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President Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed his deep sadness over the passing of lifelong activist and former Minister of Public Enterprises, Pravin Gordhan.
Gordhan passed away in hospital in the early hours of Friday morning, 13 September 2024, after a battle with cancer, his family announced. He was 75 years old. President Ramaphosa has offered his deep condolences to Gordhan’s wife, Vanitha Raju, daughters Anisha and Priyesha, the former Minister’s older brother, Manecklal, and sister Shanta Harilal.

He said his thoughts were also with Gordhan’s extended family, comrades, associates and organisations he established relationships with as a family and community member, freedom fighter, public sector executive, and member of the National Executive.

Gordhan served as Minister of Finance from 2009 until 2014 and from 2015 until 2017.

He also served as Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs from 2014 to 2015, and as Minister of Public Enterprises from February 2018 until he announced his planned retirement in March 2024.

The late activist was also appointed as Commissioner of the South African Revenue Service (SARS) in 1999, after a period as Deputy Commissioner.

His involvement in the public sector stemmed from his participation in the anti-apartheid struggle.

This included his role in student and civic movements in the 1970s and 1980s, as an executive member of the Natal Indian Congress, and as a military operative in the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC).

During South Africa’s transition to democracy and in the early years of the new dispensation, Gordhan played a leading role in the Convention for a Democratic South Africa (CODESA) multi-party dialogue. He was later appointed as Chairperson of the Parliamentary Constitutional Committee.

Last year marked 50 years since Gordhan graduated from the University of Durban-Westville with a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree. This led to him working at the King Edward VIII Hospital in Durban from 1974 to 1981.

In the early 1980s, his activism led to his dismissal from the hospital, as well as detention by police and banning orders.

President Ramaphosa said: “We have lost an outstanding leader whose unassuming persona belied the depth of intellect, integrity and energy with which he undertook his activism, his duty as a parliamentarian and his roles as a member of Cabinet.

“Pravin Gordhan’s personal sacrifices and his endeavours and achievements in various sectors of our society endowed him with the insights, empathy and resilience that fuelled his service to the nation.”

President Ramaphosa commended him for his role as a leader in the country’s anti-corruption efforts during his later years of service to the nation.

“Gordhan stood up to derision and threats emanating from some in our nation who were scorched by his insistence that justice be dispensed against those who sought to undermine our democracy and raid our public resources and assets.

“During his decades of revolutionary dedication to making South Africa a better place, Pravin Gordhan and his family were deprived of much-needed and deserved time together.

“As we mourn his passing, we remain grateful for his life of sacrifice and service and his sustained striving for the realisation of the vision and dictates of our Constitution.

“We carry his family in our thoughts and prayers at this time.”

President Cyril Ramaphosa has declared a Special Official Funeral Category 2 in honour of the late struggle and Cabinet veteran.

The Presidency has announced that the funeral service for former Minister Pravin Gordhan will take place at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre in Durban at 10h00 on Thursday, 19 September 2024.

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South Africa extends congratulations to His Excellency President Abdelmadjid Tebboune on his successful re-election as President of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, following the conclusion of the Presidential Election held on 7 September 2024.
The Algerian National Independent Electoral Authority and all national stakeholders were also congratulated for their collective efforts in ensuring a conducive environment in which the elections were conducted.

The success of the elections was an expression of Algeria’s commitment to advancing democracy not only in Algeria but also on the African continent.

South Africa and Algeria share a common history forged during the struggle against colonialism and apartheid.

Following the advent of South Africa’s democracy in 1994, the two countries intensified the bilateral cooperation, which has been elevated to the Bi-National Commission co-chaired by the two Presidents.

The South African Government reiterates its commitment to continue working in solidarity with the Government and people of Algeria to strengthen bilateral relations for the mutual benefit of the two countries, to build strong people-to-people ties, and collaborate in the consolidation of the African Agenda.

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President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to receive the human remains of liberation stalwarts who perished in exile while fighting for the liberation and freedom of South Africa.
“The repatriation, headed by the Inter-Departmental Team, is for the returning of the struggle stalwarts who died in Zambia and Zimbabwe and is scheduled to commence in Tshwane at the end of Heritage Month on 28 September 2024,” Presidential Spokesperson Vincent Magwenya said.

The welcoming ceremony is scheduled to take place at the Waterkloof Airforce base, followed by the homecoming ceremony in the form of a formal launch of the Repatriation and Restitution Programme.

The programme will take place at the Freedom Park Heritage Site and Museum.

“The repatriation is in line with the pronouncement by President Ramaphosa in the statement on 8 January 2020, and subsequently the SONA [State of the Nation Address].

“In that pronouncement, he made a commitment that the repatriation and reburial of liberation stalwarts, namely Dumalisile Nokwe and Florence Maphosho, both in Zambia, and Basil February in Zimbabwe, would mark the road to freedom and democracy. The two countries were strategically prioritised for the implementation of the project,” Mangwenya told a media briefing on Wednesday, 11 September 2024.

Heritage Month recognises aspects of South African culture that are both tangible and intangible: creative expression such as music and performances, historical inheritance and language, among others.

This year’s Heritage Month is convened under the theme, Celebrating the Lives of Our Heroes and Heroines who Laid Down Their Lives for Our Freedom.

The theme pays tribute to the many struggle stalwarts who gave up their lives for the freedom enjoyed today.

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President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to lead a delegation to the High-Level General Debate of the 79th Session of the General Assembly (UNGA79) in the United States of America.
The High-Level General Debate of the UNGA79 is scheduled to take place at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York, from 24 to 30 September 2024.

The President is expected to be accompanied by relevant ministers, advisors and senior officials.

“It is the African Group’s turn to preside over the General Assembly, and the 79th Session will be led by Philemon Yang, former Prime Minister of Cameroon who was elected as the President of the 79th Session,” Presidential Spokesperson Vincent Magwenya said on Wednesday, 11 September 2024.

As President of the General Assembly (PGA79), Yang has indicated that his chosen theme for this year’s General Debate will be Unity in Diversity, for the Advancement of Peace, Sustainable Development and Human Dignity for Everyone Everywhere.

The General Debate will be preceded by the UN Secretary-General’s Summit of the Future, set for 22 to 23 September 2024. The high-level meeting will bring world leaders together to forge a new international consensus on how to accelerate the implementation of new and existing global development commitments, and to rebuild trust and deepen international cooperation.

During the Summit of the Future, Heads of State and Government are expected to adopt the Summit’s outcome document, The Pact for the Future.

“President Ramaphosa is expected to deliver his address on the first day of this summit, on 22 September 2024.

“The General Debate of the General Assembly will take place from 24 to 30 September 2024, where President Ramaphosa will deliver his address on the morning of the first day, 24 September 2024,” Magwenya explained.

The General Debate will provide a platform for South Africa to highlight the importance of strengthening multilateralism and international cooperation in addressing global challenges.

The President and ministers attending will undertake several engagements focussing on economic diplomacy initiatives. This forms part of the President’s overall investment drive to attract foreign investment into South Africa to support efforts and create opportunities to address challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality.

Apart from the General Debate (UNGA79), the President will participate in several high-level events, including the Group of Twenty (G20), where he will highlight South Africa’s key priorities for its upcoming Presidency of the G20.

The President will also hold bilaterals with his counterparts, including the UN Secretary-General and other global leaders.

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President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to attend the start of production event for BMW’s new generation X3 plug-in hybrid model vehicle.
This is according to Presidential Spokesperson Vincent Magwenya.

During the South Africa Investment Conference last year, the company announced that it will pour in some R4.2 billion in investment to equip its Rosslyn Plant in Tshwane, Gauteng, to build the next generation vehicle.

“The President is pleased that this vehicle will be exclusively built here in South Africa at the BMW Plant in Rosslyn for the rest of the world.

“The President noted with appreciation BMW’s long history in South Africa and its footprint that has grown significantly over time. BMW’s investment in its plant in Rosslyn dates back five decades,” Magwenya said at a media briefing.

The event is set to be held on 11 October 2024.

The spokesperson highlighted that some 95 000 direct and indirect jobs have been created by the company’s activities in the country.

“BMW’s investment supports the South African government’s industrial and economic policy objectives of ensuring job creation, increased industrial output and export income, transformation, and future sustainability.

“BMW Group announced a R4.2 billion investment in its plant operations in Rosslyn during the President’s Investment Conference held on 13 April 2023 as a demonstration of that commitment to South Africa and its people. This investment is now complete, and the President will be pleased to see the BMW state-of-the-art plant during this Start of Production Event,” Magwenya said.

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The Presidency says Deputy President Paul Mashatile is in good health after he felt unwell during an event in Limpopo on Saturday, 14 September 2024.
The Deputy President attended the N’wamitwa Day celebrations at the Valoyi Cultural Village in Tzaneen, Limpopo.

While delivering his keynote address, the Deputy President felt lightheaded from the heat and was attended to by his medical team.

Following the incident, The Presidency issued a statement on Saturday confirming that he had received the necessary medical attention and was well.

On Sunday, his office issued a further update, saying the Deputy President was in good health.

“Following the unfortunate incident yesterday, the Office of the Deputy President confirms that Deputy President Shipokosa Paulus Mashatile is in good health.

“This is consistent with the doctor’s report yesterday. He is in high spirits and is resting at home following his travel back to his home yesterday,” said his office.

The Presidency thanked the team that supports the Deputy President from the Presidential Protection Service and the Presidential Medical Unit for their speedy response in attending to the Deputy President and ensuring that he is in good health.

“The Deputy President also thanks all South Africans for their support and prayers.”

N’waMitwa Day unites vital aspects of democratic society

Meanwhile, in his prepared speech, Deputy President Mashatile said the 16th anniversary of N’waMitwa Day united vital aspects of the democratic society and demonstrated the country's progress in advancing the constitutional values of gender equality and non-sexism.

He said Her Royal Highness Hosi Dr N'waMitwa II's accession to the throne symbolised resilience and progress in the country's ongoing journey to realise women's full potential in leadership roles.

"Her path inspires all, particularly the millions of South African women whose voices and contributions are essential in shaping our nation’s future. We are proud that you have upended patriarchy by claiming your rightful place on the Valoyi royal throne.

"You have demonstrated to women that their role extends beyond the norm, and they can assume leadership positions in society, performing equally or better than men. What remains is that we must fight patriarchy and stand together as government and traditional leaders to root out the persistent inequalities and gender-based violence, which continue to erode social cohesion in South Africa."

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Deputy President Paul Mashatile has called on citizens to recommit themselves to the values of compassion, justice, and unity in honour of the late Ronnie Mamoepa.
“Together, let us construct a future that affords everyone the chance to prosper, ensures no one falls behind, and upholds the principles of equality and dignity for all.

“As President Oliver Tambo instructed, our task, even in the conditions we find ourselves in today, remains that of bringing about the kind of society we visualised in the Freedom Charter,” he said on Friday, 13 September 2024.

Deputy President Mashatile was delivering a keynote address at the Ronnie Mamoepa Inaugural Annual Lecture at the Tshwane University of Technology’s Pretoria campus.

The late Mamoepa was an esteemed struggle hero, a defender of freedom and democracy, a respected figure in government communication and a dedicated public servant.

He passed away in July 2017 after a long illness at the age of 56.

His last position was as the spokesperson for the Deputy President at that time, Cyril Ramaphosa.

Hosted by the Ronnie Mamoepa Foundation, the inaugural annual lecture honoured the struggle hero, whose work in government communication helped shape the democratic narrative in South Africa.

The Deputy President’s address centred around the 30 Years of Democracy and citizen-centred government communication.

“I am of the view that Ronnie was an optimist, determined to realise the goal of a national democratic society that is non-racial, non-sexist, democratic, united, and prosperous.”

He described him as a revolutionary intellectual due to his critical thinking. “Mamoepa was an intellectual who, like other revolutionary thinkers, recognised the necessity of investing in research, reading, and critical theory and discipline.”

The Deputy President remembered that following his release from Robben Island, Mamoepa returned to his residence in Atteridgeville, Pretoria, and resumed his political activities.

“I must acknowledge that Ronnie Mamoepa, whose work ethic and dedication to service remain unparalleled, also influenced some of the former student leaders of SASCO [South African Students Congress] who are currently members of my team in The Presidency.”

Together with Mamoepa, he said, they fought against the oppressor and equally stood against any form of discrimination.

“Our resolve to resist colonialism and apartheid stemmed from our belief in the vision of a South Africa in which the people govern, the country’s wealth is restored to the people, and the land is shared among those who work it. Our vision was to establish a society free from human exploitation.”

The Deputy President said he believed the late government communicator would have backed the Government of National Unity (GNU).

He told the attendees that GNU parties have made a firm commitment to respect the Constitution and the rule of law, as well as to promote accountability, transparency, integrity, and good governance.

“The GNU has resolved to dedicate the next five years to actions that will advance three strategic priorities—to drive inclusive growth and job creation, to reduce poverty and tackle the high cost of living, and to build a capable, ethical, and developmental State.”

The Deputy President assured citizens that the GNU is working around the clock to build a better South Africa for everyone.

“This means that we must work together to address all the challenges we face. We are at a time where we need to theorise and understand the context of the world we live in.”

The country’s second-in-command said that as the seventh administration, led by President Cyril Ramaphosa, the goal is to create a society where every voice is acknowledged and every citizen is empowered.

“We are confident that the movement of Ronnie Mamoepa will reemerge! Long live the spirit of Ronnie Mamoepa long live,” he added.

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The International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Ronald Lamola, arrived in Washington, DC, in the United States (US) on Thursday, 12 September 2024, for a weeklong Working Visit.
South Africa enjoys strategic relations with the US and has strong political, economic, and social ties.

According to the department, bilateral cooperation with the US covers various issues aligned with South Africa’s domestic priorities and the National Development Plan.

The US is also the leading source of foreign direct investment, a market for value-added exports and agri-products, technology transfer, development assistance, investment finance, skills development, and tourism for South Africa.

These investments, according to the department, make a significant contribution to supporting government efforts to reduce poverty, unemployment and inequality.

During the visit, which will conclude on Thursday, 19 September 2024, the Minister will participate in meetings and attend various events. These include the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s 53rd Annual Legislative Conference Roundtable, where delegates will also discuss critical issues facing Africa and the diaspora solutions, and the US policy toward Africa.

He is also expected to meet with the business stakeholders, including the US Chamber of Commerce.

George Washington University will host Minister Lamola for a panel discussion on United States-South Africa relations.

“There will also be an engagement with the Quincy Institute Responsible for State Craft and a meeting with members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“Minister Lamola believes that this Working Visit will deepen and strengthen the political and economic ties between the two countries,” the statement read.

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The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Alvin Botes, will visit Ireland, Hungary, and Russia on a Working Visit from 18 to 27 September 2024.
The Deputy Minister will commence his visit in Dublin, Ireland, where he will co-chair the Third South Africa-Ireland Joint Commission for Cooperation (JCC) with the Irish Minister of State of International Development and Diaspora, Sean Flemming, on 18 September 2024.

It is expected that the JCC will focus on:
  • strengthening bilateral relations with Ireland
  • ⁠balancing trade by improving market access for South African exports and advancing cooperation between South Africa and Ireland
  • ⁠improving cooperation in the areas of science and innovation, education and skills development
  • exchanging views on regional and global issues of mutual concern and articulate South Africa’s position on these issues.
South Africa and Ireland established formal diplomatic relations in 1993. Since then, the political and economic relations between South Africa and Ireland have been robust and encompass a broad spectrum of initiatives, such as trade and investment, education, science and innovation, and gender equality.

Ireland’s developmental programmes have greatly assisted many initiatives in South Africa since 1994, and the partnership continues to expand.

South Africa and Ireland share common values and approaches, such as a commitment to multilateralism, the promotion of democracy, human rights, women’s empowerment, the rule of law, and building socially cohesive and just societies.

From Dublin, Deputy Minister Botes will proceed to Budapest, Hungary, where he will co-chair the South Africa-Hungary Political Consultations with his Hungarian counterpart, Levente Magyar, Minister of State of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, on 23 September 2024.

Deputy Minister Botes will conclude his Working Visit in Kazan, Russia, where he will participate in the 10th BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) Ministers of Communication Meeting on 26 and 27 September 2024.

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South Africa is set to submit its Memorial to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in October 2024, presenting evidence to support its claim that Israel is committing genocide in Palestine.
The Memorial will outline facts and arguments as part of a broader legal effort to hold Israel accountable under international law.

“This case will continue until the court makes a finding. While the case is in progress, we hope that Israel will abide by the court’s provisional orders issued to date,” The Presidency said in a statement.

The legal action is part of a growing global initiative aimed at promoting peace in the Middle East.

Several countries, including Nicaragua, Palestine, Turkey, Spain, Mexico, Libya, and Colombia, have aligned themselves with South Africa's case against Israel.

South Africa approached the ICJ in December last year, under the Genocide Convention, for alleged attacks committed by Israel in Gaza.

In its application, South Africa pleaded with the court to indicate provisional measures to “protect against further severe and irreparable harm to the rights of the Palestinian people under the Genocide Convention”.

The country also requested the ICJ to ensure Israel does not engage in genocide.

In February this year, the United Nations top court ordered Israel to take steps to prevent acts of genocide in Gaza and do more to help Palestinian civilians, as Israel continues to wage war against Hamas militants.

In a landmark judgment, the ICJ determined that it was “plausible” that Israel has committed acts that violate the Genocide Convention

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Aviation Africa 2024, opened on 16 September 2024 at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg, with a keynote address by Minister of Transport Barbara Creecy. There were a total of 1 300 attendees and 34 countries represented at the major African aviation event.
Minister Creecy focussed on the job creation potential of a growing airline industry in her keynote address.

She commented that “Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the aviation sector in Africa supported 444 000 direct and 6.5 million indirect jobs,” she said. “By further interrogating the aerotropolis concept and strengthening cooperation among African nations, we can enhance our collective air transport network and support greater regional and trade tourism”, she stated.

The International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) regional report has estimated that over the next 20 years, air transport in South Africa is estimated to grow, resulting in an additional 21 million passenger journeys by 2037. The Minister says that should this forecast be achieved; it would support upwards of 800 000 direct jobs in South Africa. With an estimated ratio of 1:8 of direct jobs to indirect jobs in the industry, this would translate into several million jobs supported by the industry.

“For this to happen, we must work together to harmonise regulations, standards, procedures and foster greater collaboration between our aviation authorities.

“This will not only streamline operations but also create a more cohesive and efficient aviation ecosystem across the continent in the aftermath of the pandemic,” the Minister concluded.

This year’s summit also featured a new innovation with the Insight Theatre being introduced. This provided additional scope for panel discussions, allowing coverage of many more topics of discussion at the event. Alan Peaford, the conference chairman, explained that the Insight Theatre “enables us to dig deeper than some of the top-line discussions on the main stage and spark awareness and action for Africa’s aviation future”.

Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa, the Minister of Energy and Electricity of the Republic of South Africa on 16 and 17 September 2024, led South Africa’s participation at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) 68th General Conference in Vienna, Austria.
The IAEA is an international organisation established in 1957 as an autonomous body within the United Nations system that promotes the peaceful use of nuclear energy and technology while preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

The IAEA General Conference is an annual gathering of member states that serves as the highest decision-making body of the IAEA, shaping the global nuclear agenda, promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and fostering international cooperation in nuclear technology and applications.

South Africa’s participation, led by Minister Ramokgopa, is in line with South Africa’s position as one of the 35 IAEA’s board members and importantly underscores government’s commitment and endeavour towards safe, reliable and sustainable energy security and sovereignty.

Minister Ramokgopa delivered South Africa’s National Statement at the conference’s general debate, highlighting aspects of the South African nuclear programme.

The Minister also engaged in bilateral meetings and discussions with key stakeholders to foster strategic collaboration on nuclear energy projects, technology transfer, and research initiatives that can benefit South Africa's nuclear agenda.

South Africa’s delegation to this year’s IAEA conference also included executive and senior representatives from the National Nuclear Regulator, the National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute, Eskom, the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation, and the National Meteorology Institute of South Africa.

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In a bid to address the skills mismatch, the Department of Higher Education and Training will send a number of local students to China to study scarce and critical skills of the future.
The department will send around 100 students to China next year.

Higher Education and Training Minister, Dr Nobuhle Nkabane made the announcement during a media briefing held in Pretoria on Monday, 16 September 2024.

This announcement followed the Minister’s return from China as part of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s delegation to the recent Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit, held in Beijing, China.

Minister Nkabane noted that South Africa has a long-standing cooperation with the People’s Republic of China in various areas of higher education and training, which continues to grow and support South Africa’s knowledge and skills development.

“Our engagement during this visit aligned with South Africa’s strategic goals regarding technological advancement and international collaboration in education,” Minister Nkabane said.

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The Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities Sindisiwe Chikunga will be leading South Africa in the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Women's Forum, which will be held for the first time on the margins of the Fourth Eurasian Women's Forum scheduled from 18 to 20 September 2024 in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Minister Chikunga will deliver the opening remarks at the Eurasian Women’s Forum on 18 September 2024 under the theme, Women for Strengthening Trust and Global Cooperation.

Minister Chikunga’s programme at the BRICS Women’s Forum will include the following:
  • 19 September 2024: Intervention: Women for Progression
  • 20 September 2024: BRICS Ministerial Meeting Intervention Women: Governance and Leadership.
The Eurasian Women’s Forum is an influential international platform that enables women leaders from all continents to engage in dialogue and adopt joint decisions on key issues concerning international cooperation, sustainable economic development, the assimilation of new technologies, a healthy lifestyle, environmental safety, and the promotion of social charitable projects.

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Eskom Group Chief Executive (GCE) Dan Marokane said that South Africa should “move with pace” to keep up with the global move towards new nuclear build.
Marokane was addressing stakeholders at the Nuclear Seminar held by the Ministry of Energy and Electricity on Thursday, 12 September 2024.

“We are for nuclear. We understand that the energy mix is an important component of us achieving our strategic objectives as a country. This is not a discussion about either or. We’ve always argued that it is about the use of [energy] technologies to be complimentary.

“We are looking forward to participating in the process that will be led by the Minister [of Energy and Electricity, Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa] to show that we can get to a point of making decisions very quickly. We cannot afford to wait any longer. We have fallen behind and we have an opportunity to catch up, and we need to move with pace,” he said.

Marokane emphasised that it is very important that government has a clear stance on the use of nuclear energy in the country’s ambitions to lower carbon emissions.

“What I would like to appreciate is the very clear government perspective on the strategy of nuclear and where it sits on the energy mix and its importance for us marching towards net zero targets.

“We exist within the global community and clearly there’ve been movements within the world. The world around has reawakened to the reality that [nuclear] is essentially an important component of baseload power generation going forward and us reducing emissions going forward.

“We have heard about the ambitions for nuclear on the continent, Egypt being quite advanced in this area. It would be sad of us to be overtaken having had so many years of operation, both from a perspective of skills and technical contribution to the continent and opportunities,” he said.

The GCE highlighted that the economic spinoffs from using nuclear energy are “quite huge”.

“For us as a country that is emerging out of the history that it has, the social inequalities that it has, this is an element that is going to contribute meaningfully for us. Our presence in the Western Cape has contributed immensely to the economic activities in the value chain.

“We have experienced quite tremendous positive spin-offs from a green stability point of view with the Koeberg [Nuclear Power Station] units that are contributing to the system. We have just [installed] new steam generators so that we can have a life extension for the next 20 years.

“We will continue to look at the opportunities for exploiting this for even longer,” Marokane said.

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Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to South Africa Wu Peng has commended the South African Government for championing the One China Policy, which was reiterated by President Cyril Ramaphosa during his recent two-legged trip to Beijing, China.
IOL reported earlier this month that during his Beijing tour, President Ramaphosa repeatedly emphasised that the Government of National Unity (GNU), formed after the 29 May 2024 general elections, does not “dilute” Pretoria’s long-held position, which assets that there is only one sovereign state under the name China, with the People’s Republic of China’s serving as the sole legitimate government of that China and Taiwan as an inalienable part of China.

President Ramaphosa invited several high-ranking Cabinet ministers on his Beijing tour, including Agriculture Minister John Steenhuisen, who is also leader of the Democratic Alliance, to accompany him on the State Visit to China and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit.

President Ramaphosa went further, telling journalists in Beijing that even his ministers who did not believe in the One China Policy had suddenly made a U-turn.

“Last night I had the opportunity to inform him (President Xi Jinping) that even one of the leaders of the parties that we are now joined with in the government of national unity, who initially was not so well disposed to One China Policy, after having visited China for the very first time and for the very first time as one of my ministers, publicly said he now subscribes and embraces One China policy,” he said.

“President Xi Jinping was rather pleased with that and said this confirms the good decisions that we took to take South Africa into a new era, an era of cooperative governance, working together with other political parties where we would jointly advance the interests of South Africa.”

President Ramaphosa said during his engagement with the Chinese leadership, the political developments within South Africa had been fully explained to the Chinese counterparts.

Reacting to President Ramaphosa’s historic visit, the Chinese Ambassador said Pretoria’s consistent upholding of the One China Policy was highly appreciated.

“China highly appreciates South Africa’s reiteration of its commitment to the One China Policy, acknowledging that there is only one China, that the People’s Republic of China is the sole legitimate government of China, and that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China. China also appreciates South Africa’s support for our efforts toward national reunification,” Wu told the National Press Club event in Pretoria.

At the event, the Chinese diplomat also interacted with several representatives of South African media who toured China for President Ramaphosa’s State Visit and the ninth FOCAC Summit.

“All of our friends present today represent the bridges that will bring hope to China-Africa people-to-people exchanges,” he said at the event also attended by officials from The Presidency and the Government Communications and Information Systems (GCIS).

“I am confident that our friends in the media will make full use of your strengths, continue to closely follow the development of China-Africa and China-South Africa relations, and deliver more comprehensive and objective coverage of the cooperation between our nations. Together, we can help build an all-weather China-Africa community with a shared future for the new era.”

Ambassador Wu said the FOCAC Summit held in Beijing from 4 to 6 September 2024 was a “great” success.

“This gathering marked yet another important reunion for the China-Africa family after the previous summits in 2006, 2015, and 2018. It was also the largest diplomatic event China has hosted in recent years, with the highest number of foreign leaders in attendance. A total of 51 African heads of state and government came to Beijing,” he said.

“I have worked on Africa-related affairs for nearly a decade. I had the privilege of attending several forum meetings and witnessed the impressive growth of the forum. FOCAC has become a guiding force in international cooperation with Africa.”

In a historic move, the President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, announced unprecedented financial support packages, valued at USD$50.7 billion (around R904 billion), in different forms for the African continent when he met the heads of state this month at the FOCAC Summit in Beijing.

Xi told the auspicious opening ceremony of the Forum, at the Great Hall of the People, that in the next three years, China will work with Africa to take the ten partnership actions for modernisation to deepen China-Africa cooperation and spearhead the global South modernisation.

China and Africa account for one-third of the world population, and Xi said without China-Africa modernisation, there will be no global modernisation

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A new PET (polyethylene terephthalate) processing facility, which can accommodate more plastic waste and is the first-of-its-kind technology for Africa, will come on stream in 2025.
This was announced on the sidelines of the International Solid Waste Association’s (ISWA) annual conference, where South Africa’s efforts to build a circular economy for post-consumer packaging were thrust into the spotlight.

The ISWA' s annual conference saw the country’s most experienced producer responsibility organisation, Petco, and recycling partner, Extrupet, give a site tour of the new PET processing facility.

The facility, which houses the new R300 million project, will bring PET bottle-to-bottle recycling capability to the Western Cape for the first time.

The facility will add an extra 15 000 tonnes per annum of food-grade recycled PET output capacity.

Extrupet Joint Managing Director Chandru Wadhwani said 64% of South Africa’s PET plastic bottles were currently collected for recycling.

“With this increased capacity, we will be able to accommodate more plastic waste and strengthen South Africa’s position as a circular economy leader in Africa and the world,” Wadhwani said on Monday, 16 September 2024, in Cape Town.

Stimulating demand

Deputy Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Bernice Swarts said the facility adds value to the country’s efforts to increase the collection and recycling rates for packaging materials, including PET.

“We view the facility as an opportunity to stimulate a demand for more PET materials and a supply of these by waste pickers and waste small, medium, and micro enterprises (SMMEs), thus creating stable markets for PET.

“The facility needs to be fed and the collection system needs to be improved in order to meet the demand of this facility.

“Waste pickers are an important contributor to the supply of the input material of plastic waste and we look forward to seeing the implementation of the waste picker service fee in order to continue to enable these waste pickers to do their work effectively and efficiently," Deputy Minister Swarts said.

Petco CEO Cheri Scholtz said the additional capacity would assist in closing the loop for PET, which is the most widely recycled plastic polymer that can be turned into another food-grade product.

“So, this increase in capacity takes us another tangible step towards that circular economy, in which a bottle becomes a bottle over and over again and keeps that material in circulation at its highest possible value,” Scholtz said.

This year’s ISWA conference is taking place under the theme, Waste to Wealth: Solutions for a Sustainable Future.

As the host country, South Africa has demonstrated its commitment to sustainable development with a focus on building a circular economy and the introduction of extended producer responsibility (EPR) regulations that require producers to take responsibility for their packaging waste throughout its life cycle.


Scholtz said that as a producer responsibility organisation, Petco worked with government to contribute to policy development and the implementation of EPR legislation and helped its members meet their legislated targets for collection, recycling and the inclusion of recycled content in their packaging, which increased year on year.

She said the key to success lay in building a sustainable value chain that could survive the economic peaks and troughs by balancing collection with recycling capacity and stimulating.

“It doesn’t just happen overnight; it has been a journey. Petco and Extrupet have been working together for more than 20 years to build a solid foundation.

“Petco’s commitment of ongoing support to our 10 contracted recycling partners, like Extrupet, gives them the confidence to invest in the new equipment and infrastructure that is needed to recycle increasing tonnages of recyclable packaging.

“The support also enables recyclers to increase the gate price at which they purchase recyclable packaging, which stimulates collection on the ground by increasing the street value of this packaging and growing the local market for it, thereby making it easier for waste pickers to sell their collected packaging and earn an income from it,” Scholtz said.

She said a strong relationship with government, especially the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, was equally important for the country to benefit as a whole.

“Having implementable regulations, strong compliance, and effective enforcement is vital. We partner with all tiers of government to support sustainable waste management and diversion initiatives and work towards meeting sustainable development and circular economy goals.”

Climate Change Bill

She said that the opening of the new plant also aligned with government’s climate change goals, as outlined in the newly signed Climate Change Bill.

The bill sets out to enhance South Africa’s ability to cut greenhouse gas emissions and build climate resilience while reducing the risk of job losses and promoting new job opportunities in the emerging green economy.

Wadhwani said Extrupet had established its first bottle-to-food-grade line in Johannesburg in 2009, with the second following in 2014.

“The third arrived during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. And the fact that this is now the fourth line in what's, in essence, a 15-year horizon is just so gratifying for us,” Wadhwani said.

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Government has noted Fitch’s decision to affirm South Africa’s long-term foreign and local currency debt ratings at “BB-” and maintain the stable outlook.
According to the ratings agency, South Africa’s credit rating is constrained by several factors, including low real gross domestic product (GDP) growth, high poverty and inequality levels, a high government debt-to-GDP ratio, and a rigid fiscal structure that hampers deficit reduction.

However, the ratings are supported by a favourable debt structure with long maturities and mostly local currency-denominated, strong institutions and a credible monetary policy framework.

The National Treasury said Fitch noted advancements in the implementation of the 35 priority reforms under Operation Vulindlela, initiated in 2020, aimed at modernising network industries such as electricity, water, and transport.

“The agency views the Government of National Unity (GNU), where the African National Congress remains the largest party, as a factor that reduces short-term policy uncertainty and facilitates the continuation of the implementation of the reform programme, which will contribute to a modest increase in real GDP growth.

“Fitch also acknowledges significant improvements in the electricity generation, with no supply interruptions since March 2024 and the potential for further increase in the short term,” said Treasury in a statement on Friday, 13 September 2024.

It said government’s strategy for fiscal consolidation over the medium term involves exercising expenditure restraint and implementing moderate revenue increases while continuing to support the social wage and ensuring additional funding for critical services.

“Furthermore, government has decided to further mitigate fiscal risks by reducing borrowing over the medium term through leveraging a portion of valuation gains in the Gold and Foreign Exchange Contingency Reserve Account (GFECRA). Extensive reforms in energy, freight, water, and telecommunications are also in progress,” said the department.

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The importance of the economic partnership between China and Africa came into full focus early this month at the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), held in Beijing, China.
"Over the past 24 years, especially in the new era, China has advanced forward hand in hand with our African brothers and sisters in the spirit of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith.

"We stand shoulder to shoulder with each other to firmly defend our legitimate rights and interests as once-in-a-century changes sweep across the world," said Chinese President Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the 2024 FOCAC Beijing Summit, which was held at the Great Hall of the People.

"We get stronger and more resilient together by riding the tide of economic globalisation, delivering tangible benefits to billions of ordinary Chinese and Africans."

FOCAC 2024 is an event aimed at strengthening the strategic partnership between China and Africa, with a strong emphasis on cooperation for mutual development.

The summit saw African leaders and Chinese officials come together to discuss a wide range of initiatives aimed at fostering sustainable economic growth and addressing key global challenges like climate change, healthcare, and digital transformation.

China's infrastructure commitment

One of the key highlights was the announcement of China’s continued support for infrastructure development across Africa. China pledged to invest in 30 new infrastructure projects, including transportation networks, seaports, and railways, which will enhance Africa's regional connectivity and facilitate trade within the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

These infrastructure projects are seen as critical for Africa’s development and modernisation, particularly under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which has been a cornerstone of China’s engagement with the continent.

China also committed to boosting industrialisation in Africa by supporting local value chains and the development of manufacturing capabilities. This includes creating industrial parks and digital technology cooperation centres, as well as providing training for African business managers.

A noteworthy announcement was China’s intent to empower African small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by providing financing and technical assistance and the country's focus on green development.

Healthcare cooperation was another important topic, with China reaffirming its commitment to enhancing Africa’s health infrastructure. This includes efforts to improve access to healthcare services, especially in rural areas, and address critical public health issues.

Strengthening bank partnerships

A highlight of FOCAC 2024 was Standard Bank hosting a high-profile roundtable at its Beijing office. During the roundtable, Sim Tshabalala highlighted the bank's deep-rooted commitment to the Africa-China corridor in partnership with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), one of the largest banks in the world.

ICBC has a strategic partnership with Standard Bank, which includes a 20% ownership stake in the South African bank. This partnership strengthens both banks’ ability to serve clients in the Africa-China economic corridor.

The collaboration allows ICBC and Standard Bank to leverage each other's expertise in facilitating trade, investment, and financial services between Africa and China, further enhancing economic cooperation between the two regions.

Tshabalala said: “We have an excellent match between ICBC and the Standard Bank in terms of scale, capabilities, culture and purpose. We are natural partners in the service of our clients both in China and on the African continent.”

Tshabalala emphasised that the partnership is geared towards facilitating trade, investment, and the implementation of the AfCFTA, which will be critical in propelling Africa's next growth chapter.

Tshabalala also shared Standard Bank Group's robust financial performance, noting a strong balance sheet with total assets of approximately USD$170 billion and a return on equity of 18.5%.

AfCFTA trade opportunities

Andrew Robertson, Head of Business Enablement and Operations at Standard Bank Business and Commercial Banking, provided insights into the AfCFTA, describing it as a remarkable opportunity for Africa.

"Improving intra-Africa trade through AfCFTA will significantly advance the economic prosperity of Africa, as well as create opportunity for increased trade with the rest of the world,” he said.

Robertson highlighted the importance of infrastructure development, with potential for partnerships with Chinese companies playing a key role in supporting trade within AfCFTA.

This was echoed by Funeka Montjane, Chief Executive: Personal and Private Banking, Standard Bank, who emphasised the opportunities for collaboration between Africa and China in renewable energy and technology.

To support this goal, Montjane announced that Standard Bank will be signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Huawei, focussing on network and connectivity, data architecture, cloud technology transformation, technology infrastructure, as well as skills development and transfer.

"This cooperative effort will initially benefit Standard Bank but will eventually extend to our clients, accelerating development across the continent," Montjane said.

Overall, the summit underscored the importance of China-Africa cooperation in building a shared future, with China aiming to strengthen bilateral ties and create more opportunities for sustainable development in Africa over the next three years.

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Clothing, textile, footwear and leather manufacturers who showcased their proudly South African products at the AllFashion Sourcing Exhibition in Cape Town have expressed satisfaction with the quality of meetings they held and leads they acquired during the show.
The group received support from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) to showcase their products at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (ICC) from 10 to 12 September 2024.

The Sales Manager of Genuine Connection Promotions, Elaine Köhne, described the experience as amazing and beneficial as it offered an opportunity to showcase their clothing line, gather market insight, connect with industry professionals, and attract new business.

“We managed to network, interact with visitors and other companies that were showcasing at the show,” Köhne said.

“We had good conversations and exchanged contacts which we will definitely follow up on. We will invite these new contacts to our premises for further engagements that could lead to new business opportunities and partnerships. Importantly, the show gave us an opportunity to also see what is on the international market,” she said.

According to the Project Manager of the South African Retail-Clothing Textile Footwear Leather Master Plan 2030 Master Plan Programme, Courtney Barnes, it was great to see local manufacturers showcasing their capabilities at the show.

She said what stood out from the master plan perspective was the variety of the local capabilities, although there is still a need to upscale and showcase more of the local capabilities with real capacity.

“If we want retailers to localise, we need to show them that we have the supplier capabilities and capacity. The show is the first step and I am excited to see its offerings next year and to bring more local manufacturers to the table and have more international buyers come and appreciate what South African manufacturers can do,” Barnes said.

Sales Manager of Freudenberg Non-Wovens, a global manufacturer and innovative pioneer in the field of technical textiles, nonwovens and fibre, Heidi Smith, expressed her gratification with the outcomes of the show.

She said the participation was remarkable, as it provided a platform for engagements with retail partners and current partners. According to her, they have started sending emails for the expansion of the engagements.

“It was wonderful to engage with various partners and other designers coming to see what we do. It was more pleasing to engage with smaller designers and manufacturers who came to learn and understand how we are doing our business and what they can learn from us,” Smith said.

She said the panel discussions on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) focussing on boosting intra-African trade through regional value chains in the textile and clothing industry and the journey to sustainability focussing on green manufacturing, ethical sourcing, among others, were beneficial.

The Director of Leather and Footwear at the dtic, Dr Jaywant Irkhede, congratulated the event organiser, Messe Frankfurt SA, for a world-class event.

“The dtic and Industrial Development Corporation officials attended to the needs of the international and local exhibitors and visitors with the aim of developing investment leads. The event offered an opportunity for scaling up, to showcase and promote the manufacturing capabilities of South Africa and Africa.

“Parallel events at the show brought together an international community of manufacturers, designers, retailers, buyers, educational institutions, associations, investors, financiers and service providers to the textile, apparel, footwear and fashion industry,” Irkhede said.

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The World Wide Fund for Nature’s (WWF) new tool, the Great Food Puzzle, offers a groundbreaking approach to addressing the global challenges of food systems.
Good food is enough to turn a bad day into a good one, make an awkward date slightly more bearable, and it can easily change a foul mood into a cheerful one as you enjoy the delicious flavours of a tasty meal.

But while food is great, how it is produced and processed is not always great for our planet.

That is why the WWF has developed the “Great Food Puzzle”, a new tool and research that identifies the highest-impact actions that can be taken by each country based on their environmental and socio-economic characteristics to make our food system more sustainable.

The report highlights that food systems—the production, processing, transportation, and consumption of food—have major global impacts on nature and climate change but they can only be made sustainable with local solutions.

This new global study done across more than 100 countries classified them into six different Food System Types based on their environmental and socioeconomic characteristics and ranked the highest-impact actions in each.

The inclusion of environmental factors sets the Great Food Puzzle apart from other food system typologies, which is critical given the widespread impact the production of food has on nature and our total dependence on a functioning natural world.

South Africa has been classified alongside Mexico, China, the United Arab Emirates, and Spain as having a food system that is already highly industrialised but also facing the highest levels of water risk, especially in the light of climate change projections.

While there is no single set of policy interventions that should be applied globally, the research revealed a consistent need across all countries to optimise land use and restore biodiversity, improve education and knowledge on healthy and sustainable diets, and redesign financial subsidies and incentives.

By finding place-based solutions and building coalitions of actors who can learn from each other and share solutions and stories of success, the Great Food Puzzle has the opportunity to create healthy and sustainable food systems for all.

After using the Great Food Puzzle to identify the high-priority, high-impact actions in different places, WWF can support implementation through its suite of additional solutions and tools for farmers, policymakers, businesses and consumers and its physical presence in over 100 countries.

Mkhululi Silandela, Systems Change Lead with WWF South Africa, said:

“What this comprehensive study confirms is that transformation plans must be rooted in local cultures and context and built with multi-stakeholder approaches. It is within our power to create a healthier and more sustainable food system, especially if we focus on production, consumption and food loss and waste at multiple levels of society.”

Brent Loken, Global Food Lead Scientist at WWF, also noted that food systems are extremely complex and are shaped by lots of factors, including cultural heritage, values and local contexts.

“That means there are no silver bullets that will work everywhere and reverse the devastating impact that current food systems have on nature and human health. The Great Food Puzzle approach helps all stakeholders to identify science-based actions based on local context, or place-based solutions, which will deliver the biggest wins for people and the planet in the shortest time.”

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Local champion of wildlife welfare and conservation, “Vulture Whisperer” Kerri Wolter, has been nominated for the 2025 Indianapolis Prize, seen as the “Nobel Prize” of animal conservation.
When Kerri Wolter was still out in the corporate world, she had no idea that one day she’d become a champion of vultures, let alone be up for what is considered the equivalent to a Nobel Prize in animal conservation.

“I was desperate to find my soul that had been lost in an air-conditioned office,” she reflects of her old life.

“I applied for a position as manager of a vulture conservation group when the opportunity arose, not knowing anything about any bird species, and nothing could be further from my mind than vultures at the time.”

Wolter ended up getting the job. In no time, she found herself desperate to save the species that most don’t know enough about and even less tend to care about.

“I found myself looking down at a bundle of feathers and an ET-lookalike bird that resembled the prehistoric age of dinosaurs. My heart melted. I finally understood the magnificence and fragility of the species. My task, at that exact moment, was as clear as daylight. It was my calling. I needed to make people understand their beauty and their importance in our world of green and destruction; I was to become what I have now been nicknamed—“The Vulture Whisperer”.

That was decades ago. Since then, Wolter has followed her calling proudly and firmly, standing strong as a force behind vulture conservation, oftentimes against the odds.

Today, Wolter is the CEO of VulPro—the only vulture conservation organisation of its kind, founded by herself.

Together with her team, VulPro has achieved some incredible things in its time, including massive relocation missions that are helping to secure the future of wild vulture populations (the largest ever, at that), imperative rehabilitation work for the species, population monitoring, research, and so much more.

It comes as no surprise, then, that Wolter has been announced as one of the nominees for the 2025 Indianapolis Prize.

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South Africa’s Philippus Saayman has made the country proud at the WorldSkills Competition hosted in Lyon, France. Here, he was awarded the “Best of Nation” medal for his skills in refrigeration and air conditioning.
Hosted in France’s Lyon from 10 to 15 September 2024, 1 400 people boasting an array of practical powers, from welding to floristry, united for the unique competition of nations, representing a myriad of countries and skill sets.

The WorldSkills competition has, for the past ten years, aimed to combat prejudices against vocational training. The first competition came after the creation of World Youth Skills Day, as established by the United Nations, and has become a powerful means to spotlight the significant demand for vocational training in a world facing a talent shortage under the ethos “Where there’s a skill, there’s a way.”

Here, Philippus Saayman made South Africa enormously proud after he was the sole South African awarded the ‘Best of Nation’ medal—an honour that commends the top competitor in a category from each country.

“As the top performer for Team South Africa, Saayman demonstrated exceptional skill and dedication to his craft,” praised the Department of Higher Education and Training. – Source:
The K-wave, also known as Hallyu, which has seen a rise in the popularity of South Korean pop culture, is a cultural phenomenon that has emerged globally over the last few decades.
Korean skincare, cuisine, music, fashion, and entertainment have undoubtedly grown over the past few years globally. While it could be argued that South Africa has been slower than other parts of the world to catch on, the K-wave has hit South Africa.

An article that tracked Google searches over the past few years to assess the rising interest in K-drama among South Africans revealed that the number of people googling “Korean dramas” has continued to steadily grow, demonstrating our deepening appetite for Korean content.

A shift from the West to the East

Elouise Kelly is the Country Head at Viu South Africa and said that the official arrival of the K-wave in South Africa can only be a good thing.

“As with other markets considered to be ‘developing’, the West continues to dominate in terms of influencing the fashion, music, and entertainment trends within these regions.

“We’re now starting to see a shift in this paradigm, with a growing awareness that innovation can come from anywhere—it doesn’t only have to emerge from the United States, Europe or Great Britain.

She adds that while not everyone has the means to travel and experience the different cultures that allow you to broaden your horizons, from an entertainment perspective, there is so much exciting material coming from emerging markets.

“We want to encourage people to experiment with consuming content from different regions.

“Diversity brings richness and connection—the more we can access and tap into the different stories from around the world, the closer it brings us as a global citizenship.”


In 2019, Viu, a Southeast Asian over-the-top (OTT) streaming provider that built its following on the back of Korean content, entered South Africa.

It has since grown a significant base of monthly active users, thanks to its affordable subscriber video on demand (SVOD) and advertising video on demand (AVOD) dual model that has been met with open arms by cash-conscious South Africans.

Kelly says while South African content on Viu remains highly popular, its Korean content vertical is making massive strides in local audience interest growth.

“A few factors are driving the skyrocketing popularity of K-dramas: the imaginative scriptwriting, the attractive cast, and the complex and fantastical storytelling.

“This has allowed it to cut across multiple markets and cultures.

“Furthermore,” she says, “the popularity of shows such as Squid Game, Narcos, and Griselda indicates that people are becoming increasingly comfortable with consuming content in its native language, with the help of dubbing or subtitles.”

South Africa the top market for K-pop

On the music front, local interest in K-pop has also spiked.

According to Spotify, the streaming of K-pop artists such as BTS, Blackpink, Ateez and Stray Kids saw a massive 93% year-on-year increase in South Africa in 2022 and has continued to grow since, cementing the country’s position as the top market for K-pop in sub-Saharan Africa.

“It's clear from this data that K-Pop is not just a passing phase but has a devoted and growing African fandom, said Phiona Okumu, Head of Music at Spotify for sub-Saharan Africa.

"Streaming has become instrumental in not only enabling the discovery of African music abroad but also in exposing African listeners to new and unexpected sounds.”

K-beauty linked to glass skin trend

When it comes to our looks, South Africans are also looking East.

K-beauty, linked to the massive glass skin trend that swept social media in 2017, has taken hold across South Africa, with Korean brands such as Glow Theory, Eborian and SK-II popping up on the shelves of local retailers.

According to Statistics South Africa, just under one-quarter of South African respondents in a global survey said that K-beauty was very popular locally, while 30% of respondents in another study attributed the popularity of K-beauty products in South Africa to their quality and efficacy.

K-devices and more

Korean tech remains popular in South Africa, with Samsung and LG Electronics two of the top Korean investors in the country.

Its cuisine is also in high demand, as Korean street food eateries and Galbi (Korean barbeque) pop up all over the country.

A close relationship between South Africa and the Republic of Korea exists as the two countries have enjoyed over 30 years of good diplomatic relations. South Africa is Korea’s biggest trading partner in Africa, while Korea is South Africa’s fourth-largest trading partner in Asia.

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Dr Esther Mahlangu’s art has recently been the talk of Atlanta, United States, with Alicia Keys curating a special collection featuring Dr Mahlangu’s work and John Legend stopping by at another exhibition in support of our local legend.
Widely-celebrated South African artist Dr Esther Mahlangu’s art is having a well-deserved moment in the spotlight yet again thanks to an exhibition that has attracted the likes of John Legend and another that’s been curated by none other than Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz.

Following a whirlwind of excitement that saw Dr Mahlangu’s historic art car come home for the first time in decades before taking off on a world tour and a solo exhibition in New York, other works from the Ndebele star have been attracting acclaimed attention in Atlanta.

Heritage Hues, an exhibition by Dr Mahlangu that was co-curated by Hassan Smith at Zu Cot Gallery, presents a selection of her works in fully-fledged vibrancy and Ndebele flair. For Africans in the diaspora, it’s more than an art exhibition from a giant in the field but also a means of connecting others to their roots through the medium.

The exhibition was recently enjoyed by John Legend himself, who popped into Dr Mahlangu’s world in Atlanta for the opening in visible awe.

In another curation by Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz, Dr Mahlangu’s work takes centre stage once again as part of Giants at the High Museum of Art, also in Atlanta, following its run in Brooklyn.

The art on display comes from the collection of the music legends themselves, with Dr Mahlangu’s work featuring amongst 115 objects and 98 major artworks, including the likes of Nick Cave and Lorna Simpson.

For South Africans and fans of Dr Mahlangu, it’s incredibly inspiring to see how far her journey has taken her, and even more enriching to see how much power art so deeply rooted in a slice of South Africa’s culture has proven to be.

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South African pop star Tyla won in the Best Afrobeats category at the 2024 MTV Video Music Awards on Wednesday, 11 September 2024, at the UBS Arena in Elmont, New York.
"This is just so special, but also bittersweet," she said during her acceptance speech. This makes her the first South African to win a VMA.

The singer won the award for her major hit, Water. The music video has more than 230 million views on YouTube and almost 800 million streams on Spotify.

Accepting her award at the event, Tyla joked about the award being heavy.

"You guys know me and holding awards, yoh hai. I'm not strong enough," she said and asked Lil Nas X, who was standing next to Halle Bailey, to hold her trophy.

She thanked MTV, her fans (who she refers to as her Tygers), her team and God.

"This is such a big moment for Africa [and] African music," she said.

The Afrobeats category was first introduced to the VMAs in 2023 and was given to Rema and Selena Gomez. Tyla is the first solo act to win the award.

"The global impact that Water has had on the world just proves that African music can be pop music too," she continued.

Tyla added:

“This is just so special, but also bittersweet because I know there's a tendency to group all African artists under Afrobeat[s]. It's a thing, and even though Afrobeats has run things and has opened so many doors for us, African music is so diverse; it is more than just Afrobeats.

"I come from South Africa. I represent amapiano. I represent my culture, and I just want to shout out [to] all the Afrobeats artists in this category with me."

She mentioned Tems, Ayra Starr, Lojay, Rema, Wizkid, and Burna Boy and said: "Africa to the world."

The other artists in the Afrobeats category were Giveon (with Ayra Starr), Burna Boy, Chris Brown with Davido and Lojay, Tems, and Usher with Pheelz.

Tyla was also nominated in the Best New Artist and Best R&B categories.

Taylor Swift was the big winner at the event, bagging seven awards, including Video of the Year for Fortnight with Post Malone.

Sabrina Carpenter won Song of the Year, and Chappell Roan received the Best New Artist prize.

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The 17-time Grammy Award-winning artist STING will be performing in South Africa next year, as part of his “STING 3.0” tour.
According to Big Concerts, STING will perform the most electrifying hits from his timeless discography.

The musician is set to perform in both Pretoria and Cape Town at the end of March 2025. The tour will kick off at the SunBet Arena, Time Square in Pretoria, on 22 March 2025, and will then head to the Grand Arena, GrandWest in Cape Town on 25 March 2025.

The British singer, songwriter, and actor first gained fame as the lead singer and bassist of the influential rock band The Police, formed in 1977. After the band’s success in the late 1970s and early 1980s, STING then embarked on a highly successful solo career, becoming one of the most prominent artists of his time.

His first solo album, The Dream of the Blue Turtles, was released in 1985 and incorporated jazz, world music, and political themes. Other notable albums during his career included Nothing Like the Sun (1987), which featured hits like Englishman in New York, Ten Summoner’s Tales (1993), which featured Fields of Gold and Brand New Day (1999), which featured Desert Rose, a collaboration with Cheb Mami.

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The 2024 Paris Paralympic Games came to an end on Sunday, 7 September 2024, and Team South Africa took a lot of positives as the road to the Los Angeles (LA) Games in 2028 officially began.
Team SA took with them a squad with a fair mix of experienced and young athletes. Some gained invaluable experience, while others exceeded expectations and will now bask in deserved praise as they get set for a hero’s welcome.

Team SA ended their campaign with a decent haul of six medals—two golds and four bronze—and as a result they ended in 46th position. From the extravagant opening ceremony to the bright new stars born in the past two weeks, we look at the top five standout moments at the Games for Team South Africa.

Kruger’s dominance of the oblate spheroid

Simone Kruger’s gold medal win was the cherry on top for Team SA. Her charge towards glory began with gold at the 2023 Para World Championships in Paris.

Her exploits at the Paralympics, however, solidified her status as the best in the women’s T38 class and she now holds both the Paralympic (38.70m) and world records (38.82) in the discus throw. The Pretoria-born athlete will be 23 when the Games make a return in LA and she will be up there with the athletes to look out for.

World record holder with a medal to show for it

Mpumelelo Mhlongo returns home with two medals after missing out in his first two Paralympic Games. Similar to Akani Simbine, Mhlongo had shown so much promise but couldn’t deliver telling blows just when it was needed.

Going into the Games, the 30-year-old would have known that something had to give after falling short in previous finals, although he left with a world record behind his name in the 100m and 200m T44 class.

His win in the 100m final that secured gold was clear-cut, but after having fallen short on so many occasions, he was fortunate to win a 200m bronze medal as a result of a disqualification.

Hendricks and Ferreira show off their potential

Nathan Hendricks qualified for his fourth final in a row and managed to break the 60-second barrier twice in the men’s 100m butterfly, while 26-year-old Alani Ferreira broke the African records for the women’s S12 400m freestyle and 100m breaststroke.

Coetzee and Du Preez’s experience came out tops

A lot can change in a period of three years, but for Louzanne Coetzee and Pieter du Preez it was business as usual as they found themselves on the podium once again following their hard-fought bronze-medal wins in their respective women’s T11 1500m and men’s H1 final road race.

Ramphadi and Sithole set the benchmark

A herculean task of winning the continent’s first Paralympic medal in wheelchair tennis faced Lucas Sithole and Donald Ramphadi. Their bronze medal win has not only created history, but it gives wheelchair tennis in South Africa a huge lift heading to LA.

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South African lifesaving athletes made the nation immensely proud recently thanks to their participation at the 2024 Lifesaving World Championships held on the Gold Coast in Australia.
At the prestigious event that united over 5 000 athletes from over 50 countries, 24 South African lifesaving athletes competed against the best-of-the-best in both pool and surf events and proceeded to fly the South African flag high.

The team moved up placements from seventh to fifth thanks to both individual and team performances.

It was a particularly exciting feat for the Fish Hoek Surf Lifesaving Club, with several lifesaving athletes representing this community, including Matthew Coetzee, Matthew Brading, Holly Smith and Eve Abrahams.

Jake Hutton and Eve Abrahams earned respective World Titles in Flags, while Matt Brading claimed the gold for the Youth Surf ski. The Youth Girls Beach Relay team (Rebecca Fury, Dayna Deeble, Eve Abrahams and Keria Van Heerden) also scored a World Title for their event, all of which made a big difference in moving the needle of the youth team’s placement to the top five.

In more podium moments, Tyne Van Achtenberg scooped a silver for Surf Swim, while Hutton added another silver to the tally for Sprints. Blazing in bronze was the Girls Tube Rescue, thanks to Rebecca Fury, Danya Deeble and Eve Abrahams, while Holly Smith and Eve welcomed bronze for the line throw.

In the open division, significant strides were made despite stiff competition that included athletes from the recent Paris Olympics. South Africa held its own and maintained 9th place after securing several podium placements, including Matthew Coetzee, who earned the World Champion’s crown for the Open Men’s Surf Ski (a big win for the Fish Hoek family considering that club member Mark Keeling had earned the gold in 2022), and Samuel Booysen, who took bronze in beach sprints.

Bruce Abrahams took gold in the World Champs Flags (40-44) and silver in the sprints (40-44), while Masters competitor Renee Vrahimis claimed bronze in the Beach Flags (age category 65-69) in more fantastic news for Fish Hoek.

“Our athletes showed incredible determination and resilience, competing against some of the best in the world,” praised Pool Coach Chantel Smith. “Despite the pressure, they achieved personal bests and delivered outstanding performances in the pool. This championship was a real test of their abilities, and they rose to the occasion, proving that South Africa can compete at the highest level.”

Surf Coach James Thomson added, “Overall, this was a positive world championships for the national team. The team was selected with a vision for the future. The experience gained by the youngest team ever taken to the Opens will stand us in good stead for the next two to six years.”

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Nicole Hasell, a talented and dedicated 23-year-old powerlifting athlete, began competing in 2022. She set several South African and African records, earning her place in prestigious international competitions.
Hasell, a dedicated fifth-year Veterinary Medicine student from Pretoria, recently returned from a triumphant performance at the IPF World Championships in Malta.

She displayed exceptional strength, securing an impressive fourth place in the deadlift and finishing sixth overall in the Juniors U57kg division.

Her remarkable achievement has solidified her status as a leading powerlifter, with a collection of three South African records and an impressive 10 African records to her name.

Hasell’s journey into powerlifting began after a successful career as a high-performance gymnast, later transitioning into weightlifting and CrossFit before discovering her true passion—Squat, Bench and Deadlift.

Her passion, dedication and extraordinary talent have already earned her numerous accolades and she continues her preparation for the IPF Commonwealth Powerlifting Championships.

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A historic milestone for South African equestrian sport has been made as South Africa Western Mounted Games have secured their first-ever team to get Protea Colours.
The South African Equestrian Federation has etched a historic moment into the records of equestrian sports. For the first time ever, a South African Western Mounted Games team has been awarded Protea Colours.

The South Africa team will be competing against teams from Botswana and Zimbabwe in a TriNations Competition from 25 to 27 September 2024 at the National Championships, held at the Afridome in Parys.

Lezanne Jacobs, LJ van der Nest, Clayton Wiggill, Mia Fourie and Wilru de Vries make up the stellar Protea team.

According to the South African Equestrian Federation, these first Protea Colours awards and the establishment of the International Western Mounted Games Association are a fitting tribute to the late Vice President of SAWMGA, Gustus Roux, who worked tirelessly with President Hennie Mey and Fanus Ferreira to these ends.

The Protea status will not only serve as a motivation to equine sport lovers young and old but also set the tone for Western Games riders to reach the highest achievement in South African sport.

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Student Rusmore Verah is making his way to compete among giants; he will be representing South Africa at the upcoming IFBB World Men’s Bodybuilding Championships.
Rusmore Verah isn’t just a student at North-West University, he’s also a student of his body and all of which it is capable. Putting in years of work toward his training and physique, Rusmore is now ready to go up against giants with the exciting news that he’ll be representing South Africa at the upcoming International Fitness and Bodybuilding Federation's (IFBB) World Men’s Bodybuilding Championships.

Set to take place later this September on Kish Island in Iran, Verah is ready to showcase the sum of what all his dedicated training has surmounted to.

A diligent student of the gym and nutrition, Verah has built his way up to a name that starting to hold significant weight in the world of bodybuilding.

As his university proudly shares, Verah’s accolades include a big year in 2022, where he ended up securing first place in the Sunfest Bodybuilding Competition, claiming the title at the University Sports South Africa tournament, taking third place in the IFBB South African Championship Nationals and first prize in the Mr and Miss West Rand DGN Classic. He also claimed the Sportsman of the Year title for the North-West University’s Mahikeng Campus in 2023 and recently earned first place and the overall title at the Men’s Physique Over 178cm category.

Dedication, discipline, and countless hours of blood, sweat and protein have all added up to his massive opportunity at Worlds—an opportunity he knows is no small feat.

“It’s a great opportunity for me in my journey to become the best as I compete with international athletes. It shows that I’m on the right track, and I believe that God is with me,” says Verah.

His time to shine on Kish Island will run from 23 to 27 September 2024.

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