Statement on the South African - Belgian Annual Consultations on Development Cooperation

The second annual consultations on Development cooperation between South Africa and Belgium took place on the 6th of February 2003 in Brussels. The South African delegation was led by Mr Shahid Rajie, Chief Director: International Development Cooperation, National Treasury, accompanied by Ambassador Jerry Matjila, Ambassador to Belgium, Luxembourg and Head of Mission to the European Communities.

The annual consultation assesses the execution of the 2001-2005 Indicative Development cooperation programme between South Africa and Belgium, concluded in August 2001.

The indicative programme defines the following priority sectors:

Health with special attention to HIV/AIDS-TB
Land reform
Safety and security
Conflict prevention and democratization
In the past year, a solid base was laid for an accelerated execution of the programme. The General Agreement on Development Cooperation and the Agreement Regulating Technical Assistance signed between South Africa and Belgium in 2002, provide the legal basis of the cooperation.

Projects for a total amount of Euro 12.1 million were started.

With the assistance of a Study fund, the departments can now be assisted in a flexible way in their policy development and the formulation of projects.

The support to the department of Health became real with the signing of an agreement for support to HIV/AIDS-TB prevention, care and support within the department (Euro 6.2 million). This project will improve the health services on the local level and increase the capacity of the department in the planning process.

The land restitution to victims of apartheid was supported with a project of Euro 1.4 million. The project provided for a first analysis of all the claims. From now on, a more systematic approach to land claims will be possible.

A project for safety and security in collaboration with the South African Police Service (SAPS) will be signed soon (Euro 3.0 million). This funding will improve the quality of service delivery by police stations to the population.

In the framework of the peace process in Burundi, a cooperation agreement was signed with the Ministry of Defence (Euro 5.5 million). This is a successful example of tripartite cooperation.

Next year, the next stage of the indicative programme will be implemented.

There will be more funding in the selected sectors for an estimated minimum amount of Euro 9.7 million.

A new project estimated at Euro 6.0 million will continue the support to the South African policy of land restitution, prioritizing the claims of poor, rural groups. A second project with the department of Health will provide training (Euro 3.7 million). There would also be a possibility of funding further projects in the land reform process, perhaps in the sector of post settlement support.

Both parties also reiterated their support for the NEPAD process, and the means to support the development of the process will be further explored.

Issued by the South African Embassy to Belgium and Luxembourg and Mission to the European Communities

Brussels, 6 February 2003

For any additional information, please contact First Secretary Ms. Suhayfa Zia at the South African Embassy, Brussels. Tel: 02-285 44 05

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