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President Cyril Ramaphosa is leading the South African delegation to the second Russia-Africa Summit, which is being held in St Petersburg from Thursday to Friday, 27 to 28 July 2023.
According to a statement by The Presidency, he is accompanied by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, and Minister in The Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni.

“This second summit is expected to consider four declarations and a three-year action plan, which will be presented for consideration. These submissions will focus on strengthening cooperation between Russia and African States in politics, security, trade, science, IT, humanitarian support, education, culture, sports, youth and the environment.

“The declarations also seek to strengthen cooperation in the fight against terrorism, and the prevention of an arms race in outer space and in information security,” the President's office said in a statement.

The Presidency said talks about the upcoming BRICS summit would also be held.

“The summit's background will also offer an opportunity to African heads of state who are part of the African Leaders Peace Mission to continue talks with President Putin on the confidence-building measures that will create conducive conditions for a path to peace between Russia and Ukraine.

“South Africa will use the summit backdrop to further engage Russia at a bilateral level to finalise the contents and substance of the upcoming BRICS Summit,” the Presidency said.

Side events, including an exhibition to showcase investment opportunities in Russia and Africa, an innovation space to demonstrate new technologies and a Business Development and Social Partnership Zone for networking will also be held.

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Deputy President Paul Mashatile on Thursday, 20 July 2023, held a fruitful dialogue with business leaders, organised by the French South African Chamber of Commerce and The African Storyteller, a public affairs consultancy with representatives of large European companies in Johannesburg, Gauteng.

The meeting was attended by almost 40 chief executive officers (CEOs) and senior leadership from companies such as AB Inbev, Alstom, B Braun SA, BMW, Bureau Veritas, Engie, Grupo Pereira, Gran Solar, Heineken, Ibercham Group, Interwaste, Mazars, South African Breweries, Siemens, Swissport South Africa, TotalEnergies, Unilever and Volkswagen, among others.

The aim of this session was to engage in robust and progressive discussions between business leaders and the Deputy President as facilitator of dialogue among key sectors of South African society. This was a platform for a meeting of minds and for harnessing available expertise to advance the efforts of government in growing the economy to prosperity and producing much-needed jobs.

The CEOs raised issues of concern and sought government’s intervention, particularly on the energy crisis and logistics challenges, especially on the rail network, skills development to fast-track the absorption of young people into jobs and business and long periods attached to getting business visas.

Commenting on the need for government and business to engage continuously and constructively, the Managing Director of The African Storyteller, Thuli Phiri, said it was important for a government and business relationship to be nurtured for the broader benefit of the economy and the people of South Africa.

On behalf of CEOs, Dr Yves Guenon, Chairperson of the French South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said: “For our businesses to grow and further contribute to growing the economy, we need to have regular touch points with government as everything that government does has a direct or indirect impact on our ability to succeed.”

Addressing the gathering, Deputy President Mashatile recognised that “investor confidence is essential for driving economic growth and development, creating jobs and ensuring our nation's prosperity."

Additionally, he commended big business for their resilience through the COVID-19 pandemic period and through the slow economic growth cycle. He noted that this demonstrated the value that business leaders attach to South Africa as an investment destination of choice.

In this regard, the Deputy President highlighted that government was streamlining the regulatory procedures through the Red Tape Task Team, established by President Cyril Ramaphosa to reduce excessively complex rules, regulations, procedures and processes that impede economic growth and job creation in key economic sectors.

The dialogue concluded with the following resolutions:

  • Government commits to building a stronger and intentional working relationship with businesses to improve the country’s competitiveness and rebuild the economy.
  • The economy is mainly driven in the main by private-sector investments, which provide jobs and revenues to the State through tax collection and through enabling broader economic participation such as the inclusion of SMEs into the economic value chain.
  • Investors from the European Union (EU) are key stakeholders, accounting for 25% of South Africa’s gross domestic product and 75% of foreign direct investment. The main European investors represent more than 300 000 direct jobs, and in total more than 1,5 million jobs, including indirect jobs.
  • The EU business leaders commit to growing South Africa’s economy amid challenges, which must be addressed and discussed openly, to collectively seek their resolution.

In welcoming the resolutions, Deputy President Mashatile said, “Let us remember that creating a conducive environment for business to thrive is not a single-side responsibility, it requires collaboration, partnership and a shared vision. Together, we can build a South Africa where opportunities abound, businesses thrive and everyone shares in the prosperity.”

To this end, a follow-up meeting with the European investors will be scheduled in the near future.



A number of key elements in areas of collaboration, including digital innovation, space science as well as strengthening people-to-people exchange, will form part of the subjects to be discussed at the second Russia-Africa Summit in St Petersburg. 
The summit, which aims to foster mutually beneficial cooperation and partnerships between Russia and the African continent, was first convened in October 2019, with a commitment to continue meeting every three years.

Speaking to SAnews in St Petersburg, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, said that a wide spectrum of areas of partnership were a rationale for South Africa’s presence at the summit.

The Minister reflected that through the first summit held in Sochi, Russia, an agreement was reached to continue to have contact between African countries, the African Union and the Russian Federation to cement and strengthen relations between the continent and Russia.

“There are a range of aspects that will form part of our deliberations here. There are a number of areas of collaboration that we have agreed on, particularly in the areas of digital innovation, collaboration in space science as well as strengthening people-to-people exchange.

“We've also added a much stronger focus on matters of trade. All of these will be part of the subjects that we will discuss during this second summit,” Minister Pandor told SAnews. 

The Minister emphasised that it was important to mention that for the first time, it was not just heads of state attending the summit, but there were also a number of enterprises from various African countries as well as the continental development finance institutions present.

“Interestingly, we also have the brand-new president of the New Development Bank or the BRICS Bank, as it is sometimes called. This will be President Dilma Rousseff's first detailed interaction with African leaders, particularly the BRICS leaders. This meeting comes ahead of the BRICS Summit that will occur in Johannesburg in South Africa, next month,” Minister Pandor said.

The summit comes a month after seven African heads of state embarked on a peace initiative mission to Ukraine and Russia concerning the war in Ukraine.

The Minister said she believed the African heads of state would use their time in St Petersburg to continue the discussions they began earlier this year in seeking a peaceful outcome in the war between Russia and Ukraine.

“The seven presidents from the African continent are part of an Africa-led peace initiative that seeks to encourage the beginning of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine in order to end the conflict between the two countries, to start a process of returning the world to a context in which we have peace and stability.

“And thus, allow for economic growth and development, which are urgently necessary for many countries in the world, but most particularly for us in the developing world,” the Minister said.

 – Source:




The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, led a South African Government delegation to the 25th Ordinary Meeting of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Ministerial Committee of the Organ (MCO) from 20 to 21 July 2023 in Windhoek, Namibia. The delegation included the Minister of Police, Bheki Cele; and the Minister in The Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni.

Namibia is the current Chair of the organ, supported by South Africa (outgoing Chair) and Botswana (incoming Chair). The mandate of the organ is to promote peace and stability in the SADC region as a prerequisite for the achievement of the SADC objectives of socio-economic development, poverty eradication and regional integration.

The meeting took stock of the work of the organ and received reports on the implementation of the decisions of the last MCO, held in July 2022 in Pretoria, South Africa, and the SADC Summit of the Heads of State and Governments, held in August 2022 in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.

The meeting also received reports from the Inter-State Politics and Diplomacy Committee and the Inter-State Defence and Security Committee.

The outcomes of the meeting will be presented at the Ordinary Summit of the Organ Troika on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, which will be held in August 2023 in the Republic of Angola.




The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Alvin Botes, undertook an Official Visit to Chile from 22 to 25 July 2023.

The Deputy Minister co-chaired the Eighth Meeting of the Joint Consultative Mechanism (JCM) between South Africa and Chile.

“South Africa and Chile enjoy cordial diplomatic relations that were formally normalised in October 1991.

“Bilateral relations between the two countries are underpinned by the values of respect for democracy, human rights and sustainable development,” the department said in a statement.

At the global level, the department said the two countries agreed on respect for the rule of international law, multilateralism and South-South cooperation in pursuit of the development agenda of the South.

“Bilateral and multilateral cooperation between South Africa and Chile is conducted within the framework of the JCM, which is co-chaired at the Deputy Ministerial level and meets every second year,” the department explained.

The areas of cooperation between the two countries include astronomy; fisheries and aquaculture; mining; education, science and innovation; social development; sport, arts and culture; trade and investment; and parliamentary relations.

The JCM also provides a platform to exchange notes and facilitate cooperation on regional and multilateral issues.

The Deputy Minister also had a business networking session with South African and Chilean companies.

On Tuesday, 25 July 2023, Deputy Minister Botes participated in the launch of the exhibition, the 10th Year Remembrance of Nelson Mandela under the theme, The Legacy Lives on through You, at the Museum of Memory and Human Rights in Santiago.




Global challenges, such as counter-terrorism, transnational crimes and cybersecurity, took centre stage at the Friends of BRICS National Security Advisers' Meeting with BRICS Security counterparts in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The Minister in The Presidency responsible for the State Security Agency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, on Monday, 24 July 2023, hosted a Friends of BRICS National Security Advisers high-level meeting to discuss national security and global challenges, among other issues.

The Friends of BRICS Meeting was convened as a build-up to the upcoming 15th BRICS Leaders' Summit and is constituted of all security ministers of the BRICS countries and Friends of BRICS countries, which include Belarus, Burundi, Cuba, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

The Friends of BRICS are a combination of countries who have expressed an interest in joining BRICS, those who chair prominent institutions of the global South and those invited at the Chair's prerogative. They are invited after consensus is reached between the host and fellow BRICS members.

Among the issues discussed at this meeting was the agreement among all delegates that cybersecurity remains a crucial element of cooperation and that the architecture supporting a safer cybersecurity environment needs to be inclusive and accessible to all countries.

While there are both new and old challenges confronting BRICS, Minister Ntshavheni said that these presented an opportunity to create an environment and world order that reinforces mutual benefit and global development that is inclusive.

“There are also challenges that are persistent and affect all of us as a global family. We must reinforce the way we do things through both the BRICS and the multilateral system of the United Nations, as we deal with challenges such as counter-terrorism, transnational crimes and cybersecurity,” the Minister said.

In welcoming the delegates to the meeting, Minister Ntshavheni hoped that the day’s engagements would generate an enduring partnership among all countries involved.

The Minister said the historic meeting was held during a time when geopolitics had taken centre stage and were affecting and impacting the development of national interests.

“It is a historic meeting because it is a first physical meeting after three years of the COVID-19 pandemic and a meeting that includes the Friends of BRICS to focus on matters of common interest and mutual benefit. This will generate enduring partnerships resulting in enhanced global development and strengthened global resilience and global peace.

“This is a time for us to seek resilience and extend friendship to our people, and it is for this reason that South Africa deemed it fit to invite the Friends of BRICS to join us so that we can converge as a family and chart a way forward together for global resilience and global peace and for mutual development and innovation,” Minister Ntshavheni said.

Following the closed meeting held earlier in the day, the BRICS members held several bilaterals among themselves and Friends of BRICS countries on various other issues and interests that concern the individual countries. It is expected that such engagements will continue into the future on matters of common interest between these countries.

Minister Ntshavheni said the Friends of BRICS platform offered an opportunity for a mutually inclusive, secure and beneficial environment, which is conducive for global peace and development.

"Where a child of Africa can develop and have access to opportunities like a child of China, India, Brazil and Russia and other countries under conditions of meaningful cooperation," she said.

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The climate change threat can only be confronted through activism led by the youth, says Deputy Minister in The Presidency, Kenny Morolong.

Deputy Minister Morolong said the BRICS nations were key actors in the global energy landscape, both as consumers and producers of energy needs.

The Deputy Minister was speaking at the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Youth Summit in Durban on Thursday, 20 July 2023.

He said the dual challenge of ensuring energy security and combatting climate change, required the world to transition to a more secure and sustainable energy system.

This transition he said, held substantial prospective benefits for the youth, emphasising that for young people to fully take advantage of these new job opportunities, BRICS would need to invest in education and skills training.

“This investment will have to focus on technical training in renewable energy technologies and broader skills, such as project management, policy analysis and entrepreneurship. In this regard, a corps of skilled youth will be more capable of realising the economic opportunities that will flow out of the renewable energy interventions,” Deputy Minister Morolong said.

He added that the Just Energy Transition (JET) also presented opportunities for entrepreneurship and young people in the BRICS nations could create start-ups that provide innovative solutions for renewable energy, energy efficiency and climate resilience.

To practically encourage entrepreneurship, financiers and governments will have to develop new financial instruments and provide financial support and mentoring.

“The JET beckons a unique opportunity to create enormous economic value for our domestic economies and for the youth.

“Through the creation of green jobs, investment in education and skills training, promotion of youth entrepreneurship and the involvement of the youth in policymaking, BRICS can ensure that energy transition is just and equitable.”

Held under the theme, BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable Development and Inclusive Multilateralism, the four-day youth summit, which started on 18 July 2023, brought together youth participants and afforded them an opportunity to share ideas and work on a concrete action plan for cooperation in economic, humanitarian, mass media and the science sphere.

The BRICS Youth Summit is among the series of high-level engagements, hosted by the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government, as a precursor to the 15th BRICS Summit that will take place in August 2023.

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The Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA), Thembi Nkadimeng, hosted the BRICS Urbanisation Forum in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, from 26 to 27 July 2023, under the theme, “Advancing Urban Resilience for Sustainable Cities and Towns for Future Generations”.
The BRICS Summit is preceded by several events and activities taking place in the host country.

“To this effect, the BRICS Urbanisation Forum will precede the BRICS Summit, which is scheduled for August 2023,” the statement read.

The Ministry said the BRICS Urbanisation Forum provided a platform for governments, organisations, experts and scholars from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa to engage with some of the issues expected to arise at the BRICS Summit, and subsequently provide policy advice to the leaders.

“The BRICS Urbanisation Forum also intends to ensure that key issues of urbanisation are placed on the global agenda of the BRICS member countries.”

Areas of discussion included building productive and sustainable urban economies and livelihood survival strategies in urban environments.

The platform also shared insights, exchanged best practices and fostered collaboration on urban development challenges.

“South Africa will utilise this opportunity to also showcase the country's achievements in urbanisation, highlighting successful projects that have contributed to sustainable development and inclusive growth.”

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The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Barbara Creecy, has accepted a request to co-facilitate discussions at a political level among ministers responsible for climate change ahead of the Global Stocktake (GST) discussions.

The Minister will carry out this responsibility with her counterpart from Denmark, Minister Dan Jørgensen.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) made the request in its capacity as COP28 Presidency-designate.

“This co-facilitation role entails reaching out and listening to a representative sample of parties, groups and constituencies to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to hear their views on what they consider the critical elements of the outcomes of the GST.

“The ministers will report back their findings to the UAE, ahead of the opening of the UN General Assembly in New York in September 2023, where the UAE intends to convene a ministerial meeting on the GST.

“As such, the co-facilitation is intended to support the UAE in its efforts to guide the international community towards a successful outcome to the GST at COP28,” the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment said on Thursday, 20 July 2023.

The GST is the main mechanism under the UNFCCC’s Paris Agreement to take stock of the collective challenges and opportunities in its implementation.

“The purpose of this is to help inform parties in preparing their next nationally determined contributions to the Paris Agreement to raise ambition and accelerate climate action, as well as to enhance international cooperation.

“This is to ensure that the stocktaking exercise and the forward-looking set of recommendations to parties to be adopted at COP28 is comprehensive, covering all aspects of the convention and the global goals in the Paris Agreement, such as mitigation, adaptation and enabling means of implementation and support for developing countries,” the department said.

This work needs to be based on the best available science and equity, so that it is evidence-based and fair because countries are at very different levels of development and have divergent national circumstances.

“Our country will develop our negotiating mandate for consideration by Cabinet by the third quarter of this year. This mandate will then inform our country position in the negotiations and our discussions with fellow negotiators in the African Group and the G77 plus China,” the department said.

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The ǂKhomani are being honoured with the Twee Rivieren Interpretative Centre and Narrative Development Project – honouring the culture and language of the ancient tribe.
Traversing landscapes of space and time, the Kalahari is known for its rich cultural and tourism offerings of the Kalahari Red Dune Route. The route passes through such small communities such as Mier, Ashkam, Noenieput and Andreisvale, still home to the world’s oldest ancient tribe, the ǂKhomani.

The sound of the ǂKhomani reverberates through centuries, echoing the stories of its people. Pulsating through the Kalahari, the gift of these ancient people will be shared with all as the Minister of Tourism, Patricia de Lille, recently launched the R3.5-million Twee Rivieren (ǂKhomani) Interpretative Centre and Narrative Development Project.

“I am delighted and deeply honoured about the launch of Twee Rivieren Interpretative Centre Project in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park as it pays homage to the unique culture of the ǂKhomani San. Through this centre, the Department of Tourism has enabled the local community to proudly share the narrative of their captivating culture to thousands of tourists who visit the park annually,” stated Minister De Lille.

Modern design meets ancient wisdom as the Interpretative Centre will provide a unique stop for tourists at Twee Rivieren Rest Camp. The exhibition installation will provide visitors with a demonstration of the cultural and natural heritage of the park, ensuring an immersive experience. It includes a collection of narratives and storylines of the local ǂKhomani communities within the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park.

The ǂKhomani Cultural Landscape World Heritage Site is an important landscape as it forms part of the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park with Botswana and borders Namibia. The significance of the park can be attributed to its compelling history, and a very rich cultural heritage, with the original inhabitants, the ǂKhomani, living close by and able to contribute to the interpretation of the park. Despite its rich cultural heritage, there is no interpretation centre to assist visitors to gain a full understanding and appreciation of the cultural landscape. Apart from the rich cultural heritage, the World Heritage Site has two important biomes with diverse fauna, and this attracts visitors from all over the world.

Minister De Lille said: “The outcomes of this initiative are to improve the overall visitor experience of tourists to the Red Dune Kalahari Region, facilitate educational trips of school groups and provide entrepreneurial opportunities for the local communities.”

The project scope of work includes the conversion of an old existing building into the Interpretative Centre, situated in the middle of the Twee Rivieren rest camp and is the only access point for visitors from South Africa, which was completed in March 2023. Also included in this, is a Market Tree (Selling Point) where San crafters can sell their products.

“This R3.5 million-project is funded by the Department of Tourism, and SANParks has been appointed as the Implementing Agency. It is situated in a rural node within the Northern Cape province, one of the regions identified by government for socio-economic development. The department has supported a number of projects within the region,” the Minister added.

To further give expression to this project, the Department of Tourism has implemented tourist guide training for 10 beneficiaries from the Khomani and Mier communities. The learners completed training as both nature and culture site guides for the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park and its surroundings areas. This training will allow the communities to directly benefit from the interpretation centre and tourism activities in the area. The interpretation centre will also ensure that tourist guides have access to information that is comprehensive, factually correct and objective.

“I encourage tourists to the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park to visit the Twee Rivieren Interpretative Centre as well as take a guided hike with a ǂKhomani tourist guide to learn about the wisdom, customs and folklore of this ancient tribe ‒ without it, no tour to the Kahalari will be complete,” the Minister concluded.

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A new initiative will see braille tourism pave more access in Cape Town from street-art tours to famous landmarks as led by South Africa’s first blind, qualified tour guide.
“Limitless Cape Town”, led by Cape Town Tourism, is said to be a first-of-its-kind universal access movement.

The new initiative sees popular sights in the Mother City revamped with braille touchpoints, including street art murals and Cape Town’s yellow frames.

These touchpoints are paired with QR codes linked to audio content that describes the scenery in fantastic detail, from street art in Salt River to Signal Hill.

Better yet, the tours will be led by South Africa’s first qualified blind tour guide, Winston Fani.

“Fani uses an unprecedented technique of counting steps and lampposts to arrive at the appropriate artwork, combining this with his eloquent descriptions of the works and their creators to inspire guests,” shared Cape Town Tourism.

“I had a dream to prove to the world that being blind shouldn’t be an obstacle. I didn’t let my blindness prevent me from realising my vision of becoming a tourist guide and thanks to the immense support of my family and Cape Town Tourism, that dream has turned into a reality.” ‒ Winston Fani.

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Over 100 activists from 35 countries took to tackle trash trenches in Pretoria as part of a bigger movement of love.

Pretoria became the heart of the Clean World Movement over the past weekend as more than 100 WeLoveU activists and their families joined forces to tackle trash trenches in the area.

Part of the Global WeLoveU Foundation, the Clean World Movement believes that a clean world lays the foundation for a loving world overall. Many volunteers forming part of the movement are students representing 35 countries who also double as environmental leaders.

The efforts on Sunday, 23 July 2023, saw 200 garbage bags collected after the Danville clean-up ‒ a much-needed boost for the area where illegal dumping is rife.

This is just one of many efforts that the movement has guided, with hopes for the future to transform similar areas around the world.

Meet the Global WeLoveU Foundation

WeLoveU began its mission of community love in Korea, beginning with founder Zahng Gil-Jah.

Since its beginning in the 1990s, Gil-Jah’s kindness has spread from Korea to the world, helping communities impacted by disaster, disease, poverty and socially jarring situations.

The Clean World Movement under the WeLoveU Foundation, is the environmental component that journeys across different parts of the world, acting on the mindset that “a clean environment is the beginning of a healthy life”. As of March 2023, 300 000 people from 72 countries worldwide joined in. This year also marks its 15th run in South Africa.

These efforts not only focus on polluted cities, parks, mountains, rivers and seas, but also include ecosystem protection and environmental protection campaigns.

Regarding the Danville clean-up, Katlego Makgaleng, a public relations councillor, expressed great gratitude for the work done.

“The love of Zahng Gil-Jah has touched the people of Danville,” he added.

The founder of Tiny Towns Danville, Odette Guli-van Zyl, who joined the clean-up, also sang the effort’s praises: “I am absolutely stunned at the outcome of the people who are diligently helping. Thank you to the WeLoveU Foundation and its Chairlady.”

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Siblings Giancarlo and Santiné van der Merwe have been awarded scholarships in the United States (US) after competing in the 2023 Genius Olympiad.
Giancarlo and Santiné van der Merwe, two aspiring siblings from Postmasburg in the Northern Cape, have achieved extraordinary success at the prestigious 2023 Genius Olympiad in the US. Their remarkable projects earned them silver medals and renewable scholarships worth US$20 000 each to the renowned Rochester Institute of Technology in the US.

Giancarlo, a talented 18-year-old currently in Grade 12 with Curro Online, spearheaded an innovative carbon capture technology project aimed at reducing the detrimental impact of carbon dioxide emissions on our planet. His meticulous research resulted in the discovery of a cutting-edge technology that converts carbon dioxide into valuable carbon nanofibers and oxygen. Giancarlo’s sustainable method has the potential to revolutionise multiple industries and significantly mitigate the effects of greenhouse gases, contributing to the fulfilment of the United Nations Paris Agreement requirements.

His younger sister is 14-year-old Santiné, a Grade Nine learner also with Curro Online. Motivated by the eye-opening documentary Seaspiracy, Santiné embarked on a mission to address the critical issue of ghost nets in our ocean by designing a device capable of tracking fishing gear to prevent the loss of marine life. Her innovation and commitment to tackling this pressing environmental challenge led her to advocate for increased international legislation to enforce the proper handling and tracking of fishing gear.

The 2023 Genius Olympiad, held from 12 to 16 June 2023, brought together exceptional young minds from around the globe to showcase their projects. Giancarlo and Santiné presented their noteworthy innovations to a panel of esteemed judges, resulting in their well-deserved silver medals. Out of the 1 453 projects submitted to the Genius Olympiad from 31 states in the US and 63 countries worldwide, only 726 finalists were selected to participate. Giancarlo and Santiné’s brilliant projects stood out among the talented pool of finalists, solidifying their place in the top 30% of participants. Their achievements highlight the Northern Cape’s emerging talent in the field of science and innovation.

“Huge congratulations to Giancarlo and Santiné for this great achievement. Not only were they both selected as finalists achieving more than 70% in the preliminary reviews, but they remained in the top 30% of finalists, and top 15% of all submissions to the 2023 Genius Olympiad. Their success is a testament to their ingenuity, dedication and commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Their achievements shine a bright light on Curro’s emerging scientific talent and serve as an inspiration to other learners,” says Faith Njau, executive head at Curro Online.

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The upcoming Netflix series “One Piece” was filmed in South Africa, adding to the creation of jobs and the growing film industry in the city.
Manga fans are buzzing with excitement for the premiere of the Netflix Live Action series One Piece, which is due to hit the screens at the end of August 2023. A bulk of the series was filmed in Cape Town, boosting the economy and creating jobs.

Cape Town is a hub of activity for the film industry, with nearly 4 000 permits issued in the 2022/23 financial year. The film industry has proven itself a catalyst for economic growth. A study commissioned by the city shows that the film industry contributes approximately R5 billion to the local economy annually and has created more than 35 000 jobs.

The highly anticipated One Piece series, used sets made up of ships. Cape Town has several locations where ships are situated for filming. The popular series Black Sails was also filmed in Cape Town, using these sets.

One Piece even went as far as to design and build new sets, commonly featured in the Manga books written by Eiichiro Oda. It is Japan’s highest-selling manga series in history. To say the show will be a hit is an understatement. Fans are really looking forward to it being aired.

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The Bokamoso Choir won big at the 12th World Choir Games in South Korea this year, bringing home three gold medals. Several South African choirs took part in the prestigious event, bringing home a total of seven medals overall (four gold and three silver).

The Bokamoso Arts Institute conducted by Mohau Mogale, attended the World Choir Games for the first time this year, making their win a heartwarming one.

“We enjoyed our stay here in South Korea in the city of Gangneung. What a wonderful experience we had. Now we are going home as world champions with three gold medals and one championship. We are very proud to raise the flag of Mzansi” – Bokamoso Arts Institute

The choir won gold for:

  • C8 – Mixed Choirs
  • C16 – Musica Sacra with Accompaniment
  • C28 – Scenic Folklore.

Other proudly South African winners included:

  • St Mary’s DSG Choir, conducted by Lindy van der Meulen ‒ C28 – Scenic Folklore – gold
  • City of Roses Choir, conducted by Sibongile Mngoma – O21 Gospel – Silver
  • St Mary’s DSG Choir, conducted by Lindy van der Meulen – Category C25 – Scenic Pop / Show Choirs – silver
  • Kholwa Brothers, conducted by Derrick Mlambo – Category C26 – Folklore a cappella – silver.

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Michaelhouse muso Ian Graham and his piano hands have made it to the finals of an International Music Competition set to take place in Washington DC.
Budding musicians from around the world went note-to-note recently as part of the American Virtuoso International Music Competition. Among them is a young South African pianist whose future in music might just be filled with standing ovations.

Graham made it to the finals of the international music competition; making the dream to showcase his talent that much more of a reality.

If Graham wins, he will have the spotlight to perform in a concert at Carnegie Hall in Manhattan, New York. Music enthusiasts know that Carnegie Hall is one of the most sought-after performance grounds for artists from every genre and has enjoyed the sounds of everyone from Tchaikovsky to the Beatles and Jay-Z.

A student at Michaelhouse, Graham’s school sang his praises in high notes, deeming his skill and dedication remarkable.

The grand outro will see the finals take place in Washington D.C where he will represent South Africa.

‒ Source:



The Ultimate Pop Culture and Gaming Festival in Africa, Comic Con, is heading back to Johannesburg this year. Visitors can get stuck into the latest and best merch, gaming, art, comics, tech, film and food, with celebrity guests, actors, comic book artists, cosplayers and industry insiders.
This is also the first time that South Africa will experience two Comic Cons in one year, after the success of Comic Con Cape Town in April, reports Tourism Update.

Carla Massmann, Show Director of Comic Con Africa, said that they were thrilled to bring Comic Con Africa 2023 to life, especially after the great response they received from Comic Con Cape Town.

“The overwhelming enthusiasm and passion from the fans in Cape Town were testament to the incredible passion South Africans have for pop culture and gaming. We are committed to creating a world-class experience for attendees, and we can’t wait bring all the communities back together again,” Massman said.

The festival will take place from 22 to 25 September and tickets for the event are already on sale. These tickets will grant visitors access to all the famous feature areas and content zones such as KidsCon, StreamerCon, StreetCon, Artist Alley and more.

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South African Netball President, Cecilia Molokwane, has called on South Africans to support the South Africa national netball team at the 2023 Netball World Cup where they will be competing against 16 countries.
“It’s time for Africa and South Africa to shine. It is time for South African netball to shine. It is time for women to shine and the SPAR Proteas to shine. They can only shine if all of us are behind them,” Molokwane said on Friday, 21 July 2023.

Sixty years after the World Cup started in 1962 in England where South Africa was one of the teams that participated, the tournament will be hosted on African soil for the first time. It will take place in Cape Town from 28 July to 6 August 2023.

The City of Cape Town will establish a Fan Park outside the Cape Town International Convention Centre) where netball fans can watch matches on a big screen, enjoy live entertainment, play games and enjoy a family environment for the duration of the Netball World Cup.

“Sixteen counties in the world will be competing for this prestigious trophy to become world champions and we know that the SPAR Proteas, the netball team, will make sure that this trophy does not leave these shores and stays in South Africa

“We are the only continent in this competition that has four countries competing. We have South Africa, who are the winners already, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Uganda that will be playing in this tournament,” she said.

Explaining the significance of the dates for the tournament, Molokwane said they were specifically chosen to celebrate Mandela Month and Women’s Month.

“This trophy will be played for from 28 July. It landed on 25 May; we wanted it to land in Africa on Africa Day. When it landed, I learned that the African Union was celebrating 60 years and it was for the first time in 60 years that the trophy was on the continent.

“When the girls play on 28 July, it will be at 6pm and South Africans will be back from work. South Africans can watch the game and support the girls as they play. Support the SPAR Proteas.”

–  Source:



Tatjana Schoenmaker added another accolade to her prolific haul, claiming the silver medal in the 100m breaststroke at the World Aquatics Championships in Fukuoka, Japan, on Tuesday, 25 July 2023.
The 26-year-old star reached the 50m mark in fourth place but stormed back into podium contention in the second half of the race, producing a particularly speedy final 25m to secure the silver in a time of 1:05.84.

Lithuania’s 2012 Olympic champion Ruta Meilutyte dominated from the start and claimed the gold in a time of 1:04.62. American Lydia Jacoby, who won the Olympic 100m breaststroke title in Tokyo in 2021 ahead of Schoenmaker, took the bronze in Fukuoka in 1:05.94, while her compatriot, Lilly King, who holds the world record in the event, missed out on the medals, finishing fourth in 1:06.02.

Schoenmaker’s focus will now shift to her main event – the 200m breaststroke, in which she won Olympic gold in 2021, with the heats scheduled for Thursday.

“I didn’t expect that [medal]. The last world championships I was at [in 2019], I came sixth in the 100m, so to medal is incredible,” said the Pretoria swimmer after her race.

“I don’t train for the 100, I train for the 200, so I’m just grateful that my speed is there.

“Obviously, the 200 is more my main focus, but I’m very grateful that my 100 time is fast because that helps a lot with the 200. But it is obviously a completely different race.

“I was very indecisive as to whether to come to this competition – it’s been a very tough two years for me – so I think swimming my fastest time since the Olympics, I’m slowly getting there,” she added.

– Source:



South African golfer Christo Lamprecht is hungry for more success after winning the Silver Medal at the Open Championship. Lamprecht, 22, was the only amateur to make the weekend cut. He became the first South African to win the Silver Medal at the 151st Open Championship.

Lamprecht was a surprise co-leader after shooting five-under 66 on the opening day. He could not quite match his Day 1 heroics as he finished 11-over par in a share of 74th position.

But the 22-year-old was the sole amateur to make the cut, which meant he scooped the prestigious Silver Medal on Sunday, 23 July 2023.

Lamprecht was one of six amateurs in the field, the others being Spaniard Jose Luis Ballester Barrio, Argentina's Mateo Fernandez de Oliveira, German Tiger Christensen, Ireland's Alex Maguire and Australia's Harrison Crowe.

Lamprecht is no stranger to setting records, having been just 16 when became the youngest-ever winner of the South African Amateur Championship at the Humewood Links in 2017.

In 2018, he became the first foreign winner in the 76-year history of the East of Ireland Amateur Open Championship.

In 2019, Lamprecht and his fellow GolfRSA National Squad members, Martin Vorster, Casey Jarvis and Sam Simpson, fired a record-setting 41-under par winning total to win the Junior Golf World Cup in Japan.

Lamprecht qualified for this year's Open Championship after winning the Amateur Championship at Hillside Golf club where he became the fourth South African to do so.

According to GolfRSA, only 53 golfers have distinguished themselves as the Leading Amateur in the Open since the Silver Medal was introduced in 1949.

Lamprecht said he was humbled to follow in the footsteps of golfing legends like Jose Maria Olazabal, Sir Michael Bonallack, Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy.

"I had a look at the list last night, and it's really nice to be part of history like that and engrave my name into history," said Lamprecht, who carded rounds of 66, 79, 76 and 74 to secure the leading amateur accolade.

"Now that everything is done, it is nice to look back and know I’m the last amateur standing. I'm very proud of myself. I didn't have the best stuff for the last three days and I'll need to reflect on that, but I have learned a lot of lessons."

On Sunday, Lamprecht stood next to Open champion Brian Harman as they received their prizes on the 18th green at Royal Liverpool.

– Source:



Caleb and Judah Levitan have been training the Gauteng Development Chess Team that is in Italy for an annual chess event.
The annual Soncini Games are taking place from 24 to 30 July 2023 in Italy, and the development team representing South Africa is ready to fly the South African flag high. The individuals making up the South African contingent for the games come from various backgrounds and areas across Gauteng, including semi-rural parts of the province, townships, suburban areas and schools.

The event not only promises to be a tough competition on the field and over the board, but also an ideal platform for talent identification and uniting communities.

The Soncini Games were born from the close ties between Gauteng and the Government of Reggio Emilia in Italy, influenced by the late Oliver Tambo’s relationship with the former mayor of the area, Roberto Soncini. Soncini is said to have housed Tambo during his years of exile in Italy. The games, which celebrate the legacy of iconic anti-apartheid leader Tambo, have grown to be an important annual feature for young athletes looking to showcase their talent with their peers.

This year, the chess team have been coached by 12-year-old twin South African chess prodigies, Caleb and Judah Levitan, who are no strangers to the local and global chess scene. Last year, Judah and Caleb represented South Africa at the Youth Chess Olympiad in Azerbaijan as well as the African Youth Chess Championships in Zambia.

Judah and Caleb were selected as coaches due to their exceptional accomplishments as chess players to date, but also to give back to a province who has supported them. The young coaches were in the Gauteng Provincial Team that won gold in 2022 and Caleb was named as the winner of the Amayanga-Yanga (Young Athlete of the Year) Award at the prestigious Gauteng Sports Awards earlier this year.

Vicky Magu, President of the Johannesburg Sports Confederation, is immensely proud of the exceptional dedication and leadership Caleb and Judah have displayed as coaches of the development teams for the Soncini Games.

“Their contribution has not just been about teaching our athletes, but mentoring them, encouraging them and guiding them to better understand the game. They have done an extraordinary job and have added immense value to our team, enhancing their skills and preparing them for a competitive event like this. What is truly remarkable is that they have done all of this on a volunteer basis. They could have been playing chess anywhere in the world, doing anything, yet they chose to be here with us, sharing their knowledge and passion for chess. Their selfless actions are testament to their characters and their commitment to give back to the sport that has given them so much. We are truly grateful for their contributions, and I have no doubt that our team will make them proud at the Soncini Games,” says Magu.

‒ Source:



2020 was meant to be the year Cape Town hosted the Kimura Shukokai International’s (KSI) 20th Karate World Championship, but it was postponed to 2023 – and it was a huge success.
The KSI Karate World Championships kicked off its 20th edition in the Mother City at the Cape Town Convention Centre (CTICC) and ended on 15 July 2023. Over 500 karateka competed for top honours at the CTICC as part of the KSI 20th Karate World Championship.

With an estimated affiliation of more than 20 000 karate students around the globe, including juniors, young men and women as well as veterans over the age of 50, KSI is one of the biggest single-style organisations around the world.

With the KSI World Championships traditionally taking place every two years, the spotlight was certainly on Team KSI South Africa South (KSI SAS) who were defending world champions and had won the last four consecutive championships since 2012.

The team went on to win the 2023 championship as well! The South Africa North KSI-SAN team earned the second-place spot, making it a double podium for South Africa.

“Congratulations to all medal winners and competitors for making this an amazing championship! KSI South Africa South have made it a quintuple win, adding to the wins from 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018 and now KSI World Champions 2023! Osaa!” – KSI Karate World Championship 2023

The global martial arts event attracted over 500 participants from 20 countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Canada, Finland, Australia, Botswana, Mozambique and Seychelles.

Not only was Team KSI SAS able to win over 40 medals in previous championships, but the group was also involved with various safety, gender-based violence and development programmes through martial arts to improve lives and communities in and around the Western Cape.

‘It is such a pleasure for the city to host the milestone 20th bi-annual edition of the KSI Karate World Championships as we see over 500 competitors fighting for the championship title. We are proud to support this global platform that enables young and veteran athletes to showcase their talent and versatile martial arts abilities.

‘We extend a warm welcome to the local and international karate community visiting Cape Town for the first time and encourage them to explore the iconic attractions that our beautiful city has to offer during their stay here,’ said the city’s Mayoral Committee Member for Safety and Security, JP Smith.

‒ Source:



The Proteas will head to New Zealand for a two-Test series early next year, Cricket South Africa (CSA) confirmed recently.
The first Test is scheduled for 4 to 9 February 2024 at Bay Oval in Bay Oval in Mount Maunganui, Tauranga, with the second match set for 13-17 February at Seddon Park in Hamilton.

The Test series will form part of the International Cricket Council (ICC) World Test Championship (WTC) 2023-25 cycle.

The Proteas will also play a three-day warm-up match against yet-to-be-determined opposition from 29 to 31 January in Christchurch.

"The tour of New Zealand will be an excellent opportunity for the Proteas to test themselves away from home for the first time during the new cycle of the ICC WTC," said CSA CEO Pholetsi Moseki.

"This tour confirms CSA's commitment to honouring the ICC’s Future Tours Programme, regardless of other competing and equally compelling engagements. It is an affirmation of our appetite for Test matches, which we always take delight in playing."

The last time the Proteas met the Black Caps was in a Test series in New Zealand in 2022 which ended 1-1.

– Source:



Tshilwane Sonopo earned three silver medals at the 2023 World Jump Rope Championships in Colorado, United States, recently. He and his fellow Team South Africa members competed outside South Africa for the first time – making this win a very exciting one for the team. The championship ran from 16 to 23 July 2023.

The International Jump Rope Union started hosting competitions in 1973. This year’s championship was hosted at the Ed Robson Arena in Colorado Springs, Colorado, which is also known as Olympic City USA. The event has 3 000 participants (athletes, coaches and officials) from more than 30 countries.

“A brilliant start to the world jump rope champs for Sonopo who finished second in the male 30+ category for the Single Rope Speed Sprint, the Single Rope Speed Endurance and Individual Freestyle events.” – Gymnastics South Africa

The team representing South Africa included Kagiso Pholoholo, Thato Mabitso, Mpho Seate (Coach), Tshilwane Sonopo, Mkhululi Gosa, Tshiamo Matlhoane, Diteko Matlape, Malusi Tumtumana and Buyisile Hubela.

“South Africa has a great team with a mix of youth that will be travelling outside the country for the first time and some very experienced jumpers.”

‒ Source:



Tennis South Africa has announced the team to play at the 2023 Davis Cup Africa Group III Tournament. The tournament is being hosted in Pretoria, South Africa.

South African captain Christo van Rensburg selected the team to represent the country on home soil next month. They will be facing off against teams from Benin, Algeria, Namibia, Senegal, Togo, Ivory Coast and Zimbabwe.

The team will be made up by:

  • Dylan Salton
  • Philip Henning
  • Devin Badenhorst
  • Leo Matthysen.

According to Tennis South Africa, the Davis Cup, often referred to as the World Cup of Tennis, is the premier international team event in men’s tennis. It is organised by the International Tennis Federation and contested annually in a knockout format between teams from participating countries. With it being hosted in South Africa this year, excitement is high.  

– Source:




An under-20 version of the Rugby Championship will start in 2024 to create a better pathway for young stars from Argentina, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, joint body Sanzaar said recently.

The annual tournament will be played in one country, with all teams facing each other once across a three-week period. The top team after the three-round, six-match event will be declared the winner.

The first edition will be hosted in Gold Coast in Australia next April, with exact dates to be confirmed.

"It has long been recognised that the missing link in our junior pathways was the existence of a Sanzaar international championship for up-and-coming talent," said Hamish McLennan, Chair of rugby's southern hemisphere governing body.

"Exposure to additional international matches can only benefit the players in terms of experience and adapting to the demands of the top level of rugby."

‒ Source:

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