Joint Communiqué of the Sixth Session of the South Africa - Iran Joint Commission, 4-5 February 2002 (Corresponding to 15-16 Bahman 1380), Tehran

At the invitation of His Excellency Dr Kamal Kharrazi, Esteemed Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Her Excellency Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Esteemed Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Africa led a high-ranking South African government and private sector delegation, to the 6th Session of the Iran-SA Joint Commision in Tehran from 3rd to 5th February 2002 (corresponding to 14th – 17th Bahman 1380).

The SA delegation included Her Excellency Minister of Health Dr. Manto Tshabalala-Msimang; Director-General of Minerals and Energy Adv. Sandile Nogxina; the Chief State Law Advisor Adv. Enver Daniels; officials from the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology; South African Police Services, Trade and Industry and representatives of Denel, Sasol, Mossgas, Bateman and Global Railway Engineering

During the visit, Her Excellency Dr Dlamini Zuma met and conferred with His Excellency Hashemi Rafsanjani Esteemed Chairman of Expediency Discernment Council; His Excellency Karoubi Esteemed Speaker of Parliament; His Excellency Dr Aref Esteemed First Vice President; Her Excellency Dr H E Ebtekar Esteemed Vice President for Environmental Protection; His Excellency Mr Jahanghiri Esteemed Minister of Mines and Industry and His Excellency Mr Kamal Kharrazi, Esteemed Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran

The main purpose of the visit of Her Excellency Dr Dlamini Zuma was to co-chair the 6th session of the Joint Commission between South Africa and Iran, with His Excellency Mr Kharrazi, Esteemed Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran.

During the inauguration ceremony of the 6th Joint Commission, the two Foreign Ministers expressed their satisfaction over the existing Bilateral Relations with regard to the various fields of cooperation between the two countries. The two sides established two working Groups, namely Political and Social; and Economic and Technical.

Mr Moayyer, Director General of Africa, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran and Dr Sooklal, Acting Deputy Director General of Asia and Australasia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Africa co-chaired the Political and Social working group. Mr Afkham, Director General of African and Arabian Countries of the Ministry of Commerce of Iran and Mr Byneveldt, Director of North Africa and Middle East of the Ministry of Trade and Industry of South African co-chaired the Economic and Technical Working Group.

The Joint Commission reviewed the progress in mutual relations since the fifth session which was held in Pretoria in August 2000. Both sides paid special attention to the expanding political, social, economic, scientific and technological cooperation. Further discussions also explored cooperation in commercial, customs, banking, tourism, health, sport, energy and telecommunications.

During the 6th Joint Commission session in Tehran, His Excellency Dr Kamal Kharrazi, Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Her Excellency Dr Dlamini Zuma, South African Foreign Minister signed the Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) on Co-operation Against Drug Trafficking.


During the deliberations, both parties exchanged views and agreed on the following:

The establishment of the African Union was welcomed as an important milestone on the African continent which will further enhance the prospects of peace, stability, security and economic regeneration.
Both sides reviewed domestic and regional issues in Africa and recognised African endeavors in creating climate for peace, security and stability.

Both sides placed emphasis on greater co-operation on Multilateral issues and to advance the concept of Dialogue Among Civilisations as well as the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). Both the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of South Africa agreed to promote further understanding of the rich and diverse cultures of Africa, Asia and Islam, and committed themselves to work towards the holding of a conference focused on the interaction between these rich cultures.

The Republic of South Africa welcomed the offer by the Islamic Republic of Iran to work with the African continent in advancing the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). The Islamic Republic of Iran extended an invitation to the NEPAD Secretariat in Pretoria to visit Tehran in order to discuss further interaction between the Islamic Republic of Iran and with NEPAD.

Both sides called for closer co-operation among member states of Southern African Development Community (SADC) and Economic Co-operation Organisation (ECO) which is head-quartered in Tehran.

The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of South Africa regret the negative statements uttered against Iran, Iraq and North Korea in the context of international terrorism. Both countries are committed to promoting dialogue rather than confrontation amongst civilizations and fostering understanding between nations of the world and creating a peaceful and stable international environment.

On the issue of international terrorism both countries reiterated their commitment to combat this terrorism and work towards eradicating this scourge from the world.

The two sides discussed developments in the Middle East and agreed that the recognition of the legitimate right to self-determination of the Palestinian People, return of all Palestinian and Arab Occupied Territory and the establishment of a Palestinian State are prerequisites for a comprehensive, lasting and just peace in the region.

Both parties expressed deep concern at the continued deterioration of the security situation in the Middle East and called upon Israelis and Palestinians to resume dialogue in order to find a peaceful and speedy resolution to the conflict.

Both parties welcomed the international community’s endeavors in the reconstruction of Afghanistan and pledged its continuous support for the Interim Administration.

Both sides emphasised the need for the international community to adhere to, and to enhance the need for universality, indivisibility, inalienability, continuity and interdependence of basic Human Rights and fundamental freedoms. The Republic of South Africa invited the Islamic Republic of Iran to interact with the South African Commission for Human Rights and other stakeholders, both Governmental and non-governmental, to further enhance mutual understanding and the promotion of Human Rights domestically and internationally.

Both countries considered that weapons of mass destruction are a serious threat to humanity and undermine international security. They called for support in dismantling such weapons, and to this end they reconfirmed their adherence to the provisions of non proliferation and disarmament treaties and asked for the universality of these treaties and full implementation of their provisions.

Further, both sides underscored the need to respect the various dimensions of strategy towards political, economic, social and cultural rights, particularly the right to development.

Both sides condemned explicitly and unconditionally all forms of terrorism and agreed on the need to discuss the concept of terrorism in order to arrive at an internationally acceptable definition under the auspices of the UN.
The Iranian delegation has expressed its support to South Africa on hosting the UN Global Summit on Sustainable Development to be held in Johannesburg, from 26 August to 04 September 2002.The Iranian delegation expressed its readiness to co-operate with South Africa in ensuring the successful outcome of the Summit.

The two sides, welcomed the expansion of the Bilateral Co-operation and called for the further promotion of these relations. In this context, the Iranian side reiterated its invitation to SA’s Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr, Frene Ginwala to visit Iran.

The two sides stressed the need for co-operation to fight against organized crime and to explore working towards an agreement on extradition of criminals. The South African Police Service and Drug Control Headquarters of the Islamic Republic of Iran have finalised a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of drug control which will be signed after final consideration by the Government of the Republic of South Africa

Both sides agreed to exchange information and expertise in the fields of healthcare, pharmaceuticals and education, including the exchange of academics and students, the offering of scholarships and joint research co-operation in the science , technological and telecommunication fields.

(Health Matters)


The parties further:

Expressed satisfaction in the increasing volume of trade; resolved to remove obstacles in the expansion of economic relations and further agreed to address the trade balance between the two countries.

Both sides agreed to encourage interaction between the Chambers of Commerce of the two countries including the exchange of delegations to explore new grounds of co-operation and trade opportunities.

Both sides agreed with the visit of the Iranian delegation to South Africa in 2002 to finalise and sign the Agreement on Customs Co-operation based on the model of International Customs Organisation.

Both sides stated their readiness to exchange experience and expert delegations in various fields of housing, city planning and the transfer of technology and to encourage the private sector to invest in all sectors of the economy in both countries.
The lists of the names of the participating delegations of South Africa and the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Sixth Joint Commission is attached to this MOU.
The two sides agreed to hold the 7th Joint Commission in Pretoria next year, upon date of which they shall agree.
Minister Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma thanked the Government and people of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the generous hospitality accorded to her and the South African delegation.
Done at Tehran on 5th February 2002 corresponding to 15th of Bahman 1380 in English and Farsi, both being equally authentic.

For further information contact Basetsane Thokoane on 083 443 7740

5 February 2002

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