Joint Communiqué of the 19th Regional Summit on Burundi, Arusha, 1-2 December 2002

1. At the invitation of H.E President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of the Republic of Uganda, Chairman of the Regional Peace Initiative on Burundi, Presidents Benjamin Mkapa of Tanzania, Thabo Mbeki of South Africa and Chairman of the African Union, Pierre Buyoya of Burundi, The Rt. Hon. Meles Zenawi of The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Vice President Enock Kavindele of Zambia, the Hon. Emmanuel Ondo Methogo, Deputy Prime Minister of Gabon, the Hon. Godana Bonaya, Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kenya, the Hon. Kikaya bin Karubi, Minister of Information of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Hon. Lindiwe Sisulu, Minister of Intelligence Services of South Africa and the Honourable Aziz Pahad, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Africa, attended the 19th Regional Summit on Burundi in Arusha from 1st to 2nd December, 2002.

2. Also present were the Facilitator of the Burundi ceasefire talks, Deputy President Jacob Zuma of South Africa, Ambassador Berhanu Dinka, Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in Burundi, Ambassador Mamadou Bah, representing the African Union as well as the representatives of the CNDD-FDD movement.

3. The Regional summit received a report by the Deputy President Jacob Zuma, on the outcome of the endeavours he has undertaken in the search for a cease-fire in Burundi, since the 18th Regional Summit held in Dar es Salaam from 6th to 7th October, 2002.

4. After extensive discussions involving President Pierre Buyoya of Burundi, on the one hand, and Pierre Nkurunziza the leader of the CNDD-FDD on the other hand, the transitional Government of Burundi and CNDD-FDD agreed to a ceasefire with effect from the date of the signature of the Ceasefire Agreement.

5. The Summit welcomed the signing of a ceasefire agreement between the National Council for the Defence of Democracy-Forces for the Defence of Democracy (CNDD-FDD) of Pierre Nkurunziza and the Transitional Government of Burundi.

6. The Summit also noted the long and arduous process that preceded the conclusion of the agreement, and commends the two parties on taking this bold, crucial and patriotic step towards peace in the country.

7. The Regional Summit further directed that following the ceasefire agreement, CNDD-FDD will become a political party under a new law governing political parties to be promulgated by the broadened Transitional Government.

8. The Regional Summit also directed that CNDD-FDD will take part in the power sharing arrangements of the Transitional Government, the details of which will be discussed by the parties concerned.

9. The Regional Summit called on the International Community to render assistance in looking after the welfare of the assembled combatants and to work out packages for those that will not be absorbed in the Integration process of the new army. Particular attention to be paid to the combatants and civilians who have been maimed as a result of the war.

10. The Regional Summit expressed its deep gratitude to:
· President Mkapa, the Government and people of Tanzania for the cordial welcome and hospitality extended to all participants of the nineteenth Regional Summit on Burundi.
· The Facilitator Deputy President Jacob Zuma and the Facilitation team for the efforts they have deployed in the search for peace and encourage them to continue in their endeavours until peace is attained in Burundi.
· The United Nations, through the Special Representative of the Secretary General to Burundi, Ambassador Berhanu Dinka.
· The African Union, through the Special Representative of the Secretary General to Burundi, Ambassador Mamadou Bah.

Done at Arusha, Tanzania, on the 2nd of December, 2002.

Issued by the Presidency

3 December 2002

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