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President Cyril Ramaphosa offers his sincere congratulations to His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio on his re-election as President of the Republic of Sierra Leone.
President Ramaphosa has noted that the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone has certified President Bio as the winner of the presidential elections of 24 June 2023.

On behalf of the Government and people of South Africa, President Ramaphosa commends the people of Sierra Leone for conducting peaceful and successful elections.

President Ramaphosa assures President Bio of his commitment to continue enhancing and strengthening bilateral cooperation between South Africa and Sierra Leone from which deepened trade and investment and people-to-people relations will be rooted.

President Ramaphosa looks forward to engagements with President Bio within the context of bilateral cooperation and key regional, continental and global issues guided by the continent’s Agenda 2063.

The President views the Sierra Leone elections as a consolidation of democracy in the country and continent in line with the Agenda 2063 goal of “consolidating democratic gains and improving quality of governance, respect for human rights and the rule of law”.


President Cyril Ramaphosa is saddened by the passing of veteran anti-apartheid activist, Blanche La Guma, at the age of 95.
The President extends his condolences to the family, friends, comrades and associates of the late veteran in South Africa, the United Kingdom (UK) and Cuba, where she lived at various stages of her life.

Ms La Guma, who was a midwife by profession, was instrumental in the formation of the Federation of South African Women and conducted underground political activity as a member of the Communist Party in the 1950s.

She was detained in 1957 for mobilising 300 nurses in a protest against the Nursing Act and was later banned.

Ms La Guma and her husband, intellectual and author, Alex La Guma, went into exile in 1966 and she returned to South Africa after the unbanning of the liberation movement.

President Ramaphosa said: “Blanche La Guma was in the vanguard of a succession of activists who mobilised communities against apartheid on the Cape Flats.

“She was a health professional who contributed to the development of her profession in her home city and the UK where she worked in exile.

“Blanche La Guma’s sacrifices and impact should inspire all of us to take a deeper interest in the history of our liberation and to develop a greater appreciation of the extraordinary roles ordinary played to fight for change in our society in the world.



President Cyril Ramaphosa has challenged African leaders to shift their focus from being producers of raw materials processed elsewhere.
The President further called on the continent to be manufacturers of their own goods and to rebuild their industrial capacity to serve the growing young population.

The President was speaking on Thursday,6 July 2023, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where he kicked off his Working Visit at the invitation of President Félix Tshisekedi.

The President co-chaired the heads of state and government segment of the 12th Session of the DRC-South Africa Bi-National Commission (BNC).

He noted that Africa was a young continent, with about 70% of the sub-Saharan African population under the age of 30.

Describing Africa’s youth as digital natives and tech-savvy, he told delegates that the continent was growing rapidly.

“It is estimated that by 2050, Africa’s population will grow to 2.5 billion people with a new generation that is more urbanised, better educated and wealthier than any that has come before it.”

Africa, according to the President, is urbanising, providing networks of skills and opportunities that can drive Africa’s development.

He projected that the urban population of Africa would be larger than that of China and India, and four times bigger than that of the United States.

“To realise the opportunity of this demographic dividend, we will need to rapidly expand and diversify our industrial capacity.

“We need to shift away from simply being producers of raw materials that are processed elsewhere in the world. Africa’s appetite for industrialisation has been whetted.”

He believes that the new investment in factories and logistics systems can power higher levels of growth and jobs.

“COVID-19 taught us the importance of Africa developing its industrial base.

“We were left stranded without the resources to fight the pandemic. We could not access sufficient supplies of medical-grade face masks, ventilators, surgical gowns, hand sanitisers, testing kits and later vaccines.”

However, through efforts to repurpose industrial capabilities, he said the continent was able to reverse this, becoming a manufacturer of all these products.

“The crisis taught us valuable lessons for the future. One of those lessons is that Africa’s industrial base while growing, needs to be much deeper and larger.”

This, he said, required significant investment in science and innovation, a conducive environment for new investment, promoting skills development within the workforce and greater levels of trade with each other.

“South Africa and the DRC can be leaders in this important project of ensuring African raw materials are processed on the African continent.

“We can combine our raw materials and skills, our technology and capital, our young people and universities into a powerful drive to industrialise.”

He is of the view that there is an opportunity to develop an integrated supply chain for electric vehicle battery manufacturing as well, using our combined resources and capacities.

“This is one of the most important initiatives we can take to ensure that Africa can be a leading manufacturer and I look forward to taking this forward with President Tshisekedi.”


He said he was pleased that several South African companies in the DRC were represented, adding that several Congolese businesses were operating in South Africa.

“There is no doubt that the potential is vast. We must work more closely to address the challenges that have been identified by the private sector and work to overcome them.”

He also called on Congolese businesspeople to invest in South Africa, to find opportunities to expand their businesses by setting up subsidiaries in South Africa.

“I, therefore, invite the Congolese private sector to attend the next South Africa Investment Conference to be held in March next year and join us in this effort to grow our overall investment base with more African investment.”

He told delegates that they were determined to ensure that all Africans benefitted from their fair share of global growth and development.

“As a continent, we do have several challenges, but we must take our destiny into our own hands.

“I am certain that working together, deepening our cooperation and exploring new avenues of endeavour, we can achieve a better future for our continent and its people.”

President Ramaphosa has extended an invitation to President Tshisekedi to attend the 13th Session of the BNC in South Africa on a date to be agreed through diplomatic channels.

The President was supported by the ministers of international relations and cooperation; state security; defence and military veterans; trade, industry and competition; police; mineral resources and energy; transport; home affairs; and social development.

– Source:



President Cyril Ramaphosa has paid tribute to struggle stalwart and former Minister in The Presidency, Essop Pahad, for serving the nation with pride, principle and pragmatism.
“Pahad was a thinker and strategist, who brought his understanding of the human condition, injustice and inequality at the national and international level to bear on our transition to democracy and in introducing a democratic, non-aligned and activist South Africa to the global community,” the President said on Thursday, 6 July 2023.

President Ramaphosa expressed deep sadness at the passing of Pahad at the age of 84.

“We mourn the passing of a veteran of our struggle, 65 years after he took his first revolutionary step of becoming a member of the Transvaal Indian Congress.

“Security crackdowns, banning and exile shaped Essop Pahad’s contribution over decades to our struggle, and as Parliamentary Counsellor to President Thabo Mbeki and Minister in The Presidency, to the early design and impact of our democratic state,” the President said.

He offered his deep condolences to the family, friends and comrades of the late veteran.

“He served our nation with pride, principle, pragmatism and a charm that lived comfortably alongside a tongue that could lash severely at the right provocation.

“Amid the excessive demands of his public life, Essop Pahad was deeply devoted to his wife, Meg, and was a proud and doting father and grandfather, who is now sorely missed. May his soul rest in peace,” the President said.

Deputy President Paul Mashatile, in his capacity as Acting President, declared a Special Official Funeral Category 2 as a mark of honour for the late struggle stalwart and former Minister.  

He was laid to rest at the Westpark Cemetery, Johannesburg, in a ceremony in which ceremonial honours were provided by the South African Police Service.

 –  Source:



The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, is participating in the 43rd Session of the African Union (AU) Executive Council in Kenya, Nairobi, from 13 to 14 July 2023.

This is a meeting of AU ministers of foreign affairs. The AU Commission has also invited the ministers of finance because the agenda of the Executive Council is dominated by matters of the AU budget and finances.

The Executive Council Meeting takes place under the AU theme of the year 2023, “Accelerating of AfCFTA Implementation”.

The Executive Council is expected to consider the reports on the financial state of the organisation in terms of the implementation of its key priorities, including maintaining peace and security on the continent; implementing Agenda 2063; improving Africa’s socio-economic status; addressing the devastating impact of climate change in Africa; and advocating for human rights and good governance across the continent.

In addition, the Executive Council will receive a briefing on the progress made in the implementation of the AU’s institutional reforms and Agenda 2063.

The Executive Council will also receive a report on the candidatures who have expressed their wish to represent Africa in the various organisations and institutions in the international system.

The Executive Council was preceded by the Third Extra-Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers of Trade Meeting on the African Continental Free Trade Area. South Africa was represented by the Deputy Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Fikile Majola. 

The Fifth Meeting of the Mid-Year Coordination Council will take place on 16 July 2023. This is a meeting at heads of state level but only attended by members of the Bureau of the AU Assembly, heads of the various regional economic communities, heads of AU organs and specialised agencies. Heads of state and former heads of state who are champions of thematic issues were also invited.

Minister Pandor will also use the opportunity of her visit to Kenya to have bilateral meetings with some of her counterparts.




South Africa remains deeply concerned about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Palestine caused by Israel’s continued occupation, says International Relations and Cooperation Deputy Minister, Alvin Botes.

“The demolition of Palestinians' properties, continued illegal settlement and expansion by Israel of Palestine territories, forced evictions of Palestinians by the Israeli army from their territories, as well as collective punitive measures, will not bring about peace,” Deputy Minister Botes said on Wednesday, 5 July 2023, at the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Ministerial Meeting of the Coordinating Bureau (CoB) on Palestine in Baku, Azerbaijan.

An operation by the Israeli Defence Force, which was unleashed recently on the Jenin refugee camp ‒ a Palestinian militant stronghold in the Israeli-occupied West Bank ‒ killed 12 Palestinians during the raid. 

Deputy Minister Botes described the event as a contravention of international humanitarian law.

“This illustrates the extent that Israel is prepared to entrench its illegal occupation. What is worse is the impunity that Israel enjoys. This has emboldened the Israeli Government to do as it wishes, in clear contravention of international law.

“These events, including the alarming increase in illegal settlements and the international response, or lack thereof, clearly shows that the so-called international rules-based system based on international law is selectively applied in some cases and ignored in others.”

Deputy Minister Botes stressed South Africa’s “unwavering” support for the freedom of the Palestinian people, which he said was informed by the country’s history and experience in the fight against colonialism and apartheid.

“We remain steadfast to play a constructive role in this regard and ensure that the people of Palestine achieve their right to peace, sovereignty, freedom and justice. Their struggle for freedom has always historically been connected to our own.”

He told delegates that South Africa also backed the initiative to refocus the international agenda on the Palestine and Middle East peace process to achieve the two-State solution and establish a viable Palestinian state, existing side by side with Israel.

“South Africa’s solidarity with the Palestinian people is not rooted in sentimentality but a firm belief in the need for a just and lasting solution that will see the people of Palestine delivered from appalling and oppressive circumstances perpetuated by those who would rather stoke hatred and animosity than seek mutually beneficial peace.”

Deputy Minister Botes believes that the situation of Palestinians remains a blight on the global collective conscience and the NAM.

“We all have a responsibility to impress the urgency of the need for an expeditious resolution to the ongoing occupation.”

He called on the movement to do all it can, by following international law and principled humanitarian action.

“We cannot continue to witness generations of children and youth in the occupied territories and Israel growing up with hatred, which only fuels distrust and perpetual conflict.”

The Deputy Minister stressed the importance of Israelis and Palestinians to go back to the negotiating table to resolve the conflict based on international law, relevant United Nations resolutions and previous agreements.

“In line with the spirit of solidarity, friendship and cooperation, which demands independence for countries, we owe this to the people of Palestine to become an independent nation, practically, politically and diplomatically.”

South Africa, he said, remained determined to contribute to reconciliation and the peaceful settlement of conflict in the Middle East.

“We reiterate our firm commitment to assisting the parties to this conflict in their genuine pursuit for peace and co-existence.”

– Source:




The Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Dr Blade Nzimande, hosted the BRICS Education Senior Officials Meeting and the 10th Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Education from 12 to 13 July 2023 in Mpumalanga, Skukuza Safari Lodge.

Minister Nzimande and the entire education sector in South Africa welcomed the ministers of education and delegates from Brazil, Russia, India and China to participate in the BRICS Education Senior Officials Meeting and the 10th Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Education under the theme: “Responsive and Relevant Education and Training in the Current Global Context”.

At the conclusion of the 10th Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Education, the ministers adopted a declaration, which makes firm commitments on eight thematic areas that have been identified. These areas include climate change, entrepreneurship development, skills, mutual recognition of qualifications, out-of-school youth, labour-market intelligence, university global ranking and early childhood development.

The two meetings were preceded by the BRICS Network University and BRICS Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Institution President seminars. While the BRICS Network University took place from 5 to 6 July 2023 at the North-West University, the BRICS TVET Institution President Seminar took place at Ekurhuleni West TVET College from 11 to 13 July 2023.

The BRICS education engagements were hosted as part of the build-up to the 15th BRICS Summit to be chaired by President Cyril Ramaphosa in August 2023.



The Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies, Mondli Gungubele, led an ICT industry delegation to the 2023 Session of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Council High-Level Segment, held in Switzerland, Geneva, from 11 to 12 July 2023. South Africa is a member state of the ITU Council.

The council meets on annual basis in-between plenipotentiary conferences to ensure that the union’s activities, policies and strategies fully respond to the rapidly evolving telecommunications environment. This year’s council meeting was held under the theme “Creating a Fit for the Future ITU”.

“We are in a quest to ensure that no one is left behind when we transform our society and fight the triple challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment. The development of a dynamic and connected information society is key in building a vibrant knowledge economy that is inclusive and prosperous,” says Minister Gungubele.

The Minister participated in various activities and had several bilateral meetings with representatives of various states as a way of strengthening relations and sharing objectives.




The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) presents South Africa with unparalleled benefits and opportunities.

The Director of Africa Bilateral Economic Trade at the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic), Calvin Phume, said the AfCFTA held immense potential, promising to expand market access for South African entrepreneurs and enterprises.

“This unparalleled market reach will catalyse a surge in trade, enabling local businesses to tap into new market opportunities, expand their operations, attract investments and bolster their revenue streams,” he said.

Phume was speaking during an AfCFTA awareness workshop in Cape Town on Friday, 7 July 2023.

The AfCFTA seeks to establish a large single continental market, encompassing a population of approximately 1.3 billion people and a combined gross domestic product of approximately US$3.4 trillion.

 “We are poised to witness a surge in trade activities, fuelling economic growth and fostering cross-border collaboration.

“With the AfCFTA now in full swing, South Africa stands at the forefront of a momentous trade revolution that will shape the future of the continent, encouraging innovation and promoting the development of value chains, thereby spurring industrialisation and job creation across sectors.

“As businesses gear up to leverage the vast consumer base offered by the AfCFTA, the stage is set for unprecedented growth and prosperity,” he said.

Phume stated that with the implementation of the AfCFTA, South Africa had embarked on a transformative path towards intra-Africa trade that would enhance economic cooperation across the continent.

“When the AfCFTA was mooted by the heads of state and government of African countries, it was over concerns that African countries were not trading with each other, prompting a comprehensive investigation into potential solutions.

“Following this examination, it was determined that establishing a continental free trade area would serve as an ideal platform to promote intra-Africa trade among member states of the African continent,” said Phume.

The workshop raised various issues of interest, including funding interventions as presented by the Western Cape Economic Development Department, the advantages of quality management systems by the South African Bureau of Standards and an informative session on understanding the dtic incentive schemes.

Following its successful run, the nationwide workshops are scheduled to continue in the Free State, the Northern Cape and the North West.

– Source:



Sixteen white rhinos have been successfully reintroduced to the Garamba National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
An initiative begun by Barrick President and CEO Mark Bristow almost 13 years ago, has come to fruition with the successful reintroduction of 16 white rhinos to the Garamba National Park in the northeast of the DRC, where the species was last seen in 2006.

Following more than a decade of dedicated action and support, an environment has been created where they can exist safely. The rhinos arrived by aircraft from South Africa recently and have now been released in the park where professional staff and qualified veterinarians will regularly monitor their acclimatisation.

NYSE- and TSX-listed Barrick Gold was the lead donor in the translocation as part of its long-standing partnership with African Parks and Garamba National Park, Africa’s oldest wildlife park and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation World Heritage Site. To date, Barrick has provided more than US$2.5 million for tracking collars, fuel for observation planes, rescue and rehabilitation programmes, as well as improvements to critical infrastructure such as roads and bridges.

The rhinos were sourced from the &Beyond Phinda Private Game Reserve in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, and their translocation was achieved in collaboration with the Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature, the Congolese Government and African Parks.

Garamba was one of the last strongholds of the now extinct wild northern white rhino. The introduction of the near-threatened southern sub-species not only promotes the long-term conservation of rhinos in Africa by extending their range, but also creates another breeding node for the species in a safe environment.

Since African Parks assumed management of Garamba in 2005, there has been a significant decrease in poaching and most wildlife species found there are showing positive population increases, thanks largely to the development of alternative socio-economic initiatives in and around the park. Additionally, rhinos have historically played an important role in regulating the structure and functioning of the park’s ecosystem, creating and maintaining grazing lawns that support other fauna and flora and provide important ecosystem services.

Bristow says Barrick’s continued support for Garamba is based on the company’s holistic approach to sustainability.

“Conserving biodiversity is fundamental to planetary survival, essential to tackling climate change and has an important role to play in the war on poverty. We strive not only to preserve and maintain biodiversity within our permits but to partner with NGOs and other organisations, such as African Parks and Garamba, to protect and restore critical biodiversity in some of the world’s most precious places,” he says.

Barrick’s successful group-wide biodiversity strategy places importance on protecting areas with high conservation value.

It is very important to understand the relationship between the natural environment and the communities that depend on it. Garamba is one of the biggest employers in the region, with over 500 full-time staff and hundreds more employees on contract, including law-enforcement teams and dedicated community personnel. The park also supports more than 9 000 community members in entrepreneurial enterprises, including beekeeping, fish and poultry farming as well as four hospitals with a capacity of 12 000 patients.

– Source: Creamer Media



A global travel list has spotlighted underrated African gems and South Africa’s Durban took first place on the top 10 list.

Swooping in at number one on the list is KwaZulu-Natal’s coastal city Durban, praised for its “unique culture unlike anywhere else in the country” and Indian influence.

There are plenty of reasons why Durban is well-worth adding to any African travel bucket list. Beyond the Indian Ocean’s warm waters and the province’s top-tier weather, Durban is central to numerous natural wonders, including the Durban Green Corridors trail network, the oldest Botanical Gardens on the continent and aquatic wildlife in abundance (dolphin season is a favourite that usually makes a splash from May to November).

Then there’s the cuisine that’ll linger on your mind longer than your plate, pricing that’s often kinder on the wallet for most tourist activities in comparison to other South African cities and of course the must-explore hotspots like the Golden Mile Durban and the Durban Promenade.

The list is one of many global recognitions giving Durban its moment in the sun. In other global shoutout news, Durban received six nominations for the World Travel Awards, including Africa’s Leading City Destination.

– Source:




Those looking for a fun and healthy way to explore the beautiful beaches and surroundings of the South Coast can now partake in a new Beach-to-Beach Adventure Hike launched by South Coast Tourism.

The Beach-to-Beach Adventure Hike is a 38-km hike, which extends from Port Edward Beach all the way to St Michael’s Beach and allows hikers to take in natural scenery as well as commemorative structures, reports Travel News.

According to the South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise (SCTIE), the hike starts at Port Edward Beach with the Sâo Joâo Portuguese Monument that commemorates those who died in the Sâo Joâo shipwreck back in 1552 and continues on to Glenmore beach, where the historical remains of the Nightingale Shipwreck can be viewed.

Then hikers carry on to Mpenjati Beach, Palm Beach, then Trafalgar Beach, Marina Beach, Southbroom Beach and then on to Ramsgate Beach.
The hike also crosses, lagoons, estuaries, lush subtropical coastal forests and grasslands, with hikers being treated to sightings of animals and seabirds such as albatrosses, seagulls, oystercatchers, waders, gannets and more.

Phelisa Mangcu, CEO of SCTIE, said that they were continuing to find ways for visitors to uncover the incredible natural assets found along the paradise of the Zulu Kingdom.

“This is a great opportunity for visitors to enjoy sightings of the incredible marine life that accompanies the annual Sardine Run, from the birds diving overhead to the leaping spinner sharks and devil rays, breaching humpback whales and frolicking dolphins – the ocean comes alive!” Mangcu said.

– Source:




Curro’s Grantleigh School in Richards Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, is over the moon with excitement as one of their brightest stars, Willemien Kotzé, has been selected to represent South Africa at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) United Space School (USS) in Atlanta, United States (US).

The spirited 17-year-old from Mtunzini, has triumphed over a rigorous selection process that evaluated her knowledge, skills and compatibility with her team partner from another school. The assessments included in-depth assignments covering fascinating topics like orbital mechanics, space law, recent launches, engines, habit building and the intricacies of spacesuit functionality. Her outstanding performance and unwavering dedication have secured her a place among an elite group of students travelling to the US.

Accompanied by a representative of the programme, Willemien and the other South African learner will now embark on their extraordinary journey on Friday, 14 July, bound for Houston. Over the course of 15 captivating days from Sunday, 16 July, the duo will be joined by equally talented learners from 24 countries from across the world at the prestigious NASA USS.

Upon arrival, they will have the opportunity to share their experiences through interviews before being assigned to various teams. In preparation for this exceptional adventure, Willemien will be presented with a NASA uniform that includes a distinctive team shirt, formal long pants and non-branded sneakers. This symbol of membership in the esteemed NASA United Space School will serve as a constant reminder of her achievements and the bright future that lies ahead.

Her incredible achievement highlights Curro’s commitment to nurturing talent that dares to reach for the stars while positioning itself as a global centre of excellence in education. Executive Head of Curro’s Grantleigh School, Dirk van Zyl, expressed his immense pride in Willemien’s accomplishment, stating: “As a school, we are incredibly proud of Willemien for always seizing the opportunities that come her way and excelling in this intense selection process. We hope that this once-in-a-lifetime experience broadens her horizons and equips her to continue pursuing her dreams relentlessly. We cannot wait to witness her remarkable achievements that she will accomplish during the remainder of her time with us at Grantleigh.”

– Source:



Two little Limpopo princesses have had a big moment recently. After a lot of hard work and fundraising, Ndaloenhle Sibanyoni and Wandipha Figarette jetted off to Bulgaria for the 2023 Little Miss Planet Competition.
Thanks to the community that helped make the trip possible, the Sekhukhune girls got to wave South Africa’s flag high in Eastern Europe before touching down on home soil.

Ndaloenhle was crowned the Mini Miss Planet Model Grand Prix Winner (and won the Best National Costume Award) while Wandipha was awarded as a Little Miss Planet Group Winner.

Ndaloenhle already holds her spot as a young role model proudly at eight years old with big plans for her future in an ambassadorship, among other dreams. She has won multiple sashes from different title events and has shared that she even started her own NGO, the Ndlaoenhle Foundation.

In light of her win, she thanked her community for making her dream a reality with special shoutouts to her parents and grandparents who she affectionately dubs her cheerleaders.

Another winner from South Africa representing Klerksdorp is 15-year-old Carla van den Berg who won the Miss Teen Planet 2023’s Super Grand Prix title.

– Source:



The highly anticipated Proudly SA Local Wine Expo is back and promises an unforgettable experience for all wine lovers.
The expo is set to take place from Thursday, 13 July, to Saturday, 15 July 2023, at the Prison Break Market in Lonehill, Johannesburg.

According to Proudly South African, it will bring together about 30 South African wine brands under one roof, making it a must-attend event for those seeking to savour the rich diversity of South African wines.

With a wide range of varietals and styles on display, attendees can expect to discover new favourites and engage with winemakers and industry experts.

South Africa’s wine industry has been soaring to new heights, receiving accolades and commendations from wine critics around the world.

According to recent ratings, local wines have consistently impressed with exceptional quality, earning a well-deserved spot on the global stage.

“In fact, a recent study has revealed that South Africa is the eighth-biggest wine producer in the world. The Local Wine Expo provides the perfect opportunity to taste and experience the excellence first-hand,” said Proudly SA.

By supporting local wine brands, locals not only expand their palate but also contribute to the growth and prosperity of South Africa's economy.

The wine industry plays a vital role in job creation, tourism and sustainability initiatives.

The event allows wine lovers to actively participate in this positive impact while indulging in the finest wines that South Africa has to offer.

“Mark your calendars and join us for an unforgettable wine-tasting experience. Whether you're a seasoned wine expert or just beginning your journey into the world of oenology, the Local Wine Expo caters to all levels of wine appreciation.”

Admission is free, providing a unique opportunity to explore, taste and purchase exceptional wines directly from the producers.

In addition to the wine tastings, a session for retail and bulk buyers will be hosted on the first day to outline the wine industry value chain and identify ways in which the industry can be elevated to new heights.

Through this session, Proudly SA hopes to increase the number of local wine brands on retailers’ shelves, encouraging retail buyers to help create jobs.

– Source:



Springbok assistant coach Mzwandile Stick was effusive in his praise of Kurt-Lee Arendse's performance and hat-trick against the Wallabies on Saturday, 8 July 2023.
Arendse scored the Boks' first three tries in their 43-12 win against the Wallabies at Loftus Versfeld.

Stick also scoffed at suggestions that they fielded a B-team as they needed to give their players opportunities.

There was nothing B-team or second string about a powerful Springbok performance that woke up from the shock of conceding an early try to consign the visitors to a heavy defeat in Eddie Jones' first Test in his second stint as Australia's coach.

Arendse scored a hat-trick that moved the Boks from a fight-back to an area of dominance as the Springbok forwards made life uncomfortable for the visitors.

Stick, who comfortably took charge of the press conference as the bulk of the Springbok coaching management had to jet off to New Zealand, said Arendse's stunning display showcased his bravery against a very good Australian backline.

Stick also credited Manie Libbok for being impressive in his first start for the Springboks as their flyhalf.

"I'm glad that Kurt-Lee stood up in the way that he stood up against one of the best players in the world in Koroibete," Stick said.

"The backline that Australia selected was a very good backline, so for them to grab their opportunities the way they did, I'm very happy for him. A guy like Manie, who got his first start in this game, made me glad in terms of the manner in which we won the game because we had to fight. Our boys were positive."

 ‒ Source:




South Africa booked their place in the 2023 Cosafa Cup semi-finals after earning a hard-fought 2-1 victory against Eswatini in their final Group A fixture on Tuesday, 11 July 2023.


With a 1-1 draw against Namibia and a 2-1 victory over Botswana, the men's national senior team aimed to secure maximum points in their match against Eswatini.


Eswatini, on the other hand, entered the game on equal footing with Botswana, accumulating three points so far.

The high-stakes fixture between Bafana and Eswatini unfolded simultaneously with the clash between Namibia and Botswana at the Moses Mabhida Stadium.

For South Africa, a victory was imperative to avoid any complicated calculations, as only the group winners were guaranteed a spot in the semi-finals.

The runners-up would need to compare their records against those from Group B and Group C to determine their qualification for the final four.

In a match that lacked excitement for the first 51 minutes, neither team posed a significant attacking threat.

However, Eswatini managed to stun the South African home crowd at the Princess Magogo Stadium in KwaZulu-Natal.

Bongwa Matsebula ignited the visiting team's celebrations as he unleashed a powerful strike that rattled the crossbar and went in, capitalising on Keegan Allan's mishit.

The goal put Eswatini in the lead, leaving the home fans shocked.

Stand-in Bafana head coach Morena Ramoreboli pulled the trigger on a triple substitution with Mabasa replacing Victor Letsoalo, while Tebogo Tlolane and Shaun Mogaila came on for Rowan Human and Thabo Cele, respectively.

The dynamics of the game shifted dramatically within just eight minutes of the three substitutions.

Mabasa made an immediate impact by unleashing a powerful low strike from 18 yards out, beating the Eswatini goalkeeper and levelling the score for Bafana Bafana.

The tides continued to turn in their favour as the Orlando Pirates striker completed his brace, securing a remarkable comeback for the home side.

With a composed tap-in from close range,  Mabasa sealed the victory for Bafana Bafana, sparking euphoria among the crowd.

In the upcoming semi-finals, Bafana will face the best runner-up from the other groups.

The most likely opponent for the hosts is Zambia, although it could potentially be Mauritius or Lesotho, depending on the results of Wednesday's matches in Group C.

Meanwhile, Malawi, who surged to win Group B, will meet the winner of Group C in the other semi-final.

Both semi-finals are scheduled for Friday at 15:00 and 18:00, respectively.

– Source:




South Africa’s Dricus du Plessis thumped Australia’s Robert Whittaker by TKO halfway through the second round of their main card fight at UFC 290 in the early hours of Sunday morning, 9 July 2023.

The fight, which Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) president Dana White labelled as “title-eliminator”, saw Du Plessis emerging as the No 1 contender for the middleweight belt, currently donned by Israel Adesanya.

It was perhaps Du Plessis’ best overall performance in the UFC to date as the burly South African’s unorthodox fighting style surprised the usually composed Whittaker, who had few answers.

The win signals Du Plessis’ sixth consecutive UFC victory since joining the promotion company in 2020.

“Robert Whittaker hits hard and he hits so fast. This is truly the biggest honour of my whole fighting career. Being able to share a cage with a legend, a guy that I had a Fighters Only [magazine] poster of in my room, dreaming to be like someday,” Du Plessis said in admiration of the fighter who has only been defeated by Adesanya in the middleweight division in the UFC before.

– Source:



The South African Fly Fishing Association (SAFFA) shared the happy news that the men’s team earned a trophy at the recent Commonwealth Fly Fishing Championships.
The association had two teams participating in the Commonwealth Fly Fishing Championships. The championship takes place every other year in countries of the Commonwealth. This year, it was hosted on the Isle of Islay, Scotland from 28 June to 2 July 2023.

South Africa had two teams of five participating – a full men’s team and a mixed team, which was made up mostly of the ladies.

During the medal ceremony on the final day of the championship, the South African men’s team were surprised and overjoyed to have been awarded the Friendship Trophy.

“This makes it an extra special trophy – knowing that your team have been great ambassadors both on and off the water.

"It comes back to South Africa again after having been awarded to the South African Ladies teams four times over the last seven Championships.” – Linda Gorlei, SAFFA

The South African Sports Angling and Casting Confederation team comprised Matthew Burgess from Central Gauteng, Marc Vicente from Central Gauteng, Gerrit Redpath from Free State, Stephan Nel from Eastern Cape, and Shawn Driver from Central Gauteng.

– Source:




Young South African athletes and para-athletes are joining forces and gearing up for this year’s 2023 Commonwealth Youth Games overseas.

Following the 49 medal wins our Special Olympics team brought home, 49 exceptional young athletes have been announced as our flag bearers for the upcoming games in Trinidad and Tobago.

This year’s Commonwealth Youth Games will see over 1 000 athletes and para-athletes between 14 and 18 join forces and compete in an array of sports. Team South Africa will represent us in netball, rugby sevens, cycling, volleyball, swimming and the triathlon.

Beyond representing South Africa, the games also serve as a “testing ground” for budding talents as the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee’s (SASCOC) president, Barry Hendricks, shares.

“The 2023 Commonwealth Youth Games are significant to us as we embark on the road to LA 2028. Some of the athletes announced today will be developed to qualify for the 2026 Commonwealth Games in Australia and the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games in LA. Some of our esteemed sporting names have passed through the Commonwealth Youth Games. Therefore, we urge the athletes to perform at their best and make the country proud,” added SASCOC CEO, Nozipho Jafta.

Meet the athletes:


Jessica Leigh Thompson
Simone Shilon Moll
Cassidy Burgess
Kian Craig Keylock
Kris Stefano Mihaylov
Jarden Dylan Eaton


Colene Catherine Scheepers
Alicia Eli Khunou
Tumi Hope Ramokgopa
Anli Lo-Ann Engelbrecht
Temoso Masikane
Hencu Johann Lamberts
Willem Schalk Jacobus Jansen


Sharety Ziyanda Mahlangu
Hlelo Modise
Daniel Tumiso Molobela
Yamkela Lukhanyo Ntlanti

Beach Volleyball

Deloshen Valaitham
Jayden Christiano Cupido


Ethan Garth Kulsen
Anya Du Plessis
Miles Bailey Liebenberg
Jessie Munton


Kadijat Kubura Hope Abubakar
Jade Morgan Atkins
Ametisse Bakenga Bandu
Maria Magaritha Du Raan
Amone Wessels
Thato Nkanyezi Legodi
Zahrah Noah
Luane Smith
Kiara Van Eeden
Karla Maria Victor

Rugby Sevens

Siyanda Nkosi
Stephanus Lourens Linde
Jeffwin Olyde Wesso
Luann Olivier
James Carleihle Emraan Nero
Thandolwami Hopewell Ntshangase
Gino Gordon Cupido
Siyabonga Lucky Ndlozi
Lavela Xhanti Pongolo
Bernardo Maxwill Diedericks
Samuel Sunnyskies Adriaan Badenhorst
Luan Giliomee
Marno Gray Stopforth


Kadence Ribbink
Alessandro Michele Fanicchi
Angel Magdalene Geel.

The Commonwealth Youth Games will take place from 4 to 11 August.

– Source:



The Durban Shongweni Club will be the hub of excitement for the 2024 Polocrosse World Cup as South Africa is set to play host for the prestigious event.
South Africa will be hosting the Polocrosse World Cup in 2024, showing that yet again, we are a top destination for major sporting events. Excitement is growing as we reach the one-year countdown.

Polocrosse is a team sport that is a combination of polo and lacrosse. Polo is a popular sport worldwide, while lacrosse is more popular in Northern America, but many countries are adopting the sport. The combined nature of both sports means a fun and active experience for riders.

The Durban Shongweni Club, which is known as an equestrian epicentre in KwaZulu-Natal, will be the hosting venue next year, from 15 to 28 July 2024.

“This venue has been no stranger to top-quality polocrosse since the 2015 World Cup at Durban Shongweni Club. Since 2016, the Shongweni Polocrosse Club has elevated the sport to a world-class event annually through their High Goal Polocrosse tournaments.

Countries taking part in the upcoming World Cup earned their rankings during the 2019 Adina Polocrosse World Cup in Australia. South Africa will be welcoming teams from Australia, New Zealand, Zambia, England, Ireland, the United States of America and Zimbabwe.

‒ Source:

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