WSSD: Joint Declaration of the Partner Regions of Bavaria, Québec, Shandong, Upper Austria, Western Cape for Sustainable Development

1. With this joint declaration the ministers of the partner regions of Bavaria, Québec, Shandong, Upper Austria and Western Cape, who are responsible for sustainable development, wish to contribute towards the success of the World Summit on sustainable development, which will be held from August 26 to September 4, 2002 in Johannesburg, South Africa,.

2. The governments of the Partner Regions represent more than 120 million people from four continents, with different languages, highly varied cultures and ways of life and with a history of their own. They, nevertheless, share a common vision, that of sustainable development, the principles of which were adopted by the Regional Leaders on the occasion of their first conference held in Munich on January 30 and 31, 2002.

3. The governments of the Partner Regions wish to support the efforts undertaken at an international level with a view to sustainable development, by addressing the major and necessary topical issues linked with the set goals.

4. In view of the close association between democracy and sustainable development, the Partner Regions fully subscribe to the efforts to consolidate democracy in all countries of the world.

5. As they advocate a fairer and more equitable world, the Partner Regions support the initiatives of the international community aimed at combating and eliminating poverty, particularly with regards to the African continent.

6. The governments of the Partner Regions are aware of the importance of strengthening governance for a sustainable development, both at a local and regional level as well as at the national and international level.

7. We are of the opinion that the concept of sustainable development should serve as a framework for governmental policies aimed at improving the quality of human life.

8. We are also of the opinion that the cooperation projects between governments of different world regions, at an economic, social, cultural and ecological level, play a decisive role in sustainable development. We are sure that the positive results from this cooperation will have an impact beyond the borders of our respective regions. This is the actual reason behind the cooperation entered into by the partner regions.

9. Principles underlying the cooperation between the partner regions of Bavaria, Québec, Shandong, Upper Austria, and Western Cape:

a) Sustainable development is of fundamental importance. In view of our joint responsibility for this and future generations, we are of the opinion that the preparation and implementation of a strategy of sustainable development constitutes one of our major tasks.

b) We ascertain that the tasks of sustainable development can only be solved through concerted action on social, economic, ecological and cultural issues. In congruity with the principle »think globally - act regionally and locally« we wish to contribute towards solutions at a regional level, the impact which will, however, be noticeable beyond our regional borders.

10. Sustainable development can only be achieved by means of harmonious interaction between economic development, ecological balance and social justice. These being the key elements for the quality of human life. We wish to achieve this goal through actions aimed at the preservation as well as the just and efficient use of all our renewable resources and also our non-renewable resources in as far as this is required for the time being, based on national economic circumstances. We shall encourage measures which support a more economic use of all forms of energy, more efficient conversion of primary to useful energy as well as the increased use of renewable energy sources, in particular hydropower.

11. Modern economic systems include the natural cycles of air and water as well as natural resources and man-made resources obtained through synthetic processes. We support all measures aimed at promoting the efficient use of energy and natural resources, the efficient use and recycling of water resources as well as the reduction, re-use and recycling of residual materials.

12. We support and promote activities which are aimed at the preservation, restoration and sustainable use of the varied species and ecosystems, such as the registration and conservation of living species and biotopes, the development of networks of protected areas as well as measures in ecosystem management which observe the sustainability.

13. The maintenance and protection of the climate system is one of the key challenges facing nations of all continents in the 21st century, if we aim to reach a sustainable development of our communities. The framework agreement of the United Nations on climate change and the Kyoto protocol have clearly established the initial steps of a world policy for combating climate changes; we fully support these measures. We propose the preparation of programmes against global warming in our own individual regions, by specifying aims and measures for reducing gas emissions with a greenhouse effect, and which record the emissions at fixed intervals in order to check the actual effect of these methods.

14. Within the scope of their cooperation the Partner Regions will develop new methods and new technologies for the protection of the environment with a view to sustainable development and will intensify technology transfers.

15. In addition to environmental issues, a sustainable development policy also requires the Partner Regions to pursue a responsible development which links economic growth and social security.

16. We are therefore working on social policies, which will establish an equitable balance between the needs and the responsibility of each generation. The key objectives of such policies must be to successfully combat poverty and marginalisation, which should also be closely linked to health and education issues.

17. We are of the opinion that a policy in favour of sustainable development must attach major importance to the promotion and preservation of cultures and traditions for future generations, in order to safeguard the cultural diversity of our planet. Moreover, we are convinced that languages are an essential part of a people's identity and must also be preserved.

18. We shall endeavour to orientate sustainable development to the terms of corporate environmental awareness and eco-efficiency, which will promote the competitiveness of companies and the efficiency of production methods. We are also aware of the key role innovation, research and development play in reaching set economic targets.

19. We believe growing importance will be attached to the regions and their governments, based on their closeness to their respective communities.

20. It is for this reason that the Partner Regions of Bavaria, Québec, Shandong, Upper Austria and Western Cape will be aligning their policies and efforts to the principles laid down in this declaration. Beyond this, we wish to strengthen our cooperation and know-how exchange programmes with a view to sustainable development. In this way we wish to contribute towards the efforts undertaken by the international community, targeted at enhancing quality of life for all people. Everyone must work together to reach this common goal and accept responsibility for the present and future generations. Everyone is called upon to contribute.
Cape Town
26 August 2002

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