Statement by the South African Governor, Mr. Abdul S. Minty to the IAEA Board 12 September 2003 Vienna


As Members of this Board will know, South Africa from the very outset, with regard to the question of Iran's nuclear programme, has sought to reach a peaceful resolution through verification, and - as the Director General has stated - working within the boundaries of the Agency's mandate.

In tabling the earlier resolution on the matter, my delegation sought to find a consensus that would enable this Board to proceed in a coherent, integrated, unified and effective manner in order to give maximum support and authority to the Agency and its Director General. We agree that the verification process takes time and that it is important not to jump to conclusions which are not fully supported by the facts.

South Africa has supported the resolution on the implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran. I would, however, wish to clarify certain point with regard to the resolution, and specifically the following:

· With regard to operative paragraph 3, my delegation's view is that this paragraph is intended to create a situation where Iran would build confidence with the international community regarding the nuclear activities that are taking place there. Our view is also that the content of this paragraph is without prejudice to South Africa's principled position that under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, States have the right to conduct nuclear activities for peaceful purposes. It is therefore in this context that we would have preferred the call on Iran to rather have been a request as a confidence building measure.
· Regarding operative paragraph 7, the Director General is requested to submit a report to the Board in November of this year. In this regard we wish to emphasize that the work of the Director General should not be prejudiced in any manner, since he will have to carry out extensive verification, possibly also affecting other countries. The Board would need to base its conclusions on the factual report of the Director General and it would be inappropriate for the Board to commit itself in advance to reach any future final or definitive conclusions.

Madam Chairperson,

For all of us in the Board it is critical that we focus on the central importance of maintaining and enhancing the integrity and credibility of the NPT, as well as the Agency. As we have witnessed and experienced this week, we are dealing with a sensitive and complicated issue. We look forward to continued and full co-operation being promoted between Iran and the Agency.

We all need to work together and ensure that the process moves forward to a positive conclusion and I hope that all Board members will assist the Director General in this endeavour and give him full support.
I thank you, Madam Chairperson.

For further information contact Ronnie Mamoepa on 082 990 4853.
Issued by Department of Foreign Affairs
Private Bag X152
12 September 2003

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