Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs to Co-Chair Consultative Mechanism Meeting between South Africa and Cuba Havana, Cuba Tuesday, 3rd - Wednesday, 4th June 2003

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Aziz Pahad will today - Tuesday, 3rd June 2003 - together with Cuba´s First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Fernando Remirez de Estenoz Barciela, co-chair the second meeting of the Consultative Mechanism between the Foreign Ministeries of South Africa and Cuba from Tuesday, 3rd - Wednesday, 4th June 2003.

A Declaration of Intent, signed during March 2000 between both countries established a high-level Consultative Mechanism through which bilateral, multilateral, and regional issues of a political nature could be addressed. The establishment of such a mechanism enables South Africa and Cuba to further increasing cooperation, particularly in the bilateral and multilateral spheres.

During the second Consultative Mechanism to be held in Havana, Cuba, the Parties intend to review and exchange views on their political bilateral relations, African and Latin American subjects in general, as well as the African Union, and NEPAD. The revitalisation of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) will also feature high on the agenda, as South Africa and Cuba are, together with the current chair Malaysia, members of the NAM Troika. Both countries firmly support the strengthening of NAM as a vehicle that developing member countries could use to establish critical consensus around fundamental issues such as poverty alleviation, debt reduction and sustainable development

The need to reform the United Nations system, including the Bretton Woods institutions and current international issues will also be addressed.

Cuba maintains an intense interest in the African Union (AU) and African initiatives such as the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD). These, and issues such as South Africa's role in peacemaking and peacekeeping on the African continent will be discussed separately in Deputy Minister Pahad's address to officials of the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For further information contact Ronnie Mamoepa on 082 990 4853
Issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs
Private Bag X152
3 June 2003


The Joint Communique signed by Presidents Mbeki and Castro on conclusion of the State Visit to Cuba in March 2001 indicated their countries' intentions to:

  • Expand bilateral cooperation in health programmes through the expansion of collaboration in the training of doctors, the transfer of technology and expertise, and the conduct of scientific research;
  • Embark upon programmes of action in the areas of biotechnology and particularly biopharmaceuticals, including to a large extent, scientific exchange programmes and joint ventures to nurture biotechnological industrial capacity;
  • Cooperate in the fields of arts and culture with specific reference to language, literature, music, dance, arts and crafts, exhibitions and museums with a view to enhancing friendship and understanding between the peoples of South Africa and Cuba, and recovering lost heritage;
  • Cooperate in the development of educational programmes, including the organisation of effective literacy campaigns and distance education through the use of electronic media, and higher education exchange programmes for staff and students; and
  • Cooperate in the development of sports through the establishment of physical education and sports teachers' training centres as well as exchange programmes on sports medicine.

Bilateral Relations

Regarding the bilateral relations between both countries, there is keen interest in purchasing Cuban pharmaceutical and other biomedical products and equipment. In this regard, a South African-Cuban joint venture will produce Hepatitis B vaccine as part of South Africa's privatisation process of the state vaccine production industry.

In January 2002, two significant South African science and technology delegations visited Cuba to exchange views and experiences in biotechnology research. It is hoped that such collaboration will lead to potential trade opportunities and the transfer of technology and skills.

The visit by a Cuban business delegation from 4 to 12 April 2002 was the first of its kind to South Africa. Ernesto Sentí Darias, First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Investment and Economic Cooperation, headed a 12 person delegation representing a wide range of business interests. The visit took place against the background of the first meeting of the JBC in December 2001, where it was agreed that both countries would explore the establishment of links and joint ventures in order to continue the promotion of commerce and investment opportunities.

Several high level meetings took place in Gauteng, the Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, where opportunities were also provided to engage in sector specific meetings.

Following the success of cooperation in the sphere of health - a collaboration that involves over 450 Cuban doctors and medical professors working in South Africa and 291 South African medical students in Cuba - various ministries began pursuing projects in areas as diverse as arts and culture, sports, trade, agriculture, education, housing, and water affairs.

These have resulted in the awarding of undergraduate physical education and sports scholarships from the Cuban Government to South African students, the contracting of engineers by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, and civil engineers and architects by the Gauteng Housing Department, as well as the potential contracting of veterinary doctors, to improve service provision in rural areas. There are currently seven Cuban tutors deployed in South Africa with the purpose of training South African educators in Mathematics and Science.

Signed Bilateral Agreements

  • Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments - December 1995
  • Declaration of Intent on Cooperation in Health - October 1996
  • Trade Agreement - April 1997
  • Sisterhood Agreement between Gauteng and the City of Havana Province
  • Declaration of Intent for Cooperation in the Field of Labour - February 2000
  • Declaration of Intent on Cooperation between the Foreign Ministries - March 2000
  • Joint Commission Agreement - February 2001
  • Air Services Agreement - March 2001
  • Arts and Culture Agreement - March 2001
  • Science and Technology Agreement - March 2001
  • Sports Agreement - March 2001
  • Merchant Shipping Agreement - March 2001
  • Agreement of Cooperation in the Field of Water Resources - December 2001
  • Cooperation Agreement in the Field of Education - November 2002
  • General Cooperation Agreement in the Fields of Agriculture; and in Plant and Animal Health - 2002

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