Foreign Affairs Operational Centre Updated Report: South East
Asia, 28 December 2004 Total number of enquiries from the public since
Sunday 26 December: 918 Total number of South Africans in the region as per enquiries:
2034 Breakdown of presence of South Africans per country as at date: ·
Thailand-1646 · Sri Lanka-37 · India-121 · Indonesia-42
· Maldives-100 · Malaysia-47 · Kenya-8 ·
Singapore-11 South Africans went to visit Thailand from Singapore ·
Burma-5 · Region- 5 South Africans reported to be travelling in the
region prior to disaster. DEATHS AND MISSING PERSONS 4 South Africans
are reported dead in Phuket island in Thailand 10 members of a South African
family are reported missing in Phuket, Thailand 2 South Africans are reported
missing in India REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE The South African Government
today, Tuesday 28 December, received two urgent requests from the Sri Lankan and
Maldives authorities for relief assistance. The Government is looking into the
matter with a view to assisting the people of Sri Lanka and Maldives. EVACUATION
MISSION TO THAILAND The team of Foreign and Home Affairs, medical personnel
left for Thailand this morning and is expected to arrive at about 23hOO (SA Time).
The flight organised by the South African Government in conjunction with Netcare
and Discovery was organised with a view to evacuating in particular the aged,
sickly and children. In addition an evacuation operation will be organised for
the rest of South Africans currently in Thailand to be flown to Bangkok where
they can connect international flights to South Africa HOME AFFAIRS TO ESTABLISH
OFFICE AT JOHANNESBURG AIRPORT Meanwhile the Department of Home Affairs will
with effect from Wednesday 29 December 2004 establish an office at the Johannesburg
International Airport with a view to assist those returning South Africans who
may have lost their identity documents and passports during the disaster in South
East Asia. The Home Affairs department will endeavour to ensure a speedy processing
of such applications and delivery to the homes of the respective applicants. OFFERS
FOR RELIEF ASSISTANCE A number of Non-Governmental relief organisations and
private persons have made enquiries regarding assistance they could offer to victims
of the disaster particularly in the affected countries. Accordingly, such organisations
and individuals are advised to contact the following Foreign Affairs officers:
Johan van Wyk and Johan Paschals at the following contact cellular telephone numbers:
084-514-7094 and 073-332-0842 respectively and/or the following office numbers o
012-351-1520/1466/1460 Issued by Ronnie Mamoepa at 082-990-4853 Department
of Foreign Affairs P/BagX152 Pretoria 0001 28 December 2004.