South African Observer Mission Leader Pays Courtesy Call on President Robert Mugabe, Meets Council of Traditional Leaders and the MDC

The leader of the South African Observer Mission to the Presidential elections in Zimbabwe, Ambassador Dr. S. Motsuenyane today, 14 February 2002 paid a courtesy call on the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Mr. R.G. Mugabe and also held meetings with the Council of Traditional Leaders, the Movement for Democratic Change, the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Mr. Patrick Chinamasa and the Electoral Supervisory Commission.

The objective of this engagement was to introduce the Observer Mission to relevant role players and outline its objectives.

Ambassador Motsuenyane says "in all our engagements we have and will continue to emphasise our commitment on behalf of the South African Government and its people to help the people of Zimbabwe to hold free and fair elections and decide their destiny through the ballot box. We are humbled by the warm reception we have thus far received from all the people we have met."

Dr. Motsuenyane emphasised during the meeting the commitment of the Observer group to work in an impartial, objective and constructive way to share South African experience with all the relevant role players in order to enhance a successful election process.

The first contingent of the South African Observer Mission arrived in Harare on the 13th of February, led by Ambassador Motsuenyane and is composed of representatives from the business sector, trade unions, government officials and other civil society structures of South Africa. The full contingent will be composed of 50 people out of which 13 have already arrived.

For further information please contact Mr. Mbulelo Musi on 00 27 83 442 9041 or 09 263 4 757 908 or Mr. Ronnie Mamoepa at 082 990 4853.

Issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs

14 February 2002

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