Media Statement on the Meeting Between Deputy Minister A Pahad and the Israeli Ambassador

The Deputy Minister today, Friday 5 April, held a meeting with Israeli Ambassador, Tova Herzl, to convey a message from the South African Government to the Israeli Government. He informed the Ambassador that it is the South African Government's view that Israel should:

· immediately implement UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution 1402 as expressed unanimously by the UNSC's adoption of resolution 1403 today Friday 5 April;
· allow international diplomatic representatives to enter Ramallah and have access to their offices today, Friday 5 April.

Additionally, that the Arab Group has this week conveyed the view to the South African Government that the current military offensive by Israel is leading to a situation where there is serious talk of imposing sanctions against Israel. They further suggested that Israel is at a crossroad and must choose between the path of peace and international partnership or war and the consequences of punitive measures and isolation from the international community.

Following the adoption of UNSC 1403, in the early hours of Friday 5 April, which "demands the implementation of its resolution 1402 (31st March 2002) without delay", the South African Government called an urgent meeting with the Israeli Ambassador to convey our view that Israel should comply with this resolution.

Resolution 1402 calls for a cease-fire; the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Palestinian cities; the parties' full co-operation with General Zinni, and for the implementation of the Tenet Plan and Mitchell recommendations.

The South African Government welcomes the statement by US President George Bush on Thursday 4 April, demanding that Israel withdraws its forces. It is encouraged by his decision to send Secretary of State, Colin Powell, to the region.

"The unprecedented adoption of two UNSC resolutions within a week demonstrates that the international community will not condone the continuation of massive Israeli military aggression against Palestinian towns and cities. South Africa notes the blunt statement made by the UN Secretary General last night in which he told Israel that the right to self-defence is not a blank cheque and that the fight against terrorism does not justify human rights abuses and violations of international humanitarian law just as the Palestinians must acknowledge that terrorism could never be justified", the Deputy Minister said.

"The South African Government believes that Israel has no right or jurisdiction to refuse our diplomatic representative to Palestine access to our Mission in Ramallah and that we today join other nations to insist that diplomats to Palestine be allowed to carry out their duties.

Our Chargé d'Affaires, Hannelie Booysen, along with the rest of the diplomatic community in Palestine, has been unable to enter Ramallah this week as the town was declared a closed military zone by the Israeli Defence Forces. We cannot accept that the Israeli Government dictates to the international community accredited to Palestine when they can or not function. The South African Government finds this unacceptable and strongly requested that the diplomats be allowed into Ramallah today, Friday 5 April", the Deputy Minister said.

Ambassador Herzl briefed the Deputy Minister on Israel's perspective of the crisis and provided information and documentation supporting Israel's belief that the Palestinian Authority bears a direct responsibility for many of the suicide bombings which killed 124 Israelis last month. The Deputy Minister assured the Ambassador that this information would be appropriately dealt with.

Following the meeting, Deputy Minister Pahad noted that there were increasing calls for the holding of public demonstrations in South Africa against Israel's military offensive in Palestine. Such demonstrations he said, should be peaceful and there should be no hostility shown towards other South Africans due to their support for Israel's current position.

The Deputy Minister reaffirmed the position of South Africa that Israel's attempts to isolate and humiliate President Arafat are a grave error. In this regard, the Deputy Minister drew attention to US Secretary of State Colin Powell's recent assertion that President Arafat remains central to a political solution to the Middle East Crisis.

For further information contact Ronnie Mamoepa on 082 990 4853.

Issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs

Private Bag X152



5 April 2002

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