SAOM Welcomes the Commitment of ZANU-PF to Accept the Outcome of the Election Results and Appeals for Political Tolerance and Elimination of Violence

Media Release
1 March 2002
For Immediate Release

The leader of the South African Observer Mission (SAOM) to the Presidential elections in Zimbabwe, Ambassador Dr. Samuel Motsuenyane has welcome as very significant the announcement by the Speaker of Parliament and Secretary General of ZANU-PF, Mr. Emmerson Mnangagwa, that they would accept the outcome of the election results irrespective of who had won.

"This is indeed a very significant and encouraging announcement. It should be emulated and followed by all. Even our history during the run-up to the 1994 elections in SA tells us that the open declaration and commitment of the leadership to accept whatever the outcome of the results would be, is as critical to the success of the holding of free elections as it is significant to the building of tolerance and most importantly a stable democratic and political system even beyond the elections. We therefore appeal and urge all the leaders of Zimbabwe to work hard towards enhancing stability through leadership by example." Said Ambassador Motsuenyane."

The SAOM has further appealed to all the political parties, the government and all the people of Zimbabwe to work hard in eliminating violence and intimidation so as to ensure that the people can freely express their will on the 9th and 10th March elections.

Meanwhile, an additional 27 Observers form SA will arrive at the Harare International Airport on Sunday 3rd March at 12:30.

Ambassador Motsuenyane will welcome the group at the Airport and later hold a press conference at the Meikles Hotel, where he is expected to brief the media about the impressions of the SAOM of the situation thus far as well as the new tasks that the Mission will focus on during the last days of the elections campaign as well the actual election days.

In all 50 Observers will be in Zimbabwe to observe the elections.

The SAOM will this weekend observe all major rallies to be held throughout the country.

Issued by : South African Mission
Enquiries : Mbulelo Musi
Cell : 0027 83 442 9041
Fax : 2634 251 859

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