurant list,” reads the list.

“With its fabulous climate, Cape Town dining often spills onto the sidewalks, meaning it has weathered the pandemic storm.

"A whole host of new restaurants opened this year, making this an underrated destination deserving of rediscovery,” it concludes.

Other cities on the list include Budapest, Chicago, Melbourne, Mexico City, San Sebastian, Bergen, Hong Kong, Montreal and Napoli. – Source:
René van Rooyen’s “Toorbos” is officially this year’s South African entry for the highly coveted Best International Feature Film Award for the 2021 Academy Awards. The film, which is an adaptation of renowned writer Dalene Matthee’s 2003 best-selling novel of the same name, is currently on circuit in South African cinemas.
Competition was tough and the South African Academy Awards Selection Committee, comprising professionals from various fields of the filmmaking value chain evaluated several diverse, rich and unique submissions from 2 to 5 November 2020 at Nu Metro cinemas across the country.
Van Rooyen’s film has seen great success at the Cape Town International Market and Film Festival, having won the award for Work in Progress programme. The film has also been selected for the Torino Film Festival in Italy, November 2020. It is only the third South African entry by a female director for the Academy Awards since 1989.
"It is an honour for our entire team that our film has been selected to represent South Africa. COVID-19 has severely impacted arts in South Africa, Africa and the rest of the world. This is an amazing tribute and opportunity for our local film industry." says producer, Dries Scholtz.
Starring Elani Dekker in the lead, Toorbos investigates the uprooting of a young forest woman during the time of the final forest dwellers of South Africa's Knysna forest of the 1930s. It tells a story of the intimate relationship of an initiated “forest woman” and the heart of the forest and how it becomes an obstacle in her experience of the man she loves.
The National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF), as an agency of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, is officially recognised by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to make submissions on behalf of the South African film industry.
"Toorbos' success serves as great testament of this classic novel and our history as a country. Our filmmakers play a significant role in preserving our history and René has managed to capture Dalene Mathee’s novel immaculately. The story of Toorbos is about a historical event in South Africa, which affected the last forest inhabitants of South Africa’s Knysna forest in the 1930s. We wish René and her team all the best as their film will be competing on global stages. South Africa is rooting for you,’’ said NFVF CEO, Makhosazana Khanyile.

Table Mountain has been announced – by the World Travel Awards – as Africa’s leading tourist attraction.
  This incredible award recognises the enigmatic beauty that has made Table Mountain one of the best tourist attractions in the world – having seen more than 29 million visitors reach the top of its summit by the aerial cableway over the decades.

“At this point in time where tourism and travel has suffered greatly as a result of COVID-19, we are extremely pleased to bring this accolade home to South Africa and Cape Town in particular,” says Wahida Parker, Managing Director of the Table Mountain Aerial Cableway Company (TMACC).

“We are excited about the recognition, honour and responsibility that this place on us, and inspired at the prospect that we could claim the distinction of leading attraction of the world!”
Parker salutes and thanks TMACC’s fellow contenders, which included iconic African giants; Mountain Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt and two of the fellow Cape Town Big Six attractions – Robben Island and the V&A Waterfront.

In addition to Table Mountain’s win this year, Cape Town also walked away with the recognition of being Africa’s Leading Festival and Event Destination in the awards.

This isn’t the first time that the mountain has been achieved this prized accolade. In 2019 and 2013, Table Mountain held the top spot – having contended with Mountain Kilimanjaro and the Pyramids of Giza as previous winners of the title.

“Of course, Table Mountain has won – as the only voted and official New7Wonders of Nature of the whole of Africa – it is one of the leading attractions in the whole world,” says Jean-Paul da la Fuente, Director of the New7Wonders Foundation. “And let us not forget that Table Mountain is also a symbol of continental unity, reaching all the way up to the only surviving Ancient 7 Wonder, the Pyramids of Giza.”

Table Mountain is still up for the running to be voted as the world’s leading tourist attraction. The announcement of the world winners is set to take place in late November.

The World Travel Awards are a global initiative to award excellence in travel and tourism. –Source:
Netflix has released the trailer for “Riding with Sugar”, and if it is anything to go by, South Africans will be left inspired this holiday season.
The story of Riding with Sugar is one of triumph and hope in the face of adversity. Written and directed by Cannes Lions Gold winner, Sunu Gonera, and produced by iconic film stalwart, Helena Spring, the uniquely African story is a coming-of-age, feel-good ride about a young refugee’s quest for BMX glory.

The storyline of this film encompasses all of the emotion attached to competing in a competitive sport as well as finding belonging, discovering love and the pursuit of happiness and triumph.

“Once a student with a great future, refugee Joshua dreams of winning a cycling championship as a means of finding a better life, but fate intervenes in the form of an accident that shatters his dream. He is given shelter and a job by Mambo who houses refugee teenagers from all over Africa. When Joshua meets Olivia, a talented young dancer from a well-to-do family, it brings him into a world he has never known before, but her insights cast a shadow over Mambo’s agenda.”

The Afrofuturistic feature film, 17 years in the making, premieres on Netflix, on 27 November 2020.

Riding with Sugar
boasts a celebrated cast that includes Hakeem Kae-Kazim (Black Sails, Pirates of the Caribbean, X-Men, Hotel Rwanda), alongside breakout stars Charles Mnene (The Bill, Holby City, Doctors, Ahead of the Class) and Simona Brown (Guilt, the Roots remake and Him). – Source:

Disney’s brand new live-action movie about “Black Beauty” was filmed in South Africa … and will be coming to Disney+ later this month.
Black Beauty is an upcoming internationally co-produced drama film written and directed by Ashley Avis, based on the 1877 novel of the same name by Anna Sewell. It stars Mackenzie Foy, Kate Winslet, Claire Forlani, Iain Glen and Fern Deacon and was filmed right here in South Africa.

The Disney Plus adaptation of Black Beauty has little to do with Anna Sewell’s 1877 novel of the same name. Sewell’s book followed one singular horse throughout his life, giving an unflinching look at the cruel conditions that horses endured during the time period.

“This movie adaptation, however, takes place in the modern-day, following teenage Jo Green (Mackenzie Foy) who moves to her uncle’s ranch out west in America (but in really out in the Western Cape) after an unspecified separation from her family. It’s there where she encounters a wild, untamable horse (now a female horse voiced by Kate Winslet) with no name. They form a deep bond, and she dubs the mare Black Beauty.”

But when the horse is sold, Jo is determined to reunite with Beauty no matter what. Beauty, meanwhile, changes different hands and owners, but her bond with Jo keeping her steady throughout.

Using South Africa as a backdrop for Black Beauty brings the beauty of our county and landscape to the forefront.

The film will be released on Disney+ on 27 November 2020, and should hit other streaming services soon after that. –  Source:

  The African Trailblazer of the Year Category has been established and recognises local charity work in Africa.

Springbok rugby captain Siya Kolisi will be honoured with the African Trailblazer of the Year Award at the 2020 E! People’s Choice Awards.

According to reports, for the first time in the history of the ceremony, E! will be recognising local charity work in Africa with a brand new award: African Trailblazer of the Year.

Kolisi, who led the Springboks to victory at the Rugby World Cup in 2019, is being recognised for his extraordinary work off the sporting field with the launch of Kolisi Foundation earlier this year. – Source:
Taking 30 wickets in 17 matches, Kagiso Rabada was in fine form, setting a Delhi Capitals record in the process.

Red Bull athlete and Proteas fast bowler, Kagiso Rabada, has been crowned with the Indian Premier League’s (IPL) “Purple Cap” for his efforts with the Delhi Capitals for the 2020 campaign.

The honour is bestowed upon the season’s leading wicket-taker in the tournament with Rabada leading the pack with 30 wickets taken, three more than Mumbai Indians’ Jasprit Bumrah, who topped the wicket-taker ranking briefly before Kagiso’s last rally to obtain the top title.

Recently, the prolific fast bowler received a national call up to join the 24-man Proteas squad that will face off with England in one of three T20 matches that will kick off on home soil later this month.

Rabada’s fellow Red Bull athlete, KL Rahul, managed to secure the “Orange Cap” –  given to the leading run-scorer of the IPL season. – Source:
Banyana Banyana made history on 14 November 2020 after they won their fourth Cosafa Women's Championship title.
Facing Botswana in the final on Saturday, 14 November 2020 , it took only two minutes for the South Africans to open their account.

Sibulele Holweni struck off a goal-keeping mistake and South Africa held that 1-0 lead throughout the opening half.

In the second half, a relentless attack saw Gabriela Salgado find the back of the net for Banyana to go 2-0 up.

A solitary goal for Botswana followed as Thando Mokgabo found the back of the net, but it wasn't enough as the South Africans held on for their seventh Cosafa title.

Holweni took her goal tally to eight which saw her take home the Cosafa Golden Boot Award.

Hilda Magaia was awarded the Player of the Tournament. – Source:
Bafana Bafana completed the double over São Tomé and Príncipe as they registered a 4-2 victory at Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium on Monday afternoon, 16 November 2020.
São Tomé started the game on the front foot as they opened the scoring through captain, Joazhifel Sousa Pontes, who won himself a free header at the near-post to steer the ball beyond Ronwen Williams in the 12th minute.

Bafana eventually began to realise they were still playing on their own turf as Bongani Zungu combined well with Dean Furman, who neatly played Thema Zwane through on goal, with the reigning PSL footballer of the season coolly slotting into the net from inside the area.
  The two sides went into the half-time break at 1-1, with no changes effected at the start of the second stanza, though the "visitors" started on a brighter note.

Lebogang Manyama could have handed his team the lead in the 49th minute but saw his effort strike the post after being teed up by Zwane.

Percy Tau then made no mistake as he placed the ball beyond goalkeeper Adaim Gamboa to hand Bafana the lead in the 69th minute.

São Tomé responded just five minutes later through Harramiz Soares, who equalised for the "home" team, but "Mshishi" restored parity with under three minutes left on the clock to bag his brace.
Tau ensured Bafana take all three points for the second successive time as he too grabbed his third goal of the campaign to ensure a respectable win for Molefi Ntseki's side. – Source:
“Thank you, Madame President,

“Let me begin by expressing my deepest sadness at the passing of Dr Saeb Erekat. The people of South Africa extend their sincere condolences to his family and all the Palestinian people. It is people of this calibre and stature that are required on both sides of this conflict, in order to bring about a peaceful, long-lasting solution.

“I also thank Special Coordinator Mladenov, for his briefing on the realities on the ground in the occupied Palestinian territory. I would like to take this opportunity to commend the work that you and your office do in contributing towards the resolution of this conflict.

“Madame President, allow me to begin by expressing South Africa’s condemnation of Israel’s continuing and abundant illegal actions. On 3 November 2020, the Israeli Government conducted its largest demolition of Palestinian property in a decade.”

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