Issue 456 | 03 December 2020
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On 1 December 2020, South Africa assumed the rotating monthly presidency of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).
This is South Africa’s second Presidency during its two-year (2019 – 2020) elected term on the council. December is also South Africa’s final month on the council during its current term. During this month, South Africa will focus on strengthening African Union (AU) and UN cooperation and emphasising the importance of a proactive approach to the maintenance of international peace and security, particularly in the form of drawing greater attention to preventative diplomacy mechanisms, as well as post-conflict reconstruction and development.

In this regard, President Cyril Ramaphosa will preside over a virtual debate on AU-UN cooperation on 4 December, while Minister Naledi Pandor will preside over a virtual debate on Security Sector Governance and Reform on 3 December.

Based on the reporting cycles of the Security Council, further meetings will be held relating to the situations in Afghanistan, Central Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Palestine, Somalia, South Sudan, the Republic of Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

South Africa’s participation in the Security Council as an elected member is a continuation of its ongoing approach to multilateralism, guided by the country’s national experience of peacefully dismantling apartheid and achieving a negotiated political settlement. The legacy of President Nelson Mandela and his impetus towards a peaceful and inclusive solution for South Africa remains a cornerstone of this foreign policy objective.

During its two-year tenure on the UNSC, South Africa has focussed on preventing and resolving conflicts on the African continent, advancing the Women Peace and Security Agenda and the promotion of the pacific settlement of disputes as well as conflict prevention and peacebuilding. Serving on the UNSC has provided South Africa with an opportunity to meaningfully contribute towards the AU’s goal of ending conflicts and silencing the guns on the continent by 2020, specifically during this year where we concurrently chair the AU.
His Excellency Dr Mokgweetsi Eric Keabetswe Masisi, the President of the Republic of Botswana, and Chairperson of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, on Friday, 27 November 2020, hosted the Extraordinary Organ Troika Summit, Force Intervention Brigade (FIB) Troop Contributing Countries (TCC) Plus Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Republic of Mozambique to discuss emerging peace and security issues in the region.  
The SADC Troika of the organ includes Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe as the Current, Incoming and Outgoing Chair of the Organ respectively. The FIB Troop Contributing Countries under the UN Organisation Stabilisation Mission in the DRC (known as MONUSCO) are Malawi, South Africa and the United Republic of Tanzania.

The Extraordinary Organ Troika Summit was preceded by the meeting of the Ministerial Committee of the Organ, which was held on 26 November, 2020.

The SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation is the body whose overall objective is to promote peace and security in the region in line with Article 2 of the SADC Protocol on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation.
  President Cyril Ramaphosa has, on behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, sent a message of condolences to the Government and the people of the Republic of Niger following the passing away of Mamadou Tandja, former President of the Republic of Niger.
President Tandja was born in Maïné-Soroa, in the south-eastern part of Niger in 1938, and passed away on 24 November 2020 at the age of 82. He was a renowned figure in Niger and was generally loved by Nigerians. He will be remembered as one of the great leaders of the African continent. During his tenure as President, Mr Tandja had the honour of hosting former President Thabo Mbeki during a historic State Visit in Niamey, Niger, on 4 July 2006.  

President Ramaphosa said the people of South Africa would always have warm recollections of the life of former President Tandja, for the role he played not only in South Africa but also on the African continent to promote liberty and peace.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, in her capacity as the Chairperson of the Executive Council of the African Union (AU), presided over the 21st Extraordinary Session of the Executive Council of the AU on 2 December 2020.  
The South African delegation was led by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition,  Ebrahim Patel; joined by the Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Candith Mashego-Dlamini.

The meeting of the Executive Council was held in preparation for the upcoming 13th and 14th extraordinary summits on the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and on Silencing the Guns in Africa, which will be held on 5 an 6 December 2020, respectively. 

The Executive Council considered the draft decision and draft declaration to be adopted by the Extraordinary Summit, which will operationalise the start of trade under the AfCFTA on 1 January 2021. This includes the finalised schedules of tariff concessions by member states and customs unions that have ratified the AfCFTA, the agreed rules of origin and the customs documentation necessary for the start of preferential trade. 

Outstanding work on tariff offers, rules of origin and the services offers will form part of the agenda to be concluded by June 2021. 

Guided by the theme of the AU for the year, “Silencing the Guns: Creating Conducive Conditions for Africa’s Development”, the Executive Council also assessed the peace and security situation on the continent. In this regard, the Executive Council considered the proposed review of the implementation of the AU Master Roadmap of Practical Steps to Silence the Guns in Africa.

The Executive Council recommended measures to be adopted by the extraordinary summits to resolve old and recent conflicts, and prevent new ones, in order to create conducive conditions to advance Africa’s socio-economic development. 
The South African Government has condemned the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist, Dr Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, on Friday, 27 November 2020, in the strongest terms.
In her response, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, expressed her condemnation of the assassination and noted that it was the second prominent Iranian citizen who was killed in this manner in 2020. She stated that the targeted killing of Iranians would not lead to peace, but will further exacerbate the volatility of the region.
  Extra judicial killings of this nature have a destabilising effect and the perpetrators of such actions must be brought to justice.

The Minister said: “We commend the restraint of the Iranian Government, despite the continued unfair targeting and outside interference in the affairs of the country.”

The Minister reiterated South Africa’s commitment to the basic principle that peace and security in the Middle East should be achieved and sustained in accordance with, and in full respect for international law and the United Nations Charter.

She appealed that all states should work towards lasting peace and security within the Middle East region through dialogue, rather than confrontation, and that South Africa stands ready to assist in this regard.
The South African Government has noted, with deep concern, the attack targeting a petroleum facility in Jeddah on 23 November 2020.
In her response, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, expressed her concerns about the escalation of violence in the region during the past week.

She added that this was the second terrorist attack in Jeddah during November 2020.

South Africa maintains that terrorism in all its forms cannot be condoned and therefore strongly supports all efforts by the international community to combat terrorism within the framework of the United Nations (UN).

The Minister, furthermore, stated that such events were an affront to the prosperity of the region and only sought to destabilise and dismantle the positive developments that have been made in the UN mediation and peace initiative.

She added that the Republic of South Africa had noted the restraint demonstrated by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by not retaliating, and instead, of using the avenues available in the international system to address its concerns. The Minister stated that a peace process led by the region was the only solution to lasting peace.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, has congratulated Professor Ann Marie Skelton, on her re-election to the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC).
Professor Skelton will continue serving on this important human rights treaty body of independent experts that monitors the implementation of the most ratified human rights convention, namely the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, for the period 2021 to 2025.

The convention, which South Africa signed and ratified in 1994 and 1995 respectively, has 196 state parties. It also monitors implementation of two optional protocols to the convention; one on the involvement of children in armed conflict and the other on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.

Prof. Skelton was re-elected among 14 candidates, who sought to fill nine vacancies on the 18-person committee at the 18th Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of the Child that was held in New York on Tuesday, 24 November 2020.

Minister Pandor said: “Professor Skelton has been an invaluable member of the CRC during her first term, including co-chairing and coordinating a number of items. As such, her re-election will ensure continuity to the work of the CRC. Her re-election will also contribute to gender diversity in the committee, her rich expertise notwithstanding.”  

Furthermore, Minister Pandor expressed her confidence that Professor Skelton’s re-election would greatly enhance the work of the committee. The Minister wished Professor Skelton success in her endeavours in the CRC.
  The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Alvin Botes, on Monday, 30 November 2020, delivered the keynote address at an event commemorating the annual United Nations (UN) International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
The event was organised jointly by Department of International Relations and Cooperation, the Embassy of the State of Palestine, the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture and the UN Office in Pretoria.

The event took place under the theme: “Palestine in Africa”. Deputy Minister Botes’ speech focussed on how South Africa could build renewed solidarity on the African continent and support the just cause of Palestine internationally.

The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is observed by the UN annually on 29 November, in accordance with General Assembly (GA) mandates.

This day provides an opportunity for people globally to focus their attention on the fact that the question of Palestine is still unresolved and, as defined by the UNGA, the Palestinian people are yet to attain their inalienable rights.
The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (dtic) recently hosted a virtual Outward Trade and Investment Mission with Ethiopia.  
The department said the objective of the seminar, which took place from 25 to 26 November 2020, was to increase bilateral trade and investment between South Africa and Ethiopia.

“The mission is an ideal platform for South African companies that would like to export value-added products to Ethiopia, as well as those that would like to pursue investment opportunities in the East African country,” said dtic Deputy Minister, Nomalungelo Gina.

Deputy Minister Gina said South Africa’s exports to Ethiopia were diversified, covering a number of the department’s re-imagined industrialisation policy sectors.

“This presents potential to increase the volume of value-added products, as well as investments in Ethiopia by South African businesses looking to expand their footprint into the largest market in East Africa.”

Agricultural products, chief among these, are coffee and spices, which dominate the country’s imports from Ethiopia.

Deputy Minister Gina believes that South Africa’s exports to Ethiopia in 2019 indicate demand and potential for exports expansion and investment in industrial and agriculture sector inputs.

Meanwhile, the targeted sectors for the trade and investment webinar were agro-processing; chemicals and pharmaceuticals; energy and electro-technical; and footwear and leather products.

“A Memorandum of Understanding between South Africa and Ethiopia was amended in 2015 to allow for the establishment of a Joint Trade Committee. One of its tasks is to facilitate structured and regular engagements to discuss trade and economic issues, as well as address any market access issues,” said Deputy Minister Gina.

According to the Deputy Minister, the Trade Invest Africa Chief Directorate is assisting the South African business community to establish and expand its presence on the African continent. – Source:
The Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation has congratulated South Africa’s Consul General to Los Angeles (LA), Thandile Sunduza, for being unanimously nominated by the LA Area Chamber of Commerce for the position of 2021 Vice Chair and 2022 Chair of the Diplomatic and Commercial Officers Group.  
Chairperson of the committee, Tandi Mahambehlala, said Consul General Sunduza had already made an impact in the South African office in Los Angeles.

“She brings with her youthful exuberance, which South Africa and Africa must benefit from. Her role and energetic search for effective avenues must enhance economic diplomacy right from the start of President Biden’s era,” Mahambehlala said.

She said the economic spin-offs from the nomination of Sunduza were much desired to address the challenges facing South Africa.

Mahambehlala said the committee looked forward to her leadership in the coming year. – Source:
  Comair has opened bookings for domestic British Airways flights in South Africa.
The airline said it planned to begin serving all the domestic British Airways’ routes it previously operated from 9 December. Comair said that regional services would be reintroduced as it ramped up to full operations over the next few months.

“With reservations for the British Airways’ flights open, we’re now able to offer bookings on a considerably expanded schedule.

“As well as giving customers the choice of booking on either of our airline brands and a greater range of competitive fares, they now also have the option of booking in business class,” said Glenn Orsmond, representing the Comair Rescue Consortium.

The reintroduction of British Airways’ flights will also see the reopening of the group’s SLOW lounges. Initially, the domestic lounges at King Shaka International, Cape Town International and OR Tambo International will open. The other lounges will reopen as the flight schedule expands.

Comair introduced the British Airways’ brand to domestic and regional routes in South and southern Africa in 1996 when it signed a franchise agreement with the United Kingdom’s largest carrier. It has been British Airways’ most successful franchise. – Source:
The coffee chain is making a big push into Cape Town, with six new stores expected to be operational by mid-December.  
Shops are also opening in Rosebank and Castle Gate Mall as Starbucks fortifies its footprint in Gauteng.

After changing ownership almost exactly a year ago, Starbucks South Africa is launching eight new shops in the next month.

The Starbucks licence in South Africa is held by Rand Capital Coffee, which bought it from the struggling Taste Holdings at the end of last year.

Starbucks was launched in South Africa five years ago, and currently has 16 stores in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal.

Eight new stores will be opened by mid-December, including, for the first time, in Cape Town. Starbucks is launching six new stores in the city. Its new outlet in Canal Walk opened on 19 November. Starbucks stores are also planned for Cavendish Square, Stellenbosch, Tyger Valley Shopping Centre, the V&A Waterfront and Camps Bay.

New stores will also open in Pretoria at Castle Gate Mall and in Rosebank, Johannesburg, adding to the 14 outlets already operating in Gauteng.

Owner and CEO of Rand Capital Coffee, Adrian Maizey, is optimistic about Starbucks’ post-pandemic growth in South Africa and believes that Cape Town will offer the franchise a warm reception.

“Starbucks is an iconic global brand, and when the opportunity arose to expand it into my home country, particularly as this is one of few remaining scalable regions where Starbucks is yet to have a strong presence, I grabbed the chance,” he said.

The latest expansion, which is expected to be completed by mid-December, will employ an additional 69 full-time staff, taking Starbucks’ national employee count to just over 300. – Source:
  The City of Cape Town’s beaches are ready for the summer season, and this year, 10 of them made the grade and have been awarded Blue Flag status by the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA).
Residents and visitors will be able to enjoy a summer beach day and have access to internationally accredited standards and facilities at these beaches.

Following a national audit of beaches submitted for assessment by each local municipality, WESSA used 33 criteria to determine if each beach meets the level of service excellence required for Blue Flag recognition. Each beach is measured in four categories: Environmental Education and Awareness, Water Quality, Environmental Management, and Safety Services.

The individual criteria allow for an in-depth analysis of a variety of areas of competence, which include:
  • universal access (for the disabled, elderly and mothers with young children)
  • control of domestic animals (such as dogs on beaches)
  • availability of interpretive signage
  • effective waste management.
The quality international standards which have been achieved at the 10 beaches are critical drivers, which encourage the economic growth of the coastal areas. Residents and tourists can access a variety of leisure activities at these beaches.

“The City is pleased to once again receive this recognition. Being able to retain the status of all 10 Blue Flag beaches can be attributed to the work of our environmental staff, who have ensured the quality and cleanliness of these beaches have been consistently maintained. These spaces are especially important as we head into the summer months, enabling residents to enjoy nature and the ocean, while being able to safely practise social distance in line with COVID-19 regulations,” said Executive Mayor Dan Plato.

Primarily, Blue Flag is an educational programme, designed to encourage participating municipalities to meet high environmental and international standards sustainably.

The following City beaches have qualified to fly the Blue Flag this season, announced at an official ceremony by WESSA in KwaZulu-Natal recently:
  • Bikini Beach
  • Camp’s Bay
  • Clifton fourth beach
  • Fish Hoek
  • Llandudno
  • Melkbosstrand
  • Mnandi
  • Muizenberg
  • Strandfontein
  • Silwerstroom.
In addition to the 10 beaches that received Blue Flag status, the City of Cape Town received a special 10-year award recognition for Silwerstroom strand. – Source:
A Sauvignon Blanc produced by Cape Town’s iconic wine estate, Groot Constantia, has just been named as the best in the world.
Groot Constantia’s 2019 Sauvignon Blanc won the International Sauvignon Blanc Trophy at the 2020 International Wine Challenge (IWC) – one of the most prestigious competitions in the world which chooses the best wines from across the globe. This is the first time in 10 years that the award for the best Sauvignon Blanc has not been won by either the Loire or New Zealand. The wine also won the Constantia Trophy.

This is not the first time that Groot Constantia’s Sauvignon Blanc has won these prominent awards at the IWC– in 2013, the Estates Sauvignon Blanc walked away with the South African White Trophy, the Constantia Trophy and the South African Sauvignon Blanc Trophy.

The IWC assesses every wine "blind" and judges each for its faithfulness to style, region and vintage. Each medal-winning wine is tasted on at least three separate occasions by a minimum of 10 different judges – some of the world’s leading wine experts. To qualify for these international trophies, the entrants all must have already achieved a Gold medal at the IWC Challenge. All Gold medal winners then go up against each other in another round of tasting by the judges to choose the Trophy winners.

“We are very excited about the IWC trophies for our Sauvignon Blanc,” says Boela Gerber, Winemaker for Groot Constantia and official Cape Wine Master.
“The Constantia Valley has always produced beautiful Sauvignons, and we put a lot of effort into these vineyards. It is a great award for all our efforts”.

Groot Constantia’s wines are no strangers to being named the best in the world, and several years ago, the Estates Chardonnay was judged as the Best In The World at the annual Chardonnay du Monde competition in France – beating over 800 other entrants from across the globe. – Source:
  Trevor Noah, who currently hosts “The Daily Show” will host the music awards on Sunday, 31 January 2021.
Comedian, actor and one of South Africa biggest international entertainment exports of the 21st century, Trevor Noah, has been announced as the host of the 63rd Grammy Awards in 2021.

"Despite the fact that I am extremely disappointed that the Grammys have refused to have me sing or be nominated for Best Pop Album, I am thrilled to be hosting this auspicious event," Noah said.

This won't be Noah's first stint as a music awards show host: a few years ago, he was the first comedian to host the South African Music Awards before he got his big break in the United States. – Source:

The Ndlovu Youth Choir has been featured by Netflix for their South African version of “Square Root of Possible” from "Jingle Jangle".

From the imagination of writer-director David E Talbert, Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey reminds us of the strength of family and the power of possibility.

A musical adventure and a visual spectacle for the ages, Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey is a wholly fresh and spirited family holiday event. Set in the gloriously vibrant town of Cobbleton, the film follows legendary toymaker Jeronicus Jangle (Academy Award winner Forest Whitaker) whose fanciful inventions burst with whimsy and wonder. But when his trusted apprentice (Emmy winner Keegan-Michael Key) steals his most prized creation, it’s up to his equally bright and inventive granddaughter (newcomer Madalen Mills) and a long-forgotten invention to heal old wounds and reawaken the magic within.

The fllm features original songs by John Legend, Philip Lawrence, Davy Nathan, and “This Day” performed by Usher and Kiana Ledé and the Ndlovu Youth Choir.

South Africa’s favourite youth choir has been featured for their South African version of Square Root of Possible. – Source:

Alan van der Merwe is a South African race driver that is currently behind the wheel of the Mercedes Safety Car for Formula One.
At the Bahrain GP, Romain Grosjean, a driver for Haas, was involved in a horrific accident when his race car veered into the barrier, split in two and burst into a ball of flames. Thankfully, the race had only just started, and the medical vehicle was there within seconds of the accident.

The medical team rushed to assist Grosjean despite encountering flames hotter than any of their uniforms could handle. Grosjean was thankfully able to free himself from the wreckage and get away from the flames. According to sources at Formula One, he has sustained mild burns to his wrists and ankles.

The accident was massive, and without the incredible innovations in safety equipment, it could have ended with a very different headline.

  Throughout the coverage of the crash and resetting of the track, one name was repeated and got us questioning just who he was. Alan van der Merwe, a South African race driver who drives the Mercedes Safety Car for Formula One.

Alan has been the official driver for the Formula One Safety Car since 2009. Before that, he had a career as a race driver and won the 2001 Formula Ford Festival. He became the British Formula 3 Champion in 2003 and drove for Super Nova Racing in Formula 3000 in 2004.

“In 2005 and 2006, Van der Merwe raced in the A1 Grand Prix series for A1 Team South Africa with a best-placed finish of seventh in New Zealand. In 2006, he joined the Bonneville 200 MPH Club, driving a BAR-Honda team car to speeds in excess of 400 kilometres per hour (250 mph) for their Bonneville 400 project; an attempt to set an official land speed record for a Formula One car on the famous Bonneville Salt Flats. In 2008, he drove for James Watt Automotive in the 1000 km of Silverstone, part of the 2008 Le Mans Series, finishing in 33rd place and completing 159 laps. He returned to A1 Grand Prix in 2009 in the final round at Brands Hatch.”

Alan retired from racing in 2009 and became the safety driver for Formula One events around the world. The medical safety car is operated by Alan and Dr Ian Roberts. The duo have spent a great deal of time together and have even developed some of the safety equipment used to monitor drivers during the gruelling races. Signal Biometrics innovates safety devices for racing teams.

Today, everyone is talking about the South African who played a vital role in saving Grosjean from the ball of flames. Social media has been filled with thanks to Alan and his fellow medical team. Haas took to their social media to thank Alan personally as well. – Source:
AB de Villiers and Imran Tahir are among the nominees for the ICC Awards of the Decade, which will be decided by fans and an expert panel of judges.  
The International Cricket Council (ICC) has opened the voting for its Awards of the Decade with Proteas AB de Villiers and Imran Tahir among those nominated.

According to an announcement from the global body, the ICC Awards of the Decade will recognise the best players across cricket over the past 10 years.

For the first time, the fans’ voice will be heard in selecting the winners across categories, including the Sir Garfield Sobers and Rachael Heyhoe Flint awards, which celebrate the best overall player from the men’s and women’s game over the past decade.

The fan vote will make up 10% of the voting, while votes from an ICC-appointed expert panel will make up the remaining 90%.

Fans will provide 100% of the vote for the ICC Spirit of Cricket Award of the Decade, from a list of the past winners since 2011.

Fans can register on the website and vote for those shortlisted by an Awards Nominations Committee, based on performances during the period 1 January 2011 to 7 October 2020.

The top prize for voters is a once-in-a-lifetime experience at the T20 World Cup 2021 in India, including flights, accommodation, and pitch-side access to a Super 12s match. Other prizes include 45 pairs of match tickets, 15 Oppo Reno 4pro mobile phones and 50 $50 vouchers redeemable at the official T20 World Cup merchandise shop at the tournament.

The nominees for each of the categories have been determined by the Awards Nominations Committee according to on-field performances and overall achievements for at least five years during the period.

Award winners will be announced next month and will culminate in a special ICC Awards of the Decade digital show, to be broadcast on the ICC digital channels and will take into account the fans’ votes as well as those by a global panel of journalists and broadcasters. – Source:
The South African is up to a career-high 41st in the world after his second European Tour victory
  After winning his maiden European Tour title at Valderrama last year, Christiaan Bezuidenhout picked up number two on another world-class course in the form of Leopard Creek.

The South African played a superb final round in windy conditions to eventually ease to a four stroke win after a whirlwind day for his opponents.

Bezuidenhout’s bogey-free three-under-par back nine got the job done after going out in level par due to a double bogey and a single at the 7th and 8th.

He finished at 14 under par after a closing 69 (-3), his fourth sub-70 round of the week.

Bezuidenhout made back-to-back birdies at 14 and 15 on the way to victory:

Bezuidenhout moves up to a career-high 41st in the world with what is his fourth professional victory.

“It’s incredible,” he said.
“This tournament has been close to my heart since I played it for the first time. It’s always been a tournament I wanted to win and to pull it off today is really, really special to me.

“I’m proud of myself to stick in there and to have pulled it off round here.” – Source:
  South Africa’s netball Proteas produced yet another record-breaking performance when they beat Malawi 69-28 in the third and final Test at the Sun City Superbowl.
Having won the opening two tests at the same venue by wide margins, 62-29 and 65-25, respectively, this time the Proteas went even better, winning by a record 41 points.

Malawi had certainly started brighter than they had in the first two tests to find themselves only trailing 14-9 at the end of the first quarter. However, the Proteas got off a better start in the second quarter as they managed to break away from their opponents, putting a comfortable gap between the two sides.

The formidable combination of goal shooter Lenize Potgieter and goal attack Lefébre Rademan should be given credit for the accurate and sterling service in the shooting circle, which inflated the goal margin between the two uniforms, allowing the Proteas to close off the first half with a score of 36-16.

The Proteas continued to dominate in the third quarter and show off their quality when the visiting team ran out of steam and failed to maintain their intensity.

Malawi had to play catch up in the championship quarter which proved to be hard as they were failing to break through the Proteas’ defence wall and score goals. The quarter ended 56-20 in favour of South Africa.

South Africa went into the final quarter looking to break their own scoring record of a 40 goal difference and they managed to do so and closed off the Test series with a goal difference of 41 goals in this match. – Source:

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