Statement on the Elections in Zimbabwe

South Africa remains engaged with developments in Zimbabwe and welcomes the peace and calm being displayed by the Zimbabwean people.

The government has also taken note of comments by various observers. These include:

The Preliminary Report of the Commonwealth Observer Group, which concludes "that the conditions in Zimbabwe did not adequately allow for a free expression of will by the electors", and urges "all Zimbabweans to put aside their differences and to work together for the future of the country";

The assessment of the SADC Council of Ministers that the election was "substantially free and fair";

The Preliminary Report of the SA Observer Mission that the elections, though not adequately free and fair, should be considered as legitimate;

The statement of the OAU Observer Team that "in general the elections were transparent, credible, free and fair".

As part of the South African Government's serious, calm and forward-looking approach, Deputy President Jacob Zuma went to Zimbabwe as an emissary of the President. He will be briefing the President on his return.

The President is also in constant consultation with the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth and with the other members of the Commonwealth troika, which consists of the leaders of Australia, Nigeria and South Africa.

On the basis of all these reports and consultations, and proceeding from the principle that South Africa will act as part of a collective international effort, a comprehensive statement will be made in due course.

The South African Government believes that the most urgent challenge is to work with the Zimbabwean people for economic recovery and social stability, and to promote a climate for national unity in pursuit of these objectives. This is in the interest of our country, our region and our continent.

For further information contact:

Joel Netshitenzhe - 082-900-0083
Bheki Khumalo - 083-256-9133
Ronnie Mamoepa - 082-990-4853

Issued by: Government Communications (GCIS), 14 March 2002

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