Joint Communiqué on the Political Discussions Between Deputy Minister A Pahad and the Deputy State Secretary for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Mr Volodymir Yelchenko, 8 March 2002

At the invitation of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Africa, Mr Aziz Pahad, the Deputy Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Mr Volodymyr Yelchenko, paid an official visit to South Africa from 7 to 9 March 2002.

In terms of the Memorandum of Understanding that was signed in February 1994 between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of South Africa and Ukraine, the two Deputy Ministers on 8 March 2002 held Political Consultations. They focussed on the status of bilateral relations between the two countries and also discussed issues of mutual international concern.

As far as bilateral relations are concerned, the two Deputy Ministers agreed that satisfactory progress has been made towards the achievement of objectives, including the expansion of the legal base in terms of Agreements. In this regard, they announced that negotiations on the Agreement on the Avoidance of Double Taxation have been concluded and that this agreement is ready for signature.

This will take place in Kyiv at an opportune time to be agreed upon in the near future. The two Deputy Ministers exchanged views on an Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Tourism, which agreement will be signed by the respective authorities in the near future.

The two sides also discussed a Programme of Cooperation (POC) in the field of Science and Technology that is currently under consideration by the respective South African and Ukrainian authorities. This POC is aimed at establishing the exchange and cooperation between the two countries in this field and is expected to include the exchange of scientists.

Concerning trade and economic cooperation, the two sides agreed that progress has been made but that the level of activity in this regard is not yet commensurate with the level of political relations. It was agreed that the Embassies of the two countries should increase their marketing efforts, directed specifically at the business communities of each other.

Such efforts should provide business leaders with the requisite knowledge of their respective target markets and the potential industries where there might be opportunities for competitive advantage and/or cooperation. In order to provide momentum in this regard, Deputy Secretary of State Yelchenko held a meeting with members of the South African Chamber of Business.

The two sides agreed on the need to strengthen the international instruments aimed at the Non-Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction as well as conventional weapons. It will be recalled that South Africa and Ukraine were the first two states possessing nuclear arms that voluntarily surrendered this capability. It was furthermore agreed that the proliferation of small arms and the threat of mercenary activities, especially in the conflicts of Africa, should be addressed through bilateral and multilateral mechanisms.

Deputy Minister Pahad and Deputy Secretary of State Yelchenko expressed the need for a comprehensive approach towards the eradication of international terrorism, involving the whole range of political, economic, financial and humanitarian measures. The need for strengthening the central and coordinating role of the United Nations in combating this threat was specifically emphasized. The two sides confirmed their intention to expedite the finalization and adoption by the United Nations of the Comprehensive Counter-Terrorism Convention.

The Deputy Ministers exchanged views on a number of crises that afflicted the world, in particular on the African continent and the Middle East. It was agreed that conflict prevention and conflict resolution are issues that require international participation and cooperation. In this regard, Messrs. Pahad and Yelchenko were of the opinion that the two countries should cooperate and exchange technical know-how more frequently. The military experts from South Africa and Ukraine should discuss these matters at the next session of the Joint Commission on Military Technical Cooperation that is due to meet in the near future.

As far as the conflict in the Middle East regarding the Israelis and Palestinians is concerned, South Africa and Ukraine are of the view that the situation can only be resolved by political means, aimed at a comprehensive settlement between the Arabs and the Israelis based on the Madrid Principles, particularly Resolutions 242 and 338 of the UN Security Council and the previously achieved bilateral agreements. The Sides reaffirmed that the implementation of these principles and the subsequent formula of "land in exchange for peace" should allow the Palestinians to have their own state as well as to provide reliable security for the State of Israel.

The sides agree that the use of excessive military force, continued occupation of Palestinian territories, the vengeful destruction of the institutions of the Palestinian National Authority, the siege and campaign to discredit President Arafat and the measures of collective punishment currently imposed by the State of Israel on the Palestinian people are serving only to increase the frustration and despair that leads to terrorism and extremism. The recent escalation of violence has shown yet again that military occupation, aggression and terrorist violence is clearly not delivering peace and security to Israel nor statehood and dignity to Palestinians.

Mr Pahad furthermore briefed Mr V Yelchenko on the Peace Retreat, hosted by President Mbeki at Spier Estate, 9th to 11th January 2002 at which senior Israeli, Palestinian and South African delegations met together in the interests of restarting the peace process, exemplified the South African Government view that dialogue and negotiations, without preconditions, is the only way to establish an aggressive agenda for peace making and an end to the terrible escalation of violence and death. The South African Government, through exposing both communities to the South African experience, is thus supporting the Peace Coalition of Israelis and Palestinians that are mobilising to create a shared vision and momentum for peace.

As far as conflicts on the African Continent are concerned the two Deputy Ministers exchanged views on the Inter-Congolese Dialogue that resumed at Sun City on 25 February 2002, as well as on recent developments in Angola following the death of Mr Jonas Savimbi. In this regard both Deputy Ministers reiterated the need for UNITA to desist from any military action and expressed the hope that a peaceful solution will be found.

On the situation in Zimbabwe, Deputy Minister Pahad briefed his guest on the current situation and in particular the role played by the South African Observer Mission. Both Deputy Ministers agreed that the people of Zimbabwe should, through their votes, decide the outcome of the election without any interference.

Deputy Secretary Yelchenko informed Deputy Minister Pahad about the participation of Ukraine in the United Nations, especially during the period 2000-2001 when Ukraine was a Non-Permanent Member of the United Nations Security Council. Mr Pahad congratulated Ukraine on the positive role that it played in this regard.

Deputy Secretary of State Yelchenko provided the meeting with a comprehensive briefing on the situation in Ukraine and its region. He informed Mr Pahad on the forthcoming Parliamentary Elections that are due to be held in Ukraine on 31 March 2002 as well as on the continuing process of transformation undertaken by the country. He also briefed his counterpart on Ukrainian relations with other countries in the CIS as well as developments on further integration with the European Union.

Deputy Minister Pahad briefed his guest on developments in Africa and South Africa in particular. He gave a briefing on the NEPAD as well as on the forthcoming inaugural summit of the African Union. The two sides also exchanged views on the World Summit on Sustainable Development that will take place in South Africa later this year. Mr Yelchenko confirmed that Ukraine would be represented at the Summit on a very senior level.

Mr V Yelchenko presented to Mr Pahad a personal letter from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Mr A Zlenko addressed to Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr N Dlamini Zuma.

Deputy Secretary Yelchenko extended an invitation to Deputy Minister Pahad to visit Ukraine. Mr Pahad accepted the invitation. The two Deputy Ministers furthermore agreed to continue their personal interaction in addition to regular consultations between the representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries on issues of mutual interest. They also concurred that in this African Century, the year 2002 will witness an active pursuance of bilateral relations.

The Political Consultations were held in an atmosphere of friendship and understanding.

For further information contact Ronnie Mamoepa on 082 990 4853
Issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs
Private Bag X152
8 MARCH 2002

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