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President Cyril Ramaphosa is set to undertake a State Visit to the People’s Republic of China from 2 to 5 September 2024, to further strengthen diplomatic and trade relations between the two countries.
China is South Africa’s largest trading partner, with bilateral trade standing at US$34 billion in 2023, made up of exports totalling US$12 billion and imports at US$22 billion.

Minister in The Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni said that China has also been a major contributor to South Africa’s investment drive and is the country's largest source of foreign direct investment.

“A number of important agreements are expected to be concluded during the State Visit, including a Framework Agreement on Development Cooperation, the trade balance and market access expansion,” Minister Ntshavheni said during a media briefing to outline the outcomes of Cabinet's meeting on Wednesday, 21 August 2024.

A South African delegation will also participate in the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), which will take place from 4 to 6 September 2024.

FOCAC is a multilateral coordination mechanism between Chinese and African countries, and it is viewed as a cooperation platform within the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, which is China’s global infrastructure development strategy.

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President Cyril Ramaphosa says although the partnership between business and government has yielded results in sectors such as energy and logistics, much more can be done collaboratively to address two of South Africa’s most pressing challenges—unemployment and economic growth.
The President was delivering the keynote address during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Business Unity South Africa (BUSA).

“With our far-reaching reforms gaining momentum, the second phase of our partnership with business requires a firm focus on employment creation. This is where we need to strengthen the partnership.

“Business continues to support programmes like the Youth Employment Service and the SA Youth National Pathway Management Network. These initiatives connect young, unemployed South Africans with opportunities for work experience, jobs and skills. But there is much more we need to do,” he said.

President Ramaphosa highlighted that government and business are in agreement about various areas where work can be done to stimulate economic growth and employment.

“We must accelerate the work to overhaul the visa regime to attract critical skills, investment and tourism. We need to make use of the opportunities we have identified in tourism, business process outsourcing, and the digital economy.

“We agree on the urgency of equipping the workforce with digital skills to take advantage of the new world of work. We agree on the need to use private sector capital to fund the growth of small businesses, particularly in under-serviced areas like townships and rural areas.

“As the Government of National Unity, we seek to deepen this partnership [with business] so that we can together build a conducive environment for investment, growth and job creation,” he said.

A government at work

President Ramaphosa told the BUSA AGM that for its part, the seventh administration is already at work to make good on its commitment to growing the economy.

“As we outlined in the Opening of Parliament Address, the apex priority of this administration is to drive inclusive growth. This is essential if we are to create employment.

“We are therefore focused on sectors with high potential for growth and employment, such as technology, manufacturing, agriculture and renewable energy.

"We are committed to ensuring that economic growth benefits all South Africans, especially the marginalised and underserved communities. This means supporting SMMEs [small, medium, and micro enterprises] and ensuring equitable access to opportunities.

“Growing our exports is a priority. We are committed to working with business and other social partners to improve the global competitiveness of local industries. We are working to streamline export processes to address tariff and non-tariff barriers, and to provide financial and technical assistance to exporters,” the President said.

Furthermore, government will continue on its reform path, providing opportunities for education and skills development.

“We will continue on the path of structural and regulatory reform to improve the business operating environment. We are committed to a stable policy environment that stimulates investment.

“A skilled workforce is the backbone of a thriving economy. As government, we will continue to invest in education and vocational training to equip young people with the skills needed in a rapidly changing economy,” the President said.


President Ramaphosa maintained that government remains committed to its partnership with BUSA to “drive economic growth that improves the quality of life of all South Africans”.

He added, however, that it is pivotal to maintain active and continuous engagement to sustain the partnership.

“We must accept that there will, from time to time, be areas on which we may disagree. We should not let this deter us from the work we need to do.

“Rather, we should remain engaged in dialogue with a view to finding solutions that serve the interests of the country. Clear communication is crucial for building trust and ensuring that policies are informed by the realities on the ground.

“We must continue to work together. We must leverage our collective resources, expertise, and passion for our country’s future. Let us seize this moment to build a more inclusive, prosperous South Africa. Let us build a South Africa where every citizen has the opportunity to contribute to and benefit from our economic progress,” President Ramaphosa said.

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An intellectual, revolutionary, and patriot who dedicated his life to building the intelligentsia in South Africa and also a loving husband, father, and grandfather, who was passionate about education and his community.
These are the words used to describe the late Professor Muxe Nkondo, who was laid to rest today after his passing on Sunday morning, 25 August 2024, at the age of 83.

Delivering the eulogy, Deputy President Paul Mashatile said Prof. Nkondo was a well-known name in local politics, Southern Africa and the continent.

He reminded mourners that Prof. Nkondo produced great intellectuals, academics, ministers and public servants, who are today serving the country with distinction.

“I am equally pleased that we are sending him off [from] a place that he passionately supported and equally loved. It is at this place that we took the decision that we put to rest those who have served our nation with distinction. It is here that we have agreed that we spend quality time with those who have left us,” said Deputy President Mashatile at the Special Provincial Funeral of the renowned academic and social policy specialist.

The funeral service was held at the Freedom Park Heritage and Museum in Pretoria.

The late academic occupied senior roles as Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of the North and Vice-Chancellor of Venda University.

“It is the wisdom of Prof. Nkondo and many others that today we do not have an identity crisis and because of them, we can proudly say we are Africans, and ours is to build a nation that is a non-racial, non-sexist, democratic, united and prosperous society.”

The Deputy President also told mourners that he was also part of the Nkondo family and grew up under the late Curtis Nkondo, who was the Professor’s brother, who served in the African National Congress (ANC).

“By being a member of this family, I also had the opportunity to have Prof. Nkondo deliver a speech and bless our union during my wedding celebration,” he recalled.

As a novice in the arts, creative, and heritage sectors during his tenure as the Deputy Minister, and later as Minister of Arts and Culture, the Deputy President said he leaned on the wisdom of eminent individuals, including Prof. Nkondo.

“As we have gathered here today to lay to rest Prof. Muxe Nkondo, I am pleased to have worked closely with this exceptional individual, a defender of human rights, and an extraordinary advocate for social cohesion and unity.”

Deputy President Mashatile called on mourners to persist in combatting all manifestations of discrimination, as the Professor “staunchly” advocated during his lifetime.

“We have always known that no political democracy can survive and flourish if the masses of our people remain in poverty, without land, without tangible prospects for a better life. Hence, attacking poverty and deprivation has remained high on the agenda of government.” 

The Deputy President said that Prof. Nkondo’s legacy should inspire future generations to continue the struggle for a more just and equitable society.

“This is also the objective of the Government of National Unity (GNU). I am confident that Prof. Nkondo would have concurred with my assertion that the establishment of the GNU is a significant development in our democracy in that it has brought different political parties to work together to build the country of our dreams.”

The Deputy President vowed that the ANC-led GNU will succeed in the implementation of the three strategic priorities, including inclusive economic growth and job creation, maintaining and optimising the social wage, and building a capable, ethical, and developmental State.

The Deputy President said government will not deviate from its mission to enhance and transform the lives of communities in rural and marginalised regions, which Prof. Nkondo also lived for.

“I can confidently state that Prof. Nkondo has run a good race through his significant contributions to the political and intellectual landscape.”

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International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Ronald Lamola, is in Japan to attend the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) Ministerial Meeting.
Ahead of the opening ceremony of the TICAD Ministerial Meeting, Minister Lamola had a business roundtable discussion with the Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO) to further strengthen economic cooperation. Among other matters, the meeting noted two critical economic developments. Following successful diplomatic negotiations, an agreement between the two countries was signed earlier this year, establishing a protocol for the export of South African avocados to Japan. The first consignment arrived in Japan this week, coinciding with Minister Lamola’s visit.

This significant milestone marks the beginning of a new market opening for South African avocados in the East. The agreed protocol requires a cold treatment at 2°C for 19 days. South African research has shown that Hass avocados can withstand this treatment, with successful shipments to the United Kingdom under the same regime.

South Africa’s economic diplomacy efforts continue to yield results in 2024, as evidenced by breakthroughs for our avocado industry with the opening of new big markets in Japan, China, and India.

Speaking to Toyota executives attending the JETRO interaction, Minister Lamola acknowledged Toyota’s announcement this week of a strategic investment of R1.2 billion in the South African automotive industry, which is expected to drive faster implementation of industrialisation, job creation, and transformation.

Minister Lamola also had the opportunity to meet with his counterpart, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Yōko Kamikawa. Minister Lamola reiterated that South Africa enjoys a significant relationship with Japan, underpinned by a fair economic partnership that contributes significantly to our nation’s economic development and people-to-people relations.

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The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Ronald Lamola, who is on a Working Visit to Japan, paid a courtesy visit to Professor Tshilidzi Marwala at the United Nations University (UNU) in Tokyo on Saturday, 24 August 2024. Prof. Marwala is the Rector of the UNU and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Prior to taking up the role of UNU Rector on 1 March 2023, Prof. Marwala served as Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Johannesburg from January 2018 to February 2023. During the courtesy call, Minister Lamola and Prof. Marwala spoke about the UN’s priorities, including peace and security, climate change and artificial intelligence. Prof. Marwala also addressed the UNU’s work and collaborations in South Africa.

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The Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation, David Mahlobo, led a delegation to Sweden for the World Water Week Conference, which started on Sunday, 25 August 2024.
According to the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), the conference was held under the theme, Bridging Borders: Water for a Peaceful and Sustainable Future and was “centred on water cooperation for peace and security”.

“Deputy Minister Mahlobo participated in panel discussions with his counterparts from across the globe and deliberated on topics focussed on unlocking the financing ecosystem for water security, innovative financing for transboundary water cooperation, and African investment in infrastructure for socio-economic benefits, among others.

“He further outlined how the South African water sector has enhanced cooperation in times of water scarcity and detailed efforts employed in all spheres of government to avert severe water challenges in water-stressed communities,” the department said.

Part of the delegation was a pair of 15-year-old twin sisters, who won the South African Youth Water Prize (SAYWP) competition in June this year.

“The duo presented their water education and awareness app named 'Drop-Drop', which is aimed at enhancing education around the importance of prudent water use in communities.

“The World Water Week conference is hosted by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) and is an inclusive meeting place to foster collaboration, inspire innovation, and accelerate water action,” the department said.

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The Deputy Minister of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Mmapaseka Steve Letsike, attended the Third Kazan Global Youth Summit in Russia, from 21 to 24 August 2024.
The Kazan Global Youth Summit is an annual event that brings together youth, policy leaders, diplomats and experts on key issues on the international youth agenda. The 2024 Summit’s agenda was dedicated to the following topics: digitalisation, modern tools in youth policy, and traditional values in the globalisation era.

Deputy Minister Mmapaseka Steve Letsike delivered remarks at the High-Level Session on Youth Well-being in the XXI Century. The session focussed on current challenges that have a significant impact on the mental health of young people around the world. Deputy Minister Letsike had bilateral meetings with the strategic countries that were at the summit. South Africa‘s participation was geared to ensuring that the country’s National Interest, and its priorities on women, youth and persons with disabilities were expressed and reflected to the global community.

The outcome of the summit was the Joint Resolution of the Action Plan, which will become the basis for the implementation of joint children's and youth initiatives and long-term cooperation programs in countries of the Islamic World, BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, a separate session of the event was devoted to discussing best practices in the development of artificial intelligence and virtual reality, digital trends, and digital solutions among youth.

South Africa actively participates in BRICS Youth Summits and Ministers’ meetings since the platforms were created in 2015. The Deputy Minister shared and convened the feedback session about the outcomes of both the BRICS Youth Summit and the BRICS Youth Ministers Meeting for the purpose.

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The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic), in collaboration with the South African Embassy in Saudi Arabia, hosted a Virtual Outward Selling Mission to Saudi Arabia on Thursday, 22 August 2024.
The theme of the mission was Unlocking Trade Opportunities through Collaboration. The mission focussed on opportunities that are available in the Saudi market for South African meat producers to take advantage of, as well as market access requirements.

In August last year, the Saudi Government lifted a 21-year ban on importing red meat products from South Africa, such as beef, lamb and mutton.

According to the Deputy Director-General of Exports at the dtic, Lerato Mataboge, the lifting of the ban provides a good opportunity for South African meat producers to tap into the US$5 billion Saudi market.

Exporters, importers, agents, distributors, and retailers, as well as representatives of abattoirs, chambers of commerce, and business organisations, attended the interactive session to share information on how to further explore the opportunities provided by the Saudi market for South African meat producers.

“Soon after the lifting of the ban, numerous companies worked hard to ensure that they seized the export opportunity that was created by the decision of the Saudi Government, which was the result of the State Visit to Saudi Arabia by President Cyril Ramaphosa in October 2022. The lifting of the ban was preceded by a visit by the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) to South African abattoirs and feedlots to check their compliance with the Saudi market access protocols and halaal certification,” says Mataboge.

She added that since the lifting of the ban, 12 South African companies have been approved by the SFDA to export beef meat and its products and seven companies have been approved for lamb and mutton meat and its products to Saudi Arabia.

Mataboge further said that the session provided valuable insights to Saudi importers and distributors into South Africa’s meat export value chain, highlighting why South African companies are suppliers of choice for importers worldwide.

“Our value proposition is that South Africa has a world-class meat sector that is well-positioned to meet the Saudi market demand,” stated Mataboge.

She said that in addition to providing market access information, the session will also explore South Africa’s halaal compliance standards and provide opportunities for Saudi importers to connect with South African exporters. It also promoted South Africa’s industrial capabilities and facilitated business-to-business engagements.

“These engagements are expected to ultimately culminate in an increase in the volumes of South African meat products that are exported to Saudi Arabia,” explains Mataboge.

Mataboge said that the mission also contributed in strengthening economic relations between South Africa and Saudi Arabia, and boosted trade and investment.

She added that exports of meat from bovine animals increased to R3.6 million in 2023 from R0 in 2022.

“Saudi Arabia continues to be a key strategic partner for South Africa in the Middle East. It is South Africa’s second-largest trading partner and the biggest source of imports from the Middle East. Bilateral trade between the two countries totalled R66 billion in 2023,” noted Mataboge.

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Cabinet has welcomed the outcomes of the 44th Ordinary Southern African Development Community (SADC) Summit of Heads of State and Government held in Harare, Zimbabwe.
The Summit had, among others, urged member states to implement the SADC regional humanitarian appeal to the El Niño-induced drought and floods and to continue monitoring weather and climate risks, including the forecasted La Niña event, and develop contingency measures to mitigate the impact of disasters.

The Summit also took note of the coming into effect of the agreement establishing the Tripartite Free Trade Area among the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the East African Community, and SADC, which will provide opportunities for SADC members to tap into an expanded market of 26 countries with a population of about 700 million and a gross domestic product of US$1 trillion.

“On the Israel war against Palestine, the Summit noted with concern the continuing relentless attack on civilians in Palestine, which has resulted in the loss of lives, destruction of property and deteriorating humanitarian conditions and called for an immediate ceasefire, the release of all hostages and the commencement of talks to bring a lasting solution to the conflict,” Cabinet said.

Cabinet has also welcomed the deliberations during the 13th Southern African Railways Association (SARA) Conference to uplift the rail sector within SADC with an aim of facilitating greater trade within the region and taking advantage of trade opportunities presented by the African Continental Free Trade Area.

Cabinet said a thriving SADC rail industry requires greater rail investment and collaboration within the SADC region to address its many challenges.

“The region’s rail industry has over the years been faced with challenges such as crime, theft and vandalism.

“South Africa is committed to doing its part to create an efficient, connected, and modern rail sector, and is implementing policy and interventions, such as the Freight Logistics Roadmap, to revive, support and modernise the capacity and competence of our railways,” Cabinet said.

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Western Cape MEC of Agriculture, Dr Ivan Meyer, has welcomed the news that the export of thoroughbred horses from South Africa to the European Union (EU) has resumed after a 14-year absence.
MEC Meyer’s comment comes following the departure of a consignment of 32 horses to the European Union (EU) earlier this month.

MEC Meyer said, “This is fantastic news and a boost to our breakout economic vision to triple the value of Western Cape exports of goods and services (inclusive tourism) to R450 billion as we work towards creating a trillion-rand Western Cape economy by 2035.”

“This was the first direct export of horses to the EU since December 2010. It was the result of many years of hard work through a public-private partnership between the Western Cape Department of Agriculture, Veterinary Services, the Department of Land Reform and Rural Development, the South African Equine Health and Protocols (SAEHP), and the various sectors of the equine industry”, added MEC Meyer.

MEC Meyer continues, “The Western Cape Government believes in partnerships and collaboration. We are therefore appreciative of the significant role played by our partners in completing this project successfully. I am also excited that further exports are planned for as early as mid-September, which signals a resounding vote of confidence in the work being done by the public-private partnership.”

The SAEHP highlighted that since December 2010, when the EU no longer allowed the direct export of horses, horses destined for the EU have had to be exported via Mauritius.

South Africa’s internationally acclaimed racehorse trainer Mike de Kock commented, “Having competed with South African runners in countries around the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Dubai and Hong Kong, I can tell you that our global participation in racing has a significant impact on our local industry and its thousands of employees. The first direct shipment to the EU in 14 years has been completed, a pertinent and potentially beneficial turning point for horseracing and breeding in our country. It’s a game changer.”

Leading bloodstock consultant Jehan Malherbe of Form Bloodstock said, “That we’re able to export again is a welcome development that I hope will open doors around the world. The price in South Africa is right, and the costs are relatively low. You can buy yearlings here and start them here. They can be shipped out to overseas buyers. The costs of failure for potential investors are much less.”

According to the Western Cape Department of Agriculture’s senior state veterinarian, Dr Vivian Malan, the EU added South Africa to the list of countries approved to export horses in May 2024 after an audit team visited South Africa in October 2022.

Dr Malan commented, “The rigorous control measures in place to control the movement from the African Horse sickness-infected area into the control area in the Western Cape were the main reason for allowing the export of horses again.”

Dr Malan continues, “Before horses can be exported, they must be quarantined at an approved quarantine facility. State veterinarians attached to the WCDOA’s Boland Veterinary Office oversee the quarantine, monitor the horses' health during the quarantine, and certify the horses for export before departure.”

MEC Meyer said that the direct export of horses to the EU results in a significant increase in sales of horses in the Thoroughbred and Endurance horse industries, which will significantly boost the local economy and create jobs locally and in other provinces.

“An estimated 177 000 people are supported by employment in the thoroughbred horse racing and breeding industry alone, with many more jobs in the rural areas provided by other sectors of the equine industry. The ability to export horses to the EU will protect these jobs,” concluded MEC Meyer.

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A company based in Western Cape has secured a R300 million contract to export chicken feet to China, which will result in the creation of 3 000 new jobs.
In China, where chicken feet, known as “walkie-talkies”, are regarded as a delicacy, AskCarlaKote, a Western Cape-based company, has capitalised on this demand. The company has recently secured a R300 million deal to export chicken feet to China.

The company that signed the deal, AskCarlaKote, did so in collaboration with Wesgro and Standard Bank, as reported by capetownetc. This opportunity will create 3 000 new jobs.

Wesgro stated that the specialised trading consultancy plans to deliver 540 tonnes of chicken feet per month, primarily through partnerships with women-owned poultry farms in the Western Cape and Mpumalanga.

“This deal holds enormous potential for South African poultry farmers and our clients,” said Carla Kote, founder of AskCarlaKote.

She added that they have experienced some delays due to the recent bird flu outbreak in the country. However, they are optimistic that after they have addressed all regulatory hurdles, they will be sending their first test order to China. This is planned to happen before the end of the year.

The agriculture departments in Mpumalanga and the Western Cape fully support this initiative.

Wesgro CEO Wrenelle Stander described the agreement as a significant achievement for the South African poultry industry.

‘With its potential to create thousands of jobs and bolster the regional economy, this deal stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation in driving economic growth’, Stander said.

China has a strong demand for chicken feet, with approximately 50% of the country’s annual chicken imports consisting of this popular delicacy, according to bizcommunity. In China, people use chicken feet in soups and stews. Additionally, they served them as snacks.

Historically, China imported most of its chicken feet from Brazil, Vietnam, and the United States. South Africa has had limited poultry product exports due to varying international standards. However, potential export destinations like the European Union, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and countries within the Southern African Development Community and the African Continental Free Trade Area are emerging as promising markets.

The global demand for poultry products, especially from countries like China, has been steadily on the rise, positioning South Africa’s poultry industry for significant expansion.

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The 12th edition of the Africa Aerospace and Defence (AAD) Expo will take place from 18 to 22 September 2024 at Air Force Base Waterkloof in Centurion, Gauteng.
The AAD is the biggest aerospace and defence exhibition and air show in Africa and holds flagship status in South Africa’s and the continent’s defence industry calendar.

The show has continued to grow with each edition and will once again bring together some of the world’s major industry players to showcase the latest technological innovations in the aviation, aerospace, and defence industries.

It will also provide a platform for engaging in dialogue and discourse on international defence, aerospace, and related best practices.

The air show includes a top-tier air demonstration, mobility track displays, parachute drops, aerobatic performances, and various static displays.

These include some of the biggest names in the aviation and defence industry who will demonstrate their latest and greatest aircraft.

The AAD exhibition organising team has announced that registration is now open for trade visitors to the AAD 2024 expo.

As the largest trade and air show in Africa, this year’s event is set to attract over 30 000 trade visitors who will have the opportunity to engage with more than 300 exhibitors from the aerospace and defence sectors.

The trade exhibition will span three days, providing ample opportunity for industry professionals to engage, network, and explore the latest advancements in aerospace and defence technology and services.

The event will feature organised children's activities and attractions, including a youth development programme that will take place in a dedicated pavilion.

The programme will include a fun fly park with interactive activities such as plastic model building, virtual aviation, simulators, target shooting, first-aid training, and crime scene investigation.

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A recent study has revealed that two of the top luxury train services in the world are based in South Africa.
According to Timeout, a survey conducted by Japan Rail Pass has ranked the world’s top train operators.

The survey analysed Tripadvisor reviews, Instagram hashtags, and global search volumes to create an index score and rank the world’s best luxury train rides.

Coming in the top ten are South Africa’s Rovos Rail and The Blue Train. These two South African trains offer passengers an exceptional experience, combining comfort, service and picturesque views.

The ten best luxury train rides in the world, according to the survey are as follow:
  1. Rocky Mountaineer, Canada
  2. GoldenPass Express, Switzerland
  3. The Ghan, Australia
  4. Rovos Rail, South Africa
  5. Seven Stars, Japan
  6. The Blue Train, South Africa
  7. Venice Simplon Orient Express, England
  8. British Pullman, England
  9. The Royal Scotsman, Scotland
  10. Maharajas’ Express, India
One of the most opulent train services in the world is, in fact, the Rovos Rail. The train operates from South Africa. It came in fourth place, ahead of Japan’s Seven Stars in the rankings.

The Rovos Rail offers customers a nostalgic experience that transports them back in time while still offering modern comforts. The luxury train operates a number of routes. One of these is from Cape Town to Dar es Salaam.

The Blue Train is ranked sixth in the survey. It is a luxury rail service operating mainly between Pretoria and Cape Town.

The Blue Train has a rich history reflecting sophistication in rail transportation, dating back to its founding in the 1920s.

Renowned for its luxurious accommodations, fine dining experiences, and breathtaking landscapes, the Blue Train could also be considered a five-star hotel on wheels.

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South Africa’s triumph at the Chelsea Flower Show 2024, where the nation’s vibrant display of proteas and fynbos won three prestigious awards, has inspired a homecoming of this floral masterpiece to the village of Stanford. From 21 September to 6 October 2024, the breathtaking exhibit, designed by renowned floral artist Leon Kluge, will be recreated in all its glory for local South Africans to experience.
The original display, which captured the Gold Medal, Best in Pavilion, and Best New Design awards, was a testament to the beauty and uniqueness of Cape fynbos. Its success not only showcased South Africa’s botanical treasures but also lifted the spirits of a nation, akin to the pride felt during a World Cup victory.

Now, Grootbos Private Nature Reserve, a key sponsor of the exhibit, and Leon Kluge are bringing this floral celebration back to South Africa. The recreated garden will be a full-sized replica of the award-winning design from the Chelsea Pavilion, offering a rare opportunity for locals to witness the grandeur that stunned international audiences.

Mayor Dr Annelie Rabie, the patron of Chelsea Flowers in Stanford, expressed her excitement, stating, “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Overstrand. Thanks to Grootbos’ dedication to championing fynbos, we are bringing the very best of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show to Stanford. We look forward to welcoming visitors to share in this celebration of our natural heritage.”

In addition to the floral exhibit, visitors will have the chance to view 120 illustrations from the Grootbos Florilegium, a private collection of botanical artworks, and see the award-winning works of local artist Daleen Roodt, who garnered top honours at the Royal Horticultural Society’s Botanical Art and Photography Show in London.

Chelsea Flowers in Stanford promises to be a jubilant celebration, bringing the splendour and prestige of the world’s most famous flower show to the heart of South Africa. This unique event is a must-see, offering a slice of Chelsea right in your backyard.

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Chantal Adendorf, Nicole Smith, Paige Harwood, and Kiaryn Maistry have been honoured with a coveted Design and Advertising (D&AD) Wooden Pencil. The international achievement of four students in London showcases the potential for South Africa to become a global leader in the fields of design and advertising.
In a remarkable feat that showcases the exceptional talent emerging from IIE-Vega, four Durban students have been awarded a prestigious D&AD Wooden Pencil at the renowned awards ceremony held in London, United Kingdom.

The students were honoured for their groundbreaking campaign, “Nandos: Express Your Peri-Peri.”

Their winning campaign secured a place among the top emerging talent worldwide at the D&AD New Blood Awards, one of the world’s largest student competitions. This achievement underscores the high calibre of education and creative potential fostered by the college.

The awards are open to advertising, design, digital, and marketing students, recent graduates, and emerging creatives worldwide, allowing them to land a job in the creative industry by getting a head start while they’re still at university or gain the exposure they need to kick-start their creative career.

Chantel Adendorf, who also won the Best Portfolio Award in the Graphic Design category, attended the event and proudly accepted the award on behalf of her team.

Reflecting on this outstanding achievement, Adendorf said:

“I am incredibly proud of our group. Our work is up there with that of students from top design and advertising schools in the United Kingdom and the United States.”

Such an achievement speaks volumes about South Africa’s talent and creativity. It demonstrates that even in a country faced with numerous challenges, South African youth are capable of producing world-class work and competing on a global stage.

The success of these four students highlights the potential for South Africa to become a leading hub for creative industries and we couldn’t be prouder of their accomplishment.

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Eshowe High School’s talented dancers showcased South Africa’s incredible dance prowess at the UDO World Championship. Eshowe High School is in a small rural town in KwaZulu-Natal.
After successfully participating in Dance Sports School Leagues competitions, Amukelwa Xulu and Sifundo Mpungose aced provincials, made the all-star national team, and went on to represent South Africa at the UDO World Championship in Blackpool, United Kingdom, showcasing their exceptional skills and determination on the global stage.

According to the school, both Sifundo and Amukelwa also attended a capping ceremony in Durban, where they were recognised for their achievements.

They took to the skies on 12 August 2024 and competed on the world stage, showcasing their incredible moves and agility. The duo moved on to the semi-finals, and Amukelwa also progressed to the semi-finals for his exhilarating solo performance.

“We congratulate Amukelwa and the entire South African team for their outstanding performances and achievements. They have brought great honour to Eshowe High School, the Eshowe community, and South Africa as a whole,” the school shared.

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Jesse Clegg is set to proudly represent South Africa on the prestigious stage of Carnegie Hall in New York.
With a rich blend of talent and cultural influences, South African musicians are captivating audiences around the world. One by one, they are gracing the iconic Carnegie Hall stage, bringing their vibrant energy and musical magic to the prestigious venue.

Carnegie Hall’s 2024-2025 season will showcase the talents of South African musicians, such as the legendary Ndlovu Youth Choir, the virtuoso cellist Abel Selacoe and his Bantu Ensemble, and the innovative jazz artist Nduduzo Makhatini.

Platinum-selling South African singer-songwriter, Jesse Clegg, is also one of the anticipated performers who will take the Carnegie Hall stage to share his talents and some of music late legend dad, Johnny Clegg’s, music and influence with an international audience.

“I’m going to be performing a very special show on 29 October 2024. I’m playing at Carnegie Hall in New York City with my friend Zolani Mahola. We’re going to be performing and proudly representing South Africa and South African music.

“Carnegie Hall is a world-renowned venue and some of my favourite artists have played on the stage like the Beatles, Elvis Presley, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and Hugh Masekela. So to be able to share my music on this historic stage feels like an incredible milestone for me,” Clegg shared.

Leading up to the show, Clegg will be sharing preparations, rehearsals and other performances leading up to the big show, which promises to be an epic adventure.

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Medals are up for grabs in track cycling, swimming, table tennis, and taekwondo when the action begins on Thursday, 29 August 2024, at the Paris Paralympics, which opened in a colourful and hope-filled ceremony ahead of 11 days of competition.
The action also begins in sitting volleyball, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair rugby, badminton, archery, goalball (a form of football for the visually impaired), and boccia, which is a version of bowls.

French President Emmanuel Macron declared the Games open on Wednesday, 28 August 2024 during a ceremony in a balmy Place de la Concorde in central Paris—the first time a Paralympic opening ceremony has taken place away from the main stadium.

The 4 400 competitors from 168 delegations paraded into the arena as the sun was setting, with host nation France entering last to a standing ovation from 30 000 spectators.

The fine weather was in sharp contrast to the heavy rain, which fell throughout the Olympics opening ceremony on 26 July 2024.

International Paralympic Committee (IPC) president Andrew Parsons told the athletes and spectators he hoped for an "inclusion revolution", before President Macron officially declared the Games open.

The Paralympic flag was carried into the square by John McFall, a British Paralympic sprinter who has been selected by the European Space Agency to be the first “parastronaut”. French Olympian Florent Manaudou brought the flame into the arena to complete the four-day torch relay. Five French Paralympians, including 2020 gold medallists Alexis Hanquinquant and Nantenin Keita, lit the already-iconic cauldron in the Tuileries Gardens.

Of the 35 Olympic venues, 18 will be used for the Paralympics, including the ornate Grand Palais and the Stade de France. Organisers report that more than two million of the 2.5 million available have been sold, with several venues sold out.

Team South Africa starts off their Paralympics journey with athletes competing in archery, para-swimming and the new code of boccia.

In the archery, now three-time Paralympian Shaun Anderson is involved in the men’s individual ranking, before both boccia competitors Karabo Morapedi and Elanza Jordaan make their Paralympic debuts.

Swimming sees Nathan Hendricks take to the water and is a potential finalist in the men’s 100m butterfly S13, depending on the outcome of his morning heats.

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Cabinet has praised the nation’s sportsmen and women, who continue to proudly fly the flag high in various sporting codes around the world, and further unite the country.
This follows a series of remarkable victories recently, for South African athletes on the global stage.

“These victories demonstrated the power of sport to unite and transcend all boundaries.

“Cabinet encourages South Africans to use unifying moments as an opportunity to reach out to fellow South Africans to build the society that we want to live in,” Minister in The Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni said during a post Cabinet media briefing.

The Springboks, South Africa's rugby world champions, defeated Australia for the second time, maintaining their unbeaten record in the Rugby Championship.

In Perth, Dricus du Plessis defended his Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) middleweight title with a stunning win over Nigeria’s Israel Adesanya.

The Proteas continued with the winning streak by defeating the West Indies in the second cricket test in Guyana, clinching the series 1-0.

Meanwhile, Team SA made history at the 2024 Paris Olympics, securing one gold, three silver, and two bronze medals, doubling their medal tally from the 2021 Tokyo Games.

“This achievement will live long in our collective memories,” Minister Ntshavheni said.

She further celebrated the South African relay team—Bayanda Walaza, Bradley Nkoana, Shaun Maswanganyi and Akani Simbine—for winning silver in the men's 4x100m relay final, setting a new African record of 37.57 seconds.

Additionally, Jo-Ane van Dyk earned a silver medal in the women's javelin event.

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Jiujitsu star Luke Griffith has made South Africa proud once again after he represented our country at the World Jiujitsu Champs in Las Vegas as one of the best competitors in the world.
A formidable fighter and no stranger to high-profile fights, last year, at only 22 years old, Griffith competed in the European IBJJF Jiu-Jitsu No-Gi Championships, where he was placed as the adult brown belt double gold champion, making him the jiujitsu champion of Europe.

Griffith has been training since he was just six years old and competing since the age of 16. With a strong fighting style and tremendous training ethic in tow, he has risen from height to height in the world of martial arts, earning praise from the likes of Dricus Du Plessis. His latest feat hails from the ADCC Las Vegas showdown — an event he spent two years training for.

There, Griffith fought among and against some of the world’s fiercest competitors, making him one of the 16 best fighters in the world in his age category. He went on to win his fights and made it all the way to the finals, where he faced off against seasoned fighter Felipe Pena—the ultimate victor of the match.

Despite the disappointment of not being crowned the ADCC champ this time, Luke’s victories all the way up to the final count have made South Africa and his family very proud.

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South Africa has won the bid to host the 2025 Speedsoft World Cup thanks to positive media coverage and local passion.
Speedsoft is a fast-paced, adrenaline-fuelled version of Airsoft, a sport where players use realistic-looking replica firearms in simulated combat scenarios. It has been described as a cross between paintball and tactical training, but with emphasis on speed, precision, and teamwork. It’s a niche sport, yet it has a rapidly growing global community, with players who are as passionate about their craft as any other athletes on the world stage.

Recently, the South African Speedsoft team made their way to the Netherlands to compete in the 10th NSL Nations Cup. This global tournament brought together the best of the best in the world of Speedsoft, and our South African team was right there in the mix.

South Africa has now been awarded the prestigious bid to host the 2025 Speedsoft World Cup.

This is not just a victory for the Speedsoft community, but also a win for South Africa. Hosting a World Cup, even for a niche sport like Speedsoft, brings immense benefits. It is a chance to showcase South Africa’s hospitality, culture, and landscapes to the world. It’s an opportunity to boost local tourism and businesses, to create jobs, and to foster a sense of national pride. More than that, it’s a signal that South Africa can excel in any arena we set our sights on—whether it’s rugby, cricket, or a rapidly growing global sport like Speedsoft.

This World Cup will be a first for our country, and it’s an incredible opportunity to introduce more South Africans to the excitement and community spirit of Speedsoft.

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Nyska Jagasur, a rising star in the world of karate, has once again made South Africa proud.
The young prodigy from Maris Stella School recently dominated the UFAK Region South (Zone 6) Karate Championships, securing a gold medal in Kumite and a silver in Kata.

Jagasur’s impressive performance against athletes from neighbouring countries has solidified her reputation as one of the most promising karatekas in the nation.

According to the school, Jagasur boasts impressive achievements in Japanese martial arts, having represented the province and been re-awarded full colours earlier this year.

Not only has she excelled at the regional level, but she has also represented South Africa at the national championships, earning medals and gaining recognition for her exceptional skills.

She has competed in the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Karate Provincial Champs and was selected to represent KZN at both the Senior and Junior National Championships.

Previously, Jagasur was also selected by Karate South Africa to represent the country as a Protea Athlete at the Region South (Zone 6) Championships in Namibia, where she did not disappoint and won a gold medal.

Jagasur is set to represent our country at the UFAK All Africa Continental Championships, which will take place in Tunisia in September this year.

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