Statement by Deputy Minister Aziz Pahad on the Current Situation in the Middle East Crisis

The South African Government expresses grave concern at the ever-deteriorating security situation in Israel and Palestine. The South African Government believes that the escalation of the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians only serves the interests of extremists and fundamentalists in both societies, and not those of peace and security for both the Israeli and Palestinian people.

The South African Government therefore calls on the Israelis and Palestinians, in their masses, to reach out to each other in the interest of peace and security for all. Israelis and Palestinians need to continue to assure each other of the vision for a future of mutually beneficial co-existence as sovereign, independent and prosperous peoples.

The South African Government calls on the international community to remobilise and to launch an unprecedented international campaign to bring about a speedy resumption of negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians and the creation of a sovereign, viable and prosperous Palestinian State, living in peace with the State of Israel, in order to avoid a looming catastrophe in the Middle East. As part of this process, the international community should redouble its efforts to empower both the Israelis and Palestinians to defeat the dangerous forces of extremism, violence, terrorism, fundamentalism and bombastic militarism.

The South African Government believes that the encouraging resurgence in the peace movement in both Israel and Palestine, as embodied in the growing support for the ‘Peace Coalition’, is the clearest indication that despite the terrible and destructive violence being perpetrated on innocent Israelis and Palestinians, there is still hope that a speedy resumption of negotiations between the two peoples, and a negotiated settlement of the Middle East conflict, are within reach.

We re-iterate our belief that there is clearly no military solution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine. For confirmation of this, the Israelis need to look no further than the lessons offered by their bitter experience in Southern Lebanon.

The South African Government believes that, although the Israelis and Palestinians are going through the darkest hour of their co-existence, their conflict is neither inevitable, intractable nor permanent. It does not need to be prolonged for a day longer.

South Africans know from their own experience that, when there is sufficient political will on both sides of a conflict to reach a common negotiated, shared and mutually beneficial understanding, no problem is beyond resolution and no force can defeat the momentum for peace.

The South African Government believes that Israelis and Palestinians are capable of reaching a negotiated settlement much sooner than is generally thought. It is up to both sides to work towards a shared vision for a peaceful future, without procrastination, in order to ensure that future generations in both societies grow up in an environment of peace, security and good neighbourliness.

It is the ongoing wanton, senseless and vengeful destruction of the institutions of the Palestinian National Authority and the misplaced belief that Palestinian national self-determination in their own land can either be delayed or enhanced by violence and terrorism that daily postpone the realisation of the dream of every Israeli and Palestinian for security and peaceful mutual co-existence.

The time to act for peace is now.

For further information contact Ronnie Mamoepa on 082 990 4853Bheki Khumalo on 083 256 9133


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27 FEBRUARY 2002

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