Statement of the Memorial Service of Stanley Mabizela, Patriot, Leader and Diplomat

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, announces the memorial service of Mr Stanley Mabizela, South Africa's first High Commissioner to Namibia on Tuesday, 15 April 2003 at 12H30 in the Methodist Church, Cnr Visagie & Andries Streets, Pretoria.

Mr Mabizela was described by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, as an internationalist and patriot, a distinguished son of Africa, an eloquent speaker and one who led many of the youth of our country in the struggle for peace, democracy and justice- is no more".

Born in the Eastern Cape, Stanley Mabizela passed away in Port Elizabeth, having served his people with diligence and dedication throughout his life. An activist since his youthful days, Mabizela was the ANC Youth League Chairperson in the mid - 70's, articulate and eloquent in the defence of the ANC policies, he was the spokesperson of the ANC Department of International Affairs and in this capacity worked closely with the then Head of the Department, and now President Thabo Mbeki.

"His death comes at a time when the country is charting unnavigated waters in the terrain of international affairs, when the world looks upon South Africa to share its experiences in matters of conflict resolution and peace - making. Even now with the war against Iraq, his profound thinking abilities, wise counsel, grounded in the trenches of internationalism and solidarity with the wretched and the poor of the world, would have come in very useful during these trying times" continued Minister Dlamini Zuma.

Minister Dlamini Zuma, the government and the entire people of South Africa dip their banners in respectful homage to Comrade Stan, a man who had dedicated all his entire life to the struggle for democracy and freedom in South Africa, serving the people with great courage and an unswerving loyalty.

Stan Mabizela will be greatly missed by the entire staff of the Department of Foreign Affairs- at home and abroad, the ANC family, and all those who have worked with him in the international community with fond memories.

Accordingly, Minister Dlamini Zuma extends hers and the Department of Foreign Affair's heartfelt condolences to his family, friends and colleagues and express the hope that they will find solace in the knowledge that their pain is shared by millions of South Africans around the country and abroad.
Mr Mabizela will be laid to rest on 16 April 2003 in Port Elizabeth.

For more information contact Ronnie Mamoepa at 082 990 4853
Issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs
Private Bag x 152
Pretoria 0001
13th April 2003

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