Statement on the Bus Bombing in Jerusalem on Tuesday, 18 June 2002

FAO: News Editors

From: Manusha Pillai

For immediate release

The South African Government offers condolences to all those bereaved by the bus bombing in Jerusalem, early Tuesday morning. "Such heinous acts must be condemned by all peace loving nations" Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Aziz Pahad said in reaction to the news.

The South African Government further cautions Israel against undertaking retaliatory military actions against Palestinian towns, villages and refugee camps or further efforts to isolate President Arafat and his political administration. "The politics of revenge are far too costly for both sides in the Middle East conflict." Deputy Minister Pahad said.

He went on to say: "I know that South Africans grieve for all those, Israelis and Palestinians, killed and maimed in this bloody conflict. It strikes a particular chord given our own recent history. It also reaffirms to us that the only possible way to achieve peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians is for Israel to immediately end its illegal occupation and return, in good faith, to serious negotiations with the legitimate, elected leadership of the Palestinian people on the basis of UNSC resolutions 242, 338, 1397, 1402, 1403 and 1405 and to seriously apply the land for peace principle as has been done with both Jordan and Egypt."

The South African Government believes that the international community, especially the efforts of the UN Secretary General and the ‘Quartet’, consisting of the US, Russia, the EU and the UN, as well as the Arab League peace proposals, has created an opportunity for both sides to work towards a ‘win win’ situation and thus to break the current cycle of violence and retribution.

For further information contact Ronnie Mamoepa on 082 990 4853.

Issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs

Private Bag X152



19th June 2002

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