Joint Communiqué on the Second Annual Political Consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Belarus held on 17 March 2003, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa

The Second Annual Political Consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Belarus took place in Pretoria, Republic of South Africa on 17 March 2003. The Annual Consultations was Chaired by the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of South Africa, Mr Aziz Pahad. The First Deputy Minister of Belarus, Dr Vasily Pugachev, led the delegation from the Republic of Belarus.

The Second Annual Political Consultations marked the anniversary of the establishment of 10 years of diplomatic relations between the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Belarus. As a result of 10 years of diplomatic relations and the successful outcome of the Annual Political Consultations, South Africa and Belarus noted that progress had been made in the development of co-operation in the bilateral political, scientific and technological spheres.

On the political sphere the Deputy Ministers discussed issues such as: the African Union (AU) and NEPAD; European Union (EU) enlargement; Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS); Global security and confronting international terrorism; Conflict resolution in the Middle East and Iraq. Co-operation within the multilateral and regional fora i.e. the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), United Nations (UN) and the Reinforcement of the UN as the primary multilateral organisation responsible for world peace and security; Non-Proliferation issues; NAM issues post the Kuala Lumpur Summit and Global environmental issues.

The Deputy Ministers reiterated the importance of enhancing trade and economic co-operation. Total bilateral trade for 2002 amounted to US$ 6.7 million, South African exports totaled US$ 1.8 million and Belarusian exports totaled US$4.9 million. Discussion were held where specific attention was given to the need for further promoting trade and investments by Belarusian business in South Africa and South African business in Belarus, a number of possibilities and approaches were discussed. It was also agreed to explore mechanisms for co-operation between Belarusian and South African Chambers of Commerce and Industry. In particular, the Deputy Ministers agreed that in future, their consultations would focus on specific industry sectors while also addressing the issue of standards and other barriers to trade between the two economies.

Both Deputy Ministers expressed their satisfaction with the level of co-operation in the field of science and technology and with the results of the visit to the Republic of Belarus by Dr Ben Ngubane, Minister of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology of the Republic of South Africa, in November 2002.

The Deputy Ministers supported the necessity for the preparation of programmes of co-operation within the framework of the signed Intergovernmental Agreement as well as Agreements between the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus and Academy of Sciences of the Republic of South Africa, the Belarusian Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry and MINTEK. The Deputy Ministers discussed the priority spheres for bilateral co-operation among which are bio- and nano technologies, pharmaceutics, information technology, laser technology and organic chemistry.

South Africa and Belarus stated their satisfaction with the development of a legal base for bilateral co-operation. However, the Deputy Ministers expressed their concern with the speed of the ratification of the signed Agreements. It was therefore, agreed to complete negotiations on the Inter-governmental Agreement on Mutual Promotion and Protection of Investments and the Inter-governmental Agreement on Visa Free Travels for Holders of Diplomatic and Official Passports.

The importance of concluding the Agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus and the Department of Agriculture and Land Affairs of the Republic of South Africa on Economic, Scientific and Technological Co-operation in the Field of Agro-Industrial Complex's was also noted.

Dr V Pugachev confirmed the full support of the Republic of Belarus for NEPAD. Taking into account the industrial, scientific and technological potential of Belarus, South Africa and Belarus agreed on the participation of Belarus in NEPAD's implementation, including development of infrastructure, creation of joint ventures, participation in scientific and technological projects, rendering of professional services by Belarusian specialists, preparation of African specialists in higher educational institutions of Belarus.
The Belarusian side also stated that it is prepared to participate in the further implementation of NEPAD by developing all-round co-operation with other African countries. Among the countries of Southern Africa it could be mentioned that substantial levels of co-operation in trade and economics, science and technology exist with Angola, Botswana and Zimbabwe.

Dr V Pugachev informed South Africa about the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 for the Republic of Belarus. The lowest estimated damage amounted to 235 bn USD which was more than 20 times the annual GDP of Belarus. 20% of agricultural land polluted with radioactive materials after 15 years was still considered the worst technological catastrophe. The Deputy Ministers agreed to explore the possibilities of intensifying interaction in joint scientific and technological projects in order to prevent and diminish the consequences of human caused disasters.

The importance of Multilateralism was underlined and it was stressed that the United Nations was the only global institution, which could play a central role in global anti-terrorist and peacekeeping activities. It was also agreed that peaceful resolution of conflicts would contribute significantly to diminishing the threat of international terrorism.

Dr V Pugachev expressed gratitude on behalf of the leadership of the Republic of Belarus to the President of the Republic of South Africa, Mr Thabo Mbeki, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Africa, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma and other South African Government officials for their tireless work and significant contribution to the development of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) during the South African Chairpersonship of NAM from 1998 to 2003. The Deputy Minister of Belarus confirmed the readiness of the Republic of Belarus for further collaboration with the Republic of South Africa on the NAM agenda.

The two Deputy Ministers affirmed that the Middle East conflict and the Iraqi problem had to be resolved by peaceful diplomatic means. Dr V Pugachev noted the continuous engagement of South Africa in efforts to bring peace to Palestinian and Israeli people as well as to convince the Government of Iraq to strictly follow UN resolutions. The Deputy Ministers agreed that any unilateral action or activities against Iraq without a specific United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution would weaken multilateralism. It was agreed to intensify dialogue with the Iraqi Government on its full compliance with UNSC Resolutions.

The Deputy Ministers agreed that it was necessary to intensify their efforts in resolving the crises between the Palestinians and the Israelis on the bases of all relevant UN General Assembly and Security Council Resolutions which provide for a separate independent State for Palestine alongside the State of Israel, both existing within secure borders.

South Africa and Belarus agreed to continue the exchange of positions and opinions through the diplomatic Missions of the respective countries and within the framework of multilateral organisations. The Deputy Ministers also agreed to explore the possibility of a South African Foreign Ministerial visit to the Republic of Belarus in the near future.

First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus extended an invitation to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Africa to visit the Republic of Belarus for the Third Annual Political Consultations during the second half of 2004.

In conclusion, the Deputy Ministers exchanged Presidential letters of congratulations between President, Mr Thabo Mbeki and President, Mr Alexander Lukashenko as well as between Foreign Minister, Mr Mikhail Khvostov and Foreign Minister, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of South Africa.

Dr V Pugachev during his visit to South Africa also had the opportunity to meet Minister Essop Pahad, Minister in The Presidency, Minister B Ngubane, Minister of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology and Deputy Minister LB Hendricks, Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry

Done in Pretoria, Republic of South Africa on 17 March 2003.

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