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On 24 August 2023, President Cyril Ramaphosa as Chair of BRICS for 2023, announced the outcomes of the XV BRICS Summit, held in Sandton:

“We successfully concluded the 15th BRICS Summit yesterday.

“It is the first BRICS Summit to be hosted in-person since the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent global travel restrictions.

“Leading up to the Summit, there was a wide-ranging BRICS business programme aimed at attracting investment, promoting collaboration and showcasing opportunities within South Africa, Africa and BRICS countries.

“We welcome the clear vision of Ms Dilma Rousseff as the President of the New Development Bank on the role that the Bank should play in support of infrastructure and sustainable development in Africa and the Global South.

“We celebrated the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the BRICS Business Council and welcomed the self-review by the Council and the subsequent recommendations made to Leaders.

“We also welcomed the work of the BRICS Women’s Business Alliance in their first in-person engagement with leaders. We particularly welcomed the participation of youth representatives in the Summit.

“We addressed our expectations for the BRICS economic partnership to generate tangible benefits for our communities and deliver viable solutions for common challenges faced by the Global South.

“We shared our vision of BRICS as a champion of the needs and concerns of the peoples of the Global South. These include the need for beneficial economic growth, sustainable development and reform of multilateral systems.

“We reiterate our commitment to inclusive multilateralism and upholding international law, including the purposes and principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter.

“We are concerned about ongoing conflicts in many parts of the world. We stress our commitment to the peaceful resolution of differences and disputes through dialogue and inclusive consultation.

“The Summit noted that an unbalanced recovery from the hardship of the COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating inequality across the world.

“We encourage multilateral financial institutions and international organisations to play a constructive role in building global consensus on economic policies.

“We have noted that there is global momentum for the use of local currencies, alternative financial arrangements and alternative payment systems.

“As BRICS, we are ready to explore opportunities for improving the stability, reliability and fairness of the global financial architecture.

“The Summit agreed to task the BRICS Finance Ministers and/or Central Bank Governors, as appropriate, to consider the issue of local currencies, payment instruments and platforms and report back to the BRICS leaders by the next Summit.

“This Summit reaffirmed the importance of BRICS people-to-people exchanges in enhancing mutual understanding, friendship and cooperation.

“The Summit appreciates the progress made over the last year in the fields of media, culture, education, sports, arts, youth, civil society and academic exchanges.

“We adopted the Johannesburg II Declaration which reflects key BRICS messages on matters of global economic, financial and political importance.

“It demonstrates the shared values and common interests that underlie our mutually beneficial cooperation as the five BRICS countries.

“BRICS itself is a diverse group of nations.

“It is an equal partnership of countries that have differing views but have a shared vision for a better world.

“”As the five BRICS countries, we have reached agreement on the guiding principles, standards, criteria and procedures of the BRICS expansion process, which has been under discussion for quite a while.

“We have consensus on the first phase of this expansion process, and further phases will follow.

“We have decided to invite the Argentine Republic, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to become full members of BRICS. The membership will take effect from 1 January 2024.

“We value the interest of other countries in building a partnership with BRICS.

“We have tasked our Foreign Ministers to further develop the BRICS partner country model and a list of prospective partner countries and report by the next Summit.

“Today, we will be hosting leaders from Africa and the Global South in the BRICS-Africa Outreach and BRICS Plus Dialogue.

“This is so that we can have an inclusive dialogue on key issues affecting developing economies and identify actions that we can take together towards a more equitable, inclusive and representative world.

“May I conclude by thanking the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and China, together with their delegations, for participating in this most successful 15th BRICS Summit held in Johannesburg, South Africa.

“Through this Summit, BRICS has embarked on a new chapter in its effort to build a world that is fair, a world that is just, a world that is also inclusive and prosperous.

“I thank you.”



President Cyril Ramaphosa has used the occasion of the XV BRICS Summit Open Plenary on Wednesday, 23 August 2023, to reiterate the bloc’s commitment to the principles of solidarity, sustainable development and an equitable world order.

Joined by his counterparts from the grouping’s member countries – the President of Brazil, Lula da Silva; Russian President Vladimir Putin; Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi; and the People's Republic of China President, Xi Jinping, President Ramaphosa said the BRICS partnership must be harnessed to drive inclusive global economic recovery.

President Ramaphosa said it remained a matter of concern that global financial and payment systems are “increasingly being used as instruments of geopolitical contestation”.

“Global economic recovery relies on predictable global payment systems and the smooth operation of banking, supply chains, trade, tourism and financial flows.

“We will continue discussions on practical measures to facilitate trade and investment flows through the increased use of local currencies,” President Ramaphosa said on the second day of the summit.

President Ramaphosa also said the bloc was "deeply concerned about conflicts across the world that continue to cause great suffering and hardship".

“As South Africa, our position remains that diplomacy, dialogue, negotiation and adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter are necessary for the peaceful and just resolution of conflicts.”

With the BRICS partnership straddling four continents and five countries that are home to almost three and a half billion people, President Ramaphosa said the bloc had over the years, been a major driver of global growth, trade and investment.

It is for this reason, the President said, that the agenda of peace and stability ought to be supported, as it is the precondition for a better and more equitable world.

“The world is changing. New economic, political, social and technological realities call for greater cooperation between nations.

“These realities call for a fundamental reform of the institutions of global governance so that they may be more representative and better able to respond to the challenges that confront humanity,” the President said.

This year’s edition of the BRICS Summit was a significant one, not only because it was the first to be hosted in person since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent global restrictions, but because of the interest is has attracted from other countries, with over 20 countries having applied to join the bloc of developing nations.

President Ramaphosa said while BRICS was firmly committed to advancing the interests of the global South, BRICS stands ready to collaborate with all countries that aspire to create a more inclusive international order.

“BRICS stands for solidarity and for progress. It stands for inclusivity and a more just, equitable world order. It stands for sustainable development.

“We are an inclusive formation of developing and emerging economies that are working together to benefit from our rich histories, cultures and systems to advance common prosperity. We do so because we know that poverty, inequality and underdevelopment are the biggest challenges facing humankind.”

Advancing the African Agenda

The theme for this year’s summit – BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable Development and Inclusive Multilateralism – was testament to the group’s realisation that Africa is pivotal to the world’s sustained development, something that President Ramaphosa says is a strategic priority for South Africa during its Chairship of BRICS.

The President welcomed the ongoing engagement of BRICS countries with Africa in the spirit of partnership and mutual respect.

The objectives of reciprocal trade and investment, he said, were some of the pillars in building an Africa that is able to compete on an equal footing in the global economy.

“The African Continental Free Trade Area, once fully operational, will unlock the benefits of the continental market and generate mutually beneficial opportunities for both African and BRICS countries,” President Ramaphosa said.

As the world grapples with climate change, the President said it had become crucial to ensure that the transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient future is just and fair and takes into account differing national circumstances.

In line with this objective, BRICS nations need to advance the interests of the global South and call for industrialised countries to honour their commitments to support climate actions by developing economy countries.

President Ramaphosa expressed his full confidence that the XV BRICS Summit would advance the cause of common prosperity and progress.

“We are confident that this XV BRICS Summit will enrich and inspire our work towards the achievement of a more humane global community,” he said.

The summit, which concluded on 24 August 2023, saw, among others, the hosting of the BRICS Business Council and the signing of a joint memorandum of cooperation, which will see China helping South Africa to power critical institutions as the country continues to work on a plan to deal conclusively with load shedding.

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President Cyril Ramaphosa has emphasised that the BRICS group of countries, which are united by their common vision and goals, incorporates peoples, cultures and traditions of more than three billion people across the world.

“We are united by our common vision and common goals. Our diversity is our greatest strength, and tonight you will get to experience the rich tapestry of cultures, traditions and foods of South Africa,” he said.

The President was speaking on Wednesday, 23 August 2023, on the occasion of the cultural performance and State Banquet of the XV BRICS Summit that took place at the Gallagher Convention Centre in Midrand, Johannesburg.

In a celebration of unity, diversity and shared progress, several heads of state and government were treated to a formal dinner orchestrated by renowned culinary expert Wandile Mabaso. Mabaso, a globally acclaimed chef, skilfully combines traditional French methods with the delightful tastes of South Africa.

Mabaso was joined by Xolani Mancotywa, a qualified beverage steward and chef who has reimagined traditional African cuisine and authentic African fine dining.

The dignitaries were treated to performances, which included a choreography by Gregory Maqoma, inspirational dance by Musa Motha and renowned opera singer Pretty Yende.

The President extended his gratitude to the heads of state for accepting his invitation as they celebrated being together on a night, which he trusted they would find joyful and pleasant.

“It is also a night when we thank you for joining the BRICS countries prior to tomorrow’s BRICS Outreach programme.

“We hope that this evening you will experience South Africa's story, one that interweaves our many different cultures, traditions and languages as the foundation of an inclusive nation.

“It is a story that reflects the nature and purpose of BRICS, which values partnership and cooperation in a spirit of openness and solidarity,” the President said.

Ahead of the BRICS-Africa Outreach and BRICS Plus Dialogue on Thursday, the President told the dignitaries that they would all articulate how they would foster change in the world for the benefit of all the peoples of the world.

The President highlighted to the leaders that they had more reason to celebrate as BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) partners following India making history as the first country to successfully land a lunar module on the south pole of the moon.

“We congratulate Prime Minister [Narendra] Modi, the Government and people of India and the Indian Space Research Organisation on the success of the Chandraayan-3 mission. Pushing forward the frontiers of scientific endeavour is integral to human progress.

“In anticipation of this great achievement, Prime Minister Modi proposed at our BRICS Summit this afternoon that BRICS should set up a Space Exploration Commission where, as BRICS countries, we can share knowledge and experiences,” he said.

President Ramaphosa emphasised that the more they learned about this world they live in and beyond, the greater their capacity to improve it and to elevate the human condition.

He said that this and many other achievements enabled the countries to move forward to prosperity, progress and peace.

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President Cyril Ramaphosa has called on the business community to invest in the continent and identify solutions to the rapid economic, technological and social changes underway.

Addressing the XV BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, during the BRICS Business Forum Leaders' Dialogue, the President said these changes created new risks for employment, equality and poverty in many BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries.

“From a South African perspective, there is massive untapped potential for investment in our country and on the African continent. Africa is a continent of great opportunity in the industrialisation process in a variety of sectors.

“Africa is a continent rich in the critical minerals that will drive business success in the 21st century. The continent has resources of lithium, vanadium, cobalt, platinum, palladium, nickel, copper, rare earth minerals, rhodium and many others," the President said.

He emphasised that African countries made it clear that the investors of choice are those who will process the resources here, close to the source.

"We are developing stronger regional value chains that will connect a number of African countries, providing investors with diversity, strength and resilience,” President Ramaphosa said.

Taking place under the theme: BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable Development and Inclusive Multilateralism, the summit was attended by the leaders of Brazil, India, China, as well as South Africa, as the host.

The President said the success of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) would require a massive investment in infrastructure.

AfCFTA intends to create a single market for goods and services, facilitated by movement of persons to deepen the economic integration of the African continent.

“The African Continental Free Trade Area creates a single market that is expected to grow to 1.7 billion people and nearly US$7 trillion in consumer and business spending by 2030. We need to mobilise the substantial financing needed to build the roads, ports, rail, energy and telecommunications networks that will enable industrialisation and trade.

“Growth in African economies will be driven in the main by small and medium enterprises. This requires focussed and effective support to these businesses. It is important that specific financing be directed to women-owned businesses so that they can harness the benefits of the continental free trade area,” the President said.

He said the investment in skills development was growing as Africa has a young, digitally connected and urbanising population, which provides a stable workforce for companies in future.

“These factors all position Africa as the next frontier of productivity and growth. BRICS countries have an opportunity to contribute to and participate in Africa’s growth story. This can be achieved through greater cooperation in areas such as infrastructure, agriculture, manufacturing, new energy and the digital economy.

“South Africa has an important position in this growing African market, facilitated by the AfCFTA and other free trade agreements. South Africa's industrial strength, our mineral endowments and our large market opportunities provide a compelling value-proposition for companies wanting to establish their businesses here,” the President said.

President Ramaphosa said South Africa had significant industrial capacity, with Africa’s most advanced industrial innovation and fabrication base.

“Firms that have invested here recognise that South Africa has deep local capital markets and strong financial systems. We have a diverse and sophisticated economy. South Africa possesses world-class infrastructure, skills, abundant natural resources, industrial clusters and a host of incentives to support investment.

“Many investment and partnership opportunities exist in renewable energy, infrastructure, aquaculture, information and communications technology, automotives, pharmaceuticals and advanced manufacturing, among others,” the President said.

He explained that the BRICS group of countries existed not only to strengthen government-to-government relations, but also to forge stronger ties between the peoples of the five nations.

“It is for this reason that several bodies have been established to enable cooperation across society. The BRICS Business Council is a vital and vibrant platform for strengthening economic ties between our respective countries and in forging common perspectives on inclusive economic growth and development.

“The changes that have taken place in BRICS economies over the past decade have done much to transform the shape of the global economy. Together, the BRICS countries make up a quarter of the global economy, they account for a fifth of global trade and are home to more than 40% of the world’s population,” the President said.

As BRICS countries celebrate its 15th anniversary, trade between BRICS countries totalled some US$162 billion last year.

“Foreign investment has played an important role in the growth of BRICS economies. Total annual foreign direct investment into BRICS countries is four times greater than it was 20 years ago,” the President said.

With the establishment of the New Development Bank by BRICS countries in 2015, the President said its formation had demonstrated its ability to mobilise resources for infrastructure and sustainable development in emerging economies without conditionalities.

“BRICS economies have emerged as powerful engines of global growth. Yet, the rapid economic, technological and social changes underway create new risks for employment, equality and poverty in many BRICS countries. We therefore call on the business community to join hands with us to identify solutions to these and other challenges affecting our respective economies,” the President said.

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South Africa and the People’s Republic of China have reaffirmed political support for each other’s core interests during a State Visit at the Union Buildings in Tshwane.
President Cyril Ramaphosa hosted his Chinese counterpart, President Xi Jinping, on Tuesday, 22 August 2023.

Delivering his remarks during a media briefing, President Ramaphosa said that South Africa was honoured to receive President Xi on his fourth State Visit to South Africa ahead of the XV BRICS Summit, which both leaders looked forward to. 

President Xi’s visit coincided with 25 years of diplomatic relations between South Africa and the People’s Republic of China while historic ties date back to the Bandung Conference of 1955.

“During this State Visit, South Africa and China reaffirmed political support for each other’s core interests.

“We also agreed to deepen bilateral cooperation in trade, investment, infrastructure development, energy, tourism, education and training and digital technologies. President Xi and I look forward to the upcoming BRICS Summit and have agreed that BRICS must play an expanded role in global affairs,” said President Ramaphosa.

The President highlighted that China was South Africa’s largest trading partner and South Africa was China’s biggest trading partner in Africa.

The two leaders discussed the need to narrow the trade deficit between South Africa and China and that one of the ways to do this is by ensuring greater market access for value-added South African export goods into the Chinese market.

On multilateral cooperation, the two leaders agreed to consult closely on issues of common concern, including in the context of BRICS, the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, the G77 plus China, and the G20.

“We have discussed areas of synergy in line with the call by South Africa and other African countries for the reform of institutions of global governance, notably the United Nations Security Council. We agree that the interests of the global South must be fairly represented on all multilateral fora,” he said.

Russia-Ukraine conflict

The heads of state further discussed the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine and its significant impact on developing economies in Africa and elsewhere.

“We both agreed on the importance of dialogue and negotiation between the two sides. As South Africa, we are encouraged that President Xi has welcomed the peace mission to Russia and Ukraine initiated by African leaders.


President Ramaphosa, along with President Xi will be co-chairing a China-Africa Leaders’ Roundtable on the sidelines of the State Visit.

The purpose of the roundtable is to further deepen cooperation between China and the African continent on the development, industrialisation and integration of African economies.

President Ramaphosa said they were gratified that the friendship between the People’s Republic of China and South Africa had endured.

“The friendship that exists between South Africa and the People’s Republic of China is living proof of what is set out in the Freedom Charter, which is the forerunner of the South African Constitution, which declared that: “There shall be Peace and Friendship”.

“We look forward to a new era of even stronger ties, underpinned by our commitment to achieving common prosperity for our respective peoples and the global South in general,” he said.

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Trade, Industry and Competition Minister, Ebrahim Patel, has reflected on the issues facing global economies as he welcomed all delegates at the XV BRICS Summit, which officially kicked off in Johannesburg on Tuesday morning, 22 August 2023.
The Sandton Convention Centre was a hive of activity as delegates from across the globe congregated to participate in the first in-person summit since the COVID-19 outbreak.

“A special welcome to all of you to the province of Gauteng, the economic powerhouse of the African continent, where 35% of South Africa’s wealth is generated. This small but very productive province accounts for 5% of Africa’s gross domestic product (GDP),” said Minister Patel.

The BRICS grouping of major emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa ‒ held their summit in Johannesburg from 22 to 24 August 2023 under the Chairship of South Africa.

Minister Patel told the room full of delegates that the world looked different from five years ago when the country hosted the 10th BRICS Summit in 2018.

“Today, the world is more polarised, climate change is more pressing and the speed of technological innovation is rapidly increasing. These trends are in turn reshaping our economies and societies in more profound ways than more of us can project,” he said.

The Minister noted that change across the globe had created turmoil and tension.

“As the world changes, we have seen a rise of unilateralism and a pushback on the global rule-based system”.

Minister Patel, however, believes that it cannot be business as usual for the private sector, governments and other role players. He has called on leaders to adapt to the “new normal” and often volatile, uncertain and complex world.

“It’s in this context that the BRICS Business Council meets here today,” Minister Patel said.

Towards a better future

Despite challenges, he said the council was optimistic about the future.

The Minister reflected on some of the institutions that were built by the bloc, such as the New Development Bank, which drives investment and infrastructure and supports economies and societies.

Minister Patel said the power of science, technology and innovation must be harnessed to solve some of the world’s problems, from developing lifesaving vaccines to green technologies that can decarbonise the energy mix.

Other developments such as the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which has the potential to bring together a market of 1.3 billion people and provide a much-needed boost to African industrialisation, must be actively pursued.

“We’re no longer just a raw material supplier. Africa is taking its place in the world as an innovator and industrialiser -- the Africa of people, young people, rapidly urbanising, digitally connected and energetic.

“We’re pushing back against the toxic legacy of 55 states divided by borders from a continent of 1.3 billion people united in our resolve, connected in a unified manner.”

Meanwhile, Brazil’s Finance Minister, Fernando Haddad, said his country always strove to facilitate investment in the interest of his country. He described BRICS’ contribution as “enormous”.

“In Brazil, we believe in multilateralism and cultural and social diversity, and that we equitably distribute the opportunities.”

Minister Haddad said it was important for BRICS to be unified.

India’s Minister of Commerce and Industry, Piyush Goyal, commended businesses for organising centres for them to discuss the BRICS economies.

He said India, which grew its GDP by 7.2% last year, was one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. 

Minister Goyal said India was also transforming its infrastructure, and that it boasted more than 800 million Internet users and an increase in online services.

In addition, the country is also growing its renewable energy sources.

Minister Goyal also reflected on the important partnership between the BRICS countries and the global South based on mutual respect.

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President Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed his sadness at the passing of Dr Johaar Mosaval, the retired pioneering dancer and Esteemed Member of the National Order of Ikhamanga.
“President Ramaphosa offers his deep condolences to the family and associates nationally and internationally of Mr Mosaval, who has passed away at the age of 95,” The Presidency said on Thursday, 18 August 2023.

The Artscape Theatre announced Mosaval’s passing on Wednesday,17 August 2023.

“Artscape is saddened by the news that one of its own has passed away. Johaar Mosaval was our living legend,” read the statement.

In 2019, President Ramaphosa bestowed the National Order of Ikhamanga (Gold) on Mosaval for his exceptional contribution to the performing arts, particularly ballet dancing.

A resident of District Six, Mosaval was the first black South African to become a senior principal dancer at the Royal Ballet, which is the highest rank in the profession at one of the world’s most prestigious classical ballet companies.

His journey to the Royal Ballet at the height of apartheid saw him dancing for Queen Elizabeth II and being the first black performer on the “whites-only” Nico Malan stage in Cape Town in the 1970s.

Mosaval performed, mostly as a soloist, all over the globe, and shared the stage with the likes of prima ballerinas Margot Fonteyn, Elaine Fifield and Doreen Wells.

He became revered for his wide-ranging styles and flawless technique and was chosen to dance in Benjamin Britten’s opera Gloriana, the first performance presented at the Royal Opera House, London, in 1953, during the celebrations of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

President Ramaphosa said: “The passing of Johaar Mosaval is a great loss to our nation’s cultural treasury.”

He added: “Johaar Mosaval was an outstanding human being and creative who complemented his personal achievements with a deep interest in developing the communities in which he lived and performed.

“His life story is one that fills us at one level with pride and inspiration but which also reopens for us the inhumanity and hurt that apartheid inflicted on individuals and entire sectors of our society, including our cultural life and the performing arts.

“Under difficult conditions, Johaar Mosaval enjoyed and leveraged his life of celebrity to create a legacy of service to the people of Cape Town and our nation more broadly. May he rest in peace.”

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Government has sent condolences on the passing of one of the nation's most esteemed and respected journalists, Derek Watts.
The 74-year-old veteran Carte Blanche TV presenter, known for his exceptional investigative journalism skills, died on Tuesday, 22 August 2023, after battling cancer.

He first graced TV screens in 1985 as a Top Sport anchor and later took up his iconic role as Carte Blanche news hound.

“The iconic presenter’s passing leaves a big void in the realm of journalism, where his dedication, integrity and storytelling skills have left an enduring mark on the hearts and minds of South Africans and beyond.

“Derek Watts was more than just a journalist; he was a voice of reason and an advocate for transparency and accountability.

“His dedication to journalistic ethics, courage in uncovering hidden truths and commitment to holding those in power accountable are values that will continue to inspire generations to come,” said Government Communication and Information System Acting Director-General, Nomonde Mnukwa.

Among other things, Watts will be remembered for his interviews that were marked by a unique blend of empathy and straightforwardness which allowed him to delve into the core of issues while maintaining the respect and dignity of all involved.

“Government extends its heartfelt condolences to Derek Watts's family, friends, colleagues and all those whose lives he touched through his work. Government also recognises the profound loss that his passing presents to the media fraternity and to the nation as a whole,” Mnukwa said.

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The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Barbara Creecy, has emphasised the importance of accelerating work on reducing vulnerability to climate-change impacts.
This work must focus on delivering key mandates such as the operationalisation of the Global Goal on Adaptation, the Loss and Damage Fund, the Mitigation Work Programmes as well as the adoption of the modalities and scope for the Just Transition Work Programme.

Minister Creecy made these remarks at the 19th Ordinary Session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN), in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on Thursday, 17 August 2023.

The two-day session provided a platform for strengthening Africa’s collective engagement in the global environmental agenda under the theme: Seizing Opportunities and Enhancing Collaboration to Address Environmental Challenges in Africa.

Ministers considered a declaration and decisions prepared by senior officials during the expert segment on a number of issues, including preparations for the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP28).

They also considered Africa’s participation in the development of an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, and preparations for the Sixth Session of the UN Environment Assembly, among other agenda items.

As part of the engagements, there were be a number of ministerial dialogues, including on climate finance and protecting human health and the environment from the adverse effects of plastic pollution in Africa.

“It is critical that the UNFCCC COP28 accelerates work on reducing vulnerability to climate-change impacts,” the Minister said.

She emphasised that Africa’s approach to climate change must be premised on the principle of equity and the recognition of Africa’s right to development.

She further noted the critical links between building low-carbon, climate-resilient societies and sustainable development necessary to address Africa’s triple challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment.

“South Africa looks forward to the inaugural African Climate Summit to be hosted in Kenya next month and the role this summit can play in the adoption of a well-coordinated Common African Position ahead of COP28,” the Minister said.

Minister Creecy also took the opportunity to engage with fellow African environment ministers, to obtain their approach to the Global Stocktake, as requested by the COP28 President.

Plastic pollution and pesticides

On the issue of Africa’s participation in the development of an International Legally Binding Instrument on Plastic Pollution, including in the marine environment, Minister Creecy said South Africa remained deeply committed to the development of a comprehensive agreement to end plastic pollution.

In this regard, South Africa has shared the domestic experience of the Polluter Pays Principle and its usefulness in holding producers of plastic products accountable through the Extended Producer Responsibility Regulations.

South Africa supports the establishment of a global alliance to encourage partnerships and actions on highly hazardous pesticides.

Furthermore, South Africa supports the need for transparency to be able to manage chemicals safety through, among others, labelling, the Global Harmonised System, strengthening customs control and other relevant measures.

The AMCEN was created in 1985 to promote regional cooperation between African governments in addressing environmental challenges confronting the continent.

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The Minister of Health, Dr Joe Phaahla, undertook an international Working Visit to Gandhinagar in India to attend the G20 Health Ministers’ Meeting (G20 HMM), a significant platform for global collaboration and a multisectoral approach to address global health challenges effectively.
The 2023 meeting was held under the theme: One Earth, One Family, One Future – a clarion call for policymakers to support vulnerable people and economies, protect the planet and harness digital progress for all.

The three-day meeting from 17 to 19 August 2023 discussed, among others: health emergencies prevention, preparedness and response with a focus on one health and anti-microbial resistance; strengthening cooperation in the pharmaceutical sector with focus on availability and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable medical countermeasures; vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics; and digital health innovations and solutions to aid universal health coverage and improve healthcare service delivery.

The G20 Health Track is working towards consolidating and conveying ongoing discussions in the global health architecture. Minister Phaahla was invited by India’s Minister of Health and Family Welfare and Chemicals and Fertilisers, Mansukh Mandaviya, to attend the G20 Health Ministers and the Joint Finance and Health Ministers meetings. The meeting culminated with a declaration endorsed by all health ministers.

Minister Phaahla also held bilateral meetings with his counterparts from the United Kingdom, Netherlands and World Health Organisation on the sidelines of the meeting.

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South Africa and fellow Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) country, Namibia, have explored areas of mutual cooperation in energy generation at a ministerial level meeting on Friday, 18 August 2023
The Minister in The Presidency responsible for Electricity, Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa, on Friday undertook a Working Visit to Namibia to participate in a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Mines and Energy in Namibia, Tom Alweendo.

The meeting explored opportunities for mutual cooperation between South Africa and Namibia in the following areas:

  • Energy generation – focussing on how natural resource endowments can be leveraged to support energy generation, regional sovereignty and regional energy security.
  • Transmission infrastructure planning – regional interconnectivity in the context of the SADC Power Pool.
  • Hydrogen economy – benefaction to support regional socio-economic development.
  • A senior team of Eskom executives formed part of the delegation and shared the work already underway and future planning to strengthen and expand the existing transmission infrastructure spanning from the Northern Cape in South Africa to Oranjemond in the south of Namibia.
  • The meeting discussed the development and exploitation of gas reserves from the Kudu fields in the Orange Basin to provide affordable gas-fired base load power of up to 840MW for 35 years. South Africa could benefit from up to 600MW of this.
  • The meeting also took note of opportunities in the green hydrogen sector, including:

    • trading of green hydrogen-based products, such as green ammonia and green steel
    • supply of components such as solar panels, electrolysers and wind turbines
    • development of requisite infrastructure from a corridor perspective
    • cooperation to introduce affordable technology for the electrolysis process
    • collaborative funding and deliberate project preparation to ensure shared benefit for all.

“Reiterating our historic political and cultural ties, Minister Ramokgopa expressed the hope that the visit and work around energy security and regional energy sovereignty would further cement the strong bonds between our republics, in the interest of the development of the region and its people,” Minister Ramokgopa’s office said in a statement. – Source:



Delegates attending the BRICS Women Business Alliance (WBA) Africa Trade Conference, witnessed the signing of partnership agreements, which will pave the way towards building trade platforms with various countries.
KwaZulu-Natal Premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube led the Provincial Government’s participation at the annual BRICS WBA’s Africa Trade Conference, held at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre in Durban from 20 to 21 August 2023.

The conference brought together over 500 women-led small and medium enterprises from 18 countries, including Zambia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Saudi Arabia, Ghana, Tanzania, Mozambique and Zimbabwe, among others.

Premier Dube-Ncube said the conference was a significant global milestone in the struggle for women empowerment and it strategically took place ahead of the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Summit, attended by over 30 heads of state and government from across Africa from 22 to 24 August 2023.

She said they were inspired that the gathering discussed, among others, access to funding, trade, investment among BRICS nations and Africa and facilitation of exports.

Premier Dube-Ncube said the conference also highlighted crucial deliberations on establishing a Women Advancement Fund, aimed at providing women entrepreneurs with vital access to capital, nurturing the growth of women-led businesses and propelling economic activity and job generation.

The WBA also expedited discussions on BRICS tourism development, gendered healthcare policies and collaborative efforts to boost economic prospects for women

“This platform will help propel women to competitively participate and fully exploit opportunities presented by the African Continental Free Trade Area ‒ a single market for goods and services.

“Similarly, the BRICS WBA Africa Trade Conference promises to be an unparalleled platform fostering collaboration among women-owned businesses and enterprises across BRICS and African nations,” Premier Dube-Ncube said.

Welcoming hundreds of delegates on the first day of the conference on Sunday, Premier Dube-Ncube said the problem statements for women globally might possess different nuances for different countries and world regions but essentially they all boiled down to one – the total emancipation of women to enjoy equality with their male counterparts.

The conference was held under the theme: The Role of Multilateral Trade and Investment in Economic Recalibration, Reconstruction and Recovery Plans.

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The New Development Bank (NDB) has successfully issued its debut ZAR bond in the South African bond market, becoming the highest rated issuer to issue in this market since 2015.
The bond, which was issued on Tuesday, 15 August 2023, was well-supported with over R2.5 billion in bids across both the three-and five-year tranches.

This allowed the NDB to exercise its option to upsize the trade from R1 billion to R1.5 billion. Ninety-four per cent of bids were within or lower than price guidance, with the outcome representing the tightest spreads achieved by any non-government issuer in the South African debt capital markets in 2023.

The orderbook was well-diversified, with 71% of bids being allocated to institutional investors and the remainder taken up by local banks.

“The NDB is seeking to increase its presence in the local capital markets of its member countries to fund its robust portfolio of local currency loans. The proceeds will be used to fund infrastructure and sustainable development projects in South Africa and the successful outcome sets the benchmark for future issuances by NDB,” NDB Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer, Leslie Maasdorp, said.

The NDB was established with the purpose of mobilising resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries and other emerging market economies and developing countries, complementing the efforts of multilateral and regional financial institutions for global growth and development.

In 2021, the NDB initiated membership expansion and admitted Bangladesh, Egypt, United Arab Emirates and Uruguay as its new member countries.

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South Africa participated in the World Water Week Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, from 20 to 24 August 2023.
Water and Sanitation Deputy Minister, Judith Tshabalala, led a South African delegation to the conference, which concluded on Thursday, 24 August 2023.

World Water Week 2023, hosted by the Stockholm International Water Institute, is focussed on innovation, particularly at a time of unprecedented challenges facing water security around the world.

The annual conference is the global leader on water issues and attracts diverse participants and global professionals in the water sector.

The year’s theme for the conference was, Seeds of Change: Innovative Solutions for a Water-Wise World, which invited global leaders to rethink how to manage water and come up with ideas, innovations and governance systems required in a more unstable and water scarce world.

Deputy Minister Tshabalala participated in several panel discussions with her counterparts from across the globe, and among her engagements was Africa Focus Day, a high-level ministerial panel session aimed at addressing pressing water challenges faced by the African continent.

Africa Focus Day also served as a platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration and brought together water leaders, policymakers, civil society and academia across Africa and beyond.

“We, as the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), will use this opportunity to participate in various sessions to demonstrate to the world how South Africa is managing the imbalances of the energy and water usage by both households and businesses.

“We will also demonstrate how the department is working to achieve its vision of being a recognised world leader in water management, of course through positive inputs by South Africa’s water boards, research and academic institutions, business and other partners within South Africa’s water -sector participation”, Deputy Minister Tshabalala said.

Deputy Minister Tshabalala was accompanied by two learners, Kelebogile Abrahams and Mahlohonolo Mosia from Emang-Mmogo Comprehensive School in Kimberley, Northern Cape.

The learners represented South Africa in the Stockholm Junior Water Prize Competition for outstanding young learners participating in science-based projects aimed at improving water management in communities.

The two South African learners won the National South African Youth Water Prize Competition, held by the DWS in May this year.

The aim of the programme is to encourage learners to protect water resources, use water efficiently, and furthermore, motivate them to pursue careers in the water sector.

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The University of Cape Town (UCT) has scooped another top spot ranking as Africa’s top university.
Following its crowning as the top university on the continent by the Global 2000 report earlier this year, UCT has achieved the same nod of approval from a different global ranking.

Per the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities, UCT was deemed the top university in Africa in a massive global comparison report of over 2 500 universities.

“UCT continues to be ranked the top university on the continent, a position that reflects the exceptional calibre of our researchers and their contributions and an achievement that has gained the university international recognition,” expressed Professor Sue Harrison, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Internationalisation.

The rankings were determined based on different indicators, including alumni and staff winning Nobel prizes and fields medals, the number of highly cited researchers, the number of articles published and indexed in prestigious journals and per capita academic performance.

The recent ranking report is further evidence that South Africa’s tertiary education is amongst the world’s leaders for both students and academics staff.

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The world's tallest building made with industrial hemp has opened its doors in Cape Town.
The walls of the 12-floor, 54-room Hemp Hotel are filled with hempcrete blocks sourced from the cannabis plant, which are reinforced by concrete.

Hemp bricks are notorious for their insulation properties, fire resistance and eco-friendliness and are widely adopted in Europe for retrofitting.

They are also carbon-negative, removing more greenhouse gases than they emit. This not only makes these materials environmentally friendly but drives a sustainable way of building with plant-based material that helps to save on energy costs and consumption.

The hempcrete blocks used in this development were imported from the United Kingdom.

Located at 84 Harrington Street, Cape Town, with a breathtaking view of Table Mountain, the Hemp Hotel aligns perfectly with the East City area and its creative vibe, with the precinct already a huge drawcard for creative businesses, designers, foodies, coders, artists, photographers and students.

Wolf + Wolf Architects envisions the Hemp Hotel as a catalyst to popularise hemp-based construction in this region.

However, the cost still poses a challenge. “It shouldn’t be just a high-end product,” says Wolf.

“Hemp is 20% more expensive to build with compared to conventional materials,” says Wihan Bekker, carbon consultant for Afrimat Hemp, a Cape Town-based company, pioneering and beneficiating the industrial hemp value chain in Africa.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has prioritised advancing South Africa's hemp and cannabis industry, aiming to generate more than 130 000 jobs.

The Hemp Hotel forms part of a development that comprises rental stock, and plans are underway for the opening of a Hemporium store on the ground floor.

It was recognised as the world’s tallest structure using hemp-based materials by Steve Allin, Director of the International Hemp Building Association in Ireland.

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One of the continent’s most exciting artisanal fairs, the Handmade Contemporary Fair (HmC Fair), is coming up on 1 September at Melrose Arch in Johannesburg.
Melrose Arch will soon become a melting pot of handmade goodness where slow-produced, sustainable goodness sets the stage at the 2023 HmC Fair.

Not just a melting pot of handmade craftsmanship at its finest, the HmC Fair is also a celebration of women entrepreneurs and creatives across the continent lending their skills to more sustainable mindsets, with over 90% of the 100 artisans being women and the fair itself being fully women-run.

“Women play a significant role across a vast range of artisanry and craftsmanship in Africa, which is an essential part of the continent’s cultural and economic landscape,” Lesley Hudson, Head of Operations for HmC Fair explains.

“Over the last 17 editions of HmC Fair, we have witnessed a growing interest in handmade and sustainable products worldwide, a movement that is creating increasing opportunities for African craftswomen to access both local and international markets”, she adds.

The HmC Fair is also a hub of opportunity for so many local entrepreneurs, with many recording that more than half of their annual turnover comes from the few days of the HmC Fair.

This year’s HmC Fair encompasses Where Handmade African Luxury Meets the Future. The fair advocates for the importance of protecting handmade industries and their ability to preserve culture and create wealth for communities that source or make the goods while recognising that the tech advances like AI can be a force of new-age creativity.

The HmC Fair will be taking place from 1 to 3 September 2023.

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South Africa’s famous submarine museum is coming ashore, once again making it the only one on the continent.
Nearly eight years since it was closed to visitors, South Africa’s famous submarine museum is coming ashore once again.

The Assegaai Submarine Museum is the only preserved naval submarine on the continent. There are 124 preserved naval submarines in the world, but only six are in the Southern Hemisphere and the Assegaai Submarine will be the first in Africa thanks to two specially constructed and donated cradles from shipbuilder, Damen Shipyards, Cape Town.

The two cradles (which will hold the submarines) are each 3.6m long x 9.1m wide and weigh seven ton. They were built using steel salvaged from old Damen ship transport cradles while building them began nearly a year ago.

In August 2023, the cradles were officially handed over the Chief of the South African Navy, Vice Admiral Monde Lobese.

Speaking at the unveiling of the cradles and submarine in Cape Town on Monday, 14 August 2023, Vice Admiral Lobese shared:

“Today, we also celebrate the hard work, dedication, perseverance and never-give-up attitude of a handful of volunteers who absolutely refused to give up on their dream. That dream was to make sure that we as the South African Navy can have the first – and only – submarine museum on the African continent. Once the Assegaai Museum is in place, she will be the 125th museum submarine in the world, but only the seventh in the Southern Hemisphere and the first one in Africa. This is indeed a noteworthy accomplishment.”

The submarines will take up their new home next to the False Bay Yacht Club and NSRI Station 10 in Simon’s Town and will reopen once the Naval Heritage Trust has secured the necessary funding.

The static submarine museum will be managed and operated by the combined efforts of the Naval Heritage Trust, the local non-profit Facility Management Company and the South African Navy Museum.

As in the past, guided tours will be conducted by volunteers and ex-submariners and the submarine will also be available for a variety of other events and learning opportunities. In the four and a half years it was open, the submarine received over 57 000 visitors from 110 countries.

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From the Cape Flats to Croatia, a little drum majorette has the chance to grasp the dream of a lifetime.
Ra’eesha Maneveld is a little drum majorette who has the opportunity to meet big, global dreams.

Part of a talented team of drummies that were part of an award-winning documentary when Ra’eesha was the littlest legs on the squad, she is now the leader of the drum majorettes at Dr van Der Ross Primary School.

Since the age of six, Ra’eesha has proved that she is a tiny force to be reckoned with in the world of drummies and has been awarded Western Province colours in Majorettes.

Alongside her team, these young girls are inspiring more than just a love for performance, but also hope in their broader communities like the Cape Flats.

Where poverty and gang warfare tell one side of the story for the community, the drummies and coach Morisha, tell a brighter story of hope and resilience against the odds.

Not to mention, the team earned major accolades recently, having won first place in the South African Majorettes and Cheerleading Association.

Now, Ra’eesha has been met with the opportunity of any budding star’s dreams ‒ the chance to compete in Croatia as part of South Africa’s National Team in the World Championships.

This flags the opportunity to be a part of what could be her biggest break yet and something that shows that changing one person’s world does indeed change the world.

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The World Championships of Performing Arts were recently held, and if Team South Africa’s 118 gold medals weren’t enough testament to how talented our country is, South Africa’s Graytin Pretorius also won the Grand Champion Performer of the World title.
Held in Los Angeles in the United States, the Talent Olympics saw budding stars worldwide meet and compete for coveted titles, opportunities and their big breaks.

South Africa has a history of dazzling in the event synonymous with performing arts excellence, and we are proud to report that this year was no different.

The Results are in, and South Africa is Tremendously Talented!

This year, Team South Africa walked away with 118 gold, 86 silver, and 41 bronze medals, as well as 43 Overall World Champion trophies and five scholarships.

Some of the Grand Champion awards went to Go Durban All Stars (Senior Vocal Group Award), Go Durban Go (Senior Dance Group Award), Tahnyke Otto (Junior Model Award) and Maja Snyman (Senior Instrumental Award).

As for the Grand Champion Performer of the World 2023, South Africa proudly tips its hat once again thanks to Graytin Pretorius, who is this year’s title holder and won the Senior Grand Champion Actor Award.

For Graytin, winning the Grand Champion status came as a happy but unexpected surprise.

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Some 16 000 youths from South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Kenya, Ghana and Tanzania all learned coding at the same time, by playing fun offline games.
Organisers have been blown away by the runaway success of an international tangible coding event, which was started with a few learners in Gqeberha only two years ago.

The event grew and in 2022, a total of 6 000 youth across Africa were encouraged to code simultaneously on Mandela Day and the target for 2023 was set at 10 000 participants from across the globe.

However, the enthusiasm shown by learners, parents and teachers across Africa even caught the organisers by surprise with the number of participants in Tangible Africa’s #Coding4Mandela event in 2023 surpassing all expectation at 16 000 participants.

The event even caught the attention of President Cyril Ramaphosa in Qunu, where he commemorated Mandela Day and encouraged learners to continue coding for a better future.

Tangible Africa Founder and Head of the Department and Associate Professor at the Nelson Mandela University Computing Sciences Department, Prof. Jean Greyling, said 500 schools participated at 70 sites across all nine provinces as well as countries such as Zambia, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Kenya, Ghana and Tanzania.

“As Tangible Africa, we are truly excited that so many learners participated in our event this year. It gives us an excellent opportunity to now follow up with tournament hosts and teachers regarding our project. Through our tangible and unplugged coding tools, we truly believe that we can make a difference in South Africa and across Africa.”

Very little online resources are needed to play the coding games, by making use of Tangible Africa’s flagship coding applications, RANGERS, BOATS and TANKS. The #Coding4Mandela event is the brainchild of the Nelson Mandela University Computing Sciences Department and the Leva Foundation, made possible through their engagement project, Tangible Africa.

“Our vision is not only to introduce learners to coding, but to also enhance their 21st-century skills such as problem-solving, computational thinking, strategy, group work and communication. We want to keep on changing the narrative that low-tech interventions, rather than high-tech, are the way to make a wide impact on education on our continent,” said Prof. Greyling.

He expressed appreciation for the sponsors who made it possible for the event “to be as big as it was”. The anchor sponsor for the #Coding4Mandela event this year was AWSinCommunities, supported by BASF, National Science Week, SAS, BBD, VSC Solutions, MiX Telematics, SMS Portal and S4.

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South African National Parks (SANParks) will be presenting its 18th annual SA National Parks Week from 16 to 24 September 2023. That means citizens will be able to visit their local national parks for free, for a whole week.
Over 72 000 people visited the parks during “free week” in 2022. Many of the parks even hosted free access on the weekend, thus allowing people who were at work, to take part in the offering as well. This year, SANParks is once again extending SA National Parks Week to include weekends at some of the national parks.

Since its inception in 2006, National Parks Week, under the theme Know Your National Parks, has seen an influx of over 691 418 day visitors in all participating parks. SANParks Chief Executive Officer, Hapiloe Sello, says that the idea of a national parks-focussed week is a worldwide campaign.

“The week was established in a bid to cultivate a sense of pride in South Africa’s natural, cultural and historical heritage, protected by the national parks system. It is also in line with the SANParks' vision statement of A Sustainable National Park System Connecting Society.

The week grants free access to most of the 21 national parks for day visitors, especially people from the local communities. It should be noted that free access to parks does not include free access to accommodation facilities and other tourist activities. Some of the parks will be extending the week to include the two weekends.

SA National Parks Week has proved to be a successful campaign in terms of education and awareness of conservation issues.

“It’s important for South Africans to visit and know the importance of national parks. They act as spaces to practise sustainable conservation, as spaces that preserve and celebrate our culture and heritage and we now see national parks playing the critical role of empowering communities living adjacent to parks through job creation and we continue to explore ways of creating business opportunities, particularly for small business owners,” says Sello.

“This initiative aims to give the public an understanding of the role that SANParks plays as custodian of the country’s natural heritage. If we are to create a sense of ownership of the natural heritage of South Africa in all South Africans, then all South Africans must be able to have access to such. Visit a national park this year for free during SA National Parks Week, to see what it has to offer and do your part by getting to know your national parks, celebrate your rich heritage offering and experience first-hand the iconic beauty and plethora of natural flora and fauna.,” concluded Sello.

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The Springboks dominated Wales with an eight-try victory, marking their biggest win in Cardiff, as they triumphed 52-16 in a Rugby World Cup warm-up test.
The Springboks started what they hope will be a 78-day odyssey through Europe with an imperious eight-try demolition of a brave but inexperienced and outgunned Wales team to win their Rugby World Cup warm-up test by 52-16 (halftime 24-9) at the Principality Stadium in Cardiff on Saturday, 19 August 2023.

It was South Africa’s biggest win over Wales in Cardiff (eclipsing a 34-12 victory in 2007) and featured their most points in the Welsh capital (previous best 38) as the team delivered everything that could be expected of them.


Springboks 52 (24) – Tries: Malcolm Marx, Canan Moodie (2), Penalty try, Jesse Kriel (2), Pieter-Steph du Toit, Damian Willemse. Conversions: Manie Libbok (5).

Wales 16 (9) – Try: Sam Parry. Conversion: Cai Evans. Penalty goals: Sam Costelow (3).

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South Africa's Brad Binder finished second at the Austrian MotoGP on Sunday, 20 August 2023.
Italy's Franceso Bagnaia won the race, and while Binder pushed hard in the early stages, he ultimately did not have the pace to challenge the Ducati for top honours on the day.

Marco Bezzecchi completed the podium in third.

Binder also finished second in Saturday's Sprint race, also behind Bagnaia.

The result leaves Binder in fourth place in the season standings.

Meanwhile, Binder has signed a new three-year contract with the Red Bull KTM Factory Racing team.

Binder, who's been integral in the team's MotoGP success, put pen to paper at the KTM and Red Bull's home race at the Red Bull Ring in Austria, giving him the ease of mind to tackle the 2023 season's remaining 10 races knowing that his immediate future in the sport is secured.

Binder will stay with Red Bull KTM until the end of the 2026 season.

"A massive thank you to KTM and the management for trusting in me and for letting me be involved in this incredible programme for a few more years," Binder said.

"We are coming very close to what we want to achieve on the track, but I cannot say enough good things about the team and my crew.

"2015 and those first KTM races feel like a long time ago! But also, time passes quickly, and we've made some special memories. I know there is a lot more to come and cannot wait to build those stories.”

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South Africa’s Jaco Peyper will referee the Rugby World Cup 2023 opening match between hosts France and New Zealand at “Stade de France” on 8 September.
This is a big nod to the fairness and brilliance of the proudly South African referee.

According to World Rugby, Peyper holds the record of matches refereed in Super Rugby, having passed the 100 mark in 2019, and he is the third South African after Jonathan Kaplan and Craig Joubert to handle 50 tests. He started his career in 2011 and he has refereed at two world cups so far, including 2015 and 2019. This year will be his third, which is an incredible accomplishment for his career.

When asked what the best thing about being a referee is, Peyper said he got the best seat in the house.

“A lot of great things! If I had to pick … the best seat in the house, developing your performance and character under pressure over time and making so many lifelong friends from different cultures around the world.”

Peyper is joined by fellow South African Marius Jonker who will be Television Match Official.

Peyper is no stranger to opening matches, having refereed the England versus Fiji opener at Rugby World Cup 2015 at Twickenham. He will also use a special whistle presented by adventurer Ron Rutland, who is cycling 21 000 kilometres from Auckland to Paris to deliver the whistle and raise money for ChildFund Rugby.

Four referees will make their Rugby World Cup debuts this year with Australia’s Angus Gardner refereeing South Africa’s first game against Scotland in Pool B. 

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Max Smart has set his sights on the international rally track to take his career to the next level and make South Africans proud in the process.
There are very few South Africans in the motorsport industry but every year that changes. With the likes of the Dakar Rally, Formula 1, MotoGP and Rally, there is so much opportunity to see talented South Africans get behind the wheel. The only thing that often holds these incredibly talented riders and drivers back, is meaningful sponsorship. Max Smart is a very talented rally driver and has hopes of entering the 2024 season.

Max Smart is due to set off for a rally race in Estonia this October, but he needs to make a serious investment into his career, namely heading to the United Kingdom where he will get training and coaching from the world’s best in the industry. Every race he does gets him one step closer to entering the Junior World Rally Championship.

“I am competing for a spot in the Junior World Rally Championship (JWRC) in 2024. I’m determined to succeed”.

Max got into motorsports through riding in Motorcross. It was evident he had a raw talent for racing and has raced his way through the industry, earning awards and titles along the way.

Max has earned a place in the FIA Rally Star driver search and is one of only six drivers selected to compete this year. He is the representative for South Africa and the entire continent. Through this selection, he is able to compete for a place in the championship, with only four drivers making the cut.

“Coming from a motocross background, it’s a big deal to have won the African continental final of FIA Rally Star’s worldwide young rally driver talent search. As one of six drivers selected from around the world, I am proudly representing Africa and South Africa.

“Driving the M-SPORT Poland Ford Fiesta Rally3 in a development training season in Europe this year, I am ultimately competing for one of four spots in the Junior World Rally Championship in 2024. I recognise this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and am prepared to give my all to be successful. I am described by those who know me well as having a lion heart and an extraordinary belief in myself.

I am prepared to be fiercely focussed and put in the hard work to prepare for what lies ahead. I need your support to make my dream a reality and to give South Africa the chance to stand behind a driver in the WRC.”

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South Africa was awarded the rights to host the 2023 World Rowing Masters Regatta, a first in Africa, and things are gearing up for the exciting event.
The festival of global sport on South African soil will continue next month when the 2023 World Rowing Masters Regatta takes place at Roodeplaat Dam in Pretoria from 21 to 24 September 2023

Excitement is building for the regatta, with just over a month to go before hundreds of boats will launch on the Roodeplaat Dam for the first-ever world rowing event on African water.

Winning the right to host the event in 2020, South Africa will continue a proud tradition as a trailblazer, bringing another global sporting event to Africa. This year alone, South Africa has played host to global events, including the Netball World Cup, Indoor Hockey World Cup, World Rugby U20 Championship and the World Table Tennis Championships.

Held annually, the World Rowing Masters Regatta involves rowers from 27 years of age and older. Races are separated into age categories, starting at those with a minimum age of 27 and continuing to crews with an average age of 89 or more.

The regatta offers spectators a rare opportunity to see some of the biggest names in South African rowing history, including Olympic and world championships medallists who will battle it out on the famous course. Among the local heroes who will be in action is the 93-year-old John Price, who will be one of the oldest rowers at the championships.

Roodeplaat Dam, the home of South Africa’s elite rowing programme, has been upgraded for the global showpiece, leaving a legacy for future Olympians. Rowing has been punching above its weight at the Olympic Games, with South African oarsmen winning medals in Athens 2004 (bronze), London 2012 (gold), and Rio 2016 (silver).

The regatta is an opportunity for aspiring young rowers to witness world-class rowing on home soil and inspire them to follow in the footsteps of South Africa’s famous medallists. The event also provides the South African rowing community with an opportunity to gain valuable experience to host future local, regional and international regattas.

The 2023 World Rowing Masters Regatta will feature more than 850 athletes from 41 countries and five continents. Medals will be awarded to winners of each race or heat final.

The rowing festival is not only reserved for the action on the water, but extends to the picturesque banks of Roodeplaat Dam, where thousands of supporters will experience the vibe that is part and parcel of a global regatta.

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