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President Cyril Ramaphosa has paid tribute to former Minister and Governor of the Reserve Bank, Tito Mboweni, following his passing.
Mboweni passed away on Saturday evening, 12 October 2024, following a short illness.

“Given his sense of vitality and energetic and affable engagement with fellow South Africans, Dr Mboweni’s passing at 65 comes as a shock. We have lost a leader and compatriot who has served our nation as an activist, economic policy innovator and champion of labour rights,” President Ramaphosa said.

Mboweni served as South Africa’s Minister of Labour in the first democratically elected Cabinet from 1994 to 1999. Following that, he served as the South African Reserve Bank Governor from 1999 to 2009.

His final official position in government was as the Minister of Finance in President Ramaphosa’s administration from 2018 to 2021.

Mboweni resigned from Parliament on 1 February 2022.

“As Governor and Finance Minister, he had a sharp focus on fiscal discipline and economic transformation. Tito Mboweni distinguished himself in different strategic roles in the private sector and was a flag bearer in global forums for our economy and developing economies more broadly.
“He conducted himself with expert rigour while maintaining the personable touch that made him a social media star and ambassador for Modjadjiskloof’s culinary traditions. His passing is a great loss. May his soul rest in peace,” President Ramaphosa said.

The life and times of Mboweni

The youngest of three children, Mboweni was born on 16 March 1959. He grew up in Tzaneen, Limpopo.

He attended the University of the North between 1979 and 1980, where he registered for a Bachelor of Commerce degree. He did not complete his studies there and left South Africa to go into exile in 1980.

While in exile in Lesotho, Mboweni joined the African National Congress (ANC) and was an activist for the party in many capacities.

He obtained a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Economics and Political Science from the National University of Lesotho in 1985. In 1988, he obtained a Master of Arts in Development Economics from the University of East Anglia in England.

Prior to his appointment as Minister of Labour, Mboweni was Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Policy in the ANC. He also represented the ANC on several domestic and international platforms.

Mboweni was a member of the ANC's National Executive and National Working Committees and was also chairperson of the National Executive Committee's Economic Transformation Committee, which coordinated the development of ANC economic policies.

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President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the South Africa Automotive Week on Thursday, 17 October 2024.
The Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition Parks Tau, Minister of Transport Barbara Creecy, Minister of Electricity and Energy Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa and Minister of Minerals and Petroleum Resources Gwede Mantashe accompanied the President.

“Government has played a pivotal role in fostering a favourable policy and regulatory environment that has supported growth, transformation, and innovation within the automotive industry.

“The South African Automotive Masterplan (SAAM 2035) sets the objective of growing South Africa’s vehicle production to 1% of global output and aims to increase the annual export value of the South African automotive industry from approximately R201 billion in 2019 to R400 billion by 2035.
“The effective functioning of the logistics and infrastructure sector is paramount to maintaining competitiveness, as expenses associated with shipping and transportation play a vital role to determine the competitiveness of our exports,” The Presidency said in a statement on Tuesday, 15 October 2024.

The week was held under the theme, Reimagining the Future Together: Celebrating 100 Years of Automotive Heritage, Passion, Resilience, and Ingenuity.

“SA Auto Week is distinguished as Africa’s leading and preeminent annual automotive thought leadership event, bringing together auto industry leaders; global original equipment manufacturers (OEMs); vehicle component manufacturers and suppliers; international investors; policymakers; lawmakers; decision makers; regulatory bodies; and journalists across the entire automotive value chain,” said The Presidency.

The South African Automotive Week takes place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre in the Western Cape.

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President Cyril Ramaphosa has called on South Africans to protect, promote, and respect the rights of girl children as the world commemorates International Day of the Girl Child.
“On this day, we recognise the rights of girl children everywhere: their right to live, freedom and safety; their right to education and health care; their right to opportunity; and above all, to be treated equally.

“Let us commit to protecting and nurturing our nation’s girl children. Together, let us, as South Africans, be aware of the rights of the children and respect them, to protect them, and above all, to honour them. Let us build a country where every girl child can fulfil her potential and realise her dreams,” President Ramaphosa said on Friday, 11 October 2024.

He lamented that in many parts of the world, girl children are subjected to “gender apartheid”.

“In many parts of the world, girls face a terrible plight. They are victims of conflict, human trafficking and sexual violence. In places like Afghanistan, girls face the worst form of gender apartheid. They are denied the rights to education and freedom, as well as even having a voice.
“In some parts of the world, young girls are taken out of school early to work inside and outside their home,” the President said.

South Africa is committed to all global instruments aimed at the prosperity of girl children.

“South Africa is committed to upholding the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child and all global instruments to advance the rights of women and girls.

“Gender equality is enshrined in our Constitution. We have progressive laws to advance the rights of girl children to ensure that they have opportunities and to protect them from abuse and exploitation.

“I call on all South Africans to be part of the global effort to protect and advance the rights of girls,” said the President.

According to the UN, International Day of the Girl Child “focusses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights”.

In December 2011, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 66/170 to declare 11 October as the International Day of the Girl Child.

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President Cyril Ramaphosa offers his deep condolences to the family and former colleagues of former Judge Willem Heath, who passed away at the age of 79.
Judge Heath, a graduate of the University of Pretoria, served as a prosecutor in the early years of his career before practising as an advocate and later becoming a Judge of the High Court.

From 1995 to 1997, he chaired a Commission of Inquiry into corruption, fraud and maladministration in the Eastern Cape.

One of the outcomes of the Commission was the establishment by President Nelson Mandela of the Special Investigating Unit as an independent agency of government that investigates corruption and maladministration in state institutions.

President Mandela appointed Judge Heath, who had played an instrumental role in drafting the Special Investigating Unit and Special Tribunals Act, as the first head of the unit.

President Ramaphosa said: “Judge Willem Heath will be remembered as an early architect of government’s anti-corruption architecture and a pioneer in the efforts, early in the life of our democracy, to rid the state and society of corruption and maladministration.

“May his soul rest in peace.”

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President Cyril Ramaphosa welcomes the significant reforms to South Africa’s visa regime gazetted on Wednesday, 9 October 2024, as a key step towards attracting international skills and investment, growing tourism, and creating jobs.
Minister of Home Affairs, Dr Leon Schreiber, has gazetted reforms that constitute another success under Operation Vulindlela, a joint initiative of The Presidency and National Treasury to accelerate the implementation of structural reforms and support economic growth.

These reforms look to achieve more rapid and inclusive growth and create jobs by removing the constraints that have held our economy back in the past.

As gazetted today, the Remote Work Visa will enable highly paid individuals, who are employed abroad and thus do not compete with local workers, to spend foreign currency in South Africa, pay Value-Added Tax into the South African fiscus and buy South African goods and services, helping to grow local jobs.

The new Points-Based System for skilled work visas will create more flexible pathways for highly skilled applicants while combatting corruption and inefficiency.

The new system, which was a key recommendation of the work visa review published in 2023, introduces a transparent set of criteria to objectively determine who qualifies for a Critical Skills or General Work Visa.

This will better protect existing jobs at the lower end of the labour market while injecting skills at the top.

These reforms remove bureaucratic hurdles and are designed to make it easier for South African companies and multinationals to hire skilled workers, as well as making South Africa a realistic prospect for remote workers seeking an opportunity to combine work with tourism.

President Ramaphosa said, “The opportunities unlocked by our new system are a passport to faster economic growth and to welcoming more people around the world to our beautiful country.

“Many more reforms are in process with the aim of us achieving more rapid, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, which is the top priority of the Government of National Unity.”

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During his opening remarks at the Meeting of the South Africa-Namibia Diplomatic, Political and Legal Committee, Swakopmund, 14 to 15 October 2024, Minister Lamola reflected back on fond memories of Windhoek and Swakopmund dating back to his days as a young activist in the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL).
“Those were times of passionate engagement and camaraderie, where I had the privilege of meeting and working alongside many inspiring counterparts in the SWAPO [South West African People's Organisation] Youth League. The spirit of unity and shared purpose we fostered during those formative years remains with me.”

Minister Lamola expressed his hope it will be the first of many more visits as the two countries strive to strengthen and deepen the fraternal bonds between our nations and take them to an even higher level.

He stated that Namibia holds great historical significance for South Africans and that Namibia’s struggle icons are South Africa’s heroes too, as they shared cells with our liberation icons, embedding the history of our struggles together.

“Our bond, forged from a shared fight against foreign occupation, colonialism, and apartheid, is unbreakable. The fighters of the People's Liberation Army of Namibia and the ANC’s Umkhonto We Sizwe stood side by side in the trenches, both here and in Angola, against an aggressive apartheid South Africa.

“This collective victory is the foundation of our dynamic, vibrant, and strategic relationship—a bond that we cannot even dream of destroying.” Minister Lamola said.

Minister Lamola extended South Africa’s best wishes to Namibia as the country prepares for its upcoming general elections.

“Our own elections in May 2024 ushered in the seventh administration of our democratic era. Namibia and South Africa’s enduring commitment to democracy emboldens our continent’s governance and regional stability. The light of democracy shines brightly in our region, and it is our duty to nurture and uphold this democratic culture.”

During the Third Session of the Bi-National Commission (BNC) held in Windhoek in 2023, the late former President Hage Geingob and President Ramaphosa urged the two countries to implement the BNC decisions and seek new sustainable cooperation opportunities.

This includes close collaboration by the private sectors to maximise economic opportunities in telecommunications, financial services, healthcare, hospitality, construction, agriculture, agro-processing, and energy. The Business Forum sparked discussions encouraging closer cooperation. The upcoming BNC session should reflect measurable progress, and our senior officials and experts must continue working diligently towards this goal.

Minister Lamola reflected that Namibia is one of South Africa’s key trading partners in the Southern African region, with significant potential for growth. By improving trade facilitation, even greater opportunities can be unlocked.

“Together, in unity and harmony, South Africa and Namibia can achieve more for the benefit of our people.

“Today we gather to discuss the Draft Report of the Joint Committee of Experts on the Orange River Boundary. The Orange River is more than a geographic feature; it is a lifeline that sustains our people in this arid part of the world. It symbolises the natural beauty we share along our border. In many ways, it is a testament to our unity.

“We need to harness and build on the existing cooperation between our two countries in the field of water.”

Minister Lamola continued by stating that through the bilateral Permanent Water Commission established in 1992, as well as the Orange-Senqu Commission (ORASECOM), which was the first commission to be established following the regional ratification of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Protocol on Shared Water Course Systems, we have established an invaluable forum for consultation and coordination between the riparian states to promote integrated water resources management and development within the basin. ORASECOM’s role is vital for the prosperity and well-being of our nations.

In his opening remarks, Minister Lamola mentioned that in the past two decades, democracy has flourished across Africa, with 19 elections this year alone. However, peace and security remain fragile in some regions. The situation in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is concerning, and stability and territorial integrity must be ensured. Significant progress has been made in northern Mozambique through SADC’s intervention. To sustain our agenda to silence the guns, we must intensify efforts to counter conflict and instability.

Minister Lamola continued by highlighting that as the African Union prepares for leadership changes in early 2025, South Africa and Namibia must advocate for transformative, visionary, and resourceful leaders who advance continental unity and cohesion. In a polarised world, a steadfast and unwavering African Union is essential to amplify and strengthen Africa’s voice.

The Minister emphasised that our continent’s aspirations for peace, prosperity, and sustainable development are crucial, and Africa’s importance on the global stage cannot be overstated. We must ensure that our leadership reflects these aspirations and drives our collective progress forward.

Minister Lamola commended Namibia on its sterling coordination of the Pact of the Future. The adoption of this pact will cement Namibia’s role in the reform of the United Nations. This pact will stand the test of time as we continue to advocate for the premier multilateral institution to truly live up to the dictum, “We The People”.

Minister Lamola concluded by stating that South Africa will assume the G20 Presidency in December 2024, aiming to leave a strong African imprint by highlighting issues crucial to our continent.

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International Relations and Cooperation Minister Ronald Lamola believes that South Africa’s G20 Presidency will be a significant moment in the country’s young democracy.
“After the [2010] World Cup and the collective fight we mounted as a nation against COVID-19, it will be our biggest national project,” he said on Friday, 11 October 2024.

The Minister was speaking during his keynote address at the Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA) Conference in Sandton, Johannesburg.

South Africa will assume the G20 Presidency from Brazil in December this year.

President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that the theme of South Africa’s Presidency will focus on solidarity, cooperation and sustainable development.

According to Minister Lamola, South Africa plans to prioritise discussions on the Just Energy Transition, financing for development, transforming global financial structures, infrastructure development, and other critical issues. These include artificial intelligence, food security, and the debt trap.

“We must reverse the uneven distribution of resources for just transition. It is inconceivable that Africa receives less than 3% of the global climate change financing while being the most affected continent. We will advocate for more resources to be allocated to Africa for climate change.”

Last week, International Relations and Cooperation Director-General (DG) Zane Dangor emphasised South Africa’s commitment to prioritising Africa’s development and equality during its G20 Presidency.

DG Dangor, who also serves as South Africa’s G20 Sherpa, was speaking during a consultation meeting on the G20 with his African Union Commission (AUC) counterpart, Ambassador Albert Muchanga.

He stressed that South Africa would place Africa’s development at the top of the agenda.

The DG said he hopes that South Africa’s G20 Presidency will bring to the fore the needs, not just of African countries but other developing nations as well.

“The idea of strengthening the voice of the South is going to be very critical,” said DG Dangor.

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While the media glare is on the Russia-Ukraine war and the genocide in Palestine, the conflict in Sudan, the war in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, and conflicts in the Sahel are as good as footnotes.
These are the comments from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Ronald Lamola, who expressed concern that not enough attention is being given to conflicts in Africa.

“We must take up our responsibility as Africans to help end these wars. We should work with external and international friends who act bona fide to end the war. Admittedly, this is not easy.

“The presence of unconventional participants on both sides, including mercenaries, foreign volunteers, special forces, and paramilitary squads, has made Africa a place for proxy wars,” he said of Friday, 11 October 2024.

Minister Lamola delivered a keynote address at the Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA) Conference in Sandton.

The Minister used his platform to reiterate South Africa’s commitment to the maintenance of international peace and security, promotion of human rights, and sustainable development.

He said he was concerned that it was now easier to fund wars than to support development, adding that economic, financial, and cyber warfare, as well as artificial intelligence, have been “weaponised” and used on a large scale.

Minister Lamola told delegates that the world was in a “grievous interregnum, and transitioning to the new is that dangerous”.

“We are experiencing a proverbial ‘crisis moment’ in world affairs, which could easily become a ‘moment of calamity’.

“In this dangerous geopolitical moment, the champions of the liberal international order generally refuse to accept any notions of decline and would resist any attempt to emerge an alternative, least of all one from the global South.”

Meanwhile, he stressed that geopolitical rivalry over people’s suffering was serious.

“This is most evident in Sudan, where the conflict has created a humanitarian catastrophe unlike any other.”

However, he believes that South Africa’s elections beckon hope for democracy and that the way the Government of National Unity (GNU) was formed is a model for democracy worldwide.

“There comes a time when it is not absolute power that defines us but our collective ability to resolve our challenges and build a foundation of new frontiers for future generations.”

Middle East

The Minister is of the view that the world is witnessing the making of a post-Cold War, with all the hallmarks that it could become an “unimaginable hot war,” with the Middle East as its centre point.

“Turbulence, anarchy and combustion are the order of the day.”

He believes that the Middle East crisis is becoming a proverbial shift in the global balance of power in front of our very eyes.

“What started as plausible evidence of ‘genocide against the people of Palestine’ is now transforming into a real regional war that will have long-lasting ramifications for global peace and the economy and Africa in particular.”

Minister Lamola pointed out that those who were once at the heart of multilateral order are now at the forefront of undermining them.

These, he said, include strategic pillars such as the Bretton Woods Institutions, the United Nations (UN), and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

“Imagine what the reaction of the world would be if an African State declared the UN Secretary-General a persona non grata like Israel did.”

This is after Israel’s Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, announced on X that he had declared the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, persona non grata, or banned from setting foot in Israel.

“[The] Russia-Ukraine war, the genocide against Palestinians, trade wars that result in greater challenges in the global economy, and wars raging in Africa, with our continent becoming the theatre for proxy battles, all point to this moment of deep global crisis.”

He said the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa alliance (BRICS) was determined to play this counter-balancing role for the development of the global South.

BRICS originally consisted of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. It has since expanded to include Ethiopia, Iran, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and others.

“After the 2023 expansion, especially to members from the MENA [Middle East and North Africa] region, BRICS is a real force to be reckoned with.

“We will ensure that it does not take its eyes off the peaceful settlement of disputes, the transformation of global multilateral institutions, development finance, and the agitation for a more equitable global order.”

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Israel’s bombing of Lebanon is a serious violation of the territory of a sovereign state and a grave violation of international law. The international community cannot afford to remain indifferent.
Israel hit central Beirut on Thursday, 10 October 2024, reportedly killing 22 civilians and injuring over 117 more in the deadliest attack on the city centre since the war against Lebanon began. The strikes hit a densely packed residential neighbourhood of apartment buildings and small shops in the heart of the Lebanese capital. Israel had not previously struck the area, which is removed from Beirut’s southern suburbs, where Hezbollah’s headquarters have been repeatedly bombed over the past few weeks.

Israel launched ground incursions into southern Lebanon on 30 September 2024, where 10 400 peacekeepers are deployed under the command of a Spanish general. According to official Lebanese figures, nearly 2 000 people have been killed in Lebanon since October 2023, including more than a thousand since the start of Israeli strikes in the south and east of its territory, as well as in the southern suburbs of Beirut. The Israeli Defence Force is breaching the blue line constantly.

A senior United Nations (UN) official has told the UN Security Council that the safety of 10 400 UN peacekeepers in southern Lebanon is “increasingly in jeopardy”, with Israeli forces having deliberately fired on their positions. South Africa underscores that attacks on peacekeepers are “a grave violation of international humanitarian law”.

Israel continues to violate international humanitarian law with impunity in Gaza.

It is imperative that the international community and the UN Security Council be consistent with the defence of international law and international humanitarian law.

South Africa calls for an immediate end to the bombing campaign, as the longer the war continues, the higher the risk that the region will descend into a major military conflagration, presenting a grave threat to international peace and security.

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Water and Sanitation Minister Pemmy Majodina is set to participate in the ninth Africa Water Week (AWW) and seventh Cairo Water Week (CWW) from 13 to 17 October 2024, in Cairo, Egypt.
The ninth edition of the Africa Water Week will this year be held jointly with the Cairo Water Week, hosted by the government of the Arab Republic of Egypt through the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation.

The Africa Water Week is an African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) flagship initiative to facilitate the dissemination, sharing, networking, and brokering of knowledge and information on water management and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services provision in Africa.

Since the establishment of the AWW, participants have included ministers and representatives responsible for water affairs in Africa, development partners, and civil society organisations from Africa and beyond.

Held under the theme, Placing Water and Sanitation at the Heart of Achieving Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want, Africa Water Week will have three running sub-themes.

The sub-themes include:
  • financing, investments, and resource mobilisation
  • water supply, sanitation, hygiene, and wastewater
  • water infrastructure for economic production, climate resilience, and disaster risk reduction.
“With less than two years before the end of the Africa Water Vision 2025, the ninth Africa Water Week aims to evaluate progress made in implementing the vision, consolidate the gains, and derive lessons for the future,” Minister Majodina said.

Meanwhile, the Cairo Water Week to be held under the theme, Water and Climate: Building Resilient Communities, aims to explore the intricate relationship between water and climate, emphasising their collective impact on community resilience.

Discussions will extend beyond recognition, delving into the need for sustainable and adaptive practices that fortify communities against the challenges of climate change and water scarcity.

Climate change

As part of the event, various related subthemes and subtopics will be explored in plenary and technical sessions organised by international and regional organisations.

Minister Majodina said government is standing at a defining moment as climate change is a lead conversation with rising sea levels that increase chances of floods, its impact on droughts and changing weather patterns that force changes in agricultural productions.

She said the impacts are global, hence the importance of the Cairo Water Week theme.

“As a country, we are constantly working towards Goal Six of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), which aims to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. I look forward to engaging with my counterparts from across the continent and learning from their work and taking some of the lessons home,” Minister Majodina said.

During her visit, Minister Majodina will attend high-level plenary sessions and will be meeting with her Egyptian counterpart, Water Resources and Irrigation Minister, Professor Hani Sewilam.

The Minister will also be delivering keynote addresses at sessions convened by Water and Sanitation on the African Transboundary Management Benchmarking and Youth, Gender and Social Inclusion workshop, among others.

The Youth, Gender and Social Inclusion Strategy is aimed at addressing power imbalances and social inequalities based on various social identities.

Taking an action-orientated, and youth and women-led approach; it is improving the terms on which individuals and groups take part in society—improving the ability, opportunity, and dignity of those who have been disadvantaged based on their identity.

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South Africa is committed to enhancing the export of value-added goods and services to Saudi Arabia.
“We must strive for a mutually beneficial trade relationship,” said Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Parks Tau, at the opening of the South Africa-Saudi Arabia Business Forum at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg on Monday, 14 October 2024.

Minister Tau announced that South Africa and Saudi Arabia have agreed to consolidate several initiatives into a comprehensive action plan.

"Over the next few weeks, we will consolidate several initiatives into an action plan for implementation over the next two years and institutionalise the relationship in that way.

“We will take direct responsibility for overseeing the implementation of this plan, ensuring that we deliver on these commitments," he said.

He highlighted that the cornerstone of economic relations between South Africa and Saudi Arabia has been guided by the structured framework of the Joint Economic Commission.

“Within the Joint Economic Commission, we have the South Africa and Saudi Arabia Joint Business Council, which has cemented and strengthened our commercial and economic linkages,” Minister Tau said.

He underscored the importance of diversifying South Africa’s trade profile, moving beyond a commodity-based relationship.

Trade between the two countries has shown significant growth, with South Africa's exports to Saudi Arabia increasing from USD$6.6 billion in 2022 to USD$8.1 billion in 2023. However, the trade relationship remains skewed in favour of Saudi Arabia.

“Our collective efforts over the years have shown notable growth in overall trade. As a country, we want to enhance our export of value-added goods and services to Saudi Arabia.

“It is important that, as we strive for a mutually beneficial trading relationship, we intensify cooperation in value-added sectors such as agro-processing, infrastructure, minerals beneficiation, services, technology and skills transfer, healthcare, automotive and agriculture,” Minister Tau said.

He highlighted the opportunities presented by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and encouraged Saudi businesses to explore investment prospects in South Africa.

"Just as Saudi Arabia is positioned as the gateway to the Middle East, South Africa is the gateway to a dynamic continent with great prospects.

“We encourage Saudi companies to utilise South Africa's strengths and take advantage of the free movement of goods, services, and people across Africa.

“I also want to call on South African businesses to be part of the new momentum of international investors coming into South Africa. Our opportunities for investment span sectors such as renewable energy, oil storage and refining, tourism, hospitality, and the ocean economy,” he said.

Minister Tau expressed optimism about the future of South Africa-Saudi Arabia relations.

“I am encouraged by the enthusiasm of Saudi Arabian and South African businesses. I sincerely believe that the strong ties of goodwill between our countries will translate into strong economic gains,” he said.

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The Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT) notes and welcomes the great news of South Africa’s significant improvement in the United Nations (UN) e-Government Index of 2024.
South Africa has improved its ranking from 65 in 2022 to 40 in 2024, out of 193 countries in the UN eGov Development Index. This places the country among well-established economies. South Africa is now leading in Africa, followed by Mauritius (ranked 76) and Tunisia (ranked 87). South Africa and Mauritius are the leaders in e-government development in Africa. For the first time, these countries are part of the very high UN E-Government Index (EGDI) group—a reflection of the advancements achieved in digital government skills, services and infrastructure.

The UN E-Government Survey is a biennial project and publication created by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) starting in 2001. The survey evaluates the e-government development status of all 193 UN Member States.

Over more than two decades, it has accumulated a rich body of data sets, analysis, and insights regarding the e-government performance of governments all over the world. The survey aims to facilitate the global achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the vision of leaving no one behind and offline in the digital age.

The UN conducts a UN E-Government Survey every two years and South Africa participates by providing inputs by national stakeholders, coordinated by the DCDT.

E-government development is monitored by the United Nations (EGDI), which measures progress at the national level. The EGDI is a composite calculated from the weighted average of three normalised indices.

One-third is derived from the Telecommunications Infrastructure Index (TII) based on data provided by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), one-third from the Human Capital Index (HCI) based on data mainly provided by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), and one-third from the Online Service Index (OSI) based on data collected from an independent online assessment, conducted by UN DESA, which assesses the national online presence of all 193 United Nations Member States, complemented by a Member State Questionnaire (MSQ).

The great performance by South Africa and Mauritius underscores the region’s growing commitment to implementing digital government initiatives aimed at enhancing service delivery, increasing transparency, encouraging e-participation, and strengthening both digital infrastructure and human capital.

The great improvement in the rankings by South Africa is attributed to the multi-stakeholder approach in the implementation of the National e-Government Strategy. The 2019–2024 Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) of government’s sixth administration made provision for the DCDT to ensure the implementation of the National e-Government Strategy and Roadmap in the Public Sector to realise digitised government services for the whole government by 2030.

The DCDT, assisted by the State Information Technology Agency (SITA) as an execution arm, has jointly developed the National e-Government portal. From the onset, the key aims were to develop a solution that provides government with a single view of the citizen and vice versa and ensures that government services are available 24/7 with minimal human interaction. A solution which provides citizens with convenience through a single point of access to government services, reduced turnaround times, which minimises duplication and loss of documentation.

One that eliminates queuing by citizens and business operators, which increases accuracy and reduces waste, one which encourages more citizens to consume government services that are available. The objective was to automate the interface between government and those whom it serves by creating seamless, easy-to-use digital touchpoints along the journey of this interaction.

A total of 255 government services have been identified for digitisation in consultation with Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) and Government Communication and Information System (GCIS), with the aim of modernising the government business processes for improvement of efficiencies in the public service.

The other key contribution to South Africa’s impressive ranking is the drafting of the Data and Cloud Strategy, and the National AI Plan. Since 2018, the survey has also assessed selected city portals of UN Member States using a largely similar methodology, leading to the creation of the Local Online Service Index (LOSI) to measure the advancement in e-Government development with comparable features at the city level.

Key South African cities have also developed portals to offer e-services to citizens. The survey measures the e-Government performance of countries and cities in comparison to one another, as opposed to being an absolute assessment of a certain country and city. This method recognises that each country and city should be able to decide upon the level and extent of its e-government initiatives to achieve national development priorities and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The survey serves as a benchmarking and development tool for advancing digital transformation, allowing national and local governments to learn from each other, identify areas of strength and challenges in e-Government, and shape their policies and strategies for future improvement.

In welcoming this great improvement in the rankings by South Africa, Minister Solly Malatsi highlights that, “as the digital economy gains rapid momentum around the world, South Africa needs to accelerate its National e-Government Programme.

“The intention is to see fewer queues for ID’s and passport documents and make the application process more seamless for our people. Our elderly should not wait in queues from early hours of the morning in healthcare facilities to obtain medication. Licenses, permits and many more government services should be paid online.

We strive to continue our efforts to digitally transform our public service to ensure that this vision is achieved. Our continued collaboration with the UN on e-Government is therefore critical to ensure that we continue to contribute to the UN e-Government Development Index, but also share knowledge on global policy and technology trends that South Africa can leverage on.”

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The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment has undertaken a bold initiative designed to elevate the country’s parks to world-renowned tourism destinations.
This will be achieved through the new Kruger, Kirstenbosch-iSimangaliso Icon Status Strategy, or KISS, which is focussed on reforming each of these iconic sites into world-class destinations that set new standards for conservation, education, and sustainable tourism.

“Throughout the seventh administration, we will reimagine each of our botanical and zoological gardens of the future. It will involve integrating cutting-edge technologies, enhancing visitor experiences, and implementing innovative conservation practices.

“By modernising infrastructure and embracing digital innovations, we aim to transform these destinations into more accessible and engaging experiences for all visitors, both local and international,” Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Dr Dion George said on Tuesday, 15 October 2024, in Cape Town.

Addressing the media on his 100 days in office, the Minister said that elevating these iconic sites will inspire a deeper appreciation for the country’s environment and reinforce South Africa's leadership in global conservation initiatives.
“However, the transformation of these sites will span beyond environmental stewardship and into economic development. The KISS initiative will aim to create new jobs in the green economy and provide opportunities in fields such as environmental science, sustainable tourism, and wildlife management.

“By investing in training and capacity-building programmes, we will empower local communities and foster inclusive growth from the ground up. Moreover, as South Africa prepares to assume the Group of Twenty (G20) Presidency next year, we see a unique opportunity to showcase these world-class sites on the global stage,” the Minister explained.

He said his department plans to host key G20 meetings and international conferences at locations like Kirstenbosch and the Kruger National Park, which will position South Africa as a premier destination for future global dialogues on sustainability and conservation-driven economic development.

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Thanks to the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), a local company is finalising its expansion refurbishments—given the massive growth in its exports to the United States (US)
DC Foods is housed at the Coega Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Gqeberha, where it manufactures a range of frozen fruit and ice cream products, which it exports mainly to the US market.

According to the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic), DC Foods was established in 1996, initially earmarking Japan as an export destination for its products, with a modest staff complement of 160 workers.

As the company grew and needed bigger facilities, it settled for the Coega SEZ as the new home for its manufacturing plant.

The company’s Financial Manager, Marc Larter, says it is the benefits derived from AGOA that have put the company on an upward trajectory.

AGOA is a trade agreement that provides eligible sub-Saharan African countries with duty-free access to the US market for over 1800 products, in addition to the more than 5000 products that are eligible for duty-free access under the Generalised System of Preferences programme.

In September, President Cyril Ramaphosa called on US businesses to deepen their investment ties with South Africa, highlighting the country's renewed focus on economic recovery and structural reform.

Speaking at the South Africa-US Interactive Business Forum in New York, the President emphasised the progress made under South Africa's Government of National Unity (GNU) and the vast opportunities available to foreign investors.

He said this is a “timely intervention”—referencing his first visit to the US since South Africa's general elections in May, which led to a coalition government of political parties committed to inclusive growth and job creation.

The President's visit followed the visit of Trade, Industry and Competition Minister, Parks Tau, who concluded a successful visit to the US, where he and a delegation participated in the 21st AGOA Forum that ran from 22 to 26 July 2024.

Larter said that although the company exports to other markets, it is in the US that their business has experienced the largest growth.

“AGOA is a very important part of our business because it allows us to export our products into North America without duties. In essence, if it did not exist, that would have been a major hindrance to our operations.

“We are currently supplying our product to Costco chain stores. Initially we had access to 35% of their stores, and a social media marketing campaign led to a massive demand for our sorbets, and now we supply all Costco stores in the US,” Larter explained.

It is this growth that saw the company needing to expand their factory to create more space for manufacturing. The company has also had to adopt a double-shift production system leading to the employment of more staff.

Larter says in addition to other benefits, including tax incentives, security, and coordinated systems of managing challenges like electricity supply, the location of the Coega SEZ in the Eastern Cape has afforded the company access to workers in the nearby Motherwell township.

The presence of the company has led to the creation of 3 500 jobs for this community.

SEZs have become an important policy tool of choice for the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition to accelerate industrialisation, development and growth.

According to the dtic, Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are geographically designated areas of a country, set aside for specifically targeted economic activities, supported through special arrangements (that may include laws) and systems that are often different from those that apply in the rest of the country.

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South African Airways (SAA) is set to increase a number of flights along both regional and international routes before the end of the year.
SAA has also announced a marked increase in its flight frequencies to several African destinations starting in November 2024.

As reported by Travel News, there will be 12 weekly flights to both Harare, Zimbabwe, and Lusaka, Zambia, an increase from the current ten times a week to Harare and seven to Lusaka, respectively.

Flights to Lagos and Accra are also set to increase from three to four times a week starting November 2024.

In a media release, SAA Interim CEO, Professor John Lamola, said that after rapid route expansion since 2021, the airline now aims to consolidate its position and strengthen its role in connecting Africa.

“South Africa has seen a promising travel recovery this year, with most visitors coming from other parts of Africa. Our strategic growth focuses on expanding routes based on demand and feasibility. We are also guided by our unique mandate as a national carrier to ensure that we help grow South Africa’s economy. Air travel plays a key role in building our tourism and trade links across Africa, which benefits both South Africa and the continent as a whole,” Professor Lamola said as per Travel News.

SAA will also introduce a brand new route from Johannesburg to Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

This new route will kick off on 1 November 2024, with five flights a week from Mondays to Fridays.

Professor Lamola said that there was strong market demand in South Africa and the DRC for direct air connectivity between the countries.

“Demand is driven by business, trade, and the fact that Johannesburg and Lubumbashi are mining powerhouse cities of the continent,” Professor Lamola added.

Internationally, SAA will also offer more direct flights between Perth and Johannesburg from early December 2024.

As previously reported, from 8 December 2024, SAA will increase the frequency of its direct Johannesburg-Perth service to four flights a week, with an increase to five flights a week from 7 January 2025.

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South Africa has been named Africa’s Best Culinary Destination per the World Culinary Awards, following several wins from all sorts of restaurants, from fine dining to farm-to-table offerings.
The 2024 World Culinary Awards praised our country as the top destination for foodies coming to Africa. On top of this, many individual restaurants were also spotlighted as winners of their own sub-categories, while the City of Cape Town was ranked the Best Culinary City Destination across the continent.

Winners From the 2024 World Culinary Awards:
  • Epice—South Africa and Africa’s Best Restaurant
  • Salsify at the Roundhouse—Africa’s Best Landmark Restaurant
  • The 11th Floor—Africa’s Best Rooftop Restaurant
  • TANG V&A Waterfront—Africa’s Best Asian Cuisine Restaurant
  • SALON—Africa’s Best New Restaurant
  • SIBA—The Restaurant @ Table Bay—Africa’s Best Fine Dining Hotel Restaurant
  • Babel @ Babylonstoren—Africa’s Best Farm-to-Table Restaurant.
“We are over the moon to have received this acknowledgement—considering we won Best New Restaurant in 2020—to have been awarded the title of Best Restaurant in Africa only four years later is truly amazing. I couldn’t be prouder of our amazing, hard-working, dedicated team.” Said Charné Sampson, Head Chef of Epice, on the full circle victory.

Additionally, Marble was plated as South Africa’s Best Culinary Experience, while Azure Restaurant @The Twelve Apostles was named South Africa’s Best Hotel Restaurant.

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Seven scientists from the University of Johannesburg (UJ) have been praised among the world’s best thanks to a new list compiled by the likes of Stanford University in collaboration with information and analytics authority Elsevier.
The 2024 list recognises scientists’ reputations and capabilities, evaluating their ranking points based on different factors, including matters like total citations.

These scientists were evaluated across 22 fields and 176 subfields, recognising a myriad of efforts, both career-long and those achieved in a single year.

More than names on paper, the ranking is a powerful door-opener to many opportunities for future endeavours for the scientists, something imperative to South Africa’s growth in the field.

The seven scientists from UJ are:
  • Prof. Samuel Oluwatobi Oluwafemi
  • Prof. Reinout Meijboom
  • Prof. Philiswa Nomngongo
  • Prof. Omotayo Arotiba
  • Prof. Kriveshini Pillay
  • Prof. Friedrich Bickelhaupt (Distinguished Visiting Professor)
  • Prof. Suprakas Sinha Ray (Distinguished Visiting Professor).
“I am delighted to have learnt that seven of our researchers in the Department of Chemical Sciences, including two Distinguished Visiting Professors are among the top 2% globally,” said Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science at UJ, Prof. Annah Moteetee.

“This prestigious recognition highlights the world-class research being conducted at UJ and underscores the significant contributions our faculty members are making to the global scientific community. Their impact not only elevates the reputation of our faculty but also strengthens our position as leaders in scientific advancement on the global stage.”

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Prodigy Desmond Koolen has captured hearts with his extraordinary talents in the arts. His exceptional performances at the South African Championships of Performing Arts earned him an impressive 27 medals and an opportunity to represent the country at the World Championships.

Desmond’s talent shone bright at the South African Championships of Performing Arts, where he bagged a jaw-dropping 27 medals.

The young performer got five gold, six silver, and four bronze medals for his individual performances. He also received an additional four gold, four silver and four bronze medals in his respective group performances at the event held in Rustenburg from 21 to 29 September 2024.

Desmond’s vocal and acting skills speak for themselves. He further secured overall achievement awards and the highest scores in the 5-12 age group for his vocal and acting performances, respectively.

According to his school, St David’s Marist Inanda, Desmond is set to fly the South African flag high, as he’s also been chosen to represent Team South Africa at the World Championships of Performing Arts in Los Angeles in 2025.

“Well done Desi, we look forward to holding testament to your future achievements and successes,” St David’s Marist Inanda congratulated.

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South African artist, Jake Michael Singer, is to represent our country amid the world’s top contemporary artists in a prestigious exhibition overlooking none other than the Pyramids of Giza.
Thousands of years later, the Pyramids of Giza still stand magnificently as a glimpse into the world of ancients. They are arguably one of the most fascinating structures from the Bronze Age and unique structures that evoke as much (if not more) awe now as they did back then.

Considering that the pyramids have seen more of human history unfold than almost any other trope of engineering around the world, it goes without saying that it’s no small feat to showcase art among them. But, if you’re celebrated South African contemporary artist Jake Michael Singer, that feat is soon to be a reality.

Singer, who is based in Johannesburg and Istanbul, is set to mark a big mark on the global art scene with his participation in Forever Is Now.04, an internationally acclaimed outdoor art exhibition.

Planned to take place on the famous plateau overlooking the pyramids, Singer is one of 12 leading contemporary artists from all over the world who will be taking part.

A celebration of art, history and culture, Singer will be representing South Africa with his sculpture We Will Meet Again in the Sky.

A monumental work that boasts five metres in height, the piece moulds themes of connection, transcendence and collective memory into an interpretation of the ancient Egyptian bird Bennu.

In Egyptian mythology, Bennu is a symbol of creation and rebirth, transcending the boundaries of the physical and the eternal.

“Participating in Forever Is Now.04 is a profound moment for me,” says the artist.

“The setting amidst the ancient Pyramids of Giza is deeply inspiring and resonates with the themes of my work. I hope We Will Meet Again in the Sky will spark reflection and dialogue among viewers from all corners of the globe.”

Forever Is Now.04 will run from 24 October 2024 to 16 November 2024.

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A Western Cape film has been selected as South Africa’s Academy Awards entry in the Best International Feature Film category.
South Africa has selected Old Righteous Blues, the drama by Muneera Sallies, to compete for the Best International Feature Film award at next year’s 97th Academy Awards.

As reported by Cape Town Etc, the National Film and Video Foundation recently announced the film as one of the last entries announced for the category.

The South African Academy Awards Selection Committee made their decision after an extensive judging process, which included scored reviews and thorough deliberations.

What’s Old Righteous Blues about?

The film, which centres around a young man’s pursuit to unite a broken community by restoring the Old Righteous Blues Christmas Choir Band (Kerskoor) to its former glory, was inspired by an original idea from writer and producer Carol Shore, who has long-since had the desire to create a film about the Kerskoor band.

“It is an intense glimpse into the life of a young man, a family, and a community. More than that, it is an intense glimpse into a journey and into the heart of brotherhood, tapping into immense stores of pain, love, dreams, and courage,” Muneera Sallies said.

Old Righteous Blues is a deeply moving narrative about a young man’s journey to overcome personal limitations and rise above the ghosts of the past to unite a fractured community. Set against the backdrop of a divided town, the film follows the protagonist as he attempts to restore the once-glorious Old Righteous Blues Christmas Choir Band (Kerskoor) to its former stature. However, he is confronted with the long-standing consequences of a bitter feud started by his father two decades earlier, which split the choir in two and devastated the community. For twenty years, street battles ensued, families were torn apart, and loyalties were tested as the two rival bands claimed ownership of the town’s Kerskoor with destructive and violent consequences.” the National Film and Video Foundation wrote in their release.

Already a winner

The movie has also already won its share of awards: 11 altogether at Silwerskermfees, Romford Film Festival 2024 and Panther City Film Festivals.

Some of the awards include:
  • Best Supporting Actor, Silwerskermfees 2023: Joshwin Dyson
  • Best Director, Romford Film Festival 2024: Muneera Sallies
  • Best Actor, Romford Film Festival 2024: Ayden Croy, and
  • Best Supporting Actor, Panther City Film Festival 2024: Stefan Erasmus.
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After one of the nerviest net sessions in the history of net sessions, the Proteas Women’s team can’t wait to face Australia in the semi-finals of the ICC Women's T20 World Cup in the United Arab Emirates.
The Proteas were practising with one eye on the match between the West Indies and England, with all three teams still in with a chance of making the final four. However, they found out their fate during the change of innings, as the match turned into a shootout between the other two following England’s knock.

In the end, the West Indies progressed to the semis by topping the group, while the South Africans finished second and will now face world champions Australia in the knockout round on Thursday, 17 October 2024.

"I was really stressing out [during training]; my fingers were crossed the whole time. I was praying that at least we make it to the semis, because I know we've been working hard and I feel like we deserve to play in the semis as well,“ ace Proteas spinner Nonkululeko Mlaba said.

“I'm very excited to hear the news. I mean, we deserve it, honestly, and I can't wait for the semis.”

The semi-final is a rerun of last year’s final when the Aussies won a close match in Cape Town.

Mlaba says she is already mentally prepared to face the Australians, who will again go into the match as favourites. However, as was seen on Tuesday when the highly fancied English were blown away by the Windies, anything can happen in this strange game called cricket.

“I can't control what's going to happen. But obviously I knew if we make it to the semis, we play Australia. So, in my head, I was already in that picture,” Mlaba said.

Mlaba has been superb for the Proteas, taking nine wickets so far in the tournament with a best bowling performance of 4/29 in their opening win against the West Indies.

However, she credited the work of her teammates for her performances, while they, in turn, will be hoping she makes an impact against a dangerous Australian batting line-up.

“Without this team, I don't think that would have been possible, because they were there throughout, catching the balls, getting behind me,” Mlaba said.

“So, I think we really need each other because we're playing as a team. So for me to take nine wickets, it's not coming only from me but for the team as well. It's ours, actually, it's not mine.”

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Hugo Broos was a happy man after Bafana Bafana hammered Congo in their Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) qualifier in Gqeberha on Friday evening, 11 October 2024.
Teboho Mokoena grabbed the headlines with two brilliant first-half goals to get the team going.

Further goals by Bathusi Aubaas, Lyle Foster and Iqraam Rayners rounded off a complete performance for Broos’ team.

Reacting after the game, Broos was happy with how they started the game and how they snuffed out any opportunities that Congo tried to create throughout the 90 minutes.

“I think that it was amazing—the way we started the game, the way we played football,” the Belgian Broos was quoted by Safa media.

“This was something that I always wanted to see from this team, and we did it also in the AFCON (in the beginning of the year in Côte d’Ivoire).

“But today it was really fantastic. Many goals, five goals, good football, modern football, forward football, high rhythm in the game. And it shows again what a group of players I have. A group of players I’m very proud of, and I have said it already before. But those guys know when they have to perform.

“We had a little decompression in September, and we talked about it. And then you see the reaction today. Those guys wanted to make a statement, and they made a statement with good football. But it’s only three points and next Tuesday we have another game. Those five goals don’t count, so we have to prepare ourselves.”

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Curro Hazeldean’s under-17 boys relay team stunned local supporters and the world at large by breaking the U18 World Record in the U18 4x100m relay.
The high school’s under-17 boys stunned the crowd at the NWU Top 30 Schools Athletic Series held in Potchefstroom by becoming the fastest U18 relay team in the world.

The athletes set a new World U18 Best record, clocking a time of 39.92s in the 4x100m relay. The previous best time of 39.95 was held by a team from the United States.

“It is unheard of that a school relay team can hold a world-best relay time,” said Coach Thabo after the amazing performance.

Matodzi Ndou, Inam Dlunge, Adam Motloung, and Zattu Hlongwane’s names will be recorded in World Athletics history as the fastest U18 4×100m relay team ever.

The school is also home to the “fastest teenager on the planet”, Bayanda Walaza, who not only shone at the 2024 Olympics this year but also dominated the track at the Athletics U20 Championships in Peru in August, clinching gold in the men’s 100m race.

Not only are these young men inspiring future generations of South African runners to reach for the stars, but they have also filled us with pride and elevated the country’s stature in the competitive world of track and field.

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Nicole Hasell, a 23-year-old powerlifting sensation, is smashing records and putting South Africa on the global stage with 13 national and African records under her belt and a heart set on more.
At just 23 years old, Nicole has achieved what many only dream of. A powerhouse in the world of powerlifting, she has shattered records and earned a place in the upper echelons of international sport. Since she started competing in 2022, Nicole has set an incredible three South African records and a staggering 10 African records, solidifying her place as one of the continent’s top athletes. And Nicole’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. A fifth-year Veterinary Medicine student from Pretoria, she recently returned from competing at the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) World Championships in Malta. There, she took home an impressive fourth place in the deadlift and finished sixth overall in the fiercely competitive junior U57kg division. Her achievements aren’t just personal wins; they are victories for South Africa as a whole.

But Nicole’s success didn’t come overnight. She began her athletic journey as a high-performance gymnast before transitioning into weightlifting and CrossFit. It was here that she found her passion for powerlifting, falling in love with the squat, bench, and deadlift. Her personal bests tell the story of her grit and determination: a 425kg total in the gym and 400kg in competition.

Nicole’s potential is undeniable, and with each lift, she shows the world what it means to push boundaries and break barriers. South African athletes like Nicole make us proud. Their relentless pursuit of excellence, their passion for their craft, and their representation of our country on the global stage fill us with immense pride. Nicole is part of a legacy of South African sportspeople who remind us of the strength that comes from hard work, dedication, and belief in oneself.

With 13 records under her belt and an unwavering commitment to her sport, there’s no limit to what she can achieve.

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Earlier this year, Brad Cox competed in the Dakar Rally, which was described as one of the most challenging races on record, where he put on an impressive performance in the Rally2 category, finishing 13th overall in the Bike Category.
This incredible racer now has his sights firmly set on the 2025 Dakar Rally, where he will compete in the RallyGP class for the first time.

His exceptional achievement caught the attention of the Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture of South Africa, Gayton McKenzie, who took to social media to congratulate the young competitor, saying: “26-year-old South African Bradley Cox has won the World Rally 2 (W2RC) Raid Championship for 2024. This is really fitting because next year we are hosting the big one, W2RC, in South Africa.”

The Minister is referencing the fact that South Africa is set to host the third round of the World Rally-Raid Championship (W2RC) from 18 to 24 May 2025 in North West and Limpopo. The event will feature diverse terrain, with the race route traversing bushveld plateaus, river crossings, and savannah plains in the areas of Sun City, Thabazimbi, and the agricultural heart of North West.

Excitement is mounting for the event following Brad’s impressive win on his new 2025 KTM 450 Rally Factory Replica as a privateer rather than a factory rider, which is made even more special by the fact that friend and mentor Ross Branch (Botswana) won the RallyGP World Championship in Morocco.

RallyGP is the top moto class, with riders and manufacturers eligible for the World Championship in FIM rankings.

This class is only open to the most experienced competitors, while Rally2 is available to any rider not yet considered RallyGP. With his recent victory, Brad will now compete in the next Dakar Rally in the RallyGP class.

Speaking after the event, Brad, who shares his passion for the sport with his father, the ex-KTM factory rider, Alfie Cox, said: “Coming in, I was down eight points and while there was a chance to be champion, really the week had to fall perfectly for me, and it did. From the start, I had my goal set and put my head down, knowing that for the next five days I would do whatever it takes to win—and that’s what happened! Every day I got better and better.

“Having the title ‘World Champion’ next to your name is great, and I’m really proud. Proud of the effort it took and the sacrifices to get to this point. It’s not just me; it's my team, my family, my sponsors. It’s a massive group effort and to have it payoff is amazing. Now we get ready for Dakar. This is a building block and has given me the confidence, and hopefully, Dakar can go as well as this week has!”

Commenting on Brad’s performance, Bart van der Velden, the BAS World KTM Racing Team Manager said, “It was great to see that all the training and hard work he’s put in over the last few years has paid off. In the past year-and-a-half, Brad has taken big steps in his navigation and his training. It’s been a lot of effort, so everyone in the team is really happy for him. I’m confident in the upcoming Dakar. Morocco was a test—the first outing on the new bike—and we’re all so happy it worked out.”

Earlier this year, Brad competed in the Dakar Rally, which was described as one of the most challenging races on record, where he put on an impressive performance in the Rally2 category, finishing 13th overall in the Bike Category. He was also the only South African to make it to the Top 20 overall in the contest.

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Cabinet calls on South Africans to show their support for Mamelodi Sundowns and Bafana Bafana goalkeeper Ronwen Williams, who has been nominated as one of the 10 best goalkeepers in the world, at the Ballon d'Or awards for the Yachine Trophy.
South Africans are urged to vote by casting their votes on

Williams is the first South African player to be nominated for the Yachine Trophy at the Ballon d'Or awards.

“The 68th edition of the awards ceremony will take place on 28 October 2024 in Parys. Until then, we can vote for Williams in both English and French,” Cabinet said in a statement.

Williams, who won the Goalkeeper of the Tournament award in the January/February 2023 Africa Cup of Nations in Ivory Coast, has unexpectedly jumped ahead in the polls, leading the pack by 69.6% thus far.

“Ronza”, as he is referred to with great affection, received nominations for one of the top 10 goalkeepers in the world due to his exceptional play at both the club and international levels.

The 32-year-old goalie will face off against some of the greatest players in the world, including Mike Maignan of AC Milan, Andre Lounine of Real Madrid and Emiliano Martinez of Argentina, who won the World Cup.

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